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CLASS – 9 WORKSHEET ,2019-2020



SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each)

1. Where did the child go with his parents? What did he want there? 2. What are the things that the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does

he lag behind? 3. How did the child’s father react on hearing the child say, “I want that

toy.”? 4. How can you say that the child was scared of his father? 5. How did the child enjoy the beauty of nature on his way to the fair? 6. What happened when the little child entered the grove? How did he

enjoy there? 7. How was the child separated from his parents? 8. Who rescued the lost child? What did he offer to buy? 9. Why did the child not stay for long near the snake charmer?

LONG/ DETAILED ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 100 -150 words each)

1. Write a note on the theme of the story ‘The Lost Child’. 2. Give a description of the festival of spring. 3. What were the things that the boy wanted to possess when he was with his

parents? 4. The man who had rescued the child was compassionate and kind. Discuss. 5. What values of humanity are reflected through the character of the kind



SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each)

1. How does Toto come to Grandfather’s private zoo? 2. “Toto was a pretty monkey”. In what sense is Toto pretty? 3. How did Toto behave when he was kept with other pets of Grandfather? 4. How did Grandfather decide to carry Toto to Saharanpur? Why? 5. Why couldn’t Toto and Nana become friends?

LONG/ DETAILED ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 100 -150 words each)

1. Describe in brief, the adventures of Toto, the monkey. 2. Describe Toto’s mischief at lunchtime. How did the author’s family get rid

of Toto in the end? 3. Why does Grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how? Why does the

ticket-collector insist on calling Toto a dog? 4. How did Toto like to have a bath in winters? 5. Do you think it is advisable to keep a monkey like Toto as a pet in the

house? Why/ why not?


SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each)

1. How did Iswaran manage to make even the simplest incident interesting? Give an example.

2. How did Iswaran tackle the elephant in the school building? Does it appear to be likely ?

3. Describe Iswaran’s daily routine after Mahendra left for work. 4. What havoc did the elephant create in the school ground ? 5. Who was Iswaran? What did he do for his master? 6. In what way is Iswaran an asset to Mahendra?

7. Why does the author say that Iswaran seemed to more than makeup for the absence of T.V. in Mahendra’s living quarters?

8. What influenced Iswaran’s style of storytelling? How? 9. Mahendra calls ghosts or spirits a figment of the imagination. What

happens to him on a full moon night?

LONG/ DETAILED ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 100 -150 words each)

1. Iswaran was a master storyteller. Describe his amazing capacity of narrating stories and anecdotes.

2. Describe lswaran’s encounter with the elephant. 3. How does Iswaran describe the uprooted tree on the highway? What

effect does he want to create on his listeners? 4. Storytelling is an art. Comment with reference to the story `Iswaran the

Storyteller’. 5. Iswaran served his master Mahendra with devotion and honesty. Do you

think he was an ideal servant to his master?


SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each

1. Why did the guru want to leave this Kingdom quickly? Why did the disciple stay on?

2. What was ‘foolish’ about the king’s trial of the merchant? 3. Who was finally blamed for the crime and why? 4. How did the kingdom become normal again? 5. How was the Kingdom of Fools different from any other place? 6. How was the goldsmith able to escape punishment? 7. Who was the real culprit according to the king? Why did he escape from

punishment? 8. When does the disciple remember the words of his guru? 9. What did the king and his minister decide in secret? Why? 10. Who became the king and the minister of the kingdom in the end?

LONG/ DETAILED ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 100 -150 words each)

1. What did the Guru and his disciple see in the Kingdom of the Fools? Why did the guru decide to leave the kingdom at once?

2. Describe in brief the strange case brought to the king and the king’s judgement.

3. Name all the people who are tried in the king’s court, and give the reasons for their trial.

4. How does the guru manage to save his disciple’s life? 5. Decisions should be made with a cool and rational mind. Discuss with

reference to the story “In the Kingdom of Fools”.


SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each

1. Why do the courtiers call the prince ‘The Happy Prince’? Is he really happy? What does he see all around him?

2. For whom does the prince send his sapphires and why? 3. What did the swallow see when it was flying over the city? 4. What happened to the Happy Prince’s leaden heart? 5. What kind of friendship did the prince and the swallow have? 6. How did the swallow give comfort to the son of the seamstress? 7. What was the last wish of the swallow?

