importing negative keyword from adwords to bing ads

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Importing Negative Keyword From AdWords To Bing Ads

Negative Keywords Tool

Why Import Your Negative Keywords?

▪ To make sure that new additions in your negative keywords in AdWords are updated timely in the Bing account.

▪ Importing helps reduce the effort of manually entering each negative keyword yourself.


In the next slides we explain the steps to import Multiple Campaign Level Negative Keywords


Step 1: Go to your AdWords account. Click on Campaigns and then on Keywords Step 2: Click on negative Keywords Tab and Download the Campaign Level Negative Keywords


Step 3: The downloaded report is in the following format:


Step 4: To import these keywords to the Bing’s interface download the template from the below link and feed in the details, which will look something like thisNote: Make sure the campaign name matches the campaign you wish to import to in your Bing Ads account.

Download link:


Step 5: Go to your Bing Ads account and click on ‘Import from file’


Step 6: Select your file and then click on Continue

Step 7: Now, match the respective data fields with the columns of your file and continue if the data looks fine


Step 8: Choose the data that is being imported here i.e, Negative Keywords


Step 9: Check your import summary for any issues


Step 10: Now, view your imported negative keywords

Note: Bing Ads do not accept ‘Broad Match Type’ as negative keywords. So, if your negative keywords have broad match type assigned to it then they will be automatically updated to Phrase Match Type

In the next slides we explain the steps to import Shared Negative Keyword Lists


Step 1: You have to first download the shared negative lists from AdWords. For that go to shared library and then to Campaign Negative Keywords


Step 2: Select the list you wish to import


Step 3: Now download the negative keywords


Step 4: The format looks like below Step 5: Go to your Bing account and click on ‘Shared Library’


Step 6: Click on ‘View Campaign Negative Keywords’


Step 7: Click on ‘Create negative keyword list’

Step 8: Now enter the details and copy paste the negative keywords from the downloaded report

(remember broad match keywords will be converted to phrase match)

Save 10-20% of your AdWords & Bing Ads spend in minutes, with Karooya's Negative Keywords


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