lifestyle reset system guide

Post on 29-Dec-2021






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TABLE OF CONTENTSForeword 4Paul Rogers, PrimeMyBody CEO & Founder

Welcome To Your ONE80 5

Defining Your Motivation 7

Launching Your Lifestyle Reset 9

Commitment Is Key 10

Leaning On The ONE80 Community 11

Lifestyle Change 12

Meet Your ONE80 Supplements 14

ONE80 Phases Introduction 17

PHASE 1: Fat Loading 18

PHASE 2: Fat Burning 22

PHASE 3: Maintenance 28

ONE80 Daily Tracking Journal 34

forewordIn 2017, before one of PrimeMyBody’s national events, my wife and I were in a place in our lives where we needed to lose weight and get refocused on our health. She was working very hard in a business she started, and I had started the introduction of CBD and hemp-based products here at PrimeMyBody. Life, to say the least, was insane for both of us. And when life gets insane, we all know the weight goes up and our health goes down. My wife and I did the system you will be doing and we had phenomenal success. I lost 26 pounds, my wife lost 19 pounds, and we were both able to keep the weight off and under control for quite a while. So I know very personally that this system works.In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, I read reports and noticed the increases in depression, anxiety, and weight gain worldwide, myself included. It was then that I began looking for a new weight management and lifestyle reset system that could help alleviate these issues for our Affiliates and Customers. Our lead marketer, John Taylor, was very passionate about it as well. I knew we had to find the right system for PrimeMyBody. What I did not realize at that point was that there was a possibility that we could acquire the system that I had had success using three years prior. I was then introduced to the creators of the system, Becky and Kevin Kempton. We began discussions,

and early in 2021 we acquired all of the intellectual property of the system, a system that’s helped thousands of people to have the type of body transformation success that I enjoyed three years ago. I love this system because it is not a pill, which is ridiculous and a pipe dream for sustainable weight loss. This is a complete system—a behavioral modification system with evidence-based supplements that help protect the muscle and burn through the fat. I knew as we introduced ONE80, it would help people get their lives, health, and minds back from the fire that was COVID 2020. Because we have such a strong community and team-oriented, service-based culture here at PrimeMyBody, no one will be going through their ONE80 alone. It will be a team effort of support and encouragement with a proven system that works.Thank you, Becky and Kevin, for creating this system. I thank you for having the vision that allowed PrimeMyBody to acquire it and fulfill your goal and mine, which is taking ONE80 to the masses and changing people’s lives all over the world. Enjoy your ONE80 journey because I know it has the power to change your life as it did mine.

Paul Rogers PrimeMyBody Founder & CEO


Reset Your Body, Mind, & Spirit in 30 Days


Welcome to your ONE80! It can be distressing when your weight and self-perception are not where you want them to be. We’ve been where you are. We know what it feels like to be discouraged by unhealthy habits, to sabotage self-care expectations, and to be burdened by unwanted weight and the emotional stress that accompanies it. We also know that with the ONE80 Lifestyle Reset System and your steadfast commitment, a long-term lifestyle of better health is achievable.

In a society that sadly doesn’t prioritize optimal health enough, YOU are about to become an outlier who will soon celebrate and confidently share the gratifying results of resetting your lifestyle physically, emotionally, and mentally. As you embark on your ONE80, free yourself of any shame or insecurities you may be carrying. Now is the time to take ownership of your weight loss and lifestyle goals and embrace the positive transformations that are on the horizon.


the most advanced lifestyle reset system in the worldBased on decades of scientific nutritional research and featuring the highest quality wellness supplements, ONE80 is proven to create the physical, mental, and emotional changes that are critical for maintaining amazing long-term health results. Combined with your commitment to the phases of the system, and with the encouragement and support of our exclusive ONE80 community, you will soon step confidently into a lifestyle of total-body harmony.

When the ONE80 Lifestyle Reset System is followed meticulously and authentically you can expect:

• Healthy fat burn & weight loss• Optimal total-body detoxification• Increased metabolism• Holistic digestive cleansing• Better appetite control• Emotional & mental balance• Energy improvement

Whether you seek a total-body reset and detox, have unwanted weight to release, or simply want to feel healthier, happier, and more energized, ONE80 will not only turn your life around in 30 days, it will also provide a foundation of great health you can build your renewed lifestyle on. What are you waiting for? Let’s Get Started!

Average Weight Loss in 30 Days: women18-25lbs+ & men 25-35lbs+

Results are unique to each individual.


defining your motivation

You have your own story, your own unique reasons, and motivations for wanting to transform your lifestyle, body

appearance, and wellness habits. Deep down you hold an image or idea of who you want to be or want to get back

to being. ONE80 gives you the opportunity to use your external and internal motivations to change your health and appearance so that the next chapter of your story is one you

are thrilled to write, read, and share.The motivation for losing weight means different things to

different people. For some, motivation comes from extrinsic (external) sources like fitting into your ideal dress or pant

size or perhaps hitting a certain weight for an upcoming trip or celebratory occasion. For others, motivation is fueled by

intrinsic (internal) sources, like the sense of accomplishment when you hit your goals or wanting to free yourself of insecurities that arise when health and weight suffer.

