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.V': ; v ^ SSB»^ » « * ' ' '5 J-T" '^'"" f*, > ^ r* Tpt-f it f# "*- MOBXM UMUUt BlTlABFlHtiik. VKOMHMUr* DRCKstBOa 11. 1MM Ml <ae Sdert Christmas CARDS QSory North Creek News. Decorations Candles and Holders Tinsel * Tree Ornaments Wreaths Streamers Decorated Crepe > ' Poinsettia, Holly Boxes tlolly Paper Booklets . i * Post Car4s mm Craft Boxed Atttograph Albttms Photograjii Albums <• lYaniect Hetures ^,_. _ Candlesticks I)oB Outfits' ; Calendars, etc, etc, etc Adirondack Studio KorkCreekrN. Y* i|ijfj>iijtfii$ri. Useful Christmas Gifts I&ad Pencils Marked, with jlamein Gold. * 3Pencflsiiiibox 35c 6 Pencils in box 65c 3 Pencils ih leather case 60c 6 Pencils in leather case &L ' O r d e r Now From T Paul D. Owen 409 fulton St, 1 Tro&N.Y. A.E. aEWULEfi Afl(D OPTICIAN WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN • PENS EASTMAN «O0AK SUPPLIES.. NORTH CREEK, « . N. Y> INN t> Mrs. H. S. Monthony PROPRIETRESS. INDIAN LAKE, *.%.* -._.* If your Stomach troubles you, a few days with us may prove a successful treatment We expect, to build our Restaurant Trade on your advertising, * . Special Dinners Upon Short Notice. ~ Mrs. Rae Galuaha visited her mother Mrs. Win. Sander* several days last week. ; Several local people are complaining of the rapid depreciation of their wood piles. Ralph Randall is employed at the North Creek Mfg. £o. as night watch- man. It is now only twCweeks until Xmas. By doing your Christmas shopping early you may avoid the necessity of purchasing from depleted stocks and its attendant disappointments. A word to the wise is sufficient Do your CJhristmas shopping now. Don't forget Wade's famous sausage see their ads in this issue. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Higgins and children of Lake George, were guests of their' parents Mr. and Mrs. Silas Higgins/ Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Millington and son, Harold of Warrensburgh, were dinner gusets of Mr. and M*s. Ir* J. Hewitt, 'Sundays \ "•,. •'*'":.,.'•., Mrs, Elizabeth Straight is employed t t the home of Arthur Osborne. *-Miss Clara Waldron returned to her. School duties* in Pbilmont, &turday + She was called bonier by^the illness of her sister Mrs. Arthuit Osborne. '. Miss lone Watdron was called home front her WorkjfcLalWL 6eorg«L Thu*§-- day to attend the funeral of her-aunt Mrs. Arthur Osborne, Friday. Thomas Alexander i r installing a heating system for B«v. F. M. LaBar at Olmstedville this .week. Mr and Mrs. Jess* Waldron and two sons, visited their parents Mr, and Mrs. Albert Stevens at Warrensburgh Sun- day,. . * . : . " - 1 Mr. and Mrjs, Lester Waldronwid two chHdroti went to North. Rive*, Sunday, to se* Mfa. Waldrott'a brother, Claude Eichardsoh who is ill with thegrip. Mrs, Susie Hewitt of Sodom who has b^en helping care for her cousin Win. Montgomery for several weeks is ex- pecting to spend the winter with her Bunt, Mrs, Susanne Montgomery. Charles S. Wade has a beautiful win- dow display-for the holidays. A big Santa with an arch of pretty baskets, a floor of .holiday nuts .and berries,* colored electric lights, ect , Mr, and Mrs* Derrick of Warrens- burgh with their children were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Margaret Miller's. The Radio. Shop conducted by <J. P. Allen, has a nice line of^rlfts for the Xmas holidays which will sootthe here. Lou Montgomery of Newark. N. J,, was called home by'the death of her brother, WiMam Montgomery who was ai for some time; Mrs, W. B. Doolittls and Charles Wakeley of Gflens- Fai|s attended the. funeral of Will Montgomery, Sunday* Mr. and Mrs. Phill Lewis of Ceder River Camps transacted < business in town Monday. : Mr* and Mrs 5 . Nathan. Braverman, and Claude H. Wade motored to Glens Palls last Wednesday with Mr/ Braverroins car, Claude/at the -wheel, Albert L.; Emerson of Warrenahurg attended the,futteralservi<i<ii of William Montgomery* Sunday, A. J. Hubert has been confin«d to the house for several days. Mrs, Wilson and daughtter Gladys *e* .tutoned to•-their .hotne at Chestertowh, Monday, after a two week*stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. % P*e$cOfct!. Miss Wi'son t\ as employed at the. tele* •phone, office^' 'Arthur Croni%of ^Cupjper Lafe.