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The University of the Philippines

GAZETTE . Volume XXV Number 1January-June 1994

ISSN No. 0115·7450



Dr. Emil Q. JavierSixteenth Presidentof theUniversity of thePhilippines .

The Cover

Investnure of Dr. Emil Q. Javier as SixteenthPresi·dent of the Universnyof the Philippines.

Dr.Javier receivedhis BS in Agriculture from UPatLosBanos,in 1960, anda PhDin PlantBreedingfromCornell Universnyin 1969. Recipientof a 1975TOYMawardfor Agricullure, Dr. Javier served as Chancellorof UP Los Banos (1979-1985) and concurrently asMinisterof Science and Technology from 1981.

As President of UP, he serves in an ex officiocapacnyas Trustee of the InternationalRice ResearchInstnute as well as that of the Philippine Science HighSChool.

Inthe addresshedeliveredon the occasionof hisinvestnure, President Javier spoke of the UP in theserviceolthe nation. Hecalled on UPtofullillthe chargehandeddown to nby the UniversidadCientifico LiterariadeFilipinas, through PresidentVillamor, to embodythefirst ideal of the Philippine state, the preservation ofPhilippinenationalny.

Describing UP as the stewardof Filipinocivmza­tion, the repository and transmitter of the nationalcullure, he also called on the Universny to push thefrontiersof scienceandgeneratetechnology inordertoachievea high quality of life for Filipinosand endeavorto break our acute dependence on foreign technology.

President Javier maintained that placing theUniversny inthe serviceolthe naliongoes hand-in-handwith ns responsibilily as intellectual critic and con­science of the nation. To that end, he said: "we will

, always defend and maintain the Universily as the freespace for people of all kinds of persuasions to think, toinquire, 10 crilicize, and to propose allernative modesand discourses." He also called for strengthening thedemocratization of'admission to UP.

Among the first acts of the sixteenth Presidentwasthe establishmentof the Ugnayan ng PahlnungodlOblation Corps which institutionalizes the spiril ofvoluntaryism as a mission of the Universily, for "theiskolar ng bayan must not only be a recipient of thepeople's beneficence but also be a pahinungod who istheir willing servant."


EXECUTIVE ORDERSExecutive Order No94-01: Creating a Legal Office for

the AutonomousCampus ofUP Visayas 5Executive Order No94-02: Delegation of Authority to

Chancellors to Approve the Designation of Next-of-Kin 5

Executive Order No94-03: Creating a Legal Office forthe Autonomous Campus ofUPDiliman 5

MEMORANDAMemorandum No..94-22: Consthution and Appointment

ofChairpersons of System COmmittees 6Memorandum No. 94-29: President's Committees andOrganizational Structure 6

Memorandum No. 94-59: Consthution and Appointmentof Members of thePresident's Committee ontheIm-provementofEnglishTeaching 7

Memorandum Circular: CSC Accreditation ProgramAuthority toTake Final Action onAppointments 7


'1074TH MEETING, 27 FEB. 1994

Appointments, Promotions, Sala~ Increases 8ACADEMIC MATTERS

Establishment of theRonald and Victoria ReidenbachProfessorial Chair inChemistry 9

Graduation of Students 9Conferment of Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) onMyres

S.McDougal Sterling Professor Emeritus of theYaleLawSchool 9

Academic Programs 9POUCY MATTERS

Termination of the UP School of Economics Endow-ment Fund ,9

Ugnayan ng Mga PahinungodfTheOblation Corps 9Reorganization ofUP System Offices 10Reorganization of theOffICe of the University Registrar

UP Diliman 10Creation ofaUP Visayas Legal Office 10Policy on Treasure-Hunting Activhies in AllUP p'roperties


Memorandum of Agreement among Reseach and Deve-Iopmentlnslhutions 11

Memorandum of Understanding re: Formation ofa Euro­pean-Southeast Asian Univershy Network in

Engineering 11Memorandum of Agreement with theCivil Service

Commission ontheContinuing Local Scholarship Pro­gram (LSP) of theCommission asa component ofthe SCholarshipProgramforGovernment 11

Supplementary Contract No1for theRenovationlCons­truction, Auxiliary Buldings: Print Making Workshop,Studios A, B, and C and Sculpture Shed, College ofFine Arts 11

Memorandum of Agreement between theUP Foundationand the San Miguel Foundation, Inc. re: San MiguelFoundation College Scholarship Program 11








GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENTSGeneralConstruction Agreement w~h GL GonzalesConstruction 12

GeneralConstruction' Agreement w~h JD LegaspiCOnstruction 12


1075TH MEETING, 24 MARCH 1994

Appointments, Promotions, SalaryIncreases 12Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants, andGifts 13

ACADEMICMATTERSEstablishment of Professorial Chairs 13Establishment of DegreePrograms 13

POLICYMATTERSCivil Service Commission Resolution No. 93-5920

GrantingAuthority to the Univers~y to TakeFinalActiononAppointments Effective 1 February 1994 13

Oonstitution of a Regents'Committee on Land Use andDevelopment... 14

Add~ional Delegation of Authority to Chancellors 14Proposal to Establish a Provident Fund for UP Faculty andStaff 14

Productivity Incentive Benefits 14FINANCIALMATTERS

Negotiated Purchases of Equipment by the PGH 14UP Press Publications Revolving Fund 14Schedule of Transfer Incentives 14Honoraria of Top Officials I 4

MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT/UNDERSTANDINGMemorandum of Agreement with the SEAMEO RegionalCentre for Educational Innovation andTech-nology (INNOTECH) 14

Memorandum of Agreement w~h the UP AKKAP andtheBarangay UPCampus (Diliman} 14

Memorandum of Agreement with the Pamantasan ngLungsod ngMaynila 15

Agreement ofCooperationw~hSt.NorbertCollege 15Contract of Services w~h the lnsthute of International

Education re: Philippines RuralElectrificationProject's component for TechnicalAssistance forTraining 15Memorandum of Agreement between UP Dilimanand. the Department of Science and Technology onEnrichment Program for PhysicsTeachers of S & TOriented HighSChools 15

Memorandum of Agreement and Amendatory AgreementW~h t~e Fiber IndustryD~velopment Authority

reo National Integrated Sericulturs Project 15Memorandum of Agreement with SEAMEORegionalCe~ter for GraduateStudy and Research inAgncuhure......................................................... 15

Memorandum of Agreement between UP Los B~ii~~""'"''(UPLB.FSSRI) and the Bureau of AgricuhuralResearch........................................ 16

Gen~ral Memorandum of Understandi~·g..;.;iih·ih~..........·....Unlversrty ofSydney,Australia..

Memorandum of Agreement with..it;~·u~i~~;~iiy·~i ·..16British Columbia Canada

M:m~randum of Agreeme~i·;;;i;·h;h~·U·~·i~~;~~~ii·G~~; ....·..·16elglum....................................... ' '

Memorandu~ of Understanding ·b~i;;;~~~·i;;~·c~ii~g~·~j .... 16AMrts .a

lnd SCiences, UPM and the Metropolitan Museum of

am a Foundation IncRenewal of the Me,.;ora~d~·,;;·~i'~;;~;~i;~~·b~i;;;~·~·~..·....16

UPM-PGH and the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ngMaynila 16

GENERALSERVICES CONTRACTSContract with NationalPowerCorporation for the

SaleofElectricity 16General Construction Agreement with PGM ConstructionandPlumbing Services 17

General Construction Agreement·w~h PGMConstruction andPlumbing Services 17

General Construction Agreement with KonstrukturaCentro, Inc 17

General Construction Agreement w~h Intertech Develop-ment andConstruction COmpany 17

Supplemental Contract w~h Lambdan SecurityAgency, Inc 17

Supplemental Contract to the Contract for JanitorialServices entered intoon 16 April 1993with FMSMan-powerJanitorial Services 17

Supplemental Contract to the Contract for JanitorialServiceswithFMS.on 16AprilI993 17

Supplemental Contract to the Contract for JanltortalServices w~h FMS.16 April 1993 17

Contract of Annual Maintenance Service with TradegateEnterprises

CreditLine Agreement w~h San MiguelFoods, Inc.for P200,OOO for UPLB-DTRI for purchase of B-meganimal feedproducts 17

General Construction Agreement whh MPC Cons-truction 17

General Construction Agreement with YJ Constructionand Mgt. Services 17

General Construction Agreement w~h Aries Infrastruc-ture Development Services 17

General Construction Agreement with PowerhausBuilders Center, Inc 17

Contract for the Supply of WholeHuman Blood withtheDoctors' Blood Bank 17


1076THMEETING, 29 APRIL 1994

Appointments, Promotions, Salary increases I ~

ACADEMIC MATTERSEstablishment of Pres.Jose P. LaurelDistingUishedProfes~orial Chair 18

Graduation of students as of lhe Second Semester ofAcademic Year1993-1994 18

POLICY MATTERSReorganization c' the Campus Planning, Development

upanpd Mad,ntenance OfficeofUPDiliman 18

rovr ent Fund·· · · •·• 19FINANCIALMATTERS

Special Budget of various TrustLiability Accounts 19,MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT/UNDERSTANDi'NG'Me~oranda of AgreementAJnderstanding between the

Unlversrty andGovernment Agencies through Ugnayanng Pahinungod/Oblalion Corps

Memora,~dum of Agreement bel;;;~~~..ih~·U~;~~;~ii..~i......19the Philippines System, and the Department of S~enceand Technology (DOST) Department of E .

d N • nvuonmantan aturalResources (DENR) and th 0

Agricult (DA ,e epartment ofure ), andthe Bureau of Fisheries and

AquatIC Resources.......................... 19Memorandum of A , ..Q . greemen! wnh the Government of

uezonClty........................................................................ 19

Renewal 01 Memorandum 01 Agreement w~h RooS9ve~

COllege 19Memorandum of Agreement with the Department 01

Science and Technology, lor the Engineering andScience Education Projectlor UP Diliman ScienceTeacher'sTraining Center, Institute 01 Science andMathematics Education Developmenl... 19

Memorandum 01 Agreementwith the Department 01Science and Technology and the ScienceEducationInst~ute re:ScienceTeachingMajors 20

Memorandum of Agreement with the Department 01Science and Technology and the ScienceEducationInst~ute re:UPRural HighSChool.. 20

Memorandum 01 Agreement with the Bureau of Agricui-turalResearch 20Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of

Science andTechnologyand the Science Educationlnsttuta 20

Memorandum 01 Agreement w~h the Twin RiversResearch Center 20

Memorandum of Agreementw~h the Philippine CouncilforAquatic and MarineResearch andDevelopmenl... .......20

Memorandum 01 Agreementwith the Department ofScienceand Technology, Philippine Councillor Agricul­ture.Forestry andNaturalResources andDavelopmenl.....20

Memorandum 01 Understanding w~h the PhilippineCouncilfor Agricullure, Forestry and Natural ResourcesResearch and Development... 20Memorandum of Agreement w~h the TechnologyApplication andPromotion lnstitute(TAPI) 20

Agreement wnh San MiguelFoods, Inc.lor theleaseof research facilny where metabolizableenergytest studiescan be conducted undernormaloperating conditions 20

Second Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement andSupplemental Memorandumol Agreement between theUnivers~y and the UP AlumniAssociation re:transfer01 ownership of the ·Ang Bahay ng Alumni·


Gensral Construction Agreement between UP ManilaandJ. D.Legaspi COnstruction 21

GeneralConstruction Agreement between UP Manilaand.J. D.LegaspiCOnstruction 21

GeneralConstruction Agreement wnh RolpaConstruction.Inc 21

Contrad lor Janitorial Serviceswnh FMS ManpowerandJanltorlelServices ., 21

Contract lor Jan~orial Services w~h PJ MaintenanceandServices.lnc 21


1077TH MEETING, 27 MAY 1994

Appointments. Promotions. Salarylncrsases 21. Scholarships. Fellowships,Grants,andGifts 23

Establishment of Dr. Augusto A. CamaraUP MedicineFund forAcademicExcellence 23

POLICY MATTERSMembership in the Universny Research and Extension

Council (UREC} 23UPProvident FundCharter 23The Film Instnute 23

FINANCIAL MATTERSRedep!oymentlConversion 01 Some~ems lrom the pool

01 vacant~ems inUPDiliman................................................•.23MEMORANDA OFAGREEMENTIUNDERSTANDING

Memorandum 01 Agreement with the CentralColleges ofthePhilippines 24

Memorandum of Agreement with the Department 01Science and Technology; UP Building ResearchService; UP Engineering Research and DevelopmentFoundation. Inc.; and the Philippine Councillor IndustryandEnergy Research andDevelopment... ; 24

MemorandumofAgreement~h theBankofTokyo 24Memorandum 01 Understanding w~h the llocanoAssocia-tionofWashington 24

Memorandum'of Agreement throughthe CollegeofVeterinary Medicinew~h theRhone-PoulencPhilipplnes 24


1078TH MEETING, 23 JUNE 1994

Appointments. Promotions. Salary Increases 25Scholarships. fellowships. grants. andgilts 26

POLICY MATTERSUP Funded SCholarships 26Creation 01 a LegalOfficelor the Autonomous Campus of

UP Diliman , 27Recommendations lrom the Regents' Committee onLandUse , 27Authority lor the President to issue ad interim appoint­

mentswnh respect to those requiring approval by theBoard. SUbjeCt toconfirmation bytheBoard 27

Change of the defin~ion of "dependants" 27MEMORANDA OFAGREEMENT/UNDERSTANDING

Memorandum 01 Agreement between the Universny 01the Philippines Diliman and the Govemment of QuezonC~ 27

Memorandum 01 Understanding between the Instituteof Environmental Science and Management and theDevelopment Academy of the Philippines 27

Memorandum 01 Agreement between UPL8 College 01Human Ecology, and the Municipal~ 01Tanauan, Batangas 27

Memorandum of Understanding between UP Los Banosand the Cooperative Union01 Southern Tagalog 27Memorandum of Agreement between UPLos Banos

and the Department 01 Agricullure/National AgriculluralandFisheryCOuncil... 27

Memorandum 01 Understanding for Educational andScientific Cooperation between UP Los Banos and theRakunoGakuen Univers~of Japan 28

