look who’s reading for ucsb reads... okay, honestly, don't they look psyched to be reading...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Look who’s reading for UCSB Reads . . .

Okay, honestly, don't they look psyched to be reading this book!?

If a guy who kinda sorta looks like Bob Dylan is reading the book, it must be good.

The woman in that portrait to the right -- totally looking over this girl's shoulder to read the book.

Despite the vicious rumors, the beret was not photoshopped in.

Another campus employee, disregarding work responsibilities to read about the travels of this crazy t-shirt.

The mind-boggling

awesomeness of the

book made me dizzy . . .

and we thought the

picture would look cool if

it was crooked.

Chancellor Yang . . . reading through osmosis possibly?

If Rapunzel had this book she would have stayed in the tower, thoroughly entertained.

These t-shirts have definitely traveled somewhere . . .

This was the 17th time he had read the book and he was still glued to the page.

The new University Librarian, Brenda Johnson, promoting "The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy" for UCSB Reads.

Flower Guy wearing his flower t-shirt.

So entranced by the book, the poor girl didn't realize she was mere seconds away from being hit by a skateboarder. In the hospital she whispered "It was worth it."

One of Ryan's ancestors helped build this wall . . . possibly.

Probably not.

Look at the sculpture or read "Travels of a T-Shirt“ . . . ?

He made the right decision.

Executive Vice-Chancellor Lucas. He still keeps a framed poster of last year's UCSB Reads.

Probably safer than texting . . .

The safest way to read this book, sitting . . . although alternative methods are still approved of.

I love shoes . . . oh, and read the book!

The copy machine was taking a while to load, so these students decided to pass the time with an EXCELLENT read.

Michelle, spending her lunch hour reading the UCSB Reads book.

It's THAT good.

Kind of makes you wonder if the picture was staged. Not St. Basil's Basilica in the background, just Cory reading . . . suspicious.

See that smile?! She LOVES the book.

You should read it, too!

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