loreto secondary school letterkenny parents information evening

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Parents Information Evening

Outline of Presentation

• Points System• CAO• Aptitude Tests• HEAR/DARE• UCAS• General Information

Points System • Honours Maths Bonus Points Pass• A1 100 + 25 60• A2 90 + 25 50• B1 85 +25 45• B2 80 +25 40• B3 75 +25 35• C1 70 +25 30• C2 65 +25 25• C3 60 +25 20• D1 55 +25 15• D2 50 +25 10• D3 45 +25 5• LCVP Distinction 70 Merit 50 Pass 30

UCAS Tariff Points• Grades in ILC UCAS Tariff Points Equivalence• A1 90• A2 77• B1 71• B2 64• B3 58• C1 52 Distinction• C2 45• C3 39 A1• D1 33• D2 26 A2 Merit• D3 20 B1• 14 B2 • 7 B3

Open Days

• NUIG Oct• LYIT Nov• DCU Nov• St Pat’s Nov• NUI Maynooth Nov• UCD Dec• TCD Dec • College of Surgeons Jan

Minimum Entry Requirements (Matriculation Requirements)

• What does matriculation mean?

• Matriculation refers to the minimum requirements for entry to a University. Before you can be considered for admission you must first meet the minimum standards. Matriculation has nothing to do with points.

MatriculationNUI Universities• Six subjects, with a minimum Grade C3 at Higher

Level in two subjects• And at least Grade D3 in four other subjects.

Trinity College Dublin• Students must present six subjects, three of which

must be a grade C or above on Higher Level subjects.

• The six subjects must include:• A pass in English• A pass in Maths and a pass in a language other than


Institutes of Technology• Level 6: Higher Certificate and Level 7:

Bachelor Degree – Applicants must present at least 5 different subjects in

the Irish Leaving Certificate – Maths must be included in the 5 subjects presented – Either Irish or English must also be among the five

subjects presented

• Level 8: Honours Degree – Applicants must present at least 6 subjects in the Irish

Leaving Certificate.– Maths and either Irish or English must be among the 6

subjects presented. – At least two of the 6 subjects must be at grade HC3 or


CAO Applications

Choosing Courses

• Consult your Guidance Counsellor

• Discuss your options with family and friends

• Consult the HEI prospectuses and websites.

Making an application

• Applicants are encouraged to apply online.

• The website address is www.cao.ie

• Applying online is cheaper and it prevents many of the errors commonly associated with completing a paper application form.

Application Form: Part A • Part A of the Application Form is mostly self


• Carefully enter details such as your name, address, date of birth, schools attended etc.

Application Form: Part A

• Your examination details must be entered with great care.

• Make sure you inform CAO about all relevant qualifications

Two Applications on One Form

• There are two course choice lists and applicants may make up to ten course choices on each list.

• 10 choices may be made on the Level 8 list

• 10 choices may be made on the Level 7/6 list

Two Applications on One Form

• Your choices on one list do not in any way affect your choices on the other list.

• They may be considered two separate applications on one form.

Two Applications on One Form

• It is possible to receive an offer on both lists

• You may then decide to accept either your Level 7/6 or your Level 8 offer.

• Alternatively, you might not wish to accept either offer.

Order of Preference

• Place your course choices in genuine order of preference!

• To do otherwise is a grave mistake.

The Offer Process• In the week following the release of the Leaving

Certificate results CAO will post a communication to all applicants.

• If you have not yet become entitled to an offer you will be sent a Statement of Application Record which you should check carefully as important information may be incorrect or missing.

The Offer Process• If you are entitled to an offer, you will be sent an

offer notice. You should check that all of the details on the offer notice are correct and that there are no omissions.

• Offers will also be available on the CAO website.• You may check for and accept offers on the

website. In fact, most applicants now record acceptances online.

The Offer Process• Your offer notice may contain an offer

– for a Level 8 course– or a Level 7/6 course – or both

• If you receive two offers at the same time you may only accept one of them.

• If you wish to accept an offer of a place you must carry out the instructions on the offer notice before 5.15pm on the closing date for acceptance printed on the offer notice.

The Offer Process

• There can be no delays at the offer/acceptance stage.

• Any offer not accepted by the closing date for receipt of acceptance of offers in CAO will be offered to another applicant in the next round of offers.

How Places are Allocated• We will look just at Level 8 courses, but

exactly the same process will take place with Level 7/6 courses, and at the same time.

