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activist government, opposed by Zhuangzi219–220

administrationHan 漢 Empire 284–285, 287–288mid Western Zhou 周 147, 167–168Qin 秦 Empire 246–249

afterlife, First Emperor of China 250–256“Age of Philosophers” 207agriculture

production in state of Wei 魏 188small farmer households 191–192Warring States period 190–192alcohol, Shang 商 Dynasty 83

Allan, SarahSelected Reading 111Shang royal lineage 105Analects 212–213

ancestor worshippre-dynastic Zhou 117Zhou 147

“Ancient texts,” Han Empire 312, 314–315Andersson, Johan Gunnar 15, 17animal bones, divination 92–93“Annual Report,” Warring States

period 196anthropology, meaning of “state” 42Anyang 安陽

twenty-first century discoveries 75area 69bone factory 75–78bronze casting site 75bronzes styles 77–78, 124construction process 71“cradle of Chinese archaeology” 66Creel, Herrlee G. 12cultural network 83–85economic life 75excavations 68–69oracle bones 67–68inscriptions 79, 113and shells 7, 9

palace complex 69–71periodization 78–81sacrificial activities 71Sanxingdui see Sanxingdui 三星堆Shang Dynasty excavations 9spoken language 92start of Chinese archaeology 9

Anyang Work Team of the Institute ofArchaeology, CASS, SelectedReading 74, 89

“appointment inscriptions”bronze inscriptions 149–150Song ding 頌鼎 150

archaeology“complex society” concept 21–22discovery of Feng 豐, Hao 鎬, and

Qiyi 岐邑 124dating standards 78–79, 116migration of peoples 181North China cultural mixing 181Ordos region finds 265–267start of Chinese 9Zhou regional states 132–134

Archer-Lords 109architectural alignmentErlitou 二里頭 60Shang Dynasty 60Yanshi 偃師 60

armiescomposition in Warring States

period 199Han cavalry 271, 273, 275Han crossbows 271Han innovations 271“Red Eyebrows” rebel army 279soldiers’ composition in Warring States

period 198–199standing army of state of Jin 晉 199in state of Hann 韓 199in state of Qi 齊 199in state of Qin 秦 199

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armies (cont.)Zhao 趙 cavalry 199–200see also warfare

assassination attempt on Ying Zheng 嬴政244

Austronesian people, Taiwan 4“Authority,” Han Fei 韓非 225“Axial Age” 209–210, 213

Ba 巴, conquered by Qin 241Bagley, Robert

late Shang writing 91–92Selected Reading 89, 111

balance of power, Spring and Autumnperiod 166

Bamboo Annals 49Ban Chao 班超 299Ban Gu 班固, History of the Western Han

Dynasty (Hanshu 漢書) 315, 318Ban Zhao 班昭 317Bao Si 褒姒 160–161Baoshan包山 bamboo strips, state of Chu楚

193Being Natural (Ziran 自然), philosophy

concept 219Beixin 北辛 culture in Shandong 27Beizhou 北趙 village burial-ground 133Benevolence (Ren 仁), philosophy concept

213, 214, 215, 218, 222–223, 227Bielenstein, Hans

Han officials’ salary 286Selected Reading 282, 302

Bin 豳 as home to Zhou people 113Bingong xu 公盨 50bipolar paradigm, Neolithic cultures 17birds, mid Western Zhou bronzes 126, 127Blakeley, Barry B., social transformation in

Spring and Autumn period 172Boas, Franz, “Cultural Particularism” 20Bohai Bay 165bone factory, Anyang 75–78Book of Changes (Yijing易經) 157, 158, 211,

221, 312Book of Documents (Shangshu尚書) 49, 157,

158–159, 211, 312destroyed by First Emperor of Qin 311Shang–Zhou transition 143

Book of the Lord of Shang 236Book of Poetry (Shijing 詩經) 49, 157,

159–160, 211, 312destroyed by First Emperor of Qin 311Han Empire versions 312King Wen 文 117Shang–Zhou transition 143“The Birth of People” 144

Xianyun 玁狁 warfare with WesternZhou 160

Book of Rites 311border control, Han Empire 300Bronze Age

bronze cultures contact with Shangculture 86

centers in Erligang 二里崗 period 64–65culture of Lower Ordos 89first culture in China 46, 53

bronze casting sitesAnyang 75Miaopu 苗圃 73

bronze cultureincision 203–204inlaying gold and silver 204lost-wax technology 203mid Western Zhou 126–127piece-mold technology 203preservation of Zhou realm 202–203real world images 204

bronze inscriptions“appointment inscriptions”

149–150Duke of Zhou’s conquest of Yan 奄 and

Bogu 薄古 123early Duke of Qin 229Heaven’s Mandate to Qin 234–235King Cheng’s 成 military campaigns in

east 120, 121King Kang’s康 northern Zhou conquests

135King Zhao 昭, expansion in Shandong

peninsula 136–137legal statutes 176Shang 8, 92Shang military campaigns in Shandong

region 120Western Zhou 8, 92, 140, 144founding of regional states 129legal matters 175lineages 142literacy 156–157warfare 197

Yan 燕 state granted by Zhou king 133Zhou 周contact with Huai 淮 River region 138inspection of regional states 132land disputes 154land grants of king 154regional rulers’ visits 134royal cities 123

bronze technologyErligang period 61late Shang Dynasty 77–78

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bronze vesselsdating of 78, 79Erlitou 46–47, 61Li gui 利簋 120Shang Dynasty 47Shang Dynasty wine vessels 124–125Western Zhou wine vessels 124–125, 126Zhengshou 鄭州 59Zhou elite tombs 152–153

bronzesAnyang period styles 77–78, 124Dayangzhou 大洋洲 discovery 86lineage sacrifice 146mid Western Zhoubirds 126, 127burial bronzes 126–127geometric patterns 127

Zhou period regional and metropolitan134

Zhou and Shang styles compared124–125, 126

Buddha 209Buddhism, Chinese civilization 5Buku 不窋 113bureaucracy

Han Empire 265, 283–285, 287territorial state management technique 195Zhou Dynasty 112

bureaucratizationmid Western Zhou government 147–152Warring States period 197

burial bronzes, mid Western Zhou 126–127burial remains

Jin 晉 rulers 133Sanxingdui 三星堆 87–88Sidun 寺墩 in Jiangsu 34Taosi 陶寺 32tomb of Lady Hao 好 76–77Yuanjunmiao 元君廟 28–29see also tombs

burial sites, Han Empire 318–322

Cai Yong 蔡邕 313“Canon of Law,” Li Kui 李悝 192, 193“Canonical Laws” (Jingfa 經法) 306Cao Cen 曹參, Huang-Lao follower 306cavalry

Han army 271, 273, 275Zhao 199–200

Censor-in-Chief, Han Empire 284Central Asia

contacts with 5, 136, 279Han Empire 299states visited by Zhang Qian 張騫 271

Central Plain, cultural development 18–20

centralization in Han Empire 260Cernuschi Museum, Paris 78Chancellor, Han Empire 284Chang Chun-shu 299Selected Reading 303

Chang, K. C. 65, 89“Chinese Interaction Sphere” theory 18Selected Reading 40, 111Shang royal government 106Shang royal lineage 105–106state formation 42

Chang’an 長安Han imperial capital 260Nine Temples 277

Changcheng 長城 (“Long Wall”) of Qi 185Changping 長平, Battle of 194, 199charcoal samplesCishan 磁山 site, Hebei 23early Neolithic rice 24Peiligang 裴李崗 site, Henan 23

Chavannes, Édouard, book on Dunhuangstrips 7–8

Chen Ping 陳平, Huang-Lao follower 306Chen Sheng 陳勝 258Chen 陳, state of 164Chen Xingcan 陳星燦 65Selected Reading 40

Chengzhou 成周, Zhou administrativecenter 123–124, 163

Chief Commander (Lingyin 令尹), state ofChu 195

chiefdoms 21, 30comparison with states 37–40emergence of states 41, 53Longshan 龍山 society 37–40

