
Post on 03-Dec-2015






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Reading 7a. The Miraval miracle. A unique resort and spa.

The benefits of massage have been well pointed out-señalados by

doctors around the world. A massage helps relieve-alivia pain

and stiffness-rigidez in the muscles and joints-articulaciones,

lowers-disminuye blood pressure and increases blood circulation

as well-tambien. Some people also believe that massages

promote-impulsa a healthy mind in a healthy body by helping-

ayudando you to relax and reduce your anxiety. I decided to put

the "miracle" massage to the test when the Miraval Spa and

Resort in Tucson, Arizona invited the editors of several-varios

magazines to spend a complimentary-de cortesia weekend there.

When I got to-llegue a Tucson, the Miraval Spa and Resort stood

out-se destaco like an oasis in the scorching-abrazador Arizona

desert. Its brightly colored-de colores brillantes buildings were

surrounded-rodeados by many palm trees and tropical flowers, a

sight-vista with which the bare-desnudas mountains in the distance

made a striking-llamativo contrast. I found it hard to believe

that this paradise existed there in the middle of the


The moment I stepped-entré into the spa, I was surrounded-rodeado

by a welcoming staff who were willing-dispuesto to cater for-

satisfacer my every need-todas mis necesidades. Before I even-incluso got a

chance-tuve la oportunidad to introduce myself-presentarme, I was led-fui

conducido to my luxury-lujo suite. When I opened the door of my

suite, I saw the marvelous-maravilloso view of the three-level

swimming pool, with its huge waterfall-cascada, and the desert

mountains in the background. It was hard not to rest-descansar

on the king-size bed and sleep right away-de inmediato, but I

decided to go straight-directo to the massage area.

The Miraval offers a variety of massages, including hot

stone massage and hydrotherapy. I decided on the hot stone

treatment. When I was on the massage table, I watched the

hot steam-vapor coming off the-saliendo de stones that were about

to- a punto de be put onto my body and had second thoughts-dudas.

However, the moment the masseuse-masajista placed the first hot

stone on my skin, I felt a calm, warm-calida energy spread-

expandiendose throughout-a lo largo de my entire body. The masseuse

told me to relax as-mientras she placed more stones on my back

and I found myself-me encontre drifting off to sleep-a punto de dormir.

When I woke up, I was completely relaxed. I realized-di cuenta

there was another woman in the room, and she was massaging

my face. She put a warm mask on my face, and told me it

would help clean my skin. When she washed off-lavo con agua the

mask, she told me it was time to sit in the Jacuzzi for a

while. At first, I found it hard-me parecio dificil to get off-salir

the massage table because I wanted to stay there and sleep;

however, switching to the-cambiar al Jacuzzi turned out-resulto to

be a wonderful idea. I relaxed in the warm water for about

an hour.

Meanwhile-mientras tanto, dinner had been prepared for me in my

room. I found a table lit-iluminado with candles and an

impressive meal of fresh fish, steamed-al vapor vegetables and

a selection of exotic fruits for dessert-postre. I ate my

dinner and lay down-acostar on my bed. I was so relaxed that I

fell asleep-me dormí right away-de inmediato.

The next day, I woke up earlier than usual and full of

energy. I had a light but delicious breakfast of freshly-

squeezed-recien exprimido orange juice and yogurt with fresh

fruit, then went to do a little Yoga. The Miraval offers

Yoga and Pilates classes, which are held-se llevan a cabo outside

by-fuera de the pool. After an hour of yoga, I decided to go

for a dip-chapuzon in the pool. I felt refreshed and relaxed

and wanted to try some horseback riding. This might seem

unbelievable, but it is something that I had never done


My instructor and I rode-montamos into the desert. As-mientras we

galloped around the resort, I felt like a cowboy in the Wild

West. My instructor said that I was doing great, even

though-aunque I was afraid of falling off-caer the horse. We

rode back to the resort and, although I was really hungry-

hambriento after all the morning's activities, I had a light

lunch consisting of only iced tea, salad and fruit. I spent

the afternoon in the gardens of the resort, feeling

perfectly content. I woke up the next morning with the sun

shining-brillando on me, and I realized my weekend there was-

habia at an end-llegado a su fin. I left the resort feeling healthy

and at peace, knowing that I would definitely return some


5. POST-READING. Discuss.

• Would you find a weekend like the one described enjoyable?

Why/Why not?

• What other kinds of activities contribute to a person's

physical and mental well-being-buen estado?

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