indiana sadd october 2020 newsletter · indiana sadd big news inside! october 2020 newsletter...

Post on 12-Oct-2020






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Indiana SADD

Big News Inside!

October 2020 Newsletter

2020-2021 School Year Membership Fees Waived! - page 5

Rock the Belt - Virtual - page 6

A Message from North Decatur HS SADD - page 3

The SADD National Communication Calendar - page 8

Are you ready to Ready to Rock the Belt?

Check out the new Quick Click Challenge opportunities - details on pages six and seven.

Indiana SADD has Quick Click Champion t-shirts (limited sizes and numbers) available for participating Chapters.

2 Indiana SADD Newsletter

Textless Live MoreA student-led, peer-to-peer advocacy group dedicated to ending distracted driving. Our goal is to change our behavior behind-the-wheel to save lives and prevent tragic crashes caused by distraction.

TextLess Live More is a proud SADD partner, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to use TLLM in your chapters, schools, and communities.

We’ve developed programming based on SADD Nation feedback so that TextLess Live More can integrate seamlessly into the work members are already doing.

There are many ways to launch TextLess Live More in your community. Visit for event ideas to get started with your chapter.

Get Living is a campaign we launched in 2019 to promote healthy habits and healthy relationships with our technology to combat phone addiction and its associated dangers. Each month has a new initiative to help you Live More, as well as a ready-to-implement, SADD-specific event.

You/your students can teach others about TextLess Live More! Go to our website to download our presentation and facilitation guide.

Indiana SADD has a limited supply of Textless Live More silicon bracelets and phone stickers.

Chapters planning a Textless Live More presentation or related activity may request these items while supplies last (and at no cost) by submitting a request form with a description of your program plans and an agreement to submit an activity reporting form following the event.

October Call to Action

Text or Treat


It’s Spooky Season once again, and what better way to kick off October than participating in this month’s Initiative: Text or Treat.

The idea is very simple: set goals for yourself to stay off either your text messages or social media for a certain amount of time each day. This can be a window, like from 3-5pm, a goal to not exceed a number of hours each day, or something as simple as staying off Instagram for 20 minutes.

If you accomplish your goal, reward yourself with a treat! Maybe your favorite snack, taking a well deserved nap, stop working and take a break, or even going out to play some ball, anything that gives you a reason to complete the initiative is good.

Practicing small moments of limiting distraction helps to promote digital wellness in all areas of your life, and to feel in control when you are behind the wheel.

OCTOBER ACTION IDEAEach member logs their goal and whether or not they accomplish it. The Sadd chapters review the log and provide treats to those who met their goals.

Learn More:

A Message from North Decatur HS SADD

SADD. What does it mean? Many people know it just as Students Against Destructive Decisions. Within North Decatur, students view this organization as a leader of positivity in the community. Not only do our members promote a positive life attitude, but they also set an exemplary example in the community.

Over the past years, North Decatur’s SADD chapter continuously tries to expand our outreach. Examples of this include: two students (Katy Kinker and Haley Arthur) winning national contests promoted by SADD, partnering with other states to promote driver safety, attending the annual SADD National Conference, sponsoring a winter formal, organizing Red Ribbon Week, and many more activities.

Recently, we have participated in the Rule the Road: Click It To Live It event. This program raises awareness of the potential dangers of driving and educates participants on how to combat these dangers. This was the first time this campaign was hosted in Indiana.

We participated during the month of September and introduced it to our community at a home football game and also advertised it on social media. At the football game, we passed out shirts to people who wore a seatbelt. Then, on September 19, we held the event. It was open to not only Decatur County Schools but the surrounding communities as well.

There were various activities: an evasive driving course with a cop, a tour of semi-truck’s blind spots, a crash simulator, and an impaired driving obstacle course. All the executive members of our SADD chapter went through the course and demonstrated these activities to the community members that attended.

This activity brought awareness to the dangers of driving and how to combat them by being a responsible and educated driver.

Our SADD chapter continuously thinks about future activities to spread SADD’s message. We have many networking connections-- such as the Indiana Director of Traffic Safety, Rob Duckworth—that we constantly work with.

Everything that we do starts with our SADD members. We hold annual sign ups to give students the opportunity to join our organization. Each year we receive more and more members willing to take the pledge and spread awareness. We plan to hold more community events in the future to keep spreading SADD’s message. For example, we are vigorously planning for Red Ribbon Week that is coming up at the end of October.

All of our members are driven to spread awareness and are constantly thinking of new ways to do so.This all goes to show that North Decatur’s SADD chapter is dedicated to reaching people of all communities and we genuinely care about getting SADD’s message out to others. The endless time that it takes to plan and execute the events that we hold are all worth it, even if it only impacts one person.

