management for of· the · ·ccontj.lu_ from the' landward 'side of levee, top to ,levee...

Post on 24-Mar-2020






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01/03/9i·, W '3006S: PRC 7486 8~:rtoioni'



:state Lands· ·commission iaoi · ~. 13til. ,stifeet · sacramento · . caii°fornia .. ,,,,,,,,. ,,, ._ .I . ._, , . 95a.l4

~ .... '.

In July 19.90, sta!t of ·the state .Lands commission .met. with ·Park ?>ire'ctors of :Sa'cramento and Yoio counties .and the.' cities·.· of.

,' •• ~ £('''.''•' '\• ,•-~, 'r ,~,, '"• .• ', ''•'~,. ~,' ,'f • <'~,\ '• ',-< ~,J...<'• Sacramento and West SacraJ;lQnto ·to discuss the establishment of a proposed. sacruento .. Fi;iver »Riparian ParkVay -(Riparian ·ParkWayr~ Bas.~d ;(;>n · init~a1 's.µppor:t,. t.he s~aff of ·the. ~o~l.ssiori · · dr~~te~ and circula~.ed a Memt)rariqwn, ·of. y~derst.~11din9. (MOU) at.tached beret~ as ,;E:v.hibi,t '!A" •. 'The ·MOY wa~ ·s.ummar'ily. ?lPP;"OVed ·unan!mo".!sly by ·~e. sa~r«im~nto city .co~c~l ~ml t:~e. ~91'0 .. and Sacramento County:aoarjs of ,Supe~visors· in. the period August-September ,i,·~90. · · · .. · · ·

.The"Mriti and a· letter. ·of clarifieat.ion; .. :Exhibit "·~", weD~ consid~ed. by .'·~.e :We,s,-c;· .S(lcram.e~~o .~ity .cplincil' at. its :.cegular meetlng of October 17., 1990, but the .. city ·declined to· ·enter into ~e !<fOU ,a.~>p~opos~ci~ · · ·. · · · · · · · " -

The MOU establishes -iA multi-jurisdictional effort .to. prepare .. a management 'plan: for f),le .Riparj:ari ·Parkway·. As :proposed, the Ripa~ian ~arkway· incc.ipora1:;e·s: 31 'miles of· the, .. Sac:rament, Rlv~r .(Ri_v~) a,11~ ·~t~~ds' f.~·o~ -~h~ "Yicinity of .the .1-~·· Br..'ic:ige· nea,r. the Airport (Riv~r M.rl~ 75.5) do~s.tream. 't;o; the Fr~ep~rt area .(River· Mi:!~ ·44.~). T'ne R.iPCiriari: Parkvay eXt'~~ds: ~atera;tly

.. ,, '·':· .


from the' landward 'side Of levee, top to ,levee top irtcltisiy~ of· the. River~: ·~ere· 'ptibl1.c own~rsh_ip oi_p_arc~ls-,perntit~, or ·where $1gnificant riparia~ ,resource~ ,~xist; the Riparian ~ark~~y .cquld eXte?!:~<bsyorid ·the River ;·s l~v~_e-~·~,

'C:oniaslon staff has- mapped the proposed· ertent" of t:hei Riparian P~r~ay ~nd'' Td_entif i¢cl 'Pa~c~i's of.' publJ~ o~nership ·~hat :~oulq }?a included within it. In addition; ·staff ·has begun .. to .ide.ntify additional . pa·rcels vi thin the· boundaries of .the :'Riparian:, Parkway, which -may l'",,e' 'invest:iqated for acq\iisi ti on or .for the acquisition ·of· conserjatio'n -easements., ·· · · · 1

