living my life vol 2

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  • 8/21/2019 Living My Life Vol 2


    iving My ifeby Emma Goldman

    Volume two

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  • 8/21/2019 Living My Life Vol 2


    New York: Alfred A Knopf Inc., 1931.

    Chapter 40

    AT LAT !" !"#" INTALL"$ IN % N"! '&A#T"#. ("N AN$ )*++*t-erald were *n chare of the off*ce, #hoda of the ho/+e, wh*le a+ha and I tookcare of the aa-*ne. !*th each one /+2 *n h*+ own +phere, the d*fference+ *ncharacter and att*t/de had ore +cope for epre++*on w*tho/t /t/al *na+*ene++. !eall fo/nd 5*t-*,5 a+ we called o/r new co6worker, a o+t char*n woan, and#hoda al+o l*ked her, tho/h +he often took del*ht *n +hock*n o/r roant*c fr*end

    2 her pepper2 7oke+ and +tor*e+.

    (en wa+ happ2 to hae h*+ other w*th h*. he had two +on+, /t her ent*re worldwa+ centred *n (en. 8er ental hor*-on wa+ er2 narrow +he wa+ /nale een to reador wr*te and felt no *ntere+t *n an2th*n ecept the l*ttle hoe (en had ade for her.

    In Ch*cao +he had l*ed aon her pot+ and kettle+, /nto/ched 2 the +trea o/t+*de.he loed her +on and +he wa+ alwa2+ o+t pat*ent w*th h*+ ood+, no atter how*rrat*onal the2 were. 8e wa+ her *dol who co/ld do no wron. A+ to h*+ n/ero/+affa*r+ w*th woen, +he wa+ +/re *t wa+ the2 who led her ch*ld a+tra2. he had hopedher +on wo/ld ecoe a +/cce++f/l doctor, hono/red, re+pected, and r*ch. In+tead hehad dropped h*+ pract*ce when he had arel2 e/n *t, 5took /p 5 w*th a woan n*ne2ear+ h*+ +en*or, and ot h*+elf *noled w*th a danero/+ lot of anarch*+t+. (en+other wa+ alwa2+ re+pectf/l when +he et e, /t I co/ld +en+e her keen d*+l*ke.

    I /nder+tood her er2 well: +he wa+ one of the *ll*on+ who+e *nd+ hae een+t/nted 2 the l**tat*on+ of the*r l*e+. 8er approal or d*+approal wo/ld hae

    attered l*ttle to e *f *t had not een that (en wa+ a+ adl2 o+e++ed 2 h*+ othera+ +he 2 h*. 8e real*-ed how l*ttle there wa+ *n coon etween the. 8er att*t/deand anner 7arred on h* and wo/ld dr*e h* awa2 wheneer he cae to Ch*cao to*+*t her. Yet her hold wa+ e2ond h*+ control. he wa+ con+tantl2 on h*+ *nd, h*+

    pa++*on for her a enace to h*+ loe for an2 other woan. 8*+ other6cople hadca/+ed e /ch +/ffer*n and een de+pa*r. Yet I loed (en *n +p*te of all o/rd*fference+. I loned for peace and haron2 w*th h*. I wanted to +ee h* happ2 andcontented, and I con+ented to h*+ plan to r*n h*+ other to New York.

    he wa+ *en the e+t roo *n the ho/+e, +/ppl*ed w*th her own f/rn*t/re, +o a+ toake her feel ore at hoe. (en alwa2+ took h*+ reakfa+t alone w*th her, w*th no

    one near to d*+t/r the*r *d2ll. At o/r coon eal+ +he wa+ *en the +eat of hono/rand treated 2 eer2od2 w*th /to+t con+*derat*on. (/t +he felt *ll at ea+e, o/t of heren*ronent. he loned for her old Ch*cao place and +he ecae d*++at*+f*ed and/nhapp2. Then, one /nfort/nate da2, (en ean to read on+ and Loer+ 2 $. 8.Lawrence. ro the er2 f*r+t pae he l*ed *n the ook w*th h*+ other. 8e +aw *n *tthe +tor2 of h*+elf and of her. The off*ce, o/r work, and o/r l*fe were lotted o/t. 8eco/ld th*nk of noth*n /t the +tor2 and h*+ other, and he ean to *a*ne that I 666and eer2one el+e 666 wa+ treat*n her adl2. 8e wo/ld hae to take her awa2, hedec*ded he /+t *e /p eer2th*n and l*e onl2 for h*+ other.

    I wa+ *n the *d+t of 2 draa an/+cr*pt. There were lect/re+ on hand, a lare/ndertak*n for )other "arth, and the capa*n *n ehalf of ;. ). #anel, Charle+Cl*ne, and the*r I.!.!. corade+ arre+ted *n Tea+ wh*le on the*r wa2 to )e*co to


  • 8/21/2019 Living My Life Vol 2


    part*c*pate *n the reol/t*on *n that co/ntr2. All of the en were )e*can+ eceptCl*ne, who wa+ an Aer*can. The2 had een attacked 2 an ared po++e, and *n the+k*r*+h three of the )e*can+ and a dep/t2 +her*ff had lo+t the*r l*e+. Now fo/rteenen, *ncl/d*n #anel and Cl*ne, were awa*t*n tr*al on chare+ of /rder. =/l*c*t2wa+ needed to aro/+e the worker+ of the "a+t to the per*l of the +*t/at*on. I rea+oned, I

    ar/ed, I pleaded w*th (en not to per*t Lawrence+ ook to ro h* of h*+ +en+e+.(/t to no aa*l. cene+ w*th (en ecae ore fre>/ent and *olent. %/r l*fe wa+da*l2 row*n ore *po++*le. A wa2 o/t had to e fo/nd. I co/ld not +hare 2*+er2 w*th an2one, lea+t of all w*th a+ha, who had fro the e*nn*n eenoppo+ed to the +chee of the ho/+e and a l*fe w*th (en and h*+ other /nder the +aeroof.

    The reak cae. (en had +tarted aa*n the old pla*nt ao/t h*+ other. I l*+tened *n+*lence for a wh*le, and then +oeth*n +napped *n e. The de+*re +e*-ed e to akean end of (en a+ far a+ I wa+ concerned, to do +oeth*n that wo/ld +h/t o/t for eereer2 tho/ht and eer2 eor2 of th*+ creat/re who had po++e++ed e all the+e

    2ear+. In l*nd f/r2 I p*cked /p a cha*r and h/rled *t at h*. It wh*rled thro/h +paceand cae cra+h*n down at h*+ feet.

    8e ade a +tep toward+ e, then +topped and +tared at e *n wonder and fr*ht.

    5"no/h?5 I cr*ed, e+*de 2+elf w*th pa*n and aner. 5Ie had eno/h of 2o/ and2o/r other. @o, take her awa2 666 toda2, th*+ er2 ho/r?5

    8e walked o/t w*tho/t a word.

    (en rented a +all flat for h*+ other and went to l*e w*th her. 8e ean aa*nattend*n to the off*ce. !e +t*ll had that /ch *n coon, /t the re+t +eeed dead. Ifo/nd foretf/lne++ *n ore *nten+*e work. I lect/red +eeral t*e+ a week,

    part*c*pated *n the capa*n for the I. !. !. o2+ arre+ted *n conne*on w*th the*ner+ +tr*ke *n Canada, and at the +ae t*e cont*n/ed work*n on 2 draa ook,d*ctat*n the an/+cr*pt to *t-*.

    I had coe to know her etter +*nce +he had 7o*ned the )other "arth ro/p. hewa+ a rare per+onal*t2, ca+t *n a enero/+ +p*r*t/al o/ld. 8er father wa+ Ir*+h, /t onher other+ +*de +he cae fro Aer*can p*oneer +tock, the earl*e+t +ettler+ *n!*+con+*n. ro the *t-* had *nher*ted her *ndependence and +elf6rel*ance. At the

    ae of f*fteen +he had 7o*ned the eenth $a2 Adent*+t+, def2*n the *re of her father.(/t her +earch for tr/th d*d not ter*nate there. 8er *dea of @od, a+ +he often +a*d,wa+ /ch ore ea/t*f/l and ore tolerant than the Adent*+t concept*on. o one da2+he +tood /p *n the *d+t of the rel**o/+ +er*ce, anno/nced to the a++el2 that +hehad not fo/nd the tr/th aon the, and walked o/t of the l*ttle co/ntr2 ch/rch ando/t of the rank+ of the el*eer+. he ecae *ntere+ted *n free6tho/ht and rad*calact**t*e+. oc*al*+ d*+appo*nted her a+ e*n e++ent*all2 another Ch/rch w*th newdoa+. 8er lare nat/re fo/nd reater attract*on *n the freedo and +cope ofanarch*+t *dea+. I rew to loe *t-* for her *nherent *deal*+ and /nder+tand*n +p*r*t,and we rad/all2 cae er2 clo+e to each other.

    The clo+e of the 2ear wa+ at hand, and we had not 2et held a ho/+e6war*n *n o/rnew place. New Year+ wa+ dec*ded /pon a+ the r*ht oent for o/r part2 of fr*end+


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    and act*e +/pporter+ of )other "arth to help k*ck o/t the %ld w*th all *t+ tro/le andpa*n and a*l2 eet the New no atter what *t *ht r*n. #hoda wa+ all ec*teentand +he worked hard and late to ake read2 for the fe+t*e occa+*on. New Year+ "e

    ro/ht the proce++*on of fr*end+, aon the poet+, wr*ter+, reel+ and (ohe*an+of ar*o/+ att*t/de, eha*o/r, and ha*t. The2 ar/ed ao/t ph*lo+oph2, +oc*al

    theor*e+, art, and +e. The2 ate the del*c*o/+ th*n+ #hoda had prepared and drank thew*ne+ o/r enero/+ Ital*an corade+ had +/ppl*ed. "er2od2 danced and rew a2.(/t 2 tho/ht+ were w*th (en, who+e *rthda2 *t wa+. 8e wa+ th*rt26f*e and Inear*n fort26fo/r. That wa+ a tra*c d*fference *n ae. I felt lonel2 and /n/tteral2+ad.

    t*ll 2o/n wa+ the new 2ear when the co/ntr2 ean to echo w*th new o/trae+aa*n+t lao/r. The horror+ *n !e+t *r*n*a were followed 2 cr/elt*e+ *n the hop6f*eld+ of !heatf*eld, Cal*forn*a, *n the *ne+ of Tr*n*dad, Colorado, and *n Cal/et,)*ch*an. The pol*ce, the *l*t*a, and an+ of ared c*t*-en+ were carr2*n on are*n of de+pot*+.

    In !heatf*eld twent26three tho/+and hop6p*cker+, who had coe *n an+wer to anew+paper adert*+eent, fo/nd the+ele+ confronted 2 cond*t*on+ not decent eenfor cattle. The2 were kept at work all da2 w*tho/t re+t or proper food, een w*tho/tdr*nk*n6water. To >/ench the*r th*r+t *n the +corch*n heat the2 were copelled to

    /2 leonade at f*e cent+ a la++ fro eer+ of the $/r+t fa*l2, the owner+ ofthe hop6f*eld. &nale to end/re +/ch a +tate of affa*r+, the p*cker+ +ent a deleate to$/r+t. The deleate wa+ a++a/lted and eaten /p, where/pon the en +tr/ck. Thelocal a/thor*t*e+, a*ded 2 the (/rn+ $etect*e Aenc2, the C*t*-en+ All*ance, and+/+e>/entl2 the Nat*onal @/ard, terror*-ed the +tr*ker+. The2 roke /p a ather*n ofthe worker+ and opened f*re w*tho/t proocat*on. Two en were k*lled and a n/erwo/nded the $*+tr*ct Attorne2 and a dep/t2 +her*ff al+o lo+t the*r l*e+. )an2 of the+tr*ker+ were p/t thro/h the 5th*rd deree,5 one of the, r*lled w*tho/t +leep forfo/rteen da2+ to etract a confe++*on, attepted +/*c*de. Another, who had lo+t h*+ar *n the pol*ce attack, haned h*+elf.

    The late+t *ct* of the+e Aer*can (lack 8/ndred+ wa+ )other ;one+, a fao/+nat*e a*tator. In tr/l2 t+ar*+t anner +he wa+ deported fro Tr*n*dad at the order of@eneral Cha+e, who threatened to *pr*+on her *ncorn/n*cado *f +he dared to ret/rn.In Cal/et, )o2er, the pre+*dent of the !e+tern ederat*on of )*ner+, wa+ +hot *n the

    ack and dr*en o/t of town. **lar happen*n+ *n ar*o/+ part+ of the co/ntr2

    dec*ded e to *e a lect/re deal*n w*th the r*ht of lao/r to +elf6defence. The#ad*cal L*rar2 of =h*ladelph*a *n*ted e to +peak on that +/7ect *n the LaorTeple. (efore I reached the hall, the pol*ce droe eer2od2 o/t and locked the

    place. I del*ered 2 talk none the le++, *n the >/arter+ of the #ad*cal L*rar2, a+ wella+ *n New York and *n a n/er of other c*t*e+.

    )2 relat*on w*th (en, wh*ch had rown ore +tra*ned, f*nall2 ecae /nearale.(en wa+ no le++ /nhapp2 than I. 8e dec*ded to ret/rn w*th h*+ other to Ch*cao andtake /p the pract*ce of ed*c*ne aa*n. I d*d not tr2 to deta*n h*.

    or the f*r+t t*e I wa+ to *e a f/ll co/r+e of lect/re+ on 5The oc*al *n*f*cance

    of the )odern $raa5 *n New York, oth *n "nl*+h and *n Y*dd*+h. The (erkele2Theatre on ort26fo/rth treet wa+ rented for the p/rpo+e. It wa+ d*+hearten*n to +tart


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    o/t on an *portant ent/re w*tho/t (en, for the f*r+t t*e *n +* 2ear+. 8*+ depart/re,wh*ch had *en e a feel*n of relea+e, now re+*+tle++l2 drew e to h*. 8e wa+eer pre+ent *n 2 tho/ht+, and 2 h/ner for h* kept row*n. N*ht+ I wo/lddeter*ne to c/t 2+elf loo+e once and for all and not een accept h*+ letter+. Theorn*n wo/ld f*nd e eaerl2 +cann*n 2 a*l for the handwr*t*n +o electr*f2*n

    *n *t+ effect on e. No an I had loed had eer +o paral2+ed 2 w*ll efore. I fo/htaa*n+t *t w*th all 2 +trenth, /t 2 heart w*ldl2 called for (en.

