low back pain a comparative study on the value

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Malta Journal of Health Scienceshttp://www.um.edu.mt/healthsciences/mjhsDoi: http://dx.medra.org/10.14614/LBPEX.1.12

Research paper




Laura Schembri1, Pauline Fenech1, Mark Sacco2

1Back Unit, Musculoskeletal Section, Physiotherapy Department, St. Luke’s Hospital, G’Mangia, Malta2Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Malta, Msida, Malta

Abstract.This randomised controlled trial (RCT) employed apre-test/post-test design to compare the effects of core training(Pilates method) and traditional back exercises on a populationwith low back pain (LBP). Therapeutic intervention related tothe Pilates method has recently become popular, but there islittle evidence to prove it works. In this study, 120 individualswith LBP were allocated to three different groups. Group Awas the control group, Group B was given modified Pilatesintervention and Group C received traditional back exercises.All three groups were given a posture re-education session andback-care advice. After the initial session, the control group hadindividual sessions on posture re-education. The other groupsundertook a six-week course of either modified Pilates or generalback exercise classes. The modified Pilates group was taughthow to use the core muscles, incorporating stabilisation withincreasing functional movements. The back exercise group didsimilar exercises without learning to specifically stabilise. TheOswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire (ODQ) andthe Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) were used as measures forpain and functional disability. Post-test ODQ readings showedno significant difference for pain-related function whilst VASreadings revealed a significant improvement in pain levels in allthree groups, with the control group showing the best scores.However, the six-month follow-up scores showed that only themodified Pilates group continued to improve. At this stage, thecontrol group was beginning to regress and the back exercisegroup was almost back to baseline measures. It was thereforeconcluded that core stability exercises have better long-termeffects than traditional back exercises.

Keywords Back pain, core stability, exercise, Pilates, posture

Correspondence to: Laura Schembri (laura-ann.schembri@gov.mt)Received: 31.01.14 - Revised: 04.04.14 - Accepted: 05.04.14 -Published: 24.04.14c© 2014 The authors

1 Introduction

It has been reported that 60-80% of people in the Westernhemisphere suffer from back pain at some time in their life (Long,BenDebba & Torgersen, 1996). Of these, 85% are classified assuffering from non-specific low back pain (NSLBP) (Krismer& van Tulder, 2007), which is the term coined due to a lackof diagnosis (Ferreira et al., 2007). Much research has beencarried out on the effects of management of low back pain (LBP)(e.g. Liddle, Baxter & Gracey, 2003; Hayden et al., 2005).Klaber-Moffett et al. (1999) conducted a study on mechanicalback pain, which is the term used to define pain caused byplacing abnormal stress and strain on the muscles of the vertebralcolumn. They evaluated the effects of exercise programmes onpatients with LBP and concluded that exercise classes wereclinically more effective than traditional general practitioner(GP) intervention.

Maher, Latimer and Refshauge (1999) undertook a majorreview of all randomised controlled trials (RCTs) investigatingNSLBP over a span of more than 30 years. They found thatstructured exercise programmes that are intensive, supervisedand involving the whole body, provide the best treatment forNSLBP in the sub-acute and chronic phases. Hanney, Kolberand Beekhuizen (2009) agreed that avoiding physical activity andadapting fear avoidance behavior increases risk for chronicity andthat improved fitness decreases pain perception. In a survey ofGP practice, Williams et al. (2010) found that primary care doesnot follow evidence-based guidelines and may contribute to thehigh costs of managing LBP.

In the past decade there has been a shift towards core stabilitytraining or segmental stabilisation training (Jull & Richardson,2000). Whilst traditional exercises generally work to increase the“global” strength of the larger muscles responsible for movement,the “core stability” approach aims to improve the dynamicstability role of the “local” muscles (Richardson et al., 2002).Figure 1 shows how the local muscles work together, acting as acylinder to provide segmental stabilisation to the spine. However,many reviews argue that although stability training is widelypopular, there is still not enough strong evidence to prove that itworks better than more traditional training in the rehabilitationprocess of LBP (e.g. Mannion et al., 2012; Ferreira et al.,2006). Norris (1995) describes muscular imbalance and “activeinstability” as major culprits in LBP, arguing that retrainingquality of movement is essential to target muscle imbalance.This is corroborated by Vleeming et al. (1995), O’Sullivan et al.(1997), Jull and Richardson (2000) and Comerford and Mottram

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(2001a). However, a systematic review by Macedo et al. (2009)reported that there was no evidence found to prove that motorcontrol exercise is any better than manual therapy or other formsof exercise.

