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Post on 14-Apr-2017






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INTER.i�ATIONAL �lEDIC'AL CORPS ll\'IC t!Ju��t\l('-1 �·r�·\t...,.l1I <..,t'r'"l\�\�•2111,sp;l.,LS, .id, ,1·11 �lo,

v rru,N •,th 4J,r,.!.."1ont .. ,-:...:.. .:.•


Emp'.oyer: CD: _ _,,.,.4z�� Fmployc�---

l o --7 J lurnan Resource Offrccr: t:..,'V' Finance Secnon '----�-t"'J..._

'µ\-, --- Tim employment Agreement 1s between Imernational Medical Corp, hcrcma!ter eferred l" 1, [\fPLOYER located at House ',o .!, M:cel .\o 1. Opposrre ,\NA N,, '.! Hv,pll I. h •. , " \ 111>1,1,rJ �IJ"li.c ll1s,n 1 )\o ?th, Shahs D.iJ�k<,, .\li;lun ,1J1. represented bv ROBFRT L,\;\KY.;\,\ll, Ccuotry Director For TM, Afgl>arusUIJl and Dr Khalil • 'O Abdul Jabar c,H7e'1 of \t;r.lms1an. referred to hereinafter as EMPLOYEE, have eoncluded this Agreement on the tollow mg •:nri.•:

, This Agreement ovcmdes ol: previous employment agreement. whethes wnuen or , ernnl. betw cen lhc Lmployee and Employer

J Tie Emplo\'er agrees to <::ll?IO} L1e Cmploycc as Medic.a.I Tr11ini11g coordinator for •1,e pcnod of stanir.g Sepleml>tr 21 .2010 and endmg on Octoll<?r. 3l. 2010 The Emp.oyec 's us ,al place of work "1:1 be Wa:rir Akbar K!Ulo ffn;pital or such other place as the Employer request fwn- Lune 1011ne. 1hc Employee mny also be asked 10 carry nut other dencs for the Employer. -'hoth n,:,v not he staled on tr.e Employee's Agreement.

4 The I:.m1>loycr will pay to the Errptoyce rbe sum of 725001. a\FS � 2500AF. TraR,pon � 7!',000AFS rouil nlarv witb l'rao<pon per month in arrears on the ln,r work ng da) o" each month. No th1ro pany may benefu from ·.his Agreement and this l\grttmcnr rt'.ay nm be a-signed IMC wi.l pay an addmonal 11.3"/o (3320 .\ f ) oi tile salary as fnngc benefits. Tbis "11! ... over all ,cncfils; L\IC will not be hable fo,- any other pa)mcnt, as benefits to cmp.oyees Governmem taxes wrll be deducted from employee's momhiy salary as pa- Af£}larusbli taxes la"

' The first Two (1) month of ,hi� employment will be considered as a Probat1onal) Period. duemg ume either pany may cud the Agreernem .n wnung w-tr out stai ung a;'I) t-,'5cr., ",ih Three (.!) workmg days nonce b} eubcr party, Afier the successful compleuon of the prn'•atton�!II :,enod euher p:arty ITI3Y end the agreement b) �ver Fourtoen {UJ ca.endar da}• notice Ill wntL'>!! o• p,1; 111 heu thereof reason do not heve tu be gwrn The e1n11loyer may end the agreement wuhom uouce and ,. nhOut paying s.1lary m lieu in the case of senes misconduct, as specnied ro toe employers policrcs and procedures

l. If the employer wishes 10 extenc ibe l::rnplo)'n:ent ncnod, then the employer \\'Ill rnform the crnplo�e<' m wnnng before the cud of the fmployment penod and the br.ploymen1 "ill cor.unuc 11 om month 10 rnontf unles. a ne,,,• Agreement and signed.

S. .\t 1hc end or the Agrcecieru. the employer will then pay tl:c ernp'oyee the appropnaw propo'"lu>r cf the ernployees filial rnonth'« sa'.ary. except where the provisions on sa.ary rerennon -tated below apply

'l, The employer agrees 10 abide by all terms m tins Agreerrem. T.1e employee abo agree, to abide O) all !Cm's in this Agreem-..nt. 10 comply fully and p:omptl) w 1th 31: d1rccl1on recc. wd h,m 1� Employers 01anogt1mcnt or from the FJnployec's supcr10ri. ,nd 10 s.iu,fy .II of 1'1e E:nploy:r, !)Ohcies and procedure.,.