Whether you have 10 or 100 pounds to lose, the ONE80 Lifestyle Reset System is your answer to releasing extra

weight, flushing harmful toxins, and correcting poor nutritional habits that have kept you from enjoying life to its

fullest.Because releasing weight and getting fit is just as much

of a mental endeavor as it is physical, we suggest writing down your motivations prior to beginning your ONE80. Once

complete, keep this list handy so you remain inspired—especially when retreating back to old habits may seem



What are your external motivations for completing your ONE80?(e.g., doctor recommendation, upcoming vacation, wedding, or reunion)

What are your personal reasons for completing your ONE80?(e.g., increase self-esteem and confidence, improve appetite control)

To experience the full joys of resetting your weight and lifestyle, we suggest writing down what it is you’re looking to accomplish and why.

1. How long have you been wanting to lose your extra weight?

2. Have you been burdened by a traumatic experience that has negatively impacted your health and lifestyle? (e.g., death in the family, divorce, serious injury or surgery)

3. What is your overall ONE80 goal?

4. Why is this goal important to you?

5. How are you going to accomplish this goal?

To keep your motivation high, we suggest setting micro goals to accomplish throughout your ONE80. These small, incremental goals may be losing 1-2 pounds per week or staying committed to the nutritional and calorie guidelines on a daily basis.

Interactive VideosTo enhance your ONE80 experience, we've placed QR codes throughout the guide. For more information, take your smartphone out, scan the code with your camera and follow the link to view the's that simple!


Launching Your Lifestyle Reset

As with everything worthwhile in life, it‘s important to make a master plan to achieve maximum success! There are some important things to understand and required items to prepare before you begin your ONE80. Here is the list of required items you‘ll need to accurately measure your food and chart your progress. These items are ESSENTIAL to your ONE80 success.

A digital bathroom scale is necessary. You‘ll be recording your weight first thing each morning in the ONE80 Daily Tracking Journal provided in the back of this booklet. Using the same scale is important for accurate results.

Digital food/postal scale for weighing protein portions in grams. Spring-loaded scales or basic food scales have been found to not be as accurate as digital scales. Consistent portion sizing is critical.

Body tape measure to track your body measurements throughout your ONE80. When measuring yourself, please be mindful to wear tight-fitting clothing.Your Daily Tracking Journal has valuable tools to help you set goals and track your success. It is crucial to engage in the goal-setting steps and journal your progress daily!

Containers to store prepared measured proteins. Food storage containers, ziplock bags, aluminum foil, or other containers simplify meal planning. We encourage you to prepare all the proteins needed for the next 30 days and have them easily available at all times. To view our ONE80 Quick Start & Meal Prep Instructions scan the QR code above.

ONE80 nutritional supplements are essential during each phase of your ONE80. For best results please follow the ONE80 daily supplement schedule charts found on pages 18, 22, and 28.


“If you want to take the island, then burn your boats. With absolute commitment comes the insights that create real victory.” Tony Robbins

commitment is keyWe call on you to make a pact with yourself to say yes to feeling better, to letting go of bad patterns, to eating well, resetting your body, thinking positively, and stepping into the lifestyle of wellness you deserve. This is your time to take the lessons you’ve learned in the past and apply them to this system. This is the moment to transform the visualization of the person you want to be into reality.Following the path of least resistance may be easier, but deep down you know it won’t make you happier and more fulfilled. Great change requires commitment and because of that, we’re going to be straight with you. In order for your ONE80 to be effective, you have to be 100% committed. Throughout your ONE80 there are going to be plenty of moments of joy and achievement. There are also going to be times of personal struggle that may trigger you to retreat to unhealthy patterns. For these moments, it’s key to keep your motivations for starting your ONE80 at the forefront of your mind. For this system to work effectively, you have to balance discipline and willpower with the acceptance that your previous lifestyle and habits were holding you back from your true self.How committed are you to breaking the habits that are holding you back, that have gotten you ill, that irk you mentally, and bother you physically?


Leaning On The one80 Community

The ONE80 Community is a vital part of what makes the ONE80 Lifestyle Reset System so effective. What started as a small trial group of PrimeMyBody Affiliates has quickly grown to hundreds of Affiliates and Customers who are there to support and encourage one another through each phase of the ONE80 Lifestyle Reset System and beyond. The ONE80 Community members have been where you are. They’ve struggled with their own physical and emotional health issues, whether it be from unwanted weight, low self-esteem, and insecurities, or a desire to change their habits for the better. A tight-knit family of people from all walks of life, the ONE80 Community is here to help you work through frustrations and mental obstacles, share experiences and delicious recipes, and most importantly celebrate milestones.

The ONE80 Online CommunityBefore starting your ONE80, we recommend joining the ONE80 Community Facebook Group. This exclusive group is a collaborative space to share your journey, to have questions answered, concerns addressed, to work together through struggles, and celebrate all the amazing ONE80 milestones along the way. Scan the QR code above to gain access to our supportive online community.

Your System SupportModerating our ONE80 Facebook group is a team of ONE80 coaches who are happy to answer any questions you may have about the supplements, ONE80 system phases, and nutritional plan. Posts and comments can only be viewed by members of the ONE80 Community group.


changeSometimes, making a significant change and breaking bad habits can

feel impossible. You probably know someone, or perhaps you have experienced losing a significant amount of weight yourself, only to

gain it all back again. If you only address the physical aspect of weight loss, you are more likely to regain the weight lost.

