late news / by telegraph - news / by telegraph fourteenth year. ... i hotel...

Post on 02-Apr-2018






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Late News / By Telegraph



THINK IIf you investigate the Al- lenhurst - corner residence

. property, two lots, rent­ing for $850 that the

f Milan ^Ross Agency are offering for sale at $7,_000, a bargain,



A splendid property on Asbury Afenue, second block from ocean, A decided bargain for some­body. Gall and get particulars.

D. C. COVERT - j208 Bond Street,

Porter Said to Have Stolen Away W ltjiClothes of H ellt1!oy ami Also Goods ,

, ' of O ther /Employees. . ■ .Tlio troubles or tho ' help of tho Devon,

s/ilroworo not m erely .con fined to the Iobh of th e ir . wages by the siiddon disappear­ance of thoir employer, F ra n k W , Case, jr., who left yesterday indebted to them nearly $400.

All las t n ig h t they caroused about tho houso to tho despair of the neighbours whose rest was pretty. inuoh of an unrest.

N ot evory one took p art in th is general eolebratlon as was discovered th is m orning.

W illiam Thom pson,: the porter, *was found missing. T h a t was not all that? was found m issing, cither, for whon David Baxter, tjio bellboy, looked for his su it 'o f clothes th is m orning, thoy wore nowhore,tQjJQjOUnd. :Vcry_sOQri-hollhoysr -wiiifer«rcooksand-evoiyone-lM!gun-to-reporttfomo-

-thln g—m iss 1 n gr-—Itr^v aa--ren o r tcd~ thatr Thompson had lx?ort seen leaving the hotel ^ ^ HnioI>niTIgrw tth ‘r tp orti imnlb iaC "T O f(fn tho sfil P wliicfi Thompson wore was de­scribed i t tallied exactly w ith ih e one Bax­ter had lost.

In tho. vest pocket was a re tu rn ticket by boat to New York, which It is presumed Thompson used. B a x te r 'h a d a w arran t Issued' fo r thc inissing portcr th is m orning and w ill prosecute the ease.

Thompson is said to be m arried and to live in Now BrunswleW. .Tho am ount of his alleged stoaMflgs is,not known exactly.-

Fourth Avenue Scene of Most Dangerous Bathing Accident

. of the Season.

Alex. M: FaglesoF Warns Bradley Beach Board That Summer

Residents A re , Angry,

W O R K IN G F O R N E W S T A T IO NW illia m S tu d evan t o f Brooklyn^ a .G u est

at th e L ead ley , O w es I l lH 't lf e to , th e* B r a v o ,E/Torts o f L ife G uard W illia m 1■ H u r ley \V lien H e AVas O vercom e Fj»r

B ey o n d th e B op es.

A drow n 1 n g nceldent^was avertetLatJJKL last second a t’.noon today^afcthelfourth

jy C om m ittee o f C itizen s an il C onncllincn W ill A sk ^Superintendent .B lo d g e tt for

•• K a llw » y B e p o t—C om m ittfO '- Appo^nWd . to A scerta in CJotit o f S e w e r in g B orou gh

L icen se D e lin q u en ts to h e S u ed , «.•’

The first regu lar m e c tln g o f tlio'Brnd- leyjjeacli. councilf or iffometime ^msfc-Jvvas Jieldllast-nlglit,—— — —-—^ ^

a num ber o rtaxpaycrs on Ocean avenue iietifcionetl-fcljet brmril-to place a ilre-hydm nt

i n tiro 'v iein i ty~of 'th n ir property r i? h 'e la h ►O. H aw n, ano ther sum m er resident on Oceanavenuo; complained of tho bad con­dition th a t streot is now in. Both cairn .m unieations wero received and Hied,

A report from M arshal. W illiam Flood, wlio Is alfco libense collector, w as Hlso con­sidered. Ho'reported th a t up to date $2.‘J2 lmd been collected and that$!M.25 w as still

-due tlie Iwrough. ” *On m otion of Councilm an W illiam Lar.

rajiee a ll tlie delinquent licenses w ill be col lectod according to ‘law.. .Thn report of tho stree t com m ittee on patching tho streets anti laying new trim kg


i Hotel Brunswfok,— OyramH-Itallroad-Pepot and—-----:------

{1214 BaDKBAYenuo,Principal OfflcQ.......... 800 MAIN STREET

Goods stored nt reasonable rate*,Telepliono connection, t;;.

•P.O.Box 667, - - ASDTOY FAB*.

BRIGADIER G E N E R A L J. H. W ILSON.JnniPH II. W ilson. WilHi lwontl.v mlllliii'y fjovpnioi^ol' .M.'UiuizaH nnd Santa

C lam provinces, f'nlMl, Is one of Die twigmltei! Koncnils sont .by the govora- hiont to nsSlst M ajor Gcnura! Ohafl’oo hi liis CIiImchp cniiipiiign. •

KonmoutH ButldiiigyAslinry Park, If. J .

CAPITAL;............ .1100,000.SURPLUS.TT. . . . . . . . . $5$0Q.P O I S O N E D B U T T E R M I L K


Union Pacific F lyer“ Stopped a t Table Kock, W yoniIng—-Olllolals Silent.

Oh 1 ca go, Thursday .—W ord was received ■ h e re 'a t an a ir ly hour th is m orning that; the Overland express on the Union Pacific had been held up a t Table Rock, Wyom-; lug.. The details o f th e robbery are kep t1 secret by the Chicago - olliclals. - T h o y ad - • mit, however, th a t the through train lms| b ieii robbed and the express car rlfie l but! would not discuss It further. .!

Banking Commissioner Powers K illed, jPhiladelphia, Thursday. — Thomas, J.!

tow ers, a banking commissioner of Pqnn-! sylvania,' -wfta in stan tly k illed, by being; struck by an A tlan tic City train a t Brldes- burg/a* suburb of this city, th is morning.! The body"wasmarigled to pieces.

J n c re i is e E x p e c te d In I tn s g l i iu R o y a l F a m i l ySt. Petersburg}!,-Thursday .^--The czarina

is expected to be confined in October and the czar is again hope'fulof the b irth of a m a le child .... -r-r-—:-

Veterans E lect Commander In Chief* .Chicago, Thursday. — M ajor Rasslenr

was eleetejd commander-in-chief of tho G.A. R. jit tills m orning’s session in th is c ity /

The W eatlier.\Vashington, Thursday.—Oonerally fair

and cooler tonight and Friday; light Jjoi* tlverly-W i nd

was not considered , as it was signed by only one m em ber o f.. the committee, Charles B ogart. f .

The condition of the thoroughfares of tlje borough, adm itted by thp council to be in a deplorable sta te , w as the subject o f .a few omphatlc-reinarks on the part-o f Aloxandor M. Eagleson, a sum m er resi­dent on Neptune avenuo. H e said tiie present condition of the roads w as dis- gracefnl. N ot only-wcre-thev-full.of-ruts- aiul holes, b u t th e gu tters were obstructed nnd‘overgrown w ith , weed sa n d grass, He also complained of the m anner In, which

The stree ts aro sprinkled; Concluding ho siiid th a t the sum m er residents wero tired of the present*^tatc of aiTalrs and th a t If 7thc'conncil'dld~nT5ti-do som ething toward’ rem edying tho evil the non-resident tax ­payers would take some action to compel them to do thoir duty.

“ Your roads cost too mUeh in the first place," continued Mr. Kagleson. “I could Jiave^takon-tho-contract "fot $l5;ooo: andi would have m ade money oh i t and given you !>etter streets th an you now have;*’

Charles C. C o p lan d , ano ther sum m er resident of the borough, also complained of the streets and said they, kept a friend of his from building there. "•

W hile it was the .opinion />f the board th a t th is -w’as not tho -propor-tim o for fltivet-repai rs itrvvas on motlon; of-Mr.Tmr^ nil>eo ordered th a t tho iliiahco committee, jlmLf^tJbMvLimichJuont^yijtt-rcniaincd-to. the crcdit of the stree t account. I t i s thought: thoro js aboutrfl.TCKT an d w ith this repiiirsw lli-be mado.

The report of the collector shows th a t from March 21 to Aug. Hi), the receipts of tlie bonm gli were $0,2150.50. ' Tho disburse­m ents were $7,<W(j.r>8, leaving a; lialance of <1,71.‘{.<>8 on hand, ^ h o -bitrs were then read, retseived, filed and a J^ioico fow or­dered paid later.

Tho m a tle ro f a new station for Bradley Beach was alsoJbrpughtjnp by Charles C. C6]K‘laiurrTile~nskCd_ th a t-‘th ^ board ap- point one o r two of I tsm em b ers to go with tiio colnmltteo, of which he is el^iir- iimn, to.confer-with Superin tendent Blod- g e tt .^ J Ie Siiid th a t fiince.-tlie bujldliig of the now factory a t Bradley Beach the pmsjMicts for a new sta tion %vore consl^ler- i\\j>W ibrlglvter. ' > 1

T hocom m ltteo is composed of Mr. Coijo- la n d j ' iren ry C. W insor, T . F ra n k Ap- iideby, 0 . S. S teiner andvW illiam Barra-- T)ee and tho mayor^of tho con noil m anic board. A n olTorfc w ill bo made to iuive Mr. Bradley a ttend when the com m ittee confers w ith Mr. 13lodgett w hieh w ill bo’ w ithin two weeks. “ .

Mr. Cojkiland also brought., up tlio m at­ter of sewers for the resort and said the cost w ould no t be as heavy aa expected.

On m otion of Mr. Larralnio a conimittee of ^hreo, consisting of himself, 10. Foster; and Charles Bogart? were,appointed to as*; certain the probable cost of sewering the Uorougli'. ^ • ”, ; I !

A petition was presented by Mr. Cope- hind. m fuesting th a t M arshal Flohd bo re-; talned tho whole year instead of only d u r­ing the sum m er m onths. I t was received and ,11 led to be acted on latpr. . t_'". . •

A n executive session .was afterw ards held to exam ine the books of the assessor.

W iiiU le ld G roves an d W ife o f W est S um - ' m e t fie ld AVenubM ntle D an g ero u sly , 111 b y P a r ta k in g o f B everage.

W hitfield Groves and wife of W est Sum- merfield avenue cjuno near dying Tuesdayby being poisoned by butterm ilk ._____ _

—^Tito liquid was purchased Tuesday about noon and both Mr, and Mrs. Groves par- took of It, Mr. Groves to a grea ter ex tent th an his wife. Shortly after Mrs. Groves 'Wffi“ta k e n ^ 'io le 7 it l j^ n " n iM “lat(!r~ArrC Grovo.i. Thoy were alone In thoir home a t the tliiio and were' unable to call for help or render each o ther any assistance, Oscar Bast3do happened In a short tim e later and hurried for a doctor. ._ M rR ^ ro 3 ,£a-recmcredjnucli-sooncr-than. her husband, w;ho suffered intense- pain an d who had not recovored last night.

Tho bu tterm ilk was sold to . them by a farm er w ho peddled it from house to house. I t w as carried i n a ju g with a very sm all neck and I t is though t tho receptacle, had no t been proporly cleaned.

which was contrived for nose -com fort. When you wear a pair - o f my eyeglasses your nose will 1. be as lucky as your eyes.NOSE

D ism em b erm en t W ou ld L ik e ly H ave Ke-j su ited H nd J a p a n H e ld A m oy—A llies i A re -R ep orted -to -bc-M ovin g^ Son th w ard j F rom P ek in — C onger . Says Im peria l; P a la ce is to bo E n tered .

Jeweler and Optician — : 6 4 5 C o o k in a i j~ A v e .

GliiawB, watolios and Jewelry Repaired With promjitnMa nnd skill.

T H E C H A L L E N G E A C C E P T E DAnd' see that your dwelling, furniture and personal prop­erty is fully i nsurecL

G arret B e n n e tt o f B e lm a r W ill M eet W illia m B row er rtf B rad ley B each

in C rab E a tin g C ontest.. W illiam 'B row er, the champion hard torab_ eater. of._Bnidlcy. -Beacli,-whose-der 110000^0-tiie-crab 'eat(^rs"of” Mohinou th county w'as published Tiiesday in the •Pui^s, h a s : had sevoral answers: to JJie„

:^ = E v e r 3r t h i n g i n t h e " ^ ^ ' '

STATIONERY Line~ Vife’ws of Asbury^Pafk; 10c.-

Tally Cards and Punches, , Playing Cards. t 1 4 k t Fountain Pen, $1;00.Card Board and Mounting Board

22x28. ' ... yPicture Binding and Library Paste. All Latest Magazines. New 1 York and Philadelphia

Papers. . S ,000 Novels at 10c,,

HARRY S. BORDENS ta tio n er N ew sd eale r

Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Are.

LO C A L H A P P E N IN G Schallenge. ■ \ \

Clarrct'Benhott,’'onc 'of tho old settlers a t Belm ar, no ted fo r his crab capacity, was oneof tho first to accept, the challenge.

“W ell,1’ said he,.pulling out a well filled ;w allet and.slapping i t down on the coun- .ter,'“ there’s $»r>0 th a t Siiys G arret's appotito for crabs is equal to th a t of any other man.*' •

W hen tfic’ press of sunim or business is som ewhat abated a contest will bo a r­ranged b etw een . Bennett* and Browor_ w h ic lrisdcsti nod; toifOilOAV n iir th o a tiiia l s of timo as ono of the m o s t fam ous in th is vicinity. In the m eantim e a largo fo.reo of; crabbers w ill bo p u t to work Immediately -In order th a t enough m ay be secured for the unique m a tch . * , .

'Phe-beach "band-plays atrF ifth avenue- tonight. ’ , ’ /

Mr. and Mrs. Randall *Ford, ai*o visiting George Borden of th is city. *

C. S. Steiner, tlie n igh tsh irt m anufac­turer, is enjoying a fishing trip to Barne*. g a t Bay today. . t

Miss W ilda Gifford of JOmory streot has returned .from a two wveks’ visit to the Jefferson homestead, CatpklUs m ountains.

Buy seats wirly today for ‘‘W ay Down E ast.” Diagram is a t Grenolle’s, Main streot. You can thus avoid the rush a tKducationaLhalLUmight.------- ------- --------

T. F rank Appleby is one of the latest victim s of the bjeyelo thief. Mr. Apple-' by’s wheel was .stolen from tho rack in front of his^dlice yesterday. / --Ujluvmedal to-be given to the wm ner of the l.ialloon race to take place a t Pleasure Bay Labor Day afternoon is on exhibition a t Stein bach’s M aluistre^t ih ;|‘j»n Palajie.

Con'vphClntwasniado i)y!«lohn II. llage- m aii of 71*1 A sbury avenue, yesterday, th a t

had,been stolen from his house during ,the day.*’ Detective lla rpham was given charge of tlie case. .. .. •

The Blble class of tho W ostGro\V M. J'J. Sunday-school,, taugh t by Rev. W . G. Moyer, spent yesterday in picnic stvle at’ Wauanmssji park. This is becoming a popular picnic resort.

David C artw right lind wife of .Newark are visiting.At. M. Crosbie of this city. Mr. Cartwright, ntybno time.was a resident, of A sbury i*ark and sUirted. Mr. Crosbie j if business here ;is years ago. ‘ * #

Grace W . A bbott, a guest a t Norwood Ilall, lost a pockcrltook th)s morning, .eon-. ta in ing abon t^^rm ii UTimey^und tW.tVor three rings. In it was also a recelnt for jewelry from. F rank H olt, a jeweler, of Newark. _ ‘

fJ’liree .‘pnjiiilar and stylish girls now stjiy ingjn Asbury .P ark are Miss Marie Barry of M t, Vernon and the Misses Bessie. -and-l^innio-A-loxnndcr-of-Drooklynr~/l.!hey- aro seen daily on the drives and also on the Deal; Golf club, llnksi * : . ...

