lab #6 report due today individual data processing and individual write up lab #6 report is due...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Lab #6 Report due TODAY Individual Data Processing and

Individual Write Up Lab #6 Report is due TODAY by

midnight Answer Multiple Choice Questions

ONLINE TODAY Answer Student Survey ONLINE TODAY Submit the Lab Report #6 in the drawer

labeled “Strength of Materials I Lab” beneath M. E. Mail Folders

Lab #6 Report due Today Cover Page + Abstract Data Sheet Spreadsheet including Material

Properties Plot #1: Elastic Modulus Plot #2: Poisson’s Ratio Plot #3: Axial Strains Plot #4: Transverse Strains Plot #5: Shear Strains Comments and Conclusions

Lab #7 Due Dates Lab #7 Multiple Choice Questions by

midnight Saturday (05/03/14) Lab #7 Answers will be posted by 11am

on Sunday (05/04/14) Final Quiz next week will have 20

questions selected from Lab #1 #7 Lab Report #7 and Student Survey will

be due next on the class day

Deflection of a Cantilevered Beam

Measure deflection of a cantilevered beam due to a Point Load at different distances from the fixed support

Determine the elastic modulus of the beam material, and compare it with values from the handbook and Lab #5

Compare the measured deflections with values calculated from theory

Key Relation in Bending

At any location x along the longitudinal axis of the beam:

(x) is the curvature of the beam(x) is the radius of curvature of the beamM(x) is the internal bending momentE is the elastic modulus of the beam materialI is the moment of inertia of the beam cross-


Curvature of a curve y(x)

If deflections y(x) are small, then the slopes |y’(x)| << 1.

Cantilevered Beam under its own weight (=w per unit length)

Deflection of a Cantilevered Beam under its own weight

Cantilevered Beam with a Point Load P at a distance q

Deflection of a Cantilevered Beam with point load P

Deflection of a cantilevered beam with a point load P

Summary of Deflection Formulas

Only uniformly distributed load w

Both w and point load P

Only point load P

Deflection at x = q

Only uniformly distributed load w

Both w and point load P

Only point load P

Data Sheet

Processing Data

P (lb) = - P(mm) *10 *0.2248

Plot #1: y versus P

Fitting Straight Lines to y versus P

=slope(y-values, x-values)=intercept(y-values, x-values)=rsq(y-values, x-values)

Plot #2: q3 versus slope

q3 = (3EI) * slope

Determining Elastic Modulus E

Use LINEST function

=bh3/12 =Gradient/3I

Mass Density(look it up)

= * b * h

q3 = (3EI) * slope

Materials Properties Table

Naming Parameters

Emod w

Visual Basic Moduleselect


If you don’t see the “Developer” tab in the menubar, then selectFile OptionsCustomize Ribbons

New VBA Module

On Menubar:

Insert Module

Theoretical Deflections

Importing named parameter values

Must name worksheet as “Data”

Defining VBA function Defw

Using the VBA function Defw(q, P)

= defw (q, P)

Deflection due toBeam weight(remember we zeroed both indicators)

Implementing Singularity Function

< x – a >n

VBA Function DefwP(q, P)Underscore isLine ContinuationCharacter

Singularity function

Theoretical Deflections

= DefwP(q, P) – y0

Comparing Measured & Theoretical Deflections

=Theoretical - Measured

Plot #3: Differences

Spreadsheet (Two Pages)

Lab #6 Report due TODAY Individual Data Processing and

Individual Write Up Lab #6 Report is due TODAY by

midnight Answer Multiple Choice Questions

ONLINE TODAY Answer Student Survey ONLINE TODAY Submit the Lab Report #6 in the drawer

labeled “Strength of Materials I Lab” beneath M. E. Mail Folders

Lab #6 Report due Today Cover Page + Abstract Data Sheet Spreadsheet including Material

Properties Plot #1: Elastic Modulus Plot #2: Poisson’s Ratio Plot #3: Axial Strains Plot #4: Transverse Strains Plot #5: Shear Strains Comments and Conclusions

Lab #7 Report due Next Week

Cover Page + Abstract Data Sheet Spreadsheet (2 pages) Plot #1: Deflections versus P Plot #2: q3 versus slopes Plot #3: Differences versus P Material Properties Table Comments and Conclusions

Lab #7 Due Dates Lab #7 Multiple Choice Questions by

midnight Saturday (05/03/14) Lab #7 Answers will be posted by 11am

on Sunday (05/04/14) Final Quiz next week will have 20

questions selected from Lab #1 #7 Lab Report #7 and Student Survey will

be due next on the class day

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