management of computer vision syndrome

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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-- Irine Jeba

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) also referred to as digital eye strain ,describes a group of eye and vision related problems that result from computer ,tablet ,e-reader and cell phone use.

The most commonly reported symptoms of CVS are – eye strain, fatigue, tired eyes, headache, difficulty changing focus between distance and near, neck pain , shoulder pain, wrist pain, arm pain ,blurring of vision ,general fatigue, tension, glare, contact lens discomfort, irritation / blurring / redness of eyes ,dry eyes, tearing ,back pain….and so on…

Lighting in the room

Distance from the screen.

Glare on the screen.

Seating posture.

The angle of your head.

Visual hygiene is maintained by:

using fonts that are comfortable.

Setting brightness and contrast to optimal levels

A break to look at an object that is 20 feet away every 20 minutes of computer work and keep the object clear for 20 seconds inorder to reduce strain.

Blink 15 -20 times a minute and set a remainder for it.

Maintain a good working distance with the monitor of minimum of an arm’s length or 50cm.

Detailed ocular health evaluation .

Refraction for distance and near .

Refraction for the computer working distance.

Binocular vision evaluation.

Tear function tests.

Evaluation of work ergonomics.

Spectacles for refractive correction.

Vision therapy for binocular vision anomalies .

Tear substitutes and visual hygiene.

Ergonomic work station modifications.

Regular follow up of ocular and visual status every 2 years.

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