    I co/ld +ee fro h*+ letter+ that he wa+ o*n thro/h the +ae p/rator2 a+ I, andthat he al+o co/ld not free h*+elf. 8e 2earned to ret/rn to e. 8*+ attept to take /pthe pract*ce of ed*c*ne had fa*led I had ade h* +ee h*+ profe++*on *n a new l*ht,he wrote, and he felt how *nade>/ate *t wa+ to *e rel*ef. 8e knew that the poorneeded etter work*n6 and l**n6cond*t*on+ the2 needed +/n+h*ne, fre+h a*r, andre+t. !hat co/ld powder+ and p*ll+ do for theB A reat an2 ph2+*c*an+ real*-e thatthe health of the*r pat*ent+ doe+ not depend on the*r pre+cr*pt*on+. The2 know the tr/ereed2, /t the2 prefer to row r*ch on the cred/l*t2 of the poor. 8e co/ld neer

    aa*n ecoe one of tho+e, (en wrote. I had +po*led h* for that. I and 2 work hadecoe too *tal a part of h*+ l*fe. 8e loed e. 8e knew *t now etter than at an2t*e +*nce we had f*r+t et. 8e knew he had een *po++*le *n h*+ eha*o/r *n NewYork. 8e had neer felt free or at ea+e w*th 2 fr*end+. The2 had not +hown fa*th *nh*, and that had ade h* ore antaon*+t*c toward+ the. And I, too, had +eeedchaned when *n New York I ade h* feel *nfer*or to a+ha, and I wa+ ore cr*t*calof h* than when we were alone on to/r. !e /+t tr2 aa*n, he pleaded we /+t oawa2, 7/+t 2 o/r+ele+, on to/r. 8e wanted noth*n el+e.

    8*+ letter+ were l*ke a narcot*c. The2 p/t 2 ra*n to +leep, /t the2 ade 2 hearteat fa+ter. I cl/n to the a++/rance of h*+ loe.

    Aa*n, *n the w*nter, the co/ntr2 wa+ *n the throe+ of /neplo2ent. %er a>/arter of a *ll*on per+on+ were o/t of work *n New York, and other c*t*e+ were+tr*cken *n no le++er deree. The +/ffer*n wa+ a/ented 2 the etraord*nar*l2+eere weather. The paper+ *n**-ed the appall*n +tate of affa*r+ the pol*t*c*an+and reforer+ rea*ned l/kewar. A few pall*at*e+ and the threadare +/e+t*on ofan *ne+t*at*on were all the2 co/ld offer to eet the w*de+pread *+er2.

    The *l*tant eleent+ re+oled /pon act*on. The anarch*+t+ and the I.!.!.+oran*-ed the /neplo2ed and +ec/red con+*derale rel*ef for the. At 2 (erkele2

    Theatre lect/re+ and other eet*n+ appeal+ for the 7ole++ et w*th enero/+re+pon+e. (/t *t wa+ a ere drop *n the ocean of need.

    Then an /nepected th*n happened, wh*ch ae the +*t/at*on copell*n p/l*c*t2.%/t of the rank+ of +tared and fro-en h/an*t2 the +loan cae to *+*t rel**o/+*n+t*t/t*on+. The /neplo2ed, led 2 a **d 2o/th naed rank Tannena/, eana arch on the ch/rche+ of New York.

    !e all had loed rank for h*+ w*de6awakene++ and h*+ /na++/*n wa2+. 8e had+pent /ch of h*+ free t*e *n o/r off*ce, read*n and help*n *n the work connectedw*th )other "arth. 8*+ f*ne >/al*t*e+ held o/t the hope that rank wo/ld +oe da2

    pla2 an *portant part *n the lao/r +tr/le. None of /+ had epected howeer thato/r +t/d*o/+, >/*et fr*end wo/ld +o >/*ckl2 re+pond to the call of the ho/r.


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    !hether o/t of fear or eca/+e of the real*-at*on of the +*n*f*cance of the arch onthe ch/rche+, +eeral of the ae +helter, food, and one2 to the and+ of/neplo2ed. "oldened 2 the*r +/cce++, one h/ndred and e*ht26n*ne 7ole++ en,w*th rank at the*r head, went to one of the Cathol*c ch/rche+ *n the c*t2. In+tead of

    rece**n the w*th lo*n6k*ndne++ a pr*e+t at t. Alphon+/+ Ch/rch, t/rned tra*tor toh*+ @od, who had coanded that one *e all to the poor. In conn*ance w*th twodetect*e+ the pr*e+t trapped rank Tannena/ and had h* and +eeral of the/neplo2ed arre+ted.

    rank wa+ condened to +ere a 2ear *n the pen*tent*ar2 and to pa2 a f*e6h/ndred6dollar f*ne, wh*ch eant an add*t*onal f*e h/ndred da2+ *pr*+onent. 8e ade a+plend*d +tand, h*+ +peech *n h*+ own defence e*n *ntell*ent and def*ant.

    The o+t o/traeo/+ a+pect of the Tannena/ arre+t and con*ct*on wa+ the+*lence a*nta*ned 2 the +o6called +pon+or+ of the oppre++ed. Not a f*ner d*d the

    +oc*al*+t+ ra*+e to awaken the p/l*c to the o*o/+ con+p*rac2 on the part of thea/thor*t*e+ and the t. Alphon+/+ Ch/rch to 5ake an eaple 5 of rankTannena/. The New York Call, a +oc*al*+t da*l2, +neered at the con*cted o2+ andeen +a*d that rank Tannena/ had de+ered a +pank*n.

    The oc*al*+t =art2 and +oe pro*nent I.!.!. leader+ tr*ed to paral2+e theact**t*e+ of the 7ole++. Th*+ onl2 helped to *ncrea+e the -eal of the Conference of the&neplo2ed, wh*ch con+*+ted of ar*o/+ lao/r and rad*cal oran*-at*on+. A a++eet*n at &n*on >/are wa+ dec*ded /pon and the date f*ed for )arch 1. Ne*therthe oc*al*+t+ nor the I.!.!.+ wo/ld part*c*pate. It wa+ a+ha who wa+ the act*e+p*r*t of the oeent. 8e had a do/le +hare to perfor, a+ I wa+ hard at workf*n*+h*n 2 an/+cr*pt, lect/r*n fre>/entl2, and +/per*+*n o/r off*ce.

    The a++ eet*n wa+ lare and +p*r*ted *t re*nded e of a +**lar eent *n the+ae place and for the +ae p/rpo+e, the deon+trat*on of A//+t 1/are. (/t I +ta2ed. I +ta2ed eca/+e deep down *n e there wa+ the

    certa*nt2 that there *+ no +aene++ *n nat/re. "ternal chane, I knew, *+ for eer atwork, l*fe alwa2+ *+ *n fl/, new c/rrent+ flow*n fro the dr*ed6/p +pr*n+ of the old.I +ta2ed, and I +poke to the h/e crowd a+ I co/ld +peak onl2 when reall2 l*fted o/t of2+elf.

    I left the +>/are after 2 +peech, wh*le a+ha rea*ned at the eet*n. !hen hecae hoe, I learned that the deon+trat*on had ended *n a parade /p *fth Aen/e,the a+t a++el2 arch*n and carr2*n a lare lack fla a+ a +2ol of the*r reolt.It /+t hae een a enac*n +*ht to the dweller+ on *fth Aen/e no le++ than to the

    pol*ce, for the latter d*d not *nterfere. The /neplo2ed arched all the wa2 to theerrer Center, fro o/rteenth to %ne 8/ndred and eenth treet, where the2 were

    treated to a +/+tant*al eal, *en toacco and c*arette+, and pro*ded w*thteporar2 lod*n+.


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    Th*+ deon+trat*on wa+ the e*nn*n of a c*t26w*de capa*n for the /neplo2ed.a+ha, who+e alo/r had endeared h* to eer2one who knew ao/t h*+ l*fe, wa+ *t+oran*-*n and d*rect*n *nfl/ence. In h*+ t*rele++ effort+ he had the +/pport of a laren/er of o/r 2o/n reel+, who *oro/+l2 worked w*th h*.

    )2 (erkele2 Theatre +er*e+ ro/ht +oe *ntere+t*n and a/+*n eper*ence+.%ne wa+ the help I wa+ ale to *e a +tranded ro/p of !el+h pla2er+ the other anoffer to o on the a/de*lle +tae. )2 draa lect/re+ afforded e free acce++ to thetheatre+, and th/+ I happened to attend the *n*t*al perforance of a pla2 calledChane, 2 ;. %. ranc*+, a !el+h draat*+t. It proed to e the o+t powerf/l +oc*aldraa I had +een *n the "nl*+h lan/ae. The appall*n cond*t*on+ of the !el+h*ner+ and the*r de+perate +tr/le to wrench a few p*t*f/l penn*e+ fro the*r a+ter+wa+ a+ o*n a+ Dola+ @er*nal. (e+*de+ th*+ thee the pla2 al+o treated the ae6lon +tr/le etween the +t/orn ac>/*e+cence of the old enerat*on *n th*n+ a+the2 are and the old a+p*rat*on+ of the 2o/n. Chane wa+ a +t*rr*n work of +oc*al

    +*n*f*cance and *t wa+ an*f*centl2 *nterpreted 2 the !el+h ro/p. No wonder thato+t re*ewer+ daned the pla2. A fr*end *nfored e that the !el+h tro/pe wa++tranded, and a+ked e to *ntere+t the rad*cal eleent *n *t+ ehalf.

    At a +pec*al at*nEe perforance, wh*ch I had helped to arrane, I et a n/er ofNew York draat*+t+ and l*terat*. %ne er2 pop/lar pla2wr*ht epre++ed +/rpr*+e that+/ch an arch6de+tr/ct*on*+t a+ I +ho/ld care for creat*e draa. I tr*ed to epla*n toh* that anarch*+ repre+ented the /re of epre++*on *n eer2 pha+e of l*fe and*n h*+ /ncoprehend*n look, I rearked: 5"en tho+e who onl2 th*nk the2 aredraat*+t+ w*ll hae opport/n*t2 *n a free +oc*et2. If the2 lack real talent, the2 w*ll+t*ll hae other hono/rale profe++*on+ to choo+e fro, l*ke +hoeak*n, for*n+tance.5

    After the perforance an2 of tho+e pre+ent epre++ed the*r w*ll*nne++ to coe tothe re+c/e of the +tranded pla2er+. I arraned to r*n the atter al+o to the attent*onof 2 /nda2 a/d*ence+ and ade an appeal *n )other "arth. The follow*n /nda2I del*ered a lect/re on Chane. The ent*re !el+h copan2 were pre+ent a+ 2/e+t+, and I +/cceeded *n aro/+*n eno/h *ntere+t to keep the*r theatre o*n for+eeral week+. Not the lea+t help to the were the adance not*ce+ wh*ch o/r fr*end+*n eer2 c*t2 ae the when the2 were to/r*n the co/ntr2.

    At the clo+e of 2 draa co/r+e I wa+ approached 2 a repre+entat*e of the*ctor*a Theatre, a a/de*lle ho/+e owned 2 %+car 8aer+te*n. 8e offered e anenaeent to appear tw*ce a da2, na*n a tho/+and dollar+ a+ 2 appro*ateweekl2 +alar2. I la/hed *t off at f*r+t. The +/e+t*on of o*n on the a/de*lle +taed*d not appeal to e. (/t the an kept on /r*n the adantae+ of reach*n larea/d*ence+ not to ent*on the one2 I wo/ld earn. I d*+*++ed the propo+al a+r*d*c/lo/+, /t rad/all2 the *dea of the opport/n*t*e+ the ent/re wo/ld *e

    prea*led /pon e. The poert2 of the /neplo2ed affected the rece*pt+ of o/reet*n+ o+t people co/ld not afford +/ch l//r*e+ a+ ook+ or lect/re+ now. Thehope that o/r new >/arter+ *ht d**n*+h o/r epen+e+ had al+o fa*led to ater*al*-e.eeral week+ on the a/de*lle +tae wo/ld free e fro the eerla+t*n econo*c

    r*nd. The2 *ht *e e a 2ear to 2+elf, to c/t loo+e fro eer2od2 andeer2th*n, a 2ear to dr*ft, to read ook+ for the*r *nherent al/e and not erel2 for


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    the /+e the2 *ht e to 2 lect/re+. Th*+ hope +*lenced all 2 o7ect*on+, and I wentto 8aer+te*n+.

    The anaer *nfored e that he wo/ld hae to tr2 e o/t f*r+t, to +ee what wa+the draw*n power of 2 nae. !e went ack6+tae, where he *ntrod/ced e to

    +oe of the perforer+. It wa+ a otle2 crowd of dancer+, acroat+, and en w*thtra*ned do+. 5Ill hae to +andw*ch 2o/ *n,5 the anaer +a*d. 8e wa+ not +/rewhether I wa+ to coe on efore the h*h k*cker or after the tra*ned do+. At an2 rateI co/ld not hae ore than ten *n/te+. ro eh*nd the c/rta*n I watched the p*t*f/leffort+ to a/+e the p/l*c, the horr*le contort*on+ of the dancer, who+e fla2 od2wa+ laced *nto 2o/thf/l appearance, the cracked o*ce of the +*ner, the cheap 7oke+ ofthe f/nn2 an, and the coar+e h*lar*t2 of the crowd. Then I fled. I knew I co/ld not+tand /p *n +/ch an ato+phere to plead 2 *dea+, not for all the one2 *n the world.

    The la+t /nda2 at the (erkele2 Theatre wa+ t/rned *nto a ala n*ht. Leonard $.Aott pre+*ded, and aon the +peaker+ were the noted actre++ )ar2 haw, the f*r+t

    to def2 Aer*can p/r*+t+ w*th her perforance+ of @ho+t+ and of )r+. !arren+=rofe++*on ola La ollette, *fted and frankl2 o/t+poken and @eore )*ddleton,who had a ol/e of one6act pla2+ to h*+ cred*t. The2 dwelt on what the draa eantto the, and what a powerf/l factor *t wa+ *n awaken*n +oc*al con+c*o/+ne++ *n

    people who *ht not e reached *n an2 other wa2. The2 were er2 apprec*at*e of2 work, and I wa+ ratef/l to the for ak*n e feel that 2 effort+ had ro/ht+oe of the Aer*can *ntell*ent+*a *nto clo+er rapport w*th the +tr/le of thea++e+. The een*n +trenthened 2 con*ct*on that whateer contr*/t*on I hadade *n that d*rect*on had een d/e *n part to 2 neer ha*n per*tted an2one to5+andw*ch5 e *n.

    )2 (erkele2 lect/re+ ro/ht e a al/ale *ft *n the for of 2 draa note+ *nt2pewr*t*n. tenorapher+ had often tr*ed to take down 2 +peeche+, /t *n a*n. )2del*er2 wa+ too rap*d, the2 +a*d, e+pec*all2 when I wa+ carr*ed awa2 2 2 thee. A2o/n an naed =a/l )/nter wa+ the f*r+t *n h*+ profe++*on to eat 2 flow ofword+ w*th h*+ +tenoraph*c +peed. 8e attended 2 ent*re +er*e+, for +* week+, and atthe end pre+ented e w*th 2 co/r+e *n perfectl2 t2pewr*tten +heet+.