Chinahistory of Sima Qian 司馬遷 315–317topography 1–2unification of 244–245

“Chinese League” formed by Qi 163Cho-yun Hsupromotion of lower society

members 172Selected Reading 139, 161, 182

Chu 楚, state of 165, 172archaeological discoveries 221–222Chief Commander office (Lingyin) 195conquest by Qin 241, 245counties 168Fangcheng 方城 (“Square Wall”) 185legal procedures 193legal statutes 176military disaster of 311 BC 189–190population registration 193royal army 199

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Ch’u, T’ung-tsu, Selected Reading 302circulating succession 105Cishan 磁山 site, charcoal samples 23Cishan–Peiligang 磁山-裴李崗 culture 22,

23–24data difficulties 25–27rice 24

civil and military service, Han Empire 288civil offices, Warring States period 195–196civil strife, Spring and Autumn period

171–172clans and clan names 140–141Classic of Way and Virtue 217, 222–223, 305,

306Clerical Script 249climate in early times

North China 3, 22South China 3–4

Commandant, state of Qin 195Commander-in-chief, Han Empire 276, 277commanderies

Han Empire 285Qin Empire 246

Commandery Protector, Warring Statesperiod 195

commoners on Han social scale 292“complex society” archaeology concept

21–22concepts in philosophy see philosophy

concepts“Confucian Classics” 157, 312Confucianism 311

criticized by Mozi 墨子 226–227Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒 309–310Guodian 郭店 texts 222Han Empire 308–311

Confucius 157, 162ancestral family 174Book of Documents 159Book of Poetry 159dates of birth and death 207life and career 210–211parentage 210–211as philosopher 212–213as scholar 211–212Shi 士 status students 174in state of Lu 魯 211“Well Field” system 191

conscription 194–195copper

deposits south of Yangzi River 63mining in Tongling 銅嶺 63

cosmology, Shang Dynasty 99counties

bureaucratic inspections 196Han Empire 285

history and geopolitical context 168–171lineage system erosion 173–174military service 171move from states’ periphery to interior

173non-hereditary 171numbers of in major states 170–171Qin Empire 246, 250Qin’s conquered lands 231, 236, 250role of 168–171taxation 171territorial state’s building blocks 187Xian 縣 derivation and meaning 168see also “County–Commandery” system

“County–Commandery” system 167–171administration 167

covenant tabletsHouma 侯馬 174, 177, 178–179Wenxian 溫縣 177

Craftiness (Qiao 巧), philosophy concept222–223

Crawford, Gray W., Selected Reading 40Creel, Herrlee G. 12

Anyang 12Selected Reading 14, 182The Birth of China 12

criminal cases, Zhangjiashan 293–294crossbows 199

Han army 271currency standardization in Qin

Empire 249

Da Qin 大秦 see Roman EmpireDaluo 大駱 230–231Dan 丹, Prince of Yan 244–245Daoism

Dao 道 217–219search for natural order 216–220three stages of development 216

Dasikong 大司空 village, stratigraphy 78dating

archaeological method 78–79, 116bronzes 78, 79historical method 79–80Nianzipo 碾子坡 113–115

Daxinzhuang 大辛莊, literary evidence 83Dayangzhou 大洋洲, bronzes discovery 86defense system, Han Empire 299–300deities, Earth, River, and Mountain of

Shang Dynasty 100“Desert North Campaign” 275Di Cosmo, Nicolas, Selected Reading 282Di 狄 people 180

prejudice against 181–182relationship with Zhou regional

states 180

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Diaotonghuan 吊桶環, domesticationof rice 24

dictionary, China’s first 314digitalization, modern sinology 13ding 鼎 cauldron 124Dinggong 丁公 pottery shard, early writing

36–37diplomacy, Warring States period 189–190Dirlik, Arif, Selected Reading 14Disputation (bian 辯), philosophy concept


materials used 92–93non-royal 96–98non-Shang 98–99process of 93–96royal 93Shaanxi region 98Shang Dynasty 92–99

domesticationof animals 27of rice 24

Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒career 309Confucianism 309–310empire and emperorship 310–311“Five Elements” theory 310historical role 311human nature 310instructor for Spring and Autumn

Annals 312philosophy 309–311written works 309

Dong Zhao 董卓 313Dong Zuobing 董作賓, grouping of oracle

bones/shells 79–80, 96Donghai 東海 Commandery 287Dongyi 東夷 see “Eastern Barbarians”dou 豆 high plate 127“Doubting Antiquity” movement 10–11

Erlitou culture and Xia Dynasty 52influence in North America 12–13

Duke Huan 桓 of Zheng 163Duke Jian 簡 of Qin (414–400 BC) 239Duke Mu 穆 of Qin (659–621 BC) 234Duke of Qin (603–577 BC) 234–235Duke of Shao 召 123Duke Wen 文 of Jin (576–537 BC) 234Duke Wu 武 of Zheng 163Duke Xian 憲 of Qin (715–704 BC) 234Duke Xian獻 of Qin (384–362BC) 234, 235Duke Xiao 孝 of Qin (361–338 BC)

235–236Duke of Zhou 121–123

conquest of Yan and Bogu 123

“Five Announcements” 158Heaven’s Mandate 144institutions and ritual rules 323southern states campaigns 138

Dunhuang 敦煌700 bamboo strips with writing 7–8medieval manuscripts inventory 7

Duoyou ding 多友鼎, Xianyun threat toWestern Zhou 160

Durrant, Stephen, selected reading 324

Early Chinadates of 6floodplains 2importance of 1, 5–7integral period in Chinese history 5–6mining 63–64paleoclimatology 2–4philosophy 207–228studies in North America 12–14

Early China journal 12early Chinese civilizationAnyang archaeology 9East Asian indigenous 5evolution of 6–7external influences 5

“Eastern Barbarians” 136–137citizens of Qi 165

Eastern Guo 虢, state of 163Eastern Handates of Empire 6eunuchs 301–302mortuary art 321–323succession 300–301tombs of nobles 321–322

ecology, development of humansociety 2

Emaokou 鵝毛口, stone-toolworkshop 22

“emperor,” institution of 249–250Emperor Ai 哀, of Han Dynasty 276Emperor Cheng 成 of Han Dynasty 255Emperor Jing 景 of Han Dynasty

(156–141 BC) 263–264Huang-Lao follower 306

Emperor Ming 明 of Han 301Emperor Ping 平 of Han Dynasty 277Emperor Shun 順 of Han 301Emperor Wen 文 of Han Dynasty

(180–157 BC) 263punishment 289

Emperor Wu 武 of Han Dynasty (140–87BC) 264, 271–276, 288

Confucianism 308–309statutes and ordinances 289

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Emperor Xuan 宣 of Han Dynasty (73–40BC) 276

Emperor Zhang 章 of Han 301Emperor Zhao 昭 of Han Dynasty (86–74

BC) 276, 277“empire”

definition 245–246definition of Chinese 249–250development from “territorial state” 185

empire and emperorship, Dong Zhongshu310–311

Empress Dowager Dou 竇, Huang-Laofollower 306, 308

Empress Lü 呂, Han Dynasty 263Erligang 二里崗

Bronze Age center 64–65culture 58, 61expansion 61–49influence on Wucheng 吳城 culture 86political system expansion 61–63

Erlitou 二里頭archaeology 43architectural alignment 60bronze 46–47, 61culture 42–47end of 53Longshan 龍山 culture influences 47–48luxury items 46–47organizational power 47relation with Xia 夏 Dynasty 51–53sitedescription 43–46discovery 43location 43

as state-level society 47–48, 53tombs 45–46transition to Yanshi 偃師/Zhengzhou 鄭

州 60–61Erudite, position of 311, 312“Erudites of the Five Classics” (Wujing boshi

五經博士) 312ethnical differences of Rong 戎 181ethnical relations in Spring and Autumn

period 180–181eunuchs in Eastern Han Empire 301–302execution as punishment 291Explaining Characters (Shuowen jiezi說文解