- North Decatur High School SADD

4 Indiana SADD Newsletter

Peer-to-PeerTraining Opportunities


SADD Listens: Virtual Student Listening Sessions

What Do You Consider Lethal? - Indiana SADD will travel to your school or provide a virtual Lead the Leaders training to SADD members and/or other student leaders. Participants will learn about distracted driving, Indiana’s Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) law, Impact Teen Driver educational materials, and practice presenting sections of the What Do You Consider Lethal? program.

Textless Live More - is a student-led, peer-to-peer advocacy group dedicated to ending distracted driving. Their goal is to change behind-the-wheel behavior to save lives and prevent tragic crashes caused by distraction. (see more on page 2).

Sweet Deception - From our friends at VOICE, Sweet Deception is a peer-to-peer presentation that corrects the myths and misinformation surrounding the epidemic of youth vaping and e-cigarette use with an emphasis on JUUL. Contact Indiana SADD or VOICE to schedule a free orientation (in-person or online) for students interested in presenting this program in their school and community or complete this easy request form online:

National Safety Council - Distracted Driving Awareness - October Twitter Chat 12:00PM EST on Thursday, October 15


Are you active on Twitter? If so, join the chat at noon. Search for #JustDrive20, look for the distracted driving related questions, and join the conversation by posting your response!

Save the Dates!

October 13 at 7:00 pm and October 22 at 9:00 pm EST.

Join the conversation as the SADD Student Leadership Council facilitates a discussion with SADD members from throughout the nation!

Your opportunity to have fun, connect, share, and learn!

In the meantime, If you haven’t already, follow Indiana SADD and SADD Nation on social media. Then, watch for details on how you can join the conversation.

Membership Update: 2020-2021 School Year

Effective September 25, 2020, membership fees will be waived by SADD National for the 2020-2021 school year. The waiver applies to any chapter of any type (virtual or traditional) that registers for the period of August 1, 2020, to July 30, 2021 (as a reminder, registration resets annually on August 1).

We ask Chapters to renew their registration each year. This simple process requires the advisor to log into the SADD portal to verify or update existing chapter information.

Advisors then update membership information, which may include “graduating” students. “Graduating” prevents the advisor from having to re-enter student information for members already in the portal. Instead, click a button and “graduate” students to the next grade level, then update any information that may have changed.

When the advisor completes the membership registration, click the red “Submit Registration” button located at the top of the Chapter Home Screen (please note, the system will generate an invoice that will show $0 due. We are not able to deactivate this step, apologies).

We hope every Indiana chapter registers its full membership. Students may participate in programs, contests, and scholarships only if registered in the SADD Portal.

More instructions are available on page 10 and page 11. Please direct any questions about the registration process to Mark R. Kaser, SADD Indiana State Coordinator

6 Indiana SADD Newsletter

VIRTUALQuick Click Challenge

Program Goal: The Quick-Click Challenge is a high-energy, single, or team competition that demonstrates the little amount of time it takes to fasten a seat belt.

Prevention Strategies: Decrease risk factors; occupant protection; enhancement of social competency skills, peer-to-peer communication and social-norming messaging; review of local seat belt policy; enforcement engagement

Program Outcomes: Implementation of the Rock the Belt core program

Tools/Resources• A four-door vehicle• Smartphone with a timer or the ability to capture video• Something to prop your smartphone (e.g., a popsocket, tripod, a couple of books)

Program Description: You can conduct a Quick Click Challenge among your chapter membership. Challenge members and their households to compete for the fastest Quick-Click time. Participate in teams of one, two, or four people.

Quick-Click RulesInstructions for single-person:

1. Before beginning, check the area to be certain of good footing. Check seat belts todetermine that there are no obstructions, kinks, jams, or twists. Fully open each door (andbe sure that doors remain fully open at all times).

2. Prop your phone on the dashboard and adjust the camera to make sure that it capturesthe front and back seats. Prop your phone (with a popsocket, or other method).

3. Sit in the driver’s seat. Time begins the instant you start recording. Then, starting from thedriver’s seat you must buckle, raise both hands in the air, then unbuckle your seatbelt.Continue moving counterclockwise to the left back seat, the right back seat, finishing onthe front passenger seat. Time stops when you stop recording.

4. You must exit the car to change seats (no scooching to a seat or climbing between thefront and back seats). You must raise both hands after buckling in each seat.

