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A Mind, Body and Soul Connection



~ 2 ~The Journey

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MA in Transpersonal Psychology from Atlantic University.

~ 3 ~The Journey

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Mind, body, spirit and emotional balance.

A Mind, Body and Soul Connection

For more information go to or call Clyde Chafer at 440-223-1392

Front Porch Page 5 -7

An Inner Life Lifted for Healing Page 8 - 9 by Niánn Emerson Chase

Reactions are Reflections Page 10 - 11 by MartinJon Garcia

Special Journey Expo Page 12 - 27Pittsburgh 2018 Section

~ 4 ~The Journey

Words from the Publisher

Spiritual growth, I have found anyway, can come in many ways. As I look over the years of this human existance, experiences that did not make too much sense, now seem to help me understand life better. Some of the most uncom-fortable times were actually like a fertilizer to help me grow.

Which reminds me of a converstaion many years ago with a friend from a 12 step recovery group.

One day I stopped out to visit my friend Bob who lived out in the country. I was going thru one of those “dark nights of the soul” and needed to vent. We were sitting on his back porch and I went on and on, I’m sure, about how life just isn’t fair and the whole world is against me - or something along those lines. Bob just sat and listened. After I had finally let enough out so he could talk, Bob simply said “You see out there in my back yard where the grass is so plush and much greener?” I replied, “Yes”. Thinking what the hell does that have to do with how mean the world is to me. Bob said, “That area there is where my septic tank discharges. It takes a lot of crap for that grass to look so good.”

That simple dialogue has helped me for over 20 years to look at things differently when times are not so good. Those times we are hurting, con-fused and afraid can be a blessing in disguise as long as we step back and look for the opportuni-ty for spiritual growth.

May we each find our way to spiritual growth as we trudge this road of happy destiny

Namsate’ Clyde

email the Journey at: info@thejourneymag.comFind us online at:

The Journey is a free quarterly publication.We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised or written about.

Publisher and for advertising information: Clyde Chafer Email: Cell phone: 440-223-1392 Proof Reader: Katie Aurand

Contributers: Niánn Emerson Chase MartinJon Garcia Distribution: CNC Distributing

SPRING 2018 Issue 88

No portion of this publication can be reproduced without written consent from the publisher.©God’s Partnership Inc. 2018

~ 5 ~The Journey

For more information go to or call Clyde Chafer at 440-223-1392

SPECIAL EVENTS COMING IN 2018 FROM THE JOURNEY • March 9, 10 Holiday Inn Mentor (Reynolds Rd.)

• March 17 & 18 The Journey Expo Pittsburgh 2018

• May 11, 12 Holiday Inn Mentor (Reynolds Rd.)


• July 13, 14 Holiday Inn Mentor (Reynolds Rd.)

• September 14, 15 Holiday Inn Mentor (Reynolds Rd.)


• November 9, 10 Holiday Inn Mentor (Reynolds Rd)

All these events and any updates can be found at

Come Check Out These Special Features At

The Journey Expo Pittsburgh 2018March 17 and 18

The Monroeville Convention Center

* The Healing Garden* Guided & Private Meditation Space* The Merkaba Chamber* 7 Foot Healing Pyramid* Special Price Before & After Aura Photos with Tranquil Souls* Gallery Readings with Carole Obley* Daily Discount Hour (4 to 5pm)

Green Heiress celebrated its Grand Opening on the Chinese New Year in January, 2017. Since opening the doors to the public, Green Heiress has welcomed a variety of workshops, music therapies, meditation classes, events for children, book clubs, informative lectures, and so much more. On a continuous basis, Green Heiress offers a weekly yoga program called “Green Yoga,” which have fantastic teachers offering unique classes like love & stillness, curating calm, as well as flow classes, and traditional classes like kundalini and sivananda. Green Yoga also offers a monthly workshop for the whole family and “Om Baby” for parents and their babies.