'I’a y lo r . th e Kliiglis>' golf cham pion, playtui golf a t Hollywood on Tuesday. He was pitted w ith .7. H. Seal's against Col. G. B .'M . Harviiy and Chauncy H .-M ur- ,phy.w Taylor and Sears scored lOl against lif.i m arked for their opponents. ’ f

Thom as .T, .W itickler's horse tbok frlglit a t tluv Knights;Tem plar parade on* Matl i- son avonue yesterday and broke looso from the hai-uess, The horse stum bled and fell and was soou captured, b u t not until the ranks bf the "paraders iiad l>een i IJadly broken up. • ‘ •

B ack B roken lit F a ll F rom H ay M ow.. .KdWard Bdnks, tv coachman a t Mon- niouth Beach, fell from a hay mow recent-- iy,-a dist^kiicoqf 13 fi»t, and Jjrokohis hick. H is en tira body was instan tly paralyzed.' HiV was . taken to tho Long Branch hos­pital, where i t w*as ag reed 'tha t'th ti only possible chance of stivlng his life was by tlm ren iovalofthebrqken-1 lo n es^ riio o p - eriitlou was performed by D r. D. 'M. For-. m an of Freulibld. Banks still lives'nnd 3a coiiseious, b u t 'th e hospital staff lias but little hope of his-recovery. . •

A G ift to j th e F ir e LaddieS;MiSs-Virginia Nelson of Third tivoniie, a

great frloml of Ihe lira laddies, presented the Neptune Engine company w ith I a 24- foot'^Anieriean-jlagv th^^nornlng.-?" Chief- H arry Scott ♦and H ow ard LoRoy- sw ung Old Glory to the breeze a t noon todaj^i Miss Nelson is an honorary member of the company aud. has on several other occa­sions matie thein liberal presents; ~

I write insurance in best companies at lowest rates. '


___Asbury Park, N. J

O B IT U A R Y R E C O R D* C arlton T h om pson .

Carlton, the in fan t son of Jennie aiul. Alexander Thompson of N eptune City, (lied yesterday. The funeral services will bo held from tho late home a t J3 o’clock to. morrow. In te rm en t w ill be a t M t. P ros pbet cemetery.

O rgalla May D orsey .Orgalia May, the in fan t daughter^of

Howard and Nellie, Dorsey of Bradley Bcaoh, died yesterday of cholera infantum . The funeral services will be held from the late residence tom orrow a t 2^ 0 ’clock. In" 'torm ent w ill bo made a t M t. Prospect cemetery. • .. '*■ ' •H ir in g B a th in g S u its on S unday U n la w fu l.

Before Justlctj Canfield at_'Ocwm: City yostorday, Daniel B. Mayhow pleaded guilty to a ehargo of selling on Sunday. Clifton Sm ith , Jo h n Brow er an d E.^C. Boyle wore tried and convicted on a chargo of hiring bath ing suits on Sunday.—Jo h n ' Brow ok w as acquitted of tho charge of keeping h is photograph gallery open on Sunday. W illiam Shrivor was also ac­quitted of hiring bathing suits 6n Sunday! The court-has not yet imposed sontence on

jtli oRe-fou mHf nil ty sT ram p s'’a t-B r a d le y B eaeh .

Sovoml . com plaints have/ lately boon mado to M arshal W illiam Flood of .Brad­leyBpach of tram ps infesting tho borough. M idnight Watohe^ for some |iimo past re­sulted Tuo'silav niglit In* tlie captmt) of twoj of thorn. Tlioy ^ r o , taken before Mayor A. T . “Rogers, who gave- thein 20 m inutes to loavo town..

__S ta to . A p p ou ls M ilk -C ases. \A n apiKial has been taken in the ease^ of

t-lio S ta te Dairy-assoohitlon against tho m ilUm en who wero arrested for .selllmr-

I t Is ju st as Im pom nt to Jiavo cQr j roctly fitting tram es as teork’cctly- ground louses. I mako sure tho: frames tit tho fane porfectlj'. I t Is; easontlal to good vision th a t tlio- contioof tho irinssos como-exactly- opposite tho pupils of the oyos, and with ill-fitting frames*this most tm-

' . * portant essential may bo absent.E y e s E x a m in e d F ro o

Willard C , WisemanAsbury Park Optical Parlor,

e o a C o okm an A v e n u e .Cor. Jlmory S traeW _ Tel. i s 1

B U B O N IC P L A G U E AT G LAS GOWH oulth B oard‘"of 'Tlmt- - City A dm it Hos-

p I till I’atleiit Died o f th e DiscaKo. on Sunday Lust.

Glasgow, Thursday.—The health;Board today 0 11 iciaIl5r diagii<lsed t!ufTioiisb o f TIVe death <>f a patient in Jihe.hospifail hero Sun­day as Imbonie plague. F ifty persons are now in the hospital under surveillance.

Trobabiy not, but why run the risk_ofj;erious!y injuring your Eyes by "tTTe 'use bf incorrectly fitted glass*sHw1«iif y o r <5ait"h'ave"T:lrettr skillfully adjusted by . , ' \S H E S E R V E D HIM R IG H T

W aitress I d a M err itt S w u n g P la te s W ith S k ill o f a L eagu e P itch er W h en

O rdered to S erve P o r te r . ■A .warrant was Issued by J u stico DotJjd-

thls m orning against Ida M erritt on e^m ” plaint of H.,11. T urner, both colored/rosi- donts of lho W est Side.'

T urner, who is a porter a t tfie Spray View, charges that.'“Id a M erritt, a w aiter thoro, assjiulted him this inorhing about breakfast t^iuc. '* T u rn er wen t back ' to th e kitchen to get Ids nioal anti lie aiu l she had a qu ie t little discussion a s to # w hether she should w ait on him . The alteractlon ended In th e girl consenting to servo him. . v;' She walked over "to the. cupboanl, he

says, and seizing a plate handed i t to him w ltli a 1 ivoly forw ard pass. I t cam e across tho-room so fast th a t T iiruor pouhjjn’t. dodge an d hitting/ his lieail -\yas broken into..JAnincu:fl]lll_j>inces. Next •. camo a ituicer in tho sam e‘stylo. T urner objected to bolng' sorvwl in tlmt,'.way and sought shelterJrom the fusllado in ’Sqniyo Dodd’sCOUrt. r : • y

WhoU tho constable w;enfc to the Spray

STILES & CO1IANK H O lttlK U C<>NPKSSKS,Philadelphia Eye Specialist;

At 22.2 Main street, Asbury .Park, every Friday,. _

Hours, 16 to S. Free exhmlnatlon ■ md all . wortoguamnteed.

Edw nvd Gosh, W h o S to le JUIiO.OOO, W as Surprised at. I lio E x te n t 'o f .I lls T h eft, Loudon, Thursday,-r-Kdward Goss, who

stole .tOO.OiK). from P a rrs bank in January , 18i«), today confessed to the crimo in court. He said he wiw the cashier’s d raw er open and grabbed- a 'bundle of notes, th ink ing they Represented {only a few pounds. Amazed a t the -amount he secured he re­turned a ll b u t a. sm all sum . Goss -was re- m andqd for trial... . ' .

O V E R C O M E BY T H E H E A TSurplus and Profit*

L W . P h ilH p s^ a K n ig h t T em p lar F rom N ew ark , ]*rostrated as P a rade

Pansod R ev ie w in g S tan d .L. W . Phillips, a nipmbcr of the Dam as­

cus commamlerj’ of, N ew ark ,' was over* come by tho heat yesterday-just as the” col­um ns jKissed tiio Voviewlng stand. H e was removed to tlifi Colomaii Houso wore< re- stoiiitlves wore applied.. He was so totally prostrated th a t he had

to bo taken to tho station in a carrlage.As ho is oldorly gentleman..tlio

attack;*It is fetfroi, w ill provo~ sorlous./

O F A S B U R Y P A R KMattison Avenue ani Bond 'Street


C orner r ia ttlso n Ave. and M ain S t., ASBURY PARK, N. J .

Corner Main Avenue and Pilgrim Pathway . OCEAN GROVE.

W ild. 1’C areer br L ooters o f ’ th e .H udson' *' j : ■ Valley E nded h t l^iHt. • \. Pm ^hkeepsie, Thursday.—A fter defying

tho. constables of tho Hudson valley for years'in looting barns and pastures along tlie rivet* to the exten t of thousands of dol­lars'; the organised band of robbers leaded bj’ J a in d sQ U rre n ^ f l^ w ^ l’oIWt -lK'urlKu*!! arrested, ja iled1 and now aw alti tlie next -sessioi»-of-the-^HiiHl-juryr------ —

(Between Foitofflo* and Depot .


■HENHV C..W1NKOR, Prwtdent.OF.O. W. KVaNHv Vlcfl-rrt'aijont,

EDMUND E^HAYTON. Oftfllilor..J.UHHE MINOT, Amlatnnt Omihler.

OFFIOSHB-. QEOR&B! F. KROEHL, President tJT T ^R O W rrB tT S oS T iw idefit;— M. Ii. BAHMAJ?, 2nd Vloe Frmfyani

M. H , 8C0TT, Cazbler.

■ Snililon 'Deaiis lit tlio Hurl".W. P. W hite, 00.years oldK of Philailel

-phiar d 1 (Hl'Very-sudd o irly in 'tli a su rfy ester: day niorjiing_at A tlan tic City. H e w alked down on tho bohoh In fro n t ^of JJrady^a bathingestabliB hm ontabout 7M o’clock, atul a l m o s t " t a n t l y - bntorotU tl^yaU ir,; A bout live m inutes later, whon tho w ater was scarcely above his knees, ho dropped and tho body was carried ashore, bu t -Mr, W hite died l.u a fow m inutes. H eart fall- uro was undoubtedly the causo of death.

had disappeared] / W hen TTirner was in. fo n n ^d ^ f her gofng ho inustored up cour­age and returned. ’ '

, Asbury Fark. Lots for Sale.Thoso lo ts are hwyited on streets one

hundred foot In*width, w ith gas, sower an d w ater m ains. Prices range from- $1,000 upwartl. Wliero parties build no moncry requlix*d and in addition a build: ing loan will bo mado. Inqu ire a t P ark

KKJ^mt;Rnnnet-in‘e cures Tndigeatlon. ■

‘‘‘dqotoi'od” m ilk an d \yho w'oro discharged by J-iistlco V an DoroU-TJf Lohg Brancli last week'when thoir cases came up before him for hearing. t. ; .. - v •

tBemovliig",Presbyterian Parsonage,P ete r B . Poland,- th e tB radley-B eachj

house mover> Is rem oving tlfo 'old-parson- ago. of t|io I^rosbyterlan phurcli a t Malia- squan . to the rear of tho Poland home­stead. Tho work is being done fo r Wil* 11am L. Brown. ,


.itoiiM;nutinAnD* LEWIS RA1MKAR, v .o KO.-W. TiUC4T, v AM08 TILTON,

T.VlUNK APPI.KnYf‘ N. E. IMJCIIfANON* ■ 0. ,J0. OLAVI'OK,•BO.' W. KVANH, -.— j. a. FsnnuaoN,

WaHhiugtoii Ofllclals H ave K ccelvcd .Som e . BlK quictitig BesiWitolurs.

W ashington,Thursday .—SiHjrotaiTHtiy’s condition is feared hero by m any to bo se­rious. Some disquieting reports have been received from his sum m er residence a t Sunapee, N..H ., and the. fact th a t he con­tinues to bo absent from W ashington a t a* moat critical tlm o Is charged to Ills illness.

P a tro n s ' v a lu a b le s re o e tv o d fo rK eeping fro o o t o b a rfie . . . .---------:

$ o re Ian ex o h an g e b o u ^ h t^ n d Hold CoU eotlons p ro m p tly aoK now led««d

njcNnv a, wiNson,

/ ic c o u n te R ospoctfu lly Solleltod, S a fe Lopofclt BoSfoa- to Ront.W e Issu e F o re ig n D ra f ts and Let-

te r e of C red it.YOUR, BU SIN ESS FAVOR® RY

8PBO TPU LLY SOLIOlTHO.Rennet-ine ourea Indigestion.

- I . I •

£ A S B U R Y P A I tT C D A I L Y P R E S S , 'P t f U 'R S D A Y , A .U G .U S T 3 0 , 1 0 0 0 .

W ill lioturti, tp F irst J.ovn _____A ronuvnco vpis brought to lig h t y osto i'

(lay by tho 111IH& In blmncory of a petition for dlvorco by Mrs. Joseph Fostlmbro, or Mrs. A lfred T. Brown of Orange. Tho com plainant In I860, botfrg then Miss Lam ­bert, jnnrrled Brown In Camden, roiriov- lng shortly afterw ards to Orange. In 1,H?J Brown m ysteriously disappeared; an d six years lator Ills death from fover In South Amorleiv was reported. : Bollovlnghor hus­band dead Mrs. B row n. In , 1882 m arried Festlinore, w ith whom sho lias slnco boon living. A m onth ago Brown, now an old n u ll, appeared iipon tho scono, an d his wife decided to fo tu rh to hor first lpvo. Thls destrtl prpinptCU -hor.,£9 in stitu te! tho

T h e Da i l y P r e s s .J . I n KINMONTH,


607 Mattison Avoiino, Asbury Park, N .J . 1 TKLKPHONK OAI.UI' j

Editorial Rnom'H.......................Bualneea Office.............

50 a 00b


= ■!.. TERMS OF SUllRCRft’TIOX: Evening Edition. f.‘ .

One year (strictly In Mvancejv.................tOno week............... .. V.v.

-^Singlecopliia ..........f Morning Edition*Ten w e e l c a . ............. . $1.™O n e . w e e k . . 'k> H lnglecoplea *u

Advertising Rijtcs on Application;.




""tTlig—Snrjpflmnl... : p e a sa n t lin te l WlHi a C ount-Den-

p e n t t c St?rijniniige E tiriiti'il. . •

morning t>y Marshal .1 ohn -I*'. 1 lookin', had been arrested’'.under sonfiatlonal eir- cumstaiicos a t The lllulTs, ii hotel full of well-to-do people, a t Bay 3 lend. A t 1.U0 o’clock yesterday morning Jtarshal Hooker, In coinpnuy"\vltlva iletyi&tvi;, and- John Thomas li . >Vatson of iiiJUrnadway, Xew. York, weiit to tlie hotel and knoclu'd a t the door of a renin occupied by a cmiplo who luid .registered as , M r, and Mrs. W.

' W. .Walters, but who'were- Mr. W atson’s wife an il the count.

" TlieTSJimlnTsponded-t-o ‘ tlu*-JvUouk,_aud as'l)Cj auiloeked, tlip dour tho.marshalVush- (Hl intu tilif roum ':tntl-oii&4iwU -lu‘— i.niin t ilprisoner, -Mrs. Wotson .hastily crawled under the bed while the count was • being hustled downstairs, but, '.recognizing her husband’s' Voice,'- grasped :i revolver and

. hastened after the crowd. ;1 . The ollicer had his prlsonor on tile Imiail

verantia w ith oiiiThiiiMlcufr oiTwheirM rsr . W atson th rust the-barrcl of tiie gun in ills

face. The ollicer struck a t her.outstretch­ed arm just in tim e to send the bulletcrashing uitirtlun'oillng-nbovr—--------- -—

/ In tiie scrimmage tu disarm the frjiwricd- woman .the count pumiced‘u pon, tlm ollicer and the excitem ent was :i|iilfcp interesting

' for the plucky little ollicer for a few mo­ments, but lie managed to land Ills prls-

— oner safely ill liuilit Pleasant iail.'Svliere

SWEDEN TO BORROW OF US.L o a n T h a t Eittfcllwh C a p ita l D id X o t

H a n d le to D e F lo a te d H ero . .. Chicago, Aug. SO.— lt is anuounccd hero'

that^Sw eden has offered-to place a gov­ernm ent loan in tills’,country o f $10,000,-• 000. I t consists of an issue of bonds bear­ing .interest for ten years from Aug. 15. 1900, to ,Auff. 15, 1910, nt 4 per- cent a year, and afte r th a t date a t 3 ^ . per cent a year, the Swedish national gOJpe bind­ing itself n^t to ’redeem the bonds before A»g\ 15,10201 On and a fte r this «witt*thc loan may he redeemed a t par, subject to three m onths'notice.