    =a/l+ *ft proed to e of reat al/e *n the preparat*on of 2 an/+cr*pt of Theoc*al *n*f*cance of the )odern $raa. Thank+ to *t the work wa+ le++ d*ff*c/ltthan the wr*t*n of 2 e++a2+, tho/h I had een *n a ore tran>/*l +tate of *nd then

    I +t*ll had hope+ of a haron*o/+ l*fe w*th (en. L*ttle wa+ left of that hope now.=erhap+ therefore I cl/n ore tenac*o/+l2 to *t+ rea*n*n +hred+. (en+ plead*nletter+ fro Ch*cao added f/el to the +o/lder*n f*re+ of 2 lon*n. After twoonth+ I ean to real*-e the w*+do of the #/++*an pea+ant +a2*n: 5 If 2o/ dr*nk,2o/ll d*e, and *f 2o/ dont dr*nk, 2o/ll d*e. (etter dr*nk and d*e.5

    To e awa2 fro (en eant +leeple++ n*ht+, re+tle++ da2+, +*cken*n 2earn*n. Toe near h* *noled confl*ct and +tr*fe, da*l2 den*al of 2 pr*de. (/t *t al+o eantec+ta+2 and renewed *o/r for 2 work. I wo/ld hae (en and o w*th h* on to/raa*n, I dec*ded. If the pr*ce wa+ h*h, I wo/ld pa2 *t /t I wo/ld dr*nk, I wo/lddr*nk?

    a+ha had neer een ore tho/htf/l and con+*derate than d/r*n the onth+ of


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    2 +tr/le to free 2+elf fro (en. 8e wa+ +t*/lat*nl2 helpf/l w*th the re*+*onof 2 draa ook *n fact, I let h* do o+t of *t h*+elf. I felt the work +afe *n h*+hand+: he wa+ +cr/p/lo/+l2 con+c*ent*o/+ ao/t not chan*n the +p*r*t or tendenc2 of2 wr*t*n. !e al+o collaorated on )other "arth. There were wonderf/l n*ht+when we wo/ld prepare cop2 for the pr*nter and dr*nk +tron coffee to keep /+ o*n

    t*ll the reak of da2. The2 ro/ht /+ clo+er to each other than we had een for a lont*e pa+t 666 not that an2th*n co/ld eer loo+en o/r coon ond+ or affect o/rfr*end+h*p, wh*ch had +tood the te+t of +o an2 f*re+.

    $epend*n /pon a+ha to read the proof+ of 2 ook, and w*th *t-* *n chare ofthe off*ce, I co/ld now +tart on to/r. *t-* had proed her+elf not onl2 er2 eff*c*ent,

    /t a real fr*end a+ well, a ea/t*f/l +o/l, who+e *ntere+t *n o/r lao/r+ ade ea+haed of 2 earl2 do/t+ of her. a+ha had al+o real*-ed that h*+ forer o7ect*on+to the 5+traner5 were ro/ndle++. The2 had ecoe fr*end+ and workedharon*o/+l2 toether. "er2th*n wa+ read2 for 2 depart/re.

    )2 draa ook wa+ off the pre++, look*n >/*te attract*e *n *t+ +*ple att*re. It wa+the f*r+t "nl*+h ol/e of *t+ k*nd to po*nt o/t the +oc*al ean*n of th*rt26two pla2+

    2 e*hteen a/thor+ of d*fferent co/ntr*e+. )2 onl2 reret wa+ that 2 own adoptedland had to e left o/t. I had tr*ed d*l*entl2 to f*nd +oe Aer*can draat*+t whoco/ld e placed alon+*de the reat "/ropean+, /t I co/ld d*+coer no one.Coendale e*nn*n+ there were 2 "/ene !alter, #achel Crother+, Charle+Kle*n, @eore )*ddleton, and (/tler $aenport. The draat*c a+ter, howeer, wa+not 2et *n +*ht. 8e wo/ld no do/t appear +oe da2, /t eanwh*le I had to econtent w*th call*n the attent*on of Aer*ca to the work+ of the foreo+t pla2wr*ht+of "/rope and the +oc*al +*n*f*cance of odern draat*c art.

    At a lect/re *n Toledo a *+*t*n6card had een left on 2 tale. It wa+ fro #oert8enr*, who had re>/e+ted that I let h* know what lect/re+ I wa+ plann*n to del*er*n New York. I had heard of 8enr*, had +een h*+ eh**t*on+, and had een told that hewa+ a an of adanced +oc*al *ew+. /+e>/entl2, at a /nda2 lect/re *n New York,a tall, well6/*lt an cae /p and *ntrod/ced h*+elf a+ #oert 8enr*. 5I en7o2 2o/raa-*ne,5 he +a*d, 5e+pec*all2 the art*cle+ on !alt !h*tan. I loe !alt, and Ifollow eer2th*n that *+ wr*tten ao/t h*.5

    I learned to know 8enr* a+ an ecept*onal per+onal*t2, a free and enero/+ nat/re.8e wa+ *n fact an anarch*+t *n h*+ concept*on of art and *t+ relat*on to l*fe. !hen we

    +tarted the errer een*n cla++e+, he >/*ckl2 re+ponded to the *n*tat*on to *n+tr/cto/r art +t/dent+. 8e al+o *ntere+ted @eore (ellow+ and ;ohn loan, and toether the2helped to create a +p*r*t of freedo *n the art cla++ wh*ch proal2 d*d not e*+tan2where el+e *n New York at that t*e.

    Later #oert 8enr* a+ked e to +*t for 2 portra*t. I wa+ er2 /+2 at the t*ee+*de+, +eeral people had alread2 tr*ed to pa*nt e, w*th l*ttle +/cce++. 8enr* +a*d hewanted to dep*ct the 5real "a @oldan.5 5(/t wh*ch *+ the real oneB5 I a+ked 5Ihae neer een ale to /nearth her.5 8*+ ea/t*f/l +t/d*o *n @raerc2 =ark, farreoed fro the d*rt and no*+e of the c*t2, and the +weet ho+p*tal*t2 of )r+. 8enr*were al to e. There were talk+ on art, l*terat/re, and l*ertar*an ed/cat*on. 8enr*

    wa+ well er+ed *n the+e +/7ect+ he po++e++ed, oreoer, /n/+/al *nt/*t*on for eer2+*ncere +tr**n. $/r*n tho+e *ll/*nat*n ho/r+ I learned of the art6+chool he had


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    +tarted +oe 2ear+ efore. 5The +t/dent+ are left ent*rel2 to the+ele+,5 he +a*d, 5todeelop whateer *+ *n the. I erel2 an+wer >/e+t*on+ or *e +/e+t*on+ on the+ol/t*on of the*r ore d*ff*c/lt prole+.5 8e neer +o/ht to *po+e h*+ *dea+ on h*+


    I wa+ nat/rall2 an*o/+ to +ee the portra*t, /t, know*n 8enr*+ +en+*t*ene++ ao/t+how*n /nf*n*+hed work, I d*d not a+k for *t. I wa+ not *n New York when the

    pa*nt*n wa+ done, /t +oe t*e later 2 +*+ter 8elena wrote e that +he had +een *tat an eh**t*on *n #oche+ter. 5I +ho/ld not hae known *t wa+ 2o/ *f 2o/r nae hadnot een /nder *t,5 +he told e. eeral other fr*end+ areed w*th her. I wa+ certa*n,howeer, that 8enr* had tr*ed to portra2 what he conce*ed to e the 5real "a@oldan.5 I neer +aw the pa*nt*n, /t I pr*-ed the eor2 of the +*tt*n+, wh*chhad *en e +o /ch of al/e.

    Chapter 41

    T8" T#AIN !A =""$IN@ T%!A#$ C8ICA@%. )Y 8"A#T !Ao/tw*n*n *t, all afl/tter w*th the 2earn*n to 7o*n (en at la+t. I wa+ +ched/led todel*er twele lect/re+ and *e a draa co/r+e *n the c*t2. $/r*n 2 +ta2 I cae/pon the new l*terar2 p/l*cat*on called the L*ttle #e*ew, and +hortl2 afterward+ Iet *t+ ed*tor, )araret C. Ander+on. I felt l*ke a de+ert wanderer who /nepectedl2d*+coer+ a +trea of fre+h water. At la+t a aa-*ne to +o/nd a note of reell*on *ncreat*e endeao/r? The L*ttle #e*ew lacked clar*t2 on +oc*al >/e+t*on+, /t *t wa+al*e to new art for+ and wa+ free fro the awk*+h +ent*ental*t2 of o+tAer*can p/l*cat*on+. It+ a*n appeal to e la2 *n *t+ +tron and fearle++ cr*t*>/e ofconent*onal +tandard+, +oeth*n I had een look*n for *n the &n*ted tate+ fortwent26f*e 2ear+. 5!ho *+ th*+ )araret Ander+onB5 I *n>/*red of the fr*end who had+hown e a cop2 of the aa-*ne. 5A char*n Aer*can *rl,5 he repl*ed, 5and +he*+ an*o/+ to *nter*ew 2o/.5 I told h* I d*d not care to e *nter*ewed, /t that I d*dwant to eet the ed*tor of the L*ttle #e*ew.

    !hen )*++ Ander+on cae to 2 hotel, I went to the eleator to eet her. I wa++/rpr*+ed to +ee a ch*c +oc*et2 *rl, and, th*nk*n that I /+t hae *+/nder+tood thenae, I t/rned ack to 2 roo. 5%h, )*++ @oldan,5 the *rl called, 5I a )araretAnder+on?5 8er /tterfl2 appearance wa+ d*+appo*nt*n, +o rad*call2 d*fferent fro2 ental p*ct/re of the L*ttle #e*ew ed*tor. )2 tone wa+ cold a+ I a+ked her *nto

    2 roo, /t *t d*d not +ee to affect 2 *+*tor *n the lea+t. 5I cae to *n*te 2o/ to2 place,5 +he +a*d *pet/o/+l2, 57/+t to re+t and rela a l*ttle 2o/ look +o t*red and2o/ are alwa2+ +/rro/nded 2 +o an2 people.5 At her hoe I wo/ld need to +ee noone, +he ran on, I +ho/ld e ent*rel2 /nd*+t/red and co/ld do a+ I plea+ed. 5Yo/ can

    athe *n the lake, take walk+, or 7/+t l*e perfectl2 +t*ll,5 +he coaed 5I w*ll wa*t on 2o/and pla2 for 2o/.5 he had a ta* wa*t*n for /+ to o at once. I wa+ oerwheled 2the word2 aalanche and I felt reor+ef/l at the fr**d recept*on I had *en theenero/+ *rl.

    In a lare apartent fac*n Lake )*ch*an I fo/nd, e+*de+ )*++ Ander+on, thelatter+ +*+ter w*th her two ch*ldren, and a *rl naed 8arr*et $ean. The ent*re

    f/rn*t/re con+*+ted of a p*ano, p*ano6+tool, +eeral roken cot+, a tale, and +oek*tchen cha*r+. 8oweer th*+ +trane Enae anaed to pa2 the /ndo/tedl2 lare


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    rent, there wa+ e*dentl2 no one2 for an2th*n el+e. In +oe 2+ter*o/+ wa2,tho/h, )araret Ander+on and her fr*end proc/red flower+, fr/*t, and da*nt*e+ fore.

    8arr*et $ean wa+ a+ /ch a noel t2pe to e a+ )araret, 2et the two were

    ent*rel2 /nl*ke. 8arr*et wa+ athlet*c, a+c/l*ne6look*n, re+ered, and +elf6con+c*o/+.)araret, on the contrar2, wa+ fe*n*ne *n the etree, con+tantl2 /l*n oer w*thenth/+*a+. A few ho/r+ w*th her ent*rel2 chaned 2 f*r+t *pre++*on and ade ereal*-e that /nderneath her apparent l*htne++ wa+ depth and +trenth of character to

    p/r+/e whateer a* *n l*fe +he *ht choo+e. (efore lon I +aw that the *rl+ werenot act/ated 2 an2 +en+e of +oc*al *n7/+t*ce, l*ke the 2o/n #/++*an *ntell*ent+*a, for*n+tance. tronl2 *nd**d/al*-ed, the2 had roken the +hackle+ of the*r *ddle6cla++hoe+ to f*nd relea+e fro fa*l2 ondae and o/reo*+ trad*t*on. I reretted the*rlack of +oc*al con+c*o/+ne++, /t a+ reel+ for the*r own l*erat*on )araret Ander+onand 8arr*et $ean +trenthened 2 fa*th *n the po++**l*t*e+ of 2 adopted co/ntr2.

    )2 *+*t w*th the wa+ enterta*n*n and re+tf/l. I wa+ happ2 to f*nd two 2o/nAer*can woen who were +er*o/+l2 *ntere+ted *n odern *dea+. !e +pent o/r t*etalk*n and d*+c/++*n. In the een*n )araret wo/ld pla2 the p*ano and I wo/ld+*n #/++*an folk6+on+ or relate to the *rl+ +oe ep*+ode+ of 2 l*fe.

    )araret+ pla2*n wa+ not that of a tra*ned: art*+t. There wa+ a certa*n or**nal and*rant >/al*t2 *n *t, part*c/larl2 when no +traner+ were pre+ent. At +/ch oent++he wa+ ale to *e f/ll epre++*on to all her eot*on and *nten+*t2. )/+*c +t*rred e

    profo/ndl2, /t )araret+ pla2*n eerted a pec/l*ar effect, l*ke the +*ht of the +ea,wh*ch alwa2+ ade e /nea+2 and re+tle++. I had neer learned to +w* and I feareddeep water, 2et on the each I wo/ld e f*lled w*th a de+*re to reach o/t toward+ thewae+ and ecoe +/ered *n the*r erace. !heneer I heard )araret pla2, Iwa+ oercoe 2 the +ae +en+at*on and an /nea+2 cra*n. The da2+ +pent at herhoe on Lake )*ch*an pa++ed all too >/*ckl2, /t d/r*n the re+t of 2 +ta2 *nCh*cao )araret and 5$ean+*e5 were neer awa2 fro 2 +*de for er2 lon.

    Thro/h )araret I et o+t of the contr*/tor+ to the L*ttle #e*ew, aon the(en 8echt, )awell (odenhe*, Cae+ar, Aleander Ka/n, Allen Tanner, and other+.Ale wr*ter+ the2 were, 2et none of the po++e++ed the all6a+or*n ardo/r anddar*n of )araret Ander+on.

    8arr*et )onroe, of the =oetr2 )aa-*ne, and )a/r*ce (rowne, of the L*ttleTheatre, eloned to the +ae c*rcle. I wa+ part*c/larl2 *ntere+ted *n the new draat*ceper*ent of )r. (rowne. 8e had talent and +*ncer*t2, /t he wa+ too do*nated 2the pa+t to ake the L*ttle Theatre an effect*e *nfl/ence. The @reek draa and thecla++*c+ were certa*nl2 of reat al/e, I often told h*, /t tho/htf/l people werenowada2+ +eek*n draat*c epre++*on of the h/an prole+ of o/r own da2. A+ aatter of fact, no one *n Ch*cao o/t+*de of )r. (rowne+ tro/pe and the*r +all c*rcleof adherent+ wa+ aware of the e*+tence of the L*ttle Theatre. L*fe +*pl2 pa++ed *t 2.The reater the p*t2, eca/+e )a/r*ce (rowne wa+ er2 /ch *n earne+t ao/t h*+effort+.

    %n th*+ *+*t *n Ch*cao I wa+ fort/nate to hear +oe er2 f*ne /+*c. =erc2@ra*ner, Ala @l/ck, )ar2 @arden, and Ca+al+ concerted *n the c*t2 d/r*n 2 +ta2.


