ludworth life€¦ · ludworth life friday 24th april 2020 dear parents and arers, i hope everyone...

Post on 21-Aug-2020






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LUDWORTH LIFE Friday 24th April 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope everyone is safe and well. We are all missing you here at Ludworth, so we have sent a little message below.

We continue to be living in very unusual and unpredictable times but I am pleased to say that the staff at Ludworth are

continuing to work tirelessly to support you and your families. If you do need any advice, guidance or support please email and a member of staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

Regarding responding to emails, we are doing our upmost to get back to you but as you can imagine with the tremendous

amount staff are trying to get through, this is tricky. Can I please ask that you are patient and also respect that they do

need some time to switch off and care for their own families too. All messages will be responded to between the hours of

8:45am and 5pm Monday to Friday and wherever possible we will endeavour to get back to you within 48 hours.

Well done to all the children who entered the Easter Egg decorating competition, your entries were fantastic and made

the staff smile and chuckle. A huge thank you to Claire Mason and the PTA for organising and enabling this activity to still

happen. See below for all the incredible winners!!

Please get in touch if you have something fun and interesting to share and keep safe and healthy.

Best wishes

Mrs Walker and All the staff at Ludworth.


Information for parents of year 6 children in regards to starting at secondary school in September. Pupils aged 11 to 16, MUST have an Igo card to travel using any child ticket on buses in Greater Manchester. I understand that they must have a Igo card to make an application for the Yellow bus scheme Applications for Igo passes, apply at: (available now)

Applications for the Yellow Bus Scheme, apply at: available 1st June 30th June)

Applications for free school travel (for eligible pupils), apply at: (available


This week Notcutts Garden Centre

otherwise known as Woodford Park in

Woodford have kindly donated a great number of plants and

compost to brighten up our school grounds. The children

have been working hard with staff in school to plant and

water them. I think you will agree they really help with the

mental health of children and adults alike, so a huge thank

you to Notcutts for making our lives a little better!

HOME LEARNING So this week has seen a return to home learning and many families are doing really well, trying to tackle the work set and

sending over your responses for teachers to mark and give advice on. Staff are still ensuring work is appropriate and linked,

where possible, to what the children would be working on in school. They are also providing extra support and tasks for our

SEND children at this un-settling time. They continue answering the many emails and work that has been coming back and to

from each of you.

We are however aware that some children, still have not accessed the work and we have either made contact or tried to

make contact with them. The work teachers are planning and sending out to children is often individualised particularly if

your child has individual needs and wherever possible we would encourage your child to participate in this work. If you are

struggling please contact the class teacher via the admin email and they will get back to you. We will find a solution that

works for you and your child. As we are still uncertain of how long this period of time away from school will last, we are cer-

tain that it will have an impact on children’s learning and understanding. We obviously intend to work incredibly hard to sup-

port your child once they are back at school but the more you can do to keep them ticking over and engaging in their learn-

ing the easier the transition back to school will be.

Those who have engaged have not only found it supportive for continuing academic progress but also an improvement in

their mental health, reaching out and interacting with staff and other children. We don’t want the transition back to school

to be any more challenging than it needs to be when we can finally return. Remember we are here to HELP!

We are constantly evaluating the online learning and we have looked at the possibility of live lessons but due to a number of

factors that is not a route we will be taking. However an exciting addition to next weeks home learning will be staff record-

ings of themselvesreading from a book. This is a powerful way of engaging and continuing to enthuse a love of books with

our children. Further information from class teachers will follow next week.

Busy In School ! Some of the great

activities the children in school have been up


Speggtacular Speggtacular!

We had well over 100 entries for the decorated egg competition this

year. Thank you so much to our wonderful PTA for organising an online

version of the annual event! We have thoroughly enjoyed looking at the

photos of your eggstraordinary creations—they really are eggcellent! It

was really hard to narrow it down to 3 winners per year group!

Congratulations to…

Reception— Elijah B, Solomon T and Evelyn M

Year 1—Jacob E, Leah P and Penny W

Year 2—Zachary H, Stanley T and Evelyn H

Year 3—Jacob B, Sophia P and Thomas M

Year 4—Ralph P, Ella G and Erin H

Year 5—Evan P, Beth T and Grace C

Year 6—Ruby T, Jack C and Emily B

The Easter Bunny will deliver prizes to the winners over the next week!

Elijah B Solomon T

Evelyn M

Jacob E Leah P Penny W

Zachary H Stanley T

Evelyn H

Jacob B


Thomas M

Ralph P Ella G Erin H

Evan P

Beth T

Grace C

Ruby T

Jack C

Emily B

Our very own Eco Warriors in Years 5 and 6 were involved in the National Youth Climate Summit live

stream on Tuesday. The event was the UK’s first online youth climate. Guest speakers included: Matt

Toombs -Director of Partnerships and Engagement in Cabinet Office's COP26 Unit, Amy Bray - Founder

of Another Way, an environmental charity that focuses on empowering individuals and communities to

change the way they live and work together to be more environmentally friendly and Nick Gardner - Head

of Climate Action Fund for The National Lottery Community Fund.

Children were able to watch the live stream debates and ask questions of the experts. Some fantastic

ideas and thought provoking questions were raised, including:

“Once Covid 19 is under control, will we see a huge increase in damage to the environment as people start

rushing about again.”

“We clap for the NHS on Thursdays, why don’t we clap to save the environment on another day?”

“Will taking action make our lives better or safer or will it only make a difference to future genera-


“”How long do we have to prevent climate change taking a too severe effect?”

What can we do during lockdown?

Suggestions of how to help protect the environment during the lockdown were also

discussed by the children. Some ideas to start in your families could be:

Begin composting

Start to plan your own veggie patch

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, following closure of local authority refuse centres.

Create garden structures from Eco Bricks.

The event was a really uplifting and positive experience, which gave children a chance to think

about creating positive change in a time of great turbulence. Perhaps one of the most forward

thinking ideas to come from one of the children was, that Governments across the world should

consider an annual lockdown for a few days each year to focus on the environment and give peo-

ple as well as our precious planet a chance to heal and reflect.

If you would like to access resources from the Transform Our World project, they have a fantastic

set of home learning material which can be accessed here:

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