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Post on 23-May-2018






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I k * N ew * I ts e lf , C lipped , C ulled , Con­d en sed nnd P resen ted WI' -.out P ad d in g e r P lo w ere en d W ith a S p ecia l Con­cern for th e C on venience o f an E ver Bnsy Public. *Steam Railroad Men’s union of Boston

to-day adopted resolutions pledging finan­cial support to tbe New York Central striker*

Emily Oraete, a oonoert hail singer, has been arrested at Saratoga for stealing dia­monds from Karl Holdenmaker, an old companion of hers.

By tbe falling of a scaffold which had been erected on a building on tbe Newski property, St. PwrrRtmrg. Saturday, three persons were killed and eight injured.

In recognition of distinguished services In connection with reoent oolanial compii- catiouB with tbe Portuguese govern­ment, Mr Johnston, British eonanl at Mozambique. has been created a companion of the Order of tbe Bath, and for similar services Mr Buchanan, acting British con­sul at the same place, has been made a companion of tlie Order of St. Michael and St. George

Tu«»<l&y, Aug. 19.The design of William Clark Noble of

Newport. R. I., has been accepted by tbe Burns monument committee of Provi- denoe. It represents the poet seated, with books aDd papers around him.

Secretary Woodward announces that the entries for the state lair to be beM at Syracuse have closed. The cattle entries number 1,222 head. Tbe largest number of entries in this line for any previous year was 74y Iveai.

The German government has ordered a railway battalion to make the experiment of laying an army line of railway between Ppeerenherg and Insterburg. Bast Prus­sia. It is expected that tbe entire work will be finished within four days.

George Faribault, chief of the ludian police at tbe Standing Rock agency, is dead. He was the Daniel Boone of Minne­sota and a man of great influence among the Indians, being himself a quarter breed. He saved the lives of many whites during the Indian troubles

Tbe town of Wilson. N. Y , was visited by a disastrous fire this morning. Several of the leading business houses were com­pletely gutted. A bam containing twelve acres of unthresbed oats and other grain, besides some valuable farming imple­ments was totally destroyed. The loss is estimated at $.74,000; partly insured.

W ednesday, Aug. 20.A great storm lias devastied tlie region

extending from Excideuii to Miremont. Frau ce.

Intense heat is reported throughout Austria. There hf*ce boen many fatal cases of sun stroke.

A Madrid dispatch says: A death from cholera has oocurred on a British steamer at Malaga. Tbe disease has also appeared at Tortosa ami Tarragona.

Janies Jeffrey Roche will undoubtedly be selected <*> editor of the Boston Pilot as successor to the late John Boyle O’Reilly. Mr. Roche is now <xu* of the editors oi tbe paper, and be and Mr. O'Reilly were the stanchest of friends aud 00-workers. Arch­bishop Williams, it is undeintood. will purchase Mr. O'ReilLy’s interest in the pa­per, thus giving him absolute].

Thursday, Aug 21.The Dext. session of the grand lodee. I.

O. O. F ., will be held in Kingston, N Y., the third Tuesday iu August. 1S32.

A tally-ho party was upset at L/nke George to-day and three persons slightly injttye^.

Tlie Wilkinson homestead in Syracuse, the did underground railroad headquar­ters, was destroyed by fire to-day.

A cloudburst <X!curred ai 5:45 this muro- ing ai Cortlandt, N. Y. Damage To tbe amount of 6-15.000 was done. No one was injured.

W. A. Armstoug, editor of The Hus­bandman, and grand master of the State Grange, died at his home near Elmira this afternoon.

Thsre was an explosion iu tbe Standard Cartridge factory at Blue Island, Ills., to­day. Three men were killed aud three se­riously injnrad and will die

A t 11:30 o’clock this morn mg the roof of St- Stanislaus church in Rochester, which was being constructed, fell in, killing An­drew Harter and John Bauer, and injur­ing William Walter and Albert Gumbert.

A t Whitest one, L. L, throe young men and throe girls belonging to an excursion party-from New Yaflk, started out into tbe bay ih a row boat. Through mismanage­ment tbe boat was upset, and five of the party were drowned In sight of their fel­low excursionists on shore. The rescued one, a woman, was saved with difficulty.

n of Now York, i i i l m to d ay with CIQJBI2

Dlekooaon Clark Paper , and $3,806 to

ofifce Catholic

Butler & Job: fa Mpar. prafoeaace to

<4C.D .Tb*

Young Mob's the Tth and 8th of OofeUir m fibe dates forthe eixteenth annual oanvtofloa of tbe Catholic Yoang Men's National Union, to be bold in Washington.