As you follow the phases of this system many emotions are bound to surface. With each pound you lose you can expect to feel joy

and elation. But at times throughout your ONE80, you may also feel frustration, anger, or stress that stems from giving up the foods you crave and staying committed to the guidelines of the system. These surfacing emotions indicate subconscious connections to food that have sabotaged your lifestyle, health, and weight loss efforts in the

past.To achieve permanent results it’s important to address every aspect of wellness. As you watch your physical body transform to a leaner,

healthier shape, you will find it extremely beneficial to recognize the emotional connections you have toward food. Determination to achieve permanent results will require some work on your part.

Releasing the mental, emotional, and spiritual weight that you have been carrying is a key component for long-term results.

With the ONE80 Lifestyle Reset System, you are never alone! Our ONE80 Community members and coaches are happy to assist in

identifying things that have held you back in the past and are here to answer questions that will help you along your ONE80 transformation

journey. Areas of support include:

✅ Daily/Weekly ONE80 Email Journey ✅✅ ONE80 Community Facebook Group ✅

✅ Affiliate Upline Support ✅✅ PrimeMyBody ONE80 FAQs ✅



Included in your ONE80 Lifestyle Reset System is a suite of advanced supplements that each serve a specific purpose in

helping you to achieve maximum results over the course of your ONE80. In the ONE80 Phases of this booklet we’ve included easy-to-follow charts so you know exactly which products to take and

when to take them throughout the day.


VIBE Fat Burner + DetoxVIBE is the nucleus or cornerstone supplement that the ONE80 Lifestyle Reset System revolves around.Using vibrational signatures from the Earth’s finest herbs and botanicals, VIBE’s proprietary formula biohacks the body’s ability to accelerate healthy fat burn, protect muscle, aid appetite control, and boost natural energy during a low-calorie nutrition schedule.

How Does VIBE Work?For many people, unhealthy nutritional routines, including when, what, and how much they eat, puts the body into a catabolic state. To protect itself during this common occurrence, the body stores vital nutrient and energy resources in fat and triggers cannibalizing responses that feed off

muscle. Mimicking natural vibrational frequencies, VIBE biohacks fat burning processes—signaling the body to reverse course to preserve muscle mass and consume unwanted fat.

What are Vibrational Signatures?Proven science has established that all life vibrates at a particular frequency on a subatomic level. Higher frequencies are associated with good health, while lower frequencies with poorer health. When your frequency is higher, you are more likely to feel healthy and fit. VIBE contains high vibrational signatures of the Earth’s best herbs and botanicals known to work with the body in preserving muscle, burning fat, suppressing appetite, and improving metabolism.

Meet Your ONE80 Supplements

These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. Please check with your

healthcare provider if you have a pre-existing condition.14

LEAN Metabolic BoosterThere are many body processes that must work together in order to reset weight sustainably. LEAN Metabolic Booster supports each of the body’s requirements to burn fat effectively and sustain healthy weight levels. LEAN’s blend of proven plant-based extracts and compounds optimize peak metabolic performance, activates thermogenic fat burning, decreases fat storage, increases fullness and minimizes hunger, and improves lean body mass. In addition, LEAN’s specialized formula provides the necessary energy you’ll need when you may feel fatigued in between meals. A fundamental component of the ONE80 system, you will use LEAN throughout the Fat Burning and Maintenance phases and may continue using it after you’ve completed the system to help maintain optimal weight and metabolism rates.

CALM Rest & Relax Hemp ExtractIn case you may not know, stress, inadequate sleep, and weight loss do not mix. The constant release of stress hormones, like cortisol, have negative impacts on detoxification and your body’s ability to lose and maintain healthy weight. That’s where CALM comes in. Crafted with a blend of the highest quality cannabinoids, herbal relaxers, and neurotransmitter adaptogens, this rest & relax hemp extract will lessen stress during your ONE80 and promote all-natural, restorative sleep by night.

These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. Please check with your healthcare provider if you have a pre-existing condition.



For sustainable weight loss results, a lifestyle of clean, responsible eating, optimal hydration, and moderate physical activity is necessary for the system's suite of reset products to work at their best during your ONE80.

✅ Multi-Vitamin ✅ Probiotic ✅ Vitamin D3 ✅ Glutathione ✅ Binder for detox

✅ Apple cider vinegar (for gut health) ✅ FOCUS Mind & Body Hemp Extract ✅ SHIELD Immune Supporting Hemp Extract

✅ PRIME Protein Superfood


A signature product of the PrimeMyBody Nutritional line, CORE is a dynamic nitric oxide booster that features the power of CBD to maximize oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood flow, stimulate much-needed natural energy, and aids the effective flushing of toxins from the body. One of the many advantages of using CORE during your ONE80 is that better blood flow to the gut helps to restore the natural balance of gut bacteria that is known to aid digestion and weight loss.

We highly recommend using a multi-vitamin and probiotic supplement during your ONE80. The other supplements listed below can enhance your lifestyle reset; however, they are not necessary to complete the system.

These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. Please check with your

healthcare provider if you have a pre-existing condition.ONE80 LIFESTYLE RESET SYSTEM16

These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. Please check with your

healthcare provider if you have a pre-existing condition.17ONE80 LIFESTYLE RESET SYSTEM

Phases IntroductionThe ONE80 Lifestyle Reset System consists of three distinct phases. Each phase includes specific nutrition guidelines and a supplement regimen using the ONE80 suite of reset products. We’ve included a helpful supplement schedule chart at the beginning of each phase, so you know exactly which ONE80 supplements to take and what time of day is best to take them.Working in unison, each ONE80 phase serves an important purpose of preparing for, achieving, and maintaining the healthy weight and wellness goals you’ve set out for yourself. Here are a few important items to consider before you begin your ONE80.

