introducing the idaho msa & the benefits for individuals, employer groups & agencies

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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From: American Health ValuePresented By: Adam Berry

Learn how the new & expanded Idaho MSA Program will help you increase your reach, reduce attrition

and generate new revenue...all while helping your clients in the process!

AHV Company Background

National HSA Administrator

Founded in 1996

Privately Held

Located in Boise, ID

HSA Clients in 49 States

Historically, Focused Solely on HSAs◦ No COBRA, FSA, HRA, Insurance or Banking

PPACA Prompted Investigations

Idaho MSA Background:

Around Since Mid 1990’s◦ They Have Longevity…

Idaho 1 of Only 3 States◦ Setting National Precedent…

◦ Incredibly Flexible, For Everyone…

Yet, MSAs Almost Non-Existent◦ Sitting around collecting dust

◦ Nobody knows about them

◦ Why is that?

House Bill 595◦ Made them relevant again

◦ Now a viable option to help people, if done properly

Introducing the New “Idaho MSA”

“Idaho MSA” is a Collaboration◦ Local Administrator, Local Bank

◦ American Health Value & IIB

Built on Each Company’s Strengths◦ AHVs Strengths:

Benefit administration, customer service, education& consulting

◦ IIB’s Strengths:

Statewide branches, local familiarity, banking services

Main Purpose to Help Idahoans◦ Provide quality guidance, assistance, compliance & banking

Help people both understand & maximize their MSA!

What is an Idaho MSA?

Special Savings Account with Tax Benefits◦ Set Money Aside Tax-Free for Healthcare

◦ Reduces Taxable Income Dollar for Dollar

Triple Tax Advantage◦ Tax-Free Going In (reduces taxable income)

◦ Earns Tax Free Interest While it Sits

◦ Spent Tax-Free Going Out

Money Rolls Over Towards Retirement◦ No Use it or Lose it

◦ Pull it Out at 59.5 as Retirement Income

◦ Or Continue Paying Qualified Expenses

That may look familiar…

This is where it gets interesting!

Who Can Have An MSA?

Almost Anybody!

No Insurance Requirements!◦ HDHP, PPO, Medicare, Uninsured

No Employment Requirements!◦ FT, PT, Medicare, Seasonal

◦ Even the Unemployed

No Age Restrictions!◦ Even Medicare Enrollees Qualify

Veterans, too!◦ No exclusions for VA Benefits or Tricare

Truly Designed to Help Everyone!

How Much Can You Put In?

Quite A Bit!

Single Filing Status:◦ Up to $10,000

Joint Filing Status:◦ Up to $20,000

House Bill 595◦ March 28th, 2014◦ Increased limits from $2k & $4k

Funding Based on Calendar Year◦ Fund a little, or a lot – Up to you

Unspent Funds Roll Over Each Year, Building A Nest Egg◦ Use like an IRA & pull money out for retirement (age 59.5)◦ Or leave in & spend on inevitable medical expenses

What Can You Spend it On?

“Qualified Medical Expenses”◦ Doctor’s Visits, Co-Pays & Prescriptions

◦ Hospital Bills, Dental & Vision

◦ Band-Aids, Chiropractor

◦ Even Insurance Premiums!

Yes, You Can Pay Premiums!◦ Health Insurance Premiums

◦ Medicare Premiums

◦ LTC Premiums, too!

Debit Card & Checks◦ No Claim Submission, Keep Receipts

◦ Pay at Point of Service, or Reimburse

If You’re Paying Your Own Premiums…Why Wouldn’t You Open One??

To Sum It All Up…

Savings Account for Healthcare

Reduces State Taxable Income

No Insurance or Age Restrictions

Deposit $10,000 or $20,000

Pay for common healthcare costs

Insurance Premiums, too!

Spender or Saver – Works for both.

For many Idahoans, this really is a no-brainer!

What About Employer Groups?

The Idaho MSA is an Excellent Benefit Option!

Flexible & Fits All Employer Shapes/Sizes

Employer Finally Controls the Cost

Works with Existing Structures, Or Replaces Them

Easy to Understand, Effortless to Implement & Inexpensive to Maintain!

One Size Finally Fits All

Works for All Employee Demographics◦ Full & Part-Time

◦ Veterans

◦ Medicare Enrollees

◦ Even the Seasonal, or Uninsured!

Works for All Shapes/Sizes◦ Large or Small Groups (± 50)

◦ Follow PPACA, Then Add the MSA

Not a Federal Program, so◦ No ERISA Requirements

◦ No Tax Reporting

◦ No Claims Administration

◦ No Comparable Contributions

Flexible to Fit Any Employer Budget!

