jtl •l •anyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn87070281/1933-08-31/ed-1/seq-3.pdfhot waffles, maple...

Post on 28-Feb-2020






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.Kenneth Wells .of Hartford •was a vis • in

I ' T € F S O i a I n O t d S ^ r Earl Bevuolds of Warrens-"';.fotirg- spentPr-klav mgM_at tlie

" 'Mi ; . Calkins of Minerva was m town on.bnsiness.MpndaT.

."Mr. andMrs.'Q-eorA'fe OaHa-gfoer.of Albanv are spending the week with Mrs. Gallagher Js brother, Dennis Bonahne.

aud Mrs. E. (3% Orrnandy and claite:htei's,.E.iith and Helen

~ and iincle, William Collins, of "Whitehall called on. her sis­ter. Mrs.; ffilford Gfoodspeed

v and family-, Snirdav. They also motored to Indian Lake in the afternoon. _^

Maris H, Fish of Chestertown transacted business iri .• North Creek Thursday, „'

Herman Fish of Indian Lake has been visiting in. town.

Mrs. Margaret Bennett, who , w&s employed at the home of

Mr. and Mrs, Greorge 'Straight several weeks, has returned to

.. her koine here. .Mrs. Ida Parker and daugh­

ter, Miss Amv Parker of New-coml) .'visited Mr. and Mrs Warren Flint recently, • • . •

Mr. and Mrs, Howard Davis of North Kiver called on their sister and brother,. Mr. and Mrs.. Elwin Monroe recently.

Miss Geneva . Eoblee of . Theresa, who is spending the . surnmren^TOTrtn^

T"ter, Mrs. Carson Harrington, at Eiparius. was the guest of her grandmother,' Mrs. Mary E. Hplcomb, Thnrsday,

Mrs. Nellie Roberts' returnee' from Trov last Wednesday, after be^ng the "guost of her sister, Mrs. Harry BUDdv several days.

^Irs, Marv Holcomb waVthc-guest of her son and daughter Mr. and lErs.- Asa Holcomb.

FORSALE Two Deleo Light Plants for

sale in.1st class condition, also two Easv Washers. Allen's Flecfric Shop, Phone 56-P-^ North Creek. - " ' -

RENT, Six room house in village for

r en t . Inquire North Creek -Enterprise', Phone 63-F-2.

Rooms foi" light housekeep­ing, luqitire Airs. J. B. Ran­dall, North (Veek, N; Y.

S f OP AT Four Corner Restaurant

Just across new bridge at •' North .Creek

- J Delicious HonTe~€ooking Hot Waffles, Maple Syrup

Hot Coffee " B E E R

Ptoorns and Bath. Phone 43-F21

home of Wesley Bennett,

Mrs. Louie Rohlee of Theresa was the. guest of her mother, •• Mrs. Marv Holcomb Saturday.-• Mrs, .0- 0. CTM'nmgham' of

Aov«rri ensealled on 2k£rs. Baraju Wade Tuesday.;^;^ ' • . - •

Mrs. Harry Bentley of Grar-pet Lake called on Mrs; Sarah W5.de Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J , O'Keeffe entertained company Sunday.

Mr. x and Mrs. Dennis It, Waddell of Bakers Mills shop­ped in town Monday.

Edward. Buane of Johnshurg transacted business in twon Tuesday. ,

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ken-von of Syracuse are spending tins Week with their aunt,. Mrs. Bertha Kenyon at her camp.

Mr. alid Mrs, George Cfalla-glier of Albany,. Beta Wake-lev , and Dennis Donahue' of this place spent a few day last week in Montreal.

Mrsy; Villeneuve of Barton Mines'shopped in town Satur­day, ':

Rov. Kingslev of Chester-town was in. town Saturday.

Herman H. Vpgel expeet-s to return home this week from 1jhrri30Ttst^lreTe^ a fishing trip.. ' •

Miss Elizabeth Pawers of Olmstedville shopped in town Monday.

Mr. and Airs. Rae Galusha have returned home."

Mrs. Amui ffoodspecd and Miss Sarah Reaptov spent Tuesdav at North River with Mrs. Kate Reaptov.