**** visitor in town Sunday. ^iifmin Owe^s of Minerva was tour« ing in tow* Sunday. . Buelt jSrayton of (liens Falls Waa «i to#ij Sunday* . •• v Benjamin Straight motored to Glens Albert Ives of Troy has been em- ployed by F, BL Smith & Co., a s baker. Mr. BosweU who formerly occupied the position has resigned and will leave for his home at Reading, Pa., Tuesday. James and Frank Hussion of Indian Lake were in town Monday. Arthur McAuliff of Newcomb was in town Sunday evening. - Mrs. Earle who has been at Newcomb for some time is home. \ < Mrs. Claude H. Wade who has been very ill with quinsy, is better and able to resume her duties at the Hotel. Mrs. Wade was considerable missed while she was ill. On account of the holiday season, and other movements, we havetempor- ially discontinued the story "Pay Gravel" but will resume, same after the holidays. Rev, and Mrs. W. I. Durfee, with son William, were honored guests of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Allen, Thanksgiv- ing Day. Dr. Cv F. Longenecker, near Olm- stedville, formerly our $wn town Dent- i s t has a well equipped office and is at your service. Lets give him. an old time call. The local stores are decorating for the coming holidays, and a number of striking window displays are shown. Shoppers are rather slow in doing their shopping before the rush, Mr. and Mrs.-Lpuis Ginsburg and son Martin, of Glens Falls, and J, M. Lax-' arus of Albany were Sunday visitorsof Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Brtvennant, P. J. Allen was at Long Lake, Satur- day and installed, several radios at that place.. • ONE DAY BATTERY SERVICE SPEED! IN TODAY OUT TOMORROW Long Lake O. E. S. t -i , 11.» Abenaque Chapter* No. 745, Order of the Eastern Star, was constituted at Long Lake, Saturday evenirts;, Right Worthy Bertha M. Buckanan, District Deputy Grand Matron of Josmatown, N. Y„ amsted by Right Worthy Francis H. Slater, Past Assistant Grand Lecturer of 'topper Lake, N, Y. and with the officers of St.Monic* Chapter, No. 486, O. E.S. of Johns- town as her official staff. Mrs. Elisa- beth H. Dale, Past District Deputy Grand Matron and Mrs. Clara S, Elli- thorpe, Past Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter and now President of the Board of Trustees of the Grand Chapter, both of Gloversville, were in attendance and assisted with the work. A reception was given in honor of Miss Buckanan at 6:30 and at 6 o'clock a banquet was served, followed by the evening session . A three piecej>rches- tra furnished music during the banquet. Guests were present frota Johnstown Jsloversville,* JTupper •. LiSe, and Kaquette Lake. The following officers were installed: Worthy Matron, Jeannette M. Jennings; Worthy Patron, "Verian D, Otisj Associ- ate Mat on, Margaret Mi Sabattis; Conductress, Katherine S. Harcner: Associate Conductress, Mia S. Hall; Treasurer, Annie E. Robinson; Secre- tary, Carrie H. Otis; Chaplain, Elixa- beth Wersenj Marsfeall,, Pannfe Perrlif Historian, Gertrude A* Smith; Pianist* Ltila P. Kettoggj Warder, Eva Trader Sentinel, Walter D. Jennin^ii Sr*j Adah, Elsie R. Helms; Ruth, Louise Freeman; Martha, Me'tta E. Jennings; Etecta, Jessie H. Stone; Color BeaVer, PrudyBeerSs -- 1 '-— - Signed-Jeannette M. Jennings. On* of the Bert One way to save; llsfeainf to others* troubles is to keep an a cdhstaitt tell* lug of your ^whi-^Buffalo Enquirer. That's how quickly we can put the punch back into your battery when it is run down. And if the battery is not completely discharged we can do it in much less time You save time and Rental Battery Charges It is done by the new "Roth Constant Potential" System. Others Features of Our Service, are are Just as Up-to-Date. & * - . . A Phone Call wilt bring our Service •-« Bring in your Radio Battery in the morning and get it in the evi Si •Si Calcium in Food* Calcium is found in the Stowing foods J Oaltlinovver, celery, hut terrain spinach, cheese, milk, icjtbbag*, string henm,, carrots, blackber^esi istnvwher- tXtm,. onlonsj Kg« t tomatoes, lent m lutfcc; dric^ beans, egis, beett, ftfesh perns oatmeal, Siruittes, ~~raisuis, $otatoesi whoi^wheat brejatdv t^ftit^ hre«d» le*m beajt and .cornmeal. baiclum Mm *** Jyftj»eirmiBdH^»th. - .' -^ NORTH CREEK, N.Y. Phone 1-F-2 Phone 1-i fe-**-^ GOOD JOB PRINTING AT REASONABLE PRICES. CONSULT THIS OFFICE A Terrific Drama. The Drama of a Pretty Boy turned by Scorn into a Man- A Drama Blown Across by Gale of Laughter with Ernest T^wfe rence playing the part of Tough, Roaring Scoullng, "Gen. Orlando Jackson" s i "- Laughing Hit • • totted^ >?*alwrtt~^1^^.4l^fr^i\,j>H^,fit^^^ &SA^~ , iffcwj«,i-v^i .*«i^„ji^^^^ „+,.,. ^^v^^Ji^Vit^t.n5(B w.jR^rfU'. v •mfVWP't H"*W«Vi-<Y v "* flW*} • <r™W*W0m \: •r :S" PAY. ttSCBltttBtt \ ,-.••• m *'*•'£* & "•:• V&. . |^| ^ complete line of irtgwlar t^BaUooii "Tim <Mam* Mm |*ver &m hm Cotis: A few sfe^slei^ Will be mM at a disconiit W4fmzykme what jon want. 'i^iphe Good Maxwell Mobile Oils •PT" 't;'. * Direct fedai to Iorells, mmes tfee Luml>er in mm yhdte, wm^mg j o t iie first grade in whatever yoti m$& need. It also enable m to i|iiote lo^er prle^, be* cadse mat cesfcislesf toti Si were to buy ClmixAi mA Jkmm ] . Bismol<M®& Se?. G,'C. €orneli„ Bastor Serfices.. ..