clarion - issue 7

bethel university TUESDAY NOVEMBER 22, 2011 VOLUME 87 • NUMBER 7 Page 17 Page 6 Page 9 Festival of Christmas pages 10-11 Preparing for

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Bethel University Clarion - November 22, 2011


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Page 17Page 6 Page 9

Festival of Christmaspages 10-11Preparing for

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What is a "vesper?"By Sara raSSlerof The Clarion Staff

Webster Dictionary defines vespers as “the sixth of the canoni-cal hours that is said or sung in the late afternoon” or “a service of evening worship.” It comes from the Medieval Latin "vesperae" which is the plural of "vespera" for evening.

Encyclopedia Britannica provides a bit of background into vespers as an “evening prayer of thanksgiving and praise” in the Roman Catholic liturgy. Scholars believe that vespers may be based upon Judaic forms of prayer.

The first vespers services likely took place as early as the fourth or fifth centuries with cathedral choirs and monastic orders. Lucernarium, which literally means “lamp-lighting time,” was an early name for vespers; it referred to the lighting of candles for the services which were held in the early evening.

At Bethel, the Sunday evening Vespers service is “crafted primarily for prayer, praise and worship” according to the Campus Ministries webpage. This is typical of the current Protestant view of vespers in the 21st century.

By Sara raSSlerof The Clarion Staff

As a college student with student loans and student pay rates, it’s hard to be philan-thropic. These days, there are hundreds of charities looking for donations. However, some organizations make it easy for students to make smart pur-chases and still feel like they are giving back.

The idea of one-for-one was popularly pioneered by TOMS Shoes. TOMS donates a pair of shoes to a child in need when one pair is bought. Other companies have branched into non-clothing items.

One World Futbol is spreading joy to children in

need by giving unique soccer balls to communities around the globe. These special soccer balls are made using materials that do not require stitching or air and are still the same size and weight as a standard soc-cer ball.

Tim Jahnigen, the inventor of these special spheres, was inspired by Darfur refugees who were playing soccer using a ball of trash tied up with twine. After seeing this, he de-cided to create an indestruc-tible soccer ball that could be given to children everywhere. To give a soccer ball to a child from around the world, con-sumers can simply buy a soc-cer ball for themselves. So far, balls have been given to chil-

dren in Rwanda, South Africa, Iraq and Haiti.

One Million Lights pro-vides clean, safe lighting to impoverished areas in the form of a solar light. In most of these areas, families are cur-rently spending at least half of their incomes on kerosene to light their houses, even though it is not safe and does not provide adequate illumi-nation. The lack of lighting in impoverished areas contrib-utes to disease, pollution, un-deremployment and lack of education.

Bringing light to these parts of the world provides a ripple effect of positive change. For each specialized solar lantern sold, One Million Lights gives

one to someone in need; so far they have distributed more than 20,000 lanterns to 25 countries across the world and continue to spread light to thousands of others.

Warby Parker, an eyeglass-es company, provides a pair of glasses to someone in need for every pair they sell. About one billion people around the world do not have access to glasses. When they are pro-vided with glasses, adults can increase their incomes by 20 percent or more, and stu-dents can get a proper educa-tion. Warby Parker has given the gift of sight to more than 85,000 people with its “buy a pair, give a pair” campaign.

Giving back through shopping■■Organizations■establish■a■buy-one,■give-one■philosophy■for■philanthropy

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Have a question that you want us to explore? Email us at [email protected] or tweet it to @TheBUClarion with a hashtag: #Goodquestion

By ABBey Villwockfor The Clarion

Three Danish super cars

With only 15 cars available, a mere three of the new Danish super car, Zenvo ST1, will be available in the United States. The U.S. model—the Zenvo STI 50S—will have a base price of $1.8 million, a 1,250 horsepower and a seven-speed f1 transmission. The 12 remaining Zenvo STI’s, available throughout the rest of the world, have the slightly less appeal-ing horsepower of 1,104 and a manual transmission. Waiting eight months, customers have a choice in the handmade car’s color, the type of leather for the car’s interior and the kind of tires.

Pizza is a vegetable

The United States Congress rebuked the new USDA guidelines for school lunches that would have increased the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables in school cafeterias. In lieu of the guidelines, Congress has declared that the tomato paste on frozen pizza qualifies as a vegetable. Large food companies like ConAgra and Schwan pressured Congress to comply with their financial interests. The proposed USDA guidelines would cost about $6.8 billion over the next five years, and food companies have spent more than $5.6 million lobbying against them.

Teens self-harmThe Lancet study, which repeatedly surveyed

almost 2,000 Australian adolescents over 15 years, found that one in 12 individuals self-harm in their teenage years. While 90 percent of teenagers who self-harm will stop by the time they reach their 20s, it should not be thought of as just a phase. Self-harm is one of the most significant predictors of suicide. Of those who commit by suicide, around 50-60 percent have a known history of self-harm. Self-harm itself, according to research, is often used to “protect them-selves from attempting suicide and their families and friends from experiencing their mental pain.”

91-year-old track star

At 91 years old, Olga Kotelko can certainly give others a run for their money. Fourteen years ago, at the age of 77, Kotelko began track and field. Enjoying it so much, she joined a local club and has continued with it. Kotelko competes in the 100, 200 and 400 meter sprints, and the high, long and triple jumps. Automatically, Kotelko has three world records in the jump events, as there are no other women in her 90-year-old age group that do any jumping. Those aren’t her only world records, with over 600 gold medals, Kotelko broke over 10 world records last year alone.

Defying physicsIn September, a team of experts at CERN found

that neutrinos, which are tiny particles, might travel faster than light. However, there were critics of the report. So the team improved the test by creating much shorter bunches and ran the experiment 20 times. After running their improved version of the ex-periment, the team confirmed their result. This result will have to be confirmed independently, but only a few facilities worldwide have the detectors needed for the experiment, so it will likely be several months before any results are shared.

Web censorshipTwo bills—the Senate’s Protect IP Act and the

House version, Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)—were introduced into the United States Congress, aiming to protect American intellectual property. While the bills don’t have the same intention as China’s nation-wide system of Web censorship, the effects could be similar. Currently, social networking services like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are granted immunity from prosecution as long as the sites act in good faith to take down infringing content when rights-holders identify it. SOPA would destroy that immunity. Web-sites would have to censor all user content; if even one user posted copyright material, that website could be shut down.