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    /ch an arra2 of art*+t+ wa+ a rare treat.

    Ala @l/ck r*pped e w*th her f*r+t tone+. 8er 8erew chant+ e+pec*all2 aef/ll +wa2 to the rane of her r*ch o*ce. The +orrow+ of +* tho/+and 2ear+ were ade

    po*nantl2 real 2 her e>/*+*te +*n*n.

    )ar2 @arden I had +een on pre*o/+ occa+*on+. %nce *n t. Lo/*+ +he had eenden*ed a theatre for her perforance of aloe, wh*ch the oral /+2od*e+ haddeclared *ndecent. oe reporter had called )ar2 @arden+ attent*on to the +**lar*t2of her f*ht for free epre++*on to that of "a @oldan, and )ar2 had +poken *nh*h pra*+e of e. he knew noth*n ao/t anarch*+, +he had +a*d, or an2th*n ao/t2 *dea+, /t +he ad*red 2 +tand for freedo. I wrote her 2 apprec*at*on. In repl2+he a+ked e to let her know net t*e we happened to e *n the +ae c*t2. Later, *n=ortland, )ar2 had recon*-ed e *n the front row 7/+t a+ +oe ad*rer+ had

    pre+ented her w*th a h/e a+ket of ro+e+. tepp*n to the ede of the +tae, +hep*cked o/t the lare+t and redde+t one+ and threw the *nto 2 lap w*th an a*r2 k*++.

    Year+ efore, *n 1900, when *n =ar*+, +he had del*hted e 2 her render*n ofCharpent*er+ Lo/*+e and )a++enet+ Tha*+. (/t neer had I +een her +o loel2 andfa+c*nat*n a+ *n the opera =ellEa+ et )El*+ande, wh*ch I attended *n the Ch*caoA/d*tor*/ w*th )araret Ander+on. he wa+ 2o/th, na*tE, and the earth6+p*r*te>/*+*tel2 lended *nto one.

    The reate+t /+*cal eent d/r*n 2 +ta2 *n Ch*cao wa+ the pla2*n of thepan*+h cell*+t Ca+al+. I had alwa2+ loed the cello e+t, /t /nt*l I heard th*+con7/ror, I had /e++ed l*ttle of *t+ po++**l*t*e+. Ca+al+ to/ch /nlocked *t+ trea+/re+,ade *t *rate l*ke the h/an +o/l and +*n *n elet tone+.

    &nepectedl2 cae the +hock*n new+ of the a++acre of worker+ *n L/dlow,Colorado, of the +hoot*n of +tr*ker+ and the /rn*n of woen and ch*ldren *n the*rtent+. $raa lect/re+ appeared tr*fl*n, w*th the flae+ of L/dlow r*+*n to the +k2.

    The coal6*ner+ *n +o/thern Colorado had een on +tr*ke for onth+. The Colorado/el and Iron Copan2, a #ockefeller co*ne, appealed to the tate for 5protect*on5wh*le at the +ae t*e the2 were +h*pp*n th/+ and /nen to the coal re*on. The*ner+ were e*cted fro the*r h/t+, wh*ch were on copan2 propert2. !*th the*rw*e+ and ch*ldren the2 p*tched tent+ and prepared for the lon w*nter. The#ockefeller *ntere+t+ prea*led /pon @oernor Aon to call o/t the *l*t*a to 5keep


    Arr**n *n $ener w*th (en, I learned that the lao/r leader+ wo/ld e lad toaccept f/nd+ I *ht ra*+e at 2 lect/re+, /t that the2 d*d not care to hae *t knownthat the2 were *n an2 wa2 connected w*th 2 effort+. No ore enco/raeent d*d Irece*e fro o/r own corade+ *n L/dlow. The a/thor*t*e+ wo/ld not per*t e tocoe to the c*t2, the2 wrote, and *f I d*d et there, the paper+ wo/ld procla* that Iwa+ eh*nd the +tr*ke. It wa+ pa*nf/l to know that I wa+ not wanted 2 the er2 peoplefor who I had worked all 2 l*fe.

    ort/natel2 I had an *ndependent for/, )other "arth and 2 lect/re+. %n 2 own

    platfor I +ho/ld e free to deno/nce the L/dlow cr*e and po*nt o/t *t+ le++on tolao/r. !e +tarted o/r eet*n+, and w*th*n two week+ I wa+ ale to deon+trate that


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    a few *l*tant+ */ed w*th *deal*+ co/ld foc/+ reater attent*on on a pre++*n+oc*al *++/e than lare oran*-at*on+ that lacked the co/rae to +peak o/t. )2 lect/re+helped to t/rn the f/ll l*ht of p/l*c*t2 on L/dlow. L/dlow, !heatland, the *na+*onof )e*co 2 ederal troop+ 666 the2 were all +trea+ fro the +ae +o/rce. Id*+c/++ed the efore a/d*ence+ reach*n *nto the tho/+and+, and we +/cceeded *n

    ra*+*n lare +/+ for the ar*o/+ +tr/le+.

    %n o/r arr*al *n $ener we had fo/nd twent26+een I.!.!. o2+ *n 7a*l. The2 hadeen arre+ted a+ a re+/lt of a free6+peech capa*n and had een tort/red *n the+weat6o for ref/+*n to work on the rock6p*le. %/r effort+ *n the*r ehalf were+/cce++f/l. %n the*r relea+e the2 arched thro/h the +treet+ w*th anner+ and +on+to o/r hall, where the2 were rece*ed *n the +p*r*t of corade+h*p and +ol*dar*t2.

    %ne of the *ntere+t*n eper*ence+ of 2 $ener +ta2 wa+ eet*n ;/l*a )arloweothern and @/+tae rohan. !e d*+c/++ed odern pla2+. rohan wa+ +/re the2d*d not *ntere+t the theatre6o*n p/l*c, and I ar/ed that New York had al+o another

    p/l*c, ore *ntell*ent and apprec*at*e than the one *n the ha*t of flock*n to(roadwa2. That p/l*c, I *n+*+ted, wo/ld +/pport a theatre **n the draa+ of I+en,tr*nder, 8a/ptann, haw, and the #/++*an+. I offered to proe that a repertor2theatre, w*th pr*ce+ r/nn*n fro f*ft2 cent+ to a dollar and a half, co/ld e ade +elf6+/+ta*n*n. )r. rohan tho/ht I wa+ an *pract*cal opt**+t. 8e wa+ *ntere+ted,howeer, and he pro*+ed to talk the atter oer f/rther w*th e when we were oth

    ack *n New York.

    I had +een )*++ )arlowe and othern *n The /nken (ell, 2 @erhart 8a/ptann.I d*d not care for h*+ 8e*nr*ch, /t ;/l*a )arlowe a+ #a/tendele*n wa+ +/l*e, and+he wa+ e>/all2 reat a+ Kathar*na *n The Ta*n of the hrew and al+o a+ ;/l*et.)*++ )arlowe /+t hae een near*n fort2 at the t*e. he wa+ rather hea2 for2o/thf/l part+, 2et her +/per act*n at no t*e roke the *ll/+*on of #a/tendele*n, thel*the, w*ld o/nta*n6+p*r*t, or the /n+oph*+t*cated naetE of ;/l*et, the ch*ld6woan.

    othern wa+ +t*ff and /n*ntere+t*n, /t ;/l*a ade /p for oth 2 her char, race,and /naffectedne++. he +ent flower+ to 2 lect/re+ and a k*ndl2 reet*n to 5ea+e theta+k of alwa2+ ha*n to e efore the p/l*c.5 !ell +he knew how pa*nf/l *t oftenwa+.

    !h*le (en and I were /+2 w*th o/r eet*n+ *n the !e+t, a+ha wa+ enaed *n

    +tren/o/+ act**t*e+ *n New York. !*th *t-*, Leonard $. Aott, the corade+ ofanarch*+t ro/p+, and the 2o/n eer+ of the errer chool he wa+ cond/ct*n the/neplo2ed oeent and the ant*6*l*tar*+t capa*n. The*r per+*+tenc2 *n f*ht*nfor free +peech *n New York had re+/lted *n the repeated reak*n /p of the*rather*n+ 2 o/nted pol*ce, *nol*n *ncred*le r/tal*t2 and *olence. (/t the*r

    per+eerance and def*ance of ar*trar2 off*c*al re/lat*on+ *n the end *pre++ed p/l*cop*n*on and the2 won the r*ht of a++el2 *n &n*on >/are w*tho/t pol*ce

    per*++*on. ro a+ha+ r*ef note+ I co/ld onl2 /e++ what wa+ happen*n *n NewYork, /t +oon the new+paper+ were f*lled w*th acco/nt+ of the work of the Ant*6)*l*tar*+t Lea/e, wh*ch a+ha had fo/nded, and the deon+trat*on+ *n ehalf of theL/dlow *ner+ held *n New York and *n Tarr2town, #ockefeller+ c*tadel. It wa+

    wonderf/l to e to +ee a+ha+ old +p*r*t r*+*n to the attle, and to o+ere h*+etraord*nar2 +k*ll *n oran*-*n and handl*n the work.


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    The New York act**t*e+ re+/lted *n a n/er of arre+t+, aon the that of (eck2"del+ohn and +eeral o2+ fro the errer chool. a+ha wrote that (eck2 had een+plend*d at her tr*al, where +he had cond/cted her own defence. %n e*n con*cted+he had declared a fort26e*ht6ho/r h/ner +tr*ke *n prote+t. It wa+ the f*r+t t*e that a

    pol*t*cal pr*+oner had done th*+ *n Aer*ca. I had alwa2+ known (eck2 to e rae,tho/h her lack of re+pon+**l*t2 and per+eerance *n her per+onal l*fe had for 2ear+

    een a +o/rce of *rr*tat*on to e. I wa+ therefore er2 lad to +ee her +how +/ch+trenth of character. It *+ often the ecept*onal oent that d*+coer+ /n+/+pected>/al*t*e+.

    L*eral and rad*cal eleent+ *n New York were co6operat*n *n prote+t aa*n+t theL/dlow /tcher2. The 5*lent =arade5 *n front of #ockefeller+ off*ce, oran*-ed 2&pton *ncla*r and h*+ w*fe, and the ar*o/+ other deon+trat*on+ were aro/+*n the"a+t to the appall*n cond*t*on+ *n Colorado.

    I eaerl2 +canned the paper+ fro New York. I had no an*et2 ao/t a+ha, for Iknew how dependale and cool he wa+ *n t*e+ of daner. (/t I loned to e at h*++*de, *n 2 eloed c*t2, to take part w*th h* *n tho+e +t*rr*n act**t*e+. )2enaeent+, howeer, kept e *n the !e+t. Then cae the new+ of an eplo+*on *n ateneent ho/+e on Le*nton Aen/e wh*ch co+t the l*e+ of three en 666 Arth/rCarron, Charle+ (er, and Karl 8an+on 666 and of an /nknown woan. The nae+were /nfa*l*ar to e. The pre++ wa+ f*lled w*th the w*lde+t r/o/r+. The o, *twa+ reported, had een *ntended for #ockefeller, who the +peaker+ at the New Yorkeet*n+ had chared w*th d*rect re+pon+**l*t2 for the L/dlow a++acre+. The

    preat/re eplo+*on had proal2 +aed h*+ l*fe, the paper+ declared. a+ha+ naewa+ draed *nto the ca+e, and the pol*ce were look*n for h* and the owner of theLe*nton apartent, o/r corade Lo/*+e (erer. !ord cae fro a+ha that thethree en who had lo+t the*r l*e+ *n the eplo+*on were corade+ who had workedw*th h* *n the Tarr2town capa*n. The2 had een adl2 eaten /p 2 the pol*ce atone of the &n*on >/are deon+trat*on+. The o, *ht hae een *ntended for#ockefeller, a+ha wrote, /t *n an2 ca+e the en had kept the*r *ntent*on+ tothe+ele+, for ne*ther he nor an2one el+e knew how the eplo+*on had occ/rred.

    Corade+, *deal*+t+, an/fact/r*n a o *n a cone+ted teneent ho/+e? I wa+aha+t at +/ch *rre+pon+**l*t2. (/t the net oent I reeered a +**l*ar eent *n2 own l*fe. It cae ack w*th paral2+*n horror. In 2 *nd I +aw 2 l*ttle roo *n

    =epp*+ flat, on *fth treet, *t+ w*ndow6l*nd+ drawn, a+ha eper*ent*n w*th ao, and e watch*n. I had +*lenced 2 fear for the tenant+, *n ca+e of an acc*dent,2 repeat*n to 2+elf that the end 7/+t*f*ed the ean+. !*th acc/+*n clar*t2 I nowrel*ed that nere6rack*n week *n ;/l2 1

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    ethod+ that 7eopard*-ed *nnocent l*e+.

    I wa+ worr*ed ao/t a+ha. 8e wa+ the +p*r*t of the treendo/+ capa*n *n the"a+t, and I feared the pol*ce wo/ld *nole h* *n the*r dranet. I wanted to ret/rn to

    New York, /t h*+ letter+ held e ack. 8e wa+ perfectl2 +afe, he wrote, and there

    were plent2 of people to help h* *n the work. 8e had +/cceeded *n ota*n*n theod*e+ of the dead corade+ for creat*on, and he wa+ plann*n a on+terdeon+trat*on at &n*on >/are. The a/thor*t*e+ def*n*tel2 declared *n the pre++ that no

    p/l*c f/neral wo/ld e per*tted. All the rad*cal ro/p+, *ncl/d*n the I.!.!.,rep/d*ated a+ha+ *ntent*on. "en (*ll 8a2wood warned h* to de+*+t fro h*+ plan

    eca/+e he wa+ 5+/re to ca/+e another eleenth of Noeer.5 (/t a+ha+ ro/pref/+ed to e terror*-ed. 8e p/l*cl2 anno/nced that he wo/ld +tand re+pon+*le foran2th*n that *ht happen at the eet*n, on cond*t*on that no pol*ce off*cer+ e

    per*tted w*th*n the l*ne+ of the deon+trat*on.

    The p/l*c f/neral took place *n +p*te of off*c*al proh**t*on. &n*on >/are +eethed

    w*th a crowd of twent2 tho/+and people. At the la+t oent the pol*ce had dec*dednot to per*t a+ha, who wa+ to pre+*de at the deon+trat*on, to reach the +>/are.$etect*e+ and reporter+ e+*eed o/r ho/+e. a+ha appeared on the front +toop to talkto the and the2 a+ked to +ee the /rn conta*n*n the created rea*n+ of theLe*nton Aen/e *ct*+. 8e +tepped ack *nto the ho/+e and then +l*pped o/tthro/h the ack and +oe ne*ho/r*n 2ard+. 8e had taken the preca/t*on to order ared a/too*le to wa*t for h* *n a near2 +treet. At a f/r*o/+ pace *t wa+ dr*en to&n*on >/are. or lock+ all approache+ to the +>/are were crowded. It +eeed*po++*le to reach the platfor. (/t efore a+ha co/ld open the door of theach*ne, pol*ce off*cer+ 666 *n the*r ec*teent /ndo/tedl2 tak*n the a/too*le to

    e that of the *re Ch*ef 666 o+e>/*o/+l2 cleared a lane for the a/to r*ht thro/h thecrowd to the er2 front of the platfor. !hen a+ha +tepped o/t, the off*cer+ wereaa-ed to +ee who *t wa+. 8e >/*ckl2 a+cended the platfor. It wa+ too late for the

    pol*ce to do an2th*n w*tho/t ca/+*n a lood ath.

