interview analysis

Post on 24-Jan-2015






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What to doWhilst researching interviews I constructed a vital list, for when I produce my

interview.• It is important for the interviewer to remain professional at all times, this means during the work schedule no personal boundaries should be crossed or even conveyed on the institutions behalf. • Preparing questions is evidently the most vital aspect of this endurance, however prior to that research on the artist should be carried out to avoid any errors or to show a lack of interest in the profession.• Give the artist time to respond to the question, and most importantly do not rush them you don’t want them to feel their time is not valuable. • Ensure you do not constantly ask a question in the event of the artist pausing to gather his or her thoughts.• Allocate a section of the interview, whereby some background information is mentioned about the artist, the setting of the interview, as well as any other pieces of information that consumers might find intriguing.

What I am going to doAfter analysing vital aspects interviews, I have decided what I vision my interview

to be like.• Be professional• Be friendly, but not too personal• The artist to use a bit of colloquial language, but not excessive (also actions e.g. Laughs, shruggs etc.)

What to do before the interview• Ensure the artist is comfortable, in the sense of perhaps getting them a drink. Perhaps assigning them a dressing room (if applicable/necessary), whereby they have a bit of personal space to collect themselves’. • Explain topics that will arise within the process.• Start off simple questions, preferably not anything controversial

Referring to an interview I previously made use of for research, the interviewer adhered to those rules. “Are you excited about your new album coming out?”, this question did not involve a personal aspect like “I love your previous work, how are feeling about your new album, I know I am excited!” That could be seen as influencing the answer the artist gives, also does not convey a good image for that magazine.

Research allows the artist to feel a bit at ease. “How is In Your Hands going to be different from your debut album Eliza Doolittle?” The interviewer was familiar with the name of the album, which makes the artist: Eliza Doolittle feel comfortable as she isn’t put on the spot for giving an account for her whole career and discography.

The interview asked a question “What have you learned about yourself since making this album?”, allowed for a response and then asked another question which was linked to the previous one asked: “Is it working?”. Not rushing the artist shows that you appreciate them and they are not wasting your time by thinking of a response.

“posted by rosa on october 8, 2013” -

My magazine interviewMany of the best things in life come about through chance encounters, and the same can be said for this interview with DELIA FRAY. Our journalist Sarah Conrad couldn’t when she bumped into the rising pop star DELIA FRAY. In the midst of her shopping dash in Westfield, Stratford. A mutual appreciation of outfits led to this interview today; who said that fashion is frivolous?! DELIA FRAY kindly agreed to have an interview with our magazine. A truly down to earth girl, who’s priorities are in order. Whilst sipping a can of KA “Fruit Punch” she expresses her love for music fashion, and food.

First off Delia Fray, thank you so much for meeting with We know how hectic your schedule, with promoting your new album and the upcoming tour.Oh please, it’s you I need to thank! Your bright coloured crop top caught my attention and here we are now. No honestly, it’s my pleasure. I have been a fan of your work for so long. I am really thankful for this opportunity.

Alright, so let’s ease our way into this. What song gets your motor running in the morning?Discloure - White Noise (Feat. AlunaGeorge)! I love their music! They bring something so energetic to the industry. Saying that, I’ve been speaking to Discolsure as of late. We’ve been planning to get some studio time. So hopefully, we’ll have some tracks to feed to our fans soon. Look out for that collaboration, it has such a chill vibe. It starts off so calm, but the instruments creep in and when it reaches the bridge.. WOOP WOOP! Anyway I have said too much, like I said before look out for that collab! It’s going to be major!

Your fashion and genre of music correspond so well. Some have compared you to Eliza Dolittle, how do you feel about this comparison?I really love her music and her style. Honestly, she inspires me. I met her at the MOBOs recently, and she is such a down to earth girl. In this industry it’s important to be an individual, and she manages to do this whilst staying true to herself.

It takes a lot of confidence, to enter this industry at your age, how are you coping?I just turned 15. Truthfully it was very overwhelming, but I am beyond ready to give it my all! The time is now and I am on the rise!

This year has been so huge for edgy music, l like Drum & Bass, Indie-Pop, Alternative etc. Tell us about your new album.Alright so it’s an EP. The album title is Rain or Shine, it’s made up of five tracks. The feel of the album is heightens as each track is played. So starts off mellow, then escalates. My fans can expect a few party anthems! The album generally is a reflection of what the us, teenagers through on a day to day basis. But is mainly about growth.

Well you heard it here first ladies and gentleman! Sounds interesting, I look forward to listening your album! Thank you for blessing us with this interview, it’s been an honour. I must say for a 15 year old, you seem so mature and ready to prosper. Your attitude humbles me, I wish you luck in the future young madam. You are welcome back here anytime; whenever you have got a new project, announcement. Anything, you are always welcome to come back and have a chat.Aw thank your for that. Thank you for this interview. You guys are the first to treat me more like an artist, rather than a child and that means a lot to me. I will always hold you guys close. I am esteemed at the fact you wanted to have an interview with me, it’s been great.

I am delighted you feel that way. Here at X magazine, we pride ourselves in seeking fresh, upcoming artists. We honour their talent, rather than allowing their age shadow their gift. Lastly, your fans seem to admire you and you seem to inspire them heavily - can that be scary?Wow, um yeah. It can be. I am enjoying my life right now, it all seems like a dream still. I’m trying to make the best of this journey I am on. But I’m young myself and I don’t want my fans to feed off of everything I do. I amyoung, I will mess up sometimes. So I want my fans to be individuals and have a mind their own, as I won’t always have the right answers. But I am blessed that they value me enough to wanna act like me. I create music for my fans to relate to on a emotional level. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, but it’s what I do and I

love it!

You seem so busy. When do you get to have a break?Luckily I get to have a bit of a break. I’m trying to still go to regular school so that’s a bit of bonus. That’s kind of a bit of down time. But really my hours are flexible. Despite that I am always working, so any time I get I’m working on another project. I’m constantly inspired by things around me, so when I get an idea I’ve got to illustrate it or write it down somehow.

Do you get any time to socialise with your peers?Course! And I love to socialise, whether it’s on twitter or in person. Me, my friends and my cousin are always going out shopping. It’s what we do best. We all confide in each other. It’s nice to be around those who are within my age range, ‘cause most times I’m with older people who don’t always understand what the new trend is or what shoes go best with a bodycon dress. Clothes are quite universal, but the way we put it togetherhas a flare to it. It may not always be practical or comfortable, but if it looks hot.. I'll wear it no doubt.

But they’re great. I learn so much from on a daily basis. Talking to them helps me understand from a different point. Whereas friends sometimes tell you things you wanna hear & when it comes to my craft I need to be certain that what I produce standard before being sure it will sell.

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