kg1 newsletter - · kg1 newsletter term 1 week 7 greetings to our dear parents, this...

Post on 01-Sep-2019






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KG1 Newsletter Term 1 Week 7

Greetings to our dear parents, This week was quite eventful in the jungle! We took our class photos and learned a lot about new cool things.

Beginning this week KG1 is participating in our morning lines'

broadcast! Great job guys!

What we have covered this week (Week 6)

English: The theme for this week was the five senses!

This allowed students a review of their senses. The

letter of the week is Cc.

Math: This week we introduced a new shape

which was the triangle! And we took number

4 and reviewed previous numbers.

Science: This week we went over solid, liquid, and gas and

we introduced "Sun and shadows" concept.

As for Social Studies, we talked about how to:

"Care about others".

What we will cover next week

(Week 7)

Let's Explore


-Children will discover that

they live in a neighborhood,

-Recognize streets, parks,

shops, hospitals, police

stations, etc….

Letters and Sounds– we

will cover letter "Nn", its

sound and some of its


Math We will introduce the

Rectangle and revise

numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.

No Science and social studies due to the Halloween celebration.

Stars of the Week

Reminder:School Jackets

As the weather gets

cooler, parents, please

label all jackets with your

child’s name and classroom!

CLASS PHOTO Our students looked soooooo adorable as they said CHEESE

to the camera on Tuesday!!!

Can’t wait for the photos to come out!!!!!!!

Halloween On Tuesday October 31 we will be celebrating Halloween with a

special Halloween Costume and Pizza Party. The students will come to

school at their regular school hours and have classes, but are asked to

come in costume (batman, princess, Spiderman, witch, or wear black

and orange….) and end the day with pizza and goodies collected from

Trick-or-Treating! Please send in a small bag of treats for trick or

treating or dessert for after the yummy pizzas!


Congratulations! Next week is our last in this

term and according to the School Calendar,

we will be assessing our students starting

"Sunday November 5th"on the material we

have covered in term 1 so far.

So, this is our last newsletter in this term;

next one will be after a couple of weeks.

We will send the books on Thursday

November 2nd for the parents to do any

missed class work and revise with their kids

if they would like.

Please make sure you return back all of the

books on Sunday November 5th.

However, some booklets labeled “Keep at

Home” should be the only books to be kept at


Stars Of The



Aly for his amazing subitizing and writing skills and remaining

open to continuous learning

Yahia for showing kindness, empathy and being such an

incredible story teller and participant in class!


Farida and Yassin for being Zuper Zebras this week! I'm so

proud of both of them! They made it their priority to stay on

top of things all week. Their actions show me that they love

learning, great job!



Hana for her excellent class work and for always being the

first to finish her class work. Her smile makes my day.

Fahd & Youssef Mostafa for being such gentlemen. They

always follow the rules and are friendly with their classmates.

Keep it up!!!!

Farida Mohamed for now eating all of her healthy foods

and for her excellent participation.

Selim Ossama for being a leader and always speaking in

complete English sentences.

Malek Mohab for now willingly working on his own and

completing his worksheets.

Talida Mohamed for all the love she gives us and for her

excellent behavior.

Way to go Lions; Keep up the good work!!!

Hayah Ahmed and Khadijah Kassem : for their ongoing

participation and always trying to do their best. They are

always showing good manners and have a positive attitude

in class. Well done Giraffes !! Selim Ahmed : for showing excellent progress when

completing his classwork and assignments. He is always

showing cooperation and decent behavior with his

teachers and classmates. I am very proud of you Selim.



Adam Ehab and Omar for their super participation and excellent

attention, for finishing their work first nicely and neatly also for

always showing good manners. Good Job Pinny Pandass!!!!!

Mohab and Farida for showing a great progress in their work, for

exerting their best efforts in what they do. Also, for their

excellent behavior Great progress Pinny Pandas!!!!!


Omar Mohamed & Roqaia for always participating inside

the class and finishing their work on time. Keep it up



Adam Bassam for always talking in English, participating

in all classes and showing good manners.

Well done Adam!

Miray is a sweet girl; she is really helpful with her class

mates and tries her best to talk in English and shows

good manners. Keep it up Miroo!

Adam Osama for always finishing on time and showing

good manners. Well Done Adam!

Karim Yehiaa for talking in English, participating in class

and showing good manners. Keep it up karimm!

اللغة العربية

السالم عليكم

أوالً: التربية الدينية

الدين اإلسالمي

على ما سبق دراسته مراجعةالقرأن الكريم :

الدين المسيحي

صغير يترنيمة أنا فرحان ألن

ثانيًا: اللغة العربية

أعزائي أولياء األمور

هذا ما سيتم تدريسه في األسبوع القادم إن شاء هللا

) أ : ث ( واإلستعداد للتقيم األسبوعمراجعة الحروف من

القادم إن شاء اهللا.

شكرًا لتعاونكم معنا .

قسم اللغة العربية

Character Building This week in Character Building was all about Responsibility and

Accepting Consequences. That was done by reading a story that

addressed the responsibility of doing work on time and relating

what we do today to what will happen next.

“The Ant and the Cricket” Is a story that presents the real

meaning of responsibility in a simple way to help students easily

understand that you can be as happy as the cricket and have fun

but work like the hardworking ant.

If you want something special, like a new

toy, save your money now.

You can save money; you can save time

too, do it now!

It’s good for you!

Students will learn about the value of

accepting responsibility for their


Differentiate between what’s right and

what’s wrong.

Keen to finish their work early to avoid

the bad consequences.

Physical Education

This week in P.E. we worked on Catching.

This week’s activity:

“Make the basket and close the basket” In this game, students had to focus on two things;

keeping their eyes on the moving ball, and making a

basket with their arms allowing them to catch the


Kidztown vet clinic was so busy this week!

KG’s visited the clinic to know who is the Vet and

how does he check on animals and pets by using his

tools; the stethoscope to hear to the heart beats,

the thermometer to measure the body

temperature and much more.

If the Doctor finds that the animals are sick they

take an injection or medicine to feel better.

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