Quick-Click Champions T-shirtsAvailable (limited sizes and numbers). If your Chapter is interested, please complete a Materials Request form:

Seat belt SelfieMembers (and family and friends) take a safe selfie (parked vehicle) with a fastened seat belt and post it with the hashtag #rockthebelt

TikTok Seat Belt Challenge Members make a TikTok Dance that highlights putting on a seat belt, or take a safe TikTok putting on a seat belt using the hashtag #rockthebelt

Chalk the WalkDraw safe driving messages on their driveways, neighborhood sidewalks, school parking lots using chalk. (take photos and post on social media with hashtag #rockthebelt

Quick-Click Rules ContinuedInstructions for two-person teams:

1. Complete the first two steps of the single-person rules above (position the phone sothat it may be reached from both driver and passenger seats).

2. Have one person sit in the driver seat and the second person in the passenger seat.Time begins the instant you start recording. Then, the person starting from the driver’sseat must buckle, raise both hands in the air, then unbuckle the seatbelt. Continuemoving counterclockwise to the left back seat, the right back seat, finishing on thefront passenger seat. The second person will do the same, starting from the passengerseat, also moving counterclockwise, and finishing on the right back seat. After bothmembers reach their fourth position and have raised both hands stop the recording.

3. All team members must exit the car to change seats (no scooching to a seat orclimbing between the front and back seats). Both members must raise both handsafter buckling in each seat. All hands must be raised before the recording is stopped.

Instructions for four-person teams:1. Complete the first two steps of the single-person rules.2. Begin with one member positioned in the driver seat, another in the passenger seat, a

third in the left-back seat, and the fourth in the right-back seat.3. Time begins the instant you start recording. Then, each person must buckle, raise both

hands in the air, and unbuckle their seat belt. Members then exit the vehicle and travelcounterclockwise to the next seat position and repeat (buckle, raise hands, unbuckle).Once each member reaches their fourth position and is buckled with both handsraised, stop recording.

4. All team members must exit the car between seats (no scooching to a seat orclimbing between the front and back seats). All members must raise both hands afterbuckling in each seat. All hands must be raised before the recording is stopped.

More Activities Ideas for Rock the Belt:







24 - NRSF Drive Safe California Contest Opens

NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION MONTH,NATIONAL RECOVERY MONTH7 - Labor Day - End of "100 Deadliest Days"7-13 - National Suicide Prevention Week10 - World Suicide Prevention Day14 - NRSF Drive Safe Chicago Contest Opens21-25 - Start with Hello Week

PEDESTRIAN SAFETY MONTH, BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH5 - NRSF Drive Safe DC Contest Opens7 - National Walk to School Day10 - World Mental Health Day11 - National Coming Out Day19 - NRSF #DrivingSkills101 PSA Challenge Opens18-24 - National Teen Driver Safety Week, Rock the Belt23-31 - Red Ribbon Week (Drug-Free America)24 - National Prescription Drug Take Back Day26 - NRSF Drive 2 Life Contest Opens, NRSF Drive Safe California Deadline

1-8 - Drowsy Driving Prevention Week2 - NRSF Drive Safe Georgia Contest Opens13 - World Kindness Day19 - Great American Smokeout27 - Random Acts of Kindness Friday


5 - International Volunteer Day21 - NRSF Drive Safe Chicago Contest Deadline29 - NRSF Drive Safe DC Contest DeadlineDate TBA - SADD National SLC/CACApplications Open



8 Indiana SADD Newsletter

18-21 - 40th Anniversary SADD NationalConference on Youth Health & Safety,Orlando, FL









9 - Law Enforcement Appreciation Day18-22 - No Name-Calling Week18 - Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service25 - NRSF Drive Safe Georgia Contest Deadline30 - NRSF #DrivingSkills101 PSA Challenge Deadline

TEEN DATING VIOLENCE AWARENESS & PREVENTION MONTH8 - NRSF Drive 2 Life Contest Deadline14-20 - Random Acts of Kindness Week22-28 - National Eating Disorder AwarenessWeek

18 - National Sleep Awareness Week15 - 21 - National Inhalants & Poison Awareness Week17 - Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action22-28 - National Drug & Alcohol Facts WeekDate TBA - SADD National SLC/CAC Application DeadlineDate TBA - End Vaping Vlog & Meme Contest Opens

NATIONAL DISTRACTED DRIVING AWARENESSMONTH, ALCOHOL AWARENESS MONTH7 - World Health Day12-16 - National Youth Violence Prevention Week18-24 - National Volunteer Week23-25 - Global Youth Service DaysDate TBA - EndDD Video & Meme Contest OpensDate TBA - End Vaping Vlog & Meme Contest DeadlineDate TBA - Is It Worth the Risk? SADD Strong Program