Choosing Your Start DateBecause of the specific structure of the ONE80 phases, the time you choose to start is very important. There are several determining factors to consider to ensure the best possible results:1. Determine the 30-day period that you can commit to the phase

structure of the system. Life‘s always busy, so please be mindful of upcoming life events when figuring out your start date.

2. To get off to a good start it‘s best to have at least two days off from work and/or free from distraction in order for Phase 1: Fat Loading to be effective.

3. Women, it‘s important to start immediately after your monthly cycle ends OR at least two weeks before you know it‘s going to start. We’ll cover more on ONE80 and menstrual cycles in the Phase 2: Fat Burning chapter.

Women & Menstrual CyclesWhat do you do if your cycle begins during your ONE80 reset? Scan the QR code to better understand how to navigate your ONE80 during a menstrual cycle.


Phase 1Fat Loading DAY 1-2

The fun phase, during Phase 1: Fat Loading your goal is to rapidly gain five (5) pounds in two days. To do this you are required to eat large quantities of high-fat, high-calorie foods. While this may sound counterproductive for weight loss and detoxification, loading is what triggers efficient fat burning processes by initiating the body’s metabolic response mechanisms to burn stored fat and protect muscle.Now is the time to indulge and satisfy cravings for the high-fat snacks, appetizers, entrees, and desserts you love most. Phase 1: Fat Loading can be viewed as your final goodbyes to high-fat, high-calorie foods before the strict nutrition guidelines of Phase 2: Fat Burning begin.

*Do not take LEAN Metabolic Booster during PHASE 1.1Take CALM Rest & Relax Hemp Extract as needed throughout the day for stress management and quality sleep.2CORE Nitric Oxide Booster + Hemp is recommended to assist with detoxification and additional energy; however, is not needed to complete the ONE80 System.


Upon Waking Up 1 Serving (10 drops) * .25-0.5mL 1 Stick Pack

Mid-Morning - * - -

15-30 Minutes Before Lunch

1 Serving (10 drops) * .25-0.5mL 1 Stick Pack

Midday/Afternoon - * - -

15-30 Minutes Before Dinner

1 Serving (10 drops) * .25-0.5mL 1 Stick Pack

45-60 Minutes Before Bed - * .25-0.5mL -


Phase 1: Fat Loading Eating ScheduleThese are not required foods, but suggestions for high-fat, high-calorie food options. Please feel free to customize your Fat Loading menu based on your favorite high-fat, high-calorie food cravings. Scan the QR code on page 18 to view our fat loading sample menu. The more you load, the more you will burn during Phase 2!

Lunch & Dinner



• Cheese and Meat Omelets• Biscuits with Sausage Gravy• Eggs Benedict with Hollandaise

Sauce• Pastries and Donuts

• Fruit with Heavy Whipping Cream

• Fried Potatoes• Package of Bacon or Sausage• Whole Fat Yogurt with Granola

• Cheeseburgers with Fries• Hot Dogs/Chili Cheese Dogs• Enchiladas with Cheese, Sour

Cream & Guacamole• Pizza (extra meat and cheese)• Bacon Cheeseburgers

• Carne Asada Fries• Thick Ice Cream Shake• BLT Salad: Greens, bacon,

avocado, cheese, full-fat dressing

• Cookies• Ice Cream• Cheesecake• Nachos

• Cheese• Nuts• Peanut Butter• Potato Chips

• Chocolate• Cookies & Cake

Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner Snack

100g/fat 3,000-4,000calories 100g/fat 3,000-4,000

calories 100g/fat 3,000-4,000calories

If you know that your body doesn’t handle consuming fat well due to a specific medical condition such as gallbladder problems, please discuss this with your healthcare provider for a possible solution. We also highly recommend that you consult with your physician

prior to beginning this system.

Effective Fat LoadingIt is very important to focus on eating foods that are high in fat and calories. Don’t be confused by foods that are associated with making you fat, such as foods high in sugar or high in carbohydrates like bread, pasta, and rice. Focus instead on foods with high fat content during loading. Fat is the main goal – not sugar (although they are often found together). During Phase 1: Fat Loading it is not uncommon to eat between 7,000 to 12,000 calories and over 350 grams of fat each day. For instance, one slice of pepperoni pizza at a popular wholesale outlet has approximately 718 calories and 33.5 grams of fat. You’ll notice how those fat grams and calories will quickly add up.

How Fat Loading Benefits Weight LossBecause of busy, high-stress lifestyles many adults are overweight and in less than ideal health because they skip morning and daytime meals, regularly yo-yo diet, eat on the run, and often consume fast food or take-out meals. Any of these sound familiar? These behaviors throw metabolism out of balance when we overindulge at dinner, late-night, or during downtime on the weekends. Behaviors such as these are referred to as “feast or famine”. Your body stores fat during the feast to prepare itself for the next famine. These unhealthy eating habits are known to stress out hormones and lower metabolism.The fat that is already stored and what you’ll be adding during Phase 1: Fat Loading is EXACTLY the fat you want to lose most, the fat the body will then target during Phase 2: Fat Burning. With an influx of fats, the body will feel safe letting go of it. For the best results make sure you understand and follow the Phase 1: Fat Loading instructions correctly! Start the VIBE Drops during Fat Loading to assure your brain and body it’s safe to flip the fat-burning switch on. If not followed correctly your body will be very cautious about burning fat during Phase 2: Fat Burning.