F rank M. Alien, teller ot tbe Capital City bank of Nashville, Tenn., ia short •45,000 in bis accounts.

Railroad men estim ate the prospective loss to the Old Colony Railroad company by the Quincy accident, aside from the damage to rolling stock, a t half a million of dollars.

Sunday, A u g . H .H. M. Johnson, the noted professional

sprint runner, died at San Francisco to­day of inflammation ot the bowels. He was 27 years old.

In a bar-room fight at Frankfort, Ky., to-day G R Barnett, government engi­neer in charge of work in Kentucky river, was stablwd several times and w ill prob­ably die.

The burgomaster o t Osterwoeck her been oonvicted of forging an official docu­ment nod sentenced to a long term of im­prisonment For such an esteemed func­tionary to be onnvicted erf a crime is so rare in Germany that the incident attracts much attention.

Mr. Liuooln. the United States minister strongly deuiee tbe report that he is about to resign his office

A San Pranciaoo dispatch soys. News has been received from A la A a that Capt. Healy of the revenue cotter Bear, has or­dered the releaae of the officers of the seized sealing schooner Mattie Dwyer, ami ordered the vessel to pnxx>e«l to Sitka, where the case will be tried

F r i d a y , A u g . 2 2 .

A t the investigation in Quincy, Mass., it was ascertained that tbe accident on tbe Old Colouy railroad was caused by workmen leaving a jack on the track.

The census office announoes the popula­tion of Newbnrg, N. Y., is 23,362, an in­crease during the last decade of 5,214, or 28.88 par cent.

Several cases of cholera are reported to have appeared in the vicinity of Berlin, Germany.

The strike of the marine officers and seamen has almost completely paralyzed business in Victoria and New South Wales.

An explosion occurred to-day in the Gould powder mills at Waltham, Eng., by which two men were killed and a number injnrad.

Fred Phillips of Utica today ran his arm through a sausage machine apd bad it ground to a jelly as far as the elbow.

Commissioner W aiter Howe of the New York squsinQt board was drowned at Newport, R. I., to-day while b ttjfn g He served throe terms in tbe sssemny, which be left five years ago. He was one of several aggressive reformers in the Re­publican party. , He was appointed an aquedutrt, oonamjHteRtt TS87 by Mayor Hewitt. Mr. H sw t jftbUshod a work on gardening. He wee 45 years old.

S a tu rd a y , Aofc- 23.Frank Parry, the 15-year-old son of W ill­

iam B. Parry, was drowned this afternoon while swimming tn tbe Erie canal atrtic*

A ll tbe flret%e® ‘tad engineer* employed by the Uatoft StgEh YWds Switching tLgsociatiea have struck tbr higher wages.

The strike in tbe shee factory &t J. Wil­liam Nayloe st Hogbsster was settled to­day to the sstftfgotiOB of all parties, and euid tbe eniplfljTte* resumed work on Monday morning.

A o g . $ 5 .

A Washington dispatch says Repre­sentative Dewis F. Watson of Warren. Pa., dropped dead in the bot&nmcal gardens at the foot of the Capitol grounds this morn­ing of heart disease.

The strike of coal miners in the Bor hi age district in Belgium continues to spread. To-day 4,500 more men qnlt work. Meetings of the miners have resolved to oontimie the strike.

Henry M. SSantejr** agent has written a letter in vrtrtch he says Mr. Stanley Is very far from being restored'to perfect health

Smallpox is said to prevail to an alarm­ing extent in Waco, Tex.

A t Peoria. Ills., this morning the im­mense wagon-works known as the Hanna Wagon works were destroyed by fire. I joss 66tUM).

Edward Young Parsons, aged 28, was found dead in bed this forenoon at the house of his aunt, No. 36 West Seven­teenth street, New York. He had evi­dently died from asphyxiation, as the gas burners in the room were found turned on and uulighted.


S i s v Y o r k M a r k e t .

N e w Y o h k . A u g . 3 6 .

M o n e y c l o s e d a t 2 p e r c e n t , y e s t e r d a y : t h e h i g h e s t r a t e w a s K . T h e l o w e s t r a t e o f t h e , l a v w a s 2 p e r c e n t .

E x c h a n g e e l a t e d s t e a d y ; p o s t e d r a t e , . (J4-K >H i ' i f . ’T Ms. a c t u a l r a t e s . $ 4 . ( 5 5 ) 6 0 4 .6 2 % f o r 61) d a y s h i l l s , a n d $ L 8 6 )4 < s ji4 - l8 l6 f o r d e m a n d .