.Tholoan is/ created by-tho national debt office by resolution o f Juhe 2fi, 1000,. un­der-au thority of ‘ th e . riigulations passed by the Swedish diet on May 1*1, 1000. These resolutions have received : royal sanction by. decree issued June;\29^: The loan is made with a view largely tp the construction o f railroads in tlif* kingdom. I t /lpjiejii's 't|io bonds were offered .origi­nally in London/ and frctri the informa­tion at hand it 'is not quite clear whether tin? subscription was a fnilure there or whether the Condon bankers hare since found it advisable to ask the United S tates to assist them in carrying tho loan. The price at- which th e ‘bonds are offered to’ America n su bscri hers—.0$ a nd neerued'interest—\^onld indicate th a t the English subscriptions did not come up to expectations/ • ’ * . v;. TKe - at iornllJ r alT rnivmrTff "XU\v■ Yuri has bceii selected to Hunt tho horids in tins c o u n t r y .Tin* as could' be l(iar.ued -

Hi 1 fd -to -su bser i \ o r-««J*S» flie^sondslt ■'I1 htr‘term«~o f-snb scrip t ion-o ff ered *1 to.?-in-- vestors in tliis eciuntry are practically the same as those which were made to the Knglish tinancinl interests as follows: Kive per eent on application, 13 .per ci*nt on allotment and* 80 per cent im Aug. 13. I t was said th a t payment miglit be inirife- iu full .on allotment, but no discount\vould be'allowed in rospuct of such pay­ment. > •. ‘ . . 5

X eiv fon n d ln n d S h o rt o f Conl.Sf. John’s, X. >F., Aug.vSO.—A conl

fumine threatens the • colony of New- • fmin«l^id._JXJve_establishnu‘ht of a largi? •smelting enterprise a t Sydney absorbs :the greater part, of the^Chpe Breton ont-

T Hie i juju re o r IJpldVs mines colony without . any local

put, aiu! ieaYt^' the product. Sydney coal has advanced <50 per eent, and there is. probably not vuougli to supply *the * w inter's demand. Mr. Heid, the railway contractor, is like­ly to be the most affected, his trains and

“steamers absorbing^fully-a third of-the entire colonial o u tp u t., ‘ '

F ertlin n h d M ay A b d ica te .,London, Aug.. 30.—'As a result of the

he is now aw aiting the arrival of a Ntsvy York attorney- for.; whom Mrs. AVatson

- w ent t]iis morning.Tho detoyt-ivo’ hml been shadowing t he

couplc for tho past; two months. .Both are _,;yery_*_sta^jy^.aiid^nrenossessing. i About

$1,000 in wish is aw aiting the count's order in the hotel safe..

KepublhJnir~12tliU>r Ch:mgctf rolft|i!s; A rthur HusseU—Of Vineland is being"

liooilied by the Democrats of Cumberland county for the congressional nomination

. in the F irst district.. .Mr. Russell was /a Republican, in 1SR5 and published a news:.

S to lo ii tJiio«l» shipiHMl U h M iiiior . .Pongiikcepsie.- ?>: Y..- An^.

~tripr”A tn»n h T ‘T’\VojT(h’i)f -I hitdiess -eonnfy 1ms- caused the arrest of ,lames .Curlew, n saloon keeper, of Low Point: William Post, bartender for. Curlew, and Whiter AVruiilyea and AVallaee ’Van Voo’rhees. I t Ui alleged* tiiat the men had aii .organ­ized' system of stealing harness, ndjes, (jte.. from barns and shipping, the booty in whisky barrels labeled “ Pure alcohol” to confederates in other places,, who .dis-

' posed of it; Post has told the authorities where some of tlie stolen goods, are buried near1 Peekskill, and ollicers h'Avegone .^here to look for them.

LlKlitntiiK StrikcN a- < 'hnrch.Middletown. .X, Y„ Aug. I>0.—Light-

nlng struck the stone spire~of~tlre~I'r<j by ter in iv church nt Goshen, hurling sev­eral large stories through, the roof and badly damaging the .organ. .The' same church; was struck a yejir .ago with simi­lar results. • At the same, time the Church wasf struck lightning caused a panicOn n

^loaded trolley, car ,;neav -Goshen. Out woman'.was' burned by the electric cur­rent. ■ . • / ■

To l le p e a l th e G oclicI Tiitir.Frankfort, Ivy.,’ -Vug. ‘JO.—In* bfith'

. houses of ttie .legislature bills have In en introduced to repeal and to anu'nd ilu (ioebe! electToii law. There any dozens of other similar lulls to .be--introduced, is not likely th a t any ineasure.wU! reco4ve favt*i’a.bie consideration until afr> er.'some election, system ha^-been agreed

~:'Uj »7rir'iTr-Tll*‘“ b«minc I'jiti t *-j * »i n t-cttatf u^-t d senators and. Ji prt'Si'ur^tjV'es,,

1’r lc f o f St c e l . Ac! van eed .----1*\ 11 s 1 >n i‘g, A iigv* J i O 11 -iie ('■ rii(-i I iii >-S \ e<.}Com puny of .Vfiieriea, hits advaro'erj pTlci^PTf ll^knulsrTjt^Ml M'n-lirrtrrll^rf eclT -?-

- a ton? Tii is ’ap|die< Jo #11“ ju'oduelvt ««*vepl line too! steel. >\ hieh'yeuuiiuH M. T i'f-iiiV

-per pound ami upward, according t quulit.v. ___ . ‘

fricriiiipBetwetfii' Uoumanin and'T?ulgnt ia ov^lr*tlie latter!s delay in complying with tlie denuimi o f 'th e /fo rm e r for the sup­pression of the Macedonian revolutionary committee, the Bulgarian diplomatic agent at Bucharest, I>r. IX Theodoroff, has been rccaHed. According to.the. Yien- liji of-^Phc^l-^a i 1 j^K spress-the AA’ieiier _ Ab e nd bln t t asserts ' that Prince Kerdimind of Bulgaria has th rea t­ened -to abdicate, unless the quarrel with Uoumanin is amicably settled.

l lr e s e l .S en ten ced F o r L ife .31iinnrATiffTt}0?=Breecl, the artnrchist

who on July 20 sli^t and killed King Humbert of Ita ly ,, wap adjudged guilty and sentenced to imprisonment for life. On tlie trial he declared lie decided to kill Iving"H um bert a fter the events in Milin and Sicily ,‘*to avenge..the misery, of tlie people; and my o w n ” I te .^dttab

I acted without advice o r accomplices.” Before seutence \vaS proirounced~Bresci -w-ns-gTven- ansop port unity to speiik an d ¥aul: “SeTitence"incfv^am ~iirdifferentv I aw ait th e next revolution.” ;

THE G. A. R/S BUSINESSAnnual R ejjorts of Commander

and Committees.


T h e V etera n * P la c e T ex tb o o k a Used y In S o u th ern S ta te s U n d er th e B an.

SKh >t’n P ln n to >Cha;nire M em o ria lD a y DIniipinfOTed.

Chicago, Aug., 30.—School histories ' used in the irtiblic, schools of tho southern sta tes were denounced a t the buaiueas Bessibn .of tlte G rand Army of* thV 'Jie- piibljc. Xhe-otlfcinl deelnration w as mmlu th a t th e histories Imve been w ritten >nth the .purpose of perpetuating iu the minds of southern children the sectional preju­dice of the diiys'of 1861.

Resolutions were adopted calling on the public, in the name o t the Grand: Army of the Republic, to banish the: books from the1 scliqols of the country, and a committee was appointed to carry out , the protest. Tlie aid of publishers and/historical w riters w ill be solicited., .

The report of tho committbe on pen- sioiia' was presented and ordered printed. This would contain, it wus. generiUly thought, some w ar ‘statem ents, but there won* none. -T here was not in the report nTspecilic declaration or recou! upon any s u b j^ t . - T he committee a t the outset - weiit’ at7l;eiigth r into the "his,-

i l r i t t t^es" i n ^ t > b f m m i i g ~ f r o m —t i i i^ '4 tis i n ere asefr iit certain classes of-pen-'-

sions. I t then discussed the differences of opinion existing between th.e,pension ollice and those members of_ the Gnjnd Army who iiold the opinion th a t the »old soldiers have not received sufficient con- sideration. The report a rgued^at lehgth- against the sta tem ents tlia t have been made by the pension ollice iu reply to.the- original criticisms made by members of thi* ( J rand A rm y," but. offered no sug­gestions as to the direct line of policy to be pursued. ; •

Xo C’fiiioK'e In M em oria l Day.'.1 The committee 'Which lmd taken the annual message, of Commander In Chief ■Sluuv. wider, .considi-rn tion_iicpot'tQ(l_np~.proval of all his suggestions w ith the ex­ception of th a t relating to the change, of the ditto of Memorial d ay from >Iay 30 to the last Sunday in Mayi On th is the committee reported adversely,, anil their report was adopted by the convention. u..Tlie_report_of A dju tant General T hom- as J . Stewai t showed: Tlie; total member­ship of the Grand Army, of the Republic in good stmuling jfune <50,18110, wns G,905 posts, with a membership of 287,081; on D ec,-til, 1800, 7.072-pos ta.^Wi t h a me ni - bership of 2S7,5*li8; on Ju n e 30, 1000, 0,778 posts, w ith a membership of 270,- G02. The losses from j; all causes reported during th e last 12 months were 11,310—" less tlmn in any year since 1803. The death- ra te increased from 2.78 in 1800 ln_2.SQJnU000,

V eteranH In P n b lic S e r v ic e .The committee on legislation fo r've ter­

ans in public service in its report said: .“ Instead of public ofHce being ‘tl public

tru s t ' it is too frequently regarded as ‘it private- sn a p / This permeates all our government- in-spotSr-^An-honornblfi^dfei, charge from the m ilitary or naval service asin_uiC«nnniendation when applying for employment to public oftieials Ought by them to 'be respected.

“ In some-departments, however, in:'re- 'cen t years the badge or button of the; Grand Army of the Republic, evidencing service and sacrifice in the ‘days which tried men's souls,1 notably-so-in-the navy yard a t B rooklyn, is not alone regarded

C onr F iiiu iH c’'ln “ G crn inn y. :-^Bi>i-lin7^Aug^30^~Tlia;“CQalr-fainine in Germany lias become very serious, and n'-number of-'clinmber^ of commerce have petitioned ‘the government for relief. The Prussian cabinet hiVs resolved ,_tp grant a modified railroad tarife for for­eign conl in order to facilitate th e .im ­portation of conl from England and the United States. ' Indeed the famine is so pronounced tha t the Prussian minister of railways, in the interest of. the state, has luid. au. embargo on .ill 1 the coal min- dd in tjie stfite .ijuues,

C h|irgl'd W ith Il<»hhlnwr LetterH.TiuintimTTMnsKr Aug. 30.—A rthur K.

White, a letter currier of this city, has been-arrestedy-ehurged-with-oponing-lcU. ters and • stealing their contents. When confronted w ith evidence of his guilt, he confessed to the crime. H e will' be*ar­raigned-today in Boston. H e gave up all the letters with which lie had tampered. H is boldest net'w as the forging of n *re- ceipt'for- a registered letter and abstract^ ing. a t5 note,'which, he sent to Boston-by an .expressman to get cashed. -

“ H W rn iro l WntHon'H, H om e T rip .Washington,* Aug. 30.—Admiral W at­

son, aboard the Baltimore, hns ; left (^•eenock, Scotland, bound for home.. The adiniral had been proceeding leisurely homeward since he was detached from the command of the Asiatic .station^ and the Baltimore is scheduled to arrive-at- jNew York bn Sb{)t. 10. '

ItanilitH In C anton;Hongkong. Aug. 80.—Two hundred

liiiudiis rniffed tjie T nrtnr eity of Call Ion -^liinduy-nipiil. Scvonil li'nisos wt'ru liiotfrl. It is hclievod that the motive ul' tin1 r.'iid was the ( ’uiitonese lint red-of tin* imrtlieriiers. It is rumored a t Amoy that 12.0D0 Japimese troops are coming from ' h'ormusa. •

M r. H i" .n it’s .11(iv«.ini'n(N.I.iiH-iiln. S..,*h™ Aug. -K.---.Mr. iii.raii has

di‘i!idi-il ili‘li;iil>-l.v i" I>mv.y l.iur.iln for.Cliii-agii n ex t' l-'iida.v r.veiiiiig. • lie will jirii.lutbly spi-iui.SamVihiy iu (Hinni;.. iiiak; ingTjieeelieS, going on l o . l ’hieilgii tiutl, evening. A fter niakiiig his. day Hiil-eeli in Chicago .Monday lie, |a'ob:i}i|y will uiake other speeelies in,tlm t vicini­ty, remaining a way., from home for. two or three weeks.

- ’ In S ir T iini WViikci'itnurf — ■■ I.oudon. Aug. i!0. — The Dully Ti-le-

graph: , prints' nn .Intervimv with Kit> ,.i Tlionnis Lipliiji at Qul'i'tisinwii, iii 1 Iii*

course of whleli he said it was linpossilile ' that any-fixture for a ii tiileiliatloiial Mu-e-

' 511 Ul he innde as- yer~ lliT ileelafe il" | Irntr !' lie lviiiild name his new yaeht .Shanim-lt.:__M.,.i In. ,l, I hi- renin;! Unit lie'in'teiiilnd-

to make th e t-liallellgi' under Ihe auspices - -of the C ork .club.:: . .— ---.- • -

---- r n n H a te h e r fc .^ ItJ sM tl^ m n ijid -th a t Bsli ImU'hcrics phy

If 1 p e rc e n t of tlie eggs arrive at. inntu- l'ity. A cod yields ou an average 4,000,- 000 eggBTBQ 1 per cent would represent

- . 40,000 cod, which, a t CO cents each, would monii n moiiey; value .o f $20,000. A tu rbot yields. 10,000,000 eggs, 1 per cent of which memis 100.000 turhot, Svhich, a t .

' $1.25 eni-li, Is $125,000..- Outside of the i hatcheries Il ls estimated that not more

, than two eggs of u HSh in a spnson li'-o to bfl m ature tisli.

Itnlilicd nn E x p ress Ofllce.Knrimore, N. D„ Aug. 30.—Two mask­

ed inen entered, the Gumt Northern ex- pI'esmtfto^aTni nt the point of a gun com­pelled Agent Ila rry Nelson to. open the safe.. They also shot a t him, . They took $0”> aml'-disa[itieared. Express* company ollicials are here, to investigate*

R nitleffh ip ‘WlnconKln It**ndy. ySail' Tm neisc^^A ug. 30.r-Thi* battle­

ship Wisconsin will go'nnt*oft her. trial -trip on Septl 15. . i'reparations for the

1‘VciLt have already, begun. - -The JWiscon Kin Is; larger'.than tlie Oregon by 2,000

'■ tjuis‘.di*;»l» c«»ioent -3l!ilronderH Deurln CfiniTfialK'n.

•Louisville, ‘Aug. •3t),-r-Natio,ml liead- JtttJir.tei'rtj!if jlic^M iifd! id li 11eJ_“oad Popu­lists \vi'i*e opWied yesterday . 'at. 3-il F ifth street, tlusi'.efty, with iVatjona’l Chairman

'I t i*-t-he-in--teiitiou of ‘the-eoinmittee. to make a par­ticularly hard tig I it. in ICentAicky,~tlie lead­ers sny. ; •• ,)ohn Sln‘>inrin-« SlMt«*r D ead.-’* Lancaster, O., Aiig.wiO.—Mrs. Mary H. Kec^e, sister o.f f»eiioi;al William T..Sheryl nian and ex>Senator John Sherniau,__i% dead' from, -the effects ,of u fall down utaii's wfueh happened, a week ago. H er husband, ‘‘Willlam 'T . Reese,_died aome years ag o ..

W e a th e r E o reee * t.Generally fuir;tJinoderate] tem peraturoj

voaterlv wlndfe. *... * «■ _

wit h ’disfnvnrby8oni^~of-tlie-l i t tle^bo sse S; there, but makes him. who w ears "it the subject of' ridicule and not seldom of in­sulting language -unworthy -to - cothe from oni‘-w hocfu in iH to b en n A m 6 ricn n .A n d ,. besiili-s this, though preferred for ap­pointment. veterans are the first dis­charged, and usually in such a way ihjat they cannot hope to get back. This Is no fancied picture. ■ ■

“ While such conduct has not the ap^ proval of Jdlin D.' Long, secretary of the navy; the s ta tu te affecting employment at -the liavy yards and, tihe . system in vogue , .<>.f;.making the p e tty ' boss sole judge, jiiry and executioner, concerning the merits of men when reductions of forcoJare made necessary from ’ '■ .•_______ ... , .,

“ During the yenV .tli^hairm an_of"your committee has many times had occasion

~to~go~tn-t>u r^com raderAYilliani-McKLhiley,- president of the United States, in the in­terest of other, comrades who needed' help or protection and never in vain.”

