latin 7 wonders of the world final version

Post on 19-May-2015






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7 Ancient Wonders of the World

By Prannay Roy

There were many different ancient artefacts which were magnificent at the time but these seven outstanding pieces of art are the seven wonders of the ancient world according to the leading archaeologists and historians. These seven wonders were chosen because the wonder, in some way, was something made at the forefront of engineering.


1. The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the tallest and the biggest out of the 3 pyramids in Giza. It’s proper name is The Pyramid of Khufu and The Pyramid of Cheops. The pyramid was estimated to be around 280 Egyptian cubits tall (480.6 ft.), but with erosion and the absence of the Pyramidion (the tip of the pyramid) it is now (455.4 ft.). It is estimated that the pyramid is made from 2.3 million limestone blocks.The reason why this is one of the seven wonders of the world is because: It is the tallest of the three pyramids of Egypt Until the 19th Century it was the tallest building in the world It is 4500 years old and it sill is upright The only Wonder out of the 7Ancient Wonders that still stands It took twenty years for a force of 100,000 slaves to build the pyramid The 2.3 million stones were lifted into position by the use of immense

machines which was the state of art technology at the time.So The Great Pyramid of Giza was one of the Ancient Wonders of the World simply because of the scale of the structure and the amount of planning and hard work that had gone into making this building.

The Great Pyramid of Giza

2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The hanging gardens of Babylon is considered to be the most poetic wonder in the world. Although this wonder’s existence is up for dispute. The hanging gardens were built in the city-state of Babylon, whose ancient

ruins lie about 50 miles to the south-west of Bagdad, in Iraq. The current location is Al Hillah, Babil.

It is said to be built under the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar II around early seventh century BC, which he dedicated to his precious and marvellous wife Amytis, of Media. As Amytis came from was the mountains and greenery, she missed her homeland. She felt extremely depressed surrounded by the dust and sandy flat, sun-baked terrain of Mesopotamia.

It did not really   “hang” as being suspended from cables or ropes. The name comes from an inexact translation of the Greek word kremastos or the Latin word pensilis, which mean not just “hanging”, but “overhanging” as in the case of a terrace or balcony. 

The huge variety of the plants from all over the world were planted alongside each other and managed to survive due to the amaizing garden irrigation with the use of chain pump.

However, there is an alternative story claiming that the hanging gardens were constructed by Assyrian Queen Semiramis during her five year reign starting in 810 BC, which is less reliable according to the historical sources. Thus, they are sometimes called the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

3. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

 The Greek Artemis is the goddess of the hunt. The shrine of goddess was first built

in 800 B.C. but then it was destroyed and rebuilt several times over the next few hundred years.

By 600 B.C., the city of Ephesus had become a major port of trade and an architect named Chersiphron was engaged to build a new large temple with high stone columns.

In 550 B.C. King Croesus of Lydia conquered Ephesus and the other Greek cities of Asia Minor. During the fighting, the temple was destroyed.

Theodorus built it again. His temple was magnificient about 300 feet in length and 150 feet wide with and area four times the size of the temple before using more than one hundred stone columns supported a massive roof. Absolutely grand for the spectator’s eye. The new temple soon became the pride of Ephesus until 356 B.C. It was Herostratus, young Ephesian, burnt the temple to the ground.

Again, it was rebuild by Scopas of Paros, one of the most famous sculptors of his days. Ephesus was one of the prominent cities in Asia Minoor, thus no expense was spared in the construction. Well-known historians all over the world worshiped the construction and called it “wonderful monument of Grecian magnificence, and one that merits our genuine admiration.” The cause of astonishment was not only the temple itself but the four bronze statues of Amazon women.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

4. Statue of Zeus at Olympia

 The Statue of Zeus is one and only creation from the other six worlds’ ancient wonders which was located on the Europe Continent. It was built by the famous Greek sculptor Phidias, approximately 432 BC. It was considered to be the most famous artistic work in all of Greece and made

profound and intense impressions of the viewer. The philosophers, ancient travellers, writers were certainly astounded when they witnessed the beauty of this statue. They knelt down before it in admiration, because the execution of the skill was as incredible as the image of Zeus was holy…

To the Greeks the statue of Olympian Zeus was the incarnate god and and not to have seen it at least once in one’s lifetime was considered a misfortune.

During the centuries it was such an impressive, exciting and powerful image of god that, “If a man, with a heavy heart from grief and sorrow in life, will stand in front of the statue, he will forget all these.”

Statue of Zeus at Olympia

5. Colossus of Rhodes

The island of Rhodes was an important economic centre in the ancient

world. The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue of the Greek Titan Helios, made in the city of Rhodes on the Greek island of Rhodes by Chares of Lindos between 292 and 280 BC. In 305 BC Demetrius Poliorcetes tried to invade Rhodes with an army of 40,000.

Before its destruction, the Colossus of Rhodes stood over 30 meters (107 ft.) high, making it one of the tallest statues of the ancient world.

Facts about the Colossus: It was 60m high. A giant human figure constructed of bronze plates placed under a

framework of iron.

Colossus of Rhodes

6. Light house of Alexandria

The Lighthouse of Alexandria was one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. It was situated on the small offshore island of Pharos, lighting the way for many sailors navigating the tricky harbour. After Alexander the Great’s death, in 323 B.C., Photemy Soter ruled over the Egypt made the city even more prosperous and famous for its wealth. This meant that the city harbour was very busy Photemy saw a need of a symbol, as a result he authorized the building of the Pharos in 290 B.C. and the building was completed after twenty years. Reasons for why The Light house was a wonder: When it was finished it was the first light house in the world It was the tallest building in the world with the exception of the Great

Pyramid of Giza It took 800 talents ( around 3 billion pounds) This showed the impressive construction techniques used in Egypt, as

Egypt had 2 wonders. (The Great Pyramid of Giza and The Light house).

Light house of Alexandria

7. Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was a tomb built between 353 and 350 BC at Halicarnassus.  By that time the city of Halicarnassus was a capitol of small kingdom along the Mediterranean coast of Asia Minor.

Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

The theme that I have set my seven modern wonders of the world is Man Made Islands.

My 7 Wonders of the World

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