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Margaret gillfor The Clarion

Bethel’s nursing department has recently undergone notable changes that are making a sig-nificant impact on the program. Dr. Beth Peterson, chair of the nursing department, said the department has begun to ac-cept students sooner in their school career than ever before. Acceptance begins in the spring of the student’s sophomore year rather than the beginning of ju-nior year.

Peterson explained that it is difficult for students to spend two years without taking any

nursing classes or knowing if they made it into the program.

“There is so much for the students to learn—not only skills in the lab, but understanding the whole health care system and how it works. This way students get an earlier start,” said Peter-son.

Three years ago, the depart-ment largely relocated from the fourth level of the Hagstrom Center to the location of the for-mer Dining Center. The new and improved space provides room for offices, classrooms and many new simulation labs. The pro-gram now has a strong emphasis on experiential learning, which

is heavily credited to the simula-tion labs.

These labs use computer-operated dolls as patients and allow the instructors to cre-ate real-life situations in order to practice skills and decision-making. The experience is about learning—not evaluation—so if the students make mistakes, they do so in a safe environ-ment.

One of the changes the nurs-ing program now offers is Com-munity Engagement. This is a new requirement in the pro-gram, where students are divid-ed into small groups and work with a number of local agencies

and organizations. Community Engagement strives to help stu-dents learn to work as a team, interact with the community and learn what the community needs. It helps establish long-term relationships by learning directly what is helpful and use-ful to the community.

“The program is important to both students and faculty who are part of it and teaches them how to work together with the community, to figure out what the community wants and needs and then to help provide that,” Peterson said. “It can be anything from tak-ing blood pressures to teaching kids the importance of wash-ing hands.”

Future plans for the nursing program include educating its students about global health is-sues, especially by providing stu-dents the opportunity to study abroad for a semester, which is often difficult for nursing majors due to busy schedules. So far there are plans for a semester in Uganda, as faculty members have strong relationships with Uganda Christian University. Once there, students will be en-rolled in nursing courses while interacting with an unfamiliar country. There is also a proposal for a three- to four-week trip to Norway, as well as Estonia–a Eu-ropean republic with high pover-ty and an insufficient healthcare system. Students will work with Norwegian nurses and nursing students in clinics.

With increased enrollment in the last two years, Bethel does its best to accept and accom-modate as many students as possible. Mary Erickson is one such student accepted into the nursing program. She is a part of the class of 2013, the first class to experience the changes to the program. Erickson was accepted as a second-semester sophomore, credit-wise. Erick-

son loves the new program and the faculty who run it. She said the faculty really take interest in their students. The Community Engagement program has given Erickson the chance to work with a different ethnic group. Erickson is in the process of dis-covering what that community needs, and then establishing a nursing intervention based on those needs.

Erickson said, “Community Engagement is an awesome op-portunity. As Bethel students, we claim that we are reconcil-ing people back to the Lord and being salt to the world, yet we are so contained here. As nurs-es, why don’t we get experience and then go change the world?”

From the classroom to the clinic ■■ Changes■in■the■nursing■department■expand■student■experience■and■emphasize■community■involvement.


Simulated hospital rooms in the nursing department at Bethel give students a safe place to practice.

“There is so much for the students to learn—not only skills in the lab, but understanding the whole health care system and how it works.”

-Dr. Beth Peterson, Nursing Department

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by AmAndA Ahlmfor The Clarion

A study conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said that every year more than 34 tons of food go to waste in Amer-ica.

College campus dining cen-ters can be guilty of food waste because of how easy it is to go through the buffet-style lines and take much more food than a per-son can actually eat.

Bethel’s Creation Restoration club saw these statistics and initi-ated “Waste Week” to make these statistics more real to students and encourage change.

The group’s main goal for “Waste Week” was to raise aware-ness in a visual way of how much food and liquid is actually going to waste during each mealtime at Bethel, according to co-presidents sophomore Colin Veerman and ju-nior Kirsten Wahlberg.

“You take what looks good and realize you don’t really want it,” said Veerman.

On Monday, Nov. 14, and Thursday, Nov. 17, the Creation Restoration club recorded how much solid and liquid waste was thrown out during the three-hour lunch period by collecting and measuring it. On Monday, all of

the wasted food was scraped off students’ trays at the entrance to the dish return in the Dining Center and measured. The same was done with liquid waste on Thursday. They also counted the number of students who ate dur-ing both lunchtimes, so they could find an average amount of waste per person.

Trayless Tuesday was an effort to calculate how much water is wasted with the use of trays. Also, without trays, students could not pile up as much food as normal and were forced to take a little and go back for more.

Bethel tried Trayless Tues-days last year, and the idea has also gained traction at other local colleges. The College of Saint Benedict’s dining center went completely trayless this year, and after only three months, the school has reduced waste by 38 percent, according to a news re-port by Kare11.

The long-term goal of Bethel’s Creation Restoration club is to implement Trayless Tuesday every week or at least make the idea of being trayless common at Bethel, said Veerman.

The co-presidents’ challenge for Bethel students is to be mind-ful of what they are taking. The little things add up, said Wahlberg.


Creation Restoration club volunteer helps students measure how much liquid they are throwing away.

Waste Week: 214 pounds of food trashed■■The■Creation■Restoration■club■spent■two■days■recording■how■much■food■and■liquid■is■wasted■during■DC■lunch■

From the classroom to the clinic

214.6 pounds of food wasted during lunch (11 a.m.-2 p.m.) on Monday, Nov. 14

liters of liquid wasted during lunch (11 a.m.-2 p.m.) on Thursday, Nov. 1738


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Jon Westmarkfor The Clarion

Whether it began as a lumberjack Halloween costume that stuck, a preparation for the bitterly cold winter or a reaction to a season of high testosterone, the month of November is now commonly affiliated with “No-Shave November.” It is clear from looking around campus that it is here to stay—at least until the end of the month—but for what reason?

According to some Bethel No-Shave November partici-pants, the tradition does not carry much significance. “I do it because I’m lazy,” Bethel junior Josh Sheard said. “I just don’t like to shave.”

He is not alone. Seven out of 10 No-Shave November par-ticipants indicated laziness as one of the top reasons why they refuse to shave throughout the month. The other three par-ticipants said they either wanted to change it up or liked the way it looked. Other repeated reasons included extra warmth from the fall wind and something to play with in class.

Bethel junior and year-round facial hair wearer Joe Held sensed another reason for the tradition. “I think that a lot of people use No-Shave November to make some kind of state-ment about their manhood,” he said.

