let's get going - identifying newton's laws laws.pdfstudents essay demonstrating analysis...

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Let's Get Going - Identifying Newton's Laws Lesson Overview | Preparation | Procedure | Evaluation

Overview Students are introduced to Newton's Laws of motion by arranging a set of historical sources according to their stage in motion: inertia, acceleration, or collision. Using a worksheet, they then closely examine and analyze a single historical source to identify and explain the laws of motion in the photograph. As an assessment, students write an essay identifying one image, the law apparent in the image, and future transportation inventions using the law.

Objectives Students will be able to:

• identify applications of Newton’s Laws; • apply Newton’s Laws to modes of transportation; • apply Newton’s Laws in new situations; • analyze an image using historic and scientific knowledge; • write an essay applying knowledge of Newton’s Laws to support the main idea.

Time Required 5 class periods

Recommended Grade Level Grades 8-10

Topic Science, U.S. History, English

Era US 5 - Civil War and reconstruction (1850-1877) US 6 - The development of the industrial US (1870-1900) US 7 - The emergence of modern America (1890-1930) US 8 - The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945) US 9 - Post war United States (1945 to early 1970s) US 10 - Contemporary United States (1968 to the present)

Format of Primary Sources Used Print, Manuscript



• Teachers should be prepared to lead students to understand Newtonian principles and laws including engineering applications.

Language Arts

• Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.

• Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.

Preparation Lesson Overview | Preparation | Procedure | Evaluation

Materials Used

• Era Labels.doc • Image Analysis Worksheet Science.doc • Laws of Motion Essay.doc • Newton Law Labels.doc • Organizational Page • Newton_Rubric.doc • Newton_Law_Images.zip

Resources Used

Library of Congress

Beam, G.L. (1920-1930). Cripple Creek?. Library of Congress: American Memory, History of the American West, 1860-1920: Photographs from the Collection of the Denver Public Library

Beam, G.L. (1926) . Mack railbus on trial at D&RGW Burnham Shops / Beam.. Library of Congress: American Memory, History of the American West, 1860-1920: Photographs from the Collection of the Denver Public Library

Chicago Daily News, Inc. (1908). [Hot-air balloon San Antonio hovering above a field in during a balloon race held on July 4, 1908].. Library of Congress: American Memory, Photographs from the Chicago Daily News, 1902-1933

Chicago Daily News, Inc., (1905). [Driver and passenger riding in the motorboat Crusader on Lake Michigan, moored sailboats and a steamship are visible in the background].. Library of Congress: American Memory, Photographs from the Chicago Daily News, 1902-1933

Curtis, E.S. (1909). On the war-path - Atsina (The North American Indian; v.05). Library of Congress: American Memory, Edward S. Curtis's The North American Indian: Photographic Images

Daniels, T., Wright, O. & Wright, W. (1903). [First flight, 120 feet in 12 seconds, 10:35 a.m.; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina]. Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs

Fleischhauer, C. (1980). Henry Taylor's Airplane in Hangar [35mm slide]. Library of Congress: American Memory, Buckaroos in Paradise: Ranching Culture in Northern Nevada, 1945-1982

Fox, S. (1864). The Fulton Ferry boat collision, November 14, 1868. Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs

Horydczak, T. (ca.1920-ca.1950). Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co. Norfolk & Washington steamboat I. Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs, Horydczak Collection

Leizelt, B.F. (1779-1790). Combat memorable entre le Pearson et Paul Jones / Richard Paton pinxit ; gravé par Balth. Frederic Leizel.. Library of Congress: American Memory, Popular Graphic Arts

Lomax, A. (1934). Farm wagon, driven by an African American man, Reed Camp, South Carolina. Library of Congress: American Memory, Southern Mosaic: The John and Ruby Lomax 1939 Southern States Recording Trip

Means, J. (1894). The Problem of Manflight. Library of Congress: Exhibitions, The Dream of Flight

Rodrídguez, M.A. (1942). Evite accidentes No se quede en la calle durante una alarma / 6 MAR.. Library of Congress: American Memory, Posters: WPA Poster Collection