W. S. Kelleher, district man­ager of the Mutual. Life In­surance co%>ianv, o f Glens Falls was in town .on business Monday.

Mrs. Sarah" Wade entertain­ed friends Mondav afternoon.

Willard St ovens of" Glens Falls, son of Ihv and Mrs. J . L. Stevens, was in town • Satur­day.

here Mondavi evening

GarroltV (ioodspeed- and ward MiHiugtou went •Speculator Tuesday;


I." T. Toole'of Hotel Sabaelo on .Indian Lake, was.hi town on business T.uesdav.


anxiety' 6F the p*a'Feiits~as to the welfare of the. members.

Motion .picture cameras •will be taken on the trip to make a complete story ;,of the. trip and one of the:e0mmitteeH3.as been delegated to write about' the ti-ip.-Dr.-P. H. Huntington will watch out for. the health of. the young people.* .

Plans are being made to have the band do" some adver-; tising for this section while on the trip, rendering concerts enronte and at their..head-rraarters, also in -Stony Harbor. Wildwood, Cape May and the Capev May court-house., The aiTajigtmaents have received the~endorsement" of the Lake-I H-porgn and Warrensburg Chambers of Commerce. Book­lets published bv thme will be circulated enroute, •

Among those" who will ac-eonrnanv the band, in addition to M. Price and Dr. Hunting­ton, are: James Keavs of Wra-rensburg, Charles S. Wade of Noth Creek. Miss Ruth Oallen-ius, Mrs. Phillip B^nnev and Deputy County Clerk C. .C. Webb, of Lake George village.

Those from North Creek who U x p £ £ t J L Q - g ^ w i j ^ ^ Arnold Alexanile.. William Sullivan. Robert Burns, Will­iam Wajclron, Clfone Ratcliff,'


S H O E S H O P Opposite Depot . North Creek

Modem Machines AM kinda.of work qutakly done

Good Workmanship

MTS,°. ^fii'iam A, Wade, whc» has.been in New York .attend­ing the sununer.session at Col-mnbia tTniversi|\, »>* visiting friends at Kindeijbook and Ac-eod-on-the-liitds<hi.

Rev. and Mcs."C. B. Ali'ord «>f Stottville and IIv#t George l.ockhart. of Lake George call­ed on Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tyrol at Igerna" one dtiv this week,'"' ' . . - .

Martin Brown, HaMd Brown, William Wade and Edwad Puller. . •



Rae Culvor town Monday.

was at Che&ter-

^[r. and Mrs. Donald Brown of Sabael attended the movies

*' I-— Xa-tliau ("apen and Clar­

ence MiWinulon are tnuplttved h.v William Uodgkius,

Harrv Bi»nth-v of Uarn««t Lake, was in town one day hist-w e e k . • ^

Mr, and Mrs, .Liout'l Miteh-eoek ln-Fd several "gnosis over the week-end.

Mr. ami .Mr.<. Loe Knicker­bocker and fnmilv of Pleasant Vailerealletl t»n..M.r.-tcmt Mrs. Frank Thissell Suudav.

Several from this place al--finuTinl the ^ funn»al" .of Mrs. Clil'ford Wtugraft at Warrens-biu'g .Saturdav.

Miss Laivta Dunklev motor­ed to Glens Falls Tfctrsdav.

Sanford Barnev of ^ GloVt»rs-viile ivs siiemling a few davs with his sister., Mrs. Susan Mt>pro.

]\fr. and Mrs, George Mason of Gloversville were in one day last week.

Dr. Chapman of Glens was in town Suudav.



A'ug. 31— Mrs, Emma Grant and -two daughters, Cleo and Bella, are spending a few davs - out-oi-town. .' • r~ • _.;

Dr. and Mrs. Andrew- King and friend spent the week-end at their camp at Cedar River..

Mr.-and Mrs. L. T. Eldridfe of Wevertown called on tn.eir, sister, Mrs. Bertha Cross, Suu­dav.