Memorandum of Agreement between UP Los Banosandthe Benguet StateUnivers~y 28Memorandum of Agreement between UP Los Banosand the Philippine Council for Agriculture. Forestry andNatural Resources Research and Development. BenguetStateUniversny. Bureau of Plant Industry -Los Banos

National Crop Research and Development CenterandPhilippine Agricuiture and Resources ResearchFoundation 28

GENERAL SERVICES CONTRACTSGeneral Construction Agreements/Janitorial Services

AareemenVContracl for Securny Services Univers~

of the Philippines Diliman and Act COnstruction 28General Construction Agreement between the University







UP InThe Service. OfThe Nation: Recapturing TheSense OfNational Purpose 30

General Construction Agreement petween UPLos BanosandYJConstruction and ManagementSarvices 29

General Construction Agreement between UP LosBanosandMenguno Painters 29

General Construction Agreement between UP Los Banosand YJConstruction andManagementSarvices 29

General Construction Agreement between UPLos Banosand Aries InfraDevelopment Services 29

General Constrcution Agreement between UPLos Banosand 3M' COnstruction 29







of the Philippines and Intertech Development andCons-truction COmpany 28

General Construction Agreement between the Universityof the Philippines Diliman andRomeo P. Maniego Cons-truction 28

General Construction Agreement between UP LosBanosandArvan Enterprise 28

General Construction Agreement between UP Los BanosandJojoCOnstruction ; 28

Janitorial Services Agreement between UP LosBanosand F.M.S. Manpower andJannorial Services 28 +- ~

Contract for Security Services between UP LosBanosand Veterans Security Agency. Inc 28

General Construction Agreement between UPLos Banosand Aries Infra. Development Services 29

General Construction Agreement between UP LosBanosand Aries Infra.Development Services 29

•BOARD OF REGENTS ·The Honorable Armand V. Fabella,Secretary, De·partment of Education, Culture andSports, Chairman· TheHonorable Emila. Javier President, University of the Philippines, Vice-Chairman • TheHonorable c;>scar M. Alfonso· TheHonorable EmerenclanaY. Arcellana •TheHonorable Paulo C.Campos· TheHonorable Antonio T. carpio. TheHonorable Dennis L CUnanan • The" Honorable Salvador H. EsCudero III•TheHonorable Edgarda'B. Espiritu. TheHonorable MindaJ. Formaclon•TheHonorable NellaT.Gonzalez' TheHonorable Leticia R.Shahanl. Dr.Vlvenclo R. Jose, Secretary of the Universny andof the Board of Regents


Officers of the Administration • Dr. Emil Q. Javier,President -Dr, Olivia C. caolli, Vice-President for' Aca­demic Affairs 'ProfessorTeresa F. Bernabe, Vice·Presi·dentfor ~inance and Administration ·ProfessorFortunatoT. de la Pella, Vice-President for Planning and Develop­ment • Dr. Patricio B. Lazaro, Vice-President for PublicAffairs· Dr. Vlvenclo R. Jose, Secretary of the Universny• Dr. Roger Posadas,Chancellor, UPDiliman • Dr.RubenL VillareaI,Chancellor, UPLosBanos·Dr.PerlaD.SantosOcampoChancellor, UPManila· Dr.Arsenio S.camachoChancellor, UPVisayas '

EDITORIAL STAFF·Dr.Vlvenclo R.Jose,Ednor'Dr.Ma.Ellnora P. Imson, Associate Editor· Roshan T. Jose,ASSistant Editor· Annvl P. Nuval, Ednorial Assistant


Administrative CircularsEXECUTIVE ORDERS

Executive Order t~o 94~1: Creating a Legal Office for theAutonomoua' Campua of UP Vlsaya8

WHEREAS, with the current state of operations in theautonomous campusof UP Visayas consisting of the Miag-aocampus, the Iloilo Liaison Office, UP Cebu, UP Tacloban andotherunitssituated invarious partsof theVisayas region, thereis need to createa UP Visayas LegalOfficeto service its legalneeds;

WHEREAS, the increased volume of ad,ministrative casesinvolving students, faculty and staff, as well as the numerousjudicial cases concerning the contracts, operations andlandholdings of the University located in the Visayas region orwhich havebeenconveyed foritsspecific purposes require theimmediate establishment of saidoffice;

NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered that:

1.Thereshallbe created in UPVa legalofficeto be knownas the "UP Visayas LegalOffice."

2. The UP Visayas Legal Office shall have the followingfunctions and responsibilities:

a. To provide and render legal opinion, advice andassistance to the Chancellor of UPVandto otherofficialsof that autonomous campus;

b. To appear before, and coordinate with, courts,administrative agencies or legislative bodies inappropriate cases;

c. To prepare, draft and/or reviewcontracts, docu­ments, agreements or undertakings involving UPVisayas or anyof its colleges, schools or units;

d. ToassisttheChancellor or the Executive Commit­tee in the investigation, resolution, anddispositionof disciplinary matters involving UP Visayas stu­dentsor inadministrative cases'Nhere UPVisayasemployees are the respondents;

e. Toperformandundertake suchothsrfuncfions andresponsibilities as may from time to time be as­signed to it by the Chancellor concerning legalmatters affecting UPV;

3. The authority and responsibility for the exercise of thepowersandthe discharge of the functions of the UP VisayasLegal Office shall be vested in the UP Visayas Chief LegalOfficer, whoshall,togetherwiththeothermembers ofthe legalstaff therein, be appointed on a contractual basis by the UPVisayas Chancellor in consultation with the President andtheGeneral Counsel of the UP System.

4. TheUP Visayas LegalOfficeshallbe undertheOfficeofthe UPV Chancellor. The UPV Chid Legal Officer shall bedirectly responsible and accountable to the ChanceUor, andshallrender suchopinions andadvice asmaybe required, andshall take appropriate legal action upon endorsement of theChancellor or anyof the Vice-Chancellors of UP Visayas.

5. Pursuant to Section 4 of Executive ardorNo.1, dated15August 1981, theUPV ChiefLegalOfficershall coordinate withthe General Counsel of the University whe.iever required bythecircumstances, particularly on matters v.t,ich haveSystem­wide implications.

(Sgd_) EMILQ_ JAVIERPresident

Executive Order No 94~2: Delegation of Authority toChancellor8 to Approve the Designation of Next-of-Kln

Pursuant to Article 34 of the Revised University Code andinordertofacilitate action onthedesignation ofnext-of-kin, the'authority toapprove thedesignationof next-of-kinofdeceasedpersonnel is herebydelegated to the Chancellors of autono­mous units. The legal office of each autonomous unit shallassist the Officeof the Chancellor in this regard.

Henceforth, all applications for statements of designationofnext-of-kin shallbe forwarded totheOfficeoftheChancellorof the unit to which the deceased employee belonged.

ThisOrder hall take effectimmediately.10 June 1994

(Sgd_) EMIL Q. JAVIERPresident

Executive Order No94~3: Creating a Legal Office for theAutonomous Campus of UPDillman

WHEREAS, with the current state of operations in theautonomous campus of UPDiliman andotherunitsincludingUPCollege Baguio and UPSanFernando, thereis afelt needto createa UPDiliman Legal Officeto service its legal needs;

WHEREAS, the increased volume of administrative casesinvolving thestudents, facuity andstaff, aswellas thenumer­ous judicial cases concerning the contracts, operations andlandholdings ofthe University located atDiliman, Quezon Citywhich havebeen conveyed for its specific purposes requirethe immediate establishment of saidoffice;

NOW,THEREFORE, it is herebyordered that:

1.There shall be created in UPDiliman a legal officeto beknown as the "UP Diliman Legal Office."

2. The UP Diliman Legal Office shall have the followingfunctions and responsibilities:

a, To provide and render legal opinion: advice andassistance to the Chancellor of UP Dillman and tootherofficials of that autonomous campus;

b. Toappear before, and coordinate with courts, ad'!';n­istrative agencies or legislative bodiesInappropriatecases;

c. To prepare, draft and/or review contracts, docu-ments, agreements or undertakings involving UPDiliman or anyof itscolleges, schools or units;






Memorandum No. 94·22: Constitution and Appointment01Chairpersons of System Committees

Inlinewiththe University's SEVEN POINTAGENDA intheServiceofNation, thefollowing System Committees areherebyconstituted andtheir respective chairs dulyappointed:

d. To assisttheChancellor or the Executive Committeein the investigation, resolution, and disposition ofdisciplinary matters involving UPDiliman students oradministrative cases where UP Diliman employeesare the respondents;

e. To perform and undertake suchotherfunctions andresponsibilities asmayfromtimeto timebeassignedto it by the Chancellor concerning legal mattersaffecting UP Diliman;

3. The authority and responsibility for the exercise of thepowers and the discharge of the functions of the UP DilimanLegal Office shall be vested in the UP Diliman Chief LegalOfficer, whoshall, together withtheothermembers ofthe legalstaff therein, be appointed on a contractual basis by the UPDiliman Chancellor in consultation with the President andtheGeneral Counsel of the UP System.

4. The UPDiliman Legal Officeshallbe under the Office oftheUPDiliman Chancellor. TheUPDiliman Chief Legal Officershallbedirectly responsible andaccountable totheChancellor,andshallrendersuchopinions andadvice asmayberequired,and shall take appropriate legalaction upon endorsement ofthe Chancellor or anyof the Vice-Chancellors of UP Diliman.

5. Pursuant to Section 4 of Executive orderNo.1, dated 15August 1981, the UP Diliman Chief Legal Officershall coordi­nate with the General Counsel of the University wheneverrequired by the circumstances, particularly on matters whichhave System-wide implications.

6. Inall matters that require legalopinion/comment and areendorsed/referred by the UPDiliman Chancellor to the Presi­dent for appropriate action, the comments/recommendationsof the UP Diliman Legal Office shall form part of the basicpapers to be transmitted by the Chancellor.

7. In accordance with Section 6 of the aforementionedExecutive Order No.1, the General Counsel, in consultationwiththeChancellor andChiefLegal OfficerofUPDiliman shallformulate and circularize the internal procedural rules of theofficeto ensure the efficient flowofpaperwork and toexpediteissuance ofcomments/recommendations bythelegalcounsel.

8. This Executive Ordershall take effect immediately.13 June 1994

•StructureSentro ngWikang FilipinoOfficeof the Ugnayan ngPahinungod

Oflice of the DistanceEducation Program

Public Information Office

Prof.Teresa F. Bernabe

Prof. Patrician B. Lazaro

Distance Education

Public Information &Communication

10. Streamlining Bureau­cracy

11. Public Information andCommuication

EachCommittee shall:

Thus:President's Committee

Promotion of FilipinoVolunteer Service Corps

(Sgd.) EMILQ. JAVIERPresident

Primary Function ThePresident's Committees areorqan­izedprimarily to serve as advisory bodies in their respectiveareas of concern to the President andtheChancellors. Theyareexpected to provide advice on strategy, direction, priority,and policy.

Membership Each Committee iscomposed of aChairper­son, a representative from eachcampus recommended bytheChancellors, andadditional members at largeelected lor theirexpertise. They areappointed bythe President and serveathispleasure.

Organizational Structure The Committees do not havelinefunctions. Implementation of programs arethe rssponsi­bilities of the appropriate academic andadministrative unit.

However, forsome oftheconcernsflssues wehavedeemedit appropriate to establish new structures to plan, initiate, andhelp implement new initiatives.

Memorandum No. 94-29: President's Committees andOrganizational Structure

1. Make an inventory of existing policies, plans, andprograms in their respective areas of concern;

2. Coordinate the intensive study and review of thesepolicies, plans, and programs, focusing on their mainobjectives andtowhat extenlthesehavebeenachievedin the Universily;

3. Propose alternative policies, plans, and programs ,indicating directions, priorities, resource requirements,andstrategy for the medium term,to the year1998andupto the University's Centennial in 2008;

4. Draftspecilic guidelines thatwillbeneeded to implementthe proposed policies, plans, and programs for consid­eration by the Autonomous Unitsandthe President.

21 March 1994

Implementation will still be by the regular units but thesededicated additional structures are expected to provide sps­cialist support and are endowed with convening authority onbehalf01 the President for theSystem andtheChancellors tortheir respective campuses, to fast-track theseprograms.

TheSystemOffices areheaded byDirectors appointed bythe BOR upon recommendation bythePresident. TheSystemDirectors report directlyto the President but are expected tocoordinate closely with the appropriate VicePresidents.

The Campus Offices are headed by coordinators des­ignated by their respective Chancellors, or by directors ap­pornted by the President uponrecommendation of the Chan.

(Sgd.) EMILa. JAVIERPresident

Prof. Virgilio Almario

Prof. Vivencio JoseProf. JaimeVeneracionProf. Jonathan MalicsiProf. Ledevina CarinoProf. Ma. CristinaPadolinaProf. Olivia C. Caoili

Prof. Ledevina CarinoProf. Fortunatodela Pena


1. Promotion of Filippino2. Improvement of English

Teaching3. Centennial Celebrations4. Culture and Arts5. Volunteer Service6. Distance Education

7. Admissions and STFAP8. Review of University

Governance9. Staff Welfare and Benefits







(Sgd.) EMIL Q_ JAVIERPresident


cellor. Theirdirect reporting arrangements in the campus aredetermined by the Chancellor.

However, the Campus Offices are expected to coordinatewith the System office.