H a m ilto n C lub’u B a m in e ti Promiiieiit men from all parts of tho

cotiiitry ".gathered around the tables in the banquet, hall of the Auditorium hotel last night to attend the. feast given by the Hamilton club of this city in their

rhoiior. The H am ilto n club is a Republic­an organization, and politics was the chief thing under discussion.

The great hall, which has been the scene of many-notable, gatherings similar to the o n e th a t tilled it last night, was neyeV^'fiioi’i*, handsomely^ o r ; elaborately decorated.. T he walls were hung with the national colors, g reat bouquets and gar­lands of t|owers of the sam e colors as those- in •Uie-nag-wercaQU]e_fQun'tl,.ttpon.1 every table, and the''decoralions througU- out were o'f-tT'patriotic and m ilita ry char­acter.' -. ; / . . , , • ■

I'redericlt ^V.: Bangs, president of the club, acted as toastm aster, and w ith him

T h e R nlinK Pnnalon.“ I t Is n lnuglm blo tiling a f te r the

f r ig h t is a ll over;” 'w rite s n wonmn from rro s c o tt, A. T., '(to recall how differen tly d lfte iv n t wom en a re uffeet- ed In nn ex trem ity or. In o tlier words, how th e ‘ru ling pnsSion show s itself,' If not. In ‘d e a th ’ a t lea s t Iii a good scare, i t w as la s t S atu rday , w hen the g rea t fire cam e th a t sw ep t aw ny th e whole business p a r t o f th e city nnd th e cen­tr a l resid en tia l portion In a single n ight. ;.We w ere severa l blocks aw ay from th e fire, and 011 tho hill, so w e coiild look r ig h t dow n Over th e bu rn ing d istric t. W hen about m idnight th e w ind sp ra n g up and th e flames began to sw eep up th e bill, every ontj in our- vlOiplty began to pack h is o r hoi- tru n k and tie up b and ies read y fo r a hurried ex it to th6 golf links ju s t beyond. One w om nn(; h av in g p u t on tw o of h er best, dresses, one over th e o ther, both linv- ing tra in s nnd n’ frou frou o f lace. 'cap: ped th em w ith a heavy fu r cape of w hich , she w as especially fond, a l­though th e m ercury w as s ta n d in g well over tlie n ineties. A dorned in th is fashion, siie begnn w ith infinite vigor to, pum p w a te r and d rag nbout boxes,, bundles and trunks, ''tiie perspiration- m eainvhll6 rolling dow n her face . Iii , stream s. A nother w om an,-aji Invalid,

ir the4tVBfc4’« w .yenra-| sw had been confined m i\inly to w rappers, rem ark ed -so ren e ly , ‘W ell, I tJs.:so ine:, t! iin g 'to :-bo.-.ttiatd.'ful^PCjULB™CBS^[k^ t i i i^ 'i ia p ^ u - rh t tn M P t- n iu r f i^ o r i io s c i nn’j Sat' lrerself ddwn'rln:cbinpo’suro to- a w a it resu lts . S till ano ther, tlio w ife o f a p rom inen t arm y officer.In tlio P h il­ippines, ran from ,w hitlow to w indow and door to door,-holding a cold curling iron tlg litly fiis to n c d -to -h o r-h n ir . -A -

proceedings fo • sijtjnro ,n som ratlon from festim ore] ■ 1 ■ • M! -1 ■ • ■■■>•■.I ■

’ ‘ Iliirt<;n<lnr Drlnlcs CurhoHr Arlil,H arry Shehror, agod’85 years, an - Atliiri-

tie City bnrkeepor,' co m m itte d suicide nt tho’ residence of Znclmrlnh .Tones yostor- dny. . Tlio Btiioldo Iind boon n- rosldent of A tlan tic City u n til vory recently. Tues­day n ig h t Shonror vls|ted Ills w)fo, who Ib n daughter of Mr. Jones, i l? to ld hor nnd also h is fa th er -in -la w tfint ho would k ill hiinsolf vory soon. Ho laid ..down on tlio ioungo nnd a lib u t m id n ig h t th e fam ily wns nlarmod w ith his groans; Thoy sent for n doctor, to whom Shearor co n fessed having

an hour Inter in g reat agony.

Nieir W rltlm ? Tele«:l*ni>1i. -T he London IClcotrlelnn describes tt

new w ritin g iind 'pletiiro te legraph w hich Is saifl to d iffer from th e m ajo r­ity o f o th e r p ic tu re te leg raphs liivtlie fifliidity w.lth w lileli th e sk e tch o r m es­sage is tran sm itted , tiie peh on th e re ­ceiv ing In stru m en t m oving as -fast as an -o rd in a ry W r i te r m oves tn e pencil of th e send ing Instrum ent. No skilled op era to r Is requ ired , and . tlie tpu is- n iittin g pencil Is m oved by th e w rite r (if th e m essage. T h e E lec tric ian says t l ia t it te s te d tho in s tru m en t an d found th a t,-a lth o u g h tlie h an d w ritin g m ight have been sligh tly d isto rted , its ch a r­a c te r w as n o t ciiangcd. and a d iagram ske tched W as fa ith fu lly niprodtictMh T h o in stru m en t Is so a rra n g ed tlia t no

More Than a Million Trial Bot­tles Sent Free by Hail.

—By_spaciaLnirancemorit_with tho innnii-. factnrera of Dr. David Kejinoily’s Favorito llomefly, tlie readers of thispnpor tiro en ­abled to obtain a tria l hottlo and pampliltit' of valuable medical atlv|oo almoiutoly free, by simply sending their full namo and ad dress to the Dr. David Kennedy’s Corpora tion, Rondout, N. Y., nnd mention tills paper.

Ot courno tlils-lnvolves onormous-espense-

Im pression Is rnnde on th e receiving lnstrnm cnt^jPh(H !_t!ie pen Is moved nbove th e paper, ti con tac t being mnde by th e p ressu re o i tlie pencil., T he in­stru m e n t is said to work* on an ordl- nn ry m eta llic c ircu it line. From - th is tU tserlption-it-would-seem -ns-lf-tlio-new - iny ^ itlo n . d id . n o t d iffer m ateria lly from th o tebnitogrnpli b ro u g h t out

to the m anufacturers, but they havo re­ceived so many grateful letters from tliose who havo been benefited and cured or the various diseasns of tlio Kidneys, Liver and Rladdorand Ulood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia and Chronic Constipation, and nil weak­nesses peculiar to - women, .that they will- Irigly sond tria l all- suirtirors.

Try putting some of yoiir urlno in a glass, tumbler, lot it stand ' twenty-foirr hours, if-tiie re Is-a_io"dlnient, Or j clouify, milk a p i pearance your Kidneys aro sick.

I t m atters not how sick you aro or liow •many physicians have failed to help you, glvo this g rea t modlclne, Dr. David Ken­nedy’s Favorite Remedy, n trial, nnd liono- fit, and euro will most certainly result. •

Dr. Davlil Kennedy's Kavorit?rR6m'oTly“ls sold by all druggists a t $I.C0 a liottlo.

som e y e a rs ngo by G ray .'

P ro fesso r Eiiiiha

b a s e b a l c l s c o r e s .R e « o lta o f Y cH terday’s Gam cn In^the

plIT eren t L ca^ aen inational league.

At Boston--*,Iirr. -r ’1;,_ *'•' “ ii.ii n . E..,Boston....... 6 '2 ' 0 0 2 0 0 2 *— fl H 2NcwVork.... 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 .0 2— 5 10 4

lintterica—Cuppy nnd Clarke; Carriek nndj I ow- erman.. At .Brooklyn. . n. ii. E.Brooklyn...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0— 0 S i:iniiirtdeiiihiav:n;;.2':o-p-4 :‘0 3 iX 7^ ;.8 ]n 3T l'^^ iB atteries—Ilbw'ell, -'WcCJinnUy and McGuire; "Orth.and Mel’iirland.***^ ... 1 * -1' '

At ChitJigo -' ':iVr :>■ ••••■•.•.• ' ' r - ;u. h . e Chicago..♦ 0.- l-P'-;l--0" l-O ’-O'O' 2 -I— 0-11 - C St, Louis.-0 0 0 4s 0^0 2 0 0 2 0— 5 12 4

Uatterii-3—tTaylor, Garvin and Dexter; SudhofT and Itvbinson. • . *


Brookljn... 00 38 .Q12 Chicago.... CO 52 .400 Pittsburg... 55 47 .530 Cincinnati. 48 53 .*475 Pliiladcl’a.. 51 49 .510 St. L o u is .47 '53 .470- lJoston....,^-50_50 .500 New York,.'40 50 .401

„ . • / AMKB1CAN LEAGUE.At Cleveland—'Cleveland; 10; Chicago, 12.At Buitalo—llufTuio, 1; Kansas City, 3.At Detroit—Detroit, 2; Milwaukee, 3.At Jri?Hujiupolia—Indianapoliii, 1;' MinncapoliB, 3.Second *gnme—Indianapolis, 2; Jlinntapolis, 0. .

lkaCu I:.' _.------- —_ ^ t Joronto^T6ronto, 1; ltoehestcr, 4. .

/W\pond game^TordntO, 5;. Itodiester, 10.—AOlQiitEeul=Montrcal,_2;wSyr,icusc, o._____ L._;

• At ijpringllerd—Springfield, 2; Providence, 13.At Hartford—IlartfofiK^a; Worcesterj . -

.DcmocriutM In d o rn e M agee.P ittsburg , Aug. 30.—The Democratic

convention o f . the Forty-third senatorial district met last night and unanimously nominated 0 . Ii. Magee, the present Re­publican incumbent, for re-election and passed resolutions recommending* that Democratic members of the. legislature throughout tlie s ta te champion and sup­port C ..L , Magee for the. United S tates senate to sttcctw'd M. S.J Quay. F orty delegates out o f* i l 'in the district were present ami voted foi} the resolution.I voted foil tin?

Ille'it llV^XIve

at the .head;.table saf"Colonel'.DiTBrHen- dcrsoii, s]ieaker of tlie hV^isc’of represent-, atives; Senator Q h s h m a tn v ^ p ttv is of Minnesota.p Senator Dolliver of Iowa, Charles OV D aw es;-com ptroller of the currency: General Shaw, commander in chief a r j .h c O. A. I i.; W alter W arder, acting governor o f Illinois; Lieutenant (ieneral , Miles,’* Major* General Louis W agner, General Daniel 10. Sickles, Judge Leo Hassieur and o thers.-

Tlie Vri|iicipnl addresses were delivered -1 »y-Speukj.‘i \ j lendersoir and Senator T o l ­liver.

One of the featu res of the encampment which attracted much attention w as tlie veterans’ bicycle road racc^ in .which 20 old soldiers started . The' couVso w as from Ilalsted street ‘.west to GarHeld park and once around the park, a distance of five iiiile^. T lu rw iim er w as J . P atterson, 01 years old, of Greenfield, Ind. T im e/ 10 .minutes 33. seconds,. * •

-.---D ro iv n cd , Ijiu Ml rro r . JLnke......L ake'P lacid , N. Y., Aug. 30.—-Richard

Tyler, years of age, of New Brighton, TT guyst at* tiie Phrcri 1 club hopse, • ^vas drowned iiuM irror-lake;~near Lake P la ­cid, while in bathing. I l ls ^iej?hew, Cyril Tyler, hail a narrow escape from drown- k ing, but- w as”; saved. -by Swimming In- struptyr Al]en of the rh ic ld club.

~!’V lI e * ip C a ltu r e In , G erm any..B erlin, Aug. 150.—O w ing'to, the Philip1

pine troubles m anila hemp lias, rin^n ;C0 tier cent, and now several large G er­man companies have bpen-form ed, one of -which, has government connections, to stu rt m anila h ttop culture l a Germ an T3ast Africa, \vhere the experim entsliave proved Very successful. ‘

K llle it l i^ f i l v e W lrc,Connells.villi ,., Pa., Augi 3 0 .-1 ). L .

JEvans and Jo.lin Sampson were killed at 'South --;(:,niini*llsvillei-T“^"fright n ing-—had burned out, the converter on ft house line and caiiie in contact with a live wire in tlie cellar. Kvanu attempted, to put, thi' wire our of-people's way. l ie touched it w ith-rhis-Lliaiid,_and_his_btiitheriiu-la.w,. Sampson,, caught him to pull him awayf and fell dead beside him. Evans leaves

wife aud one chilli and Sampson a wife. • v ■ .

.Conl Operator!* i lc f u q c .j t o S lc n .Wilkeslmrre, : Pa.v A u g / 30.~The* coal

operators in th is section say the scale ol wages adopted by the Ilazleton conven­tion will not bp signed by a single-oper­ator. Operators interviewed on tho ques­tion /shy the sci^le is too sweeping and if, put into force would^rediice producer of conl to bankruptcy ip .a short time. The. miners, 011 the other. Hand, claim th a t the scale |(* a .ju s t. one and th a t thc- coal com panics; would .only be gdvlng’ thfc men tlieir rights by sighing it. W hethci •a strike will follow tho refusal of the op­erators to sijrir is-'n' cjucstion th a t iH now Ijeing widely' discussed*.. I t ' is a well kfiown fact that, desnite the' action ol tlie Hhzleftur convent (on, a great many miners areropppsed to golng^pytT f ■'

L iiin b r D e a ler * In Sexiilon ,-Pougliheepsie ,—N.^Y-^r ^Aug^-_3(X==The-

armuni convention' of the New York S ta te Liquor7Dealcrs’lissociation 'haM- biv gun-here and will continue until tomor* row. There are about 50^). delegates in attendance, 300 o f ; whdm come ; from

rtTOW York city. T he delegates .w ercinet on 'th e ir arrival by the local members ot the association to the number of HO. witli a brass band, and a parade was luitde through tin*, principal streets to the' Mor gan House, which Ih their headquarters, T he W om an's Christian Temperance imion is. hohUng^peClal prayer meet­ings while the* convention fs ir? session to Counteract' ita influence if possible. ^

S p e c i a l j i a o e r i i s c m e t t i s

AdvertisementR- contiUning not _more__tlmn. twenty-five, words inBcrrod under this h end Ing for tweotv-flve. cents fi ret Insertion nnd fifteen 'Hjnts each nubsnpient insertion. No money re­funded under atiy conditions Krrors will be made good by additional insertions.

L O S T .This morning, pocketbook containing from

?20 to $25 in money, twoftor three rings and ro eeipt from Fnmk Holt, jeweler of Newark. Return to Grace' W. Abbott, Norwood Hull, Fourth avenue. ... aU7u

A white girl for general hoasework. 004 Bangs avenite; Asbury Parlc; ' —

A poly 207e*

$ 4 0 , 0 0 ., Will rent for September a seven-room fur* nished-cottage, near North Asbury station; can remain for avinter a t reduced rnt-e. Ad­dress 007 Fiftli avenue. 205-0(HI7*o

S T R A Y E D O R S T O L K N iBay horse, -white star in forc?heael; l»oth knees

skinned; 15 hamls hit»h.. W irinnark on hoof: Hewnnl if returm<l. Joseph Lewis, SyH'im and HiirihgNVooii avenues. a02-07o

W A N T E D .A w hite girl to do general housework in n

sniirU fam ily ; washing done o u t: American girl prGferred. Call nt onco nt Mrs. Miller’s , F street.B clm ar, opposite Bergen’H liv e r v .- — =--

* .. .2U7e08m»

F O R R E N T rA six-room house on W est Asbury avenue^

A pply W .C . W eedentI020Summcrfield avenue. , J.W«ie208e*

F O R S A L E .Two lots a t A llenhurst: w ill se ll 0110 or lioth.

Address Box 744, A.slmry jparlc, N . J . . • lBotf

T O L O A N .$2,300, *2*000, $1,500, $1,000, $750,1000, $500 at 5

per cent, on lirst bond and m ortgage. Qi^rge w.Plttcngor, Xtoom I I, Appleby building; Asbury Park, N. J. - ........ .

