le monde en tête soutient l’action d’erai entreprise rhone-alpes international

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai


le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai

Association created in 1987 on initiative of Region Rhône-Alpes

80 collaborators around the world :

• 25 at the headquarters in Lyon

• 55 in the 9 Erai offices : Barcelona, Cracow, Stuttgart, Turin, Shanghai, New Delhi, Tokyo, Atlanta and Montreal

Annual financial support from the Rhône-Alpes Regional Council : 4,327,000 €


Who we areAtlanta


New Delhi







le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai

Undertaking Rhône-Alpes on an international level

Our missions

Accelerating the Internationalization of key clusters in


Simplifying the export process for SME’s

Attracting investors andpromoting the Region

Reinforcing the positioning of Rhône-Alpes in international networks

le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai

Simplifying the export process for SME’s

erai offers a full range of solutions

Our aim :

The international development of Rhône-Alpes based companies

The 9 worldwide-implanted Erai offices

Erai is Ubifrance’s regional partner

120 economic departments in French embassies across the world

A network of approved private liaison offices

le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai

Simplifying the export process for SME’s

Each year, Erai

meets over 1,000 CEOs of Rhône-Alpes companies

does more than 300 individual export counsel services billed as such

gives over 200 firms international financing advice

is in permanent relation with over 22,000 business contacts

le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai

Simplifying the export process for SME’s

implantis® recruitment, supervision and housing of representatives in foreign countries

Each year Erai implants and supervises over 90 representatives in its offices


le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai

Simplifying the export process for SME’s

The International Fundings Department

Helping the Rhône-Alpes companies to identify the best solutions to finance

their development and access to all the international fundings available

Raising companies’ and financial intermediaries’ awareness

→ A unique database in France on www.erai.org

Supporting companies in their development process

→ 200 firms given international financing advice each year

Assisting companies in the application process

→ 45 applications in 2006 => 2.8 M€

le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai

Simplifying the export process for SME’s

A new « package » for the Rhône-Alpes companies

To help them submit international public tenders

Organisation of collective and individual training sessions

A customized watch to keep companies updated on business opportunities

(World Bank, UNO, ADB, AFDB, European Commission...)

Assistance in referencing

Organisation of meetings with purchasing departments from major

international organisations

le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai

Strengthening Rhône-Alpes’ position in international networks

Initiating and developing collective international actions for the Region’s clusters

Supporting the Region in the economic aspect of its international geographical partnerships

Giving Rhône-Alpes an international image as an innovative, scientific and technological region

Actions effective for all the regional economic sector’s stakeholders: research, technology, formation, companies, events…

le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai

Accelerating the Internationalization of key clusters in Rhône-Alpes

Moderating international work groups made up of companies and stakeholders Being at the origin of diverse actions as well as being capable of helping other stakeholders come up with their own propositions Offering and setting-up yearly international development plans (PDIs) which aim to give the companies within the clusters more weight in their international development. => 6 PDIs are currently being prepared for 2008 of which: aerospace, renewable energies, Imaginove, mountain industries and outdoor leisure Ensuring individual supervision for the companies in each cluster and their targeted market

- Automotive - Mountain industries- Environment - Technical Textiles- Renewable Energies - Biotechnologies- Medical Technologies...

le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai

Clusters of Excellence in Rhône-Alpes

Supporting the Internationalization process of Clusters of Excellence in Rhône-Alpes :

Lyon URBAN TRUCKS & BUS : develop and export transport solutions in an urban environment

Erai is the moderator this cluster of Excellence’s International department

12-14 December 2007 : The Truck & Bus World Forum - www.tnb2007.com 

TENERRDIS : production of renewable energies (solar, biomass and hydraulic) – especially for the building and transport sectors

Erai has brought this Cluster of Excellence closer to the Renewable Energies cluster in order to gain more leverage and therefore more efficiency for both stakeholders

le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai


Simplifying the international development of companies by integrating young foreign professionals in their teams

Interlinking clusters and European/International centers of excellence through expert exchanges

le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai

Erai USA

Atlanta - Philadelphia

le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai

A few figures about Erai USA:

Created in October 1999

A team of 6 employees

More than 400 export projects completed in 8 years

Incubation Program ‘’Implantis’’ launched in 2001

15 companies incubated with success so far : Chocolat WeissDicksonMapedDermscanNucleisBSIAnthogyrTechpap etc.

le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai

Our ImplantisOur Implantis®®

le monde en têtewww.erai.org

soutient l’action d’erai

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