learning objective: to learn about cleopatra vii and her life. · 2020-05-29 · cleopatra had...

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Learning Objective: To learn about Cleopatra VII and her life.

Why was she a significant

person in Ancient Egypt?


Have you ever heard of the Pharaoh Cleopatra VII?

This dynasty began after Alexander the Great

conquered Egypt in 332 BC. When Alexander died, his

general Ptolemy I ruled Egypt. His descendants ruled Egypt for

around 300 years.His descendants ruled Egypt for His descendants ruled Egypt for


Cleopatra VII was the last Pharaoh of the Ptolemaic (tol-uh-may-ick) dynasty in

Ancient Egypt, making her the last Pharaoh of the Ancient Egyptian Era.


When Cleopatra died in 30 BC, Egypt became part of the Roman

Empire under the control of Octavian (who later became

Augustus, the first Roman emperor).

You will be writing a biography of Cleopatra’s life. We will need to

become experts and have all the information we need. What facts do

we need to know about Cleopatra to write a biography about her?


What do we need to know about Cleopatra?


Cleopatra was born in 69 BC. She was not actually Egyptian but Macedonian (Greek). At 18 years old,

in 51 BC, she became a joint ruler along with her younger brother Ptolemy XIII, who she married.

Marrying family members was common among Ancient Egyptian royalty. They believed they were descendants from

the god Osiris, so they felt it was the best way to keep the power within the family. A woman was also not allowed to rule on

her own and it was felt she needed a male consort to help her rule.


Cleopatra quickly took the lead in ruling the country and Egypt began to prosper. She was the first ruler in years to speak many languages, including Egyptian.

Ptolemy’s name was dropped from official documents and she began to rule alone.

How do you think her

brother felt about this?


Cleopatra had to go into hiding in a different

country. She immediately began planning to get the

throne back from her brother.

As her brother got older (he was only ten when they took the throne), he became upset that Cleopatra had taken over. He

and other officials who helped run the kingdom had her thrown out and Ptolemy began ruling alone.


It was around 48 BC that a powerful Roman general, Julius Caesar,

arrived in Egypt and took over the royal palace. Sensing an

opportunity to gain the throne back from her brother, Cleopatra

used her famous charm to form an alliance with Caesar.

It was rumoured that in order to sneak into the palace, Cleopatra

had herself rolled into a carpet and carried in to meet Caesar.


Despite Ptolemy XIII’s efforts to create an alliance with Rome, Caesar began to take steps to reinstate Cleopatra as Pharaoh of


A war broke out between Caesar’s army and

Ptolemy’s forces. After his forces were defeated,

Ptolemy fled and drowned in the Nile.


Cleopatra resumed her position as Pharaoh and was celebrated by the Egyptian people.

Previous Ptolemaic rulers had not been very good and Egypt had been struggling when they controlled the country.

When Cleopatra was Pharaoh, Egypt’s trade grew and grew. It

became a powerful country with expanding knowledge, health care

and education.


Cleopatra and Caesar began a strong relationship and toured around Egypt, eventually travelling to Rome together.

Cleopatra soon had a son, whom she called Ptolemy Caesar. She declared him the joint

ruler of Egypt when he was just three years old.

Her son was known as Caesarion which means ‘Little Caesar’. Cleopatra

declared Caesarion as Caesar’s heir, but Caesar, whilst acknowledging the

boy as his son, never publicly confirmed him as his heir.

ruler of Egypt when he was just three years old.


Caesar was assassinated in Rome in 44 BC. Cleopatra, knowing they weren’t safe in Rome any more, returned to

Egypt with her son.

Caesar’s nephew Octavian was now ruler of Rome and its powerful

armies. Cleopatra still believed that her

son, Caesarion, deserved to inherit Caesar’s power. She needed to

make another powerful alliance if this was going to happen.


After Caesar was killed there were several new, powerful leaders of Rome, including

Marc Antony. In 41 BC, Antony summoned Cleopatra to see him to

discuss Caesar’s death.

Cleopatra delayed attending the summons. She wanted to make it clear that, as Queen of Egypt, she would come in her own time.

When she did arrive, she was dressed as the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

She often claimed that she was the human form of the Egyptian goddess Isis and

dressed as such.


Cleopatra’s famous wit and charm won over Antony almost immediately and they began a relationship together, despite Antony already being married to

Octavian’s sister.

What do you think Octavian

thought of Marc Antony and Cleopatra’s relationship?

Cleopatra and Antony had three children together: Twins Alexander

Helios and Cleopatra Selene;

and Ptolemy Philadelphus.


Octavian was incredibly upset with Antony and Cleopatra’s relationship. He believed that Antony had disrespected his sister and saw Cleopatra as a threat to his rule over Rome. A war started between Rome

and Cleopatra and Antony’s forces.

Cleopatra and Antony’s armies

were defeated by Octavian’s forces in

31 BC.


In the aftermath of the battle, Antony heard that Cleopatra had died. He used his sword to take his

own life.

Cleopatra heard the news that Marc Antony was dead and was heart-

broken. Octavian planned to capture her and humiliate her by parading her around Rome in triumph of his victory. To avoid being captured,

Cleopatra committed suicide in 30 BC when she was 39 years old.


It is a popular belief that Cleopatra let a venomous asp

snake (a kind of Egyptian cobra) bite and poison her.

She had planned for her son

Caesarion to become leader of

Egypt, but Octavian ordered to him to

be killed.


After Cleopatra’s death, Octavian took control of Egypt and it became a part of the Roman Empire. Octavian became the first emperor of Rome and

changed his name to Augustus.

So, the 3000-year-long Ancient

Egyptian era came to an end in 30 BC.



Are you ready to research facts about

Cleopatra VII?



PlenaryWhat do you think about Cleopatra?

Why do you think she has become one of the most famous Egyptian Pharaohs?

Tell your partner your

three favourite facts

about Cleopatra VII.

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