T H E C R O W N *145 SPUn avenue. Ocean Drove, Open all the

vear. /The m ost homelike boarding house In O eem Grove, fitcam Jieat, baths and all Im­provements Terms reasonable.- ' tHOtC

G L O V K C L B A N K H .Ladles, clean , your,ikld1 gloves with La BelleiMuion. uiuuq _your,jRiu „ ........... . . . _________

Glove Cleaner. It Is not a liquid. .Leaves no odor and can bo used .wbJIo the glove Is on the hand.- For sale only- fit-Chadwiek!a -pharmacy, ••14 CTooirnfOin ftvnnim.- ■ ' * ' — r - •F O R S A L E O R J B X C H A N G E .

Nine building lota, 50x200 feet, adjoining Ocean QroveHeigbta. Price«eveuty-flvo dollars ^ach; a\s<iproperty Main Btreet, Bradley Beach. Apply to-508"Fiffch~avenuerAsbnry Park, J4tf

M A .T T . A P P tE O A T J K iContracting Painter and Deaorator. KnttmatOa

r r s p e c i a l , . .



ISLANDS U N M .Y , S E P T . 2 n d

Tlie Fou;* peek Palatial Steamer*

“COLUMBIA”-Will—te a v e —th e —Iron— P ie r,— Long.

B ranch; 12.30 P . M.A rrive a t Coney Island 2 P. M.

: ‘ ■ — RETURNINO^- •Leave N ew ‘Iron P ier, Con^y Island,

: 5 .0 0 P . M. TA rriv e Long Branch, 6 .30 P. M.

FARE, ROUND TRIP, 50°Tickets now on sale a t Iron Pier, Long Branch,

and^from 10 a. ml to 12.p0p. m,, on ' Sunday, September 2nd. 205-Dmo

. - ■)■ ■ r ; '

v r

- ... *

Keeping up the Shirt standard. Best ma­terial, best-fashioning, best making. If we sold nothing but shirts'we wouldn't db it' better, because nothing but the best can find room on our shelves—that’s the reason wo do it so well.

The soft body shirt in Cheviot and Madras, which is so very popular, is meeting with unusual success. We have them in all colors. OX' BLOOD is the real thing in color this summer. Purple,' Blue, White and Pink also.,-1 SOc and upwards. |

Some with 1 White P.'~K: collars and others..*>—-with cbllajfs'fo match the tie. :Price;:50c^:

IH M Bat"W hfch lS 'the onlj^ th ing for knock about ’■ and general wear, Can ybe found here in a ll1

the popular shades; 50c to. $2.00:. - ’

'E x clu siv e H atters and Men’s I?urnlsherf

0 0 3 M a t t i s o n A v e n u e

Next to Postoffice

. . .O K . . .

C L O T H I N G IA T H A I F P R I C E .


JOS. D. NEWLIN173 Main St,, Asbury Park "

R eady-M ixed P a in tsW h ite Lead

t P u re Linseed OilV arnishes and B rushes

Tho la rg e s t Htoctc ot

W I N D O W C L A S Siilons tbo const n t )x>ttom prices.

A F u l l L i n e o f Fishing- Tac kleAtTiut prlceaTtorreilucn stW uliT T ^^

S till Sell T h a t B est Grade B icycle Tire lo r $1 .48 . Few H ore L eft

For a few weeks, wliile tlio stock. Jnsts, wjil sell the.heavy wolijht

2-Ply Tar Paper at $ l per Roll- Heafftiunrtr rs for

' M ASON F R U IT JA R S ,-,-j-Pints, nunrts nml Imir (rullmis. AIbo‘

LIO HTHNINO JAUH, I,UEaEIlVINO JAKS nml VOT.H n t reduced prlcoH. J AH HUH HEH3 -lc JISLIjY XUMBI.KllS 2!).:

-doBeih— ----------- \ • 4

Ju s t received n full lino of (

aevoivers LoadefiSlieiis, Cartridges, Etc.Pleaso oxnmlno our Imrgp.ln counted.

508 MAIN STREETTrunks of all kinds at lowest

possible prices. An immense stock to choose, from.____ *

Porch rockers at cost. We are closing outrthis-lotj—and are willing to sell at cost.

All kinds o f second hand goods bought and sold. In iact-if you want to buy or sell anything visit Crosbie. , Even old Golf Balls, highest price will be paid for them. ,1 : : '

B R A D L E Y B E A C HBrinch St.flon ol the Afbarjr P»fk


For the convenience ol our patrons a branoh station haa been eatabllalied at tbe DRADLBV BBACH NO'i lON STORB, Mala street, between McCabe and Cook avenues.

Papers reffulnrly on <ala and supplied to Bam boys at office rate.

PRESS . mediate results.

bring Im-


Dost and Most EconocSc&l Furnaces Uado

642 MATTIS|N AVENUE4 A S B V S V P i H K , I f . J .


B R E A D i, Our New. England Breadpi

Is acknowledged to .be >. the nearest to the old

------- fashioned home madebread y o u alw ays

praised* s o highly X X X X

T. J. W INCKLER7 / 7 M A T T I S O N A V B ,

A a a t m x j v l r k il


FDqeral Director aqd EM er159 Main Street, Asbury Parle. ,

i -lore In tlio state.

Branch Offices—Belniar, Spring Lake

ELECTRIC LIGHT W IRING■ E lo o trlo Qaa.LlRhtlnflf.

E le o tr lo B ells an d A n n u n c ia to rs , e u rftla c ,A la rm s , E to .

W A L L A C E N , B U R R6 8 2 COOKMAN AVENUB. aator Dlook.


.Methodists Have Not Forgotten How to Express Lively

Spiritual FeeHngs.

T H E I N T E R E S T IS N O T W A N I N GP e o p le Go E a r ly to bo Sure o f Ren

Y bung P e o p le C on tr ib u te fo r S toke* M e­m o ria l W in d o w Jn N ow lir a d te y Hentrti C hurch — ltc in a rk a b lo H e lp in g H and

. MeotlngA T h is Y ear,

Shouting lj£ tho Methodists is corish?- .erod by some a th in g of tho past. This Is not tru e of tlio sutniitor sorvicos hold in Ocean Grovo. Tho m rn irk is hoard often

/v shouting, hallelujah, am en cnmpmeot- ing than any hold in re ten t years.

-.-.-Aiid.it43.nofciho~Qld-alonQ^whQ-do--tlHv _ sl^u tin g . T_ Yojui g folks ■, too,..._oxpress-thu


^!^5^Tuvt3j'ines o t a li vely roliglovis oxporr- enco by giving vont to their feelings.

• Kvery m eeting of tho cam p has in i t .the .spice which eomos from enthusiasm on

- tiie p a rt of . leaders or exhorfers. '7——I'hero in-iVo w aning-iirattondance either.

All tlie iiieotings aro overflowed am i penplo m ust go early 'to ge t sittings^

Tho tabernaclo - was: crowded for the early consccmtlon. servico yesterday a t 5.15. Dr. IJallartl spoko of “ tho ad jus t­m ent of every person to his or lior particu­lar work. God w ants us to h o ,fa ith fu l to duty, be it great or s m a ll/ '.Tile qetirqtjpfl Huecess in life lies irij faltihftilnosS! rWd

r inust give account |to Odd' of the .use. wo 1uiV£made of th e special flold of w ork in which, W41 are engaged. W e can never do the groat things well u n til wo learn to perforjn the sm allest duty . ' T his is God’s plan for daily life am i m an cannot a lte r

- i t . - ------; - — 7 " — 7 ~ '? 7 7 " TDr. Bnllnrtl also conducted tho family

■—devotions sorvico a t (li-fri-ln-tliGauditoiiumr The three !> o’clock meetings were won-

derfuM n iK)lntr<*f atteiidaucLHind-interestr Thoso who c?nno afte r 9. o’clock could scarcely yet standing rooni.

Air.' Y atm an’s ’young people’s mooting was kept going a t ’a lively jiace. Prof. and Mrs. J . J . I*owo, singing .evangelis ts;d id splendid vocal work, as did-also tho blind

tion wda taken for tho bonellfc of the fund for th& D r . ^ H . Stokes (memorial win­dow in tho now B radley Beach church.

Mrs. Bottome gave.the usua l m orning Bible reading in the tabernacle. She spoko of the need of a broiider honrfc and a Jiappior sp irit in people. Sho wanted strong natures to try to mellow them ­selves, both for "tho bondflt of themselves and those ab o u t thomv ‘ \, .tflift Bottome is very practical, and though she is affection personified,she is a vory en tertain ing speaker. ...

B u t tho Helping H and m eeting 1 Those who have never attended ' th is big-service in little Thornloy chapel should' endeavor to do so beforo the cam p breaks, A person m ust go early to got any whoro nearltv I t approaclies nearost to the ideal old fash­ioned Methodist m eeting of any hold on the grounds. Sueh a concision of relig­ious disorder as the a l ta r sprvlco causes Is hard to im agine and hardor to find. Yes­terday Mr. an d ‘Mrs, Thom as: kopor, sing­ing evangelists' . of Camden sang, >Vhilo Miss Lizzie Sharp:worked ainong tho' au­dience for converts. The railing was not

wero used. Tho shouting, praying, and general exhorting th a t ‘ ensued mado a^um ble-w hl^i^io-rcw rdR V g-aiiger-m ufif

T tift W eotinSTvstmtttl inostW fnfiiu fs 'aM " when the Iwvdor’s rep o rt of tho num ber of converts is handed-in a t the close of the camp the H elping HaiuV lis t will bo a long one.

Mrs, Lizzie S m ith’s m eeting conimencodT in the iabern'aclo a t 1.30, Besides the singing the m eeting was chiefly devoted to the giving of testimonies. Prof. and Mrs. Loper conducted the a lta r service,, which was m ost enthusiastic.' v

In tho.hollnoss medtlng'which- followed Bishop F itzgerald was ably assisted by

THE GOSPEL SEEDForceful and ; Eloquent Sermon

by Dr. Martindale at Oceap Grove Auditorium;


E ven in g P reach er, D r . Corn cl I it h H u d son o f PemiRylvanja, T e lls JIow M an 1ft R e ­p roved for Hlntilng—U rges A ccep tan ce o f S a lva tion —L argo A u d ien ce P resen t, N o A lta r Sorviiuv—P r each ers T o d aj\

R6v« T. M artin dale, I). P.* of W ilm ing­ton , Bol., was the m orning preacher yeS: torday a t the Oecu'iit -Qrcn'ii campmcqting. He preached a beautiful sernion from, the

HQTtliafc^gfle.tlx-farl,h^and^wenpnthrbearing precious seed, shall doubtless como again w ith rejoicing, . bringing Jihc^ci^w ithJihiL-^—He-said

jT psila, AvheiChe Avas;Cui-thK- p ir tJv o f ton

evangelist, Hev. Thomas Houston.iurs. jiriT a ro of Poughkeepsio siihg a

solo. Tlie scripture Iiikson was read by Miss Agnes Inch of W ashington. Mr. Y atm an mado a brief address and a collee.

. \Tf bow n and_\vifiynnd i l 1j Tho children’s m eeting is scheduled for u‘

tho frlbernnclo a t tlio close of tlie holiness meeting. The old folks aro a little slow in getting out and greatly retard the hoys and g irls from getting started; Mrs. Car­rie Thompson, th e ir leader, succeeded a t last In getting her m eeting in, slijtpe and {^^it~lT“m o3t^profitable- hour w ith tho boysam jjgirls. Thoir meeting closed thenijnor sorvi<*es of-tho day^——--------------—

Many people still come to the tem ple a t m ;{0-to-attcnd--JIrr-yatm 7nr’s t w l l f g l i t m eeting. Thoy do no t know th a t the meetings h a v e b e e n discontinued. I t would seem as though they ougfifc to be m aintalucd a ll through the campniceting, jvs m any persons onjoy them and are pro­fited by this..nnlque service a t ... tw ilight. Tho jieopte ought to havo wha t thoy w ant.

Since his reappointm ent ten days ago License Inspectator Tindall has collects! $3,020,911/ The total am ount collected thus far Is $10,‘KW.05,

dre\v_l)iiimCIf.ul.le&‘onKl£roiii..tha-lnni»oili- a te surroundings In whl'ch lio happened td find himself. Those lessons, are of great variety, b u t a ll of them are easily under­stood. The tex t speaks of tho voices of the springtimo-and-tho-summer time^of "agri­culture..^C hrist, in his teachings, gfive ’illu stra­

tions fiom nature, l^or instance, the parable.6f the sower. So wo m ust prepare the still of our hearts to rocoivq,,tho good seed whifih God would sow there. Gjod is going ’ forth w ith weeping because-lie • secs tho hardness of men’s hearts and thoir unprepared condition to receive the word. ‘ If the semi does not fall <?n goo^ grgrnnii no crop L can jcoine, Therofpre lt follows th a t if man will bu t open his heart to the .proper spiritual in- lluonee, tlie geo() seed w ill grow there a n t th a t m an’s life w ill bo made more fruitful. " “ We m ust sow tho seed of The gosijef in our hearts and tlie harvest will coiuo w ith great-rejoicing,J ,’-contimied—Dr.—M artin- ilale. “ There is alw ays a largo return, for

TKrd“sr>wrn~g“in“Uurspirlfmn vworl(T7T~Tiie sermon was forceful and eloquent

aiul m any expressions of its effectiveness were heard. ’ „ 1 :

There woi’c fully 5,000 preseiit for the ovoning service, P rof.’Morgiui condiictod a.soifg ^ rv ic e in_which gospelJiyjiins.wota sung w ith great vigor!

The prcaclier wns Iley. . Cornelius H ud­son; T). I);, of- Plioenixyillo, I*a. The tex t was selected from' St. Jo h n xvl, 8: “A nd \vhen He is come Ho w*11 reprove the

T Tworld of sin andi of rigliteousness and . of juclgnient.’-’ I le s a id r

“The Jew s had the wrong idea of sin and so did hot-hesitate to nail tho Saviour to the cross. B u t under the preaching of P ete r thpy realized th a t they had niur- dered the Christ, the Son of Qod.,. *•

“Our worship m ust be In the sp irit of tru th and love to Jesus, wjfo, died to re­deem tho world.

“The Holy S p irit reproves m an of hi? sin and as soon as a m an finds th a t he haF been reproved the same Spirit makes him feel th a t ho ought to lead a religious life. ■

'The Holy Splrit reproves the w orld ol unrighteousness. This means th a t .om worship m ust stand the ,test of our sincer­ity. The)/Jew s thought tha t God waV pleased WJth external qbsorv^nces/but to-r day we know th a t such. suiier/lclal wor­ship will not- do, . ;* . : - '■

•‘T he new b irth Is slm ply to rqcoive>Ood in the heart through faith. If you dp not Iwlleve in Jesus C hrist you cannot have i\ remission of your sins)- The omission- on your part in hot accepting tlie opportunity to Repent is,.in Cod’s sight;*a sin. .

“^Vc, w itli the light that, wo have.’ should no longer live in 's in ,“ declared the prmcher.

A t th e ' c'onclusion of the sermon Mrs. F itch sang “My Mother’s P rayer” and Br.Bnllardii)rQnonnced-fcha,bont*rtiqHqnr , \ naltiir sorylce was held.'

Tlio preachers tpday will bo: A t 10.H0 .n.Jm, B .^S . iPardingtoiiv,._JJ.D. .of.. 'Brooklyn V 7:30'pV m l. ~lfev/X36ofge.;'A flai^

w lll lxflicTd a t the regular, hours.


Ur, . W ilb u r o f IIlBlitjitown Says E x c ite ­m en t AVas Intensb -^ O tlier P o in ts

V isited on ite c o n t T our t Dr. W illiam h . W ilb u r, of H ightstow n,

brother of Dr. Georgo F . W /ib u r of this city, who has ju s t returned*from a tw o m onths’ tour in Europe, is 'v is itin g 1, the la tte r,a t his resldonre on'G rand nvmimi

-Dn. W ilbur was in Rome when K ing H u m b ert was assassinated. H e says the, excitement th a t followed' the dastardly deed Is alm ost boyoud description. F ear was the dom inant fcoling, howover, and the soldiery woro ■ kep t In tho open and made frequent dom pnstrations in the strects w 1 t l fv io ^ to ovtiraVvn the populaeb. A ll tho Italian societies holdm eetings aiul lumouncijd their-loyaity*tq-tho~noW~-kingr- Ho noticc;l nlso t ’ja t tl o peasantry evlnccd a^leep^l rnro o i ^ h o"Tinmlmrecri'noi rar cl vr who was held- in high csteom by Sill classes.. . . t • '

A t' Ober Am inorgau Dr. W ilbur w it­nessed the Passion Play, which ho says w as tlio m ost sublim e and affecting trag ­edy lie had over witnessed. So realistic was tho Seence th a t the; on tiro audience, num bering m any thousnuds, bu rst in to tears. •

A t W indsor Castle Dr. W ilbur took a snap shot of .Queen V ictoria, whoso car­riage passed him on the road out from tho castle '

fS L fp s j

r y _ .