字) 314“Extending Imperial Favor,”Han Empire


fabric, earliest known painting on 320Falkenhausen, Lothar von, Selected

Reading 40, 182, 206

families see “Great Families”Fan Ye 范曄, History of the Eastern Han

Dynasty 318Fang 方 enemies, Shang state 109–110Fangcheng 方城 (“Square Wall”) 185farmers

poor see peasantrySpring and Autumn period 171,

173–174Warring States period 192, 194, 198

farmingin 6000–4000 BC North China 24Neolithic communities 22–25see also agriculture; farmers

Feizi 非子, secondary son of Daluo 230Fen 汾 River valley

state of Jin 165Taosi 陶寺 32

Feng 豐archaeology 124pottery assemblage 127Zhou capital 120Zhou royal city network 123–124, 155

Feng 灃 River 120Feng Yu-lan 馮友蘭 216, 217

Selected Reading 228“Fengjian” 封建, Western Zhou state

128–132, 142, 260–261feudalism, inaccuracy reWestern Zhou state

129, 154“Filial and Incorrupt” 287Filial Piety, philosophy concept 218fines as punishment 293First Emperor ofChina seeYing Zheng, First

Emperor of ChinaFiskesjö, Magnus, Selected Reading 40“Five Announcements” 158Five Conducts, text from Guodian 222“Five Elements” theory 227, 305

cardinal directions 305color scheme 305composition of external world 305Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒 310five dynasties 305phases in circle of time 305

“Five Emperors” 48“Five Cities,” Zhou administration 123“Five-Family Units,” Qin 236five-generation rule 142, 146“Five Ranks,” Western Zhou 167floodplains in early China 2Florus, Roman historian 279forces see armies; warfarefortified Longshan “towns” 30–32

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“Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor”306–307

Franke, Herbert, selected reading 14frontiers, Han Empire 298, 300Fu Sheng 伏生 311Fu Su 扶蘇 258Fuxi 伏羲 and Nüwa 女媧 323

Gan Ying 甘英 281Gansu

partial occupation by Qin 241site of Qin 229, 230

“Gatherer of Fuel for the Spirits”on Han social scale 291–292as punishment 293

geometric patterns, mid Western Zhoubronzes 127

Gobi Desert 265, 275God see High God of Shang Dynasty; High

God of Zhou religiongold inlay in bronze 204Gong Fang 方 110Gongsun Hong 公孫泓 309Gongsun Long 公孫龍 227Good Government, philosophy concept

215, 216government

mid Western Zhou 147–152Shang Dynasty 106–107

Graham, A.C., Selected Reading 228“Grain Pounder”

on Han social scale 291–292as punishment 291, 293

Grand Chancellor (Xiang 相), WarringStates period 195

Grand Commandant, Han Empire 284Grand Scribe’s Records (Shiji 史記)

composition of 316importance of 315–317motives for 316–317Sima Qian 司馬遷 315

Grand Secretariat, mid Western Zhougovernment 147–148

“Great Families”economic power in Han Empire 298Liu Kang 劉康, King of Jinan 濟南 297origins in Han Empire 297–298vs. peasantry in Han Empire 295–298

Great One Gives Birth to Water (Taiyi shengshui 太一生水) 222–224, 305

Great Wall, Qin Empire 246, 250Gu Jiegang 顧頡剛, “Doubting Antiquity”

movement 10, 13gu 觚 wine vessel 124Gui Fang 鬼方 110, 135

defeat by Zhou 267gui 簋 tureen 124–125, 127Guo 虢 (Henan), Zhou regional state 132Guo Moruo 郭沫若, refuge in Japan 11Guodian 郭店 221philosophical texts discovery 221–222,

224texts re Confucianism 222guoren 國人, Spring and Autumn period


Han 漢 Dynastydynastic transition 276–279founding of Eastern 279founding of Western 257–260

Han 漢 Empireadministration 284–285“Ancient Texts” 312, 314–315army innovations 271border control 300bureaucracy 265, 283–285, 287burial sites 318–322cavalry 271, 273, 275Censor-in-Chief 284Central Asia 299Chancellor 284Chinese intellectual history 304civil and military service 288commanderies 285Confucian university curriculum 312Confucianization 308–311counties 285defense system 299–300discovery of ancient texts 311–312emperors’ in-laws 301–302end of 302eunuchs 301–302“Extending Imperial Favor” 265frontier

record-keeping 300society 298–300

Grand Commandant 284“Great Families”

economic power 298origins 297–298vs. peasantry 295–298

imperial kinsmen 265intellectual trend outline 304law 288–294legal statutes 289–294maternal uncles’ role 276military strategy against Xiongnu 271,

273“Modern Texts” 312–314, 315“Nine Ministers” 284–285

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Han 漢 Empire (cont.)number of officials in service 285, 287passports 300“Peace and Affinity” policy 269peasantry 276, 294, 295–297population 283, 295–297punishment 289, 291, 293Qin input 283, 308as rank society 283, 292–293regional kingdoms 262–264regionalism vs. centralization 260Roman Empire 279–282, 285–286salaries of officials 286scribes 318Shanyu 單于 relations 269social problems 295–298society 291–293succession rules 300–301“Three Excellencies and Nine Ministers”

283–285university 312, 313Zhang Qian 張騫 271–273Zhou vs. Qin ruling system 260–261, 265

Han Fei 韓非“Authority” (Shi 勢) 225history 226human nature 225importance of punishment 225–226Legalism 224, 225–226source of legitimacy of political power 225“Statecraft” 225–226

Han 漢 River, Zhou military defeat 138Hangzhou Bay, early rice cultivation 24Hann 韓, state of

army size 199enlistment of Xiongnu forces 268Supervisor of Lawsuit 195

Hao 鎬archaeology 124pottery assemblage 127Zhou capital 155Zhou royal city network 123–124

Hao 好, Lady 75–78Harper, Donald, selected reading 324He Jin 何進 302Heaven and God, Zhou religion 145, 208Heaven (Tian天), a Zhou discovery 143, 208Heaven’s Mandate 143–144, 154, 208,

209, 309Qin 234–235

Hegemon, Duke Huan 桓 of Qi 165hegemon, institution of 166–167hegemony

state of Chu 166state of Jin 晉 165–166

state of Wei 魏 188state of Wu 吳 166state of Yue 越 166

Hemudu culture in Yangzi Delta 27High God

of Shang Dynasty 99–100, 143of Zhou religion 144–145

historiography in China 7, 9, 10–12, 167Han historians re First Emperor 255–256“Well Field” system 190

historydepicted in mortuary art 322–323Han Fei’s view of 226

History of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Fan Ye318

History of the Western Han Dynasty (Hanshu漢書)

Ban Gu 班固 315, 318composition 317–318importance of 318motives for 317officials in service 285

Honey, David, Selected Reading 14Hongshan 紅山 culture 27“Horizontal Alliance,” Warring States

period 189Houma covenant tablets 174, 177,

178–179house remains, Jiangzhai 姜寨 27, 29households, Han stipulations 293Hu Fang 虎方 110, 138Hua 華 Mountain 182“Huai 淮 Barbarians” 121Huai 淮 River

groups threatening Western Zhou 160wars with Zhou 138, 160

Huan 洹 River 69, 73Huanbei 洹北 Shang City

archaeological finds 81–82discovery 81size 81time-frame 82–83

Huang-Lao 黃老 philosophy 306–308compared with Legalism 307, 308early Han period 306, 307

Huangdi 皇帝 Ying Zheng 249Huangpi 黃陂, Zhou culture 138Huaxia 華夏 nation, formation of 182Huayuanzhuang 花園莊 oracle bones

discovery 96–97distinctiveness 97–98importance 98non-royal divination 97–98

Huhanye 呼韓邪, the Left Shanyu 275Hui Shi 惠施 227

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Hui, Victoria, Selected Reading 206human life-size bronze statue, Sanxingdui