NATIONAL YOUTH TRAFFIC SAFETY MONTH,NATIONAL BICYCLE SAFETY MONTH,MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH9-15 - National Prevention Week, Rock the Belt17 - Click It or Ticket Mobilization Begins31 - Memorial Day - Start of "100 Deadliest Days"Date TBA - EndDD Video & Meme Contest Deadline

PRIDE MONTH, NATIONAL SAFETY MONTH6 - Click It or Ticket Mobilization ConcludesDate TBA - NIAAA Video Challenge OpensDate TBA - Registration Closes for 2021National ConferenceDate TBA - NIAAA Video ChallengeDeadline


10 Indiana SADD Newsletter

SADD National PortalIndiana SADD is appreciative of all who have registered for the first time or have renewed their registration this fall in the SADD National Portal. The Portal is key in Indiana SADD effectively communicating with and serving Indiana chapters moving forward. Visit the SADD National Portal:

First time in the Portal? (1) Click the red First Time Chapter Membership button and follow the prompts.Once the initial registration request is submitted and approved by Indiana SADD, you’ll receive an email with Chapter ID and password information. (2) Log onto your chapter’s portal page to complete your registration, including registering your students under the Students tab. Click the red Submit Membership button to fully execute the membership process.




7:00 P.M. (EST)


11:00 A.M. (EST)


7:00 P.M. (EST)

For more information and to submit your entry:

CREATE REAL IMPACT - Fall 2020 Contest

Reckless and Distracted Driving is the #1 Killer of Teens in America

Time to get creative and speak out about the #1 killer of young people! Create Real Impact Contest calls on students, ages 14-22, to showcase their solutions and strategies to stop the #1 killer of young people–reckless and distracted driving. Students submit one entry into one of the four categories: creative writing, video, graphic design, or music. We have individual grand-prize winners in each category and four prizes that go to the entrants with the most online votes.

In addition to the individual winners, we have another exciting category for teachers and advisors: a distracted driving social media campaign. This is an opportunity for high school teachers and advisors, to oversee student leaders’ efforts in implementing a social media campaign around distracted driving. Review the rules, fill out the online application, start the planning, and create a short video to showcase your campaign (projects can be developed through distance learning or in-person).


“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time,they have the heart.”

This national award was created to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity and honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action, too.

SADD students now have the exclusive privilege of earning this award by submitting their volunteer hours through the SADD Portal. More information can be found at

Start Planning Now!

Indiana SADD is recruiting SADD members interested in filming PSA’s to be shared online and on social media to promote the new Hands-Free Law and other traffic safety messages and SADD-related content.

If interested, contact the Indiana SADD office to schedule a Zoom meeting to discuss details. When you are prepared, we’ll bring our portable studio to your community and record your message(s).

Individual members or entire Chapters may participate.

Returning to the Portal? (1) Use your Chapter ID and password to log in to your chapter’s portal page. If you don’t have this information, contact Indiana SADD for assistance. (2) Once logged in, follow the prompts to confirm all chapter information is current, or make any corrections necessary. (3) Be sure to register your students under the Students tab. Click the red Submit Membership button to fully execute the membership process. If you registered students last school year, you can graduate and/or roll forward your students to their current grade in just a few clicks.

Remember that once your registration is complete, you (and your students) will have full access to the SADD National Portal and its resources. Be sure to view the Quick Links and Resources pages.

Please reach out for assistance if you have any trouble or hesitation in completing this process.

12 Indiana SADD Newsletter

Being a teenager is difficult no matter what, and the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is making it even harder. With school closures and cancelled events, many teens are missing out on some of the biggest moments of their young lives — as well as everyday moments like chatting with friends and participating in class.

For teenagers facing life changes due to the outbreak who are feeling anxious, isolated and disappointed, know this: you are not alone. We spoke with expert adolescent psychologist, best-selling author and monthly New York Times columnist Dr. Lisa Damour about what you can do to practice self-care and look after your mental health.

1. Recognize that your anxiety is completely normal

If school closures and alarming headlines are making you feel anxious, you are not the only one. In fact, that’s how you’re supposed to feel. “Psychologists have long recognized that anxiety is a normal and healthy function that alerts us to threats and helps us take measures to protect ourselves,” says Dr. Damour. “Your anxiety is going to help you make the decisions that you need to be making right now — not spending time with other people or in large groups, washing your hands and not touching your face.” Those feelings are helping to keep not only you safe, but others too. This is “also how we take care of members of our community. We think about the people around us, too.”