These Lots Range from One Thousand to Five Thousand Dollars

5;treets of Asbury Park are ONE HUNREP FEET BROAD

An advantage possessed by no otfier Seashore Resort on the jersey Coast.

"THERE will never be another seaside town in Monmouth County that will Compaq with -the broad streets and open spaces, such

as shown on the map of Asbury Park. This assertion is Jthe’ fact that all the ocean front lands between Seabright and. Barnegat. are already laid out with streets averaging FIFT¥ PER CENT. LESS in width tha'n those laid out in Asbury Park, without such open spaces^ as Asbury Park. - ' ; ; ; / , ; « ,,

W here purchasers erect b u ild in gs th e w h ole a m o u n t of p u rch ase m oney m ay remain! on m o rtg a g e /

i n q u i r e ' o f

/ B A I L E Y , m m H A L LJAHES A. BRADLEY, Owner

Guests Fly When, an Asbury Parjk Constable Takes Charge“of

the Hotel Devonshire. .

T H E O W N ER C L O S E S H O U S EP roprietor F rank :M . Cose, *Jr„ H ires Car­

r iage and H ides A w ay— C ooks an d W ait- era L eft W ith o u t M oney Cry for Ven- g cn ce ~ O w iier I)istra in s .for K e n t—O ilier li lsco v er y in U aseinent.

•“W aiter, one 'spoon and a knife and fork,’’ said one of the guests of the Dovon'- -Oilre liotel to a w aiter yesterday a t noon.

‘'Sorry,m iss, a in ’t no more,” said the, -uible attendant. . , •; “ W ell, bring me some consotnroe, thcrt. I’ll drhik i t ou t of, the dlsh.’J

“Have to take ifc stralgh t from tlie kettle, lishes all gone,’’ was.the discouraging an ­swer. -

Jhmgj 'wont ' i'i diiiu ty foot oii the tloor, but the sfght of a dozen guests serving themselves changed her angry words Into

IG'noss'yovi ■Itad ^ e t'te iO ie l p_you ti&tTl Lnone of^tbo help are. working and tlie lishes are locked up,” said the waiter./The* m aiden joined the .other M gueSfcs

who were scurrying around sharing each otfier’s food and eating itm iloments.

Up in a room, on tiie second floor Con- .stable Kdward Hammell-had safely locked enough3 silverware to staH a ' ilrstelass jewelry store* and enough bed linen to supply a city hotel...

l ie would have had considerable moro of both if oii announcing th a t he had a dis­tress w arran t the whole lielp force had not mado a simtiTianeous grab for everything in sight. A t tho same tim e tlie constable made an a ttem pt to.seize the.pillagers.

A wild scramble .ensued and some of the silverware .was found missing when order was'restored.

F rank W . Case, j r . , 'th e m anagerp^it seeiiKMl owes-Gcorge~W.-Thompson,—the owiicr, $1,000, and he wanted the inonoy or the goods and thus the distress w arran t was Issued.

Constable Hammell and M anager Caseheld jo in t possession during the after­noon. Case worked his tongue tired w ith promises to the help and a t the sauie time liuinagjcd to do. a sly business in the collec­tion line from tho 00 odd guests, who 'paid their bills and scattered in ever^; direc­tion.— -;------------— • ' ' ......

H aving already draw n his cash balance from tho bank, Case was well primed for the last act in tho drsima ilia t was enacted with lurid distinctness a t 0 o’clock in tho evening.^ I t - w a s H h o n t h a tC p n s ta b le ! Iammcll,: worn out by the exciting events of tho day and suffering awful pang-/of hun­ger,.w ith jiothing in the house to appease his appetite, decided to go to supper. .

Case was still busy witli his promises and the help was partially quieted down when Constable H am m ell loft on hiserrand. \ ........’ Things were ditTerent when he returned

an hour later.- (Jase had vahighed and the houso Was in

ah uproar. W alters and chambermaids, boll boys and cooks, and tlie entire rim- ning!personnel of the hotel ' Wiis collected in the oflieo, ready to niob the slippery manager, if in a lit of absent mindedness, he -should happen to reappear on th 5 scene.

Sum m er guests from tho neigliboring hotels began to flock into tho ollico. They mingled syiuiKithet|cally w ith tho cooks and w aiters and asked more ,questions to the square inch than could }ie printed in .a flrstclass encyclopedia.

A tour of the basement revealed the bar: which was woll stocked w ith forbid-, doit' liquids. Evidently the Devonshire barJmtHjnen run on sclentifia. priiiclpUuL. iThompsG^t’s Bni’tunderls GuideSms..fouifd on a ,shelf—not Owner Thompson’s, hu t another Thompson,-whose knowledge of M anhattan cocktails aud m int julops is so profound th a t he has placed it in a book for the guldanco (if nqyice bartenders’. Tho leaves of Mr. Thompson’s guide were pretty well worn, showing th a t tho book had hinm frequontly_uQnsulted_Qn_liptLsmii^ meu. days for the latest cooling •concoc­tions. i

Manager Case, according toj the story told by Chef .Tedkins, made h is‘Ox it li ke a gentleman. He liirtlM li^arriag^w ith tlio a ir of n.^rand signor and. left word th a t ho would sodh be back w ith his lawyer. H e is supposed to have taken a late tra in for -.Tersoy. Ci ty, where,, i t is said , h is . Xatlier* runs a hotxdi- Aboutf1 $10 0 Is ow ing the help. Tho chef is $50 to the bad an d the others, range from.£30 down to $2. Tmdes- moii aro h u rt to ‘ an ‘unknow n extent. Thoy“ foH nedriu“line~at-tlio_olHcoin the afternoon, b u t found little com fort in the situation. v . 7 .........•’

Constable Hammell, who w as given cliargoof tho h o u sep erm itted - the un- fortunato cooks anti w aiters to sleep In tlieir aom^tomed rooms last n ight. They will probably bo provided with, food to­day / Many o f them are .iu . a | sad plight nnd-thair-condltipnlastJiiglit-oxcited-tho- sym pathy of the well dressed and curious liirmigJiihtiUleddih'cSlllce-iuid-icoErldors- barly in the eypnlng. v • ; .

A laAVyor claim ing to represent M ana­g e r Case appeared'at tho hotel during the. evening anil told Constable IlammoU th a t Caso hm la dead clnoh on the whole busi­ness and would probably make somebody suffot* for’the job. , .

Ilro tho rlioo ilo f St.yAiulrefv - * Co if tlNext Saturday some four hundred

Brotherhood of S t. A ndrew men are ox- [M?oted-to^meet4n^A^bury-Park-foi‘-ji—two- days’ conference. This organization., has twplve thousand m embers, who, pledged to prayer and service, are try ing 'to spread' tho kingdom*of” Christ am ong m en .' ■ ■

Ajnoricans arc) fast ‘retu rn ing , from tlio Paris exposition. One of tlio latest to a r rive Is Dr. A. O'. Bliss of W ashington; who :Ayill; stay awhilo a t tlio Coleman IXouso before retu rn ing to Ills extensive prsictlco. . .j

Read The Daily P ress. . •;

A Shoe ...___Is one of the greatest comforts you can indufg6 in. We can fit you-

and the whole family with shoes that are dressy, stylish and serviceable, at less than you can buy them elsewhere. ' , 1

Special Reductions in Men’s and W om en’s Oxford Ties

$1.00 and $125 Women’s Black' 7Cp $2.00 Women’s Mannish •or Russet Oxfords at I «U Oxfords,- or Russet Oxfords at

$9.50-and 3.00 Women’s felt Oxfords, Calf, or

: Kid,-Black orjtussct,

$2.50 and'$3,oo Men’s Yici Kid.Oxfords, Black.or Russet, Bull Dog Toe, •

iry Bargains 10 sommeiOF ALL K IN D S >

We Want to Clear Thom 0ut-as Quickly as Possible

m Sitoe


M e r c h a n t

T a i l o r

: N O T I C K / . . . ——j— — ^Hew Shuffleboard, Billiard land Pool Parlor niw opec|

COOPER HALL, Cor. Asbury and Cookman Aves. ‘ ;.. . 6 Shuffleboards, 17 Pool and Billiard Tables and 2 ••

Cue- Bowling-Alleysrr^Soinething new ^M R rT 3 t VEIGENE will give special, attention to .teaching ladies how to play Billiards and Shuffleboard, Tables reserved for ladies,. Without exception this is the finest amuse­ment hallalong the coast. . Open day and evenings.

1 M. M. LAVEIG Ek. f

LATESTS T Y L E Golf Ilats


Trimmed Straw HatsFrom $ 2 . 0 0 Up ,

Ui^trimmed Straw Hatsfrrom 25 c uB ,


. E.M l L L l N E j R Y

7 0 6 C o o l c r x i a . r i . A v e ,

a iF B O R n SON IJlaln and Orziam©ntal P l a s t e r e r s

Briokluying, Setting o f Muntela, Ranges and Heaters. Also BoUer 8ettlng and Foundations Laid. Tile Setting.

Estihates F ubnibhed fob Above, w ith Bkpbkenobs

' •* F’oatotfloe Box 4k(i, Bradley Benoh, JV. 'j.

time table*

P E N M Y L IliA RAILROADT h e 'S tan k ar< ^ R a ilroad of A m e ric a

On a n d a f te r J u n e 30,1000,TOAIN8 LKAVK ABDORY PAnK—WKKK DATS,

For Now Y o rk an d N ew arU ,fl 35 (M ondays o n ly ), 7 20, 7 43, 8 20, 9 20 a m , 120, 2 35, 3 35, 5 35 an d !) 20p m .

F o r E liz a b e th , 7 43, 0 20 a m , 120, 2 35 ,3 35 5 35 and 1) 20 v>m.

F o r R a h w ay , 0 20 a m , 20,5 85 and 9 20 p ra. '> 'or-M atawan^yj2 0 a m —120,-2H5,—5 3 o ~ an d y 2 0 'p '

m . » . . . . . .F o r

2_____ ^ ^ ^ 4 fHot (S a tu rd a y 8 on iv ) a n d }) 20 p m.

F o r Red B nnk , 7 20, 7 43, 0 20 a ra, 1 20, 2 35, 335,-5 35 and 0 20 p m .-------------------------------- 1-------------

F o r pb lln d e lp itia , B road St* a n d T re n to n , 6 25, 7 25, 7 52; U 07 a m , 12 48 ,3 57 and 5 22 p m«

F o r C am d en , v ia T re n to n an d B orden tow n , 7 25, 1) 07 a m , 12_48aud 3 57 p in . > \ . ,

F o r Cunidt*fi and PhlladBlDhla, v ia Tom a Rivfer, (152 a n d -11 13 a m , ; ’ 25 ,5 15 p^m .

.F or T onis ltlv e r, In land Hel>;htflaod In te rm ed ia te 1 * atatloii8.H52 u nd 11 13 a m ,2 25 5 15 a n d fi 02 p m . F o r P o in t P leasn n t a n d In te rm e d ia te stations*

0 00, (152. 10 5(1, 11 13 a m . 2 258 (S a tu rd a y s only), 4 22^1.50. 5.10, 5 15, 0 02, 0 d H.00 p in..

F o r New B ru n sw ick , via M onm outh Ju n c tio n , 0 25, 7 52 a n d 9 07 a m ,*12-18, 3,57 nnd 5 22 p ra.

t i m e t a b l e s >

CENTRAL Ri R, OF SEW JERSEVAathracUs Coal Used Bxcraslvcly, lasnr-

iag Cleanliness and Comiort

T im e ta b te in s ffac t 12 f noon, J u n o 3 0 . 1 1 F o r N ew Y o rk v ia San Sy H ook ro tita , 8 4T,7 0 •

£ 80 , #30 , 10 00 tt m , 12 02, 1 52, 2 H5; 5 H p i n Sun d ay s from Iu te rh U o u S ta tio n , 9 55 a ra

■ 1 0 8 ,5 12, 7 55 p m . , • .. 'TRAINS LKAVK ABB [TOY PARK.

TRAINS LKAVK NKW YORK FOR ASDURY PARKVrom W est T w en ty -th ird S tre e t S tatlo ri, 8 5 5 a :n u 12 10,110(S a tu rd a y s o n ly ), 2 2 5 ,2 5 5 ^ 2 5 j 4 10,

■ 4 55 und li 55 p m . S undays, 7 55 and an d 4 55 p ra.

’roiii "* *12 2

F ro m PeHbrosaes S tre e t S ta tio n a t 3 30,‘ 9 00 btti, 12 a ), 1 10 (S a tu rd ay s o n ly ). 2 30, 3 10, 3 40, 4 20, 5 10 an d 7 00 p m . SundayB, 815, 9 45 a m arid5 1 5 p m . ,

F rn m C o rtla n d t S tre e t S ta tio n , i\t 3 30. 909 a m , 12 20, 1 20 (R a tn rd ay s o n ly ), 2 30, 3 10, 3 40,4 20( 5 10 and 7 10 p ra. -SundayH 8 15,9 -15 a m j anil 515 p m. O n S u n d ay will s to p a t In te r la k e n

~nnd~A.vonln~pIftc*~^f~ND rtIi~Ai»bUry^ark7and A sbury P a rk to le t off passengers..


A t 4 05, 0 50. ^ 22 11 44 a m , 2 42,3 30 a n d '4 08 p in, w eek-days, 5 00 p in (S a tu rd a y s .only), S u n ­d ay s. s to p a t I'lterlafcen fo r A nbury P u fk , 4 05 and 8 30 a m .- M ark e t s t r e e t .W harf, v ia C am ­den an d T re n to n , 0 10, 7 10,10 30 a m , 2 30 a n d 8. 30 p m. w eek -d ay s. -1 !U) (S a tu rd a y s only).

. L eave M arke t S tre e t W harf, v ia Ja m e a b u rg , 710 a u :, 4 00 p m week-days.


P or Baltlinorfl nnd Washlngton.'tf 50,7 20,8 32,9 12, s 10 20, U 23,-11 :» a-m>12 Sd.Hmited-(Dining Car),. 1.13 (D ln lug C ar), 3 i3 , 4 41 (5 25 C ongressional lim ited .(D luing C ar),0 05 ,0 20,(i 55 (D in ing C ar), .7 31 (D ining C ar) n in, an d 12 20. n ig h t week*

—days.—fiu n aay sr^T-50r? ^ r 9 - 1 2 r- tl-£ V lH W -a - ittr 1 13 (D luing Car);* 3 13, 4 41.(5 20 C ongressional

* .......... ....... —loJr * *L im ited , D lnfug C ar). 0 05 055 (D ining C a r) , 7 31 (D lnlug C ar) p m* und 12 20. n lfiht. l im e ta b le s ^ f all o tlie r tra in s ’ of th e sy s tem

m ay be o b ta in ed a t th e t ic k e t offices o r B tatlods.J . R. W OOD, Qen. P ass . A g t. •

J . B. H U TCH IN SQ N . Qen. M anager. < ?


1708 Mattison AvenueCofflna anil Burial .Caskera xm liaud ot

furiilBhod to order.

For-N ew -T ork , N ew ark a n d E l iz a b e th a n a ll ra!l-= . ro u te , (0 10 M ondays on ly ), 6 17, 700, (728 New

Y ork o n ly ), (7 .‘SI e x c e p t Now( Y ork) 8 00, 10.M) a m , 12 02; 2 10, 4 00, 7 05 p ra. S u n d ay s f ro m In to rlak en s ta tio n , 7 37 a in , 4 IS, 8 05 p m .