LONG/ DETAILED ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 100 -150 words each)

1. Why was ‘Happy Prince’ not really happy? 2. How did the swallow exhibit the values of unconditional love and devotion? 3. How did the Happy Prince discover true happiness? How did he spread it? 4. Why did the Happy Prince send a ruby to the seamstress? 5. What happened to the statue of the Prince and the swallow in the end? 6. Draw a brief character sketch of the Happy Prince.



1.Read the extracts and answer the following questions:

(i)Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveller,long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

(a)What do the two roads symbolize?

(b)What is the desire of the poet?

(c)What does the ‘yellow wood’symbolise?

(ii) Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

(a) Which road did the poet take? (b) What claim did the poet give for selecting the road? (c) What is the meaning of the phrase’ wanted wear’?

(iii)And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh,I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. (a)What is the meaning of the line ‘no step had trodden black’? (b)Why did the poet keep the first for another day?

(c)What is the doubt of the poet? (iv) I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,and I – I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference. (a) Why does the poet tell that ‘I shall be telling this with a sigh’? (b) Which road was taken by the poet? (c) What is the meaning of the line ‘And that has made all the difference?

II. Answer the following questions in about 25-30 words:

1. Which road did the poet take and why? 2. What do the two roads indicate here? 3. Does the poet seem happy about his decision? 4. What is the dilemma of the poet? 5. Why did the poet keep the first road for another day? III. Long Answers (100-150 words) 1.What is the theme of the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’? 2.What is the moral presented by the poet in the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’?



(i) Wind, come softly Don’t break the shutters of the windows. Don’t scatter the papers. Don’t throw down the books on the shelf. (a) How does a violent wind disturb and damage things? (b) What request does the poetmake to the wind? (c) Whichpoetic device has been used in these lines? (d)What effect does this device create?

(ii) Frail crumbling houses, crumbling Doors , crumbling rafters, Crumbling wood, crumbling bodies, Crumbling lives, Crumbling hearts-

The wind god winnows and crushes them all. (a) Why are the houses,doors,rafters etc crumbling? (b) Why has the wind been called ‘God’? (c) What does the wind God do? (d) Find the meaning of the word’ rafters.’

(iii) He won’t tell what you do him.

So,come,let’s build strong homes,

Let’s join the doors firmly. Practice to firm the body. Make the heart steadfast (a) Who is ‘he’ in the first lines?

(b) What is the poet’s attitude towards people?

(c) Why should the houses and doors be made strong?

(d) What is the poet’s advice to people? II.Short Answers: (30-40 words) 1. How does the wind make fun of the weaklings? 2. What does the poet say the wind god winnows? 3. Why should people build strong houses and strong doors? 4. Why does the poet remark that the friendship of wind is good? 5. What can wind do if it becomes your friend?

III. Long Answer Questions (100-150 words) 1. What kind of destruction can be caused by violent wind? 2. Which values of life do the poet emphasize in the poem ‘Wind’?

POEM-3 Rain on the Roof


(i) When the humid shadows hover Over all the starry spheres And the melancholy darknessgently weeps in rainy tears. What a bliss to press the pillow Of a cottage – chamber bed And like listening to the patter Of the soft rain overhead! (a) What does the poet imply by ‘’humid shadows’’? (b) What does the phrase ‘’starry spheres’’refer to? (c) What does the poet consider to be a’bliss in the rainy season’’? (d) Which poetic device is used in ‘’lie listening’’?

(ii) Every tinkle on the shingles Has an echo in the heart;

And a thousand dreamy fancies Into busy being start, And a thousand recollections Weave their air-threads into woof, As I listen to the patter Of the rain upon the roof. (a) What finds an echo in the hearts of the poet? (b) How does this sound of the rain affect the busy mind of the poet? (c) Explain the metaphor used in the lines ‘’And a thousand recollection

Weave heir air-threads into wood?

(d)Which poetic device has been used in the last line of the stanza?

(iii) Now in memory comes my mother,

As she used in years agone,

To regard the darling dreamers

Ere she left them till the dawn:

O! I feel her fond look on m

As I list to this refrain

Which is played upon the shingles

By the patter of the rain.

(a) Who comes in the memory of the poet and when? (b) What does the poet remember about his mother? (c) What does the poet imply by ‘’the darling dreamers’’? (d) What refrain is the poet talking about?