Sheard admitted that he did feel he was asserting his mas-culinity in the process. “Freshman year I attempted it and it didn’t come in quite as well,” he said. “But now it’s like, ‘Yeah, I can grow a beard.’ "

Whether these trivial reasons are representative of the whole is uncertain. However, there is another November facial hair tradition with a very explicit purpose. During Movember, instead of full beards, participants grow out only their mous-taches for the 30-day stretch.

Movember is an international organization that began in 2003. According to their website, the goal is to “raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and other cancers that affect men.”

The men, or “Mo Bros,” grow moustaches and collect spon-sorships. They use their facial hair as a conversation starter on the topic of men’s health, and the funds go toward research and raising awareness. In 2010, the nearly 450,000 registrants raised more than $80 million for the cause.

Sheard acknowledged the stark contrast between Bethel students’ motivation and the health fundraiser, and he hoped there will be a legitimate reason for No-Shave November in the future. “No-Shave November kind of builds community over not shaving,” he said. “But how cool would it be to have No-Shave November equal prostate cancer awareness month?”


No-Shave November hits campus

Josh Sheard

Austin Hatch

Paul Weidner

Joe Held

Isaiah Gatheridge

Keith Nelson


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On-campus jobs:


$7.80 $7.80 $7.80$8.10







Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6

All students who do not qualify for the other groups

• Administrative Assistants• Tutors

Jobs which require license/certificate, or exceptional level of responsibility

• CDC Asst. Teachers• Student Managers, Bookstore• Indoor Security• Lead Tutors

Jobs which require professional expertise

• Asst. Electronics Service Tech.• Computer Center Workers• Computer Specialists• Computer TAs

• Seminary Students

Jobs in departments where student jobs are exceptionally difficult to fill

• Food Service• Housing• Physical Plant• Bus Drivers

• Security Supervisor/EMT

• Security Officer

• Student Manager II

• Student Manager I

• Traffic Control Officer

• Software Applications Asst.

Special Increments(N/A to Group 6)

$.25 per hour per year of experience in department$.25 - Student supervising other student workers (except Security)$.60 - Travel to off-campus Community Service, Development or CAPS locations

Summer 2011 Rates $7.30 to $10.00

Varies• Computer Village Manager

• External grant funding• Student filling staff positions

Lexi BeasLeyof The Clarion Staff

With 1,200 students working on campus, it is not surprising that campus jobs and their pay rates are widely discussed. Dawn Reed, the Senior Financial Aid Counselor and Student Employment Coor-dinator, explained that based on volume, Facilities Management and Food Services are the largest employers.

However, jobs for Facilities Management and Food Services are second to the lowest pay rate on campus at $7.80 an hour. This rate falls into group five of the six

groups campus jobs are divided into. Group five also includes jobs such as shuttle drivers, as these jobs are exceptionally difficult to fill.

The lowest rate on campus is $7.30, according to Reed. This rate applies to student workers dur-ing their first year at a job such as a teaching assistant (TA), tutor, receptionist and many others. If students return for a second year, their pay is increased by 25 cents an hour. This happens every year the students return to work and is applied to every category except group six, in which jobs are al-ready at a higher pay to begin with.

Some students are paid even more depending on their job de-scription and whether the job re-quires a license or certification. Among these students are patrol officers, traffic officers, those who work in Information Technology Services, child development and Safety and Security. Security su-pervisors and EMTs rank highest with a rate of $10.70.

Bethel’s pay rate is partially determined by state and federal minimum wage requirements. “Minimum wage is currently $7.25, so we are above minimum wage,” said Reed. However, other factors do contribute to how these deci-

sions are made.John Bergeson, the Chief Fi-

nancial Officer, and Jeff Olson, the Director of Financial Aid, review pay rates each year and make decisions. Olson explained that other factors for determining rates include the history of the rates, where the money is coming from and whether there is a change in revenue or a change in the number of positions available.

“If there is no difference in how much money we have to pay stu-dents, for us to increase rate of pay may mean fewer jobs,” said Olson, “so we want to look at all of these different variables.”

Exploring the options for working on campus and the different pay rates that come with it

Joe Held

Isaiah Gatheridge

Keith Nelson


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By Katherine KirByof The Clarion Staff

A weekday at Bethel is full of hundreds of students bustling around the BC, grabbing coffee with friends at Royal Grounds and choosing from a plethora of plat-ters in the Dining Center. After an exhilarating five days of school-work, students are graced with a weekend to partake in Bethel Student Association activities, at-tend a football game or relax with friends.

With plenty of options for ac-tivities – which Bethel schedules to encourage students to reside on campus – why are we con-sidered a suitcase campus? One reason may be that the majority

of students who attend Bethel are from areas that are in close proximity. This might make it very tempting to “run home.”

For those who are from out of town, the weekend silence on campus may come as quite a shock. When Friday rolls around, Bethel seems vacant – a dramatic change from the busy campus throughout the week. Some who stay on campus thoroughly enjoy it, while others find aspects of it frustrating.

One student who enjoys the peacefulness is Matthew McK-eever. “Staying on campus for weekends is one of Bethel’s hid-den secrets,” he said. “They may seem very empty, but there is plenty to do.”

Yet maybe this aspect isn’t so hidden, as many students at-tend an array of Student Activity events. From cosmic bowling to Bethel Idol, students are provided with an opportunity to engage in a wonderful community.

“I’ll stick around on a week-end for a great SA event, even if it means my Saturday night DC dinner consists of spinach and cheerios,” said Claire Stanchfield.

I spoke with students who agreed that Bethel’s food options on the weekends are minimal, visitation hours are difficult, and if you aren’t a football fan, then Saturdays pose few alternative activities.

Ross French said that the visitation hour restrictions make

staying on campus for the week-end less appealing.

Bethel’s Student Activities has done a superb job of providing an event for students most Fri-day nights, which isn’t typical at a lot of schools. When it comes

to the weekend food choices and a lack of a variety of activities, it is understandable why students tend to abandon campus. If there could be an improvement in these areas, more of our fellow students might be tempted to stay put.

It's the weekend, and no one is here■■Campus■becomes■deserted■as■students■head■home■on■weekends


Limited food options is one reason why students leave campus.

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By Alex Kempstonof The Clarion Staff

With the cost of producing the dol-lar bill rising rapidly every day, lawmak-ers are looking to gold as a cheaper form of currency. Not only would a sack of dollar gold coins be cooler than a wallet, but switching over to gold would also save taxpayers millions of dollars per year.