Mr. and Mrs. Stewart King of Speculator spent Sunday at J the home-of-their-'sister, Mrs. Henry King. • Mr, -and Mrs, Royal Kinner and mother, Mrs. Jeannette Brooks of Herkimer spent the, week-end with friendsvui towns

Mr. and Mrs. John Jgayison and children of Wev*ertowh called on their sister, Mrs. Bertha Cross Sundav. ~y .-'--.' Mr. and rMrs. KennetE Ed-inger and children and Mr. and Jlrs. Richard King motored to North Greek Sun'dav.

Mrs. John Rust accompanied her mother to. -her^hnme at Buffalo Monday, where—she will spend two weeks.

Returns from Hospital Mrs. Alice Merwin has re­

turned to her home at Cedar Riverl after spending several weeks at Westniount Sanitar­ium. •

Parents of a Son A son was born to Mr, and

Mrs.-j@eor.ge Mac Donald Siin-dav. Mother and babe are do­ing nicelv.



EIQHAED B. LEWIS , General Hardware, Hay, Grain ' Peed, farming Lmplements

Shei>win.-Wilham Paints, Easy | W a s t e s , Bpanlding Sporting

. Goods. BBiltos* Snpplies Opp. P.Q.-^-WaTrensbnrg, K Y .

Ear l C. Austin. P01GTO&EAPHEE "".-'

Developing and Printing. Por Ameteirrs

. Cor. 2nd Ave. and'Hudson StV Warrensburg, N". Y.

. Used Cars and Parts Day and 'Ni^ht Wrecking Serv.

DlfELL'S GAEAGE Cash Paid for Late MTWrecks Phone 208 . Up-"oer Main St.

Waarensburg, N. Y. /

Radio & Electric Supplies F . H. FARBAR

Eadio Eepair Service ^eetrieaL-Cont-FaetQr. —

Supreme Court, Warren County

THE NORTH TREEK ENTERPRISE fr«rs published ®y^ry Thursday

;: '" by B. H. and M. A. SAWYER ard K.. Sawyer,

e A. Sawyer, . .Editor

..Asso* Editor

Postoffico Address C|pC5le,Av^atie,.;..North Creek, K..Y.'

,. 5r£& at the .North Creek Post-< ofliee as .second-class matter

'•'••' SIJBSCRIPTTON R&X&S *: Per Year

Ttt Single wrapper ,.$1.50 | ^ t -wrapped.... $L00 Ciiada .,-........,.. ,„..:..» $2.00 AxLlforeign Countries..., .,$2.50


•- - R . C. N o e l r - ^ f t ^ •'. Auto and body ropairinj^,. fae-torv. experianeed'. on. Chevrolet, Oakland and Pontiae., Watch.for next week's •Spes&ial ChestertoAvn, N. Y. Tele. n-V-k OHEBTER IjPKOLSTRY CO.

Stanley Kc BsBftoa-

.A^VBBTISBSrO' BATES Eatea will be Sept upon RectuesL

l i l M B E B OF NBA

T. J. FISH & SON News. Room & lee Cream Parlor

All the Latest Magazines and Kewspapers.

Cirenlating: Librarv — Beat a Book. Tel, 10-F-2

Chestertown, N-. Y, CHBS!I!ER THEATRE

Fii^st Run of the Best Motion Purniture repaired, reMshed fKetures— Other First Class j and upholstered First elassf.Attractions from,Time to Time1

work -guaranteed at reasonable! Operated All Year, prices, Main St* next .to RisingiPopular Prices;, Also YandeviH Iionse, phesteriovm., K. Y,

Northern N. Y, S-upixly Go,, Ixtis Chestertown '

Bnildin^; Material, Hardware, Paints, Hotel, Kitchen and

Household Supplies. Wholesale and Betaab Tele,92

The Electric Supplv & Eqni"p-ment Co., Inc., Plaintiff

—against— William R. Mun-av, Defendant

Bv virtue of an execution against the propertv .of Will­iam K. Murrav, issued out of the. Supreme v .Court, in the above entitled aeth.ni, to me directed and delivered, I, Bert W. Lamb, Sheriff «f the Countv of Warren, will sell at public aucthm on the-5th dav of Sept­ember, LK'i*), at eleven o'clock in the tnrenison rdavlight sav­ing time} at the front door of the Court House in the Village of Lake Ojv.rge, in the Count v. of Warren and State nf Sew York, all the right, title and interest which tlie said William K. Murrar had on the H'th'tiav of Januarv, 1U2L or which lie luav b.ave suhse<nieutlv acquir­ed in and to, all that certain tract or parcel of land, situate in the Town of Chester, CVmntv of Warren and State of Kew Ytirk, deserth(»d as follows:

COMMEXC1XG in the cen­ter of the highwav rumnng from Chest*'7,fY*wii to Starbnek-ville.ih said town, at a point 'opposite a hemlock tree as-maiked on n map of --aid land

{made In* M. W. MiteHeil, Nov-: ember-i!t>th, 1. 85, thence west-! erlv along the center of said highwav to a stake and stones;! thence north ten degrees, thir-tv.minutes west on a line pnx-al-

towujlej with the west line of said lot • until it strikes a ditch on the

north side of said lot, thence along said ditch north seventy seven degrees, fortv-Tive minu­tes east to-' a bro^k; thence along the brook north ^ixty-j live degrees east; thence, alongf ihe brook north seventy-seven f degrees east to a turn in the brook; thence along the brook I south twentv degrees fortv five minutes east to a turn in: the brook; thence south twentv de­grees fortv fivejniuutes east to I the center of sai.d highwav, the place of beginning, containing! bv estimatioTCi two acres of land be the same more or less, Ex­cepting and reserving a strip on the west side of the - above described premises twelve feet


. * *• STAR IitLNGH. * He^ry SrhiiBvPropv >

Only Eating* Place in i t o r e n s -bursr (Jiving 24 hoiir Service

All Home .Cooking: — itegular Dinners.at All' Hours. Table . , Service—Upper Main St. - .

When m Warrensbnirg A; Gobd Place to^Sat


Look for the T o m Clock

We repair everything, Electrical.. .Phone 105

Pasco Are., Warrensbnrg Warrensbnrff (xreeiihouses HARRY L.ROWE, Plorist

Cut Flowers, Plants and Fuoral Designs, Hardy Shrubs and

Perennials. Wholesale- -Betail Tele. 16 • , Horican Ave.


Wanted two Bond Stands on Route! ih Wilf Buy or Bent. Phone.l98W,- • .

Warrensburfif. N*. Y. *«.

•- Do Kot Overlook the ADIRON3DACK GARAGE

B, C. Gnmey-and Son Storage—Accessories and

Repairs Tel. n D. E. PASOO & SON

The Best Place to Buv Hard­ware. All Kinds Grain, Roofing

All Makes New and Used - Automobiles, „ •

Call and Bee For -.Yourself : Warrensbum', KF-. Y. HTSTFROSSES'

FLORIST Flowers for All Oeassions, Cut

J-Hmverr, Potted Plants, Plants and'Seeds in Bulk. Second

Greenhouse on Horieon Ave, Tele. 39 " .Wangaabtgg, H.Y.

If vou wisht-€»--- -"" Sell, Buv or Insure

J iEAL ESTATE Write or Phone-—101

W.k. ROBERTS Warrensburg K". Y«

DHESTER A. STEVENSON • Chestertown, N.Y» •^General Insuranqe—

Agent For • Korthwestern Mnt-ual Life Insmrance Company..

{* He insures Everything Except Tomorrow,**

wide ofl the _son.th side and six-1 T? teen feet wide on the north side { sold William Wallace.

Also reserving to the part­ies of the first part the right across the above mentioned premises at any and. all times for the pmpose of landing logs on the brook. Dated,-Julv 14.1933

BBBTW, . Sheriff of Warren

aug31 . Ootrnty

John B. Ingrahaht. ' " AtTTO P AINTINa

First Class Work. Special • Prices For August—Eoadsters mniCoiipes,$12.50; Sedans$15.

Shop River St. TeL 169-W ives. Hndsen St. Warrensburg_



BTHLDER Fpper Slain St. Warrensburg.

