
Post on 12-Mar-2016






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Peer pressure

peer pres·sure

nouninfl uence from members of one’s peer group : his behavior was affected by drink and peer pressure.


failure |'falyər|

noun1 lack of success : an economic policy that is doomed to failure | the failures of his policies.• an unsuccessful person, enterprise, or thing : bad weather had resulted in crop failures.• lack of success in passing an examination or test : exam failure.• a grade that is not high enough to pass an examination or test.2 the omission of expected or required action : their failure to comply with the basic rules.• a lack or defi ciency of a desirable quality : a failure of imagination.3 the action or state of not functioning : symptoms of heart failure | an engine failure.• a sudden cessation of power.• the collapse of a business.


life |lÎf|

noun ( pl. lives |lÎvz|)The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death : the origins of life.• living things and their activity: some sort of life existed on Mars | lower forms of life | the ice-cream vendors were the only signs of life.


love |ləv|

noun1 an intense feeling of deep affection : babies fi ll parents with intense feelings of love | their love for their country.• a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone : it was love at fi rst sight | they were both in love with her | we were slowly falling in love.• ( Love) a personifi ed fi gure of love, often represented as Cupid.• a great interest and pleasure in something : his love for football | we share a love of music.• affectionate greetings conveyed to someone on one’s behalf.• a formula for ending an affectionate letter : take care, lots of love, Judy.


bankrupt |'ba ng k‚rəpt; -rəpt|

adjective(of a person or organization) declared in law unable to pay outstanding debts : the company was declared bankrupt | he committed suicide after going bankrupt.• impoverished or depleted : a bankrupt country with no natural resources.• fi gurative completely lacking in a particular quality or value : their cause is morally bankrupt.

nouna person judged by a court to be insolvent, whose property is taken and disposed of for the benefi t of creditors.

verb [ trans. ]reduce (a person or organization) to bankruptcy : the strike nearly bankrupted the union.


death |deѲ|

nounThe action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism : I don’t believe in life after death | [as adj. ] a death sentence.• an instance of a person or an animal dying : there’s been a death in his family.• the state of being dead: even in death, she was beautiful.



verb |ə'byooz| [ trans. ]1 use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse: the judge abused his power by imposing the fi nes.• make excessive and habitual use of (alcohol or drugs, esp. illegal ones).2 treat (a person or an animal) with cruelty or violence, esp. regularly or repeatedly: riders who abuse their horses should be prosecuted.• assault (someone, esp. a woman or child) sexually : he was a depraved man who had abused his two young daughters | [as adj. ] ( abused) abused children.• use or treat in such a way as to cause damage or harm : he had been abusing his body for years.• speak in an insulting and offensive way to or about (someone) : the referee was abused by players from both teams.


addiction |ə'dik sh ən|

nounThe fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity : he committed the theft to fi nance his alcohol addiction | an addiction to drinking.

Over 100,000 children runaway each year that is enough children to nearly fi ll your school 100 times. With children running away from

home, they get hurt, lonely and lost.

We have produced this poster for you, to show you the reasons why children of similar age to you run away. If you have any thing in

common with the situations in this poster then talk to someone you trust.

Never keep things bottled up.

Remember, you are not alone.

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