~ 6 ~The Journey

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”~Albert Einstein

Finally, Green Heiress has a host of well qualified practitioners in the holistic health field ranging from acupuncture, nutrition, reiki, intuitive coaches, qi gong, astrology, women’s healing circles, and various forms of massage therapy. There is truly something for everyone at Green Heiress.

The vision of Green Heiress is to be a community of healers who support one another and collaborate in bringing their modalities together to create an enriching holistic, healing experience for the clients of Green Heiress. The clients of Green Heiress are part of the community as well, and can grab a cup of tea, sit in the library and read a book or seek a quiet moment in the meditation room. The whole place is beautiful, with a peaceful ambiance and soothing music. The staff is inviting and friendly, and the conversations often scintillating.

~ 7 ~The Journey

Please Enjoy our Sister Publication

?The Psychic & Healing

GuideSouthwest Edition

January thru June 2017

* Psychics

* Mediums

* Astrology

* Numerology

* Akashic Records

* Medical Intuitives

* Past Life Readings

* Healing Modalities

* Pet Communicators

* Tarot Card Readings

* Spiritual Counseling

* Spiritualist Churches

* Businesses and Organizations

* Psychic Fairs, Events and Expos

Your Resource Guide for:





~Osho~ “Enlightenment is a simple realization that everything is as it should be. That is the definition of enlighten-ment: Everything is as it should be, everything is utter-ly perfect as it is. That feeling..... and you are suddenly at home. Nothing is being missed. You are part, an organic part of this tremendous, beautiful whole. You are relaxed in it, surrendered in it. You don´t exist sep-arately – all separation has disappeared. A great rejoicing happens, because with the ego disappearing there is no worry left, with the ego disappearing there is no anguish left, with the ego disappearing there is no possi-bility of death any more. This is what enlightenment is. It is the understanding that all is good, that all is beautiful – and it is beautiful as it is. Everything is in tremendous harmony, in accord.”

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~ 8 ~The Journey

As Life Mastery Consultant, Alex can help you design and manifest a life that’s in harmony

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An Inner Life Needed for Healing

In order to heal, we do need to provide the inner environment for the ministry of the Threefold Spirit of God and the other living spiritual forces to work with us. Ideally the inner environment is reinforced by an outer environment that nourishes developing it. Jesus often provided a wholistic opportunity for healing and inner growth for those he personally encountered. He encouraged an appropriate lifestyle that would enhance a deeper, more lasting healing and continued ascension of soul. For example, in a previous vignette on the topic of healing, I spoke of the two prostitutes Jesus met and uplifted, first appealing to their minds and hearts (their inner environments), and then practically uplifting their material living circumstances by enabling them to change their outer environment. He provided the logistics for these two receptive women to change their outer conditions. After ministering to these women on the street, he did not just go on and say, “Well, I will see you. Good luck!” and leave. He empowered them to move into much better life circumstances. 

Most of us are human products of an industrialized and high-tech society that has mechanized most of our outward existence as well as impacted how we view reality in general. Most decisions in this dominant culture are based on the profit motive, and there is very little soul or heart or spirit in any of it. It is a fast outer environment that sets the stage for us also rushing around in our minds, not taking much time to slow down to contemplate and think more deeply, let alone hear the voice of God’s Spirit within us. Our lives are full of “the tyranny of the urgent,” almost constantly aware of the time and in some manner try-ing “to beat the clock.” For example, we find ourselves rushing to beat the “rush hour” of traffic or trapped in traffic jams of that so-called rush hour. We often get impatient with the person in front of us who may not be driving as fast as we would like them to, and so on. The increasing problem of road rage is an outward manifestation of the rage and frustration that is hap-pening to us on the inside. 

We also rush around inside our heads, finding it almost impossible to slow down in our minds to rest and be still. In fact, for some it is actually uncomfort-able to slow down outwardly and inwardly, to rest body and mind, because the habit of fast living has become addictive. Many wouldn’t know how to exist without adrenalin running through them, and many are addicted to the various substances that keep their body systems and brain “hopped up” in order to move even more quickly through their days. As a result, to “become still” in order to contemplate and reflect upon what is happening in their lives is unthinkable for many persons, and so they continue running the treadmill of fast, thoughtless living that brings mental anxiety, emotional anguish, and physical diseases. 