G o v e r n m e n t b i n d s closed firm: currency f ls . 1 .1 3 % b i l l ; 4 s c o u p o n , 1 .0 5 b i d ; 4 4 a s d o , 1 .0528 b i d .

P a c i f i c r a i l r o a d h o o d s d o s e d a s f o l l o w s : U n i o n l i r s t - s . 1 1 4 % b i d : d o i n k i n g f u n d s , 1 .1 4bid; C e n t r a l s . 1 .1 3 % b i d .

N « - iv Y 'o r k P r o d u c e F x c t u M i i r * .

N e w V 1I R & . A u g . 2 6

FLOUR - Closed steady j'esterday. Fine grades winter, $2.?M(3jl.0U; spring do. $3.40© 2.75: superfine spring, S2.78ffi3.25; do lrinrer, S32loffiLUl: extra No. 1 spring, 54.C93fi.7It: do winter. 54.blffi5.7tlt extra No. 3 spring, 83093 4.1YI; do winter. $3.75®4.2>: Southern flour closed steariv; trarte and family extras, 54.(1© 5.35.

WHEAT—Options opened 46c K>wor. and under free selling docttried by noon. Inthe afternoon there was a further decline of

Spot lots dosed steady. S|>ot sales of No. 3 red. $L07@l.fl8; elevator No. 2 red. KBffilOt; do Aug., fUJ8; do Sept., 51.05**; do Oct.. 81.09. doDec., 81-12%.

CORN—Opt Whs opened Mr lower, and de­clined another %c by noon. In the afternohn a dexJtoe of %c tn %c occurred; Spot lots a shade lower. Spot sales No. 2 mixed cash, 56®36tei do Aug- 55Kc; do Seqrf 55klc; do Oct., ado: Dec.. 56Mc.

OATS—Options closed %c lower. Spot lot* closed quiet. Spot sales of No. 2 mixed oatih, 43te3434jc. do Aug., 4296c; do 9ep<.. 41%*-': do Oct., 41c.I,R Y E —Dull and nominal

BARLEY - Unchanged.PORK—Closed steady: mess, 812J5Q©13.StLARD—Closed steady: Aug.. Jfi.Si; Sept.,

86,5*0(1.. S6.66: Nov.. 56.70;BUTTER—Closed firm: eastern c-reamery,

western do,CHEESE — Firm factory New York C h e d ­

dar. 8@£%c: western flat, 0©6%>.EGGSv—Closed firm: fresh eastern firsts.

2QJ820te:. western do do, 20c: Canadian do do, 20®**%. ________

B u f i i f e I . i v e S t o c k M a r k e t .East Bcfpalo. Aug. 25.

CATTLE—Total receipt* for the week to noon to-day. 10,Ll> head: shipments during the same period, 7.150 head; 246 loads con­signed through; 275 loads on safe. Market active. Extra export steers, 54.5004.65; good do, $4.1304-50: choice heavy butchers', *3.60 04.50: light handy do, 53.43(2.4.00; cows audheifers, extra, 53.1003-45; common to good. $2.1502410: calves grassers, 82»5U33.25; veals, 85.iJ0Xf-5.75.

SHEEP AND LAMBS—Totaa receipts for week, 11,40) Lead: shipments fur the same period. 8,300 head; 17 loads consigned through. 40 loads on sale. Market firmer. Choice, extra clipped sheep. £.; good to choice, $4.S.Y&5.20; common to fair, 54-0004-80: choice to extra iambs. $6.'.0ffi6i75; do eotnmoc to fair, $5.oO(3i5.0a

HOGS—Total receipts for tike week. 12,180 head; shipments for the same period, 8,160; 27 load? consigned UgVOgE 60 loads on sale. Market active. Medium aai.lica.vy, S4.40@4.70: Yorkers, $4.5004.60; pigs, $3.25.

Utica Cheese M arket.Utica. N. Y., Aug. 19.

There was quite a bopm in the cheese mar­ket here yesterday Advices from New York were favorable, but more than anything else probably, the denuyA t vr cheese for tbe home trade caused the actrm y.

The market was one of the most active of the season. Transactions: Fcuxr Iqts. Vfjboxes, .at 7%c: 58 lots, 5J25 hoxos. at 7?%; 46 lots, A *3 baxei. at 7J|c 10 lota, 1,180 boxes, at 80: 12 lots. 1.183 bnxea. at ate- 6 lota, 800 boxes, at 8%m 3 lots. 3B5 boss* on oqmmisskm. Total 139 lots, 13.866 boxes; ruling price, Tafr-

Transacrions same d3te Last year aggre«sfed 14.767 boxes: ruling price. Tte'-

L i t t l e F a l l s C h e e s e M a r k e t .