"· ••

Members. of .. the pianni:ng· team ,created -under the provisioius· of the I>r.o~ose_d MOT.J., sp~_c.ifically. C,ofanliss.~:on~ ;~taff. ~-rid staff· Of,' tije .count'ies of Yolo and Sacramento -and· 'the· Cfty of Sacra'men1:.o, .bave met . with .various oiher' public . 'entitles. wl ttf land . or. inte]~estf.r . along the ~elineat{!d:" Parlq.iay to. acqualn~ them ·with' ·the ·p'roject's· .eXtent,. goals, and putj>ose. As ·.·a- .result· :of thE~se d·i._scu~~do_ns tile, tini'.teci St~tes. -~Y .. CoiJ>s o.(; tl1e, State ~e_clamatit?~ Board·, ,-the, ~tat~ I),epartmeht. of ·~ar}cs a~d Recl~~~tion ,: ·s~c:,ra,me~~o .Me~r~p¢>l:itan;.·Airport~ arid. the· Sacr~!ilento Goui:tt:Y . Reg;otial. f:;(lnitat,iofr DfstriCt .have elCPressed the~.r will'in~rnes~· t9 cooperate ·With -.the :establishment of the- Riparian Parkway·~i For example, by corr~pondence 'dated ·Noveillber" i9· 1 i'99o,· ·the state Recl~ation ·Board '~tated·, "Th~. ·Board. ·is« .supp~rtive of .. youir.· · _ prop0sal to develop suCh a .parkWay. and woul'!i liJCe- to :be~ .invol veer ·w1le~evsr 'applicahie·.'" · · · · · · · ·· · · · · .. · .. - ·

staff recommends· ttiat the co-L..ission participate in the .. sacrament<:> River Riparian :Parkway. MOU. for several -reasons: 1) ~he ·sa_cramento :~iyer ~ip~ri*i1 'Pc;!rk~ay" 'is an ·apportuni~y 'tO provide urban residents with natural and recreational amenities comparat>l~ to those f& the existing American Ri!~er ·Parkway; '2)° It .. ~i'll en~our~ge -C::orppreherisive .urban, 1plann,Jing" and devalopme'nt. while. encou1.~aginq the' preservation, and restoratiori o·f the ~ipar~an._ f~;r~_st on:9e. e~tabliS,hed alo~cf the ·~n~irety .'oJ tpe, · Sacramento 'River; ·3) The MOU establishes a framework for!' ,a cooperative iritergovermrient:al 'Plann.ir1g process to.: 0address.1 habitat restoration and' '.preservation;. 'recreational• ·development I arid . . acce..c3s aiong: the Sitcrt.'tm~rito· River thiouqhout'.tlie· eXtent .o'f :the proPosad, ·Ripariafr Parl<Way ~- · · · · · · · · r ·

•, - ' ' - ' ' ~

CAlEN.~ ~~-E


. :"'....,.._.,.....,.':'""" t

AB :_884: N/A.

oTHER .PERTINENT'i:NFORMATION! ' '' '• ' i:'. P.Ursuant to the Commission Is delegation of

authority,:· ~ncf the ·,stat:~· <:F:oA: Gjlicfelfn~s

¢0r!BITS:· A·.


'(~4 c~.1. c~e Regs •. ~?O~l), .th~e .. ~t;~1~f· has· .determinecf that his activity is exeriipt from 'the requirement;~, of the 'cEQA })~pause;. ;the . act:-i:vi ty is ~ot a "Pr.oj e,ct '.' as ~~f·iaj1_ed .py

·CEQA' ariq the sta~e 'CEQ~ ~uidf:?lines.

A~~~;:~~Y-r. P~RlC• 210~.? ,ap~ ~,4 ca:;~, 'Cod~' :R_egs •. 1$37~.

Saeramento River·Riparian ParkWay ~emor~~dum: :o!~ understanding.· , ·tet:ter ~f 'ciarfficat'ion, ·dated octoher io, 1990;. ' ' " ' ' ' ·' '' ' ' ' .e,:o~4,nicati~.l1. fr:~~ ~~. '~.~Y ~~r.s9h, Gener~;t M~~ager, ·state .Reclamation 'B?ard·.

'l:T :rs 'RECO~ED Tm~~-_TffE. CQMMIS_SION:

1. FINI)' ~THAT 'THE AC"tIVITY IS EXEMPT' FROM THE REQUIREMENTS< OF' T:HE :cEQA. PuRsuAN'l' ·ro i4· m~· e<)oE: REGs·~ 1sot>1 · a:EcAusili>TH£ .AC".rIVITY IS,.N&r; A· PRQJECT /AS 'OEFINED BY P.R'.C. 2l06S '.AND· i4' ~;. ·CO.DE .}¢G~~ :~-5~78 ~, .. ... .. . . . ,

'2. AUTHORIZE' 'THE' ExEcuTIVE OFFI,CER' TO .. EXECuTE, ON BEHALF OF THE. coMMI:ssioN~ ·mE· Ml::Noru\Not1M. ci? iiNDER5'r.ANox?lG wiTH Yow AND SA~ .COUNTIES'Am> THE 1CITY :OF SA~'Tri EXHIBIT "B"; ESj-1\B:t:tsarNG m'E. ~AtRAMEN"To RIVE.R'..Rr:PARtAN PARKwAY.' ·

',,. ""

., '

~PAGE . D~f-, . . MINlfre PAG~ ., · l) .. ,, ..