^ "' -.;,';_ ;.-;'; tO;30A.B|. Sermon.* 11;4S A. M. Sunday School.' ; f:S0 E M» ^rmon.: /' CTORCH, JRe«< W* I. Purfe% Minister. Service? Morning ^Qrship4O;S0 \ Sunday Stjhool;-31:45- Evening Wor^*in fcS0> Prayer Ssrvic^ W«4.1;M P.W, " v The Sunday ischoot of %!^<dhiurch is arrangmg it's program for their Christ- mas exercises which will be hold on Christmas Mv$ Bec.M. . now fitto|- ^ho»opi(i»| gfieeaj c h a ^ of P>5cy ''43J^%'te^-- $$m$: hy -tho.,^%"®i jgl $m$i% ;-.'It - U eWlSit i&e .bost.^jatef|^-ji^a|fe|oir "#^: pttpils- of ^o-'-ifarioa^#|idiia , S : : :'tt:.w^|; '^['§p- ho- .iis«|q|,!|i- }ang«ag&'. teiehing; m. WOl^forr'Onfe^taittln^:' !> - ,; " ; , iH ate glad to r^pijct that both the girls anc^ the hoy*hasiRofc nall^ia^ifjaiHe. ^m^^^g^pfmf, 'At^j^hwili-' day night oor bojrs teani mst deieafe at the hands oi the last team frejHfeaoh^hg tort Ann High School The OlaSrfng of theteamb*^ Impeovedi somttch a^ to draw considerable oornment from %ec^ Gators who saw also OttcgaaAo with ^FarTenshWy of the weefe b e w H $he team * Fridiiy. night was made op of €ole, R, P.> Hewett, It, h\, Dojrfee, C» Beaopre/ R; ^,, Asseliij. I*, %* SObstis totes, Straight and WesS. Alt plkyecf a good game, dole at $*ordwoo«£ played' an-esjieciaHy aggressive game iund did Fire Insurance Rates Drop One-Half; A large audience attendee* the ilin- m|)st 4 of the sco*ing. .Durfee atcente? «l?a^4 service last Sunday evening, ) servedM* field && Joth teams are There prevails a good, healthful in- terest and Spirit ift our Monday schools The great need of the times i& ft knowledge of %e JBible snd Bible in. Attend ohttrch somewhere you will bo better for it- - : - $29 AMEEICAtf ii^GION . NORTH CREEK POST NO. H. L Erafley, Commander Kenheth Bennett, Vice Commander WiUiath |)t«fgin» Sarg^itatArms. Howard Mexaader, J^ost Adjutant. ' HOME BUREAU. Chairman^ Mrft. Williant liee. Vioe ChairrQan:"Mra. William Noxon Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. Chaa. S. Wade. North River Jfews schednled to meet thoae^bf Argyle High school at Argyle, Saturday evening We hope some patriotic frienjJs wilt |0 along with-ns and help out our cheering section* We wee glad to see several backih school who: have been out on account of sickness. Among these are Morton Tyre\ Francis Gregoryi School will close on tac, 19th fo* a vacation of two Weeks-reopening the Monday after New Years. Principal E, P. Batmore wwiinGlehs Pulls, Saturday* OStlRefiNOTilg. The town is North River, Warren Go N. Y. The placfe is - Christian Hill, The building is the Krst Baptist church The services for T>ecembejc 14th are as follows: Morning Service 10;8Q; Sun- day School 11:45; No evening aervice. There is always a hearty welcome for all in this place of worship. The.Paatorja commonly spoken of through the Adirondack'si as the "Lumber Jack Sky Pilot/' Come and give him the once ©ver. Why ride to church in a hearse 1 Be Strong! We are not here to play, to dream, to drift, . We have hard work to do, and loads to lifH, Shun not the struggles face it. ^Tis God's gift. Be Strong! ^ y not the days are evil** Who's to blame? And fold the hand*, and acquiesce, oh ahamel - Stand up* speak out, and bravely in J&T Strong! i t matters not how tleep entrenched th» irrong. How hard the battle goest, the day how long, ~ JRaint not, JBght on. To-morrow comes the song. Mrs. Arthur Orsborne. The demise of Mrs. Arthur Orsborne occured at het home at North Creek,, at 2 a. m- Wedfieiday 8i0|hihg, Dec, 3rd. She was 56 years of age^ *i& leaves betides her husband, two sisters, Mrs v Orr Converae, and Miaa Glara Waldron of North Creak,-' and -am- dtoaghtir Kathleen, and two sons, Garner of North Creek, and George of Saratoga. * Fufteral services were held friday at two o'clock at the Bajtisfc church,, the Rev. W. L Durfee officiated. Burial in the Union cemetery. would be news that "you all Wotiftf enjoy, *We could have fire insur- ance at one half the preseniprjees, if we had a suititble fire protection. Several small towns near by have installed fire apparatus^ and are now buying their insurance at just one half the former price. This is worth invest- igating, figure out what, that alone Would mean to you. Insurance is a grand thing and every one should be well protected by it; BUT it is very seldom that the insurance money will replace your home or bus f * ness Mact, insurance companies do not as a rule over estimate. Would you sell your home or business f<y? the amount of your insurance? Of bourse you wouldn't, no sensible person Would! rf you would give