• The importance of you, the applicant, placing courses in genuine order of preference will become apparent in the following slides.

How Places are Allocated

• If the applicant meets the minimum entry requirements for the course, the applicant’s points are calculated for this course choice.

• All eligible applicants are then placed in a list, in order of academic merit, for each course that they applied for.

How Places are Allocated• The admissions officers of the Higher Education

Institutions tell CAO how many places are to be offered on each course

• CAO then makes offers to the required number of applicants on each course starting with the applicant with the highest points and working down until enough places have been offered.

How Places are Allocated• Should some applicants decline to accept their

offers these places become available in the next round of offers. They will be offered to the next applicants on the order of merit list.

• This process continues until all the places on the course are filled or until all the eligible applicants on the order of merit list have been offered places.

These are the applicants for CK101 Arts in UCC.

The examination results have not yet been released, so these applicants are in no particular order.

We are going to trace the progress of the applicant marked in red.

Applicants are placed in a queue for each course they applied for, their position in the queue is determined by their points. The applicant with the highest points is placed at the top of the queue. The points achieved by the applicant in red determines his position in the queue for each course he applied to.

The applicants marked in green have enough points to be offered places. The applicant marked in red has enough points for his second preference.

The applicant in red is offered his second preference, the highest preference course that he has enough points for, and he will now dissappear from the queue in all his lower choices. Placing DN201 as his second preference meant that he would prefer to receive an offer on DN201 than on any other course except CK101 - which is his first preference.

Having been offered his second preference he must now decide to accept it or to do nothing. If he does not accept the offer the place will be offered to another applicant in the next round of offers.

Regardless of whether he accepts or not he will still be considered for an offer on his first preference if a place becomes available. In the second round, one more offer was made on CK101 and our applicant is now at the top of the queue.

In the third round of offers two more offers are made on CK101 and our applicant, who was at the top of the queue, now receives an offer.

He may do nothing and remain in DN201 or he may accept the offer and begin in CK101.

Genuine Order of Preference• You do not need to guess what the points are

going to be for the courses you are interested in.

• Simply list your courses in genuine order of preference from the highest preference 1, to the lowest preference 10.

• If you are entitled to an offer, you will be offered the highest preference that you are entitled to.

• Remember to carefully read all of the documents and instructions from CAO.

• Most applicants follow the simple instructions from CAO and get along just fine.

Important Dates• CAO deadline is 1st Feb 2012• Reduced application fee for applications

submitted by 20th Jan 2012• CAO operates a Change of Mind facility

from 1st May-1st July for all courses except those with Restricted Entry

Aptitudes Tests


• HPAT Ulster


HPAT Ireland (Health Professions Admission Test -


• HPAT Ireland is the admissions test selected by the Irish Medical Schools.

Applying for HPAT• Applicants must either be in their final year of

school or have completed their Leaving Certificate.

• Registration for HPAT-Ireland 2012will open online early November 2011. The 2012 sitting of HPAT-Ireland will be on Saturday 25th February in 2012.

• To find out more information about the test please visit www.hpat-ireland.acer.edu.au or contact hpat-ireland@acer.edu.au


• The UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) is used in the selection process by a number of UK University Medical and Dental Schools.

• The UKCAT does not contain any curriculum or science content.

• Registration has now closed.• Last testing date for the UKCAT is the 7th of


HPAT Ulster

• The Health Professions Admissions Test (HPAT-Ulster) is a professionally designed and marked selection test developed to assess aptitude for study in the Allied Health Professions

• The next sitting of the Health Professions Admission Test (HPAT-Ulster) will be held on Saturday, 28 January 2012. There is only one sitting each year.

HPAT Ulster

• The test is used in the selection process by the University of Ulster for entry into the following courses:

• BSc Hons Dietetics• Bsc Hons Occupational Therapy• BSc Hons Physiotherapy• Bsc Hons Podiatry• BSc Hons Radiography• Bsc Hons Speech and Language Therapy• HPAT- Ulster consists of 3 hours of test time


• Higher Education Access Route

• An admissions scheme for school leavers facing social and economic challenges in accessing college

Who is it for?

• School leavers who have the ability to benefit from and succeed in higher education and who come from socio-economic groups in Irish society that are under-represented in third level education.

Places Available Through the HEAR Scheme

• Each participating college has allocated a quota of places on a reduced points basis for students entering through HEAR.

