incide 2.0 web strategy advisory and implementation of web marketing services

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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BIG  enough  to  Deliver

SMALL  enough  to  Care

"Advertising is the very essence of democracy."

!Anton Chekhov

Russian physician, dramaturge and author

“Conversion is a blend of art and science to turn Visitors into Customers while building a

powerful brand" !

I N C I D E From the next book of Incide’s Founder and Senior Partner

Why Incide ?1. 23 Years of experience of branding and marketing

for Fortune 500 companies 2. Google certified World-Class web marketing team 3. Cross Industry Experience B2B and B2C 4. Worldwide Partner Network 5. Big enough to deliver small enough to care 6. Agile Project Management

Some of the Brands in our track record

Some other Brands in our track record

**Sweden’s telecom company.

Entirely New Concepts

& Start-ups

Core Services1. Brand Creation, Research, Management 2. Marketing and Strategy Planning 3. Web PR and Content Marketing 4. Service Design and Product Development 5. Video Creation 6. Digital Development (Concept and Execution) 7. User Experience Research & Development 8. Lead Generation Campaigns 9. E-commerce Conversion Rate Analysis and Improvement


Incide on the Web in Eight (8) steps1. Target Distinction - Demographic and Behavioural

2. Strategy Definition

3. Content Creation

4. Media Optimisation

5. Tools Integration and Training

6. Tactics Deployment

7. Monitoring Results

8. Measuring & Adjusting in Real Time

9. Monthly Reporting

A. Design & User Experience: Concept, Idea, and Design of an object, brand, platform, or service. @ Incide we take a user oriented approach extracting the design ideas from target observation and research. Brand consistency and ease of delivery is what matters to us.

B. Article Marketing: Article creation and distribution through the industry standard platform + Incide proprietary network. Each article is drafted with a keyword density between 3%-5% and distribution can reach 35’000 journalists/bloggers and influencers upon the specific subject. Links and keyword density are carefully checked to ensure maximum SEO benefit at each release

C. Software and App dev.: (IOS, Android, Windows, OSX) Concept, Design, Sound, Code: Through Agile/Scrum Project Management a well-known project management practice to best optimise the creation of software products.

D. SEO e Search Marketing: On-page optimisation, H1, H2, Title, Tags, MetaTags, Images, Videos, Text all being performed with an in-depth keyword research together with the client to achieve the best possible results.

E. SEO Off Site: All actions implemented outside of the website to improve Google PR (PageRank), and Alexa Rank This can include article and press release creation and distribution, creation and distributiont of video testimonials with embedded links to the site/app/landing page, creation of reviews for products/services/venues, creation and distribution of press releases, social news and social bookmarking, blog commenting, geo-localisation and geo-referencing of the client company or its point of sales. These activities are always focused to improve organic ranking on search engines of the main site and/or of mini sites and landing pages created for a specific promotion with specific keywords.

What we mean with:


G. Traffic Analytics/The Analytics: Tuning, monitoring, analysis, and audit of Web traffic analytics through certified Google analytics team members.

H. Video Production: (Creation of concepts, Script, Actor Recruiting, Location Booking, Lighting, Editing, Voice Syncing and/or Voiceovers. At Incide any language can be provided through a 24 years old global network.

I. Link Building: Creation of incoming relevant Links to the client site for the purpose of improving the client site Authority (usually part of a SEO project)

J. Social Media Management/Training [SMM]: Creation, Management of Social Media posts, frequency is highly dependent on client needs and type of business and target audience. Training to in-house staff is a service option that can be provided. Often Social Media services offered include integration with client company CRM software, Email Marketing software or other resources.

K. Mini-site: Mini-sites are promotional sites (E.g.: APP promotion sites) developed specifically for promotional purposes, they can also be called landing pages if they are part of a specific e-commerce or lead generation campaign.

What we mean with:

L. Mobile/Online e Brand Surveys Research and analysis of concepts,brands,services,competitive positioning etc.. Up to 70’000 questionnaires via mobile can be answered through INCIDE proprietary service named QUESTIONS™

M. Conversion Rate: The rate of conversion of a web visitor into a lead/registered user or paying client

N. Lead Generation [LeadGen]: a Lead is a web visitor that becomes a prospective client or registered user. In b2b projects a lead is also a visitor that actively expresses interest in the company product or service.

O. Affiliate Marketing: It’s part of a strategy that to build a independent promotional network of marketers to sell a product or service, @INCIDE we produce the the recruitment tactic the overlaying incentive strategy and the tech platform integration to roll out the affiliate recruitment campaign .

P. Adwords: it’s the Google pay per click program often suggested within integrated SEO projects. @ Incide we can audit, plan, test, implement and monitor Adwords. No Campaigns are run without a preliminary Keyword Analysis and creation of appealing textual or visual ads specific for the purpose. [subject to PPC budget]

Q. PPC/Pay Per Click can refer to Google Adwords but also to, Facebook paid ads/posts, Bing ppc, Yahoo sponsored Search, Paid Tweets, Baidu PPC(China-only) Linkedin Promoted Ads. These campaigns are run on a CPA (cost per action) or CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) measured by CTR (Click Through Rate). @ INCIDE after a preliminary keyword research we can audit, plan, test, implement and monitor the results of PPC campaigns aiming at mini-sites, web games, landing pages, e-commerce sites. All campaigns managed by INCIDE are monitored daily and adjusted weekly.

What we mean with:

Allard Marx has spent the last 25 years on various aspects of reputation management for such companies as Coca Cola, hp, TIME, Cathay Pacific, Team Lotus F1, Star TV, SONY, Finmeccanica, Disney, KLM and INSEAD Business School. !Founder of numerous start-ups including a sports car brand featured on the BBC’s Top Gear Allard recently also founded world's first fully eco-compatible skin care company,. !As the founder of INCIDE he brings this wealth of experience to bear in helping entrepreneurs improve their chances in a competitive world. Allard speaks: English, French, Italian, Dutch

Leopoldo Rodriquez has a degree in International Relations and Business, he has spent the last 10 years in Digital and Viral Marketing of highly regulated industries and public sector in 10 different countries, Leopoldo founded 3 companies so far including the 2nd Crowd Funding platform worldwide during the 2008 financial crisis which was featured by MSNBC Fast money in the U.S., he then sold his shares. Prior to joining INCIDE, Leopoldo has also worked with one of the top digital marketing agencies in EU on large digital marketing campaigns and launches for Telecom Italia Mobile, Omnifeedback, Poste Italiane, Boero, BASF, Aicon Yachts and many others. With in-depth knowledge of digital technologies applied on the internet he brings his technical expertise and project management skills to the team. !As a partner of INCIDE he brings this wealth of experience to in help companies succeed and set the right path to grow fast and sustainably. Leopoldo speaks: English, Italian, Spanish,

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