三星堆 87Human Nature, philosophy concept

Dong Zhongshu 310Han Fei 225Mencius 214–215

human sacrifices, Shang Dynasty102–103

“Hundred Schools of Philosophy” 227Hunye 昆邪, King 273Huo Guang 霍光 276Huo Qubing 霍去病 273, 275, 276, 299

imperial university, Han Empire 312, 313incision, bronze culture 203–204Individualism, philosophy concept 217inlaying gold and silver in bronze 204Inner Mongolia, topography of China 2Inter-state conferences, Spring and Autumn

period 165, 166–167, 181iron

introduction to China 168, 169weaponry 197, 199

jade garment, King of Zhongshan 中山 319jade production, Longshan culture 34Japan, a birthplace of modern sinology

11–12Jaspers, Karl 209–210Ji 紀, state of 165jia 斝 wine vessel 124Jiahu 賈湖 24Jiang Yuan 姜嫄 145Jiangzhai 姜寨

compared to Pingliangtai 30–31domestication of animals 27matrilineal society 27–29Yangshao 仰韶 village 27–29

Jin Midi 金日禪, Xiongnu prince 276, 323Jin 晉 rulers, burial remains 133Jin 晉, state of

counties 168, 171end of lineage system 172–173legal codes 192legal statutes 176overview 165–166political struggle 172–173standing army 199as Zhou regional state 132–133, 180

Jinan 濟南, Bronze Age center 64Jing Ke 荊軻 244Jing 涇 River valley 113, 115, 161, 163Jixia 稷下 Academy, Mencius 214jue 爵 wine vessel 124

Jüyan 居延defense system 299–300strips 299–300

Karlgren, Bernhard, Swedish sinologist 8Keightley, David 12divination inscriptions 96late Shang writing 91Selected Reading 111Shang governance 106Shang proto-bureaucracy 147

Kern, Martin, Selected Reading 256King Cheng 成, 121–123eastern military campaigns 120, 121Zhou regional states 135

King Kang 康expansion in Shandong peninsula 136temple 145–146Zhou geographical perimeter 135

KingMu穆, change in Zhou ritual tradition153

King Wen 文Book of Poetry 117break from Shang regime 119–120construction of Feng 123death 120highlights of rule 120recipient of Heaven’s Mandate 143, 144,

154King Wu 武 of Chu 168King Wu 武 (the Marshal King)battle of Muye 120–121, 123construction of Hao 123death 121

King Xuan, 宣 political struggle with KingYou 161

King You 幽factual end of Western Zhou Dynasty 161mythical end of Western Zhou Dynasty

160–161King Zhao 昭expansion in Shandong peninsula 136legacy 138middle Yangzi region warfare 138

King Zhuangxiang 莊襄 of Qin (249–247BC) 242

kingsin Shang Dynasty 104–105in Warring States period 196–197

Kinney, Anne Behnke, Selected Reading303

Kuai 鄶, state of 163Kuiqiu 葵丘, inter-state conference 165,

166–167Kurakichi, Shiratori 白鳥庫吉 11

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Lady Hao 好 75–78tomb 76–77

Lai 萊, state of 165Lajia 喇家, Neolithic earthquake site 38–39land ownership

lineage 191private 191–192Qin 239

land taxHan Empire 295Qin 239–240Warring States period 194

language spoken in Anyang 92Lao-Ai 嫪毐 242Laozi 老子 217late Shang period 107–110Laufer, Berthold 12law

codified 175, 176, 188Han Empire 288–294Qin 237Spring and Autumn period 175–177see also “Treatise of Law”

legal statutesbronze inscriptions 176Han Empire 289–294pre-Qin Empire 192–193Qin 237state of Chu 176state of Jin 176state of Zheng 176

“Legal Statutes,” Zi Chan 子產 176legal system

lineage-based 175–176Spring and Autumn period 175–177Western Zhou 175–176

LegalismHan Fei 224, 225–226and Huang-Lao philosophy 307, 308law and punishment 289philosophy concept 224–226, 228

legislation, pre-Qin Empire 192–193Lewis, Mark Edward, Selected Reading

256, 282Li Cang 利倉, family tomb 320Li Feng, Selected Reading 139, 161, 256Li gui 利簋, bronze vessel 120Li Kui 李悝, Wei statesman 188, 191, 194

“Canon of Law” 192, 193Li Si 李斯 225, 244“li 鬲 tripod + guan 罐 jar” 127Liang 梁 family massacre 302Liangzhu 良渚 culture

archaic states 37

disappearance of 34Yangzi Delta 34

Linduff, Katheryn, Selected Reading 139,161

lineage system 141–143decline of 171–174, 176land management 191legal system 175–176primary and derivative lineages 142–143sacrificial bronzes 146segmentary 21, 29segmentationfive-generation rule 142, 146Zhou elite 142

temples 146–147warfare 197

Lishan 驪山 complex 251–255, 258armory 253bronze chariot 251–252design 254layout 251–254“Retiring Hall” 251stable 252temples 252tombs 252underground river system 253–254Yigong 252

literacyShang Dynasty 90–92Western Zhou Dynasty 140, 156–160Zhou Dynasty 112

Liu Bang 劉邦“King of Han” 259–260rebel against Qin 259

Liu Bang, Emperor of Han Dynasty 260,263, 269

rules of succession 301Liu E 劉鶚 67Liu Kang 劉康, King of Jinan, “Great

Families” 298Liu Li 65

Selected Reading 40Liu Xiu 劉秀, Han Emperor 301

land survey 295Liulihe 琉璃河 133Liye 里耶, writing systems evidence 249Loehr, Max 77Loess Plateau, topography of China 2Loewe, Michael 287

Selected Reading 161, 256, 282, 302“Long Wall” (Changcheng 長城)

of Qi 185Longqiu 龍虯 pottery shard, early writing


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Longshan 龍山 culturediscovery 17influences on Erlitou culture 47–48pottery 30

Longshan millennium 30fortified “towns” 30–32high-quality pottery 35metallurgy 36social stratification 34–35societiesas archaic states 37as chiefdoms 37–40

“town” culture 30–37lost-wax technology, bronze culture 203Lower Erligang 二里崗 Phase 58, 59Lower Ordos

bronze culture 89contact with Shang culture 89migrations after collapse of 135

Loyalty, philosophy concept 218Lü Buwei 呂不韋 242, 244–245Lu 魯, state of 164, 172

Confucius 211as Zhou regional state 132

Luo Zhenyu 羅振玉 67Luoyang 洛陽 163, 165Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn

Annals (Chunqiu fanlu春秋繁露) 309

Ma Heng 馬衡 313magistrates, state of Qin 195“Man-eating Tiger” bronze 78Manchurian Plain, topography of China 2Mandate of Heaven see Heaven’s MandateManner (Li 禮), philosophy concept 214Maodun 冒頓, Shanyu 268Marquis Yi 乙, tomb of 203Marxism 11

andWestern theories, Neolithic China 20maternal uncles, role in Han Empire 276matrilineal society, Jiangzhai 27–29Mawangdui 馬王堆, Han Dynasty tombs

211, 221, 306layout and contents 319–320

May Fourth Movement (1919) 10measurements standardization, Qin 240,

248–249medieval manuscripts inventory,

Dunhuang 7Mencius 214Mencius

good government 215, 216Guodian texts 221human nature 214–215, 216, 222land tax 194

legitimacy of political power 215life of 209, 214as philosopher 214–216, 226Shi 士 175in state of Wei 214“Well Field” system 190

Meng Tian 蒙恬, General 250Merchant Lü 呂 see Lü Buweimeritocracy, Qin 239metallurgyErlitou 46–47Longshan millennium 36sectional mold casting 46–47

Miaopu 苗圃, bronze casting foundry 73mid Western Zhouadministrative officials 147, 167–168bronze

“appointment inscriptions” 149–150birds 126, 127culture 126–127geometric patterns 127

bureaucratization 147–152burial bronzes 126–127early Qin 229–231foreign relations 153government bureaucratization 147–152Grand Secretariat 147–148military administration 148–149promotion in government 149–150ritual system 153Royal Household management 147–148royal succession abnormality 153Three Supervisors 147transition 152–154