:)Vi!EIU~!,4,$Athc S,a~c~t§.l(iv;r. IB~v~i')·onoc ~jar rive~. i~ C_al1forn1.a '.strctchjng .from.its head_\' Count} in then~ to'!ts·c~~fiuenc;c .w.ith the Sa.:r-uncni~San Joaqti_m P¢ita in: the s0~t11; an4,;

·win;R,~AS1 ~· Ri~er was·o~~ ooroered ~~ up· to soo.o~x>.acre~ oJ riparian iores.i w'1ich­~ four to fiyc nlile5' (ltim it;· and

WHERE~ in · -~ th~. ripanan forest ·has' been r¢u~ed b_Y ·human,aqivities ru1d

d~Clopment to an.area of I~ than.fivc·~ca1t ·or its {Jrcviqus ex.tent; and·

··REAS,. tile Riv~· supports dhcrsc p0puiati9ns of.y,~J!~fe,; iridudi~g ~o(l1meicial'spetjes -of s31m<?n ~d steeib~ ~ wcil ~ A' mimber O_f thrcat;n¢ anif cndangcl_'CJ spe .... i_6 o[ plants and

~~.s;and ·-~lit~E~s, couiities and cities,hav~ ooinc to ciepen4 orphe.Riv_c~ ror \\atcr. po'!"~r. and: ~onal ac!ivinc5; and

~Rµ5a the: ~ver iS·t~,e: object of in~irig dtvclrip~~l whid. ~soften noJ tj>mpatiblc

"ith habif1lt pn:~ation!.P~.bliC nccc5S;f1004'eonnyl ~d wildlif~ Pru!cc1iori, a~d

WHERE~.multipl~ jurisdictions, inclu.ding ~~'Co.untY.·C?f Yolo, t~c Coufit),of ~~crament(), the City Qf $.~crarnento, ~ Cit~ of\v est Sacramento.-~ the State Lail<!s .9JmrilissiO;n.-are invohl~ iri ~ tc~~C!n of land~ o.~ ~ ~~g_ thc'rlvcf,

NowTflEREFOJlE, rt.J$.Hg~~B;(J.9R¢E~. by:~nd between the panics hereto.

as fol!ows: L Th~:eoµnii~· of.Yolo and SaCramento,·ihc.Cit_ie~ <?,f SaCranieruo and W~st

Saeramenio and-the Siate Lands tori:uhlssion "'in f~rrii aniriter.igcncy p~ing :team to e~blisl) a Sacra~ento-Riv~r·~ipariari Par~w~·y. within rfjc bounds of Rivcr;Mile.16~9/in ~~ 'fitj11ify,of thc'1;5 Brid~c. on the: _n<>.nh to River:Mite 44.8, near FrecJl9rt. on.the 5outh which s~ have ¢0nserva~oiuµ1d ~eati<i!n as its

m:ij~ goa}s ( See attached map)~. The menioersh~p of the team will co~!st ~f the. follo~g indiViduals or their dcsignces ·. ilic Direaor. 0.f the Yolo Couricy f:.aCilities

Depaitment:. the Sacramento ¢oun~ DirectC?)° of Parks ~d Recre,ati,on. !}le

Sa~rito Oty:DitcCior of Parks·aoo COmmun}ty Services, the D~i~r of the


,Ci_ty of West,$ilcramerito ~?Crtt ~i Parks and qommunity $ervicc;s; ai1d the

, Executive ,Orti~~i of ~e St?te L;mCs Coin~ssion. L A t~hni?J. pL~frig team; compo~ of atJeru.n)ne represent,ati"·~ from each

agency. \\•il! .. be ~striblished ;is.wor,fcing ~taff ro the intt:ra~ericy plamiin~'~ominittec;_ The techl'.ricaj team ~ill be icsponSible for asseri)blirig ~d aralyzin~ data; prc:paring

