logic in islam.. by yousaf khan

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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About meName : Yousaf khanRoll# : 75Class : M.com (1st semester)Quaid-e-Azam college of commerce @ university of peshawar

Logic in Islam

AgendaDefinitionFirst user of logic Importance of Logic according to Islamic scholarsHistory of Islamic logicThe reason behind why Islamic scholars studied this

knowledgeConclusionQuestions and answers

DefinitionsLogic is the study of methods and principles

used to distinguish correct from incorrect reasoning.

a proper or reasonable way of thinking about or understanding something.

Logic is also known as (علم میزان) because by this knowledge one can measure proper arguments.

First user of logic

The founder of logic was Hazrat Idrees(A.S) as he used this knowledge miraculously as a tool to make his opposition silent with proofs & evidences.

Importance of logic according to Islamic scholars

من لم یعرف المنطق فلا ثقۃ لہ فی العلوم اصلا)امام غزالی�(Anyone who is not aware of logic he can not get authority in his knowledge.

المنطق نعم العون علی ادراک العلوم ک�لہا ) شیخ بو علی سینا(Logic is so helpful to gain any kind of knowledge

)علامہ جلال الدین رومی(منطق و حکمت زبہر اصلاح گر بخوانی� اند کہ باشد مباحLogic is good for the sake of self and intelligence correction

History of Islamic logic

Before the era of Abbasid caliphate the logic was limited to the Greek language only. But Mamoon ur Rasheed imports all books related to logic and philosophy from the Greece and he aims to translate this book to Arabic language.

So Abu Nasar Muhammad Bin Tarkhan Farabi translated these books to Arabic language. And he also added different principles and methods to the logic so he is also known the 2nd editor of this knowledge.

The reason behind why Islamic scholars studied this knowledgeIn the Greek logic there was the denial of basic two beliefs of Islam: That is oneness of Allah (As they were use to say that

everything is made of material like earth, air, trees and water if the material is base for everything then what about Allah.

2nd denial of Qayamah (day of judgement) as they were use to say that universe is independent from counteractive; and anything which is independent from counteractive that will live always so universe will live always.

So at that time imam razi, imam ghazali and different Islamic scholars joined there hands together to study logic and answer these objections accordingly.


In my opinion logic is very good for those people they are trying to defend the Islamic educations .in order to answer the objections of logicians made on Islam. But also harmful for those people they are trying to defect the Islam and Quran.

Any Questions

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