-_ . • ROSGOESTONl Plumbing and Heating

Florence. OilBumers, ftanitb. Radios, Jvtig^s Cooking E^uiTH

ment, % r g e Befrigei>ation,

WatrenspBrlr, N, Y*




v.- \

THrPSDAYrAFGFST 31 «K»,'J.».«-..J, B l u n t


TPersonals' - " t _J ' . . ' j j^»^^~.._M A u g . 31—Jack 1

Kelle'1? of Olmstedville was in town Fridav:".... • ' • .

Ai^thnr Wells of .South -Seh-roon was eniploved at Cordon, Wells ' BVidav. • ,

Howard Pellefaer is emplov-ed at Scaroon Hanor, Sehrooh ~^Miss Helen Monroe of Brant liake recentlv visited, her grandparents, 2 f c - and Mrs. Elmer Tyrel. z , . - ; W n •. Mr. and I^lrs. Woodard Wells jnotored to North Creek,.Fri^ day. . '•"-.

iix. and Mrs, Beecher La-paririe and children of Potters-Tille were Quests of their par­ents, Mr, and-Mrs. LeRov Fish Snndav^evening,

Mxs, Damel Wells recentlv visited her dangrhter at Korfh Hndsom;. . .-.*"/•

Howard Sage of Cliestertown. was" a' business caller m tins place one dav last week,, -

H. E. Petteys of Warrens­burg was a business caller m this place Mondar.

Snp't . Visits Town Harold Middleton, superin-

iendent ofHiKhwia-vs; of Ches­tertown, was in this place Sat-nrdav. ' . . j

Installs Telephone Frank Porter of North Creek-

was in towm recently and in­stalled a telephone in the home of Robert Monlton on the Gore.

Called Home by Illness Mrs. Alfred Taft of Sehroon

Lake was called to Brooklvn last week bv the illness of Mr, Taft,

Rain. Storfn Here The much needed rain .came

Thursdav. It-^was a great bene­fit to people's wells which aru. beginning to get verv h»w.



Essex County $

Personals ^_^^ i r iNFEYA, Aim-. :)1-Mr.

antl Mrs. George tVnmhbu aiul friends of Seh^n.ectadv spent the week in town.

E, P . Farlev j>v»ent tin in Xew Yoi*k.

The Mountain View have had about .ftftv over the week-end,

David Jones and «»h were in - Xew York, last week.

Kittv Cdle of Trov ha< br-eii in town, visiting her umde, E. P . F.arlev,

Miss Marv Lvnifof Alba'hy. , spent two week*? with ln«r par­

ents, .Mr^and Mrs. John, (iall-agher, recentlv.


H»i te | g11e>t-

t )rra afternoon,

returiie*! -ggett

Bert Wells nt Blue Mountain. Eev, and Mrs. Steavisoii of

Salem called on 'Mrs. Hartson Mu]id?iv

RsiV, Fred Slo homeii\&t week. t .

— V:-Retm-ns from Hospital.

Airs.. Arthur Jennings and little daughter,"Margaret, have returned home from the Glens Falls hospital.


.. - SODOM. .Aug . 31—Di,: Hudniit, Harrv Armstrong; and Harrv Hitchcock were'business visitors at Wevetown Mondav,

WHiiam Hodgkins was a -business visitor a^X-ortk Creek Mondav. - Joe Cordine has returned to Seheneetadv; after spending~a few davs at the home of ' Bert Robbins.

Mr.-and Mrs. X.I), Wathlell of Far"Rockawav spent, Mon­dav evening with Mr. and Mrs > Harrv.Hitcheo'ek. I

Mr. and Airs. Herb Allen and' daughter," Golda, were visitors at this place Sundav eveninar.

Clarence Punklev of Bakers Mills was a visitor at this place Sundav evening. •

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Flint 'of North Creek visited their 'sister. Mrs. Harrv Hitchcock . Sundav. . ~

•'Mrs. t lara Freebern attended the movies t at Chestertown Sum lav eveniiut^- -

Rev. Herbert Hndnut of Fox J~mr


SOk>M, ' Aug. J.?l-4^ov Dunklev and daughters,. Cer-ladine and Angela. Miss Lareta Dunklev mid Mrs-'Yem. Hitch-eoek wow Olens Palls vistors Rri-daw Thev "irfeo"

(nmpwas a"v isit oi^aftlrrsl place Mondav.

