just relaxing views - i listen to silently

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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Nature photos to see in silence.


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J' ÉCOUTE EN SILENCE Le chant des petits oiseauxLes feuilles qui chantent et qui volent au ventLe craquement des pas des gens qui passentDes murmures de personnes à une autreJ'entends au loin des enfants qui s'amusentJ'écoute en silence seul, bien sagement j'écouteJ'entends des chiens qui aboient en jouantJ'entends des parents qui parlent à leurs enfantsJ'écoute les rires voilés au loin, mais en vainJe prends le temps d'écouter et d'analyser le toutToujours en silence sans dire un mot, j'écouteMais je ne suis que moi et je tais les motsJ'aime le silence, je retrouve ma paix intérieure @ copyright Théma


I LISTEN TO SILENTLY The singing of the small birdsThe leaves which sing and which fly from the windThe crackle of the steps of people which passRustles of persons in the other oneI hear far off children who have funI listen to silently only, very wisely I listen toI hear dogs which bark by playingI hear parents who speak to their childrenI listen to the veiled laughter far off, but in vainI take time to listen to and to analyze the wholeAlways silently without saying a word, I listen toBut I am only me and I keep silent about the wordsI like the silence, I find my peace of mind (free translation by Charlotte)

28 January 2011 23:15


Music: Nightingale serenade – A. Rieu

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