let your body do the talking during an interview 4.2.14

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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Going for an Interview? Prepare with better Body Language !

Communication is not only what we speak orally. In fact, a large part of our communication is done through body language. Therefore when you are attending an interview, taking care of your non-verbal communication is as important as taking care of what you are speaking. The way you conduct yourselves tells a lot about your behavior. Your interviewer will also judge you on the basis of your body language to conclude if you are an ideal candidate for the hiring position.

How you are answering a question is as important as what you are answering. When you are nervous, you start stammering or start speaking too fast. For interviewer, this means you cannot handle pressure. Therefore, it is important to stay calm and look confident while you speak. A not-so-accurate answer delivered in a confident manner is more effective than a correct answer given with hesitation.


The quote “first impression is the last impression” stands very true during an interview. The way you dress is very important. While dressing impressively can add to your confidence, being overdressed or constricted can make you feel nervous. Choose the right combination of attire that is both professional and comfortable.


While answering interview questions, it is very important to keep your voice tone relaxed. A shaky voice indicates lack of confidence. On the other hand, do not speak in a robotic manner as it may indicate that the answers are rehearsed. Be as natural as possible.


Maintaining regular eye contact with your interviewer signifies that you are honest and sure about things you are saying. That does not mean holding someone gaze continuously. This might be mistaken as arrogance.


It is a natural human tendency to be attracted towards faces that are smiling. Smiling will show you as a positive person and also will help lowering the stress level. You will appear more relaxed, active, and happy about attending the interview. Do not grin foolishly but wear your natural smile.

Hand Movement

Hands can be really helpful when you are expressing something. Let your hand be your partner of expressing. Keeping them close or in pocket may make you appear as a reserved or close

person. Keep your hands out and be ready to shake hands with the interviewer if needed. This will reflect you as a person who open and approachable. Do not involve yourself in activities like playing with your hair, picking your nose, or picking nails as these can be really distracting and annoying.

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