• All HEAR applicants must provide evidence relating to their socio-economic circumstances and meet the minimum entry requirements of the colleges to which they apply.

• Applicants will then compete for a quota of places based on their Leaving Certificate results.

Post-entry Support

• Students who secure a place through HEAR are offered a variety of academic, personal and social supports while at college.

• Orientation Programme

• Extra tuition if required

• Financial assistance

• Mentoring/Meetings with advisors

Making a HEAR Application

• Apply online at www.cao.ie as part of the CAO application process by 1 February 2012

• Indicate you wish to be considered for HEAR

• Complete questions relating to family’s financial situation, employment status of parents etc.

• Submit supporting documentation (e.g. P21, Notice of Assessment etc) by 1 April 2012

Participating Colleges

• DCU • DIT• NUIG• NUIM• UCC • TCD • UCD • CoI College of Ed

• UL • Froebel• Marino• Mary Immaculate• Mater Dei• St. Angela’s• St. Pat’s


• Disability Access Route to Education.

• DARE is a college & university admissions scheme which offers places on reduced points basis to school leavers with disabilities.

What disabilities are eligible?• Asperger’s Syndrome/Autism• ADD/ADHD• Blind/Vision Impaired• Deaf/Hearing Impaired• DCD – Dyspraxia/Dysgraphia• Mental Health Conditions• Neurological Conditions• Significant Ongoing Illness• Physical Disability• Specific Learning Difficulty

Where can I find information?

• Full details on all aspects of the HEAR & DARE schemes can be found on www.accesscolleges.ie

• Application Advice Clinics Nationwide on Sat. Jan. 14th, 10am-2pm. Venues to be announced.


Apply system for Northern Ireland, England,

Scotland and Wales.

Deadlines for receipt of applications :

• 15th Oct 2011 – Medicine / Dentistry / Veterinary Medicine / Veterinary Science. All courses in Oxford and Cambridge.

• 15th Jan 2012 – All other courses

Choosing Courses

UCAS offers thousands of courses in hundreds of universities and colleges.Students need to choose their courses for the right reasons and do plenty of research before deciding where to go.


• Students apply for courses using the online application system.

• The application is divided into 5 sections:– Personal Details– Course Choices– Education– Employment– Personal Statement


• Applications are then sent by the student to their centre, which is the school.

• When we receive completed applications we attach a reference and the students predicted grades. Once this is complete we forward the application to UCAS.

• Applications are then forwarded to the chosen universities and colleges by UCAS.

To facilitate this we ask our students to complete their application by

Oct 26th 2011 so as we can work on the references and ensure all

applications are with UCAS before the Christmas break.


• Universities and colleges will decide whether to offer a student a place.

• Applicants can check if they’re accepted on the UCAS online tracking system, Track. This shows their choices and any decisions made by the universities and colleges.

• If they are accepted students must reply to their offers.

Conditional Offer

Offers made are conditional on obtaining certain grades or points.

(UCAS Tariff Points)

Two of these maybe accepted. The Firm acceptance should be the

students 1st Choice, the Insurance acceptance is the students 2nd Choice.

Results • Leaving Certificate results are

automatically sent to UCAS.

• Students who meet the requirements of the conditional offer are accepted and will receive a letter from UCAS that explains what happens next.

Money Matters

• The cost of applying is £22• Tuition Fees – Vary between courses and

colleges, £3,375 - £9,000 • EU Nationals are eligible to apply for

Tuition Fee Loan• Must be repaid once the student is earning

£21,000• Scholarships• Students can apply for Maintenance Grant

Maintenance Grant

• Higher Education Grants cover all institutions in CAO and UCAS with the exception of private institutions.

• Means Test – Eligibility for grant is assessed on the basis of parents income.

• Consists of maintenance and payment of registration fee. (Reg Fee RoI only)

Other Applications

• St. Mary’s Belfast

• NWRC – Limavady/Derry

• Cavan College

• PLC’s – Errigal College

• Others

Preparing for Life at College

• Accommodation Hunt

• Costs & Budgeting

• Health/Personal Safety

Being Exam Wise

• LC Candidate Information Booklet

• Exam Paper - Marking Process - Viewing Process - Appeals Process


• Remember we are always available to assist your daughter in this next stage of her life.

• If you ever need to talk to us you may make an appointment through the main office.

• Thank you for your attention and interest.

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