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Construction Planning & scheduling

Dr. Maha alkasasbeh

Hashemite University

Department of Civil


▪Owners want their projects completed within specified time and budget constraints

▪The challenge of delivering a construction project in time, with high quality, within budget, and in a safe environment.

▪ Planning can be thought of as determining “what” is going to be done, “how,” “where,” and by “whom”

Planning & scheduling



▪Planning is processes of identifying all the activities necessary to successfully complete the project.

▪Scheduling is the process of determining thesequential order of the planned activities ,assigningrealistic duration, and determine the start and finishdates for each activity.

Planning & scheduling

▪There is a significant difference between “planning” and “scheduling”

▪Scheduling can never be performed effectively without planning

▪Planning is the first step of project scheduling ,as change occur additional planning is required to incorporate the change into schedule.

▪Planning and Scheduling can serve in preventing problems .it can prevent delay in work and prevent low worker morale and decline in productivity

Planning & scheduling



➢Begin planning before starting work, rather than after starting work.

➢Involve people who will actually do the work .

➢Include all aspect of project :scope ,budget, schedule and quality.

➢Build flexibility into plan.

➢Keep the plan simple.

➢ Communicate the plan to all parties, any plan is worthless unless it is known

Planning & scheduling

Steps in Planning and Scheduling

▪Develop a work break down structure(WBS) that identify work items

▪Prepare a drawing (network diagram) that shows each activity in the order it must be performed to complete the project.

▪Determine the time ,cost, resources required to complete each activity.

▪Compute the schedule to determine start, finish ,and float time.



▪Analyze cost and resources for the project.

▪Communicate the results of the plan and schedule.

▪display time, cost and schedule for activates

Steps in Planning and Scheduling

Techniques for planning and scheduling

▪The technique used for project scheduling will vary depending upon the projects size, complexity, duration, personal, and owner requirements.

▪The project manager must choose a scheduling technique that is simple to use and is easily interpreted by all project participants.



▪Methods that commonly used:

-Bar chart (Gantt chart)

-Critical path method(CPM or network analysis system ).

- The program evaluation review technique (PERT)

Techniques for planning and scheduling

Henry Gantt developed a method of relating a list

of activities to a timescale in a very effective

manner, by drawing bar charts

Bar chart (Gantt chart)



Bar chart (Gantt chart)

Value of Bar Charts

▪A major strength of bar charts is the ability to clearly and quickly present the status of a project.

▪No extensive training is required to learn how to extract information from them



Shortcomings of Bar Charts

▪Bar charts begin to fail to provide valuable information when projects become more complex

▪A general criticism of bar charts is that they do not show clear dependencies between activities

▪Changes in the logical sequencing of activities in a bar chart cannot be readily made, especially when many activities are involved

▪The CPM commonly used in engineering and construction industry.

▪CPM identifies chains of activities in the project that control how long the project will take

▪Provide interrelationships of activities and scheduling of costs and resources.

Critical Path Method(CPM)



Critical Path Method(CPM)

▪A traditional CPM technique is the Activity-on-Arrow,(A-on-A), or arrow diagram, Activities are represented as arrows or lines

▪The alternative approach is Activity-on-Node

▪(A-on-N), referred to as the Precedence technique.

▪Require more effort than a bar chart.

▪It is an effective technique for overall project scheduling

The program evaluation review technique (PERT)

▪PERT can be thought of as a “generalized” CPM in which an “expected” activity duration is computed

▪PERT is used primarily in undertakings where insufficient experience or historical data are available for estimating durations of individual activities in a project

▪ CPM is deterministic and PERT is probabilistic



A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

▪A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a systematic way to describe components of a project schedule

▪Developing the WBS begins with the definition of the major systems or components of a project

▪Each system is defined in greater and greater detail, until there exists a discrete or measurable piece of work and a single responsibility—work packages

▪Work packages can be viewed as mini projects that are contained within the entire project

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

▪Information should be provided by various individuals, Project manager; job superintendent; others

▪WBS divides & subdivides a project into different components—area, phase, function, or other means

▪By using the WBS approach, the project will become easier to comprehend

▪The backbone of the project control or tracking system



A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

▪The WBS is an orderly presentation of the tasks that must be performed to complete a particular project

▪On a typical construction project the WBS consists of numerous categories—depending on complexity

▪In general terms, the WBS can be viewed as a representation of the physical breakdown of the work to be performed

Work Breakdown Structure

for a Storage Facility Project

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)



• Two standard formats for organizing construction specifications

• Can use them as a guideline for defining WBS

• Uniformat:



• Masterformat:





Standard classification systems

▪Standard classification systems could be used as a guideline fordefining WBS.

▪ Major classification systems in North America areMasterFormat, UniFormat and OmniClass,.

▪These classifications are produced by CSI (ConstructionSpecifications Institute) and CSC (Construction SpecificationsCanada).

▪UniFormat is a standardized classification for organizing preliminary construction information into standard categories or on the basis of systems and assemblies.

▪UniFormat classifies elements that usually perform a given function regardless of the design specification and construction method

Standard classification systems



▪UniFormat is used for cost estimation during schematic design phase

▪UniFormat framework is a hierarchical system. It comprises eight major groups

Standard classification systems

UniFormat classification system



UniFormat classification system

▪MasterFormat is a master list of numbers and titlesSince the 1960s most buildings in the United Statesand Canada have used this standard for managing

building information.

▪MasterFormat organizes constructioninformation into procurement and contractingrequirements, and technical divisions ofactivities and work practices.

Standard classification systems



▪It is mainly used to organize project manuals, organize cost information, and relate drawing notations to specifications

▪MasterFormat is a hierarchical classification system. It is broken down into two groups and seven subgroups. Each subgroup includes divisions,. There are fifty divisions (00-49) with 15 of them reserved for future expansion.

Standard classification systems

MasterFormat classification system (CSI




MasterFormat divisions (CSI 2004)

▪The OmniClass Construction Classification System (OCCS) has been widely used in North America for many years.

▪ The purpose of OmniClass is to help in managing project information, sorting and retrieving information, and providing classification for all components and processes within the building life cycle

▪OmniClass uses 15 tables.Table 21 (Elements) is based on UniFormat, Table 22 (Work Results) is based on MasterFormat. Table 23 (Products). Each table demonstrates a different facet of building information. In addition, each of them classifies a particular type of information.

Standard classification systems



OmniClass tables (CSI 2006)

▪Finish the project on time

▪Continuous flow of work(no delay)

▪Reduce amount of rework

▪Minimize confusion and misunderstandings

▪Increased knowledge of statues of project by every one

Reasons For Planning &




▪Meaningful and timely reports to management.

▪You run the project instead the project running you.

▪Know of schedule times of key parts of the project

▪Clear understanding of how. what, when ,and how much.

Reasons For Planning &


Reasons For Planning &


▪ Many project contract documents expressly

require contractors to submit a CPM analysis

prior to commencing work

▪ In some cases CPM analysis is required with

the bid

▪ CPM allows the user to examine the trade-off

between the time & cost required for a project

▪ By accurately monitoring project status,

decisions can be made regularly about schedule


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