D m e Falls. N. Y „ Aug. a..The cheese market exhibited a better feeling

yesterday and pricwe advatn*d about %r. An effort was made by buyers to hold the price down to SMc, byt eight lots were’ found at the close that received the half. Transactions: 5® lots at T9jc, 54 lots at 8c, 34 lots at 8%c, S lots at *%c, 11 lots comadsahm: total, 10,214 boxes.

Farm dairy—The sales of farm dairy cheese are reported at 97n boxes at with thebulk at 80.

BUTTER—Twenly-six packages of creamery butter sold at 2-’@33%c, mostly at 22c.

A EO T J ID T H E STATE.- - -- ---


D n m l l h i> i s l s g i a ll OoaatSM

a f Haw York, C on d ea ied aBdV ie * to B r e v ity aad and Carnal t ie s .

W atertown, S . Y , A ug. 22.—A spactal wys: Tbe Tbouaand Island Park boCel, five mftagre and a afore an Thousand Island Park, Bt Lawrence river, burned early yestordsy morning. No lives were lost, but R is reported some guests were injured.

The lorn will reach 8150,000. Tbe fire caught from the store in the kitchen of the hotel. The lack at bom with which to fight tiie fire was the cause at the failure to check the flames when first discovered. About twenty buildings were destroyed.

Two women servants were injured in the fire, Julia Narrow, aged 50, and Louise Mitchell. They Slept directly over where the fire started and tbey had to go through the flames to get out. There were 400 guests in the hotel, but all escaped: many with only their night clothes. Mrs. Walter Boon of Watertown, lost Jewelry to the amount of 81,000 •

Though the halls were provided with hose there was no water in the pipes and only a feeble effort oonld be made to quench tlie flames

A F pIioiiw Attempt# t o Kacb^ .Can an pa iota, Aug 2 5 —Tbe lunacy

commission in the case ot Lamont, the murderer of Alfred I^ach of Caoadioe. reached a decision Saturday that the pris­oner is sane When returning to the jail after the commission had adjourned La­mont made a bold attempt to escape from Deputy Sheriff McPhillips. Lam out was uot handcuffed, having been unusually submissive aad peaceable, and when tbe two reached the Washington hotel on Ontario street, within .sixty feet of the jartl he started on a run for the New Y'ork Central freight yard opposite the jail. Me I Tun i [is fired two shots at him without I winging him to a stop, aud a lively chase aosued iu tiie freight yard After dodging among tbe care in the yard for *0016 time Lamont was finally cornered When he saw that he was caught he offered no resistance and was led hack to the jail, where he was heavily ironed.


■**7 ef tbe

D i e d i l l a C e l 1 .

BUFFALO, Aug 25.—Early ou Saturday evening the First pTecinct patrol wagon was called to the corner of Huron and Main streets, where a man was found lying on thu sidewalk and bleeding frum the mouth. When ihe wagon arrived, the man had revived sufficiently to walk to the wagon unassisted, and from the wagon to the station house. He gave his name as Patrick Murphy, a laborer, 35 years old. He was apparently intoxi­cated and was locked up in a cell. EArly yesterday morning. Officer Walsh, while getting the prisoners ready for the morning justice court, noticed that Mur­phy w » very ill, and sent at once for Po­lice Surgeon Ktrwler, bnt before he arrived the man died. Coroner Kexmy was noti­fied and had the remains taken to the morgue

E x e r t i n g A r i v « n t u r> W i t h » G u t a m o u n t .

Kingston, Aug. Hi—An exciting ad­venture occurred on the Tontia mountain in the Catskills near this city yesterday A party of New Yorkers, Messrs. W Love. F. Strauss, W Pbilbrook aud E. Mever, decided to take a trip up the munntain. After climbing the steep incline they catne to a flat where they noticed a grove of re markubly line hemlock. While dwelling cm its beauty they were start-ted by a strange and unearthly noise. A moment later a large catannmnt sprang from a tree and alighted ou the back of Mr Frank Strauss. His companions rushed to his rescue. After f% severe tussle with the cat. which resulted in badly scratched hands and torn clothes, the animal was killed.