Tofacilitate coordination, thecampus coordinators ordirec­tors are designated as the campus representatives to therelevant President's Committee.21 March 1994

(Sgd.) EMIL Q. JAVIERPresident

Memorandum No.94-59: Constitution andAppoIntment ofMembersof the President's CommitteeontheImprovementof English Teaching

Dr.Vivencio R.Jose, ChairmanDr.Gemino H. AbadProf. Asuncion AlbertProf. ElviraTaboboProfDulcinea LafortezaDr. Edelwina LegaspiDr. MariaClaraRavinaDr. Corazon Villareal

Please constitute yourselves intothe President's Commit­tee on the Improvement of English Teaching

The Committee shall:1. Make an inventory of existing policies, plans and pro­

grams in its areaof concern;2. Coordinate the intensive study and review 01 these

policies, plansandprograms, focusing onitsmainobjac­tivesandto whatextentthesehavebeen achieved intheUniversity;

3.Propose alternative policies, plansandprograms, indicat­ing directions, priorities, resource requirements andstrategy forthe medium term,to theyear 1998 anduptothe University's Centennial in 2008;and

4. Draftspeciticguidelines thatwillbe needed to implementtheproposed policies, plansandprograms forconsidera­tion by the Autonomous Unitsand the President.

Attached is Memorandum No.94-29of 21 March 1994 (Seeabove) for further information and guidance.10 June 1994

(Sgd.) EMIL Q. JAVIERPresident

Memorandum Circular: esc Accreditation ProgramAuthorIty To Take Final Action On Appointments

Enclosed loryour information andguidance isacopyofCivilService Commission Resolution No 93-5920, transmitted un­der dateof December 20, 1993 to the President of the Univer­sity byCommissioner Patricia A. Sto.Tomas, Chairman of theCivil Service Commission.

As specitied in the ~aid Resolution. the University of thePhilippines hasbeendelegated theauthority totakefinalactionon appointments of personnel, effective I February 1994.

To ensure compliance with Civil Service Commission rulesand regulafions, the following guidelines shallbe observed, inaddition to those prescribed in the enclosed CSC resolution:

1. All recommendations for appointment (regardless of thelevelatwhich theyaretobeapproved orfinallyacted upon: thatof theChancellor, or of a Vice-Chancellor or 01 a Dean orotherhead of unit) shall be coursed through the Human Resource

Development Officeforreview before theymaybeforwarded tothe approving officer. A Chancellor may, however, adopt amodified routing ofappointment papers asheor shemaydeemappropriate, to suit the needs 01 the autonomous university.

It shall be the responsibility of the head of the HumanResource Development Office of the autonomous universityconcerned, therefore, to seeto it that allthenecessary require­ments or documents shallhavebeencomplied withor secured(e.g., the required civil service eligibility; authorization to fill thevacancy [from theChancellororthe President ofthe Univ~rsitY>or the CivilService Commission, asthecase maybe];permls­sionfrom the Civil Service Commission to appoint in thecaseofoneentering thegovernment service asanoriginal appointeeor reappointee at the' age of 57 years or older; permission toextend service beyond the compulsory retirement age of 65;etc.) before a particular recommendation for appointment shallbe submitted for final action.

Recommendations for appointment submitted for final ac­tion bythe President of the University or the Board of Regentsshall be coursed through the Human Resource DevelopmentOfficeofU.P.Diliman forreview/processing before theymaybesubmitted to thePresident foraction. TheDirector oftheHumanResource Development Officeshallcertity, inthebasicrecom­mendation itselfor in a separate sheet, that all the necessaryrequirements astopersonnel matters have been complied with.

~ should be understood that, under existing Civil ServiceRegulations, "nopriorauthority [from theCivilService Commis-'sion]shall be required for the re-employment of a person whohas been previously retired and who has not reached thecompulsory retirement ageof 65:

Theauthority referred to in thepreceding paragraph shouldnotbe confused withthe required exemption fromtheAttritionLaw; thus, where such exemption is necessary, it shall besecured first(even inthecaseofonewho hadpreviously retiredandhasnotyetreached 65 years ofage) before therecommen­dation for original appointment or reappointment is submittedfor final action.

2. Noappointment (original, renewal, reappointment, trans­ferfrom oneunittoanother, promotion, transfer topermanency,etc.) shall take effect earlierthan the date of issuance of theappointment paper.

It is imperative, therefore, that recommendations for ap­pointment areinitiated wellahead oftimetoensure thattheycanbe finally acted upon prior to the expected dateof effectivity.

Itcanneverbe over-emphasized that recommendations forrenewal of appointment mustbe submitted well in advance sothat they can be acted upon finally not later than the dateimmediately following the expiration of the preceding appoint­ment.

.TheCivilService Commission strictly prohibits the issuanceof retroactive appointments (I.e.,those taking effectpriortothedateof approval or issuance of appointment).

3. Immediate supervisors, Deans, Directors, andother headsof offices are instructed notto allow(much lessrequire) a newappointee, or a reappointee, to start rendering service evenbetore the corresponding appointment hasbeen issued.

4. The Director or head01 Human Resource DevelopmentOffice oftheautonomous university shall be responsible forthesubmission to the Civil Service Commission of the requiredreport on appointments finally acted upon in the autonomousuniversity.

5. It isthedesireoftheBoard of Regents that intheexercise01 theauthority tofinally actonappointments pertinent lawsandCivilService rules, regulations, andprocedures shallbestrictlyobserved.February 14,1994



Decisions of the Board of Regents






1074TH MEETING, 27 FEB 1994

Appointments, Promotions, Salary Increases,etc.

The Board approved the following appointments,reappointments, renewals of appointment, promotions, in­creases in salary, of faculty and staff and other related malters


UP System

Amelia P. Guevara, appointment as Director, UP Admis­sions Office, effective 1 March 1994 until 28 February 1996.

UP Dillman

luis M. Alarllla, appointment as Director,.ComputerCenter,effective 1 January 1994 until 31 December 1996.

Aurora E. Perez. appointment as Director, Office of Re­search Coordination (ORC), Office of the Vice Chancellor forAcademic Affairs, effective 1 February 199431 January 1997.

UP Los Banos

Madeline M. Suva, reappointment as Director, PublicationsOffice, effective 1 January 1994 until 31 December 1994.

UP Manila

Reynaldo H. Imperial, appointment as Dean of Students,effective 1 January 1994 until 31 December 1996.


Socorro L. Villalobos, renewal of additional assignment asDean, UP College Cebu, effective 1 January 1994 until 31December 1996.


UP Dillman

Lolda E. carlson, appointment asVis~ing Assistant,withoutcompensation, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Program,College ofScience, effective 6 untii 17 December 1993.

Arye Globerson, appointment as Visiting'Professor,Schoolof Labor and Industrial Relations, effective 6 December 1993until 6 February 1994.

Yoshlhlro Kaneko, appointment as Visiting Lecturer, with­out compensation, College of Social Science and Philosophy,effective 3 November 1993 until 2 November 1994.

Mlnoru Yamada, appointment as Vis~ing Assistant, with­out ",:,mpensatlon, School of Urban and Regional Planning,effective 11 November 1993 until 25 March 1994.

Anthony R. Wljangco, appointment as Visitin9 Professor,Molecular BIOlogy and Biotechnology Program (MBBP) effec­tive 15 November 1993 until 26 November 1993.

UP Los Banos

Benjamin C. Bagadlon, appointment as Visiting Assistant,w~houtcompensation, Collegeof Artsand Sciences,effective

1 November 1993 until 31 May 1994. .Golam Shahjahan, appointment ~ Visiting Professor,

w~hout compensation,Coliege of Agricuiture, effective 1 Sep­tember 1993 until 31 August 1994

Leonard Wade, appointment as Visiting Assistant, withoutcompensation, College of Agricuiture, effective 11 November1993 until 31 May 1994.


UP Dillman

Clarita R. carlos, reappointment w~h increase in hone­rarium as Maximo Kalaw Professor of Political Science,College of Social Science and Philosophy, effective 1January1994 until 31 December 1994.

Leonardo O. De castro, as UPIP Professor of Phlloso·phy, College of Social Science and Philosophy, effective 1January until 31 December 1994.

Manolo G. Mena, renewal of appointment w~h increase inhonorarium as Benguet Corporation Professor of Metal·lurgy, College of Engineering, effective 1 January 1994 until31 December 1994.

UP Loa Banos

Arcella A. AleJar as J.R. Velasco Associate Professor ofPlant Physiology, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1July 1993 until 30 June 1994.

Domingo E.Angeles as UPLB Alumni Association As­sistant Professor of Horticulture, College of Agricuiture, ef­fective 1 July 1993 until 30 June 1994.

Euloglo T. castillo, retroactive renewal of appointment asAssistant Professor of Cooperatives, College ofEconomicsand Management, sffectlve 1 January 1991 until 31 Decsm·ber 1991.

Levlta A. Ouhaylungsod as Philippine National BankAssistant Professor of Agricultural Education, College ofAgricullure, effective 1 July 1993 until 30 June t 994.

Portia G. Lapltan as Francisco Nicolas Assistant Pro­fessor of Forest Biological Sciences, College of Forestry,effective 1 July 1993 until 30 June 1994.

Lilia S. P. Madamba, reappointment with increase inhonorariumas UCPB OJAssociate ProfessorofChemistry,College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 July 1993 until 30June 1994.

Juliana S. Manuel as Metro Manila Professor ofAgronomy, College of Agricuiture, effective 1 July 1993 until30 June 1994.

Roberto P. Nartea as R.S. Benedlcto OJ Assistant Pro.fessor of Soli Science, College of Agricuiture, effective 1July1993 until 30 June 1994. .

Marlo V. Perilla, reappointment w~h increase in hono­ranum as UPLB Alumni Associate Professor of Agrl-busl­ness, CoUegeofEconomicsand Management, effective 1July1993 until 30 June 1994.

Nlnfa P. Roxas as San Miguel Corporation AssistantProfessor of Animal Science, College of Agricuiture effec.t,ve 1 July 1993 until 30 June 1994. '

Amelia W.Tejadaas Metro Manila Commission OJAs­sistant Professor, College of Agriculture, effective 1 July1993 until 30 June 1994.

Jose M. Vorobe, Jr. as Metro Manila Commission OJAssistant Professor of Agricultural. Economics, College ofEconomics and.Management, effective 1 July 1993until 30June 1994.

NOTE: Ms.Ocampo, whograduated in April 1989 withthedegree of B A Psychology wasnot recommended to graduateWith honors because hergeneral weighted average wasincor­rectly computed to be 1.7556. Her actual general weightedaverage, however, was found out to be 1.746, which wouldhave qua!ified her for 'cum laude"honors. The CSSP taculty,ma meeting heldon 28JUly 1993, approved the graduation ofMs.Ocampo cum laude.


UP Dillman

Mynelle AgUilar, as Assistant Professor 1, College ofHuman Kinetics, effective 1 February 1994.

Feffpe P. Jocano, Jr. as Assistant Professor 1,College ofSocialScience and Philosophy, effective 1 November 1993.

Ma. Asena Galang, as Information Technician Officer II,University Library, effective 1 January 1994. .

Ma.Theresa D. Ujano-Batangan, asAssistant Professor1,College of SocialScience and Philosophy, effective 1June1993.

UP Los Banos

RioJohn T. Ducusln, asAssistant Professor 1,College ofVeterinary Medicine, effective 29 November 1993.

Confermentof thedegreeof Doctorof Laws(honoriscausa)on Myres S. McDougal Sterling Professor Emeritus of theVale Law School

TheBoard approved theconferment of thedegree of Doc­tor 01 Laws(honoris causa) on Myres S. McDougal, in NewYork in viewof his failing health, at age 87 years.

Academic ProgramsTheBoard deferred acllon pending submission of a sum­

mary of recommendation, on the abolition of the followingdegree programs which wasapproved bytheUniversity Coun­cil at its33rd meeting on 11 December 1993.

a. Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)b. Master of Education (Plans A andB) (MEd)c. Doctor of Education (EdD)d. PhDin Language Teachinge. PhD in Science Education


Ma.Concepclon L. C.BalaJadia, asAssistant Professor 1,College of Dentistry, effective 21 December 1993.

Ma. Teresita Lara, as Assistant Professor 1, College ofDentistry, effective 21 December 1993.

Vicente O. Medina, as Assistant Professor 1, College ofDentistry, effective 21 December 1993.


Termination of the UP School of Economics EndowmentFund

The Board approved the President's recommendation forthe termination of the UP School of Economics EndowmentFund deposited with the Union Bank of the Philippines, andauthorIzed the incumbent Dean of the School of EconomicsDr. Jose Encarnacion, Jr., to withdraw the money from th~Bank.




UP Los Banos.

Burton T. Onate, as Professorial Lecturer 3 of Statistics,IMSP, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 16 December1992until 31 May 1993.

Establishment of the Ronald and Victoria ReidenbachProfessorial Chair In Chemistry

TheBoard accepted withthanks adonation ofP300.000.00from Prof. Victoria Reidenbach andestablished the Ronaldand Victoria Reidenbach Professorial Chair in Chemistry.

Graduation of StudentsTheBoard approved thegraduation ofstudents forvarious

degreesfrom the various autonomous universities of the UPSystem, asof the first semester, AY 1993-1994, as approvedby their respective University Councils

a. U.P.Dilimanb. U.P.Manilac. U.P. Los Banose. U.P. VisayasTheBoard alsoapproved thegraduation cum laudeofMs.

Michelle Ocampo forthe degreeof BA Psychology, College ofSocial Science and Philosophy, as of the endof the SecondSemester, AY 1988-89.

Ugnayan ng Mga PahlnungodlTheOblation CorpsThe Board established the UGNAYAN NG MGA

PAHINUNGODITHE OBLATION CORPS (the UP VolunteerService Program).

Ugnayan ng mga PahinungodlThe Oblation Corps repre­• r----------------------1 sents the institutional commitment olthe University topromote

andprovide volunteer workby (1) faculty, (2) staff, (3) gradu­

L----------------------1 ates, and(4)students inthegeographic andsubstantive areasI of greatest need.

Pahinungod, a Cebuano term in wide use throughout theVisayas and Mindanao, is the closest Filipino equivalent of"oblation" which inturn, hasbeenclosely associated with U.P.sincethemonument with thatnamesymbolizing theoffering oftheyouth tothe nation graces allUPcampuses. Ugnayan, asidefrom recognizing the linkage of thevolunteers with each otherandwiththeUniversity, provides theprogram with anacronymshared with its parent institution: the UP.Philosophy .s.