    Now the rea*n+ of the dead corade+, a+ha wrote e, were depo+*ted *n a+pec*all2 de+*ned /rn *n the for of a clenched f*+t r*+*n fro the depth+. The /rnwa+ epo+ed *n the off*ce of )other "arth, wh*ch had een decorated w*th wreath+and red and lack anner+. Tho/+and+ pa++ed thro/h o/r >/arter+ to pa2 the la+ttr*/te to Carron, (er, and 8an+on.

    I wa+ happ2 to learn that the per*lo/+ +*t/at*on *n New York had ended +ofao/ral2. (/t when I rece*ed cop*e+ of the ;/l2 *++/e of )other "arth, I wa+d*+a2ed at *t+ content+. The &n*on >/are +peeche+ were p/l*+hed there *n f/llw*th the ecept*on of a+ha+ own addre++ and tho+e of Leonard $. Aott and"l*-aeth @/rle2 l2nn, the haran/e+ were of a o+t *olent character. I had tr*edalwa2+ to keep o/r aa-*ne free fro +/ch lan/ae, and now the whole n/erwa+ f*lled w*th prattle ao/t force and d2na*te. I wa+ +o f/r*o/+ that I wanted theent*re *++/e thrown *nto the f*re. (/t *t wa+ too late the aa-*ne had one o/t to the+/+cr*er+.

    The per+*+tent effort+ of one an *n =ortland, %reon, eerted an *nfl/ence *n that

    town that for *t+ potenc2 co/ld hardl2 e e>/alled *n an2 other Aer*can c*t2. I referto 2 fr*end Charle+ "r+k*ne cott !ood. (2 po+*t*on he eloned to the /ltra6


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    con+erat*e +et, 2et he wa+ aon the o+t /nfl*nch*n opponent+ of the +oc*al la2erfro wh*ch he +pran. It wa+ ow*n to h*+ effort+ that the =/l*c L*rar2 wa+ rantedto +o danero/+ a per+on a+ I wa+ con+*dered to e. )r. !ood pre+*ded at 2 f*r+tlect/re, wh*ch wa+ on 5Intellect/al =roletar*an+,5 and h*+ pre+ence ro/ht anenoro/+ a/d*ence.

    =ortland wa+ *n the throe+ of a proh**t*on capa*n. )2 talk on 5*ct*+ of)oral*t2,5 wh*ch to/ched on th*+ +/7ect, re+/lted *n an /proar. It wa+ one of the o+tec*t*n een*n+ *n 2 p/l*c career. The proh**t*on*+t+ and the pro6l*>/or*+t+alo+t cae to low+ on the occa+*on.

    The follow*n da2 a an called on )r. !ood and offered to /2 2 lect/re note+,not the part deal*n w*th the +/ppre++*on of +e, /t the one where I had enlared onthe r*ht of rown6/p+ to choo+e the*r dr*nk+. The caller repre+ented the aloon6Keeper+ Lea/e, and h*+ oran*-at*on wanted 2 note+ a+ propaanda *n the*r ant*6

    proh**t*on capa*n. )r. !ood *nfored h* that he wo/ld +/*t the offer to e,

    /t that I wa+ a 5>/eer creat/re5 and wo/ld proal2 not con+ent to ha*n onl2 halfof 2 lect/re p/l*+hed. 5(/t +he w*ll e pa*d,5 the an cr*ed,5 and an2 pr*ce +hewant+?5 Needle++ to +a2, I decl*ned to appear a+ an aent of the aloon6Keeper+Lea/e.

    The power of the )ontana copper6k*n+, fa*thf/ll2 +/pported 2 the Cathol*cCh/rch, ade (/tte and other +elt*n6town+ *n the tate arren ro/nd ecept forthe +weet ho+p*tal*t2 of 2 fr*end+ Ann*e and Ae "del+tadt, the latter a rother ofo/r dead poet. The +2+te of e+p*onae had een perfected 2 the o++e+. The*replo2ee+ were +/rro/nded 2 +p*e+ not onl2 when at work, /t al+o *n the*r freeho/r+. The 5+potter+5 doed eer2 +tep of the en and ade deta*led report+ on the*r

    eha*o/r. In con+e>/ence tho+e odern +lae+ l*ed *n fear of d*+plea+*n the*ra+ter+ and lo+*n the*r 7o+. The +*t/at*on wa+ araated 2 react*on *n the /n*onrank+. The !e+tern ederat*on of )*ner+, lon *n the control of corr/pt and/n+cr/p/lo/+ off*c*al+, helped to +*lence the o*ce of lao/r prote+t. (/t pre++/re froaoe eet+ reell*on. The reak had to coe. The aro/+ed worker+ d2na*ted the&n*on 8all, droe the*r leader+ o/t of town, and oran*-ed a new /n*on alonreol/t*onar2 l*ne+.

    It wa+ a chaned ato+phere that reeted /+ on o/r arr*al *n (/tte. No part*c/lareffort+ were nece++ar2 to aro/+e *ntere+t *n 2 lect/re+. The people cae *n a od2

    and openl2 deon+trated the*r *ndependence. The2 fearle++l2 a+ked >/e+t*on+ andpart*c*pated *n the d*+c/++*on. If an2 5+potter+5 were *n the a/d*ence, the2 were/nknown to the en, who wo/ld hae certa*nl2 *en the +hort +hr*ft.

    er2 +*n*f*cant al+o wa+ the pre+ence of an2 woen, e+pec*all2 at 2 lect/re on5(*rth6control.5 orerl2 the2 wo/ld not hae dared to *n>/*re ao/t +/ch atter+een pr*atel2 now the2 +tood /p *n a p/l*c a++el2 and frankl2 aowed the*rhatred of the*r po+*t*on a+ doe+t*c dr/de+ and ch*ld6earer+. It wa+ an etraord*nar2an*fe+tat*on, o+t enco/ra*n to e.

    All thro/h the 2ear+ no decent hall had een acce++*le to /+ *n Ch*cao. I had

    often een copelled to +peak *n dreadf/l place+, enerall2 *n the rear of a +aloon.That d*d not, howeer, preent the +o6called etter cla++ fro attend*n 2 lect/re+.


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    Not rarel2 the +treet *n front of the hall wo/ld e l*ned w*th a/too*le+, th/+pro*d*n a chance for the !ol*e+, and een for +oe of 2 own corade+, toprote+t aa*n+t 2 5ed/cat*n the o/reo*+*e.5 )2 la+t lect/re *n Ch*cao *n Apr*lhad een nearl2 roken /p 2 a dr/nken an who had dr*fted *n fro the +aloon andwho *n+*+ted on tak*n chare of the proceed*n+. At the clo+e of the eet*n two

    +traner+ left the*r *+*t*n6card+ w*th (en. The2 a+ked h* to let the know when Iwo/ld ret/rn to Ch*cao and pro*+ed to +ec/re an appropr*ate place for 2 f/t/relect/re+.

    8a*n rece*ed an2 pro*+e+, few of wh*ch had eer een f/lf*lled, I had l*ttlefa*th *n th*+ one. Neerthele++ I wrote the +traner+ that I wo/ld eet the on 2 wa2

    ack fro the Coa+t. After lea*n (/tte I proceeded to Ch*cao, where I al+o*ntended to *+*t )araret Ander+on and $ean+*e. The en proed to e a r*chadert*+*n aent and a +tock6roker? !e d*+c/++ed the e+t ean+ of oran*-*n a+er*e+ of draa lect/re+ and *t wa+ dec*ded to +ec/re the *ne Art+ rec*tal hall. Theen offered to f*nance the ent/re and I wondered wh2 the2 +ho/ld do *t, /nle++ *t e

    that wealth2 ;ew+ loe to enae *n 5/pl*ft5 work. I ade *t clear to the that I /+trea*n a+ free to +peak *n the fa+h*onale place a+ *n the ack roo of a +aloon. It wa+areed that I +ho/ld w*re 2 lect/re date+ later on.

    !hen I arr*ed *n New York I wa+ confronted w*th a +er*o/+ f*nanc*al +*t/at*on.a+ha+ act**t*e+ aon the /neplo2ed, toether w*th the ant*6*l*tar*+t and L/dlowcapa*n+, had +wallowed /p o+t of the f/nd+ I had +ent to o/r off*ce fro 2 to/r.!e co/ld not eet the ol*at*on+ of )other "arth, /ch le++ the epen+e of theho/+e, wh*ch *n 2 a+ence had een t/rned *nto a free6for6all lod*n6 and feed*n6

    place. !e were *n det to o/r pr*nter and to the a*l*n6ho/+e, and one2 wa+ owedto eer2 +tore6keeper *n the ne*ho/rhood. The +tra*n of the a*tat*on he had carr*edon, the daner and the re+pon+**l*t2 he had faced, had left a+ha *n a h*h6+tr/n and*rr*tale +tate. 8e wa+ +en+*t*e to 2 cr*t*c*+, and h/rt that I +ho/ld een ent*onone2 atter+. I had hoped for re+t, haron2, and peace after +* onth+ of con+tantlect/r*n and the +tr/le *noled *n 2 to/r. In+tead I wa+ +waped w*th newcare+.

    I wa+ da-ed 2 the +*t/at*on and I felt er2 *nd*nant w*th a+ha. "nt*rel2 a+ored*n h*+ own propaanda, he had *en e no tho/ht. 8e wa+ the reol/t*on*+t of old,w*th the +ae fanat*cal el*ef *n the Ca/+e. 8*+ +ole concern wa+ the oeent, and Iwa+ to h* /t a ean+ for *t. 8e wa+ noth*n ore to h*+elf than that how co/ld I

    epect to e an2 ore to h*B

    a+ha d*d not /nder+tand 2 re+entent. 8e rew *pat*ent at 2 ent*on*none2 atter+. 8e had +pent o/r f/nd+ for the oeent the latter wa+ ore*portant than 2 draa lect/re+, he +a*d. I +poke *tterl2 to h*, tell*n h* thatw*tho/t 2 draa lect/re+ he wo/ld hae had no ean+ to f*nance h*+ act**t*e+. Thecla+h ade /+ oth /nhapp2. a+ha w*thdrew *nto h*+elf.

    The onl2 one+ I co/ld t/rn to *n 2 *+er2 were 2 dear nephew ae and 2 oldfr*end )a. (oth were er2 /nder+tand*n, /t ne*ther of the wa+ worldl2 eno/h to

    e of /ch a++*+tance to e. I +ho/ld hae to face the +*t/at*on alone.

    I dec*ded to *e /p o/r ho/+e and to declare 2+elf ankr/pt. )2 fr*end @*lert ".


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    #oe, to who I conf*ded 2 tro/le+, la/hed at 2 +trane not*on. 5(ankr/ptc2 *+re+orted to 2 tho+e who want to et o/t of pa2*n det+,5 he +a*d 5*t w*ll *nole 2o/*n 2ear6lon l*t*at*on, and 2o/r cred*tor+ w*ll attach eer2 penn2 2o/ ake to the endof 2o/r da2+.5 8e offered to lend e one2, /t I co/ld not accept h*+ enero+*t2.

    Then a new *dea +tr/ck e. I wo/ld tell the pr*nter eactl2 how I +tood. The frankand open wa2 *+ alwa2+ the e+t, I dec*ded. )2 cred*tor+ proed to e er2accoodat*n. The2 lo+t no +leep oer the one2 I owed the, the2 +a*d I co/ld edepended on to ake ood. It wa+ f*nall2 arraned that I pa2 2 *ndetedne++ *nonthl2 *n+talent+. %/r a*l*n6ho/+e een decl*ned 2 pro*++or2 note+. 5=a2what 2o/ can and when 2o/ can,5 the anaer +a*d 52o/r word *+ ood eno/h for/+.5

    I re+oled to +tart fro the otto /p aa*n to rent a +all place 666 one roo foran off*ce, the other for 2 l**n6>/arter+ 666 and to accept eer2 lect/re enaeent Ico/ld +ec/re, and pract*ce the +tr*cte+t econo2 *n order to keep /p )other "arth and

    2 work. I w*red (en date+ for 2 draat*c co/r+e *n Ch*cao, and then I went o/t tolook for a new hoe. It wa+ a d*+co/ra*n ta+k the Le*nton Aen/e eplo+*on andthe p/l*c*t2 *en to a+ha+ act**t*e+ were fre+h *n the p/l*c *nd, and thelandlord+ were t**d. (/t at la+t I fo/nd a two6roo loft on %ne 8/ndred andTwent26f*fth treet, and I +et to work to ake *t f*t for 2 /+e.

    a+ha and *t-* cae to help e et 2 new place *n order, /t o/r relat*on+ were+tra*ned. Yet a+ha wa+ too deepl2 rooted *n 2 e*n to per*t e to rea*n anr2w*th h* er2 lon. There wa+ al+o +oeth*n el+e to chane 2 re+entf/l att*t/de.The real*-at*on had coe to e that *t wa+ not a+ha, /t I who wa+ at fa/lt. Not onl2+*nce 2 ret/rn fro the la+t to/r, /t all thro/h the e*ht 2ear+ +*nce h*+ relea+efro pr*+on, *t wa+ I who had een re+pon+*le for the reak+ that cae etween /+. Ihad co*tted a reat wron aa*n+t h*. In+tead of **n h* a chance to f*nd h*+wa2 ack to l*fe, after h*+ re+/rrect*on, I had ro/ht h* *nto 2 ato+phere, *nto anen*ronent that co/ld onl2 e all*n to h*. I had done th*+ *n the *+taken el*ef,/+/al w*th other+, that the2 know e+t what *+ ood for the*r ch*ldren fear*n thelatter w*ll e cr/+hed *n the world o/t+*de, the2 de+peratel2 tr2 to +h*eld the fro theeper*ence+ +o e++ent*al to the*r rowth. I had co*tted the +ae *+take *n reardto a+ha. Not onl2 had I not /red h* to la/nch o/t for h*+elf, /t I had treled ateer2 +tep he ade, eca/+e I co/ld not +ee h* epo+ed to new +/ffer*n andhard+h*p+. Yet I had +aed h* fro noth*n I had onl2 awakened h*+ re+entent.

    =erhap+ he wa+ not een aware of *t, 2et *t wa+ alwa2+ there, reak*n o/t *n one foror another. a+ha had alwa2+ wanted h*+ own work and h*+ own place. I had offeredh* eer2th*n one h/an e*n can *e to another, /t I had not helped h* towhat he wanted and needed o+t. There wa+ no l*nk*n the hard fact. (/t now thata+ha had fo/nd a woan who co/ld *e h* oth loe and /nder+tand*n, *t wa+2 opport/n*t2 to repa*r the wron I had done h*.

    I wo/ld enale the to o on a cro++6co/ntr2 to/r, I dec*ded. %nce a+ha reachedCal*forn*a, he co/ld carr2 o/t h*+ drea of a paper of h*+ own.