Middle Shang, discovery of 78–83migration of peoples 154, 180, 182archaeology 181

militaryadministration in mid Western Zhou

148–149campaigns of Shang state 109–110, 120campaigns in Warring States period

187–188forces in Spring and Autumn period

197–199offices in Warring States period

195–196texts of Warring States period 201–202

military servicein “Commandery” unit 194in counties 171of entire population 198in Warring States period 194–195

Ming and Qing archival documentsreclamation (1909) 7

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mining in Early China 63–64“Modern Texts,” Han Empire 312–314,

315Mohism 226–227, 320Morgan, Louis Henry 28mortuary art

depiction of history 322–323Eastern Han 321–323

“Mother Wu,” cauldron cast for 78Mozi 墨子 209, 226–227Mozi 墨子 226multi-region model of development,

Neolithic cultures 17–19Muye 牧野, battle of 120–121

Nanjing Academica Sinica, Anyangexcavations 9, 10–12

Naturalism 227, 228core concepts 305Huang-Lao 307maturity of 305–306relationship between culture and nature

304–306Nature Derives from Mandate 222Neo-evolutionism 21Neolithic China

bipolar paradigm 17cultural development 15–20early farming 22–25marks as early writing 36Marxist and Western theories 20multi-region model of development

17–19products of particular regions 15, 17regions of culture 17social development 20–22three critical inventions 22

New Dynastyfounding of 277reforms 277–279

“nexus ancestors” 146–147Nianzipo 碾子坡, dating of 113–115Nienhauser, William H. 65

Selected Reading 65“Nine Articles” of Han law 288“Nine Ministers,” Han Empire

284–285Nine Temples, Chang’an 277Ningxia, partial occupation by Qin 241Nivison, David Shepherd, Selected

Reading 228No Action (Wuwei 無爲), philosophy

concept 218, 220, 308nomadic culture, Yimencun tomb 181

Nomadism, northern steppe regions 267,268–269

North America, Early China studies12–14

North Chinaclimate in early times 3farming in 6000–4000 BC 24, 25–27

North China Plainpre-Qin texts 2topography of China 2

“Oath of Alliance,” Spring and Autumnperiod 165, 177

offerings, to Shang royal ancestors100–103

oracle bonesearliest writing system 90first publication 67inscriptionsAnyang 79, 113developmental history 90–91, 92the “Four Lands” 107–108pre-dynastic Zhou 117Shang mention of Zhou 113Shang military campaigns 109–110sudden emergence of 90–92

Shang 商 Dynasty 8–9, 51and shellsAnyang 7five-period scheme 96Huayuanzhuang discovery 96–97King Wu Ding 武丁 96non-Shang divination 98–99

Zhou 118–119Ordos region

archaeological finds 265–268bronze manufacturing 267conquered by Qin 268extent of 265period of decline 267see also Lower Ordos

organizational power, Erlitou 47Oriental Archaeology Research Center of

Shandong University, selectedreading 89

“Origins of the Way” (Daoyuan 道原) 306

paleoclimatology in China 2–4paleography 6Pang , Zhou royal city network 123–124Pankenier, David W., astronomical

historian 33Panlongcheng 盤龍城 63passports in Han Empire 300

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“Peace and Affinity” policy of Han Empire269

peasantryHan Empire 295, 297selling themselves 295

Peerenboom, R.P. 307Selected Reading 324

Peiligang 裴李崗 site, charcoal samples 23periodization, Anyang 78–81philosophical texts

archaeological discoveries 221see also Guodian

philosophyConfucius 212–213see also Confucianism; ConfuciusDong Zhongshu 309–311early Chinese 209Han Fei 224, see also Han FeiMencius 214–216, see also MenciusMohism 226–227, 320Naturalism 227, 305

see also Huang-Lao philosophy;Naturalism

Sophists 227traditions 209Warring States period 304, 305Zhou Dynasty philosophers 112,

207–228Zhuangzi莊子 218–220, see also Zhuangzi

philosophy conceptsBeing Natural (Ziran 自然) 219Benevolence (Ren) 213, 214, 215, 218,

222–223, 227Confusianism 212–213, 222, 226–227,

311Craftiness (Qiao) 222–223Dao 道 217–219Daoism 216–220Disputation (Bian) 222–223Filial Piety 218“Five Elements” 227, 305Good Government 215, 216Huang-Lao 黃老 306–308Human Nature 214–215, 225Individualism 217Legalism 224–226, 228Loyalty 218Manner (Li 禮) 214No Action 218, 220No Action (Wuwei) 308“Prime” 310Profit (Li 利) 222–223Righteousness (Yi 義) 214, 215, 218,

222–223Ritual (Li 禮) 212–213, 214–215, 219

source of political power legitimacy 215,225

“Teaching andTransforming” (jiaohua教化) 309

The Way see philosophy concepts, DaoUniversal Love 227Virtue (De 德) 208, 217Wisdom (Zhi 智) 214, 222–223yin 陰 and yang 陽 227, 305

piece-mold technology, bronze culture 203Pingcheng 平城 269Pingliangtai 平糧台 early fortified “town”

30–31Plato 209Pleistocene Epoch 3politicalcontracts

social–cultural meaning 177Spring and Autumn period 177

economy, meaning of state 42power

legitimacy according to Han Fei 225legitimacy according to Mencius 215

science, meaning of “state” 41struggle in state of Jin 172–173

poll tax, Qin 239–240polygamy, Zhou elite 141populationHan Empire 283, 295–297migration 154, 180, 182registration in state of Chu 193

“Post-Early civilization” period 210potteryassemblage during Shang and Zhou 127,

134development in Zengpiyan 24–25high-quality Longshan 35invention of 24–25pre-dynastic Zhou 113–116Western Zhou 127

localized types 127Powers, Martin J. 322Selected Reading 324

pre-dynastic Zhou 112–117ancestor worship 117oracle-bone inscriptions 117pottery 113–116

pre-Qin texts, North China Plainmarshes 2

prejudice against Rong and Di peoples181–182

“Prime,” philosophy concept 310primogeniture 141, 145Shang Dynasty 103, 104

Profit (Li 利), philosophy concept 222–223

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promotion, mid Western Zhou government149–150

punishmentin Han Empire 289, 291, 293Han Fei 225–226

Qi 契, ancestor of Shang people 54Qi 齊, Duke Huan of 165, 166–167Qi 齊, state of 164, 165, 172

army size 199battles, fourth- and third-century BC 189Changcheng (“Long Wall”) 185conquest by Qin 245enlistment of Xiongnu forces 268Mencius 214as Zhou regional state 132, 153

Qiang Fang 羌方 110Qin 秦

“barbarians” 234capital transferred to Yueyang 櫟陽 235“County” (Xian 縣) reformed by Shang

Yang 商鞅 236–239early culture 231early history 229–235in eastern Gansu 241“Five-Family Units” of peasants 236foundation of Han Empire 283, 308genesis of Qin people 230–231Heaven’s Mandate 234–235land ownership 239long wall construction 241meritocracy 239population ranking system 239private land ownership 239in Shaanxi 231Shang Yang’s reforms 235–241Shuihudi 睡虎地 laws and statutes 237in southern Ningxia 241succession to be approved by Zhou king

234taxation 239–240Xianyang 咸陽 as capital 240Zhou relationship 234

Qin conquestsChu 245Fujian 250Guangdong 250Guangxi 250Ordos region 268Qi 245Shu 蜀 and Ba 巴 241Sichuan Basin 241Wei 245Yan 244–245Yiqu 義渠 241, 268

Qin Empireadministration 246–249civil officials 246–248commanderies 246consolidation of 245–250counties 231, 236, 246, 250creation of 245currency standardization 249dynasty 6extent of at death of First Emperor 246founding of 183Great Wall 246, 250highway system 246measurements standardization 240,

248–249northern demarcation of 246, 250overthrown 257–259writing systems 249, 311

Qin, state of 180army size 199battles, fourth-century BC 188–189border walls 186Commandant, office of 195conscription 194–195counties 168“Horizontal” strategy 189magistrates 195rise to superpower among warring states