The UP/The OblalionCorpsrecognizes that the Universityhasa socialand moral responsibility to get involved in the liteof the nation through thewilling service of faculty, staff, gradu­ates,students andthe units andorganizations they represent.

Thevolunteer service program is an integral partof U.P.'smission. It enriches its performance olthe functions of instruc­tion, research, and extension even as it expresses, in a moreforceful and focused way. its nationalism and social commit­ment: "Ialak UP."




RationaleThe UPlThe Oblation Corps is a program of the Univers~y

thatwillhelpit fosteranumberofimportantvalues among themthefollowing: character-building; promotion of relevance of UPteaching and research; public service; and multi-disciplinarycollaboration among academic unns,Elements of the Program1.Participation inthe UPfThe Oblation Corps is aninstitutional

program of the University andis a partof itscommitment topromotethe generalwenare.

2.Volunteer service mustenrich, ratherthandetractfrom,theUniversity's academic programs.

3. Involvement ofthemembers oftheuniversity community willbe on a strictlyvoluntary basis.

4. "Voluntarism" here means "no compulsion to participate"with somestipend that would allow the volunteers to main­tain themselves withdignity in their placeof assignment.

Whether volunteers receive someformofpayment ornot, it is expected that the satisfaction and fulfilment theyreceive from their involvement in the UPfThe OblationCorpswill be greaterthan any monetary compensation.

5. Volunteers maycomefromtheranks ofcurrentfacuity, staff,and students, as well as graduates and retired facultymembers and staffof the University.

6. Service mustbe directed to a specific clientele in a definedgeographic area or organization for better accountabilityandjustifiable measure ofperformance. Bythesame token,work to be included must have measurable effects in aspecified periodof time.

7. Clients of the program are expected to be underservedcommunities orsmallenterprises which arewilling topartici­pate in the program and haveneeds capable of being metbytheUniversity. Theyshould alsoberelatively accessible.

8. Theprogram will seekpartners andsponsors for funding orincentive packages. "Partners" are agencies, organiza­tions, or communities whose needs the UPfThe OblationCorps answers and to which sites it fields volunteers."Sponsors" are agencies or organizations which providefunding for specific projects. A partnermay,but need not,be a sponsor also.The UPfThe Oblation Corps organizes andinstitutionalizes

a numberof ongoing programs oftheUniversity andformulatesnew initiatives in voluntary publicservice. These include thefollowing: (a) coordination of ongoing voluntary service; (b)fielding of volunteers in selected communities; (c) voluntaryconsuitancy on a technology or concept developed by theUniversity; (d) volunteer worktowards educational institution­building; and (e)offering a courseon volunteer service.

Reorganization of UP System OfficesThe Board approved the Reorganization of the

Controllership and Budget Staff. UP System (CBS), into theControllership and Budget Office UPSystem(CBO)andtheBudget Office UPDlliman. Continuation ofthe Implementa­tion of EO Nos. 4 dated 23 March 1983and5 dated17June1986).

Theobjectives of the reorganization are:1. To operationalize the full fiscal autonomy of U.P.Diliman under EO No.5 dated 17June'1983. This willmakeUP. Diliman a fully autonomous university similarto UP los Banos, UP ManilaandUP Visayas;2.To retain the services rendered by CBS to theautono­mousuniversities ofthe UPSystem andatthesame timegive it capability to render efficient and effective fiscaland administrative service to system-level units.

Toattain theseobjectives, CBSis splitintotwooffices: (1)TheUP Diliman Budget Office.(UPD·BO) to realize objectivenumber 1above; and(2)TheControllership andBudget Office(UPS·CBO) to realize objective number 2 above.

Thereorganization willnotrequire additional finances fromthe Department of Budget Management.

Reorganization of the Office of the University Registrar­UP Dillman

The Board approved the Reorganization of the Office ofthe University Registrar into the UP Admissions Office andtheUPDillman Registrar's Office. Thesplit oftheOUR-UPOintothe UPAOand UPDRO will:

1. Provide a permanent staff for the UPAO, which willdsvelopadministar, andprocess theUPCAT, conductresearch regularly, and helpreview and formulate poli­cies on the undergraduate admissions system for theentire UP System; and2. Enable a smaller but more focused UPORO, toconcentrate on streamlining (including computeriza­tion,)oftheUPOiliman registration and student records­keeping system

Creation of a UP Vlsayas Legal OfficeThe Board approved the creation of a separate Legal

Officefor the Autonomous Campus of theUPinthe Visayas.Thecurrent stateofoperations attheautonomous campus

of UP in the Visayas consisting of the Miag-ao campus, theIloilo Liaison Office, UP Cebu, UP Tacloban, and other unitssituated invarious partsof the Visayas region requires a UPVisayas legal Officeto service its legal needs.

1. The UP Visayas legal Office shall have the followingfunctions and responsibilities:

a. To provide and render legal opinion, advice andassistance to the Chancellor of UPV and to otherofficials of that autonomous campus;

b. To appearbefore, and coordinate with,courts, ad·ministrative agencies or legislative bodiesin appro­priatecases;

c. Toprepare, draft,andreview contracts, documents,agreements orundertakings involVing UPVoranyofits colleges, schools or units;

d. ToassisttheChancellor orthe Executive Committeein the investigation, resolution and disposition ofdisciplinary matters involving UPV students or inadministrative caseswhere UPVemployees aretherespondents; and

e. To penorrn and undertake such other function andresponsibilities asmayfromtimeto timebeassignedto it by the Chancellor concerning legal mattersaffecting UPV.

2. The authority and responsibility for the exercise of thepowers andthe discharge of the functions of the UP Visayaslegal Officeshallbe invested in the UP Visayas Chief legalOfficer, whoshall, together withtheothermembers ofthelegalstafftherein, beappointed bythe UPVChancellor inconsuita­tion with the President andthe General Counsel of the U.P.System.

3. The UP Visayas legal Office shallbe under the Officeof the UPVChancellor. The UPVChieflegal Officershallbedirectly responsible and accountable to the Chancellor, andshallrender suchopinions andadvice asmayberequired, andshall take appropriate legal action upon endorsement of the

UP Oiliman

management andthe responsibilities are clearly stated.In the first period of network cooperation, the Aachen

Univers~y ofTechnology willcoordinate theESA-UNETactivi­ties. The RectorsfPresidents of all participating universitiesshallassign acontactperson within theirrespective Institutions.

The Memorandum of Understanding shall extend for fiveyearsandbe renewable upon mutual agreement ofthepartiesconcerned.

Memorandum of Agreement with the Civil ServiceCommissiononthe Continuing LocalSCholarship Program(LSP) of the Commission as a component of theScholarship Program for Government (SPG)

a.TheCommission will conditionally donate in favorof theUniversity the amount of P1,260,OOO.00 to account for thetuition, laboratory fees, miscellaneous, and otherschool ex­penses ofthescholarwhoshallbeawarded studygrants intheUnivers~y.

b. The Univers~y shall offer one-year masteral degreeprograms to commence in the FirstSemester of School Year1994-1995.

c. The parties have agreed to the terms and conditionsstipulated in the Agreement.

The Agreement shall take effect on the date of executionhereof, andshall remain infullforce andeffectforfive(5)yearsthereafter unless sooner terminated by eitherparty by givingnotice to theotherat leastone semester priorto the intendeddateoftermination, without prejudice toscholars enjoying theirgrants priorto the notice of termination.

The Board confirmed the following Memoranda of Agree­ment:


Polley on Treasure-Hunting Activities In all UPpropertiesand landholdings

The Board adopted a formal policy prohibiting treasure­hunting activities in all UP properties and landholdings.

Chancellor or anyof the Vice-Chancellors of UP Visayas.4. Pursuant to Section 4 of Executive Order No. Idated 15

August 1981, the UPVChiefLegal Officershallcoordinate w~h

the General Counsel of the University whenever required bythecircumstances, particularly onmatters which haveSystem­wide implications.

5.ln all matters that require legalopinion/comment andareendorsed/referred by the UPVChancellor to the President forappropriate action, the commentsfreeommendations of theUPV Legal Office shall form part of the basic papers to betransmitted by the Chancellor.

6. In accordance w~h Section 6 of the aforementionedExecutive Order NO.1 the General Counsel, in consultationwiththeChancellor andChiefLegalOfficerofUPVisayas shallformulate andcircuiarize internal procedural rulesof theofficeto ensure the efficient flow of paperwork and to exped~e

issuance of comments/recommendations of the respectivelegal counsels of each UPV regional uriit.

'. ~-----------i

Memorandum of Agreement among Research andOe....elopmentlnstltutlons

TheAgreement is among overthirtyresearch anddevelop­ment instltutlons to form a regularandcontinuing associationof scientific, technological, academic, andadministrative insti­tutions located in or nearthe Diliman areaof Quezon C~y toaddress the S & T needs of the country in general, and ofQuezon City.

The Agreement s,hall be binding among the parties for aperiod of seven (7) years and shall be renewed for the sameperiod unless amended orterminatedbymutual agreement ofthe partiesconcerned.

Memorandum of Understanding re: Formation of aEuropean·Southeast Asian Unl ....erslty Network InEngineering (ESA-UNET)

This Memorandum of Understanding between the Univer­sityof the Philippines andnine universities is for the formationof a European-Southeast Asian University Network in Engi­neering (ESA-UNET).

The mainobjectives of the ESA-UNET are:To enhance the interactions between universlties and in­

dustryby developing a newconcept called 'EC-ASEAN Engi-neering Enterprise 2000"; . .. .

Toslimulate interdisciplinary industry-related activines withspecial emphasis on Environmental Engineering;

To strenqthan the lnstitutlonal capability of the netwerkparticipants inthe fieldsof transferof technology anddevelop­mentof curricula for engineering facullies; and

To initiate exchange of scientific information, guest lectur-ing, and student mobility. .

Forthe execution of the EC funded projects, the ES-UNETshall sign separate Consortium Agreements, in which the

Supplementary Contract No. 1 for the Renovation/. Construction, Auxiliary BUldlngs:PrintMakingWorkshop,Studios A, B, and C and Sculpture Shed,College of FineArts •

TheBoard approved, subject to the usual accounting andauditing requirements of the Commission on Audit (COA),Supplementary Contract NO.1 fortherenovation/constructionof Auxiliary Buildings, PrintMaking Workshop, Studios A, B &C, and Sculpture Shed, in the College of FineArts.

TheBoard noted thefollowing MOAsubmitted for its infor­mation:

Memorandum of Agreement between the UPFoundation,Inc. and the San Miguel Foundation, Inc. re: san MiguelFoundation College Scholarship Program (SMFCSP)ThisMemorandum of Agreement is forthe establishment andmaintenance of a scholarship fund in the University of thePhilippines to be known asthe 1993 San Miguel FoundationCollege Scholarship Program (SMFCSP)

Thegrant is opento all bonafide, incoming juniorstudentsin the fieldsof Applied Physics (major in Material Science) orMolecular Biology and Biotechnology in UPDillman, effectiveFirst Semester, 1993-1994. The Grantor agrees and binds~self to remit the sum of P55,200.00 per scholar to cover theexpenses of each scholar for two years.


The Board noted thefollowing general constructon agree­ments:

UP Dillman

General Construction Agreement with GL GonzalesConstruction



ConstructionoftheCenterfor Women'Studiesbuilding (PhaseIV) .TimeofCompletion: 30 Calendar Days reckoned from theUmethe Contract Agreement wasperfected and effected.


UPLos Banos

UP Manila

General Construction Agreement with JD Legaspi Con­structionConstruction of the four-storey UPManila Library building ­Phase II.Timeof Completion: Within 270 working days reckoned fromthetimeof receiptof theWorkOrderor Notice to Proceed w~h

the Work.


Ernesto V. Carpio, as Director, lnstitute of FoodScience& Technology, College of Agricullure effective 1 April 1994to30 April 1995.

Jerome F. Sison, reappointment as Director, Center forPolicy and Development Studies, College of Forestry, effec­tive 25 March 1994to 24 March 1997.

UP Visayas

Romeo D. Fortes, as Vice-Chancellor for Planning andDevelopment effective 1 February 1994.

The Board noted the following matters:VISTING FACULTY

UP Dillman

UP Los Banos

Francisco Bartolome, reappointment as Visiting Profes­sor,College ofHome Economics,.effective 15November1993to 31 March 1994.

Mahmood Tajar as Vis~ing Lecturer w~hout compensa­tion, College of SocialScience and Philosophy, effective 11November 1993 to 31 March 1994.

The Board noted the information regarding the ongoingsearch for UP Manila Deans andDirectors of various units.

The President reported that there was a hearing called bySenatorShahani to discuss the Resolutions filed by her andSenator Taiiada, separately, to look into the Charter of theUniversity and how the Charter has affected the operation ofthe University.

Letterof Civil Service Commission Chairman Patricia A.Sto.Tomas, dated20December 1993 addressed tc PresidentEmil Q. Javier, informing him that the UP System has beengranted the authority to take final action on its appointment,effective 1February 1994, pursuant to Resolution No. 93-5920(Accreditation Program).

Benjamin L. Carlaso as Visiting Professor.of Entomologywithout compensation, College of Agriculture, effective 1 No­vember 1993 to 31 May 1994.

Leonardo A Gonzales, as Visiting Professor of Develop­ment Management, without compensation, College of Eco­nomics andManagement, effective 1January to31 December

~--------------------1 1994.


Appointments, Promotions, Salary Increases,etc.

UP Dlliman

The Board approved the following appointments,reappointments, renewals of appointment, promotions, in­creases in salary, andother related matters:

UP Diliman

Flor Cristina F. Galvez reappointment as Associate Pro­fessor 1, College of Home Economics, effective 1 January1994to 31 May 1994.

UP Los Banos

Ma. Aracell Lee, as OJ Assistant· Professor of VisualCommunication, College of FineArts, effective 1Januaryto31 December 1994.

Mitzi Marie Reyes, asJose & Asuncion Joya AssistantProfessor of Visual Communication, College of Fine Arts,effective 1January to 31 December 1994.