this questun proper thought you would not sleep until you had made some effort to get sotneigood protection for your property and families. You have not forgotten how quickly the score or more of home's at River- side Were cpnsumed by fire, and it is not many year* since Pottersville wasv practically dest:0;<sd. TndiauLak^'Wjfs caught with the same demon of des» tructiofti Are you going to sit idly by* and watch North Greek ensnared in the same trap? Do not blame t e .ther fellow, or wait for him to make the start*. Blaine yourself, because we have no protection Get busy yourself ancl make an effort* A Httla push _inay staf t a whole avalanche, who knowst It will do no harm to. try,* ami perhnps-- Enough of anything is a Think this over. • ' Mi«i O'Brien Entertains. At Rest. Dec. 4* 1924* William Montgomery, after- a. long illneBB*' He is survived by bis wife, wait to ' M a*ie Montgomery, his mother Mirs, Robert Montgomery, three sis era, Cora Alexander* Gertrude Baker of North Creek and Lou Montgomery of Newark, N» J. Masonic funeral from the home? Sun* day p*ft*,was largely attended. Miss Mary CPBrien of NorthCreefi entertained the teachers club laat woek at pinochlft Tbe guesfaof hottoi; war* Mlsa Daley of Long L$ke»^wa*d Sheehaivand Thomas 0'Bj?ien ,of North Creek. Among the guests were the Misses Geraidine Brown, Letha Prosktti% Grace Noacoii, Jessie Wilson, Letha Brown and Misa Aitferson, Riparius Hewi. Birth. v . A son was borned to Mr. and. Mrs. aerman Yaegeri of Btoop^rst Mines laat week. l>r- W. R. Lee attended Fair Boy Cuts Finger. The six year old son of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Parr of BakefesMifts out the index inger on his right hand nearly o# witttan axe last week*, 1% W. %. Lee of North Creek attended the Wound. " . Win Jordan, of Adirondack, visited relatives here last Week, ' Mrs. James Savage went to Indian Lake, Friday* She returned Saturday accompanied by her mother Mrs* Luke Martin. f M&fs. Howard Wells spent the past week with friends in TSroy, . Mrs. Ainands Perry returned to her homfctoChester, iriday, after apouding several days witb Mrs. John Kipp. ' Fred Silking and Harris Si»i£h made a business trip to Glens Balls Saturday; } r^ank'Lovelaud of. Sodoni was a cilleifin town Sunday* I Misses Marlon and Eanice Ljavery, Haf r^ Richards and Regenaid Raymond attended the movies at Glens Balls Saturday night*' j S i z e l Sfaadetta& has finished sewing for Mrs. Asa forter and returned to her home fa PotterSViWe* . - I Women of 0d& Ideal* I have met with women who j retilb Would t?k& U~M Marrl.ed to-ltt- poem and gtv«tt away tof.%mmi -**Yeati,, "•• '*- ' '• ."• Aimed at Great Britain Tim ^uifolk iresolve&w«*fe the league at*d ^veiMast maide by many Massa* ^usettS;iow|M5 i& from .tll---couiaiercl'al ! ^tmmm; with Great Brltaia. 3?h#y w*re, exeeuted after the ctotsing of the pott of Boston by Brush authorjtlem as a r*prisat for th* .,4eatrjuottou M thia -tea In Boatou harbor by-pttriott- .^.JMpVt^i.tiba tax oa i\ nua^o tKHf, ^4 i!»*t*"4«J**f"'*«•»***• LAfESTEVENtS AT W^SHINOTON B'''n.i*iAfi nnrpiri r'r r-i'-r •--••*--'••*- *• - -"- *• ^ ' " The houaa itSarlnfl committee voted to Mncentrate on appropriation btltsb * The Republican senatorial committea received 1134,000.70 for the cam- paign and has 147,597.82 aa a- bat* aitce.- ; Vattrani' : Bureau report* . Increased strvici deiplta 128,000,000 economy in ^«ar, -.;'"- Naw a«nat« ccmmlttaa chatrmanthipa are; (Borah, foraign refations; Phlppi, aducatlon and labor; Johm aon of California, immigratlonj feummlnav judlelaryrj Wiltlf, insular, potaeiilon*. '.. Rapaaf of publlalty aectlon of Income tax law may *oma In pretant aea- aloti, ..-•.-',' Early ola*h In Senatt over poatai pay lncr*a«e bill likely. Influence of Senator Borah tetn tr» foreign iwliciaa sat forth in Cool« idqe m«*Mg« . . . . -- Pr«»Ident Coolldg* omit* four ban* lahed ft.* 6« -#, Senator* from hi* -•|i*akfi^p*'rt)r*;.-'''-'^. " #lil'!for#i^|r:ar-E*ap^iir*iint'|^ Aero- -luautlcf liitrodtteedt, jn. -IJoriiirataw*.' New Anglo-AmaHcan Treaty assures Unittd Statt* tquality in P»le»- tine. Th* fight in.Cengrea* for repeal of th* ineom* tax publicity*question of th* ravaitu* h».w atarted with the tap of the gav*l., Senator Curtis announced th* ap- pointment of Senator Wesley u ione* of Washington a* Republican whip. Mr. Jon** la described *« a medium n*tw*«n a prog*«**iv« and stfndpatter. Only S» bill* of general application w*ra Introduead in th* houaa, and —•van mor* wnusual-^only 200 that fait into th* «I«**Hkati«n of "prh vata" maaaaraa, lnt*r«*ting only id I^U** Iv^rtla*, wcr* p«>p***d, _ 1 i iii-i**j.v*iii» '*ZE&&S£OiSZXXZ. taneiAi^iifijB^iioe *c