188–189small farmer households 191–192as Zhou regional state 132see also Qin; Qin conquests; Qin Empire

Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, topography ofChina 1–2

Qiyi 岐邑archaeology 124pre-dynastic Zhou capital 117Zhou capital 155Zhou royal city network 123–124

rammed earth wall, significance of 30rank society, Han Empire 283, 292–293Rawson, Jessica, Selected Reading 138“Rectification of Names” (Zhengming) 212,

213“Red eyebrows” rebel army 279reforms, New Dynasty 277–279regional

kingdoms of Han Empire 260, 262–264rulers of Western Zhou 154–155states see Zhou regional states

“Regional Systems and Cultural Types”theory 17–18

religionrole of writing 91

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Sanxingdui 87–88Shang Dynasty 99–103Zhou 143–147

Ren Fang 人方 110, 120, 121Shang military campaigns against 120

riceCishan–Peiligang culture 24cultivation 24domestication at Diaotonghuan 24Hangzhou Bay 24

Righteousness (Yi 義), philosophy concept214, 215, 218, 222–223

Ritual (Li禮), philosophy concept 212–213,214–215, 219

Roman EmpireHan description of 279–281Han Empire 279–282comparison 285–286

Rong 戎 peoples 180–181early Qin 231ethnical differences 181prejudice against 181–182relationship with Zhou regional states

180–181, 231Zuo Commentary 181

royalancestors in Shang Dynasty 100–103divination 96lineage in Shang Dynasty 103–106succession rules in Shang Dynasty

103–104, 105–106Ruler Wen 文 279–281

sacrifices, Shang Dynasty 99–103sacrificial

activities at Anyang 71bronzes of lineage system 146

“sacrificial circle” = one year 102–103Sahlins, Marshall 21, 29salary scales of Han officials 286Sanxingdui 三星堆

Anyang 110burial remains 87–88human life-size bronze statue 87religion 87–88Sichuan 86–88

Schneider, Laurence A., SelectedReading 14

scribes, Han Empire 318scripts

Clerical Script 249Small Seal 249stone classics 313see also writing systems

seafaring in early times 4–5

seashells, Western Zhao currency 136“Second-year Statutes” 289–294sectional mold casting 46–47segmentary lineage system 21, 29Selected ReadingAllan, Sarah 111Anyang Work Team of the Institute of

Archaeology, CASS 74, 89Bagley, Robert 89, 111Bielenstein, Hans 282, 302Blakeley, Barry B. 182Chang, Chun-shu 303Chang, K. C. 40, 65, 89, 111Chen, Xingcan 40, 65Hsu, Cho-yun 139, 161, 182Ch’u, T’ung-tsu 302Crawford, Gray W. 40Creel, Herrlee G. 14, 182Di Cosmo, Nicolas 282Dirlik, Arif 14Durrant, Stephen 324Falkenhausen, Lothar von 40, 182, 206Feng, Yu-lan 228Fiskesjö, Magnus 40Franke, Herbert 14Graham, A. C. 228Harper, Donald 324Honey, David 14Hui, Victoria 206Keightley, David 111Kern, Martin 256Kinney, Anne Behnke 303Lewis, Mark Edward 205, 256, 282Li, Feng 139, 161, 256Linduff, Katheryn 139, 161Liu, Li 40, 65Loewe, Michael 161, 256, 302McNeal, Robin 182Nienhauser, William H. 65Nivison, David Shepherd 228Oriental Archaeology Research Center of

Shandong University 89Peerenboom, R. P. 324Powers, Martin J 324Rawson, Jessica 138Schneider, Lawrence A. 14Shaughnessy, Edward 139, 161Sima Qian 324Thorp, Robert 65, 89Twitchett, Denis 282, 302Underhill, Anne 40Wang Zhongshu 282, 324Weld, Susan Roosevelt 182Wu Hung 324Xu Pingfang 徐 芳 40

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Service, Elman 21“Seven Military Classics” 202Shaanxi region, divination 98shamanistic power, Shang Dynasty 106Shandong region

Shang military campaigns 120Zhou expansion in 120, 136–137

Shang 商 Dynasty 6alcohol 83Anyang see Anyangarchitectural alignment 60bronzecasting advancements 77–78production end 127styles compared with Zhou 124–125,

126vessel types 47wine vessels 124–125

cosmology 99cultsroyal ancestors 100–103winds 100

dates of 51deities of Earth, River, andMountain 100divination 92–99Document Maker 147founding of 54government 106–107human sacrifices 102–103kingsmainline and collateral 104names 104–105oracle-bone divination records 67–68shamanistic power 106tombs at Xibeigang 71–73

literacy 90–92oracle bones 51, 54, 56kings’ divination records 67–68mention of Huan River 73mention of Zhou 113

pottery in Western Zhou period 127, 134power retention by king 102primogeniture 103, 104religion 99–103religious offerings 100–103relocation of capital 54–56royalgenealogy 54, 67lineage 103–106sacrifices 99–103succession rules 103–104, 105–106

sacrificial activities 71“sacrificial cycle” = one year 102–103shamanistic power of king 106Shang Jia 上甲 54

Tang 湯 (Da Yi 大乙) 54, 60temperature drop 3Wang Hai 王亥 54Zhong Ding 仲丁 60see also Anyang; Shang state

Shang Jia 上甲, Shang Dynasty 54Shang 商 state

conquests by Zhou 117–123cultural network 83–85, 89, 109Fang enemies 109–110the “Four Lands” 107–109geographic area 109hunting trips 108–109military campaigns 109–110, 120political network 83, 85proto-bureaucracy 147relationship with Zhou 117Shandong region campaigns in bronze

inscriptions 120see also Shang Dynasty

Shang Yang 商鞅, Qin reformer 189, 191Chancellor of Qin reforms 235–240counties reform 236–239death of 240–241early life 235–236land reform in Qin 239Legalism 224reform in Warring States period 224reforms’ importance 240–241, 249

Shang–Zhou transition 143–144Shanxi Longshan culture, Taosi 31–32Shanyu 單于 relations, Han Empire 269Shaughnessy, Edward, Selected Reading

139, 161shaving as punishment

beard 291hair 291, 293

Shen Buhai 申不害, Legalism 224, 226Shen Dao 慎到, Legalism 224Shi 士

good nature 214intellectual developments 207leaders of society in Spring and Autumn

period 175lower elites in Spring and Autumn period

172, 175as a social group 175status explained 174–175

Shu 蜀, conquered by Qin 241Shuihudi 睡虎地 legal texts

discovery 192–193Qin “Five-Family Units” 236Qin law 237Qin officials’ appointment/dismissal 248

Shun 舜, last of the “Five Emperors” 48

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Sichuan Basin, conquered by Qin 241Sidun 寺墩, burial remains 34Silk Road in early times 5silver inlay in bronze 204Sima Qian 司馬遷 49

assassination attempt on Ying Zheng 244genesis of Qin people 230Grand Scribe’s Records 48, 54, 67, 103, 250Grand Scribe’s Records (Shiji) 315his life 315life of Confucius 210Lü Buwei 242motives for writing Grand Scribe’s Records

316–317Selected Reading 324Shang Yang’s policies 240

sinologyChina, Japan, the West 13–14digitalization and electronic publication

13French and Swedish influence 7–8Japanese influence 11–12Marxist influence 11“Sixteen Classics” (Shiliu jing) 306

slaves on Han social scale 291–292Small Seal scripts 249social

groupings in Han Empire 291–293historychanges in social standing of farmers

190–192legislation on size of peasant families

191–192organization in Yangshao village 27–29problems in Han Empire 295–298stratificationin Longshan millennium 34–35in Taosi 32

transformation in Spring and Autumnperiod 172

sociology, meaning of “state” 42Socrates 209, 210solar observatory at Taosi 32, 33soldiers see armies; military service; warfareSong ding 頌鼎, example of “appointment

inscriptions” 150Song 宋, state of 164, 172Sophists 227South Asia, early contacts 5South China, climate in early times 3–4Spring and Autumn Annals 162, 211, 312Spring and Autumn period

balance of power 166concept of Chinese (Huaxia) nation 182creation of guoren 176

decline of lineage system 171–174ethnical relations 180–181farmers 171, 173–174importance of historical development