D ial from His InJntttt.Port H enry, Aug. 21.—Fireman Pa4-ks,

who was so badly injured in the aacident on the Delaware ami Hudson near here, died at lu* home y<esterday. The accident was caused by an open switch. It is now believed that tbe switch had been opened with the intention of wrecking the Adi­rondack express, which passed north three-quarters of an hoar before the freight. The express, however, passed over intofety, but the wheels of tlie freight engine ran on to the ties and the wreck was accomplished Engineer Currier was found under the engine, where he had evi­dently been smothered by the heat and steam, and Head Brakeman Terry was crushed betweeu the tender* and a cor

Au Unknown Man lliowu«i.B u ffalo . Aug. 22.—The body of an un-

knowu man was found floating in the oanul yesterday morning by Capt Young of the canal boat C. A. Barker. Coroner Kenney was notified and the remains were taken to the morgue for identification. They are of a man about 25 years old, dark com­plexion, light, mustache, rather stout build, dressed iu dark pants asd blue jumper. _________

Officers lU?instated.J amestown, Aug. 20.—Chief of Polioe

Moon and Patrolmen Weaver and Hale, who were recently suspended by Mayor Price, were promptly reinstalled by the common council Monday evening. Tiiis is doubtless on the principle of a man be­ing innoceut until proven guilty, as they are merely awaiting the action of tbe next grand jury

D e a t h a t u p r o m i n e n t M a s o n .

Nfwbubg, N. y., Aug. 26. — David A- Scott, a leading lawyer here, formerly surrogate of Orange aounty, died suddenlyof apoplexy Sunday in the Adirouducks, where he was spending his vacation, aged about 65 years. He had been for several years a member of tbe board of educa­tion of Newburg and prominent in the Masonic order. ______—-

A Market D am aged by Fire.New York. Aug. 26.—Fire broke out

yesterday morning tn one of tbe lofts of the West Washington market, and before it was extinguished caused fl5,0QD d»m- age. The building where tbe fire occurred is occupied by dealers in fruit and pro­visions. Three alarms wene sent out, brt the flames wwe under contrpl in half an hour. _________

K illed by a C entral T rain.P oughkeepsie, Aug. 25. — John Lake

and James Dorsey, well known residents of this city, were struck by a New York Cen­tral traiu while walking Over a trestle above the depot yesterday and thrown a distanoe of thirty feet. Lake was killed, but Dorsey escaped with slight injury.

tb e W eek In

The IhatBTO of th e boom proceedings Tntodgf Wto t t e f c to to f f f the agricul-

In the aenete tlie debate a a the on the tariff w renamed and reme progress made with the bUl.

In the bouse Wednesday the alien land bill was laid on the table. A resolution was adopted calling ou tbe president far Information concerning the enforcement of tbe Russian edict against Jew * The m eat inspection bill was paced, Tbs lard bill was die cussed w ithout actkm.

In the senate the question of providing for an order of business was debated w ith­out action. Oue page of the tariff bill was diapntod at House amendments to tbe ag­ricu ltura l oo liege hill aad tbe m eat inspec­tion bill were oouourred in. .No other busi­ness of general interest was transacted.

Very little business of general in­terest was tsansacted in the bouse Thursday. Several bills of minor importance were passed. The bill for adjustm ent of accounts under the eigh*bour law was debated without action and further discussion on the lard bill was indulged in.

In the senate Mr. Plumb’s resolution to prevent tbe sale of liquor in the senate wing of tbe Capitol went otter. The de­bate an the tariff wm resumed.

In the bonas Friday the omferenoe re­port on tbe bill making an appropriation tor an increased florae in the pension office was agreed to. Senate amendments to the river aud harbor bill were considered in committee of the whole, about one-balf of them being non-concurred in.

The senate resumed consideration of the tariff hill. Nine pages of tbe bill wered i s p o s e d o f

Tbe feature of tbe house proceedings Saturday was a lengthy discussion of the lard tall No acCam was reached

The Senate devoted the day to eulogies on the late Senator Beck of Kentucky

W ashington. Aug. 26.—The bouse yes­terday agreed to tbe conference report on tbe sundry civil bill, which retains tbe senate amendments relative to irrigation and survey of public lands, and non-con- curred in senate amendment* to the river aud harbor bill.

In the senate a proposition to close the general debate on the tariff bill Sept 1 went oyer without act.son. Senate bill to repeal certain laws relating to postoffice bids and bouse bill relating to oaths in pension and other cases were passed The afternoon was given up to a discussion of the lead ore paragraph of the tariff bill.

E n d o rse d b y th e P re ss .“For several modthe past the readers of

this paper have eeen each week special re*fl­ing notice*, showing the wonderful cares aff­ected by Swift’s Specific, better known as 8. 8. S.. and in tiie face I of such teetimoney we are ready to toy that in all the world there i* not eo good s blood medicine ae this remedy. Tha cures are rimnly miraculous. I f any of onr readers are effected with anv of the blood diseases that ie known to »o effectually cure why do they not give S- S. S. e trial. The compimy who makes the remedy is one of the largest patent medicine firms in the United State* and ere heartily endorsed the leading men of Atlanta and Georgia."Lake Region Enetie, F I*

Treatise on Blood end Skin Diseases mailed free.




