ljudski resursi

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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Ljudski resursi


  • Human Capital Report

    During a time of skill and labour shortages, understanding the key drivers of performance and retention are

    essential for people investment decisions and risk management. Our Human Capital Report is designed for

    senior executives, providing them with business-focused people metrics that make a difference to

    productivity and profits. The report speaks the language of business, helping decision makers to optimise the

    performance and retention of employees, and focus resources to achieve maximum impact.

    Our unique business proposition

    Using the human capital report significantly improves information. It delivers powerful new workforce

    insights by extracting added value from your existing people data, without necessarily having to collect a lot

    of new information.

    Value adding through integration

    Most organisations have some people metrics in place. However, measures predicting the possibility of future

    events (often the most important metrics), fail to address and separate employee engagement from retention

    risk. Additionally, human capital data is typically not integrated.

    By drawing together three types of human capital data we provide a robust, integrated and comprehensive

    platform. We take workforce analysis and reporting to the next level of sophistication.

    Using integrated data, the Human Capital Report delivers significantly more value than a typical employee

    survey report. It allows clients to pinpoint high risk employees and to track the impact of human capital

    building initiatives.

    Demographic Data


    process data


    attitudinal data

    WRDI clients

    Our clients include: AICD, ACI, AWB Ltd., Business Objects, Caroma Industries, CBA, Citibank, Chemtura

    Industries, Cue Clothing, CS Energy, Entity Solutions, Hudson TMP, NEC, PageUp, Qenos, Dept of Main Roads

    (Qld), Roche Mining, Vero Insurance, Virax.


  • The four steps to building your report

    Our consultants and IT professionals work with you to

    identify, collect, collate and analyse data, culminating in

    your Human Capital Report. This process includes

    drawing on employee demographic and organisational

    process data, and linking this data with WRDI predictive

    data. Competency assessment data can also be

    incorporated to form part of the integrated data platform.

    We can also provide the methods and tools to collect


    Essential WRDI predictive data

    The Workplace Relationship Development Indicator

    (WRDI ) is a next generation survey tool, providing the

    basis for structuring, measuring, diagnosing and

    aligning differentiated employment propositions (or

    deals) and relationships, for various workforce

    segments, in your organisation.

    Based on a model of the psychological contract (or

    Human Capital


    Data integration

    and analysis

    Predictive data


    Performance optimisation

    Risk mitigation including retention

    ROI of people $ investments

    Basic analysis (eg, survey by demographic group)

    More complex analysis (eg, survey by perf. rating)

    Trend analysis (eg, retention risk overtime)

    WRDI survey + optional items and comments

    Competency data can be included

    Employee data

    sourcing (from pay roll, HRIS)

    Pay roll, performance mgmt, competencies

    Define required demographic data

    Decide if whole or part of workforce





    Wider organisational


    Local workplace


    Individual issues

    (optional individual reports)

    Top management trust/leadership

    People management policies & practices

    (eg, pay, careers)

    Local management trust/leadership

    Training, team support, resources, flexible

    work practices, autonomy, recognition, etc.

    Job fit

    Organisational fit

    Career direction

    employer / employee relationship), the WRDI incorporates rigorous psychometric properties, with powerful diagnostic

    capability. The WRDI model covers virtually all definitions of engagement, boasting a number of unique features.

    Using WRDI data, the Human Capital Report quantifies the risks associated with staff retention, both in terms of numbers

    of employees and in dollars. We offer a complete solution, uncovering and diagnosing all the factors, at all levels in an

    organisation, that lead to engagement and retention of employees, over the employment life cycle.


    Although the WRDI standardised survey is the key data source for the Human Capital Report, clients may include

    additional questions, even those asked in previous opinion surveys, as well as free text questions.

    Engagement and retention risk Performance

    Are your people, and in particular key talent and high Which competencies are linked to higher performers in

    performers, likely to stay? various roles, and are you recruiting against and

    How many of your high risk leavers are likely to leave rewarding these competencies?

    due to push (ie, dysfunctional organisational factors or Do you have the right people in the right jobs (ie, high

    limitations); pull or poaching (ie, better deals person-job fit and high person-organisational fit)?

    elsewhere); or for personal reasons?Return on dollar investment

    What does this mean in dollar terms concerning Have recent change management initiatives,

    imminent turnover costs?restructuring, or implementation of new systems been

    Where are the engagement and retention risk hot spots accepted by all of your people?

    in your organisation (eg, by business unit, job level, Are investments in your people yielding satisfactory

    workforce segment, gender, length of service, returns, eg:

    generation Y, X or baby boomers)?have recent salary increases reduced the poaching /

    Are you delivering on the deal for new recruits?retention risk of your high performers or high potentials?

    have recent investments in training, career development,

    coaching, or leadership, increased levels of engagement of

    your employees?

    Critical people questions we can answer



    Level 1, 600 North Road

    Ormond VIC 3204

    PO Box 340

    Ormond VIC 3204

    telephone 1800 068 489

    Level 16, 6 OConnell Street

    Sydney NSW 2000

    GPO Box 3509

    Sydney NSW 2001

    telephone 1800 068 489 info@aussurveys.com

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