issue 7

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VOLUME 4. VOLUME 3. ISSUE 5. ISSUE 7. JULY-AUGUST 2013. July 2012. Emerging Markets Opportunity Index: High Growth Economies. Emerging Markets can be found in every region of the world. Emerging Markets offer potential for IB expansion. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


ISSUE 7 July 2012VOLUME 3


Emerging Markets Opportunity Index: High Growth Economies• Emerging Markets can be

found in every region of the world.

• Emerging Markets offer potential for IB expansion.

• Entering Emerging Markets is risky but offer financial rewards.

• Factors for assessing Emerging Markets: Level of economic

development• GNP & GDP

Population growth Level of available technology Government stability Safety Involvement by competitors

THINKING GLOBALLY…Let’s Discuss• What are “Emerging


• Which countries are defined as Emerging Markets?

• Which countries are the strongest Emerging Markets and why? 

• Which countries are the weakest Emerging Markets and why?

• Which Emerging Market economies have the highest potential for business success?

Lessons from Emerging Markets

• 14% of the world’s new billionaires come from Emerging Markets.

• “What provokes their success?” • Common factors to building wealth in Emerging Markets

are: 1) Flexibility2) Localization3) Education4) Shared Value5) Small Businesses6) Sustainability


• Why do Emerging Markets offer potential for huge financial success?

• Why are these important to building wealth in Emerging Markets: 1) Flexibility?2) Localization?3) Education?4) Shared Value?5) Small Businesses?6) Sustainability?

Morocco – North Africa’s Forgotten Child 

• Morocco is overshadowed by Egypt's reputation as a technology leader.

• Political and social unrest in Egypt makes Morocco an “up and coming” country.

• Morocco may: Take over Egypt and other African countries in IT. Develop into a role model for future developments.

• Business and IT Professionals feel Morocco is ready to boom.


• Where is Morocco?

• What is Morocco’s stage of economic development?

• What are Morocco’s key market opportunities?

• What is Morocco’s business climate?

• What are Morocco’s business risks?

5 Tips for Content that Crosses Cultural and Linguistic Borders

• Creating web-based content is becoming more critical in global B2B and B2C segments.

• Foreign language is a driver of market adaptation in developing online business strategy.

• Five tips to improve content globally are: 1. Decide Who You Are Talking To2. Embrace the Multilingual Web3. Take Languages Seriously4. Understand Cultural Differences5. Show You Care 


• To improve web content globally, discuss how you: 1. Decide Who You Are Talking To?2. Embrace the Multilingual Web?3. Take Languages Seriously?4. Understand Cultural Differences?5. Show You Care? 

Rise of Car Culture on Display in Shanghai



• What is personal disposable income?• Does it grow as economies grow?• What do affluent consumers buy?• What strategies and tactics do world-

class automakers use to reach high-end consumers?

Globalization & Assessing Global Markets


THINKING GLOBALLY…Let’s Discuss• Should I sell my products in foreign

markets? • Which markets should I enter? • Should I do an initial foreign market

analysis? • How to do each of these help answer these

questions: An Economic Analysis? A Sociocultural Analysis? An Infrastructure Analysis? Political Risk Assessment ?

International Market Entry Strategies



• Define international market entry strategies.

• What are the most commonly used strategies?

• Which is the easiest to use?– Why?

• Which is the most difficult? – Why?

Three Keys to Better Data Driven Decisions: What You Should Know…Right Now

 • Becoming an MNC is as easy as setting up a website and marketing around the world.

• High-quality data and business analytics are powerful competitive tools.

• Firms using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions can: Align all activities with their business objectives be in a position to access the right information at the

right time Make better, faster decisions ranging from targeted local

market to broad-based global market scale.


• Why do IB managers need to understand IT as a business driver?

• Why do organizations need analytics for strategic planning?

• Why must firms align business activities with business objectives?

• How do ERP software solutions align all activities with their business objectives?

• How will ERP software position a firm to access the right information at the right time, allowing for better, faster decisions?

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Entering a Foreign Market“If I am selling to you, I speak your language. If I am buying, dann müssen sie Deutsch sprechen."

Willy Brandt, former Chancellor of Germany

5 Mistakes to Avoid Are:Mistake #1: Translation ErrorsMistake #2: Failure to LocalizeMistake #3: Cookie-Cutter Marketing StrategiesMistake #4: No Local Sales RepresentationMistake #5: No Market Entry Plan


How do IB managers avoid these 5 Mistakes?Mistake #1: Translation ErrorsMistake #2: Failure to LocalizeMistake #3: Cookie-Cutter Marketing StrategiesMistake #4: No Local Sales RepresentationMistake #5: No Market Entry Plan

Business Short Paper: Mobile Workforce with No Hassle• IB is expanding.• The global workforce is growing. • Mobile technologies are emerging and quality

is improving.• Global Managers need 24/7 communication

with global employees.• Today, the global workforce must be a mobile



• What is the Global Workforce?• What is Mobility?• What are Mobile Technologies?• How do global managers deploy mobile

technologies?• What are the IB efficiencies resulting from

using mobile technologies globally?

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