While anxiety around COVID-19 is completely understandable, make sure that you are using “reliable sources [such as the UNICEF and the World Health Organization’s sites] to get information, or to check any information you might be getting through less reliable channels,” recommends Dr. Damour.

If you are worried that you are experiencing symptoms, it is important to speak to your parents about it. “Keep in mind that illness due to COVID-19 infection is generally mild, especially for children and young adults,” says Dr. Damour. It’s also important to remember, that many of the symptoms of COVID-19 can be treated. She recommends letting your parents or a trusted adult know if you’re not feeling well, or if you’re feeling worried about the virus, so they can help.

And remember: “There are many effective things we can do to keep ourselves and others safe and to feel in better control of our circumstances: frequently wash our hands, don’t touch our faces and engage in physical distancing.”

2. Create distractions

“What psychologists know is that when we are under chronically difficult conditions, it’s very helpful to divide the problem into two categories: things I can do something about, and then things I can do nothing about,” says Dr. Damour.

There is a lot that falls under that second category right now, and that’s okay, but one thing that helps us to deal with that is creating distractions for ourselves. Dr. Damour suggests doing homework, watching a favourite movie or getting in bed with a novel as ways to seek relief and find balance in the day-to-day.

3. Find new ways to connect with your friends

If you want to spend time with friends while you’re practicing physical distancing, social media is a great way to connect. “I would never underestimate the creativity of teenagers,” says Dr. Damour, “My hunch is that they will find ways to [connect] with one another online that are different from how they’ve been doing it before.”

How teenagers can protect their mental health during COVID-19

6 strategies for teens facing a new (temporary) normal.By UNICEF

“[But] it’s not going to be a good idea to have unfettered access to screens and or social media. That’s not healthy, that’s not smart, it may amplify your anxiety,” says Dr. Damour, recommending you work out a screen-time schedule with your parents.

4. Focus on you

Have you been wanting to learn how to do something new, start a new book or spend time practicing a musical instrument? Now is the time to do that. Focusing on yourself and finding ways to use your new-found time is a productive way to look after your mental health. “I have been making a list of all of the books I want to read and the things that I’ve been meaning to do,” says Dr. Damour.

“When it comes to having a painful feeling, the only way

out is through.”

5. Feel your feelings

Missing out on events with friends, hobbies, or sports matches is incredibly disappointing. “These are large-scale losses. They’re really upsetting and rightly so to teenagers,” says Dr. Damour. The best way to deal with this disappointment? Let yourself feel it. “When it comes to having a painful feeling, the only way out is through. Go ahead and be sad, and if you can let yourself be sad, you’ll start to feel better faster.”

Processing your feelings looks different for everyone. “Some kids are going to make art, some kids are going to want to talk to their friends and use their shared sadness as a way to feel connected in a time when they can’t be together in person, and some kids are going to want to find ways to get food to food banks,” says Dr. Damour. What’s important is that you do what feels right to you.

6. Be kind to yourself and others

Some teens are facing bullying and abuse at school due to coronavirus. “Activating bystanders is the best way to address any kind of bullying,” says Dr. Damour. “Kids and teenagers who are targeted should not be expected to confront bullies; rather we should encourage them to turn to friends or adults for help and support.”

If you witness a friend being bullied, reach out to them and try to offer support. Doing nothing can leave the person feeling that everyone is against them or that nobody cares. Your words can make a difference.

And remember: now more than ever we need to be thoughtful about what we share or say that may hurt others.

Interview and article by Mandy Rich, Digital Content Writer, UNICEF - This article was originally published on 20 March 2020. It was last updated on 24 August 2020.Reprinted with permission

“Now more than ever we need to be thoughtful about what we share or say that

may hurt others.”

How teenagers can protect their mental health during COVID-19

Indiana SADD5190 N High School Rd Indianapolis, IN 46254

office: (317) 299-7831

Twitter @Indiana_SADDInstagram @IndianaSADDFacebook @IndianaSADD

Rock the Belt - Virtual Edition

SADD National 2020-2021 Communications Calendar

Contests - Win $$ for your Chapter

SADD MissionSADD VisionSADD’s mission is to empower young people to successfully confront the risks and pressures that challenge them in their daily lives.

We accomplish this by creating, equipping, and sustaining a network of student-led chapters in schools and communities focused on peer-to-peer education. SADD fosters a sense of belonging and promotes resiliency, leadership and advocacy skills so that young people make positive life decisions.

SADD envisions a world in which young people make positive decisions that advance their health and safety.

A Message from N Decatur HS SADD


Indiana SADD5190 N High School Rd Indianapolis, IN 46254

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