identifying communication style for bussiness success

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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Achieving success through effective business


Understand the unique challege of business communication

The globalization of business & the increase in workforce diversity

The increasing valu of business information

The evalution of oragnizational structure & leadership style

A heavy balace on team-work

understand what employee expected from you

Meaning of business communication


O The sharing of information between people within an enterprise that is perform for the commercial benefit of the organization. In addition business communication can also refer to how the company share the information to promote his product or services to potential consumer.

Pitching potential clients

O Ask the right question-part of selling your service is being able to understand the clients unique need

1. Describe the nature of your business 2. Who is your audience ?3. What is back ground of the project?4. What is goal & objectives of the

project?5. What is the timeline of the project?

Communicate professionally

your professionalism can with you contracts & your communication skills add to the complete package .1. Name2. Company/website3. Email/phone no.

Client meeting

O Client meeting, even those that take place over the telephone are an integral part of every successful business

Schedule & prepare- thoroughly

O We all are busy these days so scheduling your meeting in advance ensure that you & your client have an adequate amount of uninterrupted to speak.

Speak, pause, listen

O When you have several topic to tackle, rushing through them to get all of your ideas out may be tempting but these cause confusions & make the client feel that their input not important

Follow up in writing

O While you may be taking notes during phone or in person meeting the other party might not be, so follow up after the meeting with written message given an overview of discussion to make sure you are both on the same page.

Customer service

O Your clients want to feel that they are your priority. You can make them feel so by providing exemplary customer service. Try these communication focused action to improve your customer service.

Ask for the feedback

O One way to maintain long term relationship with your clients is by keeping open line of communication these means asking them for their input how thing are going & hoe they feel about the service you are provide.

Address problems

O If a client is unhappy don’t ignore there compaint,ask them why they are unhappy & what you can do to fix the situation. the longer you wait to bring it up to worse it will get addressing the issued and being accountable when appropriate puts you on the path to resolution

Try new format

O If a problem with your client stems from micro-communication, try a different method of communication. if you have been handling everything via-email schedule a phone call to see if that clear things up. After the call you can summarised the conversation in an email to the client which will give you another opportunity to get both of you on the same page again.

Face to face networking

O Networking events, conference and other face to face opportunity can take a business to a new level. These tips focused on helping you getting most from in person networking activites

Communicate confidently

O Be confident an use body languages to support that confident, shake hand firmly , smile and make eye contact while communicating on live networking events. Don’t forget to bring business card to hands out to everyone you meet

Prepare an elevator speech

O An elevator speech helps you make the most of a first impression while making situation easier & more effective

Be responsive

O A big part of marketing is being available to your target audience and following up when necessary . If market your business through social media outlet including twitter Facebook & blogging watch for & respond to comments, questions and specially complaint. And when you are contacted as a result of offline marketing activities, respond quickly & professionally

Write well

O You cant successfully promote your business if your marketing copy is not clear. Concise and action-provoking.if writing is not forte, consider hiring someone to help you craft copy that attract potential clients

Thank you

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