Figure 1: Muscular segmental stabilisation to the spine(City Edge Physio Sydney Physiotherapy, 2014).

Panjabi (1992) described the stabilising system of the spineas being made up of three components, termed the active (mus-cular), passive (ligamentous) and neural (control) subsystems,which intercommunicate harmoniously to provide stabilisation bycontrolling intervertebral movement. He defined the neutral zoneas the range of “intervertebral motion in which there is minimalinternal resistance for spinal motion to be produced” (p.394).The neutral zone can be abnormally increased due to laxity inthe passive joint restraints or due to lack of dynamic muscularcontrol (Panjabi, 1992).

In 2003, Panjabi looked at load distribution during movementin the spinal column and concluded that the spine is flexiblewith low loads and stiffens with increasing load. The analogy ofa ball in a bowl was employed to aid visualisation of the loaddisplacement curve. The ball moves easily within the neutralzone (base of bowl) but requires greater effort to move in theouter regions of the movement (steeper sides of the bowl). Theshape of the bowl indicates spinal stability: the deeper thebowl, the more stable is the spine. This compares well with thebiomechanical work carried out by Granata and Wilson (2001)who concluded that co-contraction of muscles is necessary toachieve stability in the spine, but specific neuromuscular controlis required to maintain stability in asymmetric lifting postures.In such postures, the spinal load is increased significantly andthe risk of overload injuries is higher.

A considerable amount of research has been carried out on themechanism of the spinal stabilising system. Electromyography(EMG) testing and ultrasound scanning have shown that thelocal stabilisers, mainly Transversus Abdominis (TrA), the deepfibres of Lumbar Multifidus and lately also a small portionof Psoas Major, have a specific stabilising role on the spine(Hodges, 1999; Richardson et al., 2002; Standaert, Weinsten &Rumpeltes, 2008). Cresswell (1992) observed intra-abdominalpressure (IAP) during dynamic trunk loading and concluded thatTrA contributes to the general mechanism of trunk stabilisation

rather than producing torque. He also concluded that TrA iscontrolled independently of the other abdominal muscles andshould be re-educated more specifically, as sufferers of LBP losetiming and cross-sectional area of both Multifidus and TrA,which have been found to work in synchrony (Wallwork et al.,2009; Jansen et al., 2010). These must be re-educated to work aspostural (tonic) muscles, which contract submaximally prior toand during movement and have been found to work optimally inneutral postures (Mew, 2009).

In the presence of LBP, the function of the stabilising mus-cles is impaired (Hodges 1999; Urquhart et al., 2005). Thisimpairment can be related to alterations in timing or a decreasedcross-sectional area (Comerford and Mottram, 2001b; Jansenet al., 2010) which, in turn, may be due to reflex inhibitioncaused by pain (Dickx et al., 2010). Danneels et al. (2002)compared EMG results of Multifidus and Iliocostalis Lumborumin healthy participants and patients with LBP. They concludedthat back pain patients have a decreased ability to recruitMultifidus voluntarily. Although EMG was normal during lowload stabilisation exercises, a low EMG result was reportedduring high load strength exercises. This may have been due topain, pain avoidance or deconditioning of the muscle.

Improvement in pain and function has been reported withexercise interventions based on the inward movement of the lowerabdominal wall (Hides, Richardson & Jull, 1996; O’Sullivan etal., 1997). Urquhart et al. (2005) carried out several EMG testson TrA and concluded that the best position for independentcontraction of TrA is in supine. Through the use of ultrasoundscreening, Mew (2009) found that TrA thickness improves morewhen trained in a good standing posture, which is more functional(Reeve & Dilley, 2009).

Pilates exercises are considered to be a good rehabilitation toolfor core strengthening and spinal stability (Akuthota & Nadler,2004). Comerford and Mottram (2001b) demonstrated that theprinciples of proprioceptive facilitation and overflow, as practisedin Pilates, are utilised to re-educate dysfunctional movement.Although Pilates is a popular tool in rehabilitation of back pain,few quality studies have been done to compare its effectivenesscompared to more traditional exercises.