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MOBXM UMUUt BlTlABFlHtiik. VKOMHMUr* DRCKstBOa 1 1 . 1MM M l <ae


Christmas CARDS


North Creek News.

Decorations Candles and Holders Tinsel * *« Tree Ornaments Wreaths Streamers Decorated Crepe >' Poinsettia, Holly Boxes tlolly Paper Booklets . i

* Post Car4s

mm Craft Boxed Atttograph Albttms Photograjii Albums <• lYaniect Hetures ^ ,_. _

Candlesticks I)oB Outfits' ; Calendars, etc, etc, etc

Adirondack Studio KorkCreekrN. Y*


Useful Christmas Gifts

I&ad Pencils Marked, with jlamein Gold. *

3Pencflsiiiibox 35c 6 Pencils in box 65c 3 Pencils ih leather case 60c 6 Pencils in leather case &L

' O r d e r Now From T Paul D. Owen

409 fulton St,1 Tro&N.Y. A.E.




INN t>

Mrs. H. S. Monthony PROPRIETRESS.


- . _ . *

If your Stomach troubles you, a few days with us may prove a successful treatment We expect, to build our Restaurant Trade on your advertising, * .

Special Dinners Upon Short Notice.

~ Mrs. Rae Galuaha visited her mother Mrs. Win. Sander* several days last week. ; Several local people are complaining of the rapid depreciation of their wood piles.

Ralph Randall is employed at the North Creek Mfg. £o . as night watch­man.

It is now only twCweeks until Xmas. By doing your Christmas shopping early you may avoid the necessity of purchasing from depleted stocks and its attendant disappointments.

A word to the wise is sufficient Do your CJhristmas shopping now.

Don't forget Wade's famous sausage see their ads in this issue.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Higgins and children of Lake George, were guests of their' parents Mr. and Mrs. Silas Higgins/ Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Millington and son, Harold of Warrensburgh, were dinner gusets of Mr. and M*s. Ir* J. Hewitt, 'Sundays \ "•,. • ' * ' " : . , . ' • . ,

Mrs, Elizabeth Straight is employed t t the home of Arthur Osborne.

*-Miss Clara Waldron returned to her. School duties* in Pbilmont, &turday+

She was called bonier by^the illness of her sister Mrs. Arthuit Osborne. '. Miss lone Watdron was called home front her WorkjfcLalWL 6eorg«L Thu*§--day to attend the funeral of her-aunt Mrs. Arthur Osborne, Friday.

Thomas Alexander i r installing a heating system for B«v. F. M. LaBar at Olmstedville this .week.

Mr and Mrs. Jess* Waldron and two sons, visited their parents Mr, and Mrs. Albert Stevens at Warrensburgh Sun­day,. . * . : . " • -1 Mr. and Mrjs, Lester Waldronwid two chHdroti went to North. Rive*, Sunday, to se* Mfa. Waldrott'a brother, Claude Eichardsoh who is ill with thegrip.

Mrs, Susie Hewitt of Sodom who has b^en helping care for her cousin Win. Montgomery for several weeks is ex­pecting to spend the winter with her Bunt, Mrs, Susanne Montgomery.

Charles S. Wade has a beautiful win­dow display-for the holidays. A big Santa with an arch of pretty baskets, a floor of .holiday nuts .and berries,* colored electric lights, ect , Mr, and Mrs* Derrick of Warrens-burgh with their children were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Margaret Miller's.

The Radio. Shop conducted by <J. P. Allen, has a nice line of^rlfts for the Xmas holidays which will sootthe here.

Lou Montgomery of Newark. N. J,, was called home by'the death of her brother, WiMam Montgomery who was ai for some time;

Mrs, W. B. Doolittls and Charles Wakeley of Gflens- Fai|s attended the. funeral of Will Montgomery, Sunday*

Mr. and Mrs. Phill Lewis of Ceder River Camps transacted < business in town Monday. :

Mr* and Mrs5. Nathan. Braverman, and Claude H. Wade motored to Glens Palls last Wednesday with Mr/ Braverroins car, Claude/at the -wheel,

Albert L.; Emerson of Warrenahurg attended the,futteralservi<i<ii of William Montgomery* Sunday,

A. J. Hubert has been confin«d to the house for several days.

Mrs, Wilson and daughtter Gladys *e* .tutoned to•-their .hotne at Chestertowh, Monday, after a two week*stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. % P*e$cOfct!. Miss Wi'son t\ as employed at the. tele* •phone, office '

'Arthur Croni%of Cupjper Lafe.**** visitor in town Sunday.

^iifmin Owe^s of Minerva was tour« ing in tow* Sunday. .

Buelt jSrayton of (liens Falls Waa «i to#ij Sunday* . •• v

Benjamin Straight motored to Glens

Albert Ives of Troy has been em­ployed by F, BL Smith & Co., as baker. Mr. BosweU who formerly occupied the position has resigned and will leave for his home at Reading, Pa., Tuesday.

James and Frank Hussion of Indian Lake were in town Monday.

Arthur McAuliff of Newcomb was in town Sunday evening. -

Mrs. Earle who has been at Newcomb for some time is home. \ < Mrs. Claude H. Wade who has been

very ill with quinsy, is better and able to resume her duties at the Hotel. Mrs. Wade was considerable missed while she was ill.