A Young Woman Disappear? am i Loaves Her Lover Broken-Hearted.

TRUMBULL. Conn.. Ang 25. — Young and attractive Sarah Hughes, who came here He vend months ago as housekeeper for Cliutou Beaoh, has disappeared on the eve of her wedding day and left her lover broken-hearted. Beach is well off, and since Miss Hughes c£ru* here irom New­burg, N. Y., be has showered handsome and expensive gifts on her. While she kept his home in ortiur she accepted his ottentkms and agreed to marry him.

The wedding was set for Wednesday evening last For several weeks she had been preparing for the marriage, employ ing dressmakers and purchasing expen­sive materials. Mr Beach footing tbe liills.

Mr. Beach a Iso supplied ber w ry liberally with money The dresses were completed an Tuesday aud shown to the prospective groom, who was so delighted t.nat he gave tbe giri a new $50 note to cancel any little dehls tbat might have hern overlooked. That night she took a traiu for Bridgeport and proceeded to New York with all her fine dresses, leaving her disconsolate lover to do his milking and farming in silent sadness

The Sawtelte Murder C aw .Dover, N. H.. Ang. 25.—On Wednesday,

Sept. 3, tbe famous Sawtelle ease will oame up again, when tbe grand jury of Strafford county will be asked to fiud an indictment against Isaac B. Sawtelle for the murder of bis brother Hiram It is said that a mass of strong evidence ha? been secured to prove tbat the crime was committed in New Hampshire and not in Maine. This question of jurisdiction is cnneeded to be the most important to be considered by tlie gr.-uid jury and its de­cision w ill be of vital importance to Saw­telle. since conviction iu New Hampshire means keath. while in Maine the extreme punishment for murder is life imprison­ment. __________________

A F a r m e r K i l l e d b y a M a d H o r a e .

W ic h ita , Kan.. Aug. 25.—A farmer named H. A. Smith was killed on his ptape near Mulvanney, Saturday, by a mad horse. Smith was tying up the brute when the latter turned on him, seized him by tbe shoulder and threw him down Just then the bam door closed, shutting off all means of escape and the horse viciously attacked the man. biting, paw­ing and kicking, until Smith seized a club and with it killed his horse. He was so badly exhausted, however, that he died shortly after being discovered, when he had just stremsth enough to tell of tbe fifiht. ____________________

Incendiaries a t Work.F a l l R iv e r , Mass., Aug. 26.—There were

five incendiary attempts in tbe southern portiou of thife city tietween 9:30 Sunday and 3 o’clock yesterday morning. Two bams, the upper story of the Slade Street Catholic school, Patrick Riley’s bakery, with an adjoining building, and St. Pat­rick's parochial school were burned. The lass at Riley’s bakery and adjoining build­ing was $15,000: other losses small. A woman who was shouting “tire” just be­fore the bake house blaze tvas seen, was ar­rested. ________ ___________

A B o o m Y e a r l u D r i e d F r n i t s .

§AN F rapcisco. Aug. 26.—The enriug of raisms and prunes will shortly be in full bJggu 'Tbe'Jjruue crop will he close to 15,- OOOAJOfi pojigds. XJ& J)rices for dried fruits are steadily aJJgrg=:lting Tbe season of 1S90 bids fair to tie remembered in the horticultural history gf California as a boom year of the largest IQnij.

Mardor a n d A t t e m p t e d S u i c i d e .

Cuent'Lakd, jYo£. 25.—Joseph Killsmen, a tailor living on Mftftin street, became angry with his son Mkrtifi, aged 14 ytors. Saturday aftemckm ajjd threfc a heavy pair of sheats at hi®. Ofle of tbe poiets entered tbe boy’s side and he died a few hoursafter. Kiltzman tried to commit suicide, but is now in jail.

■ • - 'J '---------------A B r a k e m a n K i l l e d .

F ort W orth, Tax., Aug. 25.—Tbe loco- ®otive and eight toto of a Taxas Pacific freight train wece deroiled near this city

'day by musing over some cattle. jeman J- P. Coyte was killed and En­gineer George H. Tucker and Fireman J. W. Cochrane were seriously inured.

I f the ladies would abandom cosmetics and more generally keep tbeir bleod pnre end vig­orous by the nse of Ayer’s Sarsaprills, natur­ally fair complexion wonld be the rale instead of the exception, as at preset. Pure blood is the bed beautifier.