II. Short Answers: (30-40 words)

1. What does the poet like to do when it rains? 2. What is the impact of the tinkle of the raindrops on the poet’s heart? 3. Which distinctive memory is revived in the poet’s mind? 4. Who are the ‘’darling dreamers ‘’referred to by the poet? 5. How is the mood of the poet contrasted with the mood of darkness?

III.Long Answer Questions (100-150 words)

1. How does the poet react to the sound of the rain falling on the roof? 2. Is rain’ bliss’ for everybody? What do different people feel about the rain?

POEM- 4 The Lake Isle of Innisfreee


(i) I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there of day and wattles made: Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honeybee, And live alone in the bee-loud glade. (a) Where does the poet wish to go? (b) What source of house will the poet build there? (c) What will the poet do for the honeybee? (d) Who else live with the poet there?

(ii) And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; Their midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purpleglow,

And evenings full of the linnet’s wings. (a) Who does ‘I’refer to in the first line? (b) What will the speaker have there? (c) What is the special feature of that land at midnight? (d) Hoe is the evening at that land?

(iii) I will arise and go now, for always night and day I hear the lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey, I hear it in the deep heart’s core. (a) Where will the poet go? (b) For how long time will the poet gothere? (c) What will the poet hear? (d) How the poet will hear this sound?

II. Short Answers (30-40 words)

1. Where does the poet want to go and why? 2. What kind of a life does the poet want to lead on the Lake Isle? 3. How does the poet describe the midnight and noon on the island? 4. What are the roadways and the pavements a symbol of? 5. Why does the poet repeat ‘’I will arise and go now’’?

Long Answers 100-150 words) 1. How does the poet capture the sights and sounds of the Lake Isle of Innisfree? 2. How can we make our lives enjoyable? Discuss with reference to the poem ‘’The

Lake Isle of Innisfree’’.

POEM-5 The Legend of Northland


(i) Away,away in the northland, Where the hours of the day are few, And the nights are so long in winter That they cannot sleep them through Where they harness the swift reindeer To the sledges, when it snows; And the children look like bear’ cubs In their funny, furry clothes: (a) Which country does this legend belong to? (b) How were the days and nights there? (c) How did the peopledrive their sledges when it snowed? (d) How did the children look in their furry clothes?

(ii) They tell them a curious story- I don’t believe ‘is true; And yet you may learn a lesson If I tell the tale to you. Once, when thegood Saint Peter Lived in the world below, And walked about it preaching, Just as he did, you know, 1. What does the poet say about the story? 2. Why is the poet telling this story? 3. Where did Saint Peter live then? 4. What about he do while he walked about the earth?

(iii) Then good Saint Peter grew angry, For he was hungry and faint; And surely such a woman Was enough to provoke a saint. And he said, ‘’You are far too selfish To dwell in a human form, To have both food and shelter, And fire to keep you warm. 1. Why did Saint Peter grew angry? 2. Who made Saint Peter angry? 3. Did she deserve to live in a human form? 4. Who is described good in this extract?

II. Short Answers (30-40 words):

1. What kind of days and nights are there in the Northland? 2. Who was Saint Peter? What did he do when he came down to the Earth from Heaven? 3. What did Saint Peter ask the lady for? What was the lady’s reaction? 4. What did the little woman feel about the cakes when she ate them herself? 5. How did Saint Peter react to the old lady’s selfishness?

III. Long Answers (100-150 words)

1. How and why was the little woman turned into a woodpecker? 2. Which values does the legend of Saint Peter and the little woman teach us?


I. Fill up the blanks by using the correct tense form of the verbs given in brackets:

(i) A few months ago a young man from Punjab (a)--------(decide) to go to Canada. He (b)---------------(contact) an agent in Delhi. The agent (c)--------(tell) him that he would have to pay seven lakh rupees for his journey. The young man agreed to pay the amount. The agent (d)----------------(demand) some advance which (e)------(pay) to him. Later the agent (f)---------------(discover) to be a cheat.

(ii) A large number of scientists gathered at Lakpat in Gujarat (a)------------(see) the view of the last eclipse of the twentieth century. This place (b)---------------(consider) to be the best as the totality there would be the (c)----------(long). They (d)------------(go) there to study the phenomenon. But they (e)-------(disappoint) because the clouds (f)-----------------(block) the clear view of the eclipse.