    *t-* and a+ha eaerl2 re+ponded to 2 +/e+t*on for a to/r. I arraned w*th 2

    2o/n fr*end Anna (aron, who /+ed to do part6t*e t2p*n for /+, to take care of the/+*ne++ +*de of the )other "arth off*ce. )a and ae were to look after the ed*tor*al


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    work of the aa-*ne. There were al+o 8*ppol2te and other fr*end+ to help. a+ha feltre7/enated, and there wa+ no f/rther fr*ct*on etween /+.

    %ne da2 2 fr*end (olton 8all called on e. I had worked hard and he no do/tnot*ced 2 eha/+ted cond*t*on. 5!h2 not o o/t to the l*ttle far *n %++*n*nB5 he

    +/e+ted. 5Not for world+,5 I repl*ed, 5a+ lon a+ 2 pe+t *+ there.5 5!hat pe+tB5 he>/er*ed *n wonder. 5!h2, )*ck2, who for 2ear+ I hae tr*ed a*nl2 to e+cape.5 5Yo/ean 8eran )*kha*lo*tch, the t**d6look*n fellow who /+ed to help *n the )other"arth off*ce and the errer CenterB5 5The er2 one,5 I told h* 5h*+ apparent t**d*t2ha+ een 2 c/r+e for a lon t*e.5 $ear (olton looked h*+ lank +/rpr*+e. 5Tell eao/t *t,5 he /red.

    I related the +tor2 to (olton. 8eran had een a reader of )other "arth for a lont*e, had fa*thf/ll2 pa*d h*+ +/+cr*pt*on, and often ordered l*terat/re. 8e l*ed *n(rookl2n, /t none of /+ had eer et h*. Then one da2 I rece*ed a letter fro%aha a+k*n per*++*on to arrane 2 eet*n+ there. It wa+ fro 8eran. @lad

    that +oeone *n that c*t2 had offered to a++*+t, I w*red h* to o ahead. %n 2 arr*althere I fo/nd o/r /nknown corade *n ra+ and look*n +tared. (en helped h* andwe al+o proc/red h*+ relea+e when he wa+ locked /p for d*+tr*/t*n o/r hand*ll+anno/nc*n 2 eet*n+. (efore I left the c*t2 I enaled h* to 7o*n the pa*nter+/n*on and +ec/re a 7o. In )*nneapol*+ three da2+ later we were /nepectedl2 faced

    2 8eran. 8e wanted to oran*-e 2 eet*n+ alon the ro/te, he declared. Ia++/red h* that I apprec*ated h*+ offer, /t that I alread2 had one anaer twowo/ld e too /ch to end/re. 8eran +a*d noth*n ore, /t when we reached thenet town, he wa+ there, and aa*n *n the net and *n the net. There wa+ no +hak*nh* off he wa+ e*ther ahead of /+ or at o/r rear. The proceed+ fro 2 lect/re+ werenot +/ff*c*ent to pa2 h*+ ra*lroad fare, and I feared le+t 8eran eet +oe acc*dentwh*le +teal*n r*de+. 8e ecae an add*t*onal worr2 and /rden. In eattle I co/ld not+tand *t an2 ore. 8e wo/ld f*nd a 7o, he +a*d, *f I wo/ld +ec/re h* for a fewweek+. I d*d, and he +olenl2 pro*+ed to rea*n *n eattle. !hen we cae topokane, who +ho/ld eet /+ /t 8eran )*kha*lo*tchB 8e d*d not l*ke the !e+t,he declared, and had dec*ded to ret/rn to New York. or the re+t of o/r to/r 8eran+t/ck l*ke l/e. 8e wa+ a ood worker, read2 to do an2th*n to help 2 eet*n+ andhe wa+ +hrewd eno/h to ake h*+elf *nd*+pen+ale to (en. I ae a +*h of rel*efwhen we f*nall2 arr*ed *n New York.

    Noth*n wa+ heard fro 8eran for +oe t*e. Then he +howed /p aa*n, all *n

    ra+. 8e wa+ work*n *n a la/ndr2, he told e, e*hteen ho/r+ a da2 for f*e dollar+ aweek. In the *d+t of h*+ +tor2 he fell to the floor *n a fa*nt. A h/rr*ed areeent w*tha+ha and 8*ppol2te, to the effect that 8eran co/ld earn h*+ keep 2 a++*+t*n *n theoff*ce, +aed h* fro ret/rn*n to the la/ndr2, and *nc*dentall2 al+o fro f/rtherfa*nt*n +pell+. 8e wa+ an *ntell*ent chap, /t fae affect+ +oe people wor+e thanl*>/or. To/r*n w*th /+, ett*n arre+ted, and +ee*n h*+ nae *n the paper+ had t/rned8eran+ head. 8*+ cond*t*on ecae wor+e after (en p/t h* /p a+ one of h*+ +tar+at a hoo eet*n. 8eran +hared hono/r+ w*th Ch/ck Connor, the Ch*natownceler*t2, adak*ch* 8artann, of we*rd dance fae, 8/tch*n+ 8apood, w*del2known for h*+ ook+ on the /nderworld, Arth/r (/llard, *ntellect/al (ohe*an andloe6trotter, (en #e*tan, p+e/do6k*n of 8ooland, and other+ of the oer6 and

    /nderworld *l*e/.


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    8eran, now chr*+tened )*ck2, del*ered h*+elf of an orat*on on that occa+*on,+peak*n w*th /nchallened a/thor*t2 on trap*n a+ a +/per*or art. 5"er2where 2o/are forced to +ell 2o/r lao/r,5 he declared, 5/t on the open road 2o/ are free frowork. I hae pleded 2+elf to e the a+ter of 2 +o/l. #ather than work for a o++,I w*ll let other+ work for e /nle++ I can choo+e 2 occ/pat*on.5 8e wa+ ha*led a+ a

    hero and accepted 2 the fratern*t2 a+ one of the*r own.

    The net da2 the paper+ had wr*te6/p+ ao/t )*ck2, 5the Ir*+h ;ew who had taken aplede neer to work.5 )*ck2 walked on a*r, h*+ head held h*h, h*+ che+t epanded,and look*n the world contept/o/+l2 *n the face. In o/r off*ce he w*+el2 refra*nedfro fla/nt*n h*+ fae 666 /nt*l (en and I went on to/r. Then he declared that he hadh*+ own l*fe to l*e and reat th*n+ to perfor. The o2+ proptl2 told h* the2co/ld not +/r*e +/ch *portance *n the +ae ho/+e.

    In %aha I wa+ faced 2 )*ck2 aa*n. 8e wo/ld not e an epen+e, he a++/red ehe onl2 wanted to e connected w*th 2 work. I co/ld not den2 h* that. )*ck2

    cont*n/ed a+ 2 +hadow, eer on 2 heel+, fro town to town. I ad*tted h*+per+eerance, tho/h he ot on 2 nere+ fearf/ll2. 8*+ pre+ence ecae all6perad*n. Then he ean to o++*p ao/t 2 New York fr*end+ and part*c/larl2ao/t (en, who had een e+pec*all2 pat*ent w*th h*. That roke the cael+ ack,and )*ck2 fled fro 2 +*ht.

    !hen we were ack *n New York, (en ro/ht the cheerf/l new+ that )*ck2 hadlanded *n the c*t2 that er2 da2, half6+tared and fro-en fro a lon trap. 5#* h*o/t, *e h* one2, +helter, and food,5 I +a*d, 5onl2 dont r*n h* here h*+attent*on+ are ent*rel2 too /ch for e.5 (en d*d a+ I a+ked, /t he neer +toppedtalk*n of poor )*ck2+ pl*ht, and on Chr*+ta+ "e he ro/ht h* to e a+ a *ft.A +now6+tor wa+ ra*n, and we had a +pare roo. 8ow co/ld I +end the poorcreat/re awa2B

    No +ooner d*d )*ck2 feel +ec/re than he aa*n ean to deon+trate h*++/per*or*t2, cr*t*c*-*n, repr*and*n, and +tra*n*n eer2od2+ pat*ence to the

    reak*n6po*nt. In rae one da2 he ra*+ed a cane aa*n+t ae, who had rown t*red ofl*+ten*n to h*+ ra*n. )2 pre+ence +aed )*ck2 fro the +o/nd thra+h*n hede+ered. I told h* cateor*call2 that he wo/ld hae to f*nd another place. !hen weret/rned fro a eet*n that n*ht, we fo/nd o/r f/rnace +aotaed and )*ck2 locked*n h*+ roo. 8e wa+ on a h/ner +tr*ke, h*+ note on 2 de+k *nfored e, and he

    wo/ld keep *t /p /nt*l I wo/ld con+ent to h*+ rea*n*n *n the ho/+e. The o2+ offeredto throw h* od*l2 *nto the +treet, /t I ref/+ed to let the do +o, hop*n )*ck2wo/ld chane h*+ *nd. o/r da2+ pa++ed, and he wa+ +t*ll locked *n. I took a pa*l ofwater and re+ol/tel2 cl*ed /p to h*+ roo. 8e opened a+ +oon a+ he heard 2 o*ce.I told h* that *f he wo/ld not et /p w*th*n f*e *n/te+, I wo/ld *e h* a cold+hower6ath. 8e ean to weep and to chare e w*th e*n cr/el. 8e loed e orethan an2one el+e, he declared he wa+ 2 tr/e fr*end, /t now he /+t d*e, +*nce Iwo/ld not re>/*te h*+ affect*on. 8e wo/ld d*e r*ht there, and I /+t help h* do +o.The o2+ had +/e+ted that )*ck2+ prank+ were d/e to 7ealo/+2, and I had la/hedat the +*ll2 not*on. At la+t poor )*ck2+ +ecret wa+ o/t? (/t I rea*ned +tern. 5A n*cek*nd of loe *+ 2o/r+, to want to /rden e w*th 2o/r death,5 I +a*d 5dont 2o/ th*nk

    there are worth*er ca/+e+ to o to the electr*c cha*r forB5 I told h* to et /p, take aath, p/t on clean clothe+, and hae +oe food later on we wo/ld dec*de on the e+t


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    wa2 for h* to co*t +/*c*de. 8e a+ked per*++*on to o o/t on the far and Iladl2 con+ented. (/t, once there, he ean pe+ter*n e w*th letter+, two and three ofthe eer2 da2, copla*n*n of cold and h/ner and threaten*n +/*c*de aa*n.

    5No do/t )*ck2 know+ 2o/ hae a +*ck con+c*ence,5 (olton tea+ed e 5and,

    e+*de+, con+*der h*+ /nre>/*ted loe,5 he added w*th a err2 tw*nkle *n h*+ e2e. 5(/tIll et h* off the far all r*ht, and I pro*+e not to leae h* de+t*t/te.5 (oltonwrote )*ck2 that he had een *nfored of h*+ *llne++ and poert2, and that there/ponhe had not*f*ed the a/thor*t*e+ of the poorho/+e: an off*cer wo/ld call for h* *n a fewda2+. (2 ret/rn a*l (olton rece*ed a repl2 fro )*ck2 to the effect that he wa+ no

    pa/per, and that he had +aed eno/h one2 to take h* to the Coa+t. )*ck2 left.5Cleer an, th*+ )*ck2,5 (olton coented, 5/t I d*dnt know 2o/ co/ld e +oea+*l2 *po+ed on.5

    The l*ttle place at %++*n*n wa+ at la+t free fro the pe+t, and I loned for a /ch6needed re+t. (/t *n the conf/+*on I had >/*te forotten that 2o/n $onald, the +on of

    2 dear fr*end @ert*e o+e, wa+ l**n *n the ho/+e that I wa+ **n /p. a+ha hadwr*tten e when I wa+ *n the !e+t that the o2 had coe to h* w*th a letter fro h*+other, and that he had taken h* *n. @ert*e o+e wa+ an old reel who I had et *n1/arter+ I took /p 2 act**t*e+ aa*n. #ead7/+tent to the alteredcond*t*on+ *noled an2 hard+h*p+, /t the2 were ade ore earale 2 the

    pre+ence of 2 ood fr*end tewart Kerr, who had a roo aoe 2 l*ttle off*ce. 8ehad forerl2 +hared w*th /+ o/r apartent at 10 "a+t Th*rteenth treet of acon+*derate and non6*na+*e nat/re, tewart wa+ to/ch*nl2 tho/htf/l of 2 welfareand er2 helpf/l *n n/ero/+ wa2+. It wa+ cofort*n to hae h* a+ 2 ne*ho/r,the two of /+ e*n the onl2 tenant+ l**n *n the l*ttle ho/+e.

    I wa+ /+2 prepar*n the new draa co/r+e I had pro*+ed to del*er *n Ch*cao

    and a +er*e+ of lect/re+ on the war. Three onth+ had pa++ed +*nce *t+ o/treak *n"/rope. %/t+*de of )other "arth and o/r ant*6*l*tar*+t capa*n *n New York I hadnot een ale to ra*+e 2 o*ce *n the !e+t aa*n+t the +la/hter, ecept on oneocca+*on, *n (/tte, when I had +poken fro an a/too*le to a lare crowd anddeno/nced the cr**nal +t/p*d*t2 of war. I felt that /t for the +oc*al*+t etra2al ofthe*r *deal+, the reat cata+trophe wo/ld hae een *po++*le. In @eran2 the part2co/nted twele *ll*on adherent+. !hat a power to preent the declarat*on ofho+t*l*t*e+? (/t for a >/arter of a cent/r2 the )ar*+t+ had tra*ned the worker+ *noed*ence and patr*ot*+, tra*ned the to rel2 on parl*aentar2 act**t2 and,

    part*c/larl2, to tr/+t the*r +oc*al*+t leader+ l*ndl2. And how o+t of tho+e leader+ had7o*ned hand+ w*th the Ka*+er? In+tead of ak*n coon ca/+e w*th the *nternat*onal

    proletar*at, the2 had called /pon the @eran worker+ to r*+e to the defence of 5the*r5fatherland, the fatherland of the d*+*nher*ted and deraded. In+tead of declar*n the


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    eneral +tr*ke and th/+ paral2+*n war preparat*on+, the2 had oted the @oernentone2 for +la/hter. The +oc*al*+t+ of the other co/ntr*e+, w*th certa*n notaleecept*on+, had followed the*r eaple. No wonder, for the @eran +oc*al deocrac2had for decade+ een the pr*de and *n+p*rat*on of the +oc*al*+t+ thro/ho/t the world.

    )2 draa co/r+e /nder the a/+p*ce+ of 2 two wealth2 patron+ proed to e ao+t d*+areeale eper*ence. )r. L., the adert*+*n en*/+, had taken *t /ponh*+elf to 5ed*t5 the anno/nceent+ I had +ent. Indeed, he had chaned the*r ent*recharacter, handl*n the +/7ect+ of 2 lect/re+ a+ *f the2 had een chew*n6/ ad+.

    Then happened +oeth*n to +hock the tender +en+**l*t*e+ of 2 patron+. )2 f*r+tdraa talk fell on Noeer 10, a da2 of oento/+ *portance to e. It had eenthe la+t da2 on earth of 2 corade+ art2red *n Ch*cao twent26+een 2ear+ efore.I *ntrod/ced 2 lect/re 2 contra+t*n the chane+ *n the p/l*c att*t/de toward+anarch*+ etween 1

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    left on the*r lect/re to/r, and I wa+ /rentl2 needed at hoe.