Elenlta S. Ordonez, as Onofre D. Corpuz OJ AssociateProfessor of Art Studies, College of Arts andLetters, effec­tive 1January to.31 December 1994.

UP Los Banos







Benito A. Oliveros, transferof salary from faculty to ad­ministrative position as Agricultural Center Chief, PhilippineCarabao Center, College of Agriculture, effective 1 Janauryuntil31 August 1994.

Agnes L. Lantlcan, salary grade adjustment as MedicalOllicer V, UP HealthService. effective 8 December 1993.

UP Manila

Ernesto P. Cutiyog, appointment as Dept. Head/Com­mandant effective 16October 1993 the appt.of thenew Com­mandant.

Wilfredo M. Carandang, as Vicente Lu OJ AssistantProfessor of Silviculture and Forest Influences, College ofForestry, effective 1July 1993 to 30 June 1994.

Antonio P.Contreras, asPNOC OJ Assistant Professorof Forest Resources Management,College of Forestry, ef­fective 1July 1993to 30 June 1994.

Joseph S. Masangkay, reappointment as AssociateProfessor of Veterinary Microbiology,Pathology & PublicHealth,College of Veterinary Medicine, with increase inhono­rarium, effective 1July 1993 to 30 June 1994.





MAT. and M.Ed. Plans A and B programs replaced byan MA Education degree;Ed.D. and Ph.D. Language Education and ScienceEducation Programs replaced by a Ph.D. Educationdegree.

Civil Service Commission Resolution No. 93-5920 grantingauthority to the University to take final action onappointments effective 1 February 1994 .

The Board noted the Civil Service Commission resolutiongranting authority to the University to take. final action onappointments effective 1 February 1994, similar to the author­itygranted other State Universities and Colleges.

UP DillmanB.S. Computer Engineering and B.S. in Electronics andCommunications EngineeringDiploma, M.S., and Ph.D. in Environmental Science

Establishment of Academic ProgramsThe Board established the following degree programs:

UP VisayasM. Ed. (Physics)


Likewise, the Board established the B.F. Fulgenclo andC.V. Fulgenclo Professorial Chair In Psychiatry in the Col­lege of Medicine, the honorarium for which shall be in accord­ance with the schedule prescribed by the Board.

The Board abolished the five masteral anddoctoral degreeprograms in the College of Education, UP Diliman, as followsand replaced them with a single degree at each level:

Establishment of Professorial ChairsThe Board established the Dr. Maximo R. Borromeo Pro­

fessorial Chair, subject to the following conditions:(1) The chair shall be assigned alternately to the different

colleges/units of UP Manila;(2) As soon as the earnings of the fund shall permit, part

thereof shall be used to fund a faculty grant, likewiseto be rotated among the different colleges/un~s; and

(3) The honoraria for the chair and the faculty grant shallbe in accordance with the schedule prescribed by theBoard of Regents.


The Board likewise accepted, with thanks, a donation of$15,000.00 by Dr. Edgardo T. Dujon and Dr. TeresitaFulgenclo-Dujon for the establishment of a professorial chair.

The Boardaccepted, w~h thanks,adonationof P400,OOO.00by the Borromeo Brothers Estate, lnc., through Dr. Rodolfo B.Herrera, an alumnus of the College of Medicine, Class 1954 forthe establishment of a professorial chair.

UP Dillman

Emesto G. Tabujara, as Professor 12, College of Engi·neering, effective 20 February until 30 April 1994.

Guadalupe S. Uy Choco, as AssistantProfessor 5, Col­lege of Social Science and Philosophy, effective 12January to31 May 1994.

Felicltas Manacsa, as Professor 1, UP Integrated School, l---------------------jCollege of Education, effective 15 March to 31 May 1994.

Paz Y. Yap, as Associate Professor 7, UP IntegratedSchool, College of Education, effective 24 March to 30 April1994.

UP Visayas

FUoteo V. Delfin, as Assistant Professor 5, UP CollegeCebu, effective 6 May to 31 October 1994.

The Board extended the appointment beyond retirementage of the following:

UP Manila

L1ta C. Vlzconde, Assistant Professor II (part-time), Col­lege of Medicine, Attending Physician (part-time), PGH, effec­tive 1 June 1993.

UP Dlliman


The Board approved the Transfer to Permanent Status ofthe following:

UP Manila


Dwight David Dlestro, Assistant Professor I, College ofArts and Sciences, effective 8 February 1994.

Cesar B. aulcoy, Assistant Professor 1, of AgriculturalEconomics, College of Economics and Management, effective14 February 1994.

Edison D. Cruz, Assistant Professor I, College of Busi­ness Administration, effective 1 June 1994.

Elsie S. Ramos, Assistant Professor 1, College of SocialScience and Philosophy, effective 24 March 1994.

UP Los Bailos

Harlvelle Abdulla, as OJ Assistant Professor ofAnatomy, College of Medicine, effective 1 January to 31December 1994.

Ramon L. Arcadlo, as Canuto O. & Pilar N. BorromeoAssociate Professor of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, ef­fective 1 January to 31 December 1994.

Amelia S. Asenclon, as R.S. Benedicto Associate Pro­fessor of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1

.January to 31 December 1994.Ma. Edna M. Jimena, as Democrilo M. Jose Assoc. Prof.

of Clinical Health, College of Dentistry, effective 1 January to31 December 1994.

Yasmyne C. Ronquillo, as OJ Ass!. Prof. of Biochemis­try, College of Medicine, effective 1 January to 31 December1994.

•1st to 3rdyear - actualcost not to exceed

P.1,200 a month;75% subsidy;50% SUbsidy."

4th year5th year

"e. Forthosenotaccommodated inthehousing units,actual cost but not to exceed P1 ,200 monthly, directlypayable to house/apartment owner, for a period of 2years and a graduated subsidy thereafter, [thus] INACCORDANCE WITH THE SCHEME BELOW; PRO­VIDED THATONEWHOSUBSEQUENTLYACQUIRESA HOUSE WITHIN THE FIVE-YEAR PERIOD SPECI­FIED BELOW SHALL CONTINUE TO ENJOY THESUBSIDY, WHICH SHALL BE PAYABLE DIRECTLYTO HIM/HER UNTILTHE ENDOF THE FIFTH YEAR:

The Board approved the following Memoranda of Agree­ment:


Honoraria of Top OfficialsThe Board amended the policy regarding honorarie of top

officials approved by the Board of Regents at its 1031stmeeting on28June1990,to include officials whose salaries asfacullymembers areequaltothe salaries oftheiradministrativepositions; increase of the honoraria from P1 ,500to P3,OOO.00a month effective 1 January1994.

Memorandum of Agreement with the UP AKKAP and theBarangay UP Campus (Dillman)Memorandum of Agreement with the UP AKKAP and theBarangay UP Campus (Diliman) whereby the University al-

Schedule of Transfer Incentives. The Board amended provision 2-9 of the Schedule of

Transfer Incentives approved by the Boardof Regents at its997th meeting on 24 March 1987, for personnel acceptingtransferto the Miag-ao Campus of UP Visayas as follows:

UP Press Publications Revolving FundTheBoardestablished the UP. PressPublications Revolv- .

ing Fund out of seed money of P300,OOO.OO from the UPSystem General Fundto start its publications this year.


The Board approved the following purchases by the Uni­vsrsjty:

Productivity Incentive BenefitsThe Board reiterated its previous approval of the grant of

merit incentive pay in December 1993 which constitutes CY­1993productivity incentive benefitsto government personnelas authorized in Administrative OrderNo. 103.

Additional Delegation of Authority to ChancellorsThe Board approved addfional delegation of authority to

theChancellors to facilitate andfurtherdecentralize Universityoperations.

The functions delegated to Chancellors are thosethat canbe acted upon more expeditiously at the their level, coveringsuchareasas academic matters, scholarships, appointments,except transfer to permanency of assistant professors andinstructors, budget, contracts, donations, fixingof miscellane­ous fees, and housing rules.

Proposal to Establish a Provident Fund for UPFaculty andStaff

The Board approved in principle the establishment of aProvident Fund for UP facully and staff. This Fund will beseparate fromthe Productivity Incentive Benefits (PIB) and its t.---------------------Ifunding willcomefromthesavings andincome oftheUnivers~andwhichshallbe in accordance with pertment provisions of 1----------------------1the GeneralApproprialions Act.

Negotiated Purchases by the PGH

1. Anegotiated purchase bythePhilippine GeneralHospitalof an ADAC Genesys Spect Rectangular Gamma CameraSystem from the Centra Lync Incorporated in the amount ofP7,980,OOO.oo;

2.A negotiated purchase bythePhilippine General Hospital(PGH) of a CameraSystem upgrade (withaccessories) to theabove ADACDual-Head Spec!Imaging Gamma CameraSys­tem from the Centra Lync Incorporated in the amount ofP5,880,OOO.OO;

Note:Thecontractforpurchase wasdirectly negotiated withCentra Lync Incorporated since it is the duly authorized andexclusive distributorof ADAC Laboratories, Inc.

Constitution of a Regents' Commltlee on Land Use andDevelopment

The Boardconstituted an ad hoc Regents' Committee toadvisetheBoardandthePresident onhowbesttodevelopandmanage the University's realestateproperties to strengthen itsacademic programs and to optimize revenues in support ofUnivers~y operations, composed of the following:

Regent Edgardo Espiritu, ChairmanRegentNella GonzalezRegentPaule C. CamposEngr. David ConsunJIMr. Roy VlnuyaAtty. Jerry Barlcan

The Vice President for Planning and Development willbe the representative of the University Administration in theCommittee.

The different campuses shall be requested to submit theirproposals on how best to utilize their respective property.

Memorandum of Agreement with the SEAMEO RegionalCentre for Educational Innovation and Technology(INNOTECH)Memorandum of Agreement withthe SEAMEO Regional Cen­

1----------------------+ tre for Educational Innovation and Technology (INNOTECH)andthe Univarshy of the Philippines System for the construe­

1----------------------/ tion of an additional wing to the existing dormitory of theSEAMEO·INNOTECH Center.Thenewdormitory shallbeconstructed inaccordance withtheplansand site location approved by the University.The Univers~ or its guestsshall be entitled to the useof therooms in the dormitory free of any charge to an extent notexceeding 730 room-days each year, provided that, an ad­vance notice for such accommodations of at least 7 days isgivenby the Univers~y.

Effectiv~ylTermination: The agreement shalltakeeffectuponsigning bybothpartiesandshallbefor25years,renewable fora period not exceeding 25 years upon mutual agreement ofboth parties.Date Signed: 11 May 1993







lowed the Barangay andthe UPAKKAP to use a 150squaremeters area situated at corner laurel and Balagtas Streetsand to construct therein a Multi·Purpose Barangay Hall inaccordance with the planapproved by the University.All expenses related to theconstruction of the Barangay Hallshalt be forthe account of the Barangay. Thepremises oftheMultl.P~rpose Barangay Hallshallbe usedonlyfor meetingsand proJ~cts of the Barangay, livelihood programs andskillstraining projects of theAI\KAPsuchassewing, cosmetology,cooking, andsimilaractivities. TheBarangay Hallshallnotbeutilized for residential or commercial purposes.Terminati~n: The Memorandum of Agreement may betsrrni­nated bysimple.written notice andwithout necessity of judicialaction for anyViolation of the termsandconditions stipulatedtherein.Date Signed: 18 June 1993

The Board confirmed the following Memoranda of Agree­mentconcerning academic matters

UP Diliman

Memorandum of Agreement with the Pamantasan ngLungsod ng MaynilaThe parties agree to permit and share the services of theirpersonnel whose expertise maybe needed to teach, handleconsultancy, or similar services upon proper request of apartyto the other.The Agreement shall be effective for a period of three (3)

yearsfromitsexecution, renewableforanotherthree (3)yearsat the option of both parties unless either party decides toterminate the agreement upon written notice given the otherat least one year beforethe termination date.Date Signed: 21 December 1993

Agreement of Cooperation with St. Norbert Coilege (DePere, Wisconsin, USA)Thepartiesagreeto establish exchange programs asmay bebeneficial and acceptable to both institutions of higherlearn­ing, including the promotion of jointstudies, research, educa­tional and other training programs of mutual interest andparticularly in the pursuit of excellence in theareas of naturalscience, socialscience, education, fine arts and liumanities.The Agreement shall extend for live (5) years, beginning thedateof the last signature and may be amended or extendedatanytimeby mutual consent through anexchange of lettersby authorized officials at each institution.DateSigned: 5 August 1993

Contract of Services with the Institute of InternationalEducation (liE) In connection with the Philippines RuralElectrification Project's (REP) component for TechnicalAS31stance forTralnlngThe Philippines Rural Electrification Project's (REP) compo­nenlfor Technical Assistance forTraining isbeing performedpursuant to Contract No. AID 492-0429-C-OO-3020-00 be­tween the United States Agency for International Develop­ment and the Institute of International Education. liE is theprime contractor while the University 01 the Philippines (UP)will serve as a subcontractor to liE.In support of liE's efforts to implement the REP contract, UP(National Engineering Center), among others, will:(a) assist with the design, development, preparation andimplementation of the initialreconnaissance mission, trainingneedsassessments, curriculum review, designand develop­ment, evaluation, and other technical assistance support


(b) pro~ide highly qualified personnel for all tasksassigned;(c) provide logistical andtacilities support asneeded andtotheextent practical; and(d) prepare for i1E and submit to the Chiefof Party, writtendocumentation, studies, reports, etc. on UP'sprogress.DateSigned: 13 July 1993

Memorandumof Agreement between UPDlliman and theDepartment of Science and Technology on EnrichmentProgram for Physics Teachers of S & T Oriented HighSchoolsMemorandum of Agreement between the Univers~y of the

Philippines Diliman forthe Science Teachers' Training Center,Institute ofScience andMathematics Education Development(SnC-ISMED), andtheDepartment ofScience andTechnol­ogy, as Implementor of the Engineering and Science Educa­tion Project"(DOST-ESEP) on the Enrichment Program forPhysics Teachers of the 110S & T Oriented High Schools.The Department of Science and Technology shall providefinancial assistance to the project with a total grant ofPI ,OI2,495.00tobe expended asallocated intheProject l.ina­Item Budget.The Agreement shall take effect upon signing and shall beeffective for Academic Year 1993-1994.Date Signed: 1 October 1993

UP Los Banos

Memorandumof Agreement and Amendatory Agreementwith the Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA)concerning the National Integrated Serlculture ProjectThe Project aimsto havea sustained andviable rural-basedsericulture industry inthe Philippines. Onthecompletion oftheProject, ~ is envisioned that the Philippines will be able tosupply 47% of the domestic requirements for cocoons. Thiswillhelpdevelopandexpand themarket baseforsilkproductsso as to ensure the long-term viability of the Philippine SilkIndustry.UPlB shallprovide suitable areafor the Project concerning atleastfive (5) hectares.The Agreement shall become effective upon signing of theparties andshall remain in force for a period of five (5)years,subject, however, to the mutual right of UPlB and FIDA toterminate it ona thirty-day written notice without the necessityof any court action, at any time prior to the expiration 01 theagreement.