Schwartz, J. (1913). Sit down! You're rocking the boat. 1913. Library of Congress: American Memory, Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920

Siegel, A.S. (1943). Detroit, Michigan. Driving an army car up a ramp on to the haulaway truck. Library of Congress: American Memory

Smock, W.H. (1979). Taking Off on the Highway [35mm slide]. Library of Congress: American Memory, Buckaroos in Paradise: Ranching Culture in Northern Nevada, 1945-1982

Unknown. (1783). Exp[é]rience a[ë]rostatique faite Versailles le 19 sept. 1783. Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs, Tissandier Collection

Unknown. (1797). Premier descente en parachute ... Jacques Garnerin ... le 22 Octobre 1797. Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs

Unknown. (1878). Une alerte, place du Carrousel / Lefman, sc. ; PS.. Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs, Tissandier Collection

Unknown. (1900-1910). [Gondola on the Grand Canal, Venice, Italy]. Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs, Detroit Publishing Company Collection

Unknown. (1909). Wilbur Wright examining canoe attachment to aeroplane before 1st flight over water. Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs, Bain Collection

Unknown. (1912?). Great Northern train, four miles west of Minot, North Dakota : picture taken about 1912.. Library of Congress: American Memory, The Northern Great Plains, 1880-1920: Photographs from the Fred Hultstrand and F.A. Pazandak Photogr

Unknown. (1922). Auto racing in or near Washington, D.C.. Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs, National Photo Company Collection

Unknown. (1943-1944?). Nome, Alaska. A plane which crashed at the base of the Air Transport Command, but was repaired and got to the Russo-German front. Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs, FSA/OWI - Black and White Negatives

Unknown. (1990-1916). Going from ship to dock. Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs, Carpenter (Frank and Frances) Collection

Wolcott, M.P. (1938). Train pulling coal through center of town morning and evening, Osage, West Virginia.. Library of Congress: American Memory, America from the Great Depression to World War II: Photographs from the FSA and OWI, ca. 1935-1945

Wright, W. & Wright, O. (1911). [Group portrait in front of glider at Kill Devil Hill. Sitting: Horace Wright, Orville Wright, and Alexander Ogilvie; standing: Lorin Wright, and group of journalists, including Van Ness Harwood of the New York World, Berges of the American News Service, Arnold Kruckman of the New York American, Mitchell of the New York Herald, and John Mitchell of the Associated Press; Kitty Hawk, North Carolina]. Library of Congress: Prints & Photographs

Procedure Lesson Overview | Preparation | Procedure | Evaluation

Activity 1: Introduction


1 Print out images and headings for the students. Print out organizational page for teacher, if desired.

Era Labels.docNewton Law Labels.doc

Organizational Page

Newton_Law_Images.zip2 Create mixed ability groups of three to four students. 3 Give each group a set of images in a folder or envelope.

4 Ask students to sort the images into two or more categories and create a title for each group of images.

5 Ask students what all these images have in common. (They are all forms of transportation.)

6 Explain that as forms of transportation they are all good examples of motion. Explain Newton’s three laws of motion: stillness, acceleration, and opposing forces.

7 Provide each group with pre-labeled headings of each of the three laws and ask students to resort the images based on Newton’s three laws of motion.

Newton Law Labels.doc


Introduce students to the three time periods: Pre-Industrial, Industrial, and Post-Industrial era. Based on what they remember from history ask student to brainstorm what powers transportation in each era. (human, animals, wind in pre-industrial, mostly coal in industrial with the introduction of machines, mostly gas in post-industrial with complex machines).


Provide each group with pre-labeled headings of each of the three eras. Ask students keep their images in the law categories but within each law to sort the images based the three time periods of Pre-Industrial, Industrial, and Post-Industrial.