“Many wouldn’t know how to exist without adrenalin running through them”

by Niánn Emerson Chase

~ 9 ~The Journey

See Stephanie at the Journey Expo Pittsburgh March 17 & 18

The URANTIA Book informs us that Jesus never appeared to be in a hurry, and yet his days were high-ly productive and full of enriching encounters with other people. In other words, he was a highly efficient individual, accomplishing the goals he had set. That was because Jesus lived fully in the moment, and he was in God’s will in each moment. You do not have to be rushing when you are in God’s will in the moment, but our dominant culture does not provide a safe place for us to slow down and develop an inner life; we have to create those places and opportunities for quiet and spirit rest. The URANTIA Book emphasizes the importance of developing the inner life, and how if a civilization does not encourage that and provide an impetus, a catalyst for the youth of the culture to develop their inner life, that civilization will eventually crumble and fail. Is this a possibility for the existing planetary dominant culture that we live in? 

A favorite author from my childhood, whose writings continue to enrich my life today, is Madeline L’Engle. In The Crosswicks Journal, A Circle of Quiet, she says: A self is not something static, tied up in a pretty parcel and handed to the child finished and complete. A self is always becoming. Being does mean becoming, but we run so fast, that it is only when we seem to stop, as sitting on the rock at the brook, that we are aware of our own “isness” of being. But certainly this is not stat-ic, for this awareness of being is always a way of mov-ing from the selfish self, the self-image, and towards the real. Who am I then? Who are you?”In order for us to discover who we really are within our God-given personality circuitry, we do have to have an inner life. We have to sit in that circle of quiet. If we do not have stillness and are running around busy all the time—outwardly in our lifestyles as well as inwardly in our minds—we will end up in static spirituality, not progressing in our character and soul development. From a spiritized perspective of whether something is of eternal value, all too often the hustle and bustle of life, the so-called “activity” is basically meaningless and give us head- and heartaches rather than clarity of higher purpose, inner peace, and true healing.  Excerpted from Teachings on Healing From a Spiritual Perspective by Gabriel of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase

Niánn Emerson Chase co-founded Global Com-munity Communications Alliance, a 120+ member intentional community (at Avalon Organic Gardens & EcoVillage) located in southern Arizona. Niánn is the Director of the University of Ascension Science and the Physics of Rebellion, as well as serving on the Board of Elders. She is a counselor and a pastor. Niánn is a world-renowned spiritual leader, educator, activist, and a prolific author with many articles on culture, society, spirituality, and sustainability. Her spiritu-al-based philosophies and peace-motivated efforts have positively impacted countless individuals world-wide. Her personal ideals and pursuits are to fuse revelatory spiritual teachings with the philosophical and spiritual truths from all cultures and religions into the classroom and into mainstream consciousness.Niánn shares her visions and teachings to reveal a global outlook toward a future of world peace and harmony as one planetary family. “Jesus lived fully in the moment, and he was in God’s will in each moment.”

~ 10 ~The Journey

There are so many things we react to, each and every one can be learned from. Of course if we attempt to learn from every reaction we have we won’t have time for anything else, so let’s start with a big one, anger.When I get angry, it is a clear sign that I am not in balance and some work needs to be done. I often hear people tell me that some person or thing “makes me angry.” I see how that can seem to be the case, espe-cially in today’s world where we have been taught how to place blame if we have the slighted sense of being wronged. What I would like to go over in this post is that it isn’t the person, their actions or that “thing” that is actually making you angry, but it’s you, and your imbalances. I am sorry to break it to you.When an experience comes my way in which I re-act with anger, I first have to separate the anger from what I might be blaming it on. It is not the guy who cut me off, it’s not my boss telling me to rework some nonsense, or the kids who picked my pocket, but it is only anger. When I can see the emotion for what it is, not judge those the brought it about in me, I can free myself up to examine it. In examining the emotions, and the circumstances that brought it about, I am in a better position to learn and move on. Anger comes about for a lot of reasons, it is often an emotion that we use to cover up other emotions, it’s retaliatory.