Employer Controls the Cost

They Can Simply Fund What’s Comfortable:

Just Offer On a Voluntary Basis◦ Elective, Employer Pays Nothing

Sponsor Accounts, No Contributions◦ Employer Covers Annual Fee, Nothing More

Sponsor Accounts with Contributions◦ Employer Covers Annual Fee

◦ Funds the MSAs However They See Fit

Full or Partial Funding

Remember, No Comparability Rules

Can Start & Stop As They See Fit

Use as Add-On, or Replacement

Works with Any Existing Benefit Plan◦ HSA, FSA, You Name It

◦ Fits On Over the Top

◦ Just Subtract the HSA/FSA

◦ Nice Additional Benefit

Pay Premiums, or Costs Over FSA Cap

Save/Invest HSA, Don’t Spend It

Replace Existing Benefit Plan◦ Send employees to exchange

◦ Fund MSAs at Any Level

◦ Help w/ premiums, providing a benefit

◦ No longer hassling with insurance

◦ Employer now controls cost & can budget

◦ No longer waiting for premium hikes

Upgrade for Everyone Involved

No Matter What, Everyone Wins

Employees Get:◦ An MSA!◦ Plus Upgraded Benefits◦ Either Additional or Replacement

Employers Get◦ Happy Employees◦ Some Control Over Costs

Agents Get◦ Happy Clients!◦ Continued Business◦ New Referrals

Flexible, Simple & Inexpensive Benefit Solution!

What Does That Mean to You?

Use the Idaho MSA’s Flexibility to Grow Your Business

Increase Your Reach & Gain New Business

Generate More Revenue (Through Multiple Avenues)

Be Your Client’s Hero - Reduce Attrition, Gain Referrals, Help People!

Increase Your ReachUse the MSA’s Flexibility to Reach More People

Something for Everyone You Touch

◦ Cross-Sell your entire book of current business Pick the Low Hanging Fruit

◦ All previous leads you couldn’t service◦ New reason to re-approach lost business◦ Host Public Seminars/Webinars◦ Never an unqualified lead

Foot in the Door to Employers

◦ Works for all employees FT, PT, Seasonal, Medicare

◦ Easily add to any existing benefit structure

Referrals from Happy Clients

◦ Happy clients send referrals, and they stay put!

Reduce Client Attrition

Happy Clients Are the Key to Long-Term Success!

Staying Current or Ahead of the Curve◦ What You’re Paid to Do◦ Offering Tangible Value◦ This Leads to Very Happy Clients

Happy Clients Stay Put◦ Easy Maintenance on Low Hanging Fruit◦ Residual Income

Happy Clients Send Referrals◦ New Business & Growth

Happy Clients Have Strong Dependency◦ Strengthen Those Relationships

If you’re not offering this to your clients, someone else will!

Generate RevenueThe Idaho MSA Offers 3 Ways to Generate Revenue

Helping to Maintain Current Business◦ Proving Worth

◦ Offering New Value

◦ Reducing Attrition

◦ Simple Residual Income

Helping to Create New Business◦ Mine Current Database & Cross-Sell

◦ Service Previously Unqualified Leads

◦ Gaining Quality Referrals

◦ Outreach to General Public

We Pay You Commissions!◦ New Revenue Stream

◦ We’ll Pay You to Build Your Business

◦ Commissions Paid Monthly & Residual

◦ Why Would Anyone Close an MSA??

◦ Easy to Sell, Everyone’s Qualified, Nobody Closes

◦ Creates Strong, Continual Income Stream

You’re Not Losing Money, Either!◦ No Cross-Selling Your Products

How We Can Help:

We Handle The Marketing!◦ Educational Handouts, Infographics & Videos◦ Can Be Branded to Your Agency◦ On-Site Training for Agents/Agencies◦ On-Site Education for Employers/Employees◦ Custom Agent URLs for Commissions◦ Email Campaigns, Seminars, You Name It!

We Do the Heavy Lifting!◦ You Don’t Need to Be An Expert◦ Simply Direct Clients to Our Office

Web, Phone, Email, Chat, Walk-Ins

◦ You’re Not Fielding MSA Calls◦ Always Kept in the Loop

Simple And User-Friendly◦ For You & for Your Clients◦ Resourceful Website◦ No Phone Trees◦ Use Our 18+ Years of Experience

Healthcare Discount Program

Totally Free for Our Members

Save up to 65% on:◦ Prescriptions

◦ Dental Costs

◦ Vision Care

◦ Doctor’s Visits

◦ Medical Lab Testing

◦ + 5 more programs!

Excellent Statewide Coverage

Take Advantage of this Discount Card& Maximize your healthcare savings!

What Are the Next Steps?

Register as an Agent◦ Assign Broker ID◦ Custom URL◦ Welcome Packet

Enrollment Forms Initial Marketing Materials

Promote the MSA◦ Work Together to Pick Methods◦ Design Materials

Email Campaign? Seminar?

◦ Get the Word Out!

Grow Each Other’s Business, Together!◦ Agents Are Our Lifeblood

Access to Client Base We Protect Them from Cross-Selling

◦ We Can Help Each Other Grow Providing A Product that Helps Idaho

From: American Health ValuePresented By: Adam Berry

Contact Me for Questions,Agent Registrations or Client


Phone: (208) 331-0676



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