The average shelf life of a dollar bill is around three and a half years, compared to a coin, which can last for hundreds of years. According to Repub-licans in the House of Representatives, the switch to gold would save $184 mil-lion in taxes per year, and reported that after a few decades, that number would reach into the bil-lions. For a country that is $15 trillion in debt, this seems like an obvious and easy way to save a lot of money.

But this switch would be difficult. Many of the opposing Democrats are from eastern states where almost all of the major paper factories are located. The switch to metal would be damag-ing to their states’ economies.

The same politicians claim that the U.S. already has 1.2 billion dollar coins sitting idly in vaults and that producing more coins would just be a waste of money. But with more than three billion bills being destroyed each year, chewing up production money at an alarming rate, a solution must be concocted soon.

Along with all of the rational reasoning, there is a lot of sentiment sur-rounding bills. People love their cash, and it would be hard to aban-

don an aspect of life that is so instilled in American tradition.

However, even with the opposition, progress is being made to exterminate the bill. Utah has already adopted the coin theory, allowing citizens to exchange their bills for gold, and England recently started installing ATM machines where people can trade cash for gold bars.

According to a survey conducted by the Federal Reserve, 75 percent of Ameri-cans still prefer the dollar bill, but with our country’s struggling economy, cutting costs and reducing taxes would be a re-lief. Politicians are still toying around with alternative currency options, and with the many other issues in our government right now, it could be years before a deci-sion is reached.

■■ With■the■state■of■the■U.S.■economy,■this■could■become■a■reality

Replacing dollar bills with gold coinsBy Alex Kempston

of The Clarion Staff

On Oct. 12, 1999, the world welcomed its six-billionth inhabitant, a mile-stone that made many world leaders apprehensive about overpopulation problems. Not much more than a de-cade later, on Halloween day, the seven billionth occupant was born, and with it, more apprehension about our be-loved earth’s future.

The Center for Biological Diversity released a state-ment saying, “Overpopula-tion and overconsumption are the root causes of en-vironmental destruction.” They claim that because we have so many people, the consumption rates go up, which is destroying our planet.

This is not true. In order to survive, it is obvious that we must consume. But hu-mans are not just consumers; we are also producers. With the freedom to advance and populate comes a new gen-eration with new ideas and ways of solving consumption issues.

When China instituted a law restricting families to one child in 1979, the policy not only limited the future workforce, it weakened the nation’s economy. The law contradicted the natural cycle of life. China is now a capitalistic economy, hav-ing learned from its previous mistakes. Despite the one child policy, it has turned it-self into an economic power-house, but it's uncertain how long they can sustain their

success.Our growing population

is not a curse to the world. Yes, we have pollution. We even have hunger problems. But this is nothing we cannot overcome. Humans continue to innovate and advance every year, and if people are given the freedom to do this, our world will not die out because of overpopulation problems.

Life on earth is a learn-ing experience. We find out what works and what does not work. With the birth of every child comes a po-tential gift to the world for discovering innovative ways to enrich human life. With the freedom to explore new ideas come advances that will continue to solve the world’s problems.

■■ The■growing■population■gives■us■new■chances■to■make■life■on■earth■better

World Population: 7 BillionIt's the weekend, and no one is here


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10 • THE CLARION • NOVEMBER 22, 2011 NOVEMBER 22, 2011 • THE CLARION • 11


By Matt Kelleyfor The Clarion

Fifty-five years is a long time. In 1957 the Brooklyn Dodgers moved to Los Angeles, Sputnik 1 became Earth’s first artificial sat-ellite, “West Side Story” and “The Music Man” were taking Broad-way by storm and Bethel’s Festival of Christmas debuted.

This year’s Festival of Christ-mas, the 55th annual, will con-tinue the tradition Dec. 1-3 in Benson Great Hall. After so many years, it’s impossible to separate Festival from its history.

“It’s humbling, but you feel a responsibility to keep up the qual-ity,” said Amanda Snyder, a senior and the Bethel Choir soprano section leader. The tradition per-

meates everyone’s Festival expe-rience, from patrons to musicians to directors.

Dennis Port has been a part of 23 Festivals, six as an undergradu-ate and seminary student and 17 as a director. As artistic director, Port is the conceptual master-mind and begins the planning pro-cess with a single thought, which becomes the theme. He started

developing this year’s theme – “Let the Heavens Rejoice!” – 14 months ago; the clock is always ticking toward the next Festival.

Festival combines six autono-mous music groups – the Bethel Choir, Women’s Chorale, Male Chorus, the Wind Symphony, the University Orchestra and Bethel's Handbell Ensemble – into one mega-group, totaling nearly 300

musicians. Coordinating such a large event is an enormous un-dertaking, and it takes its toll. “I’ve pulled my share of all-night-ers during Festival week,” said producer Kevin Shull. “It’s almost a 24/7 job during the last two weeks.”

Despite the late nights and hard work, Festival of Christmas is worth the trouble to everyone

“It’s the biggest event of the school year.”

Dennis PortArtistic director, Bethel Choir and Festival Choir director


Deck the halls with preparationBethel students are tuning up for Festival of Christmas












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10 • THE CLARION • NOVEMBER 22, 2011 NOVEMBER 22, 2011 • THE CLARION • 11

Focusinvolved for a cornucopia of rea-sons. Port points to his students as the reason why he puts in countless hours. “It’s all about students…a whole new crowd of students that think they’re part of something special,” he said. “And that’s great to see.”

Shull, who has produced 15 Festivals,

relishes the teamwork aspect. “It’s personally rewarding from

a sense of accomplishment each year,” he said. “But

there’s also a sense of community accomplish-ment and unity that’s


Whether it’s because of de-lighting in others’ joy or enjoying the communal aspect, Festival has a way of sticking with people. Directors and musicians all share the sentiment that once some-one experiences it, he or she can’t wait until the next Festival of Christmas.

Of course Festival is not unique to Bethel – many colleges in the area have elaborate Christ-mas concerts. Because there is

so much “competition” in the area, Festival has become a gathering of the Bethel com-munity. While anyone is

welcome, the event is largely at-tended by alumni, students, par-ents and donors.

With such a loyal constituency, Port tries to make each Festival new, while still maintaining the strong traditional elements. The event has certainly gotten more technical – now including about 300 light fixtures – and Port has planned this year’s opening pro-cessional unlike any of his others.

