manc sas marketing metaphors

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Theory: Some clients used to/only just understanding out-dated digital marketing/SEO practices = expect everything to be more complicated & technical than it actually is nowadays e.g. social, content marketing

I’m not technical! Helps keep me focused on objectives


...and you’re in hell.”

Owner of a new retail space



Payment methods

Easy to understand where everything is, how much it costs

Sign on the front door - make it clear what you sell

No one knows you’re there - tell people about it!

Would you reasonably expect to succeed without that?

Presence, Awareness and Conversion

The shop

Plant the seeds

Difficult to grow crops if you get this wrong

Fertiliser and water - content, links, etc

Can’t grow without them

But they can also destroy your crops if you use bad/wrong fertiliser

Routine maintenance required regardless of how well your crops are growing

The farm


To win:

Car needs to be consistently upgraded

Many factors need to be analysed routinely - track conditions, track build, talent of driver, competitor strengths & weaknesses

New qualifying methods

Wins don’t come after single car upgrades

Constantly upgrade, trying, testing, analysis

Wins offset losses

But have to think about next season and next challenges

The F1 race


The bathroom● Important for clients to be involved in decisions - creative direction of content marketing

● If you not like hiring a builder & decorator to redo your bathroom

● Asking them to choose the colours, the tiles, and the furniture without your input

● You'd get a working bathroom, but it might have hot pink walls, lime green tiles and the toilet pictured on this page

● Give us your input about whether our ideas would work well with your audience, and make suggestions of your own - that way we can all be sure that you're happy with what we're producing in your name


The comedian

You’ve written one joke (blog post/piece of content)

Posted it on Twitter once

Expecting to be headlining Fringe Festival next week

Have to build an audience first

Become synonymous with quality

Get in front of people

The party

Imagine you’re at a party full of strangers

Would you expect to get lots of positive attention if you walked in and started shouting at the top of your voice how great you are all evening?

Would you expect them to say yes if you asked them to loan you money?

What would make you remember someone at a party and want to strike up a friendship?


Leave no doubt - better to assume they know nothing than risk not being understood

You never know, clients may use the analogies with their bosses

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