lesson02 day04 experiential education theory and practice presentation

Post on 25-Jan-2015






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Introduction to Introduction to Experiential EducationExperiential EducationThe Theory and the Practice

What is Experiential What is Experiential Education?Education?

Experiential education is

learning by DOING.

You will gain knowledge

and acquire skills in real

world settings and then

reflect on your experiences.

Through this analysis, you

will grow and change,

applying this new learning to the next experience.

Why do we do internships?Why do we do internships?Prepares you for life, not just for college. Provides holistic education for you by

offering many diverse experiences for learning, including experience out in the “real world”.

Gives you new opportunities to discover what you enjoy and what you are not interested in before making any decisions about a college major or a career.

Provides support as you encounter difficult worksituations because the advisor and site mentor are present as educators, not as bosses.

InternshipsInternshipsCreates a safe place to make mistakes

and learn from them. Develops problem-solving and critical

thinking skills that apply to life, not just to a textbook.

Helps to prepare you for being a college student and gives you confidence and direction as you enter the professional world.

How is each year How is each year designed?designed?

Each year of the program, students gain independence and more choices for their experiential work.

You are challenged to take more initiative and self-direction witheach year.

You are also challengedto think about your role within the community and how you can contribute to the world around you.

What does the advisor do?What does the advisor do?Works as an advocate for you. What is an advocate?

Helps keep track of how you are performing both academically and experientially.

Helps to supervise at experiential site. Helps to facilitate the experiential curriculum.

Your parents can contact the advisor with any questions or concerns about you.

Has the fullest picture of how you are progressing through the program.

What is advisory?What is advisory?Time for you to do work with your

advisor on the experiential curriculum and other school-wide initiatives such as the e-Portfolio.

Time to reflect on experiential work through journaling and discussions.

Time to build e-Portfolio.

AdvisoryAdvisoryYour advisor and you can connect and

share what is on your minds, whether it is related to classes, experiential work, or personal situations.

Allows staff to know each one of you very well and support you in your education.

No “falling through the cracks”; all of you will be known and guided along the way.

What is Sakai?What is Sakai?A free, collaborative, and open source

learning environmentA web-based program used to facilitate

the experiential curriculum. Students respond to questions on-line and

complete assignments through Sakai. Tracks internship progress. Allows facilitation of an entire class

through the program. Sakai can be accessed from any computer

that has internet connection.

How should you dress for an How should you dress for an experiential day?experiential day?

Depends on the site◦Construction◦Child Care◦Business or Organization

All school policies apply at experiential sites.

Other FAQsOther FAQs

What paperwork is necessary?What if I miss an experiential

day?Is lunch offered at experiential


THANK YOU.THANK YOU.Questions or concerns?

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