ignite - may 2012

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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A Global Ministry Update from East-West Ministries


The battle to advance God’s Kingdom is being fought every day throughout the world. In parts of Central Asia, believing in Christ is dangerous … and Camran, an East-West national church planter, paid the ultimate price for spreading the gospel.

His region has become known as one of the most unreached regions of Central Asia, but Camran called it home. Desperate to reach those in the most spiritually dark area of his country, Camran moved to a desert city in his region to share the love and forgiveness found only in Jesus Christ.

He boldly declared the gospel message despite persecution and oppression from his government, neighbors, and even his deeply-rooted Muslim family. Camran, his wife, and their indigenous ministry partner committed their lives to making disciples in this dark, desolate part of their country.

Just a few weeks ago, Camran’s body was found in a nearby neighbor’s home. While the authorities have improperly classified his cause of death, his closest friends and immediate family know it was his faith that cost him his life.


Will you join Aiday and the other believers in Central Asia in praying that “the blood of the martyrs [would become] the seed of the church” in this spiritually dark region?( T E R T U L L I A N )

Experiencing theCost of the Cross “Camran was passionate about being in this region and

reaching these people with the gospel,” one of his friends wrote. “He was a very strong believer and was faithful to Jesus, his family, and his community.”

Camran’s daring zeal to share the message of Jesus Christ ultimately led a group of Islamic leaders to attempt to stop the spread of the gospel in their region. Their efforts, however, were in vain as Camran’s wife, Aidy, and other believers in the region persevere.

Aiday is a strong believer who is determined to not let this tragedy assuage the movement of the gospel message throughout this hostile territory. Despite her husband being martyred, she chose to make the advancement of God’s Kingdom in this spiritually dark region her first priority. Instead of screaming for justice, her silence is issuing a call to all believers: keep fighting.

Meru, a former Buddhist monk in India, and his wife, Madina, recently participated in an East-West evangelism and church planting training. At the end of the training, Meru and Madina made a list of their close friends and relatives who had not yet trusted Jesus as their Savior. “I knew I had to be obedient to my Lord’s command to proclaim the good news that Jesus is the Christ.”

Meru and Madina obediently traveled to a nearby town to share the story of Jesus Christ with their lost friends and family. As they shared the truth of the gospel and people began to trust Christ, new believers were being baptized and news of people trusting Jesus was spreading throughout the entire region.

With great excitement, the couple continued to travel to nearby villages to share the gospel. In one village, the village chief came to hear the message that had captivated his entire village. Filled with rage at the “false teaching” of the believers, he had Meru and seven other leaders of this movement arrested and taken to an army camp. Here, they were beaten for teaching the message of Jesus Christ.

As the army searched their belongings, they discovered tracts with gospel presentations. When questioned, Meru and the other believers boldly shared the message of hope found in Jesus with the men who had beaten them. Curiosity led the army leaders to ask other questions and learn more about this man named Jesus. The local church’s prayers were answered as not only Meru and the other men were released from the army camp, but the army leaders professed faith in Jesus that day!

The village chief ’s response and resulting persecution has only fueled Meru and other local believers to more boldly venture to surrounding villages to proclaim the truth of the gospel message.

Relentlessly Obeying the Command to ‘GO’

The Apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ.A C T S 5 : 4 1 – 4 2

PRAY for the group of new believers in the village where Meru and the 7 other men were arrested and beaten.

In pursuing the fulfillment of the “1% Factor” vision that began in 2002, the Lord has graciously multiplied our impact and molded our mission. God has used this ten-year journey to mature the ministry of East-West.

As a result of this growth and development, we desire to most accurately communicate who we are and where the Lord is leading us. To accomplish this, we engaged in an intentional rebranding process to help us capture the heart of East-West. Through this process, we have established a new visual identity and have refined our communications to reflect what we believe is our God-given mandate: GO. MULTIPLY.

This new brand statement and visual transformation echo the values we have always held and the mission we continue to pursue. Like the flame symbolized in our new logo, we will continue to be bold and relentless in bringing the Light of Jesus to our dark world. The new name of our newsletter— Ignite—represents how God is using East-West to accomplish His work throughout the world—penetrating spiritual darkness with the Light of Jesus to ignite men, women, and children to join God’s Kingdom and His work.

With unflinching faith, we will daringly venture to the spiritually darkest areas of the world so that lives will be transformed and the Kingdom of God will be multiplied. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and by faithful partners like you, we aim to see the gospel set hearts ablaze worldwide … creating a wildfire that cannot be extinguished and a movement that cannot be hindered.

The vision of East-West is to glorify God by multiplying followers of Jesus in the spiritually darkest areas of the world.

East-West exists to mobilize the Body of Christ to evangelize the lost and equip local believersto multiply disciples and healthy churches among unreached peoples and/or in restricted access communities.





Capturing theIdentity of East-West

Every day, a battle rages for the souls of the lost. It’s not a battle of this world, “but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12). You and I have been called to fight in this battle against the spiritual forces of evil.

The stories in this ministry update may be challenging to read; however, persecution for one’s faith is the reality for so many of our brothers and sisters around the world. Filled with hope and joy, they have recklessly abandoned their lives to the spread of the gospel. The work of the Holy Spirit in their lives compels them to be used powerfully as an instrument in the battle against the spiritual forces of evil . . . even if it costs their very lives.

As I read their stories, it is a distinct reminder of the high calling we have as ambassadors for the gospel and the price we must be willing to pay as followers of Jesus—whether it be our comfort, our lifestyle, or even our lives.

Your support of this ministry allows for more stories like these to be written as a result of God’s work through East-West. Thank you for your burning passion to see the Name of Jesus made known in spiritually dark parts of the world that would otherwise never be reached.

2001 W. Plano Parkway, Suite 3000Plano, TX 75075972.941.4500www.eastwest.org

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As the battle continues, I am honored to fight together to fulfill the call on our lives as the Apostle Paul so clearly stated: “My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesushas given me—the task of testifyingto the good news of God’s grace”(Acts 20:24).

Abiding in His Grace,

Kurt NelsonPresident & CEO

Fulfilling the Call

East-West Ministries International

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