II. Read the dialogues given below and then complete the passage that follows:

(i) Ajay: Where are you going , mother?

Mother: To the market. Will you accompany me? Ajay: Yes, I will. Ajay asked his mother (a)--------------. His mother told him that (b)---------------to the market and asked him (c)----------------. Ajay replies in the affirmative.

(ii) Amit: I saw a baby bird on my way back home. It could not fly. Sumit: What did you do then? Amit: I picked up the baby bird and carefully put it back in the nest. Amit told Sumit (a)-------------on his way back home. It could not fly. Sumit then enquired (b)--------------. Amit told him (c)--------------and carefully put that back in the nest.

III. Rearrange the following jumbled – up words to make meaningful sentences: (i) (a) drink/ water/ should/ unclean/we/not

(b) dirty water/ can/ill/drinking/we/fall/by

(c) a lot/ water/drink/of/should/we/everyday (ii) a the zoo/children/in/many animals/saw (b) whole zoo/ it/ to see/the/ 4 hours/ took them (c) orange juice / they/and/drank/tired/got

IV. The following passages have not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number:

Incorrect Correct

(i) Marcopolo was one of a first (a)----------------- ------------- Europeans to exploring China. His (b)------------- ------------- father and uncle ask him to (c)------------ ------------- travel with him from Italy to (d)------------ ------------ China on horseback. He started his journey on 1271. He claimed in (e)--------------- ------------ their travel book that there he saw (f)-------------- -------------- the huge palace of Kublai Khan. His travel book latter inspired (g)-------------- ------------another adventurer, Christopher Columbus.

(ii) Delhi Transport Corporation organize (a) ------------ ------------- the Delhi tour everyday. This seven-hour-long tour take (b)------------ --------------- the commuters at places like Red Fort, (c)------------- --------------- Raj Ghat and Qutab Minar. The touring starts from the Delhi Transport (d)---------- --------------

Corporation office in Scindia House, picking (e)---------- --------------

up tourists from the inform booth (f)------------- ----------- of Delhi Tourism in Baba Kharag Singh Marg. (g)-------- --------

V. Find the missing word: Before word after (i) I was careful behave as well as (a) ------- ------ -- possible to persuade king to (b) -------- ------- ---- give my freedom .Lilliputians (c) -------- -------- -----

soon began to lose fear of me. (d) --------- -------- --------- They called the mountain man. (e) -------- -------- -------- Sometimes lay down and let (f) --------- -------- ---- them dance on my hand.

Before word after

(iii) If you have a telephone home, you (a)----------- ---------- ----------- will admit it rings when you (b)---------- --------- -------- least want it to ring specially when you asleep, (c)------- -------- -------- or in middle of a meal or when you are (d) -------- -------- --------- in your bath. Even you don’t want to (e) --------- --------- ---------- attend it, you not ignore it. (f) --------- ---------- ---------- The idiotic bell rings disturbs (g) -------- ----------- ----------- the privacy of house. (h) -------- ----------- -----------

WRITING TASKS 1. Write a letter to the Editor of a local daily to draw attention to the

inconvenience caused to the commuters due to vendors at the crossing on the roads. You are Sagarika, a resident of 622, Maple Road, Mumbai.

2. You are Anil/Amita of C-46, Janakpuri, New Delhi. Write a letter to the Chairman , Municipal Corporation , West Zone, Delhi, complaining about the irregular supply of water in your area during summer and the problems caused by this.

3. You are Smitha/ Somu, living at L-18 , Salt Lake, Kolkata. Write a letter to the Director of Education, requesting him to introduce compulsory computer education in schools.

4. Parents and children often complain of the generation gap that leads to family and social maladjustments. Write an article in your school magazine titled ‘Bridge the Gap’ in not more than 120 words.

5. Complete the following story in about 80-100 words:

Once upon a time there lived a young boy called Bunty. He came from a very poor family.One day he left home and came to Mumbai and started polishing shoes at the Mumbai Central Railway Station------------

6. Write a factual descriptive paragraph about the place you visited recently. 7. You happened to visit the Science City, Gandhinagar as a part of educational trip

of your school. Describe your experience in the form of a diary entry.