Mr. Henrv Bisehoff and children and Miss Marie .Hitch eoek^wej^ci^Tors at Johns-bm*g3Pimdav,

Fi anens Allen is t^mdoved .on MMl^ATeverfown State ro?»d,.

Arthur Hitchcock.was: a vis­itor at Amsterdam Sundav.

Mrs.; .P. E. Dnnkk-v. of Bakers . Mil^ visited Mrs.

! Arthur Hiteheoek Sundav.

brridav. inev irmo' cai\teir""on )«Crs. Anna Dunklev, -^~J .

.Bert and Clvde Straight were in town on business -thi^ week, . li__ " ' '-.'

William Hodgkins was >a Glens Falls visitor' last week..

i l r . and Mrs. Sherdian Wells called on Mr. and Mrs. Edson Kahtan this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Swan of Warrensburg: were -local visitors last week, . Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jaeger and sons, Richard and; Arwin; were Athol visitors Sundav. <

Mr. and Mrs; Howard Hiteh-eocfe were ^Joluisburg. callers Sunday. " . - ' ;

Mr, and Mrs, Delbert. Bunk-' lev and sons. Paul and Jerry called on relatives in town this week, ; —Walt er- C'ai^v^^ottersville. called on Mr. and Mrs. B a r Proutv last.week. ., ...

^Irs..-Rav-Pr6utv and Mrs. P. tl. Chasson spent Saturdav evening at North Creek.

Miss Wilnm Hitchcock is eimdoved in North Ci'Cek., -

Beecher Sawver of -Wever­town was in town Sundav. . •

Mr. and Mrs. John Grant spent Ssdiirdav afternoon and evening at N orth Creek.

Miss Mildred Stewart, Fred­erick Stewart, Harold Proutv, Wilms* and Harold Hitchcock

11lv\ and Mrs. Llovd Cooper, | | Clvde and Norris Straight, I Charels Poutv were at Athol •Sundav. %

I Ktson Hitchcock of Glens d^dfe-4s--staving^ at Arthur

GABNET, Aug. 31-Katheieen Flansbing^ of New A"orfe-~aii.d Miss Robert a. M. Flanshurg, R. N., of Glo.yers-vflle spent last week-with 'their ptarents, Mr. and. Mrs, Burke J Flanshurg. . . . .

George ..Washburn was Wevertown Mondav. •

Mrs. Ada Armstrong of Warrensburg is spending I several ""days at her home here,

'.Miss _ Adelene- Armstrong sp^ent the week-end at Colioes

hvith Mr. and MPS. Thomas


\ . \ ^

Bair Cutting Shaving' {Finger Wave

fMarsell. .*• ""xjSliampoo •!-•• w »Faca l

All. ^tars Win 'Si.tleia 'An Star^ innrneved

to Thirrmaii Sinnhiv an«l pluv-.«*(] t he Boar C a t s t he SIM*FI' WUK 11 h. «* in favoi «.t All S t a r s . nil ili.'Ir r e tu rn trii* tit* v -»t«n> i_u..fl a* J ^ h n d ' u r i i and i..laved th«-ir t t ' i i l i ] , t i l t -e*»r» W;i> ^ t<» 2. K e \ t S n n d a \ ' thev wHl ' idav Afli 'd Tt-aro at Hee-ri-ttn»^f F ie ld at W'arreTi'^burg at 1::'»«» Stand


Read Tne Home Town Nevra ' 1

Hitchcock's; tMr, and Mrs, William Hodg­

kins attended the movies at Chestertown Suudav evening. >

Jav Morehouse and daugh­ters, Mildred and Jean of JduMrorg were guests of Mrs. Hav Prt»utv last week.

lli-rmaii Jaeger visited his son, Robert at the C. C. C, camp

; at Speeiilatur last week, | Mi*s. t i a ra Bobbin* anil son, jKdvard, are spending a few I davs at their homo in town, t l Mrs, Gvorire Allen is ill with an attack of asthma,

1 New Teacher Here ! John White of Barton Mines was in tt»wn getting his home readv for 1he.juew tenant, Mrs. Mate M«*u»gomerv. teuelj«r for th«-h^al s^xTt this vetir.

| Supper Nets $28. ' The Hiickeii sm»T>«*r given bv

o« ladies«»!' the Sodrmi ehureh netted theni about rfvN. HI, The

Sir. and Mrs. Francis Yar-: nunr • of Glens Falls,- spent the wreek-end wifh Mr, and Mrs, Harrv Bent-lev.