Skipping meals, eating on the run, and continually dieting can shut down a healthy metabolism, which encourages the body to store abnormal body fat.fact

PHASE 1: Fat Loading Facts• Fat loading encourages your body to burn fat instead of muscle

while on your reduced calorie schedule in Phase 2: Fat Burning.• Fat loading forces your body to replenish your healthy fat reserves

that may have been depleted from previous dieting and skipping meals.

• Fat loading keeps you from feeling hungry while on Phase 2: Fat Burning.

• If fat loading is not done properly you can expect to lose only half the weight experienced by those who have fat loaded sufficiently.

ADD MORE FAT LOADING DAYS IF…You may need to increase the number of fat loading days if you have had surgery that limits the amount of food you are able to consume at one time. For example, Gastric Bypass or Lap Band, etc. In these instances, we suggest loading for 4-5 days.You may need to increase the number of fat loading days if you have been restricting your calories within the last year prior to starting your ONE80. This does not include those who have previously completed the system.IF after loading for two days you DO NOT gain 5 pounds we advise you to continue Fat Loading for 2-3 days and voice your questions and/or concerns in the ONE80 Community Facebook Group.Occasionally, some people who have fat loaded correctly will actually lose weight. This generally happens to people who are continually dieting or limiting fat calories. Their body is happy to finally be eating an abundance of high fat! If you experience this, simply load for an additional day to be sure you’re on track for optimal results. Then move ahead to Phase 2: Fat Burning with confidence.

Side Benefits of Phase 1: Fat LoadingAs you begin to read labels to optimize your fat loading requirement, you’ll gain further awareness about the nutritional value of specific foods. People are amazed when they see the actual calorie and fat content per serving of some of their favorite foods. These observations support you in making healthier choices long-term and in maintaining your new healthy lifestyle during and after your ONE80.



Phase 2 Fat burning DAY 3-30As Phase 1: Fat Loading is the fun phase, Phase 2: Fat Burning is the most rewarding. Day-by-day, week-by-week, if you follow the supplement and nutrition plan meticulously you’re going to see and feel positive weight loss and detoxification results.During the entirety of Phase 2: Fat Burning it’s important to consume all of your nutrient-rich meals and snacks within an eight (8) hour period each day. This restrictive eating schedule improves gut health and aids the metabolism, detoxification, and cleansing processes. An example of an eating schedule during Phase 2: Fat Burning includes: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. or 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Approved drinks may be consumed at any time throughout the day or night.

We understand that life and schedules don’t always go according to plan. If you happen to miss a supplement session, you may make it up later in the day or continue as scheduled the following day.

At your discretion, take 1 (1mL) serving of PrimeMyBody’s FOCUS Mind & Body Hemp Extract during the morning and/or SHIELD Immune-Supporting Hemp Extract in the afternoon.1Take CALM Rest & Relax Hemp Extract as needed throughout the day for stress management and quality sleep.2CORE Nitric Oxide Booster + CBD is recommended to assist with detoxification and additional energy; however, is not needed to complete the ONE80 System.


Upon Waking Up 1 Serving (10 drops) 1 Serving .25-0.5mL 1 Stick Pack

Mid-Morning - - - -

15-30 Minutes Before Lunch

1 Serving (10 drops) 1 Serving .25-0.5mL 1 Stick Pack

Midday/Afternoon - - - -

15-30 Minutes Before Dinner

1 Serving (10 drops) - .25-0.5mL 1 Stick Pack

45-60 Minutes Before Bed - - .25-0.5mL -


Phase 2: Fat Burning Nutrition & Meal Plan

These meals should be eaten daily during Phase 2 as follows with variations noted. Following the nutritional meal plan below, you will find approved food lists on pages 24 & 25.

Breakfast• Water or Herbal Tea (drink 1/3 gallon by lunch)

Lunch• 100 grams of protein (raw weight) from list• One serving of vegetable from list• One serving of fruit from list• Optional: ONE PIECE of Melba toast (not one serving)• Water or Herbal Tea (drink 1/3 gallon by dinner)

Dinner• 100 grams of protein (raw weight) from list• One serving of vegetable from list• One serving of fruit from list• Optional: ONE PIECE of Melba toast (not one serving)

Snacks• Two (2) fruits from the ONE80 Food List may be eaten daily either as a

snack OR with meals, not both. LIMIT TWO FRUITS PER DAY ONLY.• Water or Herbal Tea (drink 1/3 gallon by bedtime)

Hydration• Make sure to drink a minimum of one (1) gallon of water (or a combination

of water and herbal tea) per day during Phase 2: Fat Burning. Drinking a gallon daily assists your body in flushing fat and toxins and helps suppress hunger.

For simplicity, scan the QR code above for our Phase 2: Fat Burning sample menu and recipes.

Approved FAT BURNING foods & INGREDIENTSPROTEINS100 grams (4 oz) of lean protein weighed raw on a digital postal scale for accuracy. All visible fat must be removed prior to weighing. Different protein choices should be made for each meal daily.


Generally, vegetarians’ overall weight loss results may be half of what meat-eaters experience due to the additional carbohydrate and healthy fat (oil) content found in vegetarian proteins.


Generally, vegans’ overall weight loss results may be half of what meat-eaters experience due to the additional carbohydrate and healthy fat (oil) content found in vegan proteins.

