level 5 leadership holiday edition

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Principal Alford & Principal Floyd

This session will focus on leadership practices that take you to the

next level of school improvement and maximizing principal leadership

• “What does it take to step up to the next level?”

• Achieving "Greatness" as a Leader, how does that propel you to the

next level of school improvement?

• How will the Jim Collins’ Level 5 leadership concepts maximize your

principal leadership?

• What changes in your behavior are needed to be a Level 5 leader based

on Jim Collins’ key ideas?

Discover the answers to these questions

The moment you feel the need to tightly manage

someone, you’ve made a hiring mistake. The best people don’t need to be

managed. Guided, taught, led–yes. But not tightly


“The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for

incompetence and lack of discipline–a problem that largely goes away if you

have the right people in the first place.”

“We found that for leaders to make something great,

their ambition has to be for the greatness of the work and the company, rather

than for themselves.”

“Good is the enemy of great”

Consider the idea that charisma can be as much a

liability as an asset. Your strength of personality can

sow the seeds of problems.”

“Before you ask how, ask who”

Great leaders aren’t necessarily charismatic, they just make good decisions. “The best results are achieved through disciplined thought and action,” said Jim Collins.

Definition: Level 5 Leadership is the highest stage in a hierarchy of leadership

levels described by Collins ('01). Level Five Leaders take companies from good to great by building enduring greatness through a paradoxical combination of

personal humility and professional will.L5L is based on the idea that respect towards people, selflessness by the

leader, and a strong powerful commitment to achieve results, bring out

the best in subordinates.

The levels described by Collins are:L5: Level 5 ExecutiveL4: Effective LeaderL3: Competent ManagerL2: Contributing Team MemberL1: Highly Capable Individual

Watch the three videos - Using the definition above

Identify the Level 5 behaviors that are exhibited. Record your answers sheet provided.

Definition: Level 5 Leadership is the highest stage in a hierarchy of leadership

levels described by Collins ('01). Level Five Leaders take companies from good to great by building enduring greatness through a paradoxical combination of

personal humility and professional will.L5L is based on the idea that respect towards people, selflessness by the

leader, and a strong powerful commitment to achieve results, bring out

the best in subordinates.

The levels described by Collins are:L5: Level 5 ExecutiveL4: Effective LeaderL3: Competent ManagerL2: Contributing Team MemberL1: Highly Capable Individual


The highest stage in a hierarchy of leadership levels described by Collins ('01). Level Five Leaders

take companies from good to great by building enduring

greatness through a paradoxical combination of personal humility

and professional will.L5L is based on the idea that

respect towards people, selflessness by the leader, and a strong powerful commitment to

achieve results, bring out the best in subordinates.

The levels described by Collins are:

•L5: Level 5 Executive•L4: Effective Leader•L3: Competent Manager•L2: Contributing Team Member•L1: Highly Capable Individual

Discussion: An excerpted article from From Good Schools to Great Schools: What Their Principals Do Well, by Susan Penny Gray and

William A. Streshly, with permission from Corwin Press.

From Good Schools to Great Schools: Next Steps

“Good to Great, are you naughty or nice?”


• Good to Great® Diagnostic Tool by DEVELOPED BY JIM COLLINS

Jim Collins' Tools

Jim Collins' Diagnostic Tool

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