MemorandumofAgreementwith SEAMEO RegionalCenterfor Graduate Study and F1esearch In AgricultureProject: Integrated Jala-Jala Rural DevelopmentSEARCA will provide the necessary funding, administrative,and management support to ensure success of the projects.UPLB through the FSSRI will provide from its currentlyavailable staffthe high levelexpertise required bytheprojectseither on a part-time or full-time basis and assist in theprojects' technological requirements.All publications and major reports arising from the researchand other activities undertaken under the Agreement willacknowledge the participation of UPLB, SEARCA, andotherparticipants. UPLB and SEARCA may use the data andfindings of the projects in the pursuit of their academic pro­grams with appropriate acknowledgment of all cooperators.TheAgreement takeseffect upon itssigning andshall remainin full force and effect for three (3) years unless terminatedearlier by mutual consent of both parties.Date Signed: 3 November 1993 15

Memorandum of Agreement between UP Los Banos(through the Farming Systems andSoli Resource Inslltute(UPLB·FSSRI)and the Bureau of Agricultural ResearchProject: Documentation of successful farming systems in thePhilippinesBARshallprovidea totalamount of P200,000 asinitialsupportto conductthe research project. A budqatschedule hasbeensetforthandmadeanintegralpartoftheAgrdement. Additionalsupportwill beprovided depending onthe availability of funds.UPLB-FSSRI will provide allsupportandorganize theoonductof the research projecl, directing all its effortstoward accom­plishingthe purposes of the Agreement, undera projectteamheaded by Dr. Florentino C. Monsalud.TheAgreement isfor aperiod of sixmonthscommencing uponapproval of the agreement, unlesssoonerterminated by mu­tual agreement.Date Signed: 29 October1993

GeneralMemorandumof UnderstandIngwith the Universityof Sydney, AustraliaProject: Academic exchange andcooperation inteaching andresearch in the furtherance of the advancement anddissemi­nation of learning.The parties agree to developacademic exchange andcoop­eration in teaching and research, as follows:

a. to encourage and use their best endeavors to effectvisitsfromoneuniversity totheotherbymembers of theacademic staff for the purpose of participating in teach­ing and research programs;

b. to offer admission from one university to the othertoqualified students to undergraduate and graduate de­gree and diplomacourses; and

c. to encourage the exchange of scientific materials,publications and information.

The Agreement shall be reviewed annually for a periodof fiveyears.Signed: 22 October 1993

The project aimstooperatea mobileveterinary clinicat UPLBto provide veterinary assistanceto local farmers; to providepractical training forstudents inveterinary medicine, research,diagnosis andprevention of diseases in livestock; to oonductinvestigations on the epidemiology of viral diseases in swine;and to developstrategies for prevention of animal diseasesandzoonoses.The duration01 the cooperation is threeyears. The coopera­tioncanbeterminated byeitherpartysendingtotheotherpartya six-month written notice, taking effectupon receipt of suchnotice.Date Signed: 29 October1993

UP Manila

Memorandum of Understanding between the College ofArts and Sciences and the Metropolitan Museumof ManilaFoundallon, Inc.

Theparties agreeto forgestrongerlinksbetween academeand museum in order to enrich the artistic oonsciousness ofstudents and publicalike.

The Agreement will be effective upon signing by bothparties.

DateSigned: 19 July 1993

Renewalof the Memorandum of Cooperallon between UPManila·Philippine General Hospital (UPM·PGH) and thePamantasanng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM)

UndertheMemorandum ofCooperation dated1 April1989UPM·PGH allows PLBnursing students theuseolthe facilitiesof PGH for clinical and intensive clinicalpracticum, subjecttoexisting pertinent laws, rules and regulations which may bemodified by the University as the need arises.

TheAgreement will beeffective for a periodof one(1)yearfrom 1 May 1993.

Date S:gned: 29 June 1993

UP Los Banos


•- As stated below

01Max. Demand3,205 KW (nominal)


Del. Voltage13,200volts13,200volts


Contract Demand - 3,500 KWAllowable Maximum Demand - 4,025 KWContract Energy - 850,000 KWHiMo.Allowable Maximum Energy - 1.275,000 KWH/Mo.Effectivity Date - January26, 1992

Points of DeliveryAllowableLocation1st Pt., NPCSIS2nd Pt., UP SiS/Staff Housing

Contract with National Power Corporation for the Sale ofElectricity

NPCwillsellanddelivereleclricpowerandenergy toUPLB,at thepointsof delivery in 3-phase, 3-wire, 60hertzalternatingcurrent and UPLB shall purchase and use same under thefollowing service specifications:

TheContract iseffective foraperiodofthreeyearsreckonedfromthe effectivity date (January 26, 1992)

Date Signed: 27 July 1993.

Memorandum of Agreement with the University of BritishColumbia, CanadaProject: Reciprocal student exchange programCommencing with Academic Year 1993-1994, and in eachsucceeding year duringthe term of this Agreement, not morethanfivestudents enrolled atUBCmaybeenrolled attheirownexpense at UPLBas non-degree students, andsame numberof students at UPLB may also enroll at UBC at their ownexpense, subjectto the provisions of the Agreement.TheAgreement willcommence upon signing and shalloontinuefor five years, SUbject to revision or modification by 'mutualagreement. Eitherparty may terminate the Agreement as ofthe end of any academic year by giving at least six monthsnotice.Date Signed: 23 October1993

Memorandum of Agreement with the Unlversltelt Gent(University of Ghent), BelgiumProject: Diagnosis and prevention of diseases in livestock inthe PhilippinesUnde~ the Agreement, the Universiteit Gentwill contribute: a)traveling expenses for one Belgian veterinarian, based in thePhilippines and travel cost and other expenses for visitingBelgian scientists involved in theproject, b) laboratory equip­ment, c) fuel and maintenance of vehicles, and d) reagents/chemicals.







The Board confirmed/noted the following contracts sub­mitted for ks action

UP Dillman

GeneralConstruction Agreement with PGMConstructionand Plumbing ServicesRehabilkation work (Phase II) Officeof the Universky Audkor3rd Floor, Quezon HallContract Time: 30 calendar daysDateSigned: 12 January 1994

GeneralConstruction Agreement with PGMConstructionand Plumbing ServicesConstruction ofmezzanine/alterations OfficeofLegal Services3rd FloorQuezon HallContract TIme: 60 calendar daysDateSigned: 12 January 1994

General Construction Agreement with KonstrukturaCentro, Inc.Construction of cyclone wire fenceNursery- ArboretumContract TIme: 60 calendar daysDateSigned: 10 January1994

General Construction Agreement with IntertechDevelopment and Construction CompanyImprovemenlof the Cluster Housing Hardinng BougainvilleaPurokAguinaldoContract Time: 90 calendar daysDate Signed: 16 December 1993

Supplemental Contract with Lambdan Securlly Agency,Inc.Hiringof additional two (2) security guards for the College 01HomeEconomicsContract Time: 19 November 1993to 31 December

Supplemental Contract to the Contract for JanitorialServices entered Into on 16April 1993with FMSManpowerJanitorial ServicesIncrease in the numberof janitors presently servicing the UPBalayIntemational by three (3)Effectivky: 11 November to 31 December 1993DateSigned: 13 December 1993

Supplemental Contract to the Contract for Janitorialservicesentered Into on 16April 1993with FMSManpowerJanitorial ServicesIncrease inthenumberofjanitorspresently servicing theOfficeof the University Regislrar by one (1)Effectivity: 29 Octoberto 31 December 1993DateSigned: 13 December 1993

Supplemental Contract for Janitorial Services enteredIntoon 16 April 1993 with the FMS,Manpower and Janitorialservices ..Subject: Increase in thenumberof janhors presently servicingthe College of Home Economics by two (2)Effectivity: 19 November to 31 December 1993DateSigned: 13 December 1993

UP Los Banos

Contract of Annual Maintenance Service with TradegateEnterprisesProject: Annual maintenance service of IBMtypewrkersEffectivky!Duration: Effective July " 1993 until 30 June1994, andcontinues infull forceunless earlierterminated byekherparty,

Credit Line Agreement with San Miguel Foods, Inc. forP200,000 to be madeavailable by SMR to UPLB·DTRI forpurchases of B·meg animal feed productsDuration: The Agreement shall expire on 31 July 1994,renewable yearly thereafter at thediscretion ofSMFI. Atanytimewithin such period, however, SMFIshallhavethe abso­lute right to amend, suspend, andlor cancel the credk linewithout prior notice.Date Signed: 27 July 1993

GeneralConstruction Agreementwith MPCConstructionProject: Improvement of UP Rural HighSchool BuildingContract Time: 60 calendar days

. -Date Signed: t 1 January 1994

General Construction Agreement with YJ Constructionand Mgt. ServicesProject: Improvement of Comfort Room, Museum of NaturalHistoryContract Time: 60 calendar daysDate Signed: 31 January 1994

GeneralConstruction Agreementwith AriesInfrastructureDevelopment ServicesProject: Improvement of Roofing of the PilotPlant, Instituteof Food Science andTechnologyContract Time: 40 calendar daysDale Signed: 31 January 1994

General Construction Agreement with PowerhausBuilders Center, Inc.Project: Construction of Annex Building College of Engineer­ingand Agro·lndustrial Technology


Contract for the Supply of Whole Human Blood with theDoctors' Blood BankService: Supply of estimated 22,080 bags01 whole humanblood to the Philippine General Hospital (PGH)The Blood bank shall replace blood units confirmed to beeither spoiled or positive for Malaria, VORL, Hepatitis BandAIDS byusing theHospital's methods andpaya penalty of PI350,00 per bag.Charge:a. Whole Human Blood, any ABOP/400.00 perbagtype inACD or APD, 500 cc per bagb. Whole Human Blood anyAElO P1320.00 per bagtype inACDor APD, 250 cc per bagThecontract shallbeeffective for aperiodofoneyearfrom 1January1994 until 31 December 1994.DateSigned: December 1993.













The Board confirmed the 1994 Internal Operating Budgetand Reprogramming of Funds for CY 1994.

The Board noted the 3 February 1994 sfatement of Nilo B.Pefia and Victor P.Lazatin, Chairman and President respec­tively, of the Sigma Rho Council, Inc. on the vicious andsenseless attack by armed and masked men on haplessstudents studying at the UP Law Library on 31 January 1993.

The Board also noted the Resolution of the GintongSmahan Ng. UP (GSUP) requesting the Board of Resgents tostreamline the UP system.

1076th MEETING, 29 APRIL 1994

Appointments, Promotions,Salary Increases, etc.

The Board approved the following appointments,reappointments, renewals of appointment, promotions, in­creases in salary, of faculty and staff and other related matters

UP Diliman

Patricia Rosalind S. Daway, appointment as Law Educa-.tion Specialist, Law Center, effective 2 May 1994.


UP System

Ledivina V. Carino, as Director Ugnayan ng PahinungodlOblation Corps effective 1 April 1994 to 31 March 1997.

UP Diliman

Oscar P. Ferrer, as Director IIof Ugnayan ngPahinungodlOblation Corps, OVCAA, effective 1 April to 31 December1994.

UP Los Banos

Severino E. Cuevas, as Director of Ugnayan ngPahinungodlOblation Corps effective 1 April to 31 December

Emiliano S.Mendoza, additional assignment as Director 1,UP Los Banos Health Service, effective 11 May 1994until May101997.


UP Los Banos

Robert D. Huggan as Visitin9 Associate Professor of De­velopment Communication,College of Agriculture, withoutcompensation, effective 1 January to 31 December 1994.

UP Manila

Detlef Schwefel, as Visitinq Professor of Public Health,College of Public Health, without compensation, effective 16March to 31 December 1994.


UP Dillman

Rodolfo M. Casiple, as Professor 9, College of Engineer­ing, effective 16 April 1994 to 18 March 1995.

Jose Encarnacion Jr.,. as University Professor, School ofEconomics, effective 1 to 31 May 1994.

Leticia A. Lagmay, as Professor 3, College of SocialScience and Philosophy, effective 27 February to 31 May1994.


Establishment of Professorial ChairThe Board approved the establishment of a Diamond

Jubilee (DJ) Professorial Chair at the UP College Baguio to befunded by UP Foundation, Inc,

Note: This chair will replace the Jose Laurel ProfessorialChair which is now the Pres. Jose P. Laurel DistinguishedProfessorial Chair established at the 1065th BOR Meetingon 26 May 1993 and is therefore, no longer assigned to UPDiliman.

Graduation of students as of the Second Semester ofAcademic Year 1993-1994

The Board confirmed the Graduation of students as of theSecond Semester of Academic Year 1993-1994, and as ofprevious semesters in the case of UP Diliman and UP Manila,of the four autonomous universities.

The Board also confirmed waiver of Art. 408 of the RevisedUniversity Code in the case of three students who do not meetthe one-year residency requirement immediately prior tograduation.