A N ew Discovery.Yon have heard your friends and neighbors

talcing about it. Yon may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. I f you have ever tried it, yon are one of its staunch friende, bedanse the wonderful thing about it ie, that when given e trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever holds e piece in the honee. If yon have never need it and should be afflicted wth a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. I t is guaranteed everv time, or money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at M. A. Lyon's Drag 8tore.

The average size of an American family according to statistics, 4 .13. The fraction probably stands for the old'man.

IV hen the small hoy gets spanks, it may be truly said that a women is at the bot­tom of it.

Opposite 5th Ave. T h ea tre ,When going to New York, stop at Sturtevant

House, Brodwaycor. 29th. Very centrally lo­cated. American and European plane.

' JWHYl Y O U B L I V E R |

IS OUT OF ORDERTost will h e n SICK HKADACHKS, PAINS IN T H B SIDE, DYSPEPSIA, POOR APPK- T H I , f r t l listless wod unable to ge t th rough y onr dolly w ork o r social enjoym ents. XiCe w ill b e * b urden to yoo.

D B .C .M o LA V X ’S

* L I V X B P I L L S *W in etxro you, drive tb e POISON out of your system, end m ake you strong end welL Tbey cost only *5 cent* * box aad may save your life. Can be bad a t any Drug Store.Kp-Bewxreof CocTrxxrxna made In 6* Louiaro*


FLEMING BROS., - Pittsburgh, Pa.

I n v a l i d r e a d e r s w i l l f i r d t h a t o n e d o l l a r e x p < n d e d - J* £ a r ^ e i i > P r e a t m e d i c a l w o r k , t b e “ S c i e n c e

o f L i f e , “ w i l l b e o f m o r e v a l u e t o t h e m t h a n t e n t h o u s a n d d o l l a r s e x p e n d e d f o r p r o p r i e t a r y m e d i c i n e s , e l e c t r i c a r p i i a n c e t , «fcc. T h e b o o k c o n t a i n s o v e r o n e h u n d r e d a n d t w e n t y - f i v e i n v a l u a b l e p r e s c r i p t i o n s f o r a l l d i s e a s e s ' t h a t h u m a n f l e s h i s h e i r t o . S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t .

Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint.I s : t n u i w o r t h t h e s m a l l p r i c e o f 7 5 c e n t ? t o f r e e

y o n r e e l f o f e v e r y t y m p t o n o f t h e s e d i e t r e e s i n v c o m p l a i n t * i f y o n t h i n k e o c a l l a t o n r s t o r e a n d g e t a b o t t l e o f S h i l o h ' s V i t a l i z e r . E v e r y b o t t l e h s s a p r i n t e d g u a r a n t e e o n i t , u s e a c c o r d i n g l y a s d i f i t d o e s y o n s o g o o d i t w i . l c o s t y o n n o t h i n g !

W e h a v e a f h e e d y a n d p o s i t i v e C u r e f o r C a t a r r h , D ' p b t h e n a , C a n k e r M o n t h , a n d H e a d - A c h e , i n S H I L H S C A T A R R H R E M E D Y . A N a s a l I n ­j e c t o r f r e e w i t h e a c h b o t t l e U s e i t i f y o n d e s i r e a r . d s w e i t b r e a t h . P r i c e 5 0 c e n t s .

A g n ' aiway« lying in weight foi il then will onlv meet him

B ncklen s A rn ica Salve T he Lest Sxlve in the world for cuts.

:ses. Sores, Ulcers. Sait Iiheum. Fever S Tetter. Chajmed Har.ds. Chilblains. C snd all -kin Eruptions, and postivelv Piles, or no pay required. It is gnarai to give perfect satisfaction r money re ed. F rice 25 cents per box


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Profit Guaranteed. UIIU1M TTIT111?pierce L“ n,A;i rs‘r"ent c°- r U A i i l l U u APierce Loan & Investment Co.

I n c o r p o r a t e !

S.TACOMA, WASH.* C A P IT A L (100.000.)

S to ck s. B en d s & M o rtga ge Loans, Moke investments in Keiil Estate for mm- residents in sums > t (JflOO) cue hundred dollars and upwards and guaranteed profit "W rite for free im forntatii n, maps. xc .

E B E N P IE R C E , P resid en t.