BEEHIVE TOPICS THE FUN THEY HAD THE SOUND OF MUSIC PART 1&2 THE LITTLE GIRL A TRULY BEAUTIFUL MIND THE SNAKE AND THE MIRROR The Fun They Had -- by Isaac asimov Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow. (I) “ And then when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it that it had had when they read it the first time.” Questions : (i)‘They’ turned the pages. Who does ‘They’ refer to? (ii) What was funny about the book? (iii) Why did Margie find it funny? (II) ‘Today’s arithmetic lesson is on the addition of proper fractions. Please insert yesterday’s homework in the proper slot.’

Questions : (i) Where was Margie’s school situated? (ii) What was the routine of Margie’s mechanical teacher? (iii) What topic was Margie going to learn that day? SHORT ANSWER QUESTION (to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each)

Q1. Did Margie like the printed book? Why/Why not? Q2. “What a waste!” What is Tommy referring to as a ‘waste’? Is it really a waste? Q3.How does Tommy find the telebooks of his own time to be better?

Q4.What views did Margie’s mother have about teachers and learning?

Q5.What was the County Inspector trained to do?

LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 100 – 150 words each) Q1.How did a chance discovery of a paper book leave Margie and Tommy awestruck? What are the main features of the mechanical teachers and the schoolrooms that Margie and Tommy have in the story?

Q2.Why does Margie feel that learning was fun in the schools of the past?

THE SOUND OF MUSIC BY: Deborah Cowley PART-I Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow in one or two lines each. (I) “It was her first day at the prestigious Royal Academy of Music in London and daunting enough for any teenager fresh from a Scottish farm. But this aspiring musician faced a bigger challenge than most” (a) Who is referred to as the ‘aspiring musician’? (b) What was likely to daunt teenager? (c) What do you understand by the expression: “fresh from a Scottish farm”? “ (d)What bigger challenge did she have to face? (II) “They called her name and she didn’t move. I suddenly realised she hadn’t heard.” (a) Who is ‘she’ in these lines? (b) Who is the speaker in these lines?

(c) Who were ‘they’? Why had they called her name and what was her response? (d) What did the speaker realize? (III) “They were advised that she should be fitted with hearing aids and sent to a school for the deaf”. (a) Who are ‘they’? By whom were they advised? (b) Who is ‘she’ and what recommendation was made for her? (c) What other proposal was made for her? (d) Why was this proposal considered appropriate? SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each) Q1. Which train was Evelyn waiting for on the underground train platform? How did she feel when she sensed the train approaching? Q2. “Everything suddenly looked black”. Why does Evelyn say so?

Q3.How did Evelyn open her mind and body to musical sounds and vibrations?

Q4. What is Evelyn’s view of her achievements?

Q5. Why did Father come to Kezia’s room with a ruler?

LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 100 t0 150 words)

Q1.Which quality of Evelyn’s personality enabled her to overcome the challenge of deafness?

Q.2. What are the recurring themes of Bismillah Khan’s music and how did they originate? Q3. How does the author of The Sound of Music” portray Bismillah Khan as a great patriot? Shehnai of Bismillah Khan PART II Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow in one or two lines each. (I) “ Few had thought that it would one day be revived. A barber of a family of professional musicians, who had access to the royal palace, decided to improve the tonal quality of the pungi.”

(a) What does ‘it’ refer to? (b) Why did ‘it’ need to be revived? (c) Why did the barber probably have interest in ‘it’? (d) Did he succeed in improving ‘it’? If yes, how? (II) “As the story goes, since it was first played in the Shah’s chambers and was played by a nai (barber), the instrument was named the ‘shehnai.” (a) What is ‘it’ here? (b) How did ‘it’ get its name? (c) Who was the barber that played the instrument first? (d) What is the significance of the instrument being played in the royal court?

(III) “Till recently it was used only in temples and weddings. The credit for bringing this instrument onto the classical stage goes to Ustad Bismillah Khan.” (a) Which instrument is being referred to in the extract? (b) Why, do you think, it was used only in temples and weddings? (c) Who was Ustad Bismillah Khan? . SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each)

Q.1 Why was this musical instrument named Shehnai?

Q2.What prize did boy Bismillah Khan earn? Why was he given this prize?

Q3.Who revived the pungi and what shape did it take?

Q4. Where did Bismillah Khan usually sing at the age of five? How was he rewarded and by whom?