It’s this innovation, combined with tradition, that keeps patrons coming back every year, and it’s the community feel that makes Festival of Christmas special to

Bethel. But there’s also a higher purpose to the whole process – a ministry. Senior Wes Mouri, Beth-el Choir tenor section leader, said, “This is a big deal. This is some-thing that really impacts lives – something that’s important.”

After all the meticulous plan-ning, hours of decorating, dozens of rehearsals, precise technical adjustments – after all the com-motion, it’s still worship. Shull said, “When you bring 300 people together and, with one voice, lift up the praises to the Lord and proclaim His coming, that is very powerful.”



“The excitement, not only of the participants, but the excitement of the audience — the people who love Festival and come to it every year — adds to the tradition.”

Amanda SnyderSenior (Fifth Festival), soprano section leader

Two cellists from the University Orchestra prepare for the concert. Bethel's Wind Symphony rehearses this year's Festival pieces.












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Celebrity look-alikesBy Lexi BeasLey of The Clarion Staff

Claire Stanchfield and Selena Gomez

Jared Johnson and Ryan Gosling

Dale Durie and House

Jed Carlson and Michael Cera

Kayla Christy and Kirsten Dunst Justin Wind Hayes and Evo Morales

Cooper Johnson and Garrett HedlundJoel Bruessel and Zac Brown

These Bethel students have all the looks of Hollywood stars—just without the six figure salaries.

Do you know another Bethel celebrity twin? Email us at [email protected]

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Celebrity look-alikes

Claire Stanchfield and Selena Gomez

Cooper Johnson and Garrett Hedlund

■ Bethel alum Ruth Pszwaro opens Interstice(s) exhibit for artists to show how faith impacts their world and encourage community conversation

By Kate BeecKenof The Clarion Staff

The garage door in the picture is old and weathered, yet for Bethel art professor Dale Johnson, it packs a powerful message about Christianity.

Johnson has created numerous works of photographs and paintings layered together depicting a variety of doors. His work will be on display along with other local artists at the Interstice(s) show at the Hennes Art Company in Minneapolis from Dec. 2-7.

The show is sponsored by Ma-cLaurinCSF, an organization dedicated to ministry at the University of Minne-sota.

Bethel alum Ruth Pszwaro is the

program coordinator and is leading the art show.

Pszwaro said she has spent years navigating the gap between faith and art, and she wants to help the Twin Cit-ies community engage in the dialogue. The show is named “Interstice(s),” which is defined as the small space be-tween things. The idea of the show is to follow Christ’s example of inserting himself into our world, by displaying art that breaks boundaries and brings Christ back into art culture.

According to Johnson, Pszwaro invited him to be part of the show because his work fits the theme of visualizing Christianity in new ways. “Christ said ‘I am the door,’” Johnson explained, “access is the key, and ex-trapolating from that, doors become a

visual metaphor.”This is one step in MacLaurinC-

SF’s larger purpose of recognizing God in secular realms. “We thought about how to have a conversation on Christianity and the arts, and we re-ally wanted to draw upon things that matched our mission,” said Pszwaro, “the mission to strengthen the Chris-tian intellectual in the Twin Cities, and to do that by bridging church and uni-versity.”

Oil and acrylic paintings, mixed media, ceramics, stoneware, installa-tions and photography are all included in the show. The first exhibit is all 5x7-inch responses to the theme, and the second exhibit has a variety of pieces.

Pszwaro said that she wants to bridge Christianity and art culture by

creating a place to talk about them and show how they are relevant to the community.

The gallery opens with a two-day symposium to jump-start the dialogue on how Christianity intersects with culture. Dr. Mark Sprinkle, a Senior Fellow of Arts and Humanities at the BioLogos Forum, will be the keynote speaker at the symposium. He will ad-dress how creativity, imagination and art can serve as a bridge where people struggle with science and Christianity.

When the MacLaurin Institute partnered with Christian Student Fel-lowship, their primary goal was to bridge Christianity and the University of Minnesota. According to Pszwaro, through various activities and small group discussions, they reach across

many disciplines to students and fac-ulty at the university, ranging from economics to health professionals .

“Conversations breed ideas, ideas breed action, action breeds transfor-mation,” said Pszwaro.

Johnson said that it is interesting for Bethel students to have contact with Christians at the art show from all kinds of backgrounds. He said that de-spite Christ’s example, churches aren’t always inviting, which has led to his metaphor of the door. Both Johnson and Pszwaro are using art to create ac-cess into Christianity.

Pszwaro invited Bethel students to the show to participate in the dialogue and begin networking with estab-lished local artists.

Downtown dialogue explores art culture and Christianity

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CultureAs retirement approaches, Carlson reflects on his 40-plus years ■■ G.W.■Carlson■reflects■on■his■academic■career,■his■love■of■books■and■his■passion■for■the■Gospel

By Lexi BeasLeyof The Clarion Staff

His office is a library of sorts. Covering each wall, stacked on his desk and lining every shelf, books are everywhere in Dr. G.W. Carlson’s office, and that is exactly how he likes it.

“I’m a book-a-holic,” said Carlson, as he sat comfortably lounged in his chair wearing a colorful Snoopy tie. “I read three or four books a week.” Ac-cording to Carlson, many people tease him for his book collec-tion, but only until they are in need of one that he has.

Carlson entered his fresh-man year at Bethel in 1961 along with the other 250 students in his class. He lived in Edgren—not the one over on Freshman Hill, but rather the Edgren over

near the State Fair Grounds, on Bethel’s old campus. It was there that he majored in his-tory education and graduated in 1965.

Carlson then went on to teach high school for four years, while working to get his mas-ter’s degree. Eventually he re-turned to Bethel in 1968 as a part-time professor, where he met his wife. He solidified his position as a full-time professor in 1970. Fast-forward more than 40 years, and Carlson is now planning his retirement after 44 years of teaching at Bethel.

For Carlson, it has been his love of “interacting with young people and watching them grow” that has kept him here for nearly half a century. Carlson said he has four dreams for each person he teaches:

1. “They all will accept Christ as Savior and Lord and be fully committed to the Gospel.”

2. “They are deeply commit-ted to find ways to cultivate a Christian spiritual journey.”

3. “They are life-long learn-ers and that we’ve given them skills to believe that this is only the start of their learning, not the end of their learning.”

4. “They are deeply com-mitted to service. The Gospel demands that we engage in the lives of the marginalized, the lives of those who need to expe-rience the Gospel.”

Carlson has been driven by what he calls “decade ques-tions” over his lifetime. For him, decade questions should strive to answer something that mat-ters to an individual and that may have a significant impact

on the way the individual lives. Carlson believes that without asking these challenging ques-tions and seeking to enrich aca-demic and spiritual growth, life will fly right by.