Reorganization of the Campus Planning, Developmentand Maintenance Office of UP Diliman

The Board approved, subject to review affer one year,.thecreation of two (2) offices, to replace the existing office:

a) Campus Maintenance Office; andb) Office of the Campus Architect.

Each office will be headed by a Director (Salary Grade 26),who will report directly to the Vice-Chancellor for CommunityAffairs; provided that where no item for Director is available, anOfficer-in-Charge shall be appointed who shall be entitled tothe corresponding RATA prescribed for director.

The existing staff of the present Campus Planning, Devel­opment and Maintenance Office will be reassigned to the twonew offices. The staffing pattern of the new offices shall beprepared by the respective heads thereof in consultation withthe Vice-Chancellor of Community Affairs, subjectto approvalby the Chancellor.

No additional personnel will be hired, nor will there belaying off ofpersonnel. The excess 50 personnel (together withtheir position items) will be assigned to other units of UPDiliman.

The PABX unit will be transferred to the Office of the Vice­Chancellor for Administration (OVCA)


Special Budget 01 Various Trust Liability AccountsTheBoardconlirmed theapproved SpecialBudget ofvari­

ousTrustLiability AcccuntscoveringMiscellaneous FeesandIncome Fed.

TheUtilitiesMonitoring Team(UMT)willalsobetransferredto theofficeof the ViceChancellorfor Community Affairs. Theunitwill then be able to check independently ff the workof theplumbing andelectricaVmechanical unitsof the Building Main­tenanceOffice is carried out properly.

UP Provident FundThe Board received favorably the proposal on the UP

Provident Fund which the Board approved in principle at its1075thMeetinginMarch1994. However. ~ deferredaction onthe proposed allocation of P30.000.000.00 as initial endow­ment.

Technology (DOST), Departme.nt 01 Environment andNatural Resources (DENR), and the Department 01Agricu~ure (DA), and the Bureau 01Fisheries and AquaticResources

Memorandum 01 Agreement was entered into by the Uni­vers~y of the Philippines System. through the UPVisayas and

.MarineScience Institute, and the Department of Science andTechnology (DOST). throughthePhilippine CouncilforAquaticandMarineResearch andDevelopment. Department 01 Envi­ronment and Natural Resources (DENR). through the Minesand Geosciences Bureau and the National Mapping andResource Information Authority; and the Department of Agri­

I-------------------'---~ culture(DA). through the Bureau of Agricuitural Research andthe Bureau of Fisheries andAquaticResources forthe follow­ing project:

Sharing of expertise. research information. equipment.facilitiesand research vessels.

Thedetails. terms.andconditions of the projectimplemen­tation and the activities relative to implementation andoperationalization of the agreement will be jointly lormulated

1----------------------1 and considered as an addendum to the document.


The Board confirmed the following Memoranda of Agree-ment: .

Memoranda 01 Agreement/Understanding between theUniversity and Government Agencies through Ugnayanng Pahlnungod/Oblation Corps

Memoranda 01 AgreementS/Understanding strengtheningthe collaboration between the University and the followinggovernmentagenciesthroughthe Volunteer ServiceProgramof the Universityof the Philippines System.otherwise knownas the Ugnayanng Pahinungod/Oblation Corps.

Department 01 Health effective upon signing (28February 1994). it shall continuefor a periodof five (5)years and may also-be renewed upon terms and con­ditions mutuallyagreeable to bothparties;University 01Southeastern Philippines effective for aperiod of five (5) years. Thereafter. effective from theconfirmation of the respective Boards of Regents of UPandUSP.and maybe renewed by mutual consentof theparties;Department 01 Agrarian Relorm effective upon sign­ingbybothparties (28 February1994). it shallcontinueinforceandeffectforaperiodoffive (5)years. renewableforsimilarperiodsthereafter.subjectto agreement oftheparties;

Department 01 Social Wellare and Developmenteffective lor a periodof five (5)yearsfromsigning by theparties;

Provincial Governmentof Gulmaras effective uponsigning bybothparties (28February1994)andshallendon 31 December 1997;

Municipal Government 01Leganes effective uponsigning bybothparties(28 February1994)andshallendon 31 December 1997;and

Municipality 01Mlag-ao effective upon signing byboth parties (28 February 1994) and shall end on De­cember 1997.

Memorandum 01Agreement between the University 01 thePhilippines System, and the Department 01 Science and

UP Dillman

Memorandum 01 Agreement with the Government 01Quezon CityProject: Training of Quezon C~y Teachers in Mathematics.Science and EnglishProject Cost: The Quezon C~y Government. through theMayor's Office. shall transfer to the University the sum of PI473.550.00 for expenditures related to the training 01 threegroups of 35 each of Mathematics. Science and Englishelementary schoolteachers. This sum shall be expended inaccordance with the ProjectBudget. which is an integralpartof the Memorandum.TheAgreement shalltakeeffectimmediately uponsigning andmaybe amended or modified upon mutual agreement of bothparties.Date Signed: 24 March 1994

Renewal of Memorandum 01 Agreement with Rooseve~

CollegeProject: Faculty exchange program in order to assist theRoosevelt College in developing its curricular programs andfacultydevelopment program in its Centerfor TeacherEduca­tionExcept forthe effectivity dates. thetermsandconditions of thisMOAare exactlythe sameas those in the MOAconfirmed bythe BORon 14 March 1991.Duration: Two years effective 1 May 1994to 30 April 1996.Signed: 16 March 1994

Memorandum01Agreementwith the DepartmentolSclenceand Technology, for the Engineering and ScienceEducation Project (DOST-ESEP) for UP Olliman ScienceTeacher's Training Center, Institute of Science andMathematics Education Development (SnC-ISMED)

Project: Enrichment Program for Physics Teachers of the 110S & T Oriented High SchooisProjectCost: The DOSTshallprovide financial assistance totheprojectwith atotalgrantof P/1.012,495.00 tobeexpendedasallocated inthe ProjectLine-Item-Budget. Eflectivity: Shalltake effectimmediately uponsigning andshallbe eflectiveforAcademic Year 1993-1994.Signed: 8 October1993


UPLos Banos

Memorandum01 Agreement wUhthe Department 01 Scienceand Technology (DOSn and the Science EducationInstitute (SEI)Project: Pilotprogram to expand the UPLB College ofArts andSciences Diploma in Science Teaching Majors in Chemistryand PhysicsProject Cost: Grant of P1,677,OOO.00 to be released by DOSTto UPLB and expended as allocated in the Project Line-ItemBudget.Effectiv~y: One year covering the period 1 June 1993 to 31May 1994.Signed: December 1993

MemorandumolAgreement wUhthe Department olSclenceand Technology (DOSn and the Science EducationInstnute (SEI)Project: Upgrading of S & T Capability of the UP Rural HighSchoolProject Cost: DOST support 01 P407,120.00 to be released toUPLB and expended as allocated in the Project Line-ItemBudgetEffectivity/Duration: One year covering 01 June 1993 to 13June 1994.Signed: December 1993

Memorandum 01Agreementwith the Bureau 01AgrlcuUuralResearchProject: Conduct of research project entitled, "Marginal Up­land/Acidic and Sloping Lands of Sierra Madre Mountains"Project Cost: P151,340.00 to be remitted by BAR to UPLB inlump sum.Effectivity/Duration: The Agreement shall be effective lor 12months commencing upon its approval unless sooner termi­nated by mutual agreement.Signed: 28 December 1993

Effectiv~y: The Agreement shall remain in force until 31 Janu­ary 1997 unless sooner terminated upon mutual consent ofboth parties.Signed: 28 January 1994

MemorandumolAgreementwith the DepartmentolScienceand Technology. Philippine Council lor Agriculture,Forestry and Natural Resources and DevelopmentProject: Masspropagation of Pinus markusiiJung and De Vr.Via development of micropropagation techniqueProject Cost: DOST grant 01 P/180,OOO.00 to be released toUPLB and as allocated in the Project line-item Budget.Effectivity/Duration: The Agreement takes effect upon itsexecution and shall be in lull force until 14 December 1994unless sooner terminated by mutual 04 consent of the partiesupon 30-(jays written notice by anyone 01 them.Signed: February 1994

Memorandum 01Understanding with the Philippine Councillor AgrlcuUure, Forestry and Natural Resources Researchand DevelopmentProject: Upgrading of National Plant Genetic Resourceslaboratory of the UPLB lnsthute of Piant BreedingProject Cost: P110,513.70 to be released by PCARRD toUPlB.Effectiv~y: The Agreement becomes effective upon signing ofthe parties and shall remain in force until such time that the •project is completedSigned:20 January 1994

Memorandum of Agreement with the Technology Appll·cation and Promotion Institute (TAPI)Project: Technology Investors' ForaProject Cost: P/15,OOO.00 to be provided by TAPlto UPLB­BIOTECH.Effectiv~y: The Agreement takes effect immediately uponsigning by the parties and remains in lorce unless revoked oramended by them.Signed: 27 January 1994






Memorandurn 01 Agreement wUhthe Department01Scienceand Technoloqy and the Science Education InstituteProject: Revision of Learning Modules for the Diploma inScience TeachingProject Cost: DOST grant of P192,350.00 to be released toUPLB and expended as allocated in the Project Line-ItemBudgetEffectiv~y/Duration: The Agreement takes effect upon itsexecution and shall be in force until 31 May 1995 unlessterminated sooner by mutual consent of the parties through a30-day written notice by any of the parties.Signed: 9 June 1993

Memorandum 01Agreement with the Twin Rivers ResearchCenterProject: Implementation of trials on PHTRC developed ethyl­ene adsorbent for use on horticultural perishablesProject Cost: Budgetary requirement is P11,390.00 to beprovided by TRRC to UPlB-PHTRC.Effectivity/Duration: The Agreement takes effect upon signinguntil the submission of the final report on 31 August 1993.Signed: 3 August 1993

Memorandum 01 Agreement wilh the Philippine Councillor Aquatic and Marine Research and DevelopmentProject: Collaboration to complement each other in R&Dactivitlss in order to contribute to the development and expan­sion of the aquatic resources industry

Agreement with San Miguel Foods, Inc. lor the lease 01research laclllty where metabolizable energy test studiescan be conducted under normal operating condllionsUPLB agreed to provide housing, care, and maintenance ofchickens, labor, power and electricity, security, and water forSMFI's ME test laboratory.SMFI agreed to pay UPLB the sum of P2,259.00 a month onrental charges for the use of lAS Research House.Effectivity: The agreement shall be for one year starting 1January 1993 unless sooner terminated, subject to renewalupon mutual consent of the parties.SMFI or UPLB shall havethe right to terminate the Agreement upon one month notice tothe other party.

Second Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement andSupplemental Memorandum 01 Agreement between theUnlversityoflhe Philippinesand the UP Alumni Associationconcerning the transler of ownership of the "Ang Bahayng Alumni" to the UP

Particulars1. The ownership of Ang Bahay ng Alumni building and

portions thereof completed as of 1May 1994 andother portionswhich will still be Ilnished thereafter shall be immediatelytransferred to the UNIVERSITY, and a Deed of Donation forthis purpose shall be executed accordingly by the ASSOCIA­TION:

P 200P 40


For small animals (e.g., dogs,goats, pigs, etc.)For I.rge animals (e.g., cows,carabaos, horses, etc.)

Further, the Board authorized the President to fix and re­vise the schedule of fines for impounded animals.

Contract for Janitorial Services with PJ Maintenance andServices, Inc.Project: Janitorial Services for UP buildings located at the UPDiliman campus .Effectiv~yIDuration: 1 January until 31 December 1994Signed: 28 February 1994

Impounded animals In UP DillmanThe Board revised the fines approved at its 980th Meeting,

August 1985, for animals impounded in the Diliman campusFrom ToP20 P 100

1077th MEETING, 27 MAY 1994

UP Manila


The Board approved the following general construction


General Construction Agreement between UP Manila andJ. D. Legaspi ConstructionProject: Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant - Phase IPGH.Contract Time: 180 caiendar daysSigned: December 1993

2. The ASSOCIATION shall undertake the necessaryadiministrative expenses and shall be responsible for securingfunds required to maintain such portion of the building occupiedby the ASSOCIATION. It is likewise committed to continuesoliciting funds and resources required to complete the entirecomplex, including site development works and other refine­ments on the building;

3. The ASSOCIATION shall be allowed the use of suchportions of the building identified in the Building Space Utiliza­tion Plan, for25years with an annual rental of P1.00, renewablefor another 25 years under such terms and conditions as maybe mutually agreed upon by the parties;

4. The mangement and administration of Ang Bahay ngAlumni shall remain with the ASSOCIATION, unless other­wise expressly determined by the UNIVERSITY and as agreedupon mutually by both parties. Any income of the ASSOCIA­TION arising out of the operations of the building after deduct­ing expenses, shall accrue to the UP Library DevelopmentFund. For this purpose, the ASSOCIATION shall render ayearly aud~ed financial statement to the UNIVERSITY;

5. Allotherterms and conditions contained in the Memoran­dum of Agreement between the same parties dated 24 Novem­ber 1992, the Supplemental Memorandum of Agreementdated24 November 1993 not inconsistent with this Second Amend­ment are incorporated and made integral parts of this contract.

The Board noted the following matters submitted for ~s

information:An update on the Distance Education Program presented

by Dr. Ma. Cristina Padolina;Report to the Board of Regents on the UP Center for ln­

tegrative and Development Studies, Office of the President,1-----------------------1 by Dr. Ma. Cynthia Rose B. Bautista, Director of the CIDS;

Report on the conferment of the degree of Doctor of Lawshonoris causa, on Prof. Myres S. McDougal at the PhilippineCenter, New York City, last 24 March 1994.

The Final Resolution of the Supreme Court en baneon thecase entitled "University of the Philippines Board of Regentsand Dr. Olivia C. Caoili in her capacity as Secretary of theBoard vs. Hon. Elsie Ligot-Telan and Ramon P. Nadal" (G.R.No. 110280) DENYING with finality the Motion for Reconsid­eration dated 29 October 1993 filed by Respondent Nadal.