166–167influence of Zhou periphery states

164–166interstate conferences 165, 166–167, 181legal system 175–177military forces 197–199nature of warfare 197“Oath of Alliance” 177political contracts 177rise of ministerial families 172rise to office of lower society

members 172Shi

as leaders of society 175as lower elites 172, 175as a social group 175

social transformation 172transition from Western Zhou 162–163,

166–167wars and civil strife 171–172

“Square Wall” (Fangcheng) 185stateestablishment of royal state system 49formation questions 42meanings of 41–42“territorial state” concept 184–187

“Statecraft,” Han Fei 225–226statesascendancy over chiefdoms 41, 53see also states by their names; territorial

statesstatutes see legal statutes“Statutes on Household,” Han Empire 293“Statutes on Murder,” Han Empire 291,

293“Statutes on Reduction of Punishments,”

Han Empire 293Stein, Aurel, Dunhuang strips 7steppe region, extent of 265stonechimes 234classics 313tool workshop 22

“Straight Road,” Qin Empire highwaysystem 246

stratigraphy, Dasikong village 78Su Binqi 蘇秉琦 17succession see circulating succession;

Eastern Han Empire, succession;Han Empire, succession rules; ShangDynasty; royal succession rules

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Sun Bin 孫臏, Qi commander 189, 200The Art of War 202Sun Wu 孫武

land tax 194The Art of War 201–202

Supervisor of Lawsuit, state ofHann 195

Supervisors see mid Western Zhou,administrative officials; WarringStates period; functional offices

Taiwan, Austronesian people 4Taixi 台西, Hebei 83Tang 湯 (Da Yi 大乙), founder of Shang

Dynasty 54, 60Tang Jigen 唐際根, discovery of Middle

Shang 82Tang Lan 唐蘭 306Taosi 陶寺

burial remains 32copper bell discovery 36social stratification 32solar observatory 32, 33town of Shanxi Longshan culture

31–32waning of power 41tattooing face as punishment 291

taxation, Qin 239–240taxation in counties 171, 173temples

clusters in Zhou Dynasty 145–146five-temple group 145–146Grand Temple 145Kang Temple 145lineage 146–147Lishan complex 252Temple of Zhou 145Zhou 145–146

Ten Heavenly Stems 104–105Teng 滕 (Shandong), Zhou regional

state 132terracotta warriors 254–255“territorial state” concept 184–187territorial states

border walls 185–186bureaucracy 195main objective of 187–188, 197transition to 187warfare 187–188, 197

The Art of WarSun Bin 202Sun Wu 201–202

The Way see philosophy concepts, Dao;philosophy concepts, Daoism

Thorp, Robert, Selected Reading 65, 89

“Three Articles,” Liu Bang’s rules forconduct 288

“Three Excellencies and Nine Ministers”283–285

Three Supervisors, mid Western Zhougovernment 147

“Three-style Stone Classics” 313Tian Guang 田廣 244tombs

Baoshan bamboo strips 193burial of Duke Jing of Qin 233contents in Western Han period

318–320Erlitou 45–46Guodian 220King of Zhongshan 319Li Cang family tomb 320Lishan complex 252lost-wax casting bronzes 203luxury contents decline 320–321Mawangdui 211, 221, 306, 319–320mountain 319nobles of Eastern Han 321–322nobles of Western Han 319–320Qin and Jin territories 181Shang kings at Xibeigang 西北崗 71–73,

106Shuihudi legal texts 192–193steppe culture 267Western Han social elites 318–319,

320–322Yimencun 益門村, Wei River

valley 181Yinqueshan 銀雀山 military texts

201–202Zhangjiashan 289, 293–294Zhou elite bronze vessels 152–153

Tongling 銅嶺, copper mining 63, 64Tonglushan 銅綠山, ancient mining site

63–64topography of China 1–2

Inner Mongolia 2Loess Plateau 2Manchurian Plain 2North China Plain 2Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau 1–2

“Treatise of Law”Han society 291origin of Han law 288

tribal organization 21troops see armies; warfareturtle shells, divination 92–93Twitchett, Denis, Selected Reading 282,

302“Two Peaches Killing Three Warriors” 323

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Underhill, Anne, Selected Reading 40unification of China 244–245Universal Love, philosophy concept 227universal taxation, counties 171university of Han Empire 312, 313

“Vertical Alliance,” Warring Statesperiod 189

Virtue (De), philosophy concept 208, 217

“Wall Builder”on Han social scale 291–292as punishment 291, 293

walls bordering territorial states 185–186Wang Guowei 王國維 8–9, 10, 67Wang Hai 王亥, Shang Dynasty 54Wang Jian 王翦, General 244, 245WangMang王莽, Emperor of NewDynasty

276–279, 295Wang Yirong 王懿榮, inscribed bones

66–67Wang Zang 王臧 308Wang Zhongshu 王仲舒, Selected Reading

282, 324warfare

army composition in Warring Statesperiod 199

battle-ready male population 199changes during Warring States period

197–202commandership changes 200fighting methods 199–200frequency of wars during Warring States

period 187–188goals of war changes 200lineages 197soldiers’ composition in Warring States

period 198–199Spring and Autumn period 197Western Zhou 197

Warring States periodagriculture 190–192alliances 189“Annual Report” 196bureaucratization 195–197compositionof army 199of soldiers 198–199

diplomacy 189–190farmers 190–192, 194, 198frequency of war 187–188functional offices 195–196“Horizontal Alliance” 189kings’ absolute power 196–197land tax 194

Legalism 224–226military

service 194–195texts 201–202

overview 183philosophy 304, 305Qin’s rise to superpower 188–189small farmer households 190–192state control of farmers 192supremacy of state of Wei 188territorial states see territorial states“Vertical Alliance” 189warfare changes 197–202Zhou states list 131

“Way of Earth” 307“Way of Heaven” 307“Way of Human” 307Wei 魏 Dynasty, founding of 302Wei Liao 尉繚, Commandant of Qin army

243–244Wei Qing 衛青 273, 275Wei 渭 River plainZhou city network 123–124Zhou lineage centers 142

Wei 渭 River valleyelites relocation 163Han army reconquest 279Han Empire heartland 260population transfer from 154pottery 127, 134Qin rebel attacks 258, 259Qin’s original center 231Rong group occupation 180Yimencun tomb 181Zhou people 113–117, 120, 141

Wei 魏, state ofagricultural production 188battles, fourth-century BC 188, 189border walls 185hegemony 188legal codes 192Li Kui see Li Kui, Wei statesmanMencius 214Qin conquest 245supremacy in Warring States period 188Xiongnu forces enlistment 268

“Weighing” (Cheng 稱) 306Weld, Susan Roosevelt, selected reading

182“Well Field” system 190–191Wenxian 溫縣 covenant tablets 177Western Hantombs

of nobles 319–320of social elites 318–319, 320–322

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Western Han Empire 6administrative documents 7

Western Zhoubronzeculture changes 126–127inscribed objects dispersal 156–157inscriptions 129, 140, 144, 175styles compared with Shang 124wine vessels 124–125, 126

cultural development 134end of 160–161“Five Ranks” 167founding of Dynasty 121legal matters 175–176literacy 140, 156–160pottery 127regional rulers 154–155regional states 129, 184social order 147temperature drop 3texts 49threatsfrom Huai River groups 160from Xianyun people 160, 161

transitionto Spring and Autumn period 162–163to Warring States period 186–187

war and warfare 138, 197Western Zhou state 154–156

central Shaanxi royal domain 155–156“Fengjian” 128–132, 260–261geopolitical description 155government and society developments

153–154security 132weakening of 132

Wey 衛, state of 132, 164, 165, 180“White-rice Sorter”

on Han social scale 291–292as punishment 293

winds, Shang Dynasty 100wine vessels see bronze vesselsWisdom (Zhi 智), philosophy concept 214,


