learning or training techniques for onboarding

Post on 12-Sep-2015






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Learning or Training Techniques for Onboarding


Learning or Training Techniques for OnboardingA large part of Human Capital efforts these days is spent on devising ways to retain staff. Succession and retention plans are getting a lot of attention these days in organizations. A huge part of these programs also include training or learning activities as part of continuous growth and development. This should start from the moment an employee sets his foot in an organization. Onboarding is an area which has always evaded attention in companies. Most organizations expect employees to be competent to start on their own from day one without any actual induction.These scenarios are changing now that organizations realize the importance of proper induction. This also a way in assessing employees performance during the probationary period. Induction programs should focus on several learning areas. It should integrate the new employee into the culture and processes of the organization so that he can be an independent high performer in no time. Hence its aptly should be called organizational socialization or acclimatization. The personality trait of the new staff is also important in the success of onboarding. People understand and value things differently and if an employee was assessed during the interview properly, subsequent induction programs also can be tailored. For a new employee, in the first few weeks every little thing is important. His office space, supplies, breaks, attire, how to make friends, how other colleagues view him etc and hence its a mentally daunting task for the new hire to adjust with the new environment.Hence induction should focus for the first few weeks on personal issues in terms of integrating the employee culturally into the new work place. There are several learning methods that can be adopted for employee during this period. An induction into the HR policy for example, or some work related process might also help. But beware not to have it in a class room style since this inhibits a lot of people in expressing themselves. The ideal way is to have a mentor who can be the new employees best friend for a few days. For a new employee even the smallest mistake he might cause is a big concern and we should be focusing on an induction with less red tape, policies, and rules.To conclude, the learning programs in induction should follow; first in providing support in performing his job, secondly in gaining acceptance among other staff / colleagues and finally in knowing the organizations culture and how he can adapt as quickly as possible to that. Word like Thank you for being here, This is why your job is important etc are very powerful in making an employee feel he is valued and paves the way for a strong foundation for the retention plan as well.And of course onboarding should not limit only in providing all the above but in collecting feedback at the end how the staff has perceived it and how this could have been done differently or better in the future. This would complete the onboarding leaving the employee a sweet taste of welcome, value and importance.

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