jeopardy general freud defense mechanisms humanists more freud potpourri q $100 q $200 q $300 q $400...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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JeopardyGeneral Freud


Humanists More Freud Potpourri

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Double Jeopardy

$100 Question from General Freud

The three parts of the personality according to


$100 Answer from General Freud

What are the Id, Ego, and Superego?

$200 Question from General Freud

The first of the five psychosexual stages

$200 Answer from General Freud

What is the Oral Stage?

$300 Question from General Freud

In Freudian terminology, the sexual drive is called this.

$300 Answer from General Freud

What is the libido?

$400 Question from General Freud

Freud used this term to describe aperson fixated at the 2nd psychosexual

stage who was very messy, sloppy,and finds bathroom humor amusing

$400 Answer from General Freud

What is anal expulsive?

$500 Question from General Freud

What a child feels the parents feel is morally bad.

$500 Answer from General Freud

What are the conscience?

$100 Question from Defense Mechanisms

He developed defense mechanisms

$100 Answer from Defense Mechanisms

Who is Sigmund Freud?

$200 Question from Defense Mechanisms

This defense mechanism can be further subdivided into Sweet

Lemons and Sour Grapes.

$200 Answer from Defense Mechanisms

What is a Rationalization?

$300 Question from Defense Mechanisms

The only defense mechanism that is not


$300 Answer from Defense Mechanisms

What is Suppression?

$400 Question Defense Mechanisms

A Catholic going to confession to absolve him/herself of guilt is an example of this defense.


$400 Answer from Defense Mechanisms

What is Undoing?

$500 Question Defense Mechanisms

The one defense mechanism whose name also describes a way in

which we disguise our dreams.

$500 Answer from Defense Mechanisms

What is displacement?

$100 Question from Humanists

The Humanists believe that people are born basically this way

$100 Answer from Humanists

What is good?

$200 Question from Humanists

The needs at the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy.

$200 Answer from Humanists

What are physiological/basic needs?

$300 Question from Humanists

According to Maslow, we are all striving to become this.DAILY DOUBLE

$300 Answer from Humanists

What is self-actualized?

$400 Question from Humanists

According to Carl Rogers, this term indicates how we feel

about ourselves.

$400 Answer from Humanists

What is self-concept?

$500 Question from Humanists

According to Carl Rogers, parents help children develop self-esteem by

providing this

$500 Answer from Humanists

What is Unconditional Positive Regard?

$100 Question from More Freud

Freud believes we do this to fulfill unconscious, unacceptable


$100 Answer fromMore Freud

What is dream?

$200 Question fromMore Freud

A patient is asked to say whatever come to mind

during a therapy session. What is the term that

describes this psychoanalytic technique?

$200 Answer fromMore Freud

What is free association?

$300 Question fromMore Freud

One of the goals of psychoanalysis is to help a person get in touch with


$300 Answer fromMore Freud

Who is the unconscious?

$400 Question from More Freud

To protect itself against unpleasantcircumstances the ego

may use these.

$400 Answer fromMore Freud

What are defense mechanisms?

$500 Question fromMore Freud

The two types of dream content according to Freud.

$500 Answer from Experimental Psychology

What are manifest and latent?

$100 Question from Potpourri

The ID is governed by the pleasureprinciple whereas the Ego isgoverned by this principle.

$100 Answer from Potpourri

What is the reality principle?

$200 Question from Potpourri

These are two instincts Freud believed were in our

unconscious. One is our death wish, the other is our love of life

$200 Answer from Potpourri

What is are Thanatos and Eros?

$300 Question from Potpourri

According to Freud, these are the three levels of the mind.

$300 Answer from Potpourri

What are the unconscious, preconscious, and conscious?

$400 Question from Potpourri

Zeon dreamed that he was on a train that entered a tunnel.

Zeon’s report would be termed the __ content of the dream

$400 Answer from Potpourri

What is the manifest content?

$500 Question from Potpourri

This is the time period in which Freud developed his


$500 Answer from Potpourri

What is the Victorian Era?

Double JeopardyBrain Freud Schizo-




200 200 200 200 200

400 400 400 400 400

600 600 600 600 600

800 800 800 800 800

1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

$200 Question from The Brain

The longest part of the neuron.