• Chicken breast• Beef 93% Lean• Venison• Buffalo• Veal• Lobster

• Crab• Shrimp• Fresh White Fish• Tilapia, Haddock,

Pollack, Cod, Sole, Halibut, Flounder,

Sea Bass (not Chilean Sea Bass)

• PRIME Protein (1 scoop)

• 8 oz. Skim Milk• 1 XL whole egg + 3

XL egg whites• 4 oz. non-fat cottage

cheese or plain yogurt

• PRIME Protein (1 scoop)

• Plant-based or egg white protein powders with no fat or added sugar (100 calories)

• Beyond Burger or Impossible Burger

• 100 grams of fish as listed above

• Soy milk if no sugar added

• Tofu

• PRIME Protein (1 scoop)

• Plant-based protein powders with no fat or added sugar (100 calories)

• Tempeh (2.5oz)• Tofu• Brussel sprouts• Edamame• Broccoli• Artichokes

• Snow peas• Tempeh (fermented

soybeans)• Green peas• White mushrooms

*These protein options are not recommended for anybody but vegetarians and vegans.


FRESH VEGETABLESChoose ONE single vegetable from the list below per meal. Use fresh or frozen vegetables, not canned. No mixing of vegetables is allowed, with the exception of tomato, which may also be counted as a fruit. Choose a minimum of 3 vegetables and rotate methodically for optimal results.

FRESH FRUITOne piece of fresh fruit is allowed twice a day. Size does not matter. Rotate choices methodically. Tomato may be substituted as a fruit.


• Tomatoes (1.5 cups)• Cabbage (2 cups)• Asparagus (2 cups)• Onions (1 cup)• Celery (3 cups)• Cucumbers (300g)

• Radishes (2 cups)• Romaine (3 cups)• Spinach (3 cups)• Leaf Lettuces (3 cups)• Arugula (3 cups)• Butterhead (3 cups)

• Boston Bibb (3 cups)• Chicory (3 cups)• Swiss Chard (3 cups)• Beet Greens (3 cups)• Kale (3 cups)• Watercress (3 cups)

• 1 Apple• 1 Orange

• ½ Grapefruit• 6 oz. of Fresh Strawberries

• Any seasoning or herb that does not contain added sugar or starch: Includes fresh garlic, onion, cilantro, jalapeno, pepperoncini, lime wedge, etc. sparingly

• Juice of 1 lemon daily• One TBSP Skim milk

or Greek Yogurt• Walden Farms Salad Dressings in


• Coffee & Tea (using caffeine may decrease weight loss by 50%)

• One piece of Melba Toast OR ⅓ WASA Cracker per meal

• NATURAL SWEETENERS (must be calorie-free)

• Stevia drops or powder• Monk fruit• Xylitol sweetener

For best results, you must mix up your food choices daily. Eating the same few foods over and over will slow your weight loss dramatically. Using the list of approved foods, choose at least 3 of your favorites from each category and alternate them regularly. The more you alternate your choices in each food group the more significant your results will be. For additional Phase 2 Fat Burning tips, scan the QR code!


What To Expect During Phase 2: Fat BurningPhase 2: Fat Burning puts the body and mind through a lot of changes. Most notably, transitioning from an extremely high-fat, high-calorie menu to a restrictive, low-calorie menu. Be patient with the feelings and emotions you may experience as your body is going through this period of adjustment. Here are a few normal adjustments you may experience the first week.

The majority of these side effects should resolve within a few days, and by day six of Phase 2: Fat Burning you should feel much better. If you experience more than noticeable hunger before meals the first few days, check in with the ONE80 Community Group Coaches on Facebook. The amount of VIBE taken during the day may need to be adjusted.

Detoxification & ConstipationDuring your ONE80 you will experience a release of toxins which are stored throughout your body, including in body fat and in the colon. Because of this, slow moving bowels or

constipation is quite common. Scan the QR code to learn how you can naturally flush and detoxify the body.

🔺 Hunger 🔺 Light-headedness 🔺 Weakness 🔺 Headaches

🔺 Crankiness and irritability 🔺 Intestinal and/or bowel movement changes

Activity & Exercise During Phase 2It’s important to NOT over-exercise during this phase. During workouts and activity, you will want to keep your heart rate at an average of 120bpm (beats per minute) and no higher than 130bpm. Throughout Phase 2, it is best to focus more on movement activities like walking, biking, yoga, tai chi, and similar activities that limit the release of certain hormones like cortisol that can limit effective weight loss and detoxification.


Eating JournalVisit page 36 to keep an accurate record of what you are eating throughout each day and when. This journal should also include your thoughts about your progress and how you’re feeling. Be sure to keep up with your journal throughout your ONE80! It will be the first place to look for answers if you’re ever struggling during your ONE80.

Setting the Tone for Optimal Weight LossThe first week sets the pace for your ONE80. Your weight loss should be VERY significant the first week and then taper off to about one (1) pound per day on average by day seven (7) and beyond. It is not uncommon for some people to lose up to 12 pounds or more the first week. Fat Loading weight should come off completely within the first few days during Phase 2: Fat Burning. If you lose less than 7 pounds BY DAY 7, contact a ONE80 Community Group coach on Facebook. You may need to make minor adjustments at this point to increase your overall results.

Drinking a gallon of water daily assists your body in flushing fat & toxins. Drinking suppresses hunger. The body can’t tell the difference between being dehydrated & being hungry; so drink up!

It is almost impossible to catch up if you get off to a slow start. Low weight loss the first week is almost always due to one or all of the following.

