killing agile software development : presented by rizky syaiful

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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Rizky Syaiful @ DiscussAgile Jakarta 2016

Hi !My name is Rizky Syaiful:

2013 - 2014 : Helped Joshua Partogi,a trainer who teach around Asia.

2014 - now : Quitted my job &bootstrapping for my own startup...

agile soft. dev. training

Scrum, Design Sprint, Kanban

/ agilepersonal


Human happiness

I want to confess my crime...I killed ‘Agile Software Development’ unintentionally

9 June 2016

25 June 2016

This is exactly, how I did it...

This is exactly, how I did it...

This is exactly, how I did it...

This is exactly, how I did it...

This is exactly, how I did it...

This is exactly, how I did it...

This is exactly, how I did it...

This is the result...Curriculum









Basic development skills

Real developmentcourse, followed by internship

Real development of their own product. Guided by lecturers as SM or XP coach

Maximize the experience:

Fast & proper build-measure-learn cycle.

Tools & mindsets in building high-quality, easy-to-change, well-maintained, software.

Full authority to forecast timeline as development team.

Then, I was daydreaming... FYI, I never sell any training to education entity…

I was surprised by their enthusiasm…

It went viral, other institutions start to email me...

At that time, I didn’t consider it as a crime…

Until, I realized…

What if...Every

What if


In that imaginary world...Do we still need to say something such as,‘agile software development’ ?

When every software development process would be ‘agile’ by default?

No. Of course no.Humanity create name/word to differentiate things

A.k.a Categorizing

When heterogenous things become homogenous, we don’t need name/word anymore…

In its early days, we can’tjust call this stuff ‘computer’.

A Short HistoryWhy the name ‘agile’ appear in the first place?

Let me remind you the history of our movement.

In the end of my Daydreaming...

If you also believe that ASD is the ideal/default,

ASD must be seen as the new ‘norm’.

As the new ‘software development’.

help me to replace Waterfall in the curriculum with it.

If you don’t help me,

If you don’t help me, this people would remain scarce:

Software developers who are self-organized, code clean, know DevOps, etc.

Product researchers who live the philosophy of build-measure-learn fast cycle (a.k.a agile).

Leaders & managers who create ASD-friendly environment & culture.

ASD will always be seen as‘the other’ in the ecosystem.


“Systemic Problem Needs Systemic Solution”

Formal education is a systemic solution for the future.

Why? Because it can touchevery future player in the ecosystem.

If you help ASD to become the norm,

ASD as the normal SD

More Hi-Quality Softwares,

Business-Wise & Technical-Wise

A Better World :)


you’ll help making world a better place

Next Part: Call to ActionIs there anyone who disagree “ASD should be the ideal software development style?”

Create the Demandfrom Campus Management

Empirical DataStory of my first campus &

Email your ex-lecturer...

And tell them about this conference.Tell them that industry needs the attitude/mindset from ASD.

My friends might help youHugo

Distributed working, offshoring, Scrum as a software vendor or vendee.

IvanScrum & other agile practice implementation in Indonesia culture, network of agile practitioners here.

ImanzahProduct ownership: user-centered design, design thinking.

SaketCall him if you want ‘bahasa Indonesia’ Scrum training from me.

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