~J19rts and reeori'lfuendatiOris, and.providing aJi'ot_her·siaff:,uppon.req~!.CStcd by _the

planning coin,rili.uee. Under the direction of, the, planning cotjmaittee;, i})t;;~echrucal

team \\ill be Z.CSJ>onsible for devclopin¥ ~schedule and· a ftiljding-progtjim to

·govern the preparation! review, 3:-~ ~scntatio11 of the ~ft Sacramc~ti? River

Rip~an Par%way P~n (Pian) .. :Thc nvc' agcnd~~ .will join~ly ['?vlCW anq s1;1b,mit th~ fir.a? Plan to their'd~cisioi!-~ing ~cs' for ad.opJion.

~ Thc•PJan shall h~ve the follo~ing b~~tives: a) t9 p~~r-,..~ .. prote_ct, eni1ance, an~ wsiore ~e rip~an c9mdQi ~d its associated_ecosyste~. and b) to d~~~n a

system of~~tiQ.lled piib{ic ai..~.for active and passive reercarional.ust:s rc_liue4 to the-River.

L The Plari to'~ c;Icvcloped \Vlll oonsist of,, but nofbc.l~initcd to:. a) a deliri~tion of the na~ ~d ~_tent Qf~he area's riaruial rc50t!_iC:es an{Jt~e1tcondition,.~),a desCripti~ of ilie·e.xi_sting lanci'usc;facili_tici al'1d ~ctivi~i~s .which occur 1!1 the

:planning area.-c) a summary of ;he J>hr~caJ,socfal. ec~nomi~ •. iesoµrce: and: ]x:liitical fact.ors \vhich influence, the management, u~ and enjoyment oq~ ,plajmiilg arc~ d):manageirient ·aite~nativcs; e) an analysis; of the. physic~. sotj,ai~ ana ~orilic effcc~ ~oefated \Vith C4!~h ruteinati~. and f) a prcfeacd,_~l~tj.yc with ~idelines'nllfl standanis for defining. implementing an(j lll~~aging,~he .. farkwa~;

· · L . During the_ preparation of the; P~. each agency ~h.f~H ~dvisc .the others of riew data, ~ < • \ -

ptoposed projecl.S or ;ictions whlCh ~y 'lippac:f ~ilher the planning 3J'Ca ~r the

develop~:)~ of the ParkWar an_d sh~i take no action which is detri~rit3J to il:ie pro~saj Parkway or ihe prov~Sions or µitent, ~f this agrce~cl!_t. Such mancfs may be.discuS;Sed at rhe n,ieCti~gs 9(the planrling,t~ar?L

L FOUo~ng its.«!cJi>ption byeatjl_!igCilcy, the Pl~ shali.0e the gov~ming facttif,m all ·subsequent mana~c~en~ dccis1ons.

la. in!s a~.nt amendcg with th~ c~nscnt of ;~e·p:4ties 3Jld shali ~ ~­f0rce antfcfrec( unnl fonliiµat_Cd by ~c:. pa.1ies 9I uritii <the es~bl~sh(ncnt <;if the ~y. ,whiChever ~tiis._flist.

s· Cd a·· ·. ~gn. ' y.

•Director. COUnty F&cl#ties DeJ>artl1JCitt. ·County of<YolQ1


...... , ... -

Dirccte)r,: Q>utit}i. ~ atjd .~Ccrcati().n CoUnty.

·~tor • .Parks andJlm!Jnuni~.·ScMc:es • .Qty'Qf ~a~t;>·

,v ... ' ..... '

~or.~~ ~rillnunity Servi~. Cirr Q!~Wc5t Sacramento·







~N[)AR PAGE--:-··'"'."'9"'!'ill.3..,..£it0-!\'INuTE PAGE-~-__.,..u_. ·~

ADD,fD 0.~./02}91

'. "SACRAMENTO; RIVER . . . R1:.p:A"R.i.A:N,.

·p i\.\~·~'W·A.'Y

I• . \ ~!;;,~~·;: -~··=--~~ c. '' •.:"·•·: ... . . > '', _' : .. . , ' . ' i: . :;-:: .~ . ;i

~~:::;;~;.;... Rir!ltrMiltff.6. ':

~PMl?l' · · l)' · · .. \ . ,• . 7: . 0 .. • " .,, •

. -·STATE LANDS "COMMISS!ON ' ~ .. -~- ' - , '

,'LEO T.' McCARTHY• U.ut11M~)r G<Mifici :· YOAVJS~~· . ' . SSER.HU_n:.o,~~r,,;.u;fa .