THE LITTLE GIRL By- Katherine Mansfield Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow in one or two lines each. (I) “To the little girl, he was a figure to be feared and avoided. Every morning before going to work he came into her room and gave her a casual kiss.” (a) Who does ‘he’ refer to in this extract?

(b) What were the feelings of the little girl towards him? (c) What did ‘he’ do before going to work every morning? (d) What does this gesture show about him? (II) “She never stuttered with other people – had quite given it up – but only with Father, because then she was trying so hard to say the words properly.” (a) Who is ‘she’ in this extract? (b) What had she ‘quite given up’? (c) How did ‘she’ speak in the presence of her father? Q16. Why did Father come to Kezia’s room with a ruler? (d) Why did ‘she’ speak so differently before her father? (III) “ He was so big – his hands and his neck, especially his mouth when he yawned. Thinking about him alone was like thinking about a giant.” (a) Who is ‘he’ in the above extract? (b) Why does the speaker find him so big? (c) Why does the speaker think of him as a giant? (d) When did his mouth especially appear big? SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each) Q1.Why did the little girl start making the pin-cushion? Q.2. Kezia looked through a hole in the fence into Mr MacDonald’s garden. What did she see? Q3. What would Kezia do while her father slept on Sundays? what happened when he woke up? Q4. Why did Father come to Kezia’s room with a ruler? LONG ANSWERS QUESTIONS Q1.Write a short note on the relationship between Kezia and her father. Q2.Kezia slept one night with her father and changed her opinion about him. What was her opinion about her father before? What change did take place? Q3.Why did Kezia feel drawn towards her grandmother?

Lesson Name- A TRULY BEAUTIFUL MIND Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follows (I) “ He’ll never make a success at anything ‘. (i) Who is the speaker? To whom was it said? (ii)Why did the speaker say so? (II) ‘The pair finally married in January 1903.’ (i) Name the pair (ii) When did they get married? (iii) Were they happy? Eventually what happened to them? SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each) Q1. During his childhood, Einstein did not show any traces of becoming a genius one day. How?

Q2. Which musical instrument did Einstein begin to learn? Why?

Q3. When and for what did Einstein gain international fame?

Q4. What was the effect of Einstein’s letter on Roosevelt?

Q5. Why does the world remember Einstein as a “world citizen”?

LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 100 – 150 words each) Q1. What researches and theories proved that Einstein was a true genius? How was he rewarded for his scientific achievements? THE SNAKE AND THE MIRROR By– Vaikom Muhammad Basheer Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow in one or two lines each. (I) “I had my meal at the restaurant and returned to my room. I heard a noise from above as I opened the door. The sound was a familiar one.” (a) Who does ‘I’ refer to in this extract? (b) At what time did ‘I’ return to his room and from where?

(c) When did ‘I’ hear a noise? What type of noise was it? (d) Why does ‘I’ say that it was a familiar sound? (II) “I went back into the room and sat down on the chair. I opened the box beneath the table and took out a book, the Materia Medica. I opened it at the table on which stood the lamp and a large mirror; a small comb lay beside the mirror.” (a) Who is the speaker here? Where was he before going back into the room? (b) Why did he take out a book from the box? (c) What objects stood on the table? (d) What did the speaker do after this? After this, the speaker looked into the mirror that stood on the table. (III) “ I was unmarried and I was a doctor. I felt I had to make my presence felt. I picked up the comb and ran it through my hair and adjusted the parting so that it looked straight and neat.” (a) Who is ‘I’ in this extract? (b) Explain: ‘make my presence felt’. (c) Why did ‘I’ feel that he had to make his presence felt? (d) What did ‘I’ do in order to make his presence felt? SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each) Q1. Why did the doctor have to light the kerosene lamp on reaching his room? Q2. Why did the doctor live in a small, poor house? Q3. What kind of woman did the doctor decide to marry? Why? Q4. How did the doctor feel when the snake coiled itself around his arm? Q5. What did the doctor do as soon as he reached his friend’s house? Why? LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS (to be answered in about 100 – 150 words each) Q1. What kind of woman did the doctor want to marry? What does it show about his character? What kind of a wife did he eventually get? Q2. What are the similarities between the behaviour of the doctor and of the snake? Q3. What was the doctor’s opinion about himself? How did this opinion change after his encounter with the snake?



