insomnia webinar 2012

Post on 25-Jul-2015






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Effective natural solutions

Nikki Warren, N.D.

Insomnia: The facts

• The amount of sleep required by adults is between 7-8 hours daily – only 35% of adults consistently achieve this.

• One third of adults will suffer from temporary or prolonged insomnia at some point during the year.

• Chronic insomnia is if it persists for longer than 4 weeks.

Types of insomnia

• Sleep onset insomnia• Sleep maintenance insomnia• Sleep offset insomnia

Consequences of insomnia

• Fatigue.• Impaired concentration and memory.• Irritability.• Depression (although depression can also be the cause

of insomnia).• Clumsiness.• Decreased work efficiency.• Increased risk of accidents.• Can contribute to cardiovascular disorders and shorten

length of life.

Risk factors

• Age. • Stress.• Shift work.• Travel across time zones.• Excessive computer work.• Substance abuse. • Rebound insomnia from using sleeping pills.• Environmental factors.

Medical conditions

• Menopause • Pain • Mood disorders • Neurologic disorders • Asthma • Cardiovascular disease

Dietary changes to improve insomnia

• Eliminate caffeine from your diet. • If you drink green tea, limit it to one daily. Green tea

contains caffeine (20-30mg per cup, black tea 40-60mg).• Eliminate alcohol. • Eliminate sugary foods and drinks.• Increase foods which nourish the nervous system include

whole grains (especially oats), fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds and protein.

• Increase foods which are high in L-tryptophan – turkey, beef, milk, fish, cottage cheese, lentils, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, soybeans, rice, bananas.

Lifestyle changes to improve insomnia

• Exercise EVERY DAY – a 30 minute walk is sufficient and make sure it is in the afternoon.

• Deep breathing exercises when you go to bed – inhale for a count of 5 and breathe out for 10, making sure you breathe into your stomach, not your chest. While you do this, say the word “sleep” in your head as you breathe out.

• Meditate every day – even if it’s just before going to sleep. Breathe in and then visualise these words being written on a blackboard “I am peace”. Breathe in to “I am” and breathe out to “peace”.

• Muscle relaxation techniques – start with your toes and work your way up your body clenching and then breathing out and relaxing the muscles again. Use this technique if you are lying in bed tossing and turning.

• Massage – if you can afford a weekly massage do it!

Lifestyle changes to improve insomnia

• Blackout curtains in your bedroom.• Make sure your bedroom is well ventilated.• Use ear plugs and/or a fan in the room if noise is an issue for you.• Purchase a hypnosis CD for people with insomnia and listen to it at night

using sleep headphones. • Read a book before bed (don’t read from laptops or ipads).• Get rid of alarm clock, tv and any other electrical device in your bedroom

(including laptops, ipads). • Have a bath or shower in the evening – letting your body cool down just

before bed helps to induce sleep.• If having a cup of herbal tea at night, drink it at least half an hour before

bed so your sleep is not disrupted by you needing to go to the toilet.

Nutrients to support the nervous system

• Calcium and magnesium are relaxing minerals.• Calcium, magnesium and B vitamins are the

most important nutrients for nourishing the nervous system.

• Quality of vitamins and minerals is very important.

• Nutritional deficiency can be assessed with a hair tissue mineral analysis and blood tests.

Natural therapies

• Aromatherapy – use it in massage oil, burners and in the bath. Lavender, chamomile, neroli, petitgrain, sweet orange and sandalwood.

• Bach flowers – rescue remedy sleep.• Herbal therapy is particularly effective. A herbal

prescription is dependent on an individuals specific set of symptoms.

• Nutritional supplements – custom made powder is ideal, especially if you don’t like swallowing lots of pills.

Contact details

• Nikki Warren - Naturopath & Medical Herbalist

• +61 7 5448 2001


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