.. :.-~' '•

'October .101 1990

Y~l~'.~~pp~~, '1*pjl1;y 'Dii:eC:tor ·we~t :s~¢:'~~nto· ·r{~devel~pm(!nt. ·A.tie!1¢:Y .1102. Jefferson:Blvd., suite·o. · ·~est_s~:~ento·~· ·¢A.:·.9s691··, . ,/ .

. .. ,. J)~at: Mr •. ·ToppenbeJ:9;

.EXECUTIVE OFACE 1607~13ttt'Sveiitt-~cna~~~·~'~~~~ sss14 CHARLES WARREN: 'Eact~ Off'icor (916) 322-4.105

.. ,-1, 'tl ',

Pursuant to our recent·meeting· reoarding the proposed Memorandum: of Understanding (MOU) bet~een the state Lands . C6mmission, the Cities:of West Sacramerito,and .Sacra:mento and' Yolo .~nd, ·Sacramento" Counties, 'we would like' to «:1aX:ify. sev,eral j:)oints a~ "dei~nea:ted ;in· .t~e",r.!ou~ . ' ' ·- ' ' ' ' ' ' ...

First, wi,t.h. regai:d. to y,oU:r,. coricer11., abe>ut .the o~jectiye of the· plan which, .includes the restoration of' the· ·ripariail' corridor and its,·ass.oc~ated ecosystems,: it .intended ·' this 'plan exc~ude· access .p~~rrts ~o tile' Rive.r wi~i~ .th~ c9ritext of ap. urbari· setting.. :rri ~tiler words,; it is not, ~ntenc;led· that '100% of th_e r~ver~~i?~t. 'b.e. jfesto~ed to its ·na_tural eJ.lVi?="?nmep~al ~oridition. ·Indeed, it is recognized .that .,urban ·and recreati:onal deyelopment iii certain areas· 9( ~e ·~at.erfront;. may 'he· app~op;iat.e a~d ~esir:abl~• ·

l:n .addition, .. when .we:,discilssed the concept ·of ,contrc;>lled'. publ1c access, f OJ7 . and. passive recreat~Onf'l US~S rela!-e~ t() the River; Wf! also d~d.n~t .;.nt;.e~~ t..o preclud~ corinectio9s pet"!een ·tl.rb~h :areas _.and the···'w~t~r~r<?nt:. \..'h~c~ ~ight; a,l·lo~. a~(:ess· within: .a more fon:ialized·cont~xt, such ~s a pe~estrian.promenade~

You a .. lso· had co:icer!lS about' .that .portion: of .. ~e agreemen¥ t.11:1ich .pr~viqes ·that e~ch agen~·shall t~ke nq·ac:tion· wb!cli is . detrime11~~l ·~o· .the 'l>l:9Pcis,ed parkway ·qr .the· ·l'rov-~sions or inte11t of ~this. a.greement. · Aga~·n, ~hi~ p~qvision· is· not iritend~d .. to preclude the .~ity pf Wes,t· ~acramentc;> f,r~m. proc~e~i,ng ·w;t:h t}ie rfadevelopment of its· .water'frorit~ we are,, bowe""er, interested, in· ~o~entihg on ~any pl~ ~h:i~h i1ic1u4·e~ 'access t.c. a,,: pr?,J?o~~~ ,us~s .o~. the ~aterfront.:~rom the. top· of th~· levee t:o the waterline,.of ·~the. Sacr~ep~9·. ~ver. ·

: ..... ~!lanl\~e . : , .. ; . ~w~r~·--·~· ...•.. _Q35 ~l

·' '.