•Mr.-land Airs.. Thomas Cor-bet tandson and Miss Clara Council of Glens Falls called on relatives here Sundav.

Davison Dalaba of Bolton called on lii^-grandpnrents, Mr.-and Mrs. Hem?v Washburn Sunday, " . '',- " - '

George Mrashhurn was at Bolton Sunday,

Harrv Plank of Caiiajoharie was a local caller Sundav.

Mrs.v Bussell Hills and child­ren, Lois Ann,, Riehrd and Jovce and Mrs, Frank; Hewitt and two children, Hilda June and Franklin of Johnsburg were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bennett Sundav.

Awaraded Contract A special school meeting for

Districts No. 11 and 13 was held last week and Herbert Armstrong received the con­tract for the transportation of the High school pupils to North Creek,


weather being unfavorable for tin? partv gave thein a smaller crowd than anticipated.

Church School Next Sundav Septendior 3

the church school will be con­ducted at 11:30 and the church service at 7 p. m. This service wi 11 be conduct ed bv the R ey. Weslev Morgan and will be the first of a series of nieetings% at

, the same hour during the. fob I hwwiiig" week.

.2.5. .,15' .45

• • . 4 $ . • ,45

.50 Arching .35 Special Hot Oil Treatment 1.Q0 Special! Special! Special \

Eealistie Pernie&iant Wave With Finger Setting 4.50 Guaranteed Beantv Specialist

Pereau Restaurant a t the Bridge

Now Open Home Cooking

^Spec ia l Meals to Order

Stun? The behavior of bees, says on ati

ttuMlly, has. ln\u,ro\t»d In.rewnt jvara hcenuse tht» in-'iicts InTT? ltpt'ti»r quar-lers. Vft every, now. And then one meets a bee whose cr.in«lnet In«lteatea Jt ianst be trying to ivar ebtlilren In an npnrtmpnt iiut«»i

REDUCE your auto insurance COSTS with UTICA MUTUAL

THe PTICA MUTUAL, has a. record to be prcrtad of. For the past 15 y««rs —withoiit interruption—tVhas paid its automobile policyholders in Hew York Sta«« dividends of iiever less than 205'_ of the. premiums paid. This represents a saving of one-fifth th* cost of

• automobile insurance . . . . &ui«ly-a worth-while saving. Th^strengtriand •tability o( the ?orrxpany is attested by the financial statement Rivon below.

Financial S ta tement as of Dec. 31 # T932

Assets . . , Liabilities ; . Surjplus to


59,422,141.39 3,014,134.94



' Home Office; Odea, N.Y.

L.1VI. Agent

Newcomb, 1$. Y; -••T^le>9-F-^


LO^TG H p E * Aug 3l -Mr. -

Wells called m Mrs. lurthenne

Mrs. Echyard Arcliambeaii sBd Eocene Spring. vrere cal <H tn Blac Motmtapa,afee tn Hit illness of ^ITS. Ale^Diipree

Eov Hofeley is emplo^d \>\ the AltamoHt Milk company.

>, l e v . and M m Thomas Stear-hm of Salem are « s ^ s J* ^h aad"ifeB. Beeeher Wiibuii ai B ! i ^ i Mrs . .La^r^cc Par­te ma Btfgtoe $p^Jfl%'! ed to. Kewcomb Monday attei-

M*. aad Mrs. Daniel Stnart motored to TnDper Lake fea*~ ttrdav afternoon. • .\ fh(x

mWm§ . Spring spent tbe -reek-eM with Ins. Jester, J " . -


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