GAP FILLING Q1.Complete the following passages by filling in the blanks. The constitution of India came (a)……………(for/of/into) force on January 26th, 1950. (b) (of/in/at/)…………… that time it (c) ……………(has/are/did) not contain any specific provision dealing directly (d) ……………(at/on/with) the environment related issues, legislations (e) ……………(and/but/though) provisions in India. In 1976, (f) ……………(with/due/under) the leadership of Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi, the very first provision (g) ……………(in/at/for) the protection of environment was incorporated (h) ……………(for/by/in)the constitution through 42nd amendment. The objective of such legal provision (i) …………… (has/had/was)to improve and conserve the ecological (j) ……………(or/but/and) environmental assets of India.

Q2.In the passage given below some words are missing. Choose the correct word from the given options and complete the passage meaningfully.

An inadequate public transport system has1)…….. to an increase 2)……… the number of vehicles 3).……… the roads. Chocked roads have added 4)………. the traffic woes of commuters. Traffic problems need to 5)………… because valuable time and energy 6)……….. in traffic jams. .

1. a) lead; b) led; c) leads; d) been leading

2. a) on; b) in; c) with d) into

3. a) on; b) in; c) across; d) at

4. a) in; b) with; c) to; d) for

5. a) solve; b) be solving; c) be solved; d) solved

6. a) is wasting; b) is wasted; c) wasted; d) has wasted

Q3.Complete the paragraph given below by filling in the blanks with the help of the options given.

Tigers ………. (a) ………… (were / will / is / are) at the top of the food chain. Only human beings threaten their survival as a species. Tigers kill only for food ….b…… (or / because / but / and) only when they are hungry. They rarely ………c……… (attack / attacking / attacks / attacked) humans. Easily ……….d……… (recognised / recognising / has recognising / has recognised) by their reddish orange coat with dark ……..e…….. (strips / stripes / striped / stripe), tigers are the …….f……. (large / larger / largest / much larger) wild cats in the world.

OMISSION EXERCISE 1.In the foIlowing passages, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in the space provided against the correct line number. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. The first one has been done for you Before Word After When we not satisfied with products or eg we are not

1. services, can improve our chances for (a) …….. …….. ……….. 2. satisfactory results using effective (b) …….. …….. ……….. 3. First, state problem, (c) …….. …….. ……….. 4. and then supply the supporting evidence. 5. Tell explicitly what you want be done (d) …….. …….. ………..

6. about it. Remember to polite and courteous (e) …….. …….. ……….. 7. So, hold your temper avoid attacking the (f) …….. …….. ……….. 8. person listening your complaint. Let (g) …….. …….. ……….. 9. them know you want the corrective (h) …….. …….. ……….

action completed.

2.In the foIlowing passages, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in the space provided against the correct line number. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. The first one has been done for you. Before Word After

Needless to say water will perhaps be the scarest eg .say that water 1. commodity of 21st century. On the global a) …….. …….. ……… 2. scale it is assessed that the next two decades, (b) …….. …….. …….. 3. water use by human beings be increased by 40%(c) …….. …….. ……… 4. and 17% more water will be to grow more (d) …….. ……… ……… 5. food for increasing population. Water is (e) ……… ……… ……… 6. finite nature and the quantum of water (f) ………. ………. ………. 7. not increased. The World Water Vision (g) ………. ……….. ………. 8. Committee our attention to the ‘gloomy (h) ……… ………. ……... 9. arithmetic of water’. (i)……… ……… ………


Q1.There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. The first one has been done as an example for you.

Error correction

Melting glaciers threatens the water threatens threaten

supply for billions of people. Sea levels (a) ………. …………

will also raise, flooding huge areas of (b) ……….. …………

the world, including cities as London (c) ………. ………..

and Tokyo. It is estimating that Arctic (d) ………. ……….

summers will be ice-free by ten years (e) ……….. ……….

and the landscapes in the Antarctic (f) ………… ………..

will change beyond recognition within (g) ………. ………..

2050. The vast ice planes of Greenland (h) ………. ………..

is also under threat. (i) ………… ………..