$200 Answer from The Brain

What is the axon?

$400 Question from The Brain

This is the lobe of the brain that is involved in motivation, motor

movement, and judgment.

$400 Answer from The Brain

What is the frontal lobe?

$600 Question from The Brain

The part of the brain that regulates temperature,

emotional responses, and visceral responses.

$600 Answer from The Brain

What is the hypothalamus?

$800 Question from The Brain

The three major components of a neuron.

$800 Answer from The Brain

What are the cell body, axon, and dendrites?

$1000 Question from The Brain

Neural impulses travel faster in neurons insulated with this.

$1000 Answer from The Brain

What is myelin sheath?

$200 Question from Freud

The psychological perspective most associated with Freud.

$200 Answer from Freud

What is Psychoanalysis?

$400 Question from Freud

Being stuck in a psychosexual stage.

$400 Answer from Freud

What is fixated?

$600 Question from Freud

The level of the mind where repressed memories reside. This is the level of the mind that held the most fascination for Freud

$600 Answer from Freud

What is the unconscious?

$800 Question from Freud

This is the part of the personality that generates

feelings of guilt.

$800 Answer from Freud

What is the superego?

$1000 Question from Freud

The Freudian personality structure that keeps us in touch

with reality.

$1000 Answer from Freud

What is the ego?

$200 Question from Schizophrenia

This type of schizophrenia is a “leftover” category, used for those who do not fit into

one of the other three.

$200 Answer from Schizophrenia

What is the Undifferentiated


$400 Question from Schizophrenia

The type of schizophrenia where one has abundant

delusions of grandeur and persecution.

$400 Answer from Sensation and Perception

What is Paranoid Schizophrenia?

$600 Question from Schizophrenia

When one repeats words said in his presence over and over again.

$600 Answer from Schizophrenia

What is echolalia?

$800 Question from Schizophrenia

The type of delusion one is having when he believes that

everyone is look at and/or talking about him.

$800 Answer from Schizophrenia

What is a delusion of reference?

$1000 Question from Schizophrenia

The tendency for one thought to be logically unconnected, or

only superficially related to the next.

$1000 Answer from Sensation and Perception

What is derailment?


What are loose associations?

$200 Question from General Disorders

An unwanted thought that continuously runs through

one’s mind.

$200 Answer from General Disorders

What is an obsession?

$400 Question from General Disorders

A person who fears wide open spaces and often never

leaves the security of his home suffers from this type

of phobia.

$400 Answer from General Disorders

What is Agoraphobia?

$600 Question from General Disorders

Amnesia, Fugue, and Multiple Personalities are

this type of disorder.

$600 Answer from General Disorders

What are dissociative disorders?

$800 Question from General Disorders

Lady MacBeth continuously felt the need to wash her hands. She, most likely, suffered from this type of


$800 Answer from Learning and Conditioning

What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

$1000 Question from General Disorders

In this disorder a person experiences genuine physical

symptoms, such as blindness or paralysis, that make no

physiological sense.

$1000 Answer fromGeneral Disorders

What is Conversion Disorder?

$200 Question from Defense Mechanisms

With the exception of suppression, all defense

mechanisms are this.

$200 Answer from Defense Mechanisms

What is unconscious?

$400 Question from Defense Mechanisms

Defense Mechanisms are a part of his theory.

$400 Answer from Defense Mechanisms

Who is Freud?

$600 Question from Defense Mechanisms

The type of rationalization when you convince yourself that what you have you want and think is


$600 Answer from Defense Mechanisms

What is sweet lemons?

$800 Question from Defense Mechanisms

Finding socially acceptable ways to fulfill socially

unacceptable urges.

$800 Answer from Potpourri

What is sublimation?

$1000 Question from Defense Mechanisms

The Catholic custom of going to confession can be considered

this type of Defense Mechanism

$1000 Answer from Defense Mechanisms

What is Undoing?

Final Jeopardy

Jennifer proofread manuscripts for a publisher and is paid $10

for every three pages she reads. Jennifer is reinforced

on this type of schedule.

Final Jeopardy Answer

What is a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement?

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