,Mr,.",, 'Vills Teppenberg <~ober'· 10~ ·· 1.9~0 ,Page 2·

Fin.aily, , we wo\il4·;li~~ .. t~ ~·~d.~e,s~ Y~ur c::onqern ~bC?~~ ·It~It! ·6 of the :propose~ !"SOU which·'p.rovi~L:~ .that· th~ ,pl~n shall be· the 9ov~rning. fac;:~or in" ·all s~b,s~que,r;it · decision~. we included \t.llis provision· .to .eJ?.cgu.ritge ·an uriqerst~hding of c'oop~r~tlon be~~een ~-c ,stat:e I:-an~_s ~omm,issicm ,and the l:~cal· jurisdict.ions. '?}la~ would' be, pa~ticipat~ng ip· this pJ.a;n. I~. is riot intended' ·to .preclude local agencies f::-om exercising '.their·' discretio)lacy '.auth,orlty '~v~r ,land u,se· issi1e# wii'~cl1'"are<withiri .. t.heir' j\irisdict'.i:on. For exa,,p1e, we, recognize that n~ provision· ~f · t.he 'plan -wili ,~pply to ·cir ~onµ-o~ the· re.gul~~ions ·of la;nc:r,' •·;it.bin ~e j,uriS,~iction .o~, '.West s~cr,am~nto ~ithout its ~pproval a~d rai;.ifigati<?ri. by- th,e West .Sac:riunento ~~ty ·Co~ci'l~ ·'.!'be s~~ ho1ds true for' ot_be;r -j\ir~sdictitms affe~t:ed by the plan.

' ' w.~ nope:> ~i,~ ..,n .w~ll ,a?sis~ ·y·~µ in 9b~~~n~J,lg. ,,Q;.;.=.Jva.l· of. yo:ur C.i.ty Council to ~x~c.ut~: ~e prop~S;ed Mft-mor~i:idum ·~~ · On'de:rstandin,9. · -

' - ,

.. ''··"

\ . '

B~S· 'ciiaries ·warren. :EXe'cfutive .Director :state> ::Lands;· commissi·on ia·o7.; · ;;.;.. · '1'3tl1 .. street.· s~¢r~'.snt~; ··~ · · 9-se14·

R~"G~iVE,o Nov· 2 ,1 "!

~"":;.,. ,.. .. ~ .. ~ ·"'•t•:u..~ .. > ~WttLsSroN:

,Your staff, has briefed>us on ·:.the Sa.cra:.aiento Riv·er Riparian Parkway a.nd· prqvided·. a copy o.f ~e_.draft. Memorandum~ pf . Uriderst~nd_ing. ·Add~ tionally, Tl)e ~e.claJ?atio·n ~card• s ·prograµi· .m,an~ger hag a~ 9pportuni ty to ·hear.· your pre~eritati,'on· ·in ·Berkeley on· .t~e same· ~.\lljject. Ba'seg :upon c,:oriversa~ions .with• your st.aff ari,d .¥0.ur ·presentation, it ~ppeC1rs :thfit this pr.oposal is consistent ·With_ .. f 1 ood,. control ~ ·The"' Board is supporti V:e.· e>f Y,our propo.sal to. d~velop such, a .parkway and .would l·H::~ .. to be involv~d wherevei: appl;icable. The Board,. .your ·agency, ~as .a. J#a~ ~r. i?iterest .in ~e !~ac;-aD!e.~tci River. ·

You are. awai'e of'· the :Board's involvement wit..'.~rov:iding public. 'safe~y; fr(?m, ,flooding .... our :}nissio~· requl.res v,er/ ci'ose cdor~i­nation with the :state. 1...ands. Cc?iriiiission "to assure, ,that :our activ:lties,are 'compatible· and consistent-, hot only .. for'public, ·s'afety t 'hut for the goa.~s of 'the·· State µtncis Conrin~ssiotjA In order to, ~~sure ~h~t :ai~ ·~he agencies• respective goal~ ~zjd .missions are f?'et al'l:d .. are compat.ible.; ~e ·highly ul:g~. your tech~ ideal planning team f.or :the parkWay prograpi. to .;tjv.olye our st~ff in ariy .activit:;es :that in~y interrel~~te with providing: .public ~ ·· ·

If our :und~r~~anq~ng, :of, th~· riparia~ ·pa·~~ay !;s .~ncorr~~t·, 1or if ,yau. 'have any questions; ple1ise .. c6nta~t. me. at .ATS.S 445~9·454. o~ have ·yC,tt~ .sta~f cori:tact Pete~:'Ra)jbon: at AT~·~. 445~89S4 •.

"~YMONO. ·E. BARsCH General .1fang\9er · ·

cc: .~v~~ ·~ ~ KE;nrie(iy, D~r~ct()r Departlitent of \Water :Resource's· i416 Ninth street:. · · sa·cramentc), · ·~.- · ~ssi"1



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