learn the myths to be avoided about app store optimization

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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App Store Optimization (ASO) is the SEO for app store. Though frequently overlooked, it is actually an incredibly important opportunity for the app developers. However, there are certain myths that must be avoided when trying to gain more visibility and growth. Let’s go through the myths, the avoiding of which helps in the apps store optimization.

Myth: Change your title often to adapt to high-ranking searches. Truth: Pick a title and stick with it Planning for amazon store optimization? Title is the most important element to take care of. If you think that creating different variations of the title and changing keywords will help your ranking, it’s time to think again. Changing of title frequently won’t help in your ranking.

To get better rankings, it’s important to pick a good title and stick to it. You can make it better by some simple tips such as:

1. Keep it short as long title will get off in the search. 2. Try to make it creative as a creative title is more likely to

be remembered and can be successfully searched for.

3. Make it unique and it your app will stand out from the crowd.

Myth: Keywords aren’t that important. Truth: Keywords are important. Use of keywords is a vital part of application store optimization that can’t be ignored. It is important for you to use the keywords in both the title and the description as well. But remember, you must use the keywords and not stuff them. Myth: It’s all about the ratings. Truth: Ratings are important, but not the end all. Are ratings the most important feature of app store optimization? The answer is no. There is no denial of the fact that ratings are important. However, they are certainly not the most important part of your app optimization as the ratings have no impact upon a user’s likelihood to download an app.

App ratings though important, they aren’t very significant in affecting an app’s rankings.

Avoiding the above discussed myths and following the truths will lead to better visibility of your app store optimization.

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