Reactions Are ReflectionsBy: MartinJon Garcia

I hear people say “I have the right to be angry” and al-though they are right, anger is probably not what they are feeling. I say this because, just by saying “I have the right to...” they are justifying. That statement also presupposes that there is another observer which could be the self, the self that wants to do the work of heal-ing. Here, the speaker is just looking for permission to be angry, because if they’re not able to be angry, they might have to admit they are not balanced. For myself this is 100% the case, and I actively work at under-standing myself enough to accept that anger is needing more balance.

 “I first have to separate the anger from what I might be blaming it on.”Once, in my early 20’s, I got so angry I reacted by slam-ming a heavy wooden door. It crushed, and mostly severed the tip of one of my fingers. After they put my fingertip back together, for months, I couldn’t help but look at how one split second changed my life forever, because my finger would never be the same again, and it was all because I got angry. Today I don’t remember what set me off but I do recall that as soon as I dam-aged my finger, whatever it was that made me angry didn’t matter anymore. We permit ourselves to be angry for all sorts of reasons. I usually see people being angry to cover up a sense of weakness. This weakness is most often associated with shame and fear, but prob-ably a whole host of other deep seeded issues as well.

~ 11 ~The Journey

Unfortunately we don’t have the kind of culture that values the sort of personal work which would be able to remove anger from our vernacular. When we see anger arise, there is something that needs our attention, something of us that is not being loved. When we take the time to listen to our emotions we can see the signs that are directing us to reflect and find our way to love ourselves in a deeper way. This sort of reflection will not only heal ourselves but it will heal the planet. Love may not be valued but it is valuable and there is no limit to it. I ask you to reflect on your anger and find the bits of you that need more love, because we can all use a little more. 


I am a healer and helping others is an integral part of my life practice. My Portrait Project has seen me connect with over 500 people and make portraits of each of them.This experience has driven me to develop a form of psychoenergetic healing that utilizes portrai-ture. I am looking to connect with healers, as well as individuals within the sciences, to work on these new developments and discoveries I am making.Connect with MartinJon further at

~ 12 ~The Journey


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The Journey ~ 13~

See the online version of The Journey

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~ 15 ~The Journey

~ 16 ~The Journey

“You can feel the energy of the land; it moves

like it!”– Festival Participant

s a n c t u a r y f o r t h e o p e n m i n dLLC

Come Enjoy 2 Weeks Of Festivals During July 2018!Promoting creativity and spiritual growth in a community setting

Sankofa Festival“Celebrate the Creative Spirit”

July 9 - 15$150 (7 days/6 nights)

$70 Weekend Only (Fri - Sun)


“Home Is Where the Spirit Is”July 16 - 22

$180 (7 days/6 nights)$80 Weekend Only (Fri - Sun)

Longest event of its kind in the USASherman, NY

Over 150 workshops: Mind-Body-Soul, Art, Drumming, Dancing, Sacred Fires, Hands-On

Activities: Nightly Performances, Rituals, Labyrinth, Sweat LodgeEnjoy: Camping (free with festival entrance), Hot Showers, Hiking Trails, Pool & Hot Tub, Nearby Bed-n-Breakfasts and Hotels

And there’s more! Go to for more information and our whole season of activities

Longest event of its kind in the USASherman, New York

Sankofa Festival“Celebrate the Creative Spirit”

July 9 - 15$150 (7 days/6 nights)

$70 Weekend Only (Fri - Sun)


“Home Is Where the Spirit Is”July 16 - 22

$180 (7 days/6 nights)$80 Weekend Only (Fri - Sun)

Come Enjoy 2 Weeks Of Festivals During July 2018!Promoting creativity and spiritual growth in a community setting