The Board confirmed the following:

General Construction Agreement between UP Manila andJ. D. Legaspi ConstructionProject: Renovation Work at the ISBMR Bldg. - Phase I, UPManilaContract Time: 180 calendar days reckoned from the time ofthe Work Order or Notice to Proceed with the work

The Board noted the following contracts submitted for its infor­mation:

General Construction Agreement with Rolpa Construction,Inc.Project: Installation of Auxiliary Storage and Water SupplySystem, Hardin ng Bouganvilla, Purok AguinaldoContract Time: 60 calendar days reckoned from the time theContract Agreement is perfected and effectedSigned: 22 February 1994

Contract for Janitorial Services with FMS Manpower andJanitorial ServicesProject: Janitorial Services for UP buildings located at the UPDiliman campusEffectivity/Duration: 1 January until 31 December 1994Signed: 28 February 1994

Appointments, Promotions, Salary Increases,etc.

The Board approved the following appointments,reappointments, renewals of appointment, promotions, in­creases in salary, of faculty and staff and other related matters

UP System

Victoria L. M. Catibog, promotion from Director II to Direc­tor IV, Controllership and BudgetOffice, effective 1June 1994.

Rosa M. Manzala, transfer with promotion from AssociateProfessor1, College of Home Economics, to Director II,Controllership and Budget Office, effective 1 June 1994

UP Dillman

Lilia R. Antonio, promotion, from Cashier III to Cashier IV,Cahiers Office, effective 27 May 1994.

Emmanuel a.Fernando, promotion from Associate Pro­fessor 1 to Associate Professor 2, College of Social Scienceand Philosophy, effective 12 June 1993.










UP Los Banos

L~ule A. Dlvlnagracla, promotion from Assistant Profes­sor 7 to Associate Professor 3 of Agribusiness, College ofEconomics and Management, effective 15 December 1993

UP Manila

Sioksoan G. chan-cue. reappointment as Medical Spe­cialist III (part-time), PGH, effective 27 May until31 December1994.

Frederick G. Lim, reappointment as Medical Specialist III(part-time), PGH, effective 27 May until 31 December 1994.

Dolorosa A. Monserate, promotion from Nurse IVto NurseVI, PGH, effective 27 May 1994.

Jerry M Obaldo, reappointment as Medical Specialist III(part-time), PGH, effective 27 May until 31 December 1994.

Alexis L Reyes, reappointment as Medical Specialist III(part-time), PGH, effective 27 May until 31 December 1994.

Antonio H. Villalon, reappointment as Medical SpecialistIII (part-time), PGH, effective 27 May until31 December 1994.


UP Los Banos

Leonor B. Gregorio, appointment as University Librarian,effective 1 January 1994 until 31 December 1996.

UP Manila

Antonio M. Montalban, as Assistant Director for HealthOperations, PGH, effective 10 May until 31 October 1994.

Carmenclta D. Padilla as Director of Ugnayan ngPahinungodtOblation Corps, effective 27 May 1994 until 31October 1996.


UP Dillman

David S. Farasse, as Vis~ing Instructor, without compen­sation, College of Arts and Letters, effective 1June 1994 until31 May 1995.

UP Los Banos

Carolyn Dedolph, as Visiting Assistant Professor ofDevelopment.Communication, withoutcompensation, Collegeof Agriculture, effective 1 January until 31 December 1994.

Jose A.Eusebio, as Visiting Scientist without compensa­tion, (Farming System), College of Agricullure, effective 1April 1994 until 31 March 1995.

Matsumura Masatoshi, promotion in rank as Vis~ing Pro­fessor of Chemistry, without compensation, College of Artsand Sciences effective 1 June 1993 until 31 May 1994.

Lewis H.Ziska, as Visiting Assistant Professor 1of Botany,College of Arts and Sciences, wlthout compensation, effective1 January until 31 May 1994.


UP Dillman

Consolaclon Alaras, as DJ Professor of English, Col­lege of Arts and Letters, effective 1 January until 31 De­cember 1994.

Vittorio D. Almazar as Enrique T. Vlrata Assistant Pro­fessor of Mathematics, College of Science, effective 1January until 31 December 1994.

Maragtas S.V. Amante, as TUCP DJ Assistant Profes­sor of Industrial Relations, School of Labor and IndustrialRelations, effective 1 January until 31 December 1994.

Jose P. Balmaceda asPNOC DJ Assistant Professor ofMathematics, Collegeof Science, effective 1January until 31December 1994.

Lenora Fe S. Brawner as Metro Manila Commission DJAssociate Professor of Physical Educatlon,UP CollegeBaguio, effective 1 January until 31 December 1994.

Pamela C. Constantino, as Federico A. Alcuaz Associ­ate Professor, College of Arts and Letters, effective 1January until 31 December 1994.

Elizabeth L. Dlaz, as Ramon CoJuangco AssociateProfessor of Broadcast Communication, College of MassCommunication, effective 1January until 31 December 1994.

Flor Angel Hernandez as DJ Associate Professor ofHumanities, UP College Bagulo, effective 1January until31.December 1994.

Ma. Ellnora P. Imson, as Eusebio H. Tanco AssociateProfessor of Spanish and French, College of Arts and Let­ters, effective 1 January until 31 December 1994.

Gil S. Jacinto, as Lucio Tan DJ Associate Professor ofMarine Science, College of Science, effective 1 Januaryuntil 31 December 1994.

Emmanuel M. Luna, as U.P. Foundatlon,lnc. AssistantProfessor of Disaster Management, College of Social Workand Community Development, effective 1 January until 31December 1994.

Editha V. Maslang as San Miguel Corp. DJ AssociateProfessor of Social Work Research Practice, College ofSocial Work and Community Development, effective 1 Janu­ary until 31 December 1994.

Evelina A. MeJiliano, reappointment as UPIP Professorof Health Education, College of Education, effective 1Janu­ary until 31 December 1994.

Julius D.Mendoza, as DJ Associate Professor of Phi·losophy, UP College Baguio, effective 1 January until 31December 1994.

Marlo I.Mlclat, as MMC DJ Assistant Professor ofAsianStudies, Asian Center, effective 1January until31 December1994.

Ramon R. Miranda, as Isosceles & Leonora PascualAssistant Professor of Chemistry, College of Science, ef­fective 1 January until 31 December 1994.

Josefina N. Natividad as Ayala Corporation AssistantProfessor of Soclolofy, College of Social Science and Phi­losophy, effective 1 January until 31 December 1994.

Gloria Luz Nelson, as UPFI Assistant Professor ofPsychology, UPEPSFP, effective 1January until 31 Decem­ber 1994.

Imelda F.Pagutayan, as Jose Hallli Co. OJ AssociateProfessor of Biology, College of Science, effective 1 Janu­ary until 31 December 1994.

Rica G. Panganiban as UP Law Class '58 Professor ofMathematics, College of Science, effective 1 January until31 December 1994.

Carlene Perpetua C. Pilar as Edgardo J. Angara As­sistant Professor of Teaching, Collegeof Science, effective1 January until 31 December 1994.

Alell A. Oulrante, as Luis Vera Assistant Professor ofCommunication Research, College of Mass Communica­tion, effective 1 January until 31 December 1994.

Eva Marie A. Ratilia as Eduardo Taylor, Sr. Associate

Professor of Chemistry, College of Science, effective 1January until 31 December 1994.

Normlta G. Recto as Simeon Datumanong OJAssociateProfessor of Philippine Studies, Asian Center, effective 1January until 31 December 1994.

Gilda C. Rivero, as Don Plo Pedrosa Associate Profes­sor of BIologY, College of Science,effective 1January until31December 1994.

Julieta M. Save llano, reappointment as UPIP Professorof Science Education, College of Education, effective 1January until 31 December 1994.

Federico B. SlIao, as Unned Coconut Planters Bank OJProfessor of Urban and Regional Planning, Schoolof Urbanand Regional Planning, effective 1 January until 31 December1994.

Cesar G. Tapia, reappointment as MacArthur & Joseflnade los Reyes Associate Professor of Mathematics, Collegeof Science, effective 1 January until 31 December 1994.

Graciano P. Yumul as UP Alumni Engineer AssistantProfessor of Geology, College of Science, effective 1 Janu­ary until 31 December 1994.


UP Los Banos

Melvin B. Carlos as Assistant Professor 1 of AgriculturalEconomics, College of Economics and Management, effective17 February 1994.

Danilo L. Evangelista as Assistant Professor 3 of Agricul­tural Economics, College of Economics and Management,effective 24 March 1994.

Leonora M. FaJutagana as Assistant Professor 1, Collegeof Arts and Sciences, effective 1 June 1994.

Jean Claire C. Fernandez as Assistant Professor 1, Col­lege of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 June 1994.

Joseph NathanIel P. Garcia as Assistant Professor 1,College of Veterinary Medicine, 4 January 1994.

Rosario B. Mahusay, as Assistant Professor 1, Coilege ofArts and Sciences, effective 1 June 1994.

Grace Bernadette T. Mendoza, as Assistant Professor,College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 June 1994.

Nelia S. Sabater as Assistant Professor 1 of Mathematics,IMSP, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 8 March 1994.

Sixto A. Valencia. as Assistant Professor 1 of ChemicalEngineering, Center for CEAT, effective 15 March 1994

UP Manila

Diana R. Agbayanl, as Assistant Professor 1, College ofArts and Sciences, effective 27 May 1994.

Donna Aelred Bautista, as Assistant Professor 1, Collegeof Arts and Sciences, effective 27 May 1994.

Teresita S. De Guzman as Assistant Professor 1, Collegeof Medicine, effective 27 May 1994.

Harry L. Engle as Assistant Professor 1, College of Artsand Sciences, effective 27 May 1994.

Leticia T. 'Ibanez as Assistant Professor 1, College ofMedicine, effective 27 May 1994.

Luciana V. lIao as Assistant Professor 3, College of Artsand Sciences, effective 27 May 1994.

Marina B.Onaols as Assistant Professor 1, College of Artsand Sciences, effective 27 May 1994.


Glanlna P. Calnglet as Assistant Professor 1 of BusinessManagement,College 01 Management, effective 27 May 1994.


The Board accepted, with thanks, a donation in the amountof P1,000,000.00 from Dr. Augusto A. Camara, an alumnus ofthe College of Medicine Class 1944.

The Board was informed and it duly noted the Deed ofDonation and Acceptance made and executed by the Univer­sity and the San Miguel Corporation in favor of the Universityfor a donation of an IBM 4381 27 computer system with adepreciated book value of P4,S65,383.60.

Establishment of a Professorial ChairThe Board established the Dr. Augusto A. Camara UP

Medicine Fund for Academic Excellence.Note: The awards will be given during the Graduation

Ceremonies in 1995 after the Fund has earned a substantialamount.


Membership In the University Research and ExtensionCouncil (UREC)

The Board approved a proposed revision in the member­ship of the UREC of UP Los Banos.

UP Provident Fund CharterThe Board approved the revised Charter and, upon the

recommendation of the President, the Board also approvedthe allocation of P30 Million as initial University contribution tothe Fund, certified as available by the Budget Director and theVice President for Finance and Administration out of Universityincome and not from student fees.

The Film InstituteAller deliberating on the matter, the Board deferred imple­

mentation of its decision to merge the Film Department of theCollege of Mass Communication (CMC) and the Film Center toconstitute anautonomous unit to be called the Fllm lnstltuta andto be attached to the CMC. The deferment is intended to givethe BOR a chance to reconsider its decision in view of a newproposal to create a "Film Academy" out of the Film Center.


Redeployment/Conversion of some Items from the poot ofvacant Itemsto upgrade some positions which are neededfor the implementation of various activities 01 UP Diliman

University Health ServiceUpgrading of positions to implement the upgrading scheme

approved by the OBMof four positions in accordance with DOHCircuiar No. SS-A, S.1992, regarding the reallocation of posi­tions of Medical Equipment Technicians (X-Ray Technician).


UP Los BanosUP Dillman Budget OfficeDueto theseparation of functions between the UPSystem

Controllership and BUdget Staff (now the UPS ControllershipandBudget Office)andthe UPDiliman BUdget Officeandtheirreorganization, the Board approved the reclassflcatlcn ofnine(9)itemsin orderto operationalize thefiscal autonomy ofUP Diliman underEO 47 No.5 dated 17 June 1986.

Inthisconnection, the Boardalsoapproved redeploymentof two positions from the College of Architecture to the UPDiliman BUdget Officeand abolished 8 position items.


Memorandum of Understanding with the ttecancAssociation of WashingtonProject: Establishment of a grant to be known as llocanoAssociation of Washington Scholarship inthe UPLB College ofAgriculture.Project Cost: P/6,670.00 per semester for one grantee andadditional P/800.00 for graduation expenses to begiven uponnotice of graduation of the grantee as certfied by the UPLBRegistrar.Effectivity/Duration: Beginning Second Semester, SchoolYear, 993-1994.

1---------------------+ Date Signed: 3 February 1994The Board confirmed the following matters submitted for

its action UP Los Banos

UP Dillman

Memorandum of Agreement with the Central Colleges ofthe PhilippinesProject: Short-Term Training Program tobeconducted bytheU.P. Diliman College of Education to improve the Englishlanguage proficiency and the teaching competence of thefaculty of the CCP College of Engineering.Effectivity/Duration: Shalltake effectupon signing by the par­tiesconcerned andshallremain in effect for theduration oftheprogram (FiveSaturdays beginning 30 April to 28 May1994).Date Signed: 4 May 1994

Memorandum of Agreement through the College ofVeterinary Medicine with Rhone-Poulenc Philippines, Inc.Project: Hiring ofa full-time Veterinarian to beassigned bytheUPLB·CVM to thePhilippine-Belgian Research Project, for theCalendar Year' 994.Project Cost: P75,OOO.00 per annum for thecompensation ofa Veterinarian which includes basicsalary, reliefallowance orPERA, cashgift,13thmonth payandadditional compensation.Effectivity/Duration: Takeseffectupon signing by the partiesfor one year starting 1 January 1994.DateSigned: 9 February 1