The last decade question Carlson has been striving to an-swer is, “What encourages cou-rageous Christian living?” He’s been inspired by Dietrich Bon-hoeffer as he challenged Hit-ler, Clarence Jordan in his fight against segregation in the South and Dorothy Day for setting up soup kitchens for the homeless.

“Why did they do that?” asked Carlson. “And am I devel-oping in my own spiritual jour-ney the empathy and skills and the courage to make those de-cisions when they come to me? That has been my last decade question.”

• There was only one women’s sport: 3-on-3 basketball.• Women had “hours” in their dorms, meaning they had to

be in their dorms by 10 p.m., 11 p.m. or 12 a.m. depend-ing on their year in school. The men did not have this rule.

• Many offices were in houses on the old campus. The living and dining rooms generally served as classrooms.

• There was something called Founder’s Week, in which a significant number of major evangelical figures would come to Bethel and students were encouraged to listen to them speak.

• The “in” thing to do for one of your first dates was to go to Como Park. This was a place where you could begin the relationship.

• Flameburger on Larpenteur was the place to go. Carlson describes it as the “greasy spoon.”

• Enrollment was a little more than 1,000 students.• The cafeteria was in the basement of the girls' dorm.• Edgren was the freshman male dorm and Bodien was the

freshman female dorm.

- "Soul Survivor" By Philip Yancey

- "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" By Alexander Solzhenitsyn

- "Education of a Christian Prince"By Desiderius Erasmus

- "Messy Spirituality"By Michael Yaconelli

- "Welcoming Justice"By Charles Marsh & John M. Perkins

G.W. Carlson’s Favorite Books


Professor G.W. Carlson, in his office on campus, has worked at Bethel for over 40 years.

Bethel: 1960s to 2011 According to Carlson

Thanksgiving: A break?

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■■ G.W.■Carlson■reflects■on■his■academic■career,■his■love■of■books■and■his■passion■for■the■Gospel


By Margaret gillfor The Clarion

Thanksgiving break is ap-proaching quickly, and for some, not quickly enough. As ‘count-down to Thanksgiving’ signs on dorm room doors finally reach the single digits, excitement builds. For some students, the break will mark their first time home since the beginning of the school year, and among those are freshmen eagerly awaiting the comfort of home after their first few months of college.

There are some decisions for students to make when going home as to how they will spend their time. Thanksgiving can be a much-needed break for busy college students, but also a great time to get caught up on reading, papers or studying for upcoming exams.

There is something to be said for taking a complete break and preparing mentally and physi-cally for the last month before Christmas. A lot can be accom-plished during this time, like catching up with friends and family, or Black Friday shop-ping to get great deals on those Christmas gifts. There are also lots of hours open for students to work over Thanksgiving, since stores need the extra help.

However, the few extra days

also provide an opportunity to get caught up or get a head start on homework and exams. This can help in the upcoming weeks, taking some of the stress away and providing a more enjoy-able end to the semester. Plus, it always serves as a reminder that Christmas break is also ap-proaching fast.

The third option is to have a balance of both work and rest. Try balancing time and creating a schedule. Perhaps the drive or flight home lets you get a few hours of work done. Or decide to spend one day doing homework, and then commit to closing the books for the rest.

Once you’ve decided how to spend Thanksgiving break, it is just a matter of time until the day rolls around. Thanksgiv-ing is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November to com-memorate the end of the harvest season and also to give thanks. Thanksgiving itself means the act of giving thanks, or a grateful ac-knowledgement of favors.

It is a holiday marked with traditions. For many, this means turkey, football and going around the table saying what one is thankful for. Some of our own Bethel students have a few more family traditions that they participate in each year.

Chad Cyboran – “Every year we watch 'Rudolph

the Red-Nosed Reindeer' on Thanksgiving.”

Kristin Wyss – “Every year we go deer hunting,

and then we sing the song ‘The Lord is Good to Me.’ Then

we eat ham…not turkey!

Hope Laroche – “My brothers and I weigh our-

selves before and after we eat, to see who can gain the

most weight, but they are boys and they always win.”

Michael Davis – “On Thanksgiving before the

Davis family puts on their socks, we sing the Thanksgiving

socks song… but no, seriously, we hook sleds up to four-

wheelers and pull each other around.”

Caitie Helle – “We sing the Johnny Appleseed song

instead of saying grace.”

Nicole Wriedt – “We always guess how many

hunters we will see on the way to my grandma’s, and then

the winner gets the first piece of pie.”

Bethel■students■share■their■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ Thanksgiving■traditions

Thanksgiving: A break?

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SportsSee it. Dream it. Live it!

1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Award-Winning Townhome & Apartment Community

◦ Conveniently located in Roseville ◦ Close to the Bethel College campus. ◦ Water & garage included ◦ Washer & dryer in unit ◦ Club House w/fireplace ◦ Catering kitchen

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◦ Business center w/internet ◦ Fully equipped fitness center ◦ Cyber Lounge with WiFi ◦ DVD lending library ◦ OD Pool - indoor whirlpool ◦ Garage included

By Andrew BAkerfor The Clarion

When asked in September if Twins General Manager Bill Smith would be returning next year, Jim Pohlad, the COO of the Twins, stated that “we are not a knee-jerk organization” and “he’s had a very tough situation.” Due to this public vote of confidence, and given the fact that the Twins have not fired a GM since 1961, nearly all Twins fans were shocked with last week’s announce-ment that Terry Ryan had replaced Bill Smith as the GM of the Minnesota Twins.

Why the sudden need for change?

Jim Pohlad cited the reason for Bill Smith’s firing stemming from “philo-sophical differences.” These “philo-sophical differences” were discovered during meetings held during the offsea-son. Jim Pohlad, as well as other team executives, simply disagreed with what direction Bill Smith wanted to take the Twins following a disastrous season.

Who is Terry Ryan, and why should Twins fans be excited about his return?

Terry Ryan is the well-respected former GM of the Minnesota Twins, serving as the Twins GM from 1994 to 2007. During his tenure as GM, Ryan received the executive of the year award in both 2002 and 2006. As a trained baseball scout, Ryan is best known for his abilities to find and draft young, undervalued players. Perhaps the best example of this was his trading of minor leaguer Jared Camp for Johan Santana. With Terry Ryan now back at the helm, Twins fans can rest assured that they have a competent, respected GM.