Q2.Read the passages given below. There is an error in each line. Identify the erroneous word and replace it with the correct word. Error correction More and more people in the country are looked (a) ___ _______

at the sun for cleaner energy options and right so (b)____ _______

India receives a huge amounts of sunlight every (c) ____ _______

year. If harnessed with cost effective methods (d)_____ _______

this sunlight could be used to producing a whooping (e)_____ _______

600 giga watts of electricity. This is more than 5 time (f) _____ _______

the annual power consumption of India what (g)_____ _______

is only 120 giga watts. But in spite the fact that the (h)_____ _______

potential is huge, what India currently derive is (i)______ _______

only 10-15 mega watts annually.

Q3.The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction as given in the example against the correct question number .

Error correction

More of the fun and excitement in our life comes eg. More much

from the use for our senses. Senses open up a (a) ………… …………

world which and full of sights, sounds, smells. (b) ………… ……….

tastes and things to touch. The sharp your senses and (c) ……… ……….

the more you use it, more enjoyable each (d) ………… ………

of these world becomes for you. (e) ……… ………

For instant, a painter can see shades (f) ……… ………..

and shapes which little gifted (g)………… …………

people could not see. (h)……… ……….

REPORTED SPEECH Q1.Read the dialogue given below and complete the paragraph. Soumya: Nice to meet you. Where have you been all these days?

Kirthi: I went to Pune to attend a seminar on environmental pollution.

Soumya: How was the seminar?

Kirthi: Quite informative and worth attending.

Now report their conversation.

Soumya (a) …………………………………. all those days. Kirthi (b)…………………………… on environmental pollution. Soumya wanted to know (c)…………………………….. Kirthi told (d)………………………………..

Q2.Read the following conversations and complete the passages given below:

Mrs. Jadav : Can I have a small bottle of cranberry jam ? Shopkeeper : Sorry, I have only big bottles. Mrs. Jadav : When will it be available ? Shopkeeper : I can give it to you tomorrow. Mrs. Jadav : Thank you, then I will get it tomorrow.

Mrs. Jadav asked the shopkeeper (a)………..The shopkeeper said that he only had big bottles of cranberry jam. Mrs. Jadav wanted to know (b)…………The shopkeeper said that he could give it to her (the following day). Mrs. Jadav thanked him and said that (c)………….

Q3.Read the following conversations and complete the passages given below:

Iris : Hi, Tom, How are you? Tom : Life’s rather tough. I desperately need a job. Iris : We have a vacancy in our office for the post of an Accounts Officer. Tom : I have five years experience in a reputed firm as an Accounts Officer. Iris : Will you like to go abroad? Iris on meeting Tom asked him how he was. Tom replied that (a)…………….. Iris told him (b)…………………… On that Tom (c)………………… Iris enquired if he would like to go abroad and Tom replied that he had no problem SENTENCE REORDERING Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.

1. a) one of the/Saudi Arabia/largest/petroleum/producers/is/world/in/the/of (b) Saudi Arabia/lifestyle/discovery/has changed/of/of the people/the/petroleum/in/the (c) petroleum/world/all over/in great/is/demand/the

2. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.

(a) uppermost/soil/layer/is/earth/the/of/the (b) it/plants/which/supports/food/provide/all living things/to/planet/on/this (c) soil/thus/foundation/earth/life/on/of/is/the/all







Q1lt was the happiest day of your life when the Principal of your school informed you and your parents that you topped the list of successful candidates in your zone. Then started the endless ringing of telephone bells. Congratulatory messages started pouring in from friends and relatives. All the neighbours came to congratulate you on your grand success. At the end of the day, you were so much overwhelmed by happiness and excitement that you made a diary entry of the sequence of events on that day. Reproduce that entry here inventing your own details

Q2. Write a story in about 150-200 words with the following beginning and give a suitable title to it. It had been over two hours waiting for the train. Ruhi was getting restless. Suddenly she……………………… .

Q3.Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper, complaining about the bad condition of water supply in your locality. You are Prabhu Dayal living at H-19 Dayal Bagh Colony, New Delhi.

Q4.You are Satish /Sonali, the student prefect in charge of the school library. You have been asked to place an order for children’s storybooks [age group : 10-13 yrs]. Write a letter to M.S. Book Depot, Ram Nagar, Bikaner, placing an order for the books. Invent the necessary details.

Q5. Computers have become a rage with children. The image shows young children glued to their computers. Computers play a major role in today’s age but one must understand its function as a major distraction. Write an article highlighting the role of computers and also pointing out the hazards their excessive use can cause. You are Nikhil/Neha.

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