2 Method

2.1 Participants

One hundred and twenty participants were recruited over asix-month period. Referrals were made to the PhysiotherapyOutpatients Department at St Luke’s Hospital, Malta via theOrthopaedic Outpatients Department at Mater Dei Hospital ordirectly from the participants’ GP. Physiotherapists workingin the back-care unit within the Physiotherapy Department atSt. Luke’s Hospital assessed all patients referred for NSLBP.Approval to carry out the study was obtained from the ResearchEthics Committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universityof Malta, the Manager of Physiotherapy Services and all referringorthopaedic and medical staff. Each participant was givenan informative letter explaining the purpose of the study.Informed consent was obtained from the patients prior to randomassignment to the treatment groups. Ethically, all patients weregiven valid treatment and were reassured that confidentiality wasguaranteed.

56% of the participants were females and 44% were males.While 21% of all participants were aged between 16 and 35 years,38% were between the ages of 36 and 50 years and 41% were aged51-65 years. The participants’ age distribution within groupsfollowing random assignment is shown in Table 1.

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Low back pain: a comparative study on the value of core training vs traditional strengthening exercises 14

Table 1. Age distribution within groups followingthe randomisation process.

Age Group A Group B Group C16-35 years 10 7 136-50 years 7 15 1051-65 years 17 8 10

Table 2 lists the entry and exclusion criteria for participantselection.

Table 2. Criteria for participant recruitment.Entry Criteria Exclusion Criteria18-65 years Acute pain

6 weeks with LBP Neurological dysfunction(VAS)* score > 3cm Recent surgery or childbirth

∗The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) is described in Section 2.4(Data collection)

2.2 Procedure

The study consisted of two parts. The primary study was apre-test/post-test control group design with simple randomisa-tion administered upon entry to the study. Participants were ran-domly assigned to Group A (posture re-education), Group B (corestability exercises) or Group C (traditional back exercises) by ad-ministrative staff who were not involved in the study. The secondpart of the study was a follow-up reassessment of the outcomemeasures after a six-month period.

2.3 Interventions

Participants were assessed individually by two senior muscu-loskeletal physiotherapists and baseline measures taken on theirfirst visit to the department. Each participant was taught how tocorrect posture during the first session. All participants receivedback-care and ergonomic advice which was suited to their indi-vidual needs. The two intervention groups were given a writtenHome Exercise Programme (HEP).

Group A participants were reviewed individually and followed apostural re-education programme, which consisted of advice andpractice of posture re-alignment during sitting, standing and dailyactive functions. Group B attended Core Stability classes whichteach how to co-ordinate ‘core’ muscle activity with costal breath-ing and graded ‘flowing’ movement. The exercises are a modifica-tion of the original Pilates exercises. The HEP consisted of threemodified Pilates Level 1 exercises (Withers & Stanko, 2004), aspresented in Figure 2. The aim of the Abdominal Preparation (A)is to teach deep neck flexor co-contraction and shoulder stabilisa-tion. In Hip Twist Level 1 (B), the aim is to teach hip dissociationwhile maintaining neutral spine. In Breaststroke Preparation (C),the aim is to teach neutral spine in prone position. In all threeexercises, one had to pair the movements with breathing controland TrA and Multifidus co-contraction.

Group C attended traditional back exercise classes. The HEPconsisted of three traditional back exercises as illustrated in Figure3. The Curl Up (A) aims at strengthening the abdominal muscles,the Knee Hug (B) releases tension from the lower back and glutealmuscles and the Spine Twist (C) gently mobilises the spine to re-lease neural tension, and stretches tight structures. All groupsattended over a period of six weeks and classes were taught at thePhysiotherapy Department, St Luke’s Hospital. The participantswere advised to carry out their HEP once daily.

2.4 Data Collection

The outcome measures used in this study were the OswestryDisability Questionnaire (ODQ) (Fairbank et al., 1980) and theVisual Analogue Scale (VAS) (Boonstra et al., 2008), both ofwhich were scored by all participants who completed the six-weekcourse. The ODQ is used to score disability induced by LBP

Figure 2: The HEP of three modified Pilates Level 1exercises (Group B).