🔺 Not fat loading well (gaining under 4 pounds)

🔺 Not being prepared with specific meals

🔺 Not drinking enough liquids

Why Has My Weight Loss Stalled?Feeling stuck or stalled? Scan the QR code for a dose of confidence and a way to trick the body to release any retained fluids!



Phase 3 Maintenance DAY 31-72After the fun and rewards that come with Phase 1 and Phase 2, now is the time for maintenance—the most important phase of your ONE80. During Phase 3: Maintenance you will slowly reintroduce foods back into your nutrition schedule over the course of a six- week period. It is important to ease back into eating larger quantities and varieties of food in order to maintain your new lower weight.

🛑 Stop taking VIBE Fat Burner + Detox Drops

We understand that life and schedules don’t always go according to plan. If you happen to miss a supplement session, you may make it up later in the day or continue as scheduled the following day.

At your discretion, take 1 (1mL) serving of PrimeMyBody’s FOCUS Mind & Body Hemp Extract during the morning and/or SHIELD Immune-Supporting Hemp Extract in the afternoon.1Take CALM Rest & Relax Hemp Extract as needed throughout the day for stress management and quality sleep.2CORE Nitric Oxide Booster + Hemp is recommended to assist with detoxification and additional energy; however, is not needed to complete the ONE80 System.


Upon Waking Up - 1 Serving .25-0.5mL 1 Stick Pack

Mid-Morning - - - -

15-30 Minutes Before Lunch - 1 Serving .25-0.5mL 1 Stick Pack

Midday/Afternoon - - - -

15-30 Minutes Before Dinner - - .25-0.5mL 1 Stick Pack

45-60 Minutes Before Bed - - .25-0.5mL -


staying the course

After the success you’ve achieved following Phase 2: Fat Burning, sometimes it’s easy to relax and not follow the guidelines of Phase 3: Maintenance. If you do this, one mean trick your body will play on you is that it will pretend like cheating isn’t affecting you when in fact you are setting your metabolism up for a setback that results in weight gain and retoxification.Your long-term success begins by following Phase 3: Maintenance exactly as written. It is absolutely as important as the first two steps. Whatever caused you to gain unwanted weight prior to this system can happen again if you do not follow the Phase 3 guidelines and continue to make healthy lifestyle choices. When you follow the guidelines of Phase 3: Maintenance exactly, you will be amazed at the amount and types of foods you can eat and enjoy while maintaining the ideal weight and lifestyle you’ve built for yourself by completing your ONE80.

Maintenance PreparationStop taking VIBE after Day 30 and stay on the Phase 2: Fat Burning nutrition plan until the end of Day 33. On Day 32, circle your weight. This is the weight you should maintain. Even if you lose more on day 32 or 33, your new target weight to maintain is the final weight calculation on day 32. If you are not at your desired optimal weight yet, you will simply do another Phase 2: Fat Burning session AFTER completing the six-week maintenance phase. During Phase 3: Maintenance you may discontinue the daily 8-hour food consumption schedule and resume your normal daily eating schedule. You will also be increasing your daily calorie intake! To calculate your daily caloric intake during Phase 3: Maintenance, scan the QR code above to use our calorie calculator.

Maintenance Part A & B OverviewONE80 Maintenance Phase consists of two parts.

✅ Part A: For the first 21 days (Day 31-51) avoid ALL grains, starches and sugars.

✅ Part B: Day 52-72 you will gradually reintroduce grains, starches and sugars into your daily nutrition plan.

New Foods to AddAs you proceed through Phase 3: Maintenance you will be gradually increasing your portion sizes while adding more food variety. You will see below that many meals are the same as you have been eating, however, it is important to INCREASE THE PROTEIN AMOUNT. Scan the QR code above to review our Phase 3: Maintenance Part A sample menu.

PROTEINS• Steak• Dark Chicken Meat• Turkey• Salmon• Tuna • Pork



• Broccoli• Cauliflower• Salads• Squash• Green Beans

FRUITS• Berries• Pineapple• Kiwi• Peaches• Pomegranate

DAIRY• Eggs• Milk• Cheese

HEALTHY FATS• Nuts• Seeds• Oils

Maintenance Part A DAY 34-51

Day 34-40 you’ll mostly be sticking with the nutrition plan for Phase 2: Fat Burning, but gradually adding more calories. By transitioning more foods into your nutrition plan, your body has time to adjust and reset. Begin by increasing portion sizes and combining foods. By Day 40 you will be ready to add more foods from the Maintenance Food list below. This low carbohydrate nutrition plan helps the body enter ketosis—a metabolic state where stored fats are utilized for energy rather than consumed carbs. It’s of great importance to avoid ALL simple carbohydrates such as sugar, rice, bread, potatoes, pastries, starches, etc. during the first 21 days of Phase 3: Maintenance. You will gradually reintroduce these and other foods during Phase 3: Maintenance Part B.

Day 34-51: AVOID ALL grains, starches, and sugars.