Era Labels.doc

10 Provide a key and review and discuss. Organizational Page

11 Connect these sorts with the Understanding Goal: You can find examples of Newton’s laws through out history.

Activity 2: Investigation


1 Print copies of the analysis worksheet for each student. Image Analysis Worksheet Science.doc

2 Create mixed ability groups of three to four students.


Explain that yesterday the focus was on multiple historical images of transportation while today they will closely examine a single image from history. Give each student a copy of the Image Analysis Worksheet and review the worksheet with the students as a class.

4 Within each group, give each student one of the four images. Provide time for students to analyze their image using the worksheet.


Have students share their image with their group and describe what motions are in it. Elaborate on what the four categories (Inertia, Acceleration, and Opposing Forces) mean.

6 Have students work together to sort the four images into two groups and create a title for their categories.

7 Ask groups to explain their sort to you (and if time the class). Identify if any of the groups sorted their images in categories of motion.

8 Re-emphasize the applications of Newton’s Law over time and identification throughout history.

Activity 3: Formal Assessment Resource(s)

1 Print out the essay assignment and rubric for each student.

Laws of Motion Essay.doc


2 Review the previous day's activity, if needed. Answer any questions the students may have regarding Newton's Laws.

3 Distribute a grading rubric for the students' essay. Newton_Rubric.doc

4 Assign the essay. Give students approximately 30 minutes in class to write the essay. Allow them to finish the essay for homework if they require more time.

Laws of Motion Essay.doc

Evaluation Lesson Overview | Preparation | Procedure | Evaluation

Evaluation Teacher observations:

• Students completion and discussion during sorting process; • Students respect the ideas of each member of the group and they asked

meaningful questions; • Student answers are based on the information gathered from the clues and

previous knowledge of the subject. Student work: Students essay demonstrating analysis and application of Newton’s Laws.

Let’s Get Going Essay

Write a 5-paragraph essay based on the image you selected. In your essay, identify which of Newton’s Laws of Motion are present in the image and describe how that type of transportation uses those laws. Then, explain how similar types of transportation today also use the same laws. Finally, create a possible future form of transportation and describe how that new type of transportation would use the same laws of motion. Make sure that your descriptions and explanations directly refer to the primary source you selected. Give specific examples of how each type of transportation uses Newton's Laws of Motion, as well.

Essay Rubric

Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Task Showing a clear and consistent understanding of the directions and focuses on the primary source.

Consistently follows directions and maintains constant focus on the primary source.

Consistently follows directions and focuses on the primary source, but may make other generalizations.

Follows some directions, only references the primary source occasionally.

Does not follow directions, does not refer to the primary source.

Development Showing a clear main idea, clearly supported points with supportive examples of Newton’s Laws.

Uses an insightful thesis, makes strong supported with clear and accurate examples of Newton’s Laws.

Has a strong thesis, makes clear arguments, uses accurate examples of Newton’s Laws.

Has a thesis, makes arguments that show some basic knowledge of Newton’s Laws.

Lacks a thesis, uses poor arguments, and/or does not use any specific examples of Newton’s Laws.

Organization Showing strong structure with an introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, strong conclusion, and thoughtful transitions.

Uses clearly-defined five paragraphs with meaningful transitions and thoughtful conclusion.

Uses five paragraphs with effective paragraphs and conclusion.

Uses five paragraphs, but with weak transitions and conclusion.

Lacks proper format, no transitions, and/or no conclusion.

Language Showing understanding of appropriate vocabulary which highlights knowledge of Newton’s Laws.

Uses a professional tone and topic-appropriate vocabulary showing evidence of understanding throughout.

Uses topic-appropriate vocabulary showing evidence of understanding throughout.

Displays some evidence of topic-appropriate vocabulary showing some understanding.

Neither tone nor vocabulary are appropriate.

Grammar Showing consistently proper use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Features professional, near-perfect use of grammar.

Has some common grammar mistakes.

Has many common mistakes that do not effect overall presentation.

Grammar errors are present throughout and effect quality of essay.

Resource Organization

Pre-Industrial Industrial Post-Industrial

1st Law Inertia

2nd Law Acceleration

3rd Law Opposing


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