Dinggong pottery shard 36–37Dunhuang 700 bamboo strips 7–8early 36–37Longqiu pottery shard 36–37Neolithic marks 36on perishable materials in Western Zhou

157religious role 91social contexts 91–92see also literacy; scripts

writing systems“Ancient Texts” 312Liye evidence 249Qin Empire 249, 311see also scripts

written evidence, importance of 90Wu Ding武丁, Shang king 75, 76, 104, 109

oracle bones/shells 96Wu 武 Family cemetery, Jiaxiang 嘉祥

322–323Wu Hung 322

Selected Reading 324Wu Liang 武梁, shrine of 322–323Wu Qi 吳起 188Wu 吳, state of 121, 166Wucheng吳城 culture 64

influenced by Erligang 86Wugeng 武庚 121Wuwei 無為 308

Xia 夏 Dynastydebate about 48–53kings list 49–51origin of 48relation with Erlitou culture 51–53

Xi’an 西安, Bronze Age center 65Xian 縣 system see “County–Commandery”

systemXiang Liang 項梁

rebel against Qin 258–259Xiang Yu 項羽, rebel against Qin 258

“Hegemon King,” King of Chu 259–260Xianyang 咸陽, capital of Qin 240Xianyun 鮮于 people, threat to Western

Zhou 160, 161Xiao 崤, battle of 181Xiao Yu ding 小盂鼎 267Xibeigang 西北崗 71–73

sacrificial activities 71, 103tombs of Shang kings 71–73, 106

Xihan 西漢 River valley 231Xing 邢 (Hebei), Zhou regional state 132

pottery 134Xing 邢, state of 165, 180Xiongnu 匈奴 250

capture of Zhang Qian 271defeats by Han forces 273fighting for five eastern states 268Han military strategy against 271Han war with 271–276king reduced to rank of duke 277origins 265

Xiongnu 匈奴 Confederacy 268, 269internal struggles 275tribal autonomy 269

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Xiongnu 匈奴 Empire 263, 265–271“Xiping 熹平 Stone Classics” 313Xipo 西坡, Yangshao settlement 29Xu Pingfang 徐 芳, Selected Reading 40Xu Shen 許慎 314Xunzi 荀子 214, 225

Yan 燕, state ofattack by Rong people 165border walls 186conquest by Qin 244–245enlistment of Xiongnu forces 268pottery 134state granted by Zhou king 133as Zhou regional state 132, 133

Yan Wenming 嚴文明, Central Plain 19–20Yang Zhu 楊朱, Daoist philosopher

216–217Yangshao 仰韶

discovery of culture 15, 17Jiangzhai 27–29pottery 27social organization of village 27–29society 25–30Xipo 29Zhudingyuan 鑄鼎原 29–30

Yangshao 仰韶 Era 27Yangzi Delta

Hemudu culture 27Liangzhu culture 34topography of China 2Zhou’s relationship with 137–138

Yangzi Rivercanal link to Li River 250copper deposits 63

Yanshi 偃師 56, 57, 60–61architectural alignment 60layout 56–57start of construction 59transition from Erlitou 60–61

Yates, Robin 239, 249slaves 292

Yellow Riverflooding of Daliang 245occupied by Rong groups 180Qin conquests 235sites contemporary to Cishan-Peiligang

23–24Yihou Ze gui 宜侯夨簋, inscription 129Yimencun 益門村 tomb, nomadic culture

181Yin Weizhang 殷瑋璋 17Yin 陰 and Yang 陽 227, 305

Dong Zhongshu 309–310Ying 應, Zhou regional state 132

Ying Zheng 嬴政, First Emperor of China242, 249–250, 323

afterlife 250–256assassination attempt 244death 257–258early life 242personal character 242–243unification of China 244–245

Ying Zheng 嬴政, Huangdi 249Yinqueshan 銀雀山, discovery of military

texts 201–202Yinwan 尹灣 documents 286–287“Annual Report” 287county magistrates’ ranking 286“Curriculum Vitae of Major Officials”

287“Registers of Officials” 287

Yiqu 義渠, state of, conquered by Qin 241,268

Yoffee, Norman, “complex society” 21Yong 雍, Qin capital, archeological

importance 231–233Yu 禹, legendary founder of Xia Dynasty

48–49, 50Yuanjunmiao 元君廟 cemetery 28–29Yue 越, state of 166Yueyang 櫟陽, Qin capital relocated to 235Yunmeng 云夢 Marsh 4, 63

Zengpiyan 甑皮岩, early pottery 24–25Zengzi 曾子, disciple of Confucius 174Zhang Changshou 張長壽, analysis of

bronze vessels 80Zhang Qian 張騫 271–273Zhang Zhongpei 張忠培 37Zhangjiashan 張家山criminal cases 293–294Han legal statutes 289–294legal procedures 293–294

Zhao 趙, cavalry 199–200Zhao 趙, state of, enlistment of Xiongnu

forces 268Zhao Wan 趙綰 308Zheng 鄭, state of 163–164, 172legal codes 192legal statutes 176

Zheng Xuan 鄭玄 314–315Zheng鄭, Zhou royal city network 123–124,

163Zhengzhou 鄭州 56, 57–58archaeology 58–59bronze vessels 59time-frame 59–60transition from Erlitou 60–61

Zhizhi 郅支, Right Shanyu 275–276

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Zhong Ding 仲丁, Shang Dynasty 60Zhongshan 中山, King of

jade garment 319tomb 319

Zhongshan 中山, state of 205Zhou 周

1059 BC 117–120, 143ancestor worship 147battle against Guifang 267bronzeart changes 152culture tradition preserved 202–203styles compared with Shang 124–125,

126bureaucratic administration 112Central Asia contact 136collapse in 771 BC 208conquests of Shang 117–123contact with external world 136expansion in Shandong peninsula

136–137genealogical relationship of king and

regional rulers 131, 132geographical perimeter 135Heaven 143, 145, 208Heaven’s Mandate 143–144, 154, 208,

209historical location 113–117Huai River region contact 138India contact 136land grants and disputes 154literary culture 112northern conquests 135oracle bones 118–119overview of dynasty 112people’s mixed origins 116–117periphery states 164–166philosophers 112, 207–228pottery assemblages 134pre-dynastic see pre-dynastic Zhouregional and metropolitan bronzes 134religion 143–147see also Heaven; Heaven and God;Heaven’s Mandate

royalancestor Buku 113cities 123city network 123–124clan 141court relocation 163house “nexus ancestors” 147lineage 142–143

Shandong peninsula expansion 136–137Shang kingdom relationship 117temples 145–146

territorial control expansion 121–123,135–138

wars in Huai River region 138Wei River valley people 113–117, 120,

141West Asia contact 136Yangzi delta relationship 137–138see alsomidWestern Zhou;Western Zhou;

western Zhou DynastyZhou, Duke of see Duke of ZhouZhou 周 elite

changes in tomb bronze vessels 152–153clans and clan names 140–141lineages 141–143primary and derivative 142–143segmentation 142

polygamy 141preservation of bronze culture 202–203ritual system 153social organization 140–143

Zhou 周 regional statesarchaeology 132–134contact with Zhou king 132, 134distribution 131establishment 131functioning of 129–132inspection of 132King Cheng 135listed in Warring States period 131periphery states 164–166political control of Zhou king 132Rong and Di relations 180–181rulers’ visits to 134weakening of royal power 153

Zhou 周 state 172border walls 186

Zhuangzi 莊子 218–220activist government 219–220“Being Natural” or “Naturally So” 219Guodian texts 221“The Way” 218–219usefulness and uselessness 220

Zhuangzi莊子, Warring States text 218–220parable of butterfly dream 220Sophists 227

Zhudingyuan鑄鼎原, Yangshao settlements29–30

Zhukaigou 朱開溝 culture 267Zi Chan 子產, “Legal Statutes” 176Zi Si 子思, Guodian texts 222Zou Yan 鄒衍 305Zuo Commentary (Zuozhuan 左傳)

description of county 167Rong group of people 181

Zuoce Ban’s 作冊般 Turtle 74, 89

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