On account of the holiday season, and other movements, we havetempor-ially discontinued the story "Pay Gravel" but will resume, same after the holidays.

Rev, and Mrs. W. I. Durfee, with son William, were honored guests of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Allen, Thanksgiv­ing Day.

Dr. Cv F. Longenecker, near Olm­stedville, formerly our $wn town Dent­i s t has a well equipped office and is at your service. Lets give him. an old time call.

The local stores are decorating for the coming holidays, and a number of striking window displays are shown. Shoppers are rather slow in doing their shopping before the rush,

Mr. and Mrs.-Lpuis Ginsburg and son Martin, of Glens Falls, and J, M. Lax-' arus of Albany were Sunday visitorsof Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Brtvennant,

P. J. Allen was at Long Lake, Satur­day and installed, several radios at that place.. •



Long Lake O. E. S.

t -i , 11.»

Abenaque Chapter* No. 745, Order of the Eastern Star, was constituted at Long Lake, Saturday evenirts;, Right Worthy Bertha M. Buckanan, District Deputy Grand Matron of Josmatown, N. Y„ amsted by Right Worthy Francis H. Slater, Past Assistant Grand Lecturer of 'topper Lake, N, Y. and with the officers of St.Monic* Chapter, No. 486, O. E.S. of Johns­town as her official staff. Mrs. Elisa­beth H. Dale, Past District Deputy Grand Matron and Mrs. Clara S, Elli-thorpe, Past Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter and now President of the Board of Trustees of the Grand Chapter, both of Gloversville, were in attendance and assisted with the work.

A reception was given in honor of Miss Buckanan at 6:30 and at 6 o'clock a banquet was served, followed by the evening session . A three piecej>rches-tra furnished music during the banquet.

Guests were present f rota Johnstown Jsloversville,* JTupper •. LiSe, and Kaquette Lake.

The following officers were installed: Worthy Matron, Jeannette M. Jennings; Worthy Patron, "Verian D, Otisj Associ­ate Mat on, Margaret Mi Sabattis; Conductress, Katherine S. Harcner: Associate Conductress, Mia S. Hall; Treasurer, Annie E. Robinson; Secre­tary, Carrie H. Otis; Chaplain, Elixa-beth Wersenj Marsfeall,, Pannfe Perrlif Historian, Gertrude A* Smith; Pianist* Ltila P. Kettoggj Warder, Eva Trader Sentinel, Walter D. Jennin^ii Sr*j Adah, Elsie R. Helms; Ruth, Louise Freeman; Martha, Me'tta E. Jennings; Etecta, Jessie H. Stone; Color BeaVer, PrudyBeerSs — —--1'-— -

Signed-Jeannette M. Jennings.

On* of the Bert One way to save; llsfeainf to others*

troubles is to keep an a cdhstaitt tell* lug of your ^whi-^Buffalo Enquirer.

That's how quickly we can put the punch back into your battery when it is run down. And if the battery is not completely discharged we can do it in much less time You save time and Rental Battery Charges

It is done by the new "Roth Constant Potential" System.

Others Features of Our Service, are are Just as Up-to-Date.


• * - . .

A Phone Call wilt bring our Service •-«

Bring in your Radio Battery in the morning and get it in the evi

S i


Calcium in Food* Calcium is found in the Stowing

foods J Oaltlinovver, celery, hut terrain spinach, cheese, milk, icjtbbag*, string henm,, carrots, blackber^esi istnvwher-tXtm,. onlonsj Kg«t tomatoes, lent m lutfcc; dric^ beans, egis, beett, ftfesh perns oatmeal, Siruittes, ~~raisuis, $otatoesi whoi^wheat brejatdv t ftit hre«d» le*m beajt and .cornmeal. baiclum Mm ***

Jyftj»eirmiBdH »th. - .' -^

NORTH CREEK, N.Y. Phone 1-F-2 Phone 1-i




A Terrific Drama. The Drama of a Pretty Boy turned by Scorn into a Man-

A Drama Blown Across by Gale of Laughter with Ernest T wfe

rence playing the part of Tough, Roaring Scoullng, "Gen. Orlando Jackson"

' » s i "-

Laughing Hit • • totted^

>?*alwrtt~^1^^.4l^fr^i\,j>H^,fit^^^ &SA^~ , i f fcwj«, i -v^ i .*«i^„j i^^^^ „+,.,. ^ ^ v ^ ^ J i ^ V i t ^ t . n 5 ( B w.jR^rfU'.

v •mfVWP' t H"*W«Vi-<Yv"* flW*} • <r™W*W0m

\ :

•r :S"

PAY. ttSCBltttBtt

\ , - . • • •




"•:• V&. . |^| ^ complete line of irtgwlar t^BaUooii "Tim <Mam* Mm |*ver &m hm Cotis: A few

sfe^slei^ Will be mM at a disconiit W4fmzykme what jon want.

'i iphe Good Maxwell Mobile Oils


't;'. *

Direct fedai to Iorells, mmes tfee Luml>er in mm yhdte, wm^mg jo t iie first grade in whatever yoti m$& need.

It also enable m to i|iiote lo^er prle^, be* cadse mat cesfcislesf toti Si m§ were to buy

ClmixAi mA Jkmm ] . Bismol<M®&

Se?. G,'C. €orneli„ Bastor Serfices.. .. "' -.;,';_ ;.-;';

tO;30A.B|. Sermon.* 11;4S A. M. Sunday School.' ; f:S0 E M» ^rmon.: / '

CTORCH, JRe«< W* I. Purfe% Minister.