Foods to Avoid ❌

• Coconut Oil• Safflower Oil• Avocado• Nuts*

• Meat• Dairy• Olive Oil• Butter

GRAINS• Breads• Rice• Beans• Legumes• Lentils • Pasta

VEGETABLES• Corn• Potatoes• Peas• Carrots• Jicama• Canned


FRUITS• Fruit Juices• Canned Fruit• Dried Fruit• Grapes• Bananas• Melons



Let’s Talk Healthy Fats & ProteinsEating healthy fats are nutritionally important to keep you hormonally balanced. These types of fats do not cause weight gain. Healthy fats are naturally found in:

You may have 2-3 servings of protein per day. Protein portion sizes should remain reasonable, not exceeding 4-6 oz. (125-170 grams) per serving. Your protein portions should resemble the size of a deck of cards or your fist. Your dinner plate should be about 10-20% protein and 80-90% vegetables at this time.*Use nuts sparingly, as nuts often cause weight control issues for some people. One serving of nuts is equivalent to a small handful (10-12) or 1Tbsp. of 100% natural peanut or almond butter. They are best eaten raw and unsalted.


25% Grains

25% protein

50% veggies

Maintenance Part b DAY 52-72

Day 52-72 you will gradually reintroduce grains, sugars, and starches into your nutrition routine.

✅ New Foods to Begin Adding

PROTEINS• Grains • Breads• Rice• Beans• Legumes• Lentils• Pasta

VEGETABLES• Corn• Potatoes• Peas• Carrots• Jicama• Canned


FRUITS• Fruit juices• Canned fruit• Dried fruit• Grapes• Bananas• Melons

MISC• Coffee• Alcohol (may

be consumed in moderation)

It is absolutely normal to incur weight fluctuations during the first week of maintenance. Remember, you're adding foods back into your nutrition plan, which may cause your weight to fluctuate. Scan the QR code above to review our Maintenance Part B sample menu.


REFINED SUGARS• White Cane Sugar• High Fructose Corn Syrup,

Crystalline Fructose & most forms of Agave Nectar

NATURAL FORMS OF SUGAR• Unprocessed/Unrefined Sugar

(sucanat, muscovado or rapadura, 100% Maple Syrup, Brown Rice Syrup & Honey)

StarchesStarchy foods react in the body just like sugar and therefore should be eaten in moderation. They should total about 15-20% of the content of your plate.

Whole GrainsWhole grains provide many vital nutrients like essential vitamins and minerals. You will need to read the ingredient list on all packages to determine if it is a whole grain food. Do not trust the advertised label. If it says ‘enriched’ it’s not a whole grain! You should include 3-5 servings of whole grains per day. A serving is equal to 6 ounces.

SugarsStevia is still recommended as often as possible. Only 25 grams of sugar is recommended daily. This includes fructose which is naturally occurring in fruit.

Avoid Processed & Refined Sugars ❌


transformation journalYour transformation journal is designed to help you achieve maximum success during your ONE80! Upon waking each morning, immediately after you use the restroom, weigh yourself on a digital bathroom scale and record your current weight. For accurate measurements, weigh yourself at the same time each morning.It is also important to keep accurate details of the foods you eat and the liquids you consume daily. Don't be shy...track everything! Be sure to take the time to write how you are feeling. Whether you feel great or if you're feeling exhausted or frustrated, write it down. Journaling your progress is a very helpful way to understand what is and what isn't working within your nutritional plan.Lastly, it is extremely important to have a great attitude and a clear understanding of where you are going, especially when you are working on creating new lifestyle habits. Don’t let anyone, not even you, sabotage your commitments to goals.

Check with your healthcare provider prior to beginning any weight management program or lifestyle change such as diet and/or exercise. Weight loss results are not guaranteed and ONE80 Coaches are not healthcare providers, personal trainers or nutritionists as they are not qualified to give medical advice. PrimeMyBody does not guarantee positive results. Results may vary and are based on individual body types.


my one80 progress

I believe that my ideal weight is _____lbs.

This will require a total of _____lbs to be released.

I am committing to release _____lbs over the next 30 days.

START WK 2 WK 4 WK 6 WK 8 WK 10 WK 12 WK 14 WK 16


















Weekly Progress TrackerFor accurate body measurement tracking throughout your ONE80 fill out the chart below using your body tape measure. After recording your measurements, be sure to share your transformation update with our ONE80 Online Community!


LOADING DAY 1 Date: Weight: Difference:





LOADING DAY 2 Date: Weight: Difference:





DAY 3 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 4 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:





DAY 5 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 6 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 7 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 8 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:





DAY 9 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 10 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 11 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 12 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:





DAY 13 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 14 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 15 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 16 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:





DAY 17 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 18 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 19 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 20 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:





DAY 21 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 22 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 23 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 24 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:





DAY 25 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 26 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 27 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 28 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:





DAY 29 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




DAY 30 Date: Weight: Difference:

Water Consumed: 32oz 64oz 128ozLunch:




Check with your healthcare provider prior to beginning any weight management program or lifestyle change such as diet and/or exercise. Weight loss results are not guaranteed and ONE80 Coaches are

not healthcare providers, personal trainers or nutritionists as they are not qualified to give medical advice. PrimeMyBody does not guarantee positive results. Results may vary and are based on

individual body types.


These products should only be used as directed on the label. They should not be used if you are pregnant or nursing. A doctor's advice should be sought before using this and any supplemental dietary product. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results are unique to each individual. Check with your healthcare provider before beginning any weight management program or lifestyle change such as diet and exercise. Weight loss results are not guaranteed. PrimeMyBody does not guarantee positive results. Results will vary and are based on individual body types. Coaches are not healthcare providers, personal trainers, or nutritionists. They are

not qualified to give medical advice.

© Copyright 2021 DMG, LLC.2810 Trinity Mills Rd, Suite 209-145, Carrollton Texas 75006V040721

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