GENERAL AGENTS STaJTS.gSC a n v a s s e r s f r o m $ 4 t o $ l o . p e r d a y s e l l i n g t e ' T a y l o r A d j u s t a b l e S h o e . E v e r y l a o s i s a p o s s i b c u s t o m e r ; p e r m a n e n t b u s i n e s s ; e x c l u s i v e t e r r i i o l a s s i g n e d . A d d r e s s w i t h s t a m p . C o n s o l i d a t e d Ar

u s t a b l e S h o e C o . . S a l e m . M a s - .


T H H X K T IM E S A D A Y C C K X SI N F L A M M V T I O N O F T H E K I D N E Y S S T O N E I N T H E B L A D D E R .C A T A R R H O F T H E B L A D D E R .D I A B E T E S . G R A V E L . G L E E T .B R I C K D F S T D E P O S I T .

F o r F - t n A , " C o m p l a i n t ? a S p e c i a l t y . C O N S T I T U T I O N W A T E R h a s o e e n p r o n o u n c ­

e d b y t h e m e d i i a : f a c u l t y a n d t h e p u b l i c t o b e t h e m o s t w o n d e r f u l r e m e d y f o r t h e s t o m a c h , l i v e r , k i d n e y s a n d b l a d d e r t h a t h a s e v e r b e e n o f f e r e d . T h it i- not a S pring W ater, tmt a p rtp ira tio n hy an rm in rn tp h y e iiia n .

F o r s a l e b y a i l D r u g g i s t s . S e n d f o r c i r c a l a r t o

lh p o '. 5 “ John St., S tic York City.

I N V E N T O R SApplying for


American or Foreign,are respectfully s o l i c i t e d to e n g a g e the

services of


S o l i c i t o r o f P a t e l i t t i *

1 3 0 7 F S t r e e t N . 5 V . , W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . ,

who gives prompt and careful attention to all business before the PATENT OFFICE en­trusted to his care.T R A D E - M A R K S a n d L A B E L S R E G I S T E R E D COPYRIGHTS obtained. Personal aad Special care to the prosecution or defence ot I n f r i n g e m e n t C a s e s . Papers for the transfer of assignment of Titles t o Patents, &c., prepared with care.

(V S . end for Circulars.Instructions to Inven­

tors, Ac.I 3 f . ' s / k s this / a / e r . )


Erie Weekly Dispatch

C L U l i l i J X G H A T E S .

Extraordinary Otters.T h e D i s p a t c h h a s r e c e n t l y b e e n e n l a r g e d t o a n

e i g h t - p a g e . 56 c o l u m n p a p e r , a n d i m p r o v e d i n a l l i t s d e p a r t m e n t s . I t i s n o w a c k n o w l e d g e d t o h e t h e b e s t a n d c l e a n e s t n e w s p a p e r i n N o r t h w e s t e r n P e n n g y l v a n i » . W e w a n t t o p u t o u r w e e k l y s u b s c r i p t i o n l i s t a b o v e 5 ,0 0 0 b e f o r e t h e c i o s e o f 1 8 9 0 . a n d o f f e r f o r t h e b a l a n c e o f t h i s y e a r o n l y , n n p r c c e d e n t e d p r e m i u m s a n d a d v a n c e c a s h c l u b b i n g r a t e s .

T h e g r a n d p r i z e f o r a c l u b o f lfcO i s a d e e a f o a L O T IN F L O R I D .

T h e r e a r e m a n y s m a l l e r i n d u c e m e n t s .T o a n y o n e w h o w i l l l a c t a s a g e n t , w e w i l l m a l l

a s a m p l e c o p y f r e e , w h i c h c o n t a i n s a m i l d e s c r i p ­t i o n o f t e r m s a n d p r e m i u m s .

A g e n t s w h o d e s i r e t o c a n v a s s w h e r e t h e y a r e n o t k n o w n s h o u l d s e n d u s s a t i s f a c t o r y r e f e r e n c e s a s t o t h e i r r e s p o n s i b i l i t y a n d s e c u r e a |c o m m i e e i o u .

E v e r y p o s t m a s t e r i s a u t h o r i z e d t o g e t n p a c l u b .

DAILY CAMPAIGN DISPATCH.T h e D u l y D i s p a t c h h a s a l s o b e e n v e r y m u c h

i m p r o v e d u n d e r t h i s m a n a g e m e n t a n d w i l l b e s e n t a * a t r i a l t o n e w s u b s c r i b e r s o n l y , f r o m n o w t i l N o v e m b e r 1 5 f o r * 1 .5 0 . A f t e t e A u g u s t 3 0 t h , f o r $ 1 .3 5 , a n d a f t e r S e p t e m b e r 1 5 t h T o r t l - A l l s t r i c t l y i n a d v a n c e .

N o w ! » t * r e t i m e f o r a c t i v e a g e n t * t o

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