kamina's topic proposal rough draft

Post on 30-Sep-2015






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  • Ham 1

    Kamina Ham

    Professor Malcolm Campbell

    English 1103


    Topic Proposal: The brain of a dancer


    My project will focus on looking at how different parts of the brain are affected by

    dance. Dancing and mental processes has been studied again and again, but I want to analyze

    specific system that dance effects. My goal is to describe certain parts of the brain that dance

    affects. I have found research about how the brain development can help a childs brain

    development, so I think that could be my focus. I would want to study the past 5-10.I think this

    will be effective because the brain changes and psychologists have been able to observe those

    changes with new technology. Dance is one of the main stress relievers, says Stanford. It effects

    the hippocampus as well as the cortex. Dancing requires one to think critically about

    movements. A choreographer would gain the most brain improvement. Another thing I would

    want to research is how certain movements or types of dance effect the brain. According to an

    article Dancing makes you smarter, only certain types of dances can have a lasting impact on

    the brain. I also found research about how dance can help with therapy and developing skills

    that will help in life. The brain is complex so determining how much dance effects each specific

    part is going to be interesting to analyze. I have found a counterargument, about how certain

    dances such as ballet may be too focused on perfection, but I would need to look more into it.

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    Initial Inquiry Question(s)

    My broad questions is: How does dance affect the systems of the brain?

    Questions that will guide my paper:

    1. What parts of the brain does physical activity affect? 2. How does the brain change as a result of physical activity? 3. What specific connections in the brain are improved upon? 4. What/how aspects of dance improve memory? 5. What else can dance do scientifically? 6. If dance is so important, why is it taken out of schools? 7. What dance movements or types of dance have the most effect on the brain? 8. How dance effects the brain development of children?

    My Interest in this Topic

    I am interested in this topic because I love to dance/step and I feel that it has improved my own

    brain activity. It allowed me an outlet when I was stressed and feeling overwhelmed. My step

    coach was also able to turn his entire aspect of life around when he was introduced to step. He

    went from failing to acing and going to college. Step is a form of dance and I would love to

    understand the information behind why it has such a dramatic change on people. I also love the

    brain. I feel that it is complex and one can always learn something new about it. As I researched

    I have developed an interest in how physical activities and dance can have an effect on children.

    1. What do you already know?

    I know that dance requires a lot of brain power and thinking. I know that step helps me release emotions and it can makes me happier. Its also good exercise. Dance movements and beats can help with memory skills. When people memorize a song the beats allow them to memorize them

    more easily. Dance helps with a release of hormones. I know that certain things such as therapy and dance have an effect on the brain.

    2. What do you hope to learn?

    I hope to learn about details of the brain and certain parts that are actually affected by the brain. I am interested in learning about how certain movements can affects the brains synaptic

    connections. I hope to learn about different dance movements that can really help children succeed and focus.

    Next Steps

    1. I will look on the library research database for topics focused on: brain and dance,

    brain and physical activity, dance effects on the brain, and children

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    2. I will go to a research librarian within the next week and ask about dance and the

    effect it has on the brain.

    3. I will create questions to ask my step coach wrapped around the effects that he

    experienced from step.

    4. Inquiry Question: How dance effects the brain development of children?

    - With this question in mind I will look critically into certain sections of the brain

    such as the limbic system.

    5. I will research documentaries on YouTube since I am a visual learner.

    6. I will continue to create links on my note taking app so I will not lose the work I save.

    7. I need to find more sources that disagree with my topic, although I am analyzing it.

    8. I need to research other viewpoints of dancing.

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