Twins make a big splash with surprising GM switch



After a four year break from general manag-ing duties, Terry Ryan returns to the job he held for 14 years. Ryan replaces Bill Smith, who was named Ryan's successor in 2008.

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by Matt Kelley for The Clarion

Tim Tebow is walking irony.The already-legendary quar-

terback has a Hollywood smile and a seemingly flawless attitude predicated on hard work, sincerity and ministry. He’s as charismatic and humble off the field as he is fiercely competitive on it.

Yet somehow the guy every fa-ther wants his daughter to marry has become a polarizing figure, sparking in-cendiary de-bate about a shocking num-ber of issues, both on and off the field.

The trage-dy of the situa-tion is that the public can’t compartmen-talize the many disputes. Mes-sage-board hermits throw it all in a big pot of Tebow stew, and it’s usually Christianity taking the hits from fans.

For the most part, people see in Tebow whatever they want to see – nothing he does resolves the endless debate. Look no further than his first start at quarterback this year on Oct. 23, when his Den-ver Broncos faced the then-winless Miami Dolphins.

For the first 55 minutes he was awful, completing only four of 14 pass attempts for an ane-mic 40 yards, while the Dolphins built a 15-0 lead. In the game’s

final minutes, Tebow flipped the switch, passing for 121 yards and two touchdowns, then scoring the game-tying two-point conver-sion on the ground with only 17 seconds left. The Broncos went on to win 18-15 in overtime, making the college football legend an NFL hero for the first time.

The game was the perfect mi-crocosm of Tebow’s public life. Doubters pointed to his pitiful per-formance for the majority of the game as proof that he’s not an NFL-

caliber quar-terback, while apologists ap-plied fuzzy rhetoric, saying Tebow “willed the Broncos to victory” or showed that he has the “clutch gene.”

Unfor-tunately the lasting impres-sion from the game was a fad called “Tebow-ing,” defined by tebowing.

com as “to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing some-thing completely different.” What started as a quick prayer after the game-winning field goal led to thousands of people submitting photos of themselves “Tebowing.” It sparked a pop culture phenom-enon.

Many Christians applauded the trend, seeing it as free advertise-ment for prayer. Some cynical non-believers saw it as a self-promotion tactic by an overrated player. And

the Detroit Lions had seen enough.Coming into town with the rep-

utation as the dirtiest team in the league, the Lions pummeled Tebow and the Broncos 45-10. Afterward an unnamed player said scathing words about Tebow’s play, calling him “a joke,” among other things.

The real harm occurred during the game, though. After a first-quarter sack, Lions linebacker Ste-phen Tulloch dropped to one knee and rested his forehead on his fist, mocking the “Tebowing” pose. Tight end Tony Scheffler did the same after scoring a touchdown. And that is where the line was crossed.

Tulloch and others made the

mistake of seeing Tebow’s produc-tion on the football field as a func-tion of his faith. Just because he plays like a joke doesn’t mean his religion is a joke.

Tim Tebow prayed spontane-ously and sincerely after the Miami game. While he says he endorses “Tebowing,” he never meant for it to be his universal symbol. And he certainly never meant for his foot-ball skills, his fame and his faith to be so intertwined in the public’s eye.

I’ll never understand why peo-ple can’t compartmentalize. Can’t I love his leadership but hate his accuracy? Can’t I be wowed by his faith while giggling at his slow-as-

molasses release?The public will never come to

a consensus on Tim Tebow. He’s an intensely Christian man whose fame has grown to idol status, a virtually blameless man who’s more controversial than any dog-fighting-rink-leading quarterback could be – he’s walking irony.

Football fanatics flood message boards with religious debates after every Broncos game – what a nightmare. We need to separate his faith from his foot-ball. If Tim Tebow plays poorly, it has nothing to do with his religious beliefs. And his religious beliefs should have nothing to do with our criticisms.


Tebow has faced scrutiny not only for his play on the field, but also for his Christian faith off of it.

Opinion: Roughing the passer, keeping the faith■■The■intense■and■unending■criticism■of■young■quarterback■Tim■Tebow■needs■to■be■more■focused


After a four year break from general manag-ing duties, Terry Ryan returns to the job he held for 14 years. Ryan replaces Bill Smith, who was named Ryan's successor in 2008.

The tragedy of the situation is that the public can't compart-mentalize the many disputes. Message-board hermits throw it all in a big pot of Tebow stew, and it's usually Christianity taking the hits from fans.

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Check out J. Arthur’s Coffee Club as a place to study, relax, enjoy live music Friday nights, or just hang-out and have a free drink on us

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Now hiring coffee lovers!

By Brock Buesingof The Clarion Staff

Donovan McNabb was obvi-ously not the long-term solution that the Vikings so desperately needed. Through the team’s first six games, it was clear that McNabb had a hard time sus-taining drives. The harsh real-ity hit home against Chicago when Christian Ponder replaced McNabb in the fourth quarter. Ponder did surprisingly well for a rookie, throwing for 99 yards on nine of 17 attempts.

In his first full start, Ponder put the Vikes in position to defeat the defending Super Bowl Cham-pion, the Packers. On the first

play of the game, he hit Michael Jenkins down the sideline for a 79-yard completion; the drive fin-ished with a one-yard touchdown completion to Visanthe Shiancoe. Ponder finished the game with 225 yards passing, two touch-downs and two rookie mistake interceptions. The Vikings lost 33-27.

Ponder's next start was in Carolina against the Panthers. The headlines sported the match-up of Ponder versus Newton, the number one overall draft pick. Ponder was elusive and impres-sive on third-down conversions, going 9-10 for 101 yards alone in a 24-21 win.

Ponder has given the Vikings a

downfield passing game, averag-ing 15 yards per completion. He has also opened up some running lanes for running back Adrian Pe-terson, who ran all over the Pack-ers for 175 yards.

However, Ponder's presence was next to none as the Vikings lost 45-7 on Monday Night Foot-ball. In the last 10 prime-time games, the Minnesota Vikings were 2-8 and have been out-scored 279-185 in those games. The Vikings have lost four of their past five Monday Night Football games.

There was really nothing the first-year quarterback could have done differently. He played fine, but the Vikings secondary was

scorched by Aaron Rodgers’ four touchdown passes. Even the Pack-ers’ backup quarterback, Matt Flynn, found the end zone against the hapless Vikings’ defense. The only seven points that the Vikings scored came from a Randall Cobb fumbled punt return, giving the Vikings a short field; Adrian Pe-terson finished the drive with his tenth touchdown of the year.