“You can feel the energy of the land; it moves

like it!”– Festival Participant

s a n c t u a r y f o r t h e o p e n m i n dLLC

Come Enjoy 2 Weeks Of Festivals During July 2018!Promoting creativity and spiritual growth in a community setting

Sankofa Festival“Celebrate the Creative Spirit”

July 9 - 15$150 (7 days/6 nights)

$70 Weekend Only (Fri - Sun)


“Home Is Where the Spirit Is”July 16 - 22

$180 (7 days/6 nights)$80 Weekend Only (Fri - Sun)

Longest event of its kind in the USASherman, NY

Over 150 workshops: Mind-Body-Soul, Art, Drumming, Dancing, Sacred Fires, Hands-On

Activities: Nightly Performances, Rituals, Labyrinth, Sweat LodgeEnjoy: Camping (free with festival entrance), Hot Showers, Hiking Trails, Pool & Hot Tub, Nearby Bed-n-Breakfasts and Hotels

And there’s more! Go to for more information and our whole season of activities

“You can feel the energy of the land; it moves

like it!”– Festival Participant

s a n c t u a r y f o r t h e o p e n m i n dLLC

Come Enjoy 2 Weeks Of Festivals During July 2018!Promoting creativity and spiritual growth in a community setting

Sankofa Festival“Celebrate the Creative Spirit”

July 9 - 15$150 (7 days/6 nights)

$70 Weekend Only (Fri - Sun)


“Home Is Where the Spirit Is”July 16 - 22

$180 (7 days/6 nights)$80 Weekend Only (Fri - Sun)

Longest event of its kind in the USASherman, NY

Over 150 workshops: Mind-Body-Soul, Art, Drumming, Dancing, Sacred Fires, Hands-On

Activities: Nightly Performances, Rituals, Labyrinth, Sweat LodgeEnjoy: Camping (free with festival entrance), Hot Showers, Hiking Trails, Pool & Hot Tub, Nearby Bed-n-Breakfasts and Hotels

And there’s more! Go to for more information and our whole season of activities

Over 250 workshops: Drumming, Dancing, Signing, Creative Writing, Performance Art (You can be on-stage, too!), Mind-Body-Soul, Yoga, Reiki, Sacred Fires, Hands-On Crafts, Rituals, Labyrinth, Sweat Lodges

See on Stage: • Frenchy & the Punk • Burning Sage• The Mickeys• Morticia’s Chair• Phat Man Dee Jazz• Brian Henke• Peter Janson• Slyboots and more…

And there’s more! Camping, Hot Showers, Hiking Trails, Pool and Hot Tub Shopping passes available! Support our vendors!Concert passes available! Don’t miss the bands!

Go to for more information and our whole season of events, May 1 - Sept 30.

Giving You Tools To Implement True Change, And Experience Enlightenment And Inner Peace

Come see Rachelle at the 100th Anniversary Journey Psychic & Healing Fair in Mentor, Ohio - Nov. 17 & 18

(ad on back cover)

Providing insight and spiritual guidance to navigate your

unique life journey. Whatever questions you have – around relationships, job and career,

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Renee Jennings MA, MSW, LCSW, CHtEmbody. Evolve. Ascend.

“If you cannot find it in your own body, where will you go in search of it?” ~ The Upanishad ~

* Group, Workshop and Retreat Facilitation * Individual and Couples Sessions* Consultation and Mentoring * Healing Intensives Classes and Trainings

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Renee Jennings MA MSW LCSW is an energy/intuitive healer, gestalt/somatic therapist,hypnotherapist, teacher/trainer and spiritual guide with 25 years in

the healing arts. She integrates evidence-based modalities, embodiment, mysticism, and transpersonal practices in the work of personal and planetary

transformation and the evolution of consciousness.

Renee will have a booth and will be presenting:“Embodiment and Ascension: Earth, Body and Energy”

90 minute workshop at The Journey Expo Pittsburgh 2018

More information and order tickets at

145 44th St. Pittsburgh, PA 15201(216) 375-7859

~24 ~The Journey

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