F o r P h ilad e lp h ia and T ren to n .v ia E liz a b e th n o r t, - •6 17, (7 00 e x c e p t T ren to u ) 8 00, 10 50 a m , 12 02,

- 2 10 , 4 00 p m . S u n d ay s from In te rlak o ft s t a ­tion , 7 37 a ra, 4 18 p m .

F o r B a ltim o re an d W aah ing tqp , 7 00, 8 00,10 50 a ra r T202,4 00 p m . S un d ay s ' fro m I n to r a k u s ta t io n , .7 37 a m« 4 18 p m .

■por E ae to n , B etlilohem , A llen tow n ncid M aoeh ™'Mnk, 0 17, 8 00, (10 50 to E a a to n ) , a m w 12 02.. 21 0 ,(4 00 to E aaton), p m . bupdql>'a f ro ra In -

• te r lak en s ta tio n , 4 18 p in'.F o rW llk eab a rre and S c ran to n j 8 00 a m ,.12 02 p m . , F o r Buffalo an d C hicago via P . , L. <fc W . l i , I i ,^ 8 00, 10 50 a m ; 400 iTm . • ’

"T J. H Of .HAU SEN , Q en’I S n p t.H . P Baldwin, Gen Pasa Agt '

8 0 C e n t s


giiantMasiEieGiiis BrBrCt^Via PLEASURE BAY

TIME TABLE, AUG :7(Subjeat to change).

LEAVE PLH&SUBE BAY Weels flays,.. .7.20, 9.10 a.- m., 3.10, 4.10 p.m.

RETURNING LEAVE NKW YOK'C FpofWeat ‘ ll.txin. ra. E.40p,m. Buttery -Park 0.S0, n}.30 b . no., 3.10 u. m.

•Oi! 3fttun)4ye ouly. 11.00 o’ciocir tjont I<mvo8 West IStli st. 12.45 and Battory F art 1.15 p. m. Instead of 11.80 a. m.

BUMOAYST L e a v o -P l^ u rs Bav, 4.30, 4.45, 5.00 p. m.

“ ~ N . Y ., foot W. 13th »t-,, &!«, 8.40,. 9.00,10.40 a. in. ■ ■— "Leave Battery Fark, 8.50, 9.10. 9.30, 11.15 • . i i . m. •

On Labor Monday, Bopttilnber 3,liciats will ruu on flauio (tohedulu as Suil* ilay, Soptombor 3.‘

..Taka oar whloh l(»ve* A.bury I’ark not Utai- than 8.30 ». m . tor 7.2a »f m . boftt. ror alUsraoon' boat*, t»v« c£.r not Sater thna 1.10 for 2.10 boat;

s&fr«<vWiLuo ho*t• ****• r$ongag» curled tn e with p a u eam

And~see—how~cheaply and . completely you-^can be


Of'Mid-Summer Traffic it is difficult to speak through advertisements of all the good things1 our various depart­ments offer. Many things now must of necessity be "closed

out quickly, i

Sh irt W a ists• For instance will fipm' pow on have a' “ CLOSING

O U T ” price on each which will be of interest to all.

fiolf lifia ag la irY Must’ go to . make room for early autumn purchases,

are pruned-to-..cost

■IVant Fori'lK ii T rooim -W ith d ra w n P ro m C liln a iin Siii'edlly: u« Contli- tloiiM W ill W itrritn l-IC w n n tf So to p e I)e Vnvto EiniH‘i<or,

>; W ashington,,/A ug. f lO .-It is assorted iiuu'li positivenesa th a t tho United

S tates and Russia have liorined a com­pact. Cor the settlem ent of the existing Chinese question^ * !. ' T he . fae t'o 'f the agrin^Turftt has beenronimuniea ted' to a 1 I tli« _ -w « iW "■ ......-W-

I f P rance, Italy, Cermnny anil Japan -agree-* to the muiiir propositions in- tho' RussiVAmoriean agrceuiont,' the United S tates anil Russia will immediately -with1 draw their troops from Peking, inasmuch as there remain in tha t city no foreign interests.

Tho niqin features of the oral _-cim von-, tion between, Russia and Ameriea are:

l*virs t.--T h a t,, although ^accomplished hy, frtrc^Of. arms,* the ' rescue. Of tln 'in in ^ inters and -foreign ‘resijlotits has heeh ef* foo ted ,fq i<* .-which phrposle solely the al­lied a n a y seized the Chm esocapitali- - Sceoi ni....Th a ti-«J$m|uu>i >r - 1 viva n tv-r-W n - i^.the de facto and de .-jure ruler of China;'

T liird ;-rThat T„i iliin#,' Clump, is the duly—anc red ft ud..jjnv.oy„ J£<ir....pencil ..0 f the, Cirinesi^tfovoiMMnent-i------ : - — -—

You will find oji second lloor to fit all sizes and suit all minds.. This is one of our specialties' and we allow no one to undersell us. There are SPECIAL VALUES to

be had from now on.

Suppose you look through our

fitted out

Has just been placed in stock, anticipating our heavy sales for these indispensables., Nothing for the, traveler in

the way of TJrunk, Bag, Grip or Straps but we havd’' it. Bought right'and spliing to interest you.


Daily Press


RUSSO AIV1ER1CAN PACTReported Agreement, on- * the

Chinese Qiiestion.


co-operate, with l.i in tiig CIOTI® ifnd Jus

K.MI’K iiO l! OK C111NA.- e'-rrTftrrnitirtlt-rrf-m’dergovern.mem. ^

throughout tfoe empire.• F ifth .—T4nit this restoration of ordoi

arid the sta tu s quo. a s .to the., open door ami the .arrangem ent of all proper in­demnity can he' secured .by the accredit­ed envoys of all nations hav ing gricv-

-aitPes-a.i:aiiisWChiniir by_ix*asuu of the ri?- cent outbreak. ” . ' .?

Sixth.—Tha't the integrity of. the otrt- p ire b e preserved and that no territorial, ct > in j liei is:Tt ions- be demanded.

Tin* St. lV tcrH lm rs: pitapat eli. The St. Petersburg dispat eh to Lon-

•aorW iTKinitVK'-t.lie-nsKertion-that-Rns'- sia almost itnniedmlel.v Will notify ,'the powers’ that she considers the relief' ol the Poking legations as the final accom­plishment of. the. m ilitary task of the allied forces-is the phase of the Chinese situation which is a ttrac ting tlv» ntost attention from th is government at this t in u v That. assertion .inferentially ear-

Tios-w i t-h- it-i4ie-i ntpressi«»n-1 ha i-1 his..R tils*. Sian governm ent; is nfi.Uie-' opinion tlmt the. legations -having been*-.relieved- that government should withdraw its military 'forces from tVduug and thinks the otli’ei allies should do-.-likewise./. No olHchtl iii-forma t ion a long’{t hose- lines,...howeyeivcan be obtaiiied 'here, nlthough the re- coitt.iiying wisit (if the Russian charge. Mi** lie W ollant. from .< ‘ape May to W ashington is believed. to be indicative that, a eou'muuiicaiion of this eharactoi4 lias been received froin the Russian goy- .drnment, '•

The withdrawal of the military;-forces from Peking is a phase of the Chinese .situation to which our government as •yet. as n*>t given any serious-considera­tion, M ieving th a t 'th e first duty o f ’tjie allies |is -to .reach some common ground of imderstmn'ling with a ,view to open-

iis fo r tiio settlem ent olwith China.

tho belief :thnV(»ormauy, Oroaj: -Britain | and probably Japan are not .averse to a course wiiieii will fn*iug aboiit terriiorial divisions .withhi tlie empire, was sup­posed fh a | .llipnii stood^agaiiiHt any di­vision of the empire, biit the landing of Jaiiauese troops at Amoy cannot be ae- eonnted for on the ground that a Ja p a ­nese temple has.heen burned. So that it is the accepted view that Japan is a t florist m aking, ready to be.In a positioii to share, in any division O f territory which linist coine. . ’ j * ■

T h e , ( 'o iirse Oif HiiNMiu.“The course of. Russia in taking Now-

(•hwang. canm^t be viewed in the same liglit as the landing of troops at Amoy'or Shanghai, a s th is was for the sole pur­pose, of t>roli*ctmg Russia's railway line, and any u lterior teVritorial purposes have ibeen disclaimed ii.v Russia, So f^ r as (Treat .Britain^s purposes, are i/oitcernod,. in 'the'. a bs'eh ee o.l* an y exp ress d'e«f I a t*a tion, the;,landing of troops nt Shanghai is" strong <‘vidciive-tliat (Jreat Britain wish­es to contro l4the Vang-tse valley, which

( fcrmaiiy, the d tm ht, asc to her future emtrst* is V!uo mainly to’ O nuit AValder- seo*»» speeches since the taking tvf-^Po- king. These have indiciitjnl th a t .lie/was going oh an extended campaign and 'tlint the fall of' the ( 'liiiu ^ f capital* was,only, .the in itia l,step in a comprehensive pro­gramme; requiring the • presence.,- of a large arm y. Ju s t w hat-this tueaus is not I'leai;,: but it has , a t leas?t created much snrja'ist*' in- W ;ishington and some otherTTfpTRf

"The differences over TJ H ung.C hangV ^•redeijtials ar<‘ threefold. . One view, fn- v \ 11 d in-g-t h a t.-n f-fh.e- i i t rd-Sfu t Os,--l s -t h a t~ Thi».e'mh»nt ials' iire ireV-ciifnldev'-aiiotliei’ is: tjiTrl'rhev- iave-nm?'! ^ ry C(nnph‘ti‘-ii1ithi»i:ii,\\ while the third is that the '.original' credentials. Avejre valid at 1 he tinie g\vcii,.lmt havo since become invalid through the. flight of theJetoperor and empress dowager and the complete collapse, of the Chinese governm entr-T he-- question of credentials does not seem so d'illienlt to deal with; and it probably will be solved to the satisfaction^of all eo.n? ciM'iied, but it iH not cieiiiv ttius fa r that tin* powers enn be brought iiito coniplote aceoitd on a general policy for the future af China. ^Oach 'aiqiintrs to* be waiting for the. o ther to act,-and ,on fho part of siune ther(> is a traditional disinclination to'go into the, nut lining ot poUeiek;11

J ! LWAYS on the outlook for de3ira.ble ;barga;ins, our clothing buyer suc- ceeded'recently in securing for about one-third their actual value, a portion of the- Choice Clothing disposed of by Francis M. Bacon,

trustee, for a noted clothing manufacturer who failed,. * , .In the lot are about 485 Men’s and Boys’ Suits, stylishly made, of

the very best materials, and manufactured for the fall trade. Better Clothing was never~before offered in Anbury Park; The large invoice is here, and will befirplace4 on-sale at once. i ^

The pricing on these1 exceptional offerings has been fixed just a notch^ above what we paid for the garments, and that means the lowest priced f i | l | ^ Clothing ever offered in this section. - :

It is none too soon to buy Fall , Clothing, so economical buyers would do well to purchase at once, while,the,assortmcntls complete. We guarantee / “every garment to be perfect In everything except pricirtg. W e qnntp -a few !

J a j P r r.-o f th e e x c e p tio n a l-c rq th in g .; p rice;isna^Youth’s Sack Suits, brown plaid,

nobby plaid, . grey-mixed,cheviot plain, handsome brown plaid, nobby grey check, black diagonal, wide rib blue diagonal.

THE NEW S IN. LONDON.Li IIu iik Clmim* H ep o r tc d F r e e nm l

- T itan K ille d .New York, Aug. HO.—The TribuneV

Lfmdon corresi mndent says:‘The principal news from China con­

cerns Iii Ilu n g Cluing and Prince Tuan.>—former,—who j v a s reportcd_{u„]m.YAL . been detained ‘ by" tlie admirals, appears ■tn-lho-ifroo;. Tie hus forwarded aJmC-inn-- . rial to the pmpress dowager reipiesting her to. appoint Prince Ching, .Ytiiig I a i ’ and the YangVse viceroys jo in t. peaco- m akors w ith himself; I.

*>A Shanghai correspondent of The TeJi'grjiph sta tes that:-P rince T uan is n »110rted to have been killed in- battle nt Toh-clion.

“ A No.wsrtelegram says the merchants a t Amoy havo telegraphed to their corre- spon.deuts-at .-Shangliai -a iid--Ilongkong to stop'shipm ent s. It is considered tha t trouble is imminent unli‘ss some of the governtnents a rrange for the withdraw al nf the Jai>am*se. .. ’V

“ According tii the information receiv­ed • by The Times* correspondent in Shanghai, the Russians are tjeatiiig the native population of Manchuria with the ,utmost severity. Indiscrim inate slaugh­ter o f . noncom batants has reduced the •ountry in*.tile vieinity j^f Nowchwang to a 's la te of u tte r desolation.

Lord ~" Siiitsinfry" w if*'— Visitod;“iV“.al~ " Scjilncht fin. Sunday by the- French coio- nial m in ister. .T heir conversation, it is

tated, turned on the Chinese (piestion. ‘‘.Speaking - a t a* public meeting last

n ig h t,' Mr. iRrodrick, undii'rseerotary' of fort ign tuflairs, -Vi(^*lared th a t•

Men’s Grey Cassimere Sack Suit,“ mixed pepper and salt cassimere, “ Scotch mixture,

---- “ D.-B. grey herring bone,blue flannel, >,

Steinbach Company natur allyl-insures with all the insiir-

. aH e-rrien. hi Asbury Parkr ; ~ They had'a.firp P'riday, June

3SlcZIhenL wliaZpaidZf Kelt

If You a re INot A lread y ••. U sing O ur

Special Blend Java and Hocba Coffees

For KofnEr,-'" H.'stimrants and /warding ilouses y6<c.sli(i»M iry some.. I •

..Only 25 Cents per Pound.A G ood J a v a a n d M a r lc a b o fo r ‘2 0 c '. p e r lb . A G ood C o f fe e fo r 1 G c .

Siloss first. They will tell you

1 GIFFARD. We write insur- ; ance—best companies, lowest

rat6s, -and settle losses at once


2 2 2 M ain S tr ee tA S B U R Y P A R K

M R S . iL. C. B E N E D IC T , ' _ HAIR PARt-ORS.O iw rnil“the‘yiia rr Janies.Y,;IJorilen’s Patent

lluir (Irt»>d«.‘ Also a variety of other iuateos. ‘

6 0 2 Cookman kvc*., , Opp»-PoQ,tu ilce -r- ASBURY PA RK


CUKE PIXiEHAnd d ll rectal dlsordura or money refunded.

'Pleasant. PJflt a pliyele. A radical cure. «)o ot oima. J . Black, T. *f. Stewart, L. O. Oronollei or o f Ktt’s Drue Co., Tlillo. Pa, Ploose try It. .

Advertise in THE -PRESS

40 years' fexperioucc PiiitHes Us to Ollur to 'oifr uuRtomerH'nu artlclo th a t will t'lvo Ik Tact loir. 1

D ayton. ^O rien t 1 Y ale ' S pald ing

B a in e s . 1 E agle , T rib u n e Q uaker

■ Cleveland W hftr

. .Crawford S terling

.TDbmo aro «orno ot.t\ib.wl ools l am Belling fcljlfi yosir.J, - - ■ ■ •_ '


Mr. .Thud: Vamlorvttir Is In charge of my repair shop. Thin Insures.tirompt ,aud ro- llnJblo rcpumnir.. - .• • . . ALcimon.'aiveli .n d Wheel, lor Urntlng!

M , J F E K R I SC«otr»l tlaH • r . 714 Mattlion Ay‘«r ue

..Tin*-altitude of Wernuuiy is the sub- je rt of much oflieial discussion, and ;con- •sidcrable tiew Tight inis 1mh»u tirrmyn upon it. TheVCIernuin chargeJl‘alTaires, Ra’i’fui Speck v°n Stcjmlierg, Intd a long' 'eonJVrence with , Aeting >Sccretary Adee.- I t is understood tiial aiiy (|iiestion which m ay.have arisen as to the future course of (lerniauy is met by a ref«'renc(* to an ollicial note by. ( ’ount von JUtlow, (jer- 'man minister of foreign affairs, issued on Ju ly .12; which fully defined tJerm any’s ptirposevvin China. This noto-n.f*the (Jcr- m m t:ibane»lllor followed within' ten day's of Secret a ry' I la y ’s • note- to .the powers

"on.'.’July •* aipi is somewhat analogous in Heiting foVth CJermauy’s inl»inli»n. (Miintvon J ‘»uiow*s nut.1* said; __ ;..