Service? Morning Qrship4O;S0

\ Sunday Stjhool;-31:45-Evening Wor^*in fcS0> Prayer Ssrvic^ W«4.1;M P.W,

"v The Sunday ischoot of %! <dhiurch is arrangmg it's program for their Christ­mas exercises which will be hold on Christmas Mv$ Bec.M. .

now fitto|- ^ho»opi(i»| gfieeaj c h a ^ of P>5cy ''43J^%'te^-- $$m$: hy -tho.,^%"®i jgl $m$i% ;-.'It -U

eWlSit i&e .bost.^jatef|^-ji^a|fe|oir "#^: pttpils- of ^o-'-ifarioa^#|idiia,


' ['§p- ho- .iis«|q|,!|i- }ang«ag&'. teiehing; m. WOl^forr'Onfe^taittln^:' !> -,;";,

iH ate glad to r pijct that both the girls anc the hoy*hasiRofc nall ia ifjaiHe. ^m^^^g^pfmf, ' A t ^ j ^ h w i l i - ' day night oor bojrs teani mst deieafe at the hands oi the last team frejHfeaoh^hg tort Ann High School The OlaSrfng of theteamb*^ Impeovedi somttch a to draw considerable oornment from %ec^ Gators who saw also OttcgaaAo with ^FarTenshWy of the weefe bewH $he team * Fridiiy. night was made op of €ole, R, P.> Hewett, It, h\, Dojrfee, C» Beaopre/ R; ^,, Asseliij. I*, %* SObstis totes, Straight and WesS. Alt plkyecf a good game, dole at $*ordwoo«£ played' an-esjieciaHy aggressive game iund did

Fire Insurance Rates Drop One-Half;

A large audience attendee* the ilin- m|)st4of the sco*ing. .Durfee atcente? «l?a^4 service last Sunday evening, ) servedM* field && Joth teams are

There prevails a good, healthful in­terest and Spirit ift our Monday schools The great need of the times i& ft knowledge of %e JBible snd Bible


Attend ohttrch somewhere you will bo better for it- - : -


. NORTH CREEK POST NO. H. L Erafley, Commander Kenheth Bennett, Vice Commander WiUiath |)t«fgin» Sarg^itatArms. Howard Mexaader, J ost Adjutant. '

HOME BUREAU. Chairman^ Mrft. Williant liee. Vioe ChairrQan:"Mra. William Noxon Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. Chaa.

S. Wade. •

North River Jfews

schednled to meet thoae bf Argyle High school at Argyle, Saturday evening We hope some patriotic f rienjJs wilt | 0 along with-ns and help out our cheering section*

We wee glad to see several backih school who: have been out on account of sickness. Among these are Morton Tyre\ Francis Gregoryi

School will close on tac, 19th fo* a vacation of two Weeks-reopening the Monday after New Years.

Principal E, P. Batmore wwiinGlehs Pulls, Saturday*

OStlRefiNOTilg. The town is North River, Warren Go

N. Y. The placfe is - Christian Hill, The building is the Krst Baptist church The services for T>ecembejc 14th are as follows: Morning Service 10;8Q; Sun­day School 11:45; No evening aervice.

There is always a hearty welcome for all in this place of worship.

The.Paatorja commonly spoken of through the Adirondack'si as the "Lumber Jack Sky Pilot/' Come and give him the once ©ver. Why ride to church in a hearse 1

Be Strong! We are not here to play, to dream, to

drift, . We have hard work to do, and loads to

lif H, Shun not the struggles face it. ^Tis

God's gift. Be Strong!

^ y not the days are evil** Who's to blame?

And fold the hand*, and acquiesce, oh ahamel -

Stand up* speak out, and bravely in

J&T Strong! i t matters not how tleep entrenched th»

irrong. How hard the battle goest, the day how

long, ~ JRaint not, JBght on. To-morrow comes

the song.

Mrs. Arthur Orsborne. The demise of Mrs. Arthur Orsborne

occured at het home at North Creek,, at 2 a. m- Wedfieiday 8i0|hihg, Dec, 3rd. She was 56 years of age^ *i& leaves betides her husband, two sisters, Mrsv Orr Converae, and Miaa Glara Waldron of North Creak,-' and -am- dtoaghtir Kathleen, and two sons, Garner of North Creek, and George of Saratoga.

* Fufteral services were held friday at two o'clock at the Bajtisfc church,, the Rev. W. L Durfee officiated. Burial in the Union cemetery.

would be news that "you all Wotiftf enjoy, *We could have fire insur­ance at one half the preseniprjees, if we had a suititble fire protection.

Several small towns near by have installed fire apparatus^ and are now buying their insurance at just one half the former price. This is worth invest­igating, figure out what, that alone Would mean to you.

Insurance is a grand thing and every one should be well protected by it; BUT it is very seldom that the insurance money will replace your home or busf* ness Mact, insurance companies do not as a rule over estimate.

Would you sell your home or business f <y? the amount of your insurance? Of bourse you wouldn't, no sensible person Would! rf you would give this questun proper thought you would not sleep until you had made some effort to get sotneigood protection for your property and families.

You have not forgotten how quickly the score or more of home's at River­side Were cpnsumed by fire, and it is not many year* since Pottersville wasv practically dest:0;<sd. TndiauLak 'Wjfs caught with the same demon of des» tructiofti Are you going to sit idly by* and watch North Greek ensnared in the same trap?