,o Inc noun; of "00<s w1'l be Saturday to Th:rr,da) is·OO arn 102:00 pm and the lsni!)lo;e� accept� taa1 rrom llm<" 10 Umt: the Employee may requac the employee 10 wori< o.1tsid� l'iC",{' hour; "Int

Employee 1,iH not receive additional pay or time off m 1ie1. for overt'rre "OlkeJ unle,• roe employer �,lically agrees n at the ume of the requcs1

I l, l ht: Employee agrees lo perform all duties to the best of his,'ber abiliue-, and 10 de.O(e ,u•fi.:ic,• ume. energy, and attention to carry out all assigned to hun/ Ilic Employee agrees to work o�ly for the employer dunng !he l:ours stmed above. The Employee must eontac h15 ber supcrviser every day unless othe, arTanJtem<'Dts have been made by the Employer.

12. Ounng the Employment period the Employee will not C2l'T) en .._,y other emp'oymem, busmess, poluical or other seuvity, paid or unpaid. which competes with or conflicrs wnh h-s. her employment by the Employer, The Employee agrees IO abide oy the Employer's Policies a'lci procedure, .iml codes of Co:i&ic1, as -nay be published from ume 10 ume, These shall ndudc but not o be iirnred 10 Vacation and Sic.k Leave Pohcies, rbe Grievance and Comphuu Procedures. Ihe <.e,ua• Ra,,:,I ,nJ Ethnic Discrirrunauon Polrey, The Employee also agree not to engage in any acuvuy whctl-er dunng -..urlong hours or otherwise "h1ch wtll dcmmentally ..O-ec1 rcputanon of the f:nployer

13 Al the end of!he Employment the Empioyw 1< en!Jticd to reiam from the Emplnyce's unal sala11 My rr.oney owed to the F.:nplo)er for item., including but not lmnted u vebic.e damage, owed ,r accordance witl: the Em;>lo)er's pohcies and procedures.

I� Any local taxc., or other bcn•fas related 10 this wary are the rcspo:,s1b1:11y ot 11"- Employee

1; Unu! a civil court system rs estabhsbed m Afghamstan. all di-pines are 10 be serrled between t�e parties and unt·l ·hen no other party has junsdicticn to senle disputes.

16 01.:nng tile course of the Employee's work he/she will come across confidernral infonnauon and matenal such i)'Uent s medical notes. �o confiden!Jal informallon and m,n:nal -hould bo: ,1111:lged to any person except where requested by the I·mplo\ee's supervisor fur a mauer connected wnh !he Ell'!) loymcm.

P Tic EMPLOYEE shall refrain from any business acuvity or work for tlurd pnrue- s1mul:..nco:islv will- lns.'her posiuon, and outside the Employer on his/her O\\'!I account. The fa.lure to observe this obhga11on b, the fm;,loyec -nay cause unrncd1ate and u:iil.atcal temnaancn nf uus Agreement wuhout comoensanon The EMPLOYEE shall negouate m advance aU excepuons tt; 1!:I!! ohbgauon with rhe F\fl>LOYCR, the EMPLOYER will not transact any business wnh the l:MPJ.()Y[ES. in the capacity as a vendor, suppl,�,. seller of goods and services A!l) .nvo.vernem o· 0"11c�1up by the EMPLOYER of any business "''th which the E'.\!PLOYER deals w1ti and th: ""fPLOY':I shnuld be disclosed to tllc F.Mf'LOYF.R as eoon ss the CMPLO't'FE rs aware ofthe fact. Failure to rto ,o wil' lead 10 mune('.1ate terr.nnauon of lhc business and the EMPLOY El:- 'S contract,

IS. Labor d1Spu,cs between 1hP Fmployer and the E�lo)ee shall be consroerec 1:1 comphUJJCC- with :h� current Alghani<tan legislanon,

19 In the case of a dispute, tile Enghsh version of this agreement prevails.

20 .-H the end of Lmployment Agreement lhe Employee must sJbnut hLefncr flea I £xit Check LL<t, /1,11� Shen, !)JC JD Card a11d all rr Equipmettts thru (3) d11J•s before las: v.or�ing day 10 HR Adm,nisll'lllion so lhc'l lhe final paym..-nt can be made 10 Employee

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