“Our aim is 'tlu; restoration for ■personK-and property-., freedom of-ac-.

.tu,in for- G(‘rmati :siibjects/.‘in China, 1'iiA •TcscHc of iHi' foivigncis b<-leagut * rod -in r.el{inir. the re-estaHlishnient <»f secuiity mid regu lar.c«aiditions iWideiv' a properly

-org/i?ii;^?d_Clu/i^c-g!i^uiii)('nt. fiud_JX‘p a \ -ration-and satisfaction for tbe out rages committed. W e desire no-partition of ChihHr*.ai|(C seek n«> Ispecial ad vantages; Tlie iiiijieiial government is imlmeil with the convieti(ai i hat the ^Maintenance n f the agreetaent betw een 'the powers, is a primary comfit ion f o j * 'r e s t o r a t io n (it pcjtci?' a to ljo ’dcr in ■China.1*

M is.-said theCourHc.-of Austria will be idea’tJcal wit’U I hat. of Germany owing to the cbVse relations I let ween i 1 Un-1 i i P jlild -Yit-nmi on all questions’of inlcrnational

■’policy’. : :: ( — 7- 7——lit p i len t loii h Smitm’eil Up*'

'One (>f tlie best posted.moil of the* dip* lomatic.corps who is actively engaged Jji present: i.icgni-ialions* sums up tlTo“-int(?r* national complication substantially.a,* fol­lows: ’•' -■

‘•The powers were |iu complete accord- .up to the time of th^' taking o f Peking,1 hit. with . that. accomplished the more

‘•iniportant (piestion ayose.a^ to the future 'Course of the'pow ers in detvHug with ('ni* na,-and on that theiy is imt at. yet iiity ^ompb^e accord. Tims f a r it seems plain Ihiit •ilie t rn ite7rStates opposes the- dis- men 1 bei-me*it-(»r-Cl’iiua or any m ove to­ward territorial^extension there, -and in this -position Russia alidi France seem to. ngreo. / : *--■ ■■.-.r--v.----. 1 -1 ■- ;v-,

“On tlte othor hand, wliilo there is notliing lieiinite indieatijigMerritorial ex rmnsiun.' vci. the eyhnlitres jiavo Jed to « .what, mosfe . peojllft-want is pomet.hing

mild and gontle, when ly need of n physic. ChamUorlain’rf St.onjach and, Llvor. Tablets (ill tjiu bill fo a ilot. They aro'fiasy,to to.ko and pjeas»ant iu effoot^ For sal6 Iiy Thomas M. athwart.,* cornor Cookman avenue and Bond streets ; , - .. _ ..

$3 75,4.981

-5 -50,




5 .00,5.98, 4.48

5.98nobby plajd worsted, black diagonal, neat grey check, handsome brown plaid effect,


We also want to remind our patrons that the

The stock is somewhat depleted, but there yet remain to be had num-------------'- - j- - , - r ------ ------------ , ---------- ........... ......... ................ — _____ - ______ __ ________ ______J. SHsU _berless good things in stock. .tss—

stall* torwhile the Chinese outrages threw upon the 'powers the-obligation to insist on‘ indemnity andTOparation.’ H reat Britain could take 110 part in accepting responsi­bility for the •government of ^Jiina. Knj:- bind was ready,-he added, to bear her ijiare of thu. white iininV burden; but fouliV not admit th a t the nature of the

burtb'M should be dictated by the yellow hum.” ' - -• ' ■ /-. •' . >.

A n o th er C rln in .In I’ern .Linta. Aiig. ,110.--j\ f te r the const itut ion

of flic im>p/»scd now cabinet had been of­ficially gazetted events occurred which completely upset the coalition1 ministry.- Two members refused to accept lhe^pori- foKos teifdered tlieniv and then. Dr. Can- damo ami Senor ( ’iirlos Pierola, who have tyeen. co-opera ting with President Romna ini the m atter, announced that th ey ‘would retire from nil further connecriiui with it. Tin* president is thus still without a'cabi* ni't. -. ^ ' , ....

, XeuroeH T teliUn ro iu iK el. rXew York,,' Aug. i>0.—F rank Moss, has

boon retained by m iitee of repre- sentativo eolin;ed m en to soo-what acVion can be taken*to punish the persons who were implicated in tin* recent outbreak against the fiegroes* in 'this • city. Mr. Moss will also rcprcsenl fJie City Vigi­lance league in.siniilar a«;Uon, ami an i»f- fort will be in ad e jo gather/snnifient j ‘vi.-: ditmu*Jo convict those who were guiliy;


mpanyPioneer Outfitters for Men and Women


eraCoCO CD

T H E T A F f ■ c S M M IS S lO N .

•yy i l l .Mcet Xc x t ot-M jli^orn FiiIIh.■ Milw.itnkei1. Ailir. |U\—1Tlie

Society of Muuicipal Improvement has voted tbm eet next-ycar a t NMirfcara Falls, N. y<l and ’elected th e following ofllcers': ,

TPrnsidejit,•• Redtent ,I0.: MeMatb, St. Lonis;_ vice..presidents, "Rernard Saunders, of To­ronto, Kdward F isher of Rochester- and Johti L., Mas'on of New Kedford, Mass.; treasurer, F \ J . O’Hrien of Oswego, X, Yy

; C tthnn 'l’eiteliet*M Heneli I liivnna, H avana , Aug. ‘lO.—The Cnited States

transports bearing the Cuban teachers who ’at tended tlie H arvard sum in o r school arrivj u’I-j j fi'—lIiminaJjLsLfJivwiipg^lThusiL teachers \yllo belupg to the Itavaiia dis­tric t will land^'immediately. T pday the

T o 12NtnblI»h C iv il G o v e rn m e n t In . t l te Philippine**,

AYashingfon.. * Aug. 150.—All arrange- unfits have been practically perfected by The T a ft coinmission for commencing its duties in coiinot'tion w ith the establish- m c/it o f civil governm ent fit the. Philip­pines. ! r

.The commission will assume on Sept.1 all tin* functions which properly belong, to tin; legislative tiranch of tho govern­ment. I t is_nnt pniposed th a t it shall be in supreme control. M ajor Cema’al Mac- A rthur will be the exceptive of thi*.is-..

■ lands, nnd the-commission will .be co-ordi- •nate,wifJi him, ju s t as the executive nml legislativ<‘ branches in the United S tales are on the same plane..• Civil government will not be establish­ed except in those tow ns where tho niili- ttH^’, authorities aro satisliod there is mv ■fbmgor of insnrrcclion.'_Tkn-m m um sim i

entire--'' 1 km ly w i I C v i s i t” 0a b 11 n a s IfiVd see the sights (if H avana. fScnornl Rodriguok,. tiio inayor1, will give them a icceiition.

. A .IIInirttt-r'H Cood Work. ‘ ,“I iiiul n aevoro attack of. bilious pollc,

got a hottlo ot Chainherlaln'H Colie, Chol- ora and niarrhoea Romody, took two (loses and Was entirely cured,” Bays Rev. A. A, Power, of Emporia, Kim. .“My neighbor ncroRS thu street v»an sick for over a week,, had two or throe ho,t ties of fnodieine from tiio doctor. He nteil them for tlireo or four________ _________ EejlIt___ - ____days witiiout relief, and (lien called 111 another iloctor-wlio^treated liim for norm) days and gnv i'h im norolief, so discharged him. 1 w“n t o v see liim the next* morning He said his bowels wore In a te r­rible iix. tha t thoy had boon running olT- srf lontr th a t it was almost bloody iluld. I asked him If ho imd tried ■Chnmberlaln's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy nml hfl.saiil ‘Nn.’- I w ent home nnd brought him my hottlo and gave, him one dosoj told nim to lako another doso lu. Ilftxien or tw enty minutes If ho did not, lind roller, but ho took no more nml was ontlrhly cured.” For »nle liy Tlioiniw T.. Hmwart corner Cookuiaii avjim e imd Bond hi root. -

and (lie m ilitary will work t'ogethor to propitinte-tlie-natives nnd induce them In ri'tnrn to their peaceful, nvoenlions. For tin.1 siippres^iun of tlioseJiisurgent.s who c-onlinne in nrtns it Is imderstnoil iih'Iik- n res/w ill he tnken- ns soon as the. dry:, season, begins, (jlenernl ^J.neArthur will soon have n force of nearly 7(1,(1(111 pflVcl- ivem en, who wiil lie used to desiroy the Insurgent organizations when .operations enn begin.' t '

'C rciv ilih irV Strit.-in'cnt ’ lio n toil.Rnttle Creek, Mich., Aug. TO.—H r. P

'S . Kellogg, who hnB ju st retnriieil from ,l,wo: years* service' ns n surgeon' in the -riiiiippinesj— denies -the-OtTmges1 o f-n eg - -leet 011 the transport Hhcrmtm lrinile lij Cnptnin Crenslmw o£ A tlan ta fn b is dn- temortem statem ent. Dr.- Kellogg, win. came iioine 011 tlie Sherm an with Cnptnin O enslm w , snys tlm t (lie cnptnin 'wns so badly wounded tlint it wns only n ques­tion' of time when lie would die, and it w i j s lit Ills, own request -that tlie cnptnin wns iiul>\wd to come iuiuie. 15r. Kellogg nvers tlm t C aptain Crenslin\y hnil every posslliU' attention, including tiio best

'physicians nnil nurses. l i e . snys tlm t’hc nsSisted him occnsiounlly -Jiimselt -mul

“lanTwrrtlintrif-f'nijTiilii tt'eiTBlmu' iv.TB_niTt uL iiis berth n t nny tim e be_.criiWleil out in bis ileliriuiu.

' .‘‘Throtrgh tho months ot Juno nnd July our baby waa teething and took a, running oft of tho bowels and, slijknoss of tho stomach,” Says o . P. M.-Holliday, of Dam- Ing. Ind, “ His bowels would move from ilvo to eight t imes a-day. I lind a hottlo of (Jllnmberlnin’B .Colic, Cholew and lliarT rlioc,a Remedy in the house atlil givVo hlm four drops lu 11 tonspoonful of w ater und he got lietter a t ouch." Hold hy Thomas L. Htnwnrt, corhor Cookman avonuo ami Botid street. . ■

T lie llttrKlierft A re l lo a le t l A fte r 11N ilil.lx.rti llil11 I f—I 'r 1*11 i-It I.'om11»lit*. I I I . .lltivvltU'iU W ith b u t SllKhl IleHlNtiiiict*.

— T.nmliiii, Aug. .10.—The lJaily Hull pnli- lislics tin- follow ing'front its St. l*oter.H- Imrg correspondent:

“ l l r . Iieyds" interview with Emperoi Michulns lusted t bn rely live II) i 11 nt. ‘S. Tlw cznr siiiil lie \\';ls Sfiny tlm t lie could tin

.nothing for the Tninsvnnl except to urge it to iiiiilti" peiicc, ns lie luited nil w ar.” - —Undet' (line of llulfHst, Aug. - M.—hrinl Roberts teleeranhs the wm- olllee aB foi- lows: . ' - .

lliille r'* ' ndvnnee(1- troopf oeeupied

CZAR’S ADVICETO BOERSTells Their Representative

They Should Make. Peace.


Ma'chadodorp this afternoon. T ho onemy made jv very poor, stand and/retired in .a ndrtluirly direction.. r.\ t ' •<■..• “They w ere followed by Dnndonald’s mounted troops. These could-not proceed beyond H elvetia owing to the'diflieult na­ture of the country and because the' ene­my was enubled to take up a positi.on too strong tiVbe dislodged by hiounteil troops.

“Ciencral Ruller appears to have had few casualties, ■ , • r-^ “

‘•fieneral French continued Ids. more- -nieut today-as-fai-ns-K landsfouteinrfroin

which place -he turned o u tK i l n f e m y without - dill!cult.V* The enemy retired very quickly, leaving A quantity of cookeil food, , . '' “Ci^aeral F rench is within pignnling commauica^on wttfj Ocneral RalleiVV •

A* P re to ria '. dispntch/, dated_ Aug., 28,says:. - •„.. ■ -•....

“The forco of General Rndon-Powell qnd Ilfckinan.’s tAonnted infantry : are hnjdiiig \yh i‘in Baths, tip miles north ot P re tb rhu^ • ” • . ' •., / . •• -“ (Jenernl- Ian Ilaniilton ami Colonel

^ l im r^ ia v o arrived here with thoir- _.t roops.'_C oh j njt*l—M a h (m -h a d o n l y --1 w «. days’* rest hist month. l i e made, mnny .long marches and tbf^k 12 prisonerp a dny on an nvwiura'”: ^

‘‘My baby w;is terribly sick with tho diarrhoea,» says J . H. I)oalf, of Williams, Oregon. ?‘\Va wero„unablo to' cure him with tho doctor’s assistance, and as a Inflfc fefort/w e tried Ohamherlaln’sCoyc, Chblora tind Dhu'rhooa Uemwly. I am happy to Bay It irave ImmeHliat^ relief and a oompleU) c u fa ,r For Naln by Thomas#M. Htowart, ooruer Cookriiuh ivvohuo a»d Bond atreot. -

TO IMPEACH WOODWARD.Atlnntn*i) C h ie f K ic c u ih ir i l f f lr P r ^ p ^ -

. S tn i|(l T r ia l F o r D r i in k e n n c i i i ir V ’A tlanta,« Aug. -30.—Mayor .lames 0 .

W oodward on next Tuesday will be fore- ' od to stand trial - for .Impeachment .on charges of drunkenness and consequent n eg lec t'o f-d u ty . The,; city council h m ^ passed,a resulution caHlng on the city a t- torney to prepare impeachment articles, nppointing-a ‘commltteo-of_tluee, Maysou, Johnson and RawsOp,* to assist, the city attorney in preparing the charges and fix­ing tho ..time lor. the beginning of the tria l a t lO o’cluck on Sept. \ in council chambers. Judge If. M._ Reid is named in the resolution- as presiding oflicer of ' the impeachinent court by virtue of-his ollice.

A fter a debate in w liich jin lfa ilo ze iio f tho members took .partvto saj'' tlmt they w.ero pained to sign the iiapor and that Mr, W oodward liftd mnde the best mayor A tlanta' ever. Ijad, tho paper was adopted, w i t hn u t n d i ssoii 11 n g_ vot e.- ,_S eye ral of th e - , members, did not vrito on tlie paper, but rem ained silent when tiio vote was. called by llin chairman. Couneilntan Holland mado a motion before tho vote w as tak-( . on to lay the paper on the table until next Tuesday, tho day set by a previous reso­lution for the riex.t meeting of the council. The motion was lost/- . 1

The mayor has'frequently given offense by his public and private misconduct and has many times hoen near Impeachment,. but a nil* h t promises to r e fo nn an d , Id s personal inlltience warueii it o il. A t th e ' hist' regular meeting of the council die ap- ;peiii4ed~in~such-an"intoxicated-copdition— as to leave no doubt in the minds of the. couhcihpen and those who bad previously Iteen his-stanchest friends of the heed ,o£ •the. .innvoniont looking_ to his removal from oflicc. v

» ■Wiibnwli H nflrortil I te p o r t.S tr- Louis, Aug. UO.—A t . the annual

meeting of stockholders of th e 'W a b ash „ra«rofid the report for tho fispal year end- v Ing-Juno il() was Hulanitted. (jru^s earn­ings wore ?livfl(V)!IO, an Increase over last year of $2,047,010; oporatingexptnses

• t'arnlijgs .‘M,‘J!KI,572I increase of -if511u,- 072; ilivhlends on dclic/iturc .“A " 'bundyr— $21,0,1)00; pot surplus.. $210,01)!),-'

The laws of health require th a t ttio bowels movo once oaoli day and ono"of tho penalties for violating th is law Is piles. Keep your bowels regular by tak lnc a dopo or Cuam-i borlnln’s Stomach and TAvorTablets when necessary and you will never have th a t - sovoro- ptmisbracnt inflicted upon you. Price, 25 cents. Vor-salo by Thomas M. Stewarfc, corner Cookman avenue find Bond otre6 t. . . . . . 4 . * •

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