    Chapter 4

    8"L"NA AN$ % Y%&N@ %LK IN #%C8"T"# AL!AY (#%&@8T eack to that c*t2 een when I d*d not hae to lect/re there. Th*+ 2ear there wereadd*t*onal rea+on+ for *+*t*n 2 hoe town: an opport/n*t2 to +peak on the war, andthe reat fa*l2 eent of $a*d 8och+te*n+ f*r+t concert w*th the local +2phon2orche+tra.

    The *ctor*a Theatre had een +ec/red for 2 lect/re 2 an anarch*+t workanknown a+ $a+h/ta. An *deal*+t of the e+t t2pe, he had pa*d o/t of h*+ eare +a*n+the ent*re epen+e of the eet*n and he had /+ed all h*+ le*+/re to ake the lect/rew*del2 known. 8*+ help eant *nf*n*tel2 ore to e than the 5+ec/r*t2 for l*fe5

    offered 2 the Ch*cao r*ch.

    %n 2 arr*al *n #oche+ter I fo/nd 2 people *n an*o/+ +/+pen+e oer $a*d+forthco*n concert. !ell I knew how 2 +*+ter 8elena 2earned for the drea+ anda+p*rat*on+ of her own fr/+trated l*fe to e real*-ed *n her 2o/ne+t +on. At the f*r+t+*n+ of h*+ talent 2 t**d +*+ter had deeloped deter*nat*on and +trenth to def2eer2 d*ff*c/lt2 that e+et the eloed ch*ld+ art*+t*c career. he dr/ded and +aed toenale her ch*ldren, part*c/larl2 $a*d, to hae the opport/n*t*e+ +he her+elf had eendepr*ed of *n l*fe, and +he wa+ con+/ed 2 a reat lon*n to *e her+elf to the/ttero+t. %n 2 *+*t+ +he wo/ld +oet*e+ po/r o/t her heart to e, neercopla*n*n, /t onl2 rerett*n that +he wa+ ale to do 5+o l*ttle5 for her dear one+.

    Now the crown*n oent of her +tr/le had arr*ed. $a*d had ret/rned fro"/rope the f*n*+hed art*+t +he had +laed to help h* ecoe. 8er heart treled forh*+ tr*/ph. The cold cr*t*c+, the /napprec*at*e a/d*ence 666 what wo/ld her darl*n+

    pla2*n ean to theB !o/ld the2 /nder+tand h*+ en*/+B he ref/+ed +eat+ *n a o.5It *ht d*+t/r h* to +ee e,5 +he +a*d. he wo/ld feel ore cofortale w*th;aco *n the aller2.

    I had heard $a*d *n New York and I knew how h*+ pla2*n had *pre++edeer2one. 8e wa+ tr/l2 an art*+t. 8and+oe and of ood appearance, he ade a

    +tr*k*n f*/re on the platfor. I felt no an*et2 ao/t h*+ #oche+ter enaeent. )2+*+ter+ ec*teent, howeer, had co/n*cated *t+elf to e, and all d/r*n theconcert 2 tho/ht+ were w*th her who+e f*erce loe and hope were now e*nf/lf*lled. $a*d+ *ol*n chared the a/d*ence and he wa+ accla*ed w*th anenth/+*a+ +eldo accorded a 2o/n art*+t *n h*+ nat*e town.

    Arr**n *n New York, I wa+ approached 2 the New+paper "nterpr*+e A++oc*at*on,controlled 2 the cr*pp+68oward new+paper+, for an e++a2 on how the Aer*can

    people co/ld help e+tal*+h peace on earth and ood w*ll toward+ en. The +/7ect, *ftreated ade>/atel2, wo/ld hae re>/*red a ol/e, /t I wa+ a+ked to 5keep *t down5to a tho/+and word+. The opport/n*t2 to reach a lare a/d*ence, howeer, wa+ too

    al/ale to *++. In 2 art*cle I po*nted o/t that the f*r+t +tep to ood w*ll deand+ areer+al of Chr*+t+ coand to 5render /nto Cae+ar the th*n+ wh*ch are Cae+ar+ and


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    /nto @od the th*n+ that are @od+.5 Cea+*n to pa2 tr*/te to de+pot+ *n heaen andon earth, I wrote, wo/ld tend toward+ peace aon en.

    %n 2 ret/rn fro a +hort to/r I wa+ +/rpr*+ed to f*nd $onald o+e +t*ll *n NewYork. 8e looked ore +ha2 than I had +een h* la+t, and tho/h *t wa+ cold

    $eceer, he wa+ w*tho/t an oercoat. "er2 da2 he cae to o/r off*ce and rea*nedfor ho/r+ 5to war /p,5 a+ he +a*d. 5!hat ao/t the one2 2o/ epectedB5 I a+kedh* 5d*d *t eer coeB5 8e had rece*ed *t, he told e, /t he had een pro*+ed aood 7o *n New York and he had dec*ded to +ta2 on. Noth*n had coe of *t,howeer, and now h*+ fare wa+ /+ed /p and he had to wr*te hoe for ore. It +o/nded

    pla/+*le 2et +oehow I wa+ not *pre++ed. 8*+ con+tant pre+ence wa+ ett*n on 2nere+.

    oon report+ ean to dr*ft *n that $onald wa+ +pend*n one2 on dr*nk and that hewa+ n*htl2 treat*n h*+ copan*on+. I tho/ht at f*r+t that *t wa+ ere o++*p the o2apparentl2 co/ld not afford an oercoat where wo/ld he et one2 for dr*nkB (/t the

    report+ ecae ore fre>/ent, and I ot +/+p*c*o/+. I knew h*+ other @ert*e to etoo poor to +/pport her +on, a+ were al+o o+t of her fr*end+. !r*t*n her wo/ld onl2ake her /nea+2, and I therefore co/n*cated w*th +oe of o/r fr*end+ *n the !e+t.The2 *ne+t*ated the atter *n eattle, Tacoa, and the 8oe Colon2, where @ert*el*ed. No one2 wa+ e*n +/ppl*ed to $onald fro an2 of tho+e place+. )2apprehen+*on+ *ncrea+ed. hortl2 afterward+ $onald cae to tell e that h*+ fare hadarr*ed at la+t and that he wa+ ret/rn*n !e+t. I wa+ rel*eed and I felt al+o a l*ttlea+haed of 2 d*+tr/+t.

    A week after $onald+ depart/re we read ao/t the arre+t of )atthew A. ch*dt *nNew York and of $a*d Caplan on =/et o/nd. !e knew that the two en were5wanted5 *n conne*on w*th the Lo+ Anele+ T*e+ eplo+*on. The 5entleen+areeent5 ade 2 the tate of Cal*forn*a to refra*n fro f/rther pro+ec/t*on oflao/r en after the )cNaara confe++*on wa+ roken aa*n. $onald o+e cae to2 *nd, and 2 old +/+p*c*on+ were re*ed. ar*o/+ c*rc/+tance+ po*nted to h*+conne*on w*th the arre+t of the en. It +eeed prepo+tero/+ to th*nk a ch*ld of @ert*eo+e capale of treacher2, 2et I co/ld not free 2+elf fro the tho/ht that $onaldwa+ +oehow re+pon+*le for the arre+t+.

    oon no roo wa+ left for do/t. =roof+ +ent to /+ 2 dependale fr*end+ on theCoa+t d*+clo+ed that $onald o+e wa+ *n the pa2 of $etect*e !*ll*a ;. (/rn+ and

    that he had etra2ed )atthew A. ch*dt and $a*d Caplan. The +on of o/r oldcorade @ert*e, ra*+ed *n anarch*+t c*rcle+ and a /e+t *n o/r ho/+e, t/rned ;/da+? Itwa+ a +taer*n low, one of the wor+t I had rece*ed *n 2 twent26f*e 2ear+ of

    p/l*c l*fe.

    The f*r+t +tep I dec*ded /pon wa+ a frank aowal *n )other "arth of the fact+ *n theca+e and an eplanat*on of how $onald o+e had happened to l*e *n o/r ho/+e. (/t *two/ld cr/+h 2 dear fr*end @ert*e to learn that her own ch*ld wa+ a +p2? @ert*e had

    een +o happ2 that her +on wa+ now 5*n the r*ht ato+phere,5 and that he wo/ld take/p the work for wh*ch +he had +pent her l*fe. I wondered how the clear6th*nk*n ando+erant woan co/ld hae rea*ned +o l*nd to the tr/e nat/re of her +on. he

    neer wo/ld hae +ent h* to o/r ho/+e *f +he had had the +l*hte+t *nkl*n of h*+ tr/enat/re. I he+*tated to d*+clo+e the tr/th ao/t $onald. Yet +ooner or later @ert*e wo/ld


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    hae to face the fact oreoer, there wa+ +o /ch *noled *n $onald+ relat*on to /+and to o/r work that I co/ld not keep the atter /nder coer. %/r people /+t ewarned aa*n+t h*, I f*nall2 dec*ded.

    I wrote an art*cle for o/r aa-*ne **n the whole h*+tor2 of the ca+e. (/t efore

    *t wa+ +et /p, I rece*ed the re>/e+t fro tho+e connected w*th the defence of ch*dtand Caplan to dela2 p/l*+h*n an2th*n ao/t $onald eca/+e he wa+ epected tote+t*f2 at the tr*al. I had alwa2+ hated +/terf/e, /t I co/ld not *nore the w*+he+ ofthe people *n chare of the defence of Caplan and ch*dt.

    The tenth ann*er+ar2 of )other "arth wa+ approach*n. It +eeed noth*n +hort ofa *racle for o/r aa-*ne to hae +/r*ed a whole decade. It had faced thecondenat*on of ene*e+ and the /nfr*endl2 cr*t*c*+ of well6w*+her+ and had had ahard +tr/le to keep al*e. "en o+t of tho+e who had helped at *t+ *rth hadepre++ed *+**n+ ao/t *t+ cont*n/ed e*+tence. The*r fear+ were not ro/ndle++,*n *ew of the reckle++ fo/nd*n of the aa-*ne. (l*++f/l *norance of the p/l*+h*n

    /+*ne++, co*ned w*th the r*d*c/lo/+ ne+t6e of two h/ndred and f*ft2 dollar+, howco/ld an2one hope to +/cceed w*th +/ch a +tartB (/t 2 fr*end+ had oerlooked theo+t *portant factor+ *n the her*tae of )other "arth, a Y*dd*+h per+eerance and a

    o/ndle++ enth/+*a+. The+e had proed to e +troner than *lt6eded +ec/r*t*e+,lare *ncoe, or een pop/lar +/pport. ro the er2 e*nn*n I had o/tl*ned for *t atwofold p/rpo+e: to o*ce w*tho/t fear eer2 /npop/lar prore++*e ca/+e, and to a*for /n*t2 etween reol/t*onar2 effort and art*+t*c epre++*on. To ach*ee the+e end+ Ihad to keep )other "arth /ntraelled 2 part2 pol*c*e+, een 2 anarch*+t pol*c*e+,free fro +ectar*an fao/r*t*+ and fro eer2 o/t+*de *nfl/ence, howeer well6*ntent*oned. or th*+ I wa+ chared een 2 +oe of 2 corade+ w*th /+*n theaa-*ne for 2 per+onal end+, and 2 +oc*al*+t+ w*th e*n *n the eplo2 ofcap*tal*+ and of the Cathol*c Ch/rch.

    It+ +/r*al wa+ d/e *n no l*ttle ea+/re to the deot*on of a +all and ofcorade+ and fr*end+ who helped to real*-e 2 drea of an *ndependent rad*cal+poke+an *n the &n*ted tate+. The tr*/te+ pa*d at the tenth ann*er+ar2 2 reader+*n Aer*ca and aroad te+t*f*ed to the n*che *n people+ heart+ 2 ch*ld had ade for*t+elf. oe of the pra*+e wa+ e+pec*all2 to/ch*n eca/+e *t cae fro per+on+ w*thwho I had een copelled to cla+h +word+ oer the war.

    After 2 ret/rn fro the Neo6)alth/+*an Conference, held *n =ar*+ *n 1900, I had

    added to 2 lect/re +er*e+ the +/7ect of *rth6control. I d*d not d*+c/++ ethod+,eca/+e the >/e+t*on of l**t*n off+pr*n repre+ented *n 2 e+t*at*on onl2 onea+pect of the +oc*al +tr/le and I d*d not care to r*+k arre+t for *t. )oreoer. I wa+ +ocont*n/all2 on the r*nk of pr*+on eca/+e of 2 eneral act**t*e+ that *t +eeed/n7/+t*f*ale to co/rt etra tro/le. Inforat*on on ethod+ I ae onl2 when

    pr*atel2 re>/e+ted for *t. )araret aner+ d*ff*c/lt*e+ w*th the po+tal a/thor*t*e+oer her p/l*cat*on of The !oan #eel, and the arre+t of !*ll*a aner for**n h*+ w*fe+ paphlet on ethod+ of *rth6control to a Co+tock aent, ade eaware that the t*e had coe when I /+t e*ther +top lect/r*n on the +/7ect or do *t

    pract*cal 7/+t*ce. I felt that I /+t +hare w*th the the con+e>/ence+ of the *rth6control *++/e.

    Ne*ther 2 *rth6control d*+c/++*on nor )araret aner+ effort+ were p*oneer


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    work. The tra*l wa+ la-ed *n the &n*ted tate+ 2 the rand old f*hter )o+e+8aran, h*+ da/hter L*ll*an, "-ra 8e2wood, $r. oote and h*+ +on, ". C. !alker,and the*r collaorator+ of a pre*o/+ enerat*on. Ida Craddock, one of the rae+tchap*on+ of woen+ eanc*pat*on, had pa*d the +/pree pr*ce. 8o/nded 2Co+tock and faced w*th a f*e62ear +entence, +he had taken her own l*fe. he and

    the )o+e+ 8aran ro/p were the p*oneer+ and heroe+ of the attle for freeotherhood, for the r*ht of the ch*ld to e orn well. The atter of pr*or*t2, howeer,*n no wa2 le++ened the al/e of )araret aner+ work. he wa+ the onl2 woan *nAer*ca *n recent 2ear+ to *e *nforat*on to woen on *rth6control and +he hadre*ed the +/7ect *n her p/l*cat*on after an2 2ear+ of +*lence.

    ". C. !alker, pre+*dent of the /nr*+e Cl/, had *n*ted e to +peak at one of *t+fortn*htl2 d*nner+. 8*+ oran*-at*on wa+ aon the few l*ertar*an for/+ *n NewYork open to free epre++*on. I had often lect/red there on ar*o/+ +oc*al top*c+. %nth*+ occa+*on I cho+e *rth6control a+ 2 thee, *ntend*n openl2 to d*+c/++ ethod+of contracept*on. I faced one of the lare+t a/d*ence+ *n the h*+tor2 of the cl/,

    n/er*n ao/t +* h/ndred per+on+, aon the ph2+*c*an+, law2er+, art*+t+, anden and woen of l*eral *ew+. )o+t of the were earne+t people who had coetoether to lend oral +/pport to the te+t ca+e that th*+ f*r+t p/l*c d*+c/++*onrepre+ented. "er2one felt certa*n that 2 arre+t wo/ld follow, and +oe fr*end+ hadcoe prepared to o a*l for e. I carr*ed a ook w*th e *n ca+e I +ho/ld hae to+pend the n*ht *n the +tat*on6ho/+e. That po++**l*t2 d*d not d*+t/r e, /t I d*d feel/nea+2 eca/+e I knew that +oe of the d*ner+ had coe o/t of c/r*o+*t2, for the +ethr*ll+ the2 epected to eper*ence on th*+ een*n.