Do not blame t e .ther fellow, or wait for him to make the start*. Blaine yourself, because we have no protection Get busy yourself ancl make an effort* A Httla push _inay staf t a whole avalanche, who knowst It will do no harm to. try,* ami perhnps--

Enough of anything is a Think this over. • ' •

Mi«i O'Brien Entertains.

At Rest. Dec. 4* 1924*

William Montgomery, after- a. long illneBB*' He is survived by bis wife,

wait to ' Ma*ie Montgomery, his mother Mirs, Robert Montgomery, three sis era, Cora Alexander* Gertrude Baker of North Creek and Lou Montgomery of Newark, N» J.

Masonic funeral from the home? Sun* day p* ft*, was largely attended.

Miss Mary CPBrien of NorthCreefi entertained the teachers club laat woek at pinochlft Tbe guesfaof hottoi; war* Mlsa Daley of Long L$ke»^wa*d Sheehaivand Thomas 0'Bj?ien ,of North Creek.

Among the guests were the Misses Geraidine Brown, Letha Prosktti% Grace Noacoii, Jessie Wilson, Letha Brown and Misa Aitferson,

Riparius Hewi.

Birth. v . A son was borned to Mr. and. Mrs.

aerman Yaegeri of Btoop rst Mines laat week. l>r- W. R. Lee attended

Fair Boy Cuts Finger.

The six year old son of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Parr of BakefesMifts out the index inger on his right hand nearly o# witttan axe last week*, 1% W. %. Lee of North Creek attended the Wound. " .

Win Jordan, of Adirondack, visited relatives here last Week,

' Mrs. James Savage went to Indian Lake, Friday* She returned Saturday accompanied by her mother Mrs* Luke Martin.

f M&fs. Howard Wells spent the past week with friends in TSroy,

. Mrs. Ainands Perry returned to her homfctoChester, iriday, after apouding several days witb Mrs. John Kipp.

' Fred Silking and Harris Si»i£h made a business trip to Glens Balls Saturday;

} r^ank'Lovelaud of. Sodoni was a cilleifin town Sunday*

I Misses Marlon and Eanice Ljavery, Haf r^ Richards and Regenaid Raymond attended the movies at Glens Balls Saturday night*'

j Sizel Sfaadetta& has finished sewing for Mrs. Asa forter and returned to her home fa PotterSViWe* .

- I Women of 0d& Ideal*

I have met with women who j retilb Would t?k& U~M Marrl.ed to-ltt-

poem and gtv«tt away tof.%mmi - * * Y e a t i , , • • "•• '*- ' '• ."•

Aimed at Great Britain Tim ^uifolk iresolve&w«*fe the league

at*d ^veiMast maide by many Massa* ^usettS;iow|M5 i& from .tll---couiaiercl'al!^tmmm; with Great Brltaia. 3?h#y w*re, exeeuted after the ctotsing of the pott of Boston by Brush authorjtlem as a r*prisat for th*

.,4eatrjuottou M thia -tea In Boatou harbor by-pttriott- .^.JMpVt^i.tiba tax oa

i\ n u a ^ o tKHf, ^4 i!»*t*"4«J**f"'*«•»***•


B'''n.i*iAf i nnrpiri r ' r r-i'-r •--••*--'••*- *• - -"- *• ' "

The houaa itSarlnfl committee voted to Mncentrate on appropriation btltsb *

The Republican senatorial committea received 1134,000.70 for the cam­paign and has 147,597.82 aa a- bat* aitce.-;

Vattrani' : Bureau report* . Increased strvici deiplta 128,000,000 economy in ^«ar, -.;'"-

Naw a«nat« ccmmlttaa chatrmanthipa are; (Borah, foraign refations; Phlppi, aducatlon and labor; Johm aon of California, immigratlonj feummlnav judlelaryrj Wiltlf, insular, potaeiilon*. '..

Rapaaf of publlalty aectlon of Income tax law may *oma In pretant aea-aloti, . . - • . - ' , '

Early ola*h In Senatt over poatai pay lncr*a«e bill likely.

Influence of Senator Borah tetn tr» foreign iwliciaa sat forth in Cool« idqe m«*Mg«. . . . --

Pr«»Ident Coolldg* omit* four ban* lahed ft.* 6« -#, Senator* from hi*

-•|i*akfi p*'rt)r*;.-'''-' . " #lil'!for#i^|r:ar-E*ap^iir*iint'|^ Aero-

-luautlcf liitrodtteedt, jn. -IJoriiirataw*.' New Anglo-AmaHcan Treaty assures

Unittd Statt* tquality in P»le»-tine.

Th* fight in.Cengrea* for repeal of th* ineom* tax publicity*question of th* ravaitu* h».w atarted with the tap of the gav*l.,

Senator Curtis announced th* ap­pointment of Senator Wesley u ione* of Washington a* Republican whip. Mr. Jon** la described *« a medium n*tw*«n a prog*«**iv« and stf ndpatter.

Only S» bill* of general application w*ra Introduead in th* houaa, and —•van mor* wnusual-^only 200 that fait into th* «I«**Hkati«n of "prh vata" maaaaraa, lnt*r«*ting only id I^U** Iv^rtla*, wcr* p«>p***d, _

1 i

iii-i**j.v*iii» '*ZE&&S£OiSZXXZ. taneiAi^iifijB^iioe
