its impact 2

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Its Impact 2



    The market has rewarded the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe,

    Q2 2013


    for his plan to revive the economy. Further upside could be on the

    cards depending on the execution of monetary, fiscal and reform

    policies in the quarters ahead. Abes rising public popularity is a

    positive sign, particularly if it translates into growing business and

    consumer confidence towards the economy.

    Valuations remain attractive for Japanese equities

    Japanese equities were an outperformer globally in 1Q13 due to rising

    expectations for Prime Minister Shinzo Abes economic revival plan.

    The rise in stock prices is mainly coming from upward revisions to corporate

    earnings estimates. Meanwhile, Japanese equity market valuations (forward

    SLIDE COMBO > 44 20 21

    P/E ratio and trailing P/B ratio) remain attractive.

    Further monetary accommodation to support the economy

    The newly-appointed BoJ governor, Haruhiko Kuroda, has been emphasizing

    the importance of market and public expectations. Therefore, the new Bank of

    Japan monetary policy board will take the measures to match such anticipation.

    of Japan, in turn leading to further weakness in the Japanese yen. Further yen

    depreciation should boost corporate profits and lead to more upgrades to

    corporate earnings forecasts.

    Growth strategy implementation an important key

    The government has pledged to increase fiscal spending to support the

    Ja anese econom . However this could be constrained b hi h overnment

    debt, with Japan having one of the highest debt-to-GDP ratios in the world. The

    high debt level and planned consumption tax hikes could act to undermine the

    effectiveness of any fiscal spending boost.

    Japan needs to raise its economic potential and therefore Abe will need to

    implement economic reform policies to liberate domestic markets, induce

    more competition and enhance productivity.

  • 8/10/2019 Its Impact 2



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    Conclusion and investment implications

    Japanese equity valuations remain attractive despite the recent stock marketrally. Upward revisions to corporate earnings forecasts are also supportive.

    The new Bank of Japan monetary policy board will expand their monetary base

    further to meet market expectations. Further monetary accommodation should

    help to prevent the Japanese yen from reversing course and appreciating.

    Japan must rely more on economic reforms to raise its economic potential, such

    as opening up domestic markets to greater competition, since the high level of

    public debt constrains fiscal spending from playing a more significant role.

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