    I *ntrod/ced 2 +/7ect 2 re*ew*n the h*+tor*cal and +oc*al a+pect+ of *rth6control and then cont*n/ed w*th a d*+c/++*on of a n/er of contracept*e+, the*rappl*cat*on and effect+. I +poke *n the d*rect and frank anner that I +ho/ld /+e *ndeal*n w*th ord*nar2 d*+*nfect*on and proph2la*+. The >/e+t*on+ and the d*+c/++*onthat followed +howed that I had taken the r*ht approach. eeral ph2+*c*an+copl*ented e on ha*n pre+ented +o d*ff*c/lt and del*cate a +/7ect *n a 5cleanand nat/ral anner.5

    No arre+t followed. oe fr*end+ feared I *ht e p*cked /p on 2 wa2 hoe,and *n+*+ted on +ee*n e to 2 door. $a2+ pa++ed and the a/thor*t*e+ had taken no+tep+ *n the atter. It wa+ the ore +/rpr*+*n *n *ew of the arre+t of !*ll*a anerfor +oeth*n he had not +a*d nor wr*tten h*+elf. =eople wondered wh2 I, who had

    een +o fre>/entl2 arre+ted when I had not roken the law, +ho/ld e allowed to o/np/n*+hed when I had done +o del*eratel2. =erhap+ Co+tock+ fa*l/re to act wa+d/e to the fact that he knew that tho+e who were *n the ha*t of attend*n the /nr*+eCl/ ather*n+ were proal2 alread2 *n po++e++*on of contracept*e+. I /+ttherefore del*er the lect/re at 2 own /nda2 eet*n+, I dec*ded.

    %/r hall wa+ packed, o+tl2 w*th 2o/n people, aon the +t/dent+ froCol/*a &n*er+*t2. The *ntere+t e*nced 2 2 a/d*ence wa+ een reater than atthe /nr*+e d*nner, the >/e+t*on+ p/t 2 the 2o/n folk+ of a ore d*rect and per+onalnat/re. I d*d not *nce atter+, 2et there wa+ no arre+t. "*dentl2 I +ho/ld hae toake another te+t on the "a+t *de.

    I had to po+tpone the atter for a wh*le eca/+e of pre*o/+ enaeent+. t/dent+


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    fro the &n*on Theolo*cal e*nar2, fre>/ent attendant+ at 2 /nda2 lect/re+, had*n*ted e to addre++ the. I had con+ented after ha*n warned the o2+ that the2were l*kel2 to eet w*th oppo+*t*on fro the fac/lt2. A+ +oon a+ *t ecae known thatthe heathen wa+ to *nade the theolo*cal +anct/, a tepe+t roke o/t wh*ch la+ted

    e2ond the da2 +et for 2 lect/re. The +t/dent+ *n+*+ted on the*r r*ht of hear*n

    who the2 plea+ed /nt*l the fac/lt2 ae *n, and another date wa+ areed /pon.

    In the ean t*e I had to del*er another lect/re, on the 5a*l/re of Chr*+t*an*t2,5w*th part*c/lar reference to (*ll2 /nda2, who I con+*dered the odern clown ofrel**on and who+e c*rc/+ wa+ *n =ater+on at the t*e. In *ew of the t+ar*+t ethod+eplo2ed 2 the a/thor*t*e+ *n deal*n w*th +tr*ke eet*n+ and rad*cal ather*n+, the

    pol*ce protect*on *en (*ll2 and h*+ perforance+ wa+ do/l2 o/traeo/+. %/rcorade+ *n =ater+on were plann*n +oe prote+t, and the2 *n*ted e to +peak. I feltthat *t wo/ld not e fa*r to d*+c/++ (*ll2 /nda2 w*tho/t f*r+t learn*n the cal*re ofthe an and +ee*n what he wa+ pa++*n o/t a+ rel**on. I went w*th (en to =ater+onto hear the +elf6appo*nted o*ce of Chr*+t.

    Neer d*d Chr*+t*an*t2 appear to e +o d*e+ted of ean*n and decenc2. (*ll2/nda2+ /lar anner, h*+ coar+e +/e+t*ene++, erot*c flaellat*on, and d*+/+t*nla+c**o/+ne++, clad *n theolo*cal phra+eolo2, +tr*pped rel**on of the lea+t +p*r*t/al+*n*f*cance. I wa+ too na/+eated to hear h* to the end. re+h a*r ro/ht rel*ef frothe ato+phere of the lewd o/th*n+ and +e/al contort*on+ w*th wh*ch he oadedh*+ a/d*ence to +alac*o/+ h2+ter*a.

    oe da2+ later I lect/red *n =ater+on on the 5a*l/re of Chr*+t*an*t25 and c*ted(*ll2 /nda2 a+ the +2ol of *t+ *nner collap+e. The net orn*n+ new+paper++tated that I had prooked the wrath of @od 2 2 la+phe2. I learned that the hall*n wh*ch I had +poken had ca/ht f*re after I had left and /rned to the ro/nd.

    )2 to/r th*+ 2ear et w*th no pol*ce *nterference /nt*l we reached =ortland,%reon, altho/h the +/7ect+ I treated were an2th*n /t tae: ant*6war top*c+, thef*ht for Caplan and ch*dt, freedo *n loe, *rth6control, and the prole o+ttaooed *n pol*te +oc*et2, hoo+e/al*t2. Nor d*d Co+tock and h*+ p/r*+t+ tr2 to+/ppre++ e, altho/h I openl2 d*+c/++ed ethod+ of contracept*on efore ar*o/+a/d*ence+.

    Cen+or+h*p cae fro +oe of 2 own corade+ eca/+e I wa+ treat*n +/ch

    5/nnat/ral5 thee+ a+ hoo+e/al*t2. Anarch*+ wa+ alread2 eno/h *+/nder+tood,and anarch*+t+ con+*dered depraed *t wa+ *nad*+ale to add to the *+concept*on+2 tak*n /p pererted +e6for+, the2 ar/ed. (el*e*n *n freedo of op*n*on, een*f *t went aa*n+t e, I *nded the cen+or+ *n 2 own rank+ a+ l*ttle a+ I d*d tho+e *nthe ene2+ cap. In fact, cen+or+h*p fro corade+ had the +ae effect on e a+

    pol*ce per+ec/t*on *t ade e +/rer of 2+elf, ore deter*ned to plead for eer2*ct*, e *t one of +oc*al wron or of oral pre7/d*ce.

    The en and woen who /+ed to coe to +ee e after 2 lect/re+ onhoo+e/al*t2, and who conf*ded to e the*r an/*+h and the*r *+olat*on, were oftenof f*ner ra*n than tho+e who had ca+t the o/t. )o+t of the had reached an

    ade>/ate /nder+tand*n of the*r d*fferent*at*on onl2 after 2ear+ of +tr/le to +t*flewhat the2 had con+*dered a d*+ea+e and a +haef/l affl*ct*on. %ne 2o/n woan


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    confe++ed to e that *n the twent26f*e 2ear+ of her l*fe +he had neer known a da2when the nearne++ of a an, her own father and rother+ een, d*d not ake her *ll.The ore +he had tr*ed to re+pond to +e/al approach, the ore rep/nant en

    ecae to her. he had hated her+elf, +he +a*d, eca/+e +he co/ld not loe her fatherand her rother+ a+ +he loed her other. he +/ffered ecr/c*at*n reor+e, /t her

    re/l+*on onl2 *ncrea+ed. At the ae of e*hteen +he had accepted an offer of arr*ae*n the hope that a lon enaeent *ht help her row acc/+toed to a an andc/re her of her 5d*+ea+e.5 It t/rned o/t a ha+tl2 fa*l/re and nearl2 droe her *n+ane.he co/ld not face arr*ae and +he dared not conf*de *n her f*ance or fr*end+. hehad neer et an2one, +he told e, who +/ffered fro a +**lar affl*ct*on, nor had +heeer read ook+ deal*n w*th the +/7ect. )2 lect/re had +et her free I had *en her

    ack her +elf6re+pect.

    Th*+ woan wa+ onl2 one of the an2 who +o/ht e o/t. The*r p*t*f/l +tor*e+ade the +oc*al o+trac*+ of the *nert +ee ore dreadf/l than I had eer real*-ed

    efore. To e anarch*+ wa+ not a ere theor2 for a d*+tant f/t/re *t wa+ a l**n

    *nfl/ence to free /+ fro *nh**t*on+, *nternal no le++ than eternal, and fro thede+tr/ct*e arr*er+ that +eparate an fro an.

    Lo+ Anele+, an $*eo, and an ranc*+co were record6reak*n *n the +*-e of o/reet*n+ and the *ntere+t +hown. In Lo+ Anele+ I wa+ *n*ted 2 the !oen+ C*t2Cl/. *e h/ndred eer+ of 2 +e, fro the deepe+t red to the d/lle+t re2, caeto hear e +peak on 5e*n*+.5 The2 co/ld not ec/+e 2 cr*t*cal att*t/de toward+the oa+t*c and *po++*le cla*+ of the +/ffra*+t+ a+ to the wonderf/l th*n+ the2wo/ld do when the2 ot pol*t*cal power. The2 randed e a+ an ene2 of woan+freedo, and cl/6eer+ +tood /p and deno/nced e.

    The *nc*dent re*nded e of a +**lar occa+*on when I had lect/red on woan+*nh/an*t2 to an. Alwa2+ on the +*de of the /nder do, I re+ented 2 +e+ plac*neer2 e*l at the door of the ale. I po*nted o/t that *f he were reall2 a+ reat a +*nnera+ he wa+ e*n pa*nted 2 the lad*e+, woan +hared the re+pon+**l*t2 w*th h*. Theother *+ the f*r+t *nfl/ence *n h*+ l*fe, the f*r+t to c/lt*ate h*+ conce*t and +elf6*portance. *+ter+ and w*e+ follow *n the other+ foot+tep+, not to ent*on*+tre++e+, who coplete the work e/n 2 the other. !oan *+ nat/rall2

    perer+e, I ar/ed fro the er2 *rth of her ale ch*ld /nt*l he reache+ a r*pe ae,the other leae+ noth*n /ndone to keep h* t*ed to her. Yet +he hate+ to +ee h*weak and +he crae+ the anl2 an. he *dol*-e+ *n h* the er2 tra*t+ that help to

    en+lae her 66 h*+ +trenth, h*+ eot*+, and h*+ eaerated an*t2. The*ncon+*+tenc*e+ of 2 +e keep the poor ale danl*n etween the *dol and the r/te,the darl*n and the ea+t, the helple++ ch*ld and the con>/eror of world+. It *+ reall2woan+ *nh/an*t2 to an that ake+ h* what he *+. !hen +he ha+ learned to e a++elf6centred and a+ deter*ned a+ he, when +he a*n+ the co/rae to dele *nto l*fe a+he doe+ and pa2 the pr*ce for *t, +he w*ll ach*ee her l*erat*on, and *nc*dentall2 al+ohelp h* ecoe free. !here/pon 2 woen hearer+ wo/ld r*+e /p aa*n+t e andcr2: 5 Yo/re a an+ woan and not one of /+.5

    %/r eper*ence *n an $*eo two 2ear+ pre*o/+l2, *n 1913, had eerted the +aeeffect on e a+ the n*ht r*de *n 191 had on (en. I wa+ +et on ret/rn*n to del*er 2

    +/ppre++ed lect/re. In 1914 one of o/r fr*end+ had one to an $*eo to tr2 to +ec/re ahall. The +oc*al*+t+, who had the*r own place, ref/+ed to hae an2th*n to do w*th e.


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    %ther rad*cal ro/p+ were e>/all2 rae, +o that 2 plan had to e aandoned. %nl2teporar*l2, I had pro*+ed 2+elf, howeer.

    Th*+ 2ear, 191F, I wa+ fort/nate *n ha*n to deal w*th real en *n+tead of w*there apolo*e+ *n ale att*re. %ne of the wa+ @eore "dward+, the /+*c*an who

    had offered /+ the Con+erator2 of )/+*c on the occa+*on of o/r f*r+t tro/le w*th the**lante+. The other wa+ $r. A. L2le de ;arnette, a (apt*+t *n*+ter who had re+*nedfro the Ch/rch and had fo/nded the %pen or/. "dward+ had ecoe a thoro/hanarch*+t who deoted h*+ t*e and a*l*t*e+ to the oeent. 8e had +et to /+*colta*r*ne de Cle2re+ The 8/rr*cane, %l*e chre*ner+ $rea of !*ld (ee+, and5The @rand In>/*+*tor5 fro $o+to2e+k2+ (rother+ Karaa-o. Now he wa+deter*ned to help e coe ack to an $*eo and e+tal*+h the r*ht of free +peechthere. $r. ;arnette had oran*-ed the %pen or/ a+ a prote+t aa*n+t **lante+/ppre++*on. The a++oc*at*on had +*nce rown *nto a lare and *tal od2.Arraneent+ were ade for e to del*er three lect/re+ there, *n an attept to reakthe an $*eo con+p*rac2.

    The recentl2 elected a2or of the c*t2, rep/ted to e a l*eral, had a++/red the %penor/ that I wo/ld e allowed to +peak, and that no **lante *nterference wo/ld e

    per*tted. It wa+ a new tone for an $*eo, proal2 d/e to the c*rc/+tance that *t+epo+*t*on had reatl2 +/ffered a+ a re+/lt of the three62ear o2cott. (/t o/r forereper*ence+ *n the c*t2 d*d not 7/+t*f2 too /ch tr/+t *n off*c*al declarat*on+. !e

    preferred to prepare o/r+ele+ for po++*le eerenc*e+.

    I had lon efore dec*ded that I wo/ld ret/rn to an $*eo w*tho/t (en. I hadplanned to o alone, /t fort/natel2 a+ha wa+ *n Lo+ Anele+ at the t*e. I knew Ico/ld co/nt on h*+ po*+e *n a d*ff*c/lt +*t/at*on and on h*+ /tter fearle++ne++ *n the faceof the rae+t daner. a+ha and 2 roant*c ad*rer Leon (a++ left for an $*eotwo da2+ ahead of e to look oer the f*eld. Accopan*ed 2 *t-* and (en Cape+, Ideparted >/*etl2 fro Lo+ Anele+ *n an a/to. Near*n the **lante c*t2, the p*ct/reof (en +/rro/nded 2 fo/rteen th/+ ro+e efore e. The2 had coered the +aero/te, w*th (en at the erc2 of +aae+ who were eat*n and h/*l*at*n h*. Ith

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