The fact is that Christian Pon-der has brought some rejuvena-tion to Minnesotan spirits, even if the scores and results don't reflect that very well. If you can't handle the worldly troubles of the front page, Christian Ponder will give you an excuse to skip straight to the Sports section.

Christian Ponder offers hope for years to come■■Rookie■quarterback■shows■poise■in■the■pocket■and■is■willing■to■make■the■big■play


Vikings quarterback Christian Ponder.

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Seniors Ethan Anderson (4), Matt Wetherell (1), Ben Jameson (24) and Sam Porter (59) lead the Royals out onto the field for the team's matchup against St. Olaf on Oct. 1, 2011.

By RoB LeMayof The Clarion Staff

The 2011 football season, as in recent years, proved to be very successful for the Royals. Despite missing the playoffs, the team won eight of 10 games while playing in one of the tough-est conferences in the country.

With the season coming to an end, it is time to say goodbye to players who have put their hearts and souls into the foot-ball program for the past four years. Many seniors have been part of a historic run for the Roy-als, including being a part of the 2010 playoffs, which marked

one of the most successful sea-sons in school history. It was that season that Bethel knocked off Wartburg, Wheaton and St. Thomas in consecutive games to reach the national semifinal game, before losing to Mount Union. Over the course of their collegiate careers, Bethel se-niors have all contributed to the Royals’ amazing record of 32-12 over the last four years, includ-ing wins on every opposing MIAC team’s home turf.

A large portion of the team’s success is pinned on star seniors like quarterback Josh Aakre and linebacker Billy Morgan, to name a couple. However, Aakre and

Morgan are just two key seniors among 20 on this year’s squad.

With over 100 players on the roster, only a select few received credit for their hard work by performance on the field. Some seniors sweat it out in practice for four years and were valuable members of the team, but never saw playing time.

Senior punter Ben Jameson had an interesting journey to Bethel and overcame adversity to make a name for himself on the football field. Jameson trans-ferred to Bethel as a sophomore in 2009 and planned to play wide receiver. He found it difficult to get playing time, and like any

competitor, he wanted to help the team.

“We were too stacked at wide receiver, and I just wanted to play,” said Jameson. After he spent one year playing on the JV squad and helping on the scout team, a new position opened up. The summer before Jameson’s junior year, he knew that the punter position was open. “We graduated our punter,” he said. “I got a chance to make an im-pact on the team, and it worked out well.” Even though it was foreign to him at the time, hard work at the position change paid off. Jameson was the Bethel punter for two seasons, and this

season the punt team held op-ponents to under one yard per return.

The wins and losses are all part of the game and may be forgotten by many of the players years from now. But they will not forget the memories they made with each other.

Senior offensive lineman Sam Porter said, “This team was like my family at Bethel; every mem-ory includes my teammates.” As the season comes to a close, the seniors will be graduating and moving on to life without football, but one thing is cer-tain – they will never forget the friendships they created.

As season ends, seniors wrap up football careers■■ Bethel's■42-7■win■over■Augsburg■on■Nov.■12■marked■the■end■of■a■solid■season,■but■also■the■playing■days■of■22■seniors

Christian Ponder offers hope for years to come■■Rookie■quarterback■shows■poise■in■the■pocket■and■is■willing■to■make■the■big■play

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20 • THE CLARION • NOVEMBER 22, 2011

The Clarionion - Bethel's own slice of "The Onion"Freshman Hill littered with piles of dirty laundry■■ As■freshmen■boycott■the■new■free■laundry■system,■

the■Hill■is■swamped■with■dirty■delicatesBy Danny Valentineof The Clarionion Staff

New washers and dryers were installed this past summer that replaced ailing equipment and es-tablished free laundry services to campus residents. This upgrade was applauded by most, but the 2011 freshman class met the change with opposition. A group of students calling themselves “Fresh Ain’t Free” held a boycott.

“We don’t want somethin’ for nothin’!” said the leader of Fresh Ain’t Free, Derrick Lamaster, at a rally held around the giant pile of dirty laundry on Thursday. Lamas-ter explained to the crowd of stu-dents that they should be allowed the same privilege of paying for

laundry, just like the classes be-fore them.

Freshman students started the pile of dirty laundry when they ran out of places to put it inside. It became a symbol of the move-ment and was quickly adopted by Fresh Ain’t Free as a sponsored expression. The pile continues to grow even as campus security has increased the frequency of Prius drive-bys.

“I don’t care how many times they drive by, I’m throwing all my old clothes out and going shop-ping!” said freshman Carmen Sala-zar as she left Bodien Residence Hall with credit cards in hand.

Tina Linerit is the head of the Bethel laundry committee and signed the free laundry policy

into effect. When asked about the Fresh Ain’t Free movement, Line-rit said, “We understand that stu-dents feel free laundry is charity, and Bethel does not want to pity its students.”

Linerit spoke at a small press conference Monday saying, “We have been in negotiations with Fresh Ain’t Free, and we are work-ing toward a type of donation system. We expect this to be re-solved in the coming weeks. We ask that freshmen begin to collect their laundry from the hill.”

In the meantime, students are encouraged to use the free laun-dry system normally, and leave whatever monetary compensa-tion they wish in the form of loose change in the dryers.


The engulfing mound of pungent clothes grows slowly as freshmen continue to abandon their laundry near Edgren Residence Hall.

Bethel breaks stair record, set to receive donation■■ Bethel■to■be■recognized■for■number■of■stairs■on■campus

By Danny Valentineof The Clarionion Staff

The National Collegiate Inven-tors and Innovators of Stairs se-lected Bethel to receive a $22,000 donation after breaking the Min-nesota record for “Most Stairs on a University Campus.”

The announcement came after NCIIS architects and hikers deter-mined Bethel’s campus to have 15,529 slightly different sized stairs.

“We’re going to use the money to build more stairs!” shouted the coordinator of campus pathways, Abraham Rightwell.

Rightwell placed the record-breaking stair on Nov. 2 and has been waiting vigilantly for the news since then. “I knew we broke it. I’ve been doing this for 42 years; I’ve walked every one of them stairs with my own two willywackers,” said Rightwell.

Rightwell has plans to add even more staircases and stair size varia-tions to the Bethel campus. “There’s nothing these kids like more than a little variety, a little spice in life!” said Rightwell.

The NCIIS donation will be presented at an award ceremony scheduled for Jan. 21.

The seemingly inaccessible staircase that elevated Bethel to first place.