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To strengthen your desire to tell the truth, even when it is

not easy.


Lesson 34: Always Tell the Truth

“Lesson 34: Always Tell the Truth”

Primary 2: Choose the Right A, (1995), 181–86


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• Let’ s listen to a story about Ann-Marie and what she learned about always telling the


• One day Ann-Marie went fishing with her grandpa. Ann-Marie had a good time and was especially happy when she caught a fish.

• When Ann-Marie got home, she went to see her friend Danny. He invited her inside and took her into the kitchen, where he showed her a fish that he had caught. Danny’s fish was much bigger than the fish Ann-Marie had caught.

• Ann-Marie was happy for Danny, but she also felt disappointed. Compared to Danny’s fish, her fish was very small. She didn’t want Danny to know how bad she felt, so she told him that she went fishing with her grandpa and caught a fish so big that she and her grandpa had to use a net to help pull it in. Ann-Marie told Danny that her fish was much bigger than his.

What did Ann-Marie do that was wrong?

What should Ann-Marie have done?

What does it mean to tell the truth?

Telling the truth is part of being


When we tell the truth, we tell

about things exactly as they


Why is it important to tell the truth?

Can any of you tell about times when you

have told the truth?

• Remember, the Articles of Faith are statements of what Church members believe.

• Part of the thirteenth article of faith says, “We believe in being honest [and] true.”

Let’s all say that one more time . . .

“We believe in being honest [and] true.”

Let’s listen to the Trial of Jesus as

found in Mark 14:53-65.

• The soldiers took Jesus to the home of the Jewish high priest, where the Jewish leaders asked him many questions. One of the questions they asked him: “Art thou the Christ?”

• Jesus knew that if he said he was the Christ, the special Son of Heavenly Father, the leaders would not let him go. (Mark 14:62)

• “And Jesus said, I am.”

• Jesus always told the truth, even when his life was in danger.

• Jesus wants us to tell the truth always, even when it is hard to do so.

• Let’s say these words together.

• Repeat the following:

Let’s sing “To Show I choose the Right”

To Show I Choose the Right

• To show I choose the right, I tell the truth.

• To show I choose the right, I tell the truth.

• I know the Savior’s way,

• And it shows in what I say.

• To show I choose the right, I tell the truth

Let’s trying sing that song, one more time.

To Show I Choose the Right

• To show I choose the right, I tell the truth.

• To show I choose the right, I tell the truth.

• I know the Savior’s way,

• And it shows in what I say.

• To show I choose the right, I tell the truth

• It is not always easy to tell the truth.

• Sometimes it is easier for us to say something that is not true or to not say anything at all.

Why is it sometimes hard to tell the truth?

Why is it sometimes hard to tell the truth?

Listen to the following story about JoAnne, who did not tell the truth and felt sorry about


JoAnne had accidentally broken her mother’s sewing scissors. She had hidden them in a drawer so her mother wouldn’t know who had broken them. JoAnne’s mother was looking for the scissors, and she asked if anyone had seen them. JoAnne told her mother that she had not seen the scissors.

JoAnne felt bad after she said that. She knew she had done wrong by playing with the scissors when she wasn’t supposed to, and now she had done a second wrong thing by lying about it. JoAnne felt sick.

When JoAnne came to family prayer, she quickly closed her eyes. She didn’t want to look at her mother. As JoAnne’s father said the prayer, JoAnne heard him say, “Give us the courage to do what is right, that we might have peace of mind and joy forever.” JoAnne knew that to be happy again she needed to tell her mother the truth about the scissors.

JoAnne brought the broken scissors to her mother and told her mother the truth. She was sorry that she had broken the scissors and lied, and she wanted to do the right thing. (Adapted from Margery Cannon, “A Miss and a Mistake,” Children’s Friend, Mar. 1962, p. 14.)

Did JoAnne tell the truth when her

mother first asked her about the scissors?

How did JoAnne feel when she did not tell

the truth?

How do you think JoAnne felt when she

did tell her mother the truth?

Was it easy for JoAnne to tell the truth?

• Explain that even though it was hard for JoAnne to tell the truth because she was afraid she would be punished for breaking the scissors, she was happier when she told the truth.


It’s time to play

Everyone sit in a circle.

We will give a spin.

Who ever it points to will need to answer a question by telling the truth.

Everyone gets a turn before anyone get’s a second turn.

So if you are ready, let’s play.

• You are playing in your home and you accidentally break a lamp.

• You are playing in your home and you accidentally break a lamp.

• What should you do?

• Your father asks you to hurry to the store and buy something he needs. He asks you not to stop and play on the way. As you pass your neighbor’s house, she gives you some letters to mail for her. On the way home from the store, you stop to see a friend’s new bicycle. Suddenly you remember that your father is waiting, and you hurry home. Your father is upset, and you want to tell him that you are late because you mailed some letters for the neighbor.

• Your father asks you to hurry to the store and buy something he needs. He asks you not to stop and play on the way. As you pass your neighbor’s house, she gives you some letters to mail for her. On the way home from the store, you stop to see a friend’s new bicycle. Suddenly you remember that your father is waiting, and you hurry home. Your father is upset, and you want to tell him that you are late because you mailed some letters for the neighbor.

• What should you say?

• You see a plate of cookies on the table. They look so good that you take one for yourself and give one to your little brother. When your mother comes to take the cookies to her friend, she sees your brother eating a cookie and starts to scold him.

• You see a plate of cookies on the table. They look so good that you take one for yourself and give one to your little brother. When your mother comes to take the cookies to her friend, she sees your brother eating a cookie and starts to scold him.

• What should you do?

• You take one of your little sister’s toys away from her, and she starts to cry. When you hear your grandmother coming, you quickly give the toy back, but your little sister will not stop crying. Your grandmother asks you why your sister is crying.

• You take one of your little sister’s toys away from her, and she starts to cry. When you hear your grandmother coming, you quickly give the toy back, but your little sister will not stop crying. Your grandmother asks you why your sister is crying.

• What should you say?

• You and your friends are playing ball in front of a neighbor’s house. You kick the ball, and it knocks over and breaks a flowerpot by your neighbor’s door.

• You and your friends are playing ball in front of a neighbor’s house. You kick the ball, and it knocks over and breaks a flowerpot by your neighbor’s door.

• What should you do?

TESTIMONY • I want to bear my testimony about the

importance of being truthful, even when it is hard.

• Remember that Jesus Christ always told the truth and that he wants us to always tell the truth.

• Remember that you should always try to choose the right. When you tell the truth, you are choosing the right.

• I want to encourage you to tell your families about what you learned today in class.



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Images and clipart are from lds.org, Microsoft office, and other websites indicating the images were in the public domain or permitted for church and home use.

The hymns, Lesson and Scripture story are from lds.org.

No copyrighted materials were knowingly used in this presentation. Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in church or home to suit personal preference.

This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual and scriptures.

Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the lesson.

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