Figure 3: The HEP of three traditional back exercises(Group C).

and has been translated into many languages, including Maltese(Sant’Angelo, 2000). It is a validated tool that is designed toassess a patient’s level of function or disability, providing quan-titative data that are suitable for quality assurance and researchpurposes (Beattie & Maher 1997; Kopec, 2000; Stratford, Riddle& Binkley, 2001; Vianin, 2008). The VAS scale is a valid and reli-able tool to rate pain intensities along a 10cm line. The patient isasked to put a mark along this line to reflect the intensity of thepain. The score is measured from the zero anchor to the patient’sline (Williamson & Hoggart, 2005).

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test indicated that the scores ob-

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Low back pain: a comparative study on the value of core training vs traditional strengthening exercises 15

tained for the three individual groups had a non-normal distri-bution. The Kruskal-Wallis test was therefore used to comparethe mean scores obtained for the three independent groups.

2.5 Results

A total of 120 participants were eligible to take part in thisstudy. These were divided equally to three pre-defined groups of40 participants in each group, of whom 33 completed the pos-tural programme, 32 completed the Pilates programme and 24completed the traditional back class programme. For statisticalanalysis, the data were grouped in such a manner that no inter-vention group could be recognised.

Paired sample t-tests were used to test for significant differencesin measures obtained before and after the programme. The VASreadings indicated a significant difference at the 1% level (p =0.003) between the three groups, while the ODQ readings showedno significant difference (p = 0.123). Results showed an improve-ment across all groups in pain and disability scores, as illustratedin Figures 4 and 5 respectively. In Group A, the average VASwas 6.02cm upon entry to the programme and 2.42cm upon dis-charge. The average individual change was a decrease of 3.6cm(<60%). The average ODQ score was 43% before treatment and35% after treatment (<12%). Six months later, average scoreswere 3.87cm for the VAS and 36% for the ODQ. The averageVAS score for Group B was 6.19cm upon entry to the programmeand 4.44cm upon discharge, with a decrease of 1.75cm on average(<28%). ODQ results showed that the average disability measurepre-intervention was 47%, versus 43% upon completion of the pro-gramme (<4%). Six months later, average scores stood at 4.07cmand 35.4% for the VAS and ODQ respectively. Group C resultsshowed the average VAS to be 5.35cm upon entry and 4.08cmupon discharge. The average individual change was a decrease of1.27cm (<24%). The average ODQ for the back exercise programwas 39% versus 33% (<6%). Six months post-intervention, aver-age scores were 5.07cm (VAS) and 39.92% (ODQ).

Figure 4: Pain scores obtained pre-intervention, post-intervention and six months post-intervention using the(VAS).

Although Group A showed the best improvement in scores ini-tially, Group B scores continued to improve over time, with pa-tients doing equally as well as participants in Group A after sixmonths. Participants in Group C initially improved but had re-gressed close to pre-intervention levels after six months. Age-related pre- and post-test differences were interesting. As shownin Figure 6, the 16-35-year-old age group improved by 70% on VASscores and by 23% on ODQ scores. The 36-50-year-olds scored anaverage of 24% improvement on the VAS and 9% on the ODQ

while the 51-65-year-olds improved by 35% and 16% on the VASand ODQ respectively.

Figure 5: Percentage pain disability scores obtainedpre-intervention, post-intervention and 6 months post-intervention using the ODQ.

Figure 6: Percentage improvement measured by theODQ and VAS across age groups.

3 Discussion

The aim of this RCT was to compare the effect of core trainingand traditional back exercises on a population with LBP. A pre-test/post-test design was implemented over a period of six weeks.Outcome measures consisted of ODQ and VAS scores. Six monthsafter programme completion, a follow-up re-assessment of the out-come measures was carried out.

Pain and disability scores improved in all groups. At six weekspost-intervention, Group A showed the most significant improve-ments in both ODQ and VAS scores. However, results obtainedafter six months show that participants in Groups A and C hadregressed to some extent. Group C scores had regressed close topre-test levels. Group A scores were still much better than pre-intervention levels and were at par with Group B scores, whichhad continued to improve over the six months following the pro-gramme. Group A showed the highest percentage difference be-tween six-week post-test VAS and ODQ scores. This group was

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Low back pain: a comparative study on the value of core training vs traditional strengthening exercises 16

not provided with a HEP but participants were given four individ-ual postural re-education sessions during the programme. Class/-group therapy is still a new concept for managing physiotherapypatients in Malta, who may not expect to be given exercise asa means to manage their pain (Sacco, 2003). This may have in-troduced a bias in favour of Group A. Participants in Group Bwho had undergone the core stability programme had better VASoutcomes than those in Group C, who followed the traditionalback classes. The opposite was true with the ODQ results atsix weeks. These findings are comparable to those of similar re-search studies in which the effects of core stability exercises wereinvestigated (Macedo et al., 2009). The evidence is inconclusiveas to which type of exercise is best and actually leans towardsincorporating any general exercise programme to improve func-tion (Pool-Goudzwaard et al., 1998; Danneels et al., 2002; Stan-daert et al., 2008). However, scores taken after six months showedthat participants who had learned core stability exercises contin-ued to improve while those who only had postural re-educationregressed slightly. This led to them having similar six-month re-sults. O’Sullivan et al. (1997) found that reduction of pain andfunctional disability levels which were statistically significant weremaintained at 30 months in participants who had undergone corestability rehabilitation.

It is noteworthy that the participants had been randomly as-signed to three groups without considering that age differencescould affect outcomes. The distribution of ages between groupsappears to relate to the initial results and may have introduced abias in favour of Group A as age-related differences were striking.The 16-35-year-old participants showed the greatest improvement,which finding could be due to several factors such as healing oc-curring faster in younger populations. For socio-cultural reasons,the youth are more body and movement aware in Malta (Sacco,2003), so they assimilate exercises more easily. Also, they weremore likely to be cases of first incidence of LBP, which would beeasier to treat than recurrent episodes, or chronic LBP (Liddle etal., 2003).

The 36-50-year-old participants showed the least improvement.This may be because the patients in this age group are likely tohave had the greatest physical demands due to their lifestyles atwork and at home, and also the least time for their own well-being. The 51-65-year age group had a better outcome than theiryounger counterparts, which may reflect the fact that they hadmore time for themselves and so were more likely to implementtheir HEP. It would have been a good idea to record compliance tothe HEP with a diary. Another factor contributing to the resultsobtained for the older groups may have been chronicity of pain.If pain persists for more than 12 weeks, or the individual suffersthree or more LBP episodes in one year, the resumption of normaldaily life becomes increasingly difficult due to the development ofchronic pain (Balague et al., 2007; Liddle et al., 2003). As timepasses, it becomes increasingly difficult for medical interventionto break down maladaptive behaviours (Arnau, Vallano & Lopez,2006) and increased pain perception, which can impact heavilyon psychological and physical function (Stroud et al., 2000). Psy-chosocial factors can be a bigger predictor of chronicity than bio-logical or physical factors (Woby, Urmston & Watson, 2007).

Several weaknesses have been identified in this study. The com-parative aspect of the investigation was aimed at testing the hy-pothesis that one type of exercise programme may be more ben-eficial than the other. While planning the study, it was not envi-sioned that the results would reflect that it may be more beneficialto give individual attention rather than treat in groups. It mayhave been more valid to give Group A postural awareness classesso as to have a better correlation between the groups. Age-relatedinfluences on outcomes had not been considered but appeared toaffect scores. The inclusion criteria were left open, with variablessuch as lifestyle, previous therapies and participation in activitiesthat could have heightened body awareness not taken into consid-

eration. These factors could have impacted the results.The current study was based on physiological processes so it

did not explore psychosocial aspects of back pain, which mayhave important implications. It would have been useful to col-lect qualitative data to better understand the effects of pain inthis population. It is important to value the sociocultural factorsthat may have affected the participants’ perceptions of their painand treatment. The authors noted that although patients werestating that they felt much better, the ODQ scores did not reflectthat whilst the VAS scores did. The study would have been morevaluable had there been a larger population sample or a longertimeline.

4 Conclusion

The results of this study imply that core stability exercises havea better effect on improving pain and disability over a longer pe-riod than traditional back exercises. All participants were alsogiven postural and ergonomic advice. Interestingly, the controlgroup who had postural re-education did as well as the core sta-bility group. Age was not considered to be a factor when allo-cating participants into groups. However, the younger age groupshowed marked improvement with posture re-education and exer-cise. These results are clinically significant. Further longitudinalstudies in this area are called for, with a recommendation that par-ticipants are followed up for at least one year post-intervention inorder to find out which approach has better long-term outcomes.

5 Funding

This research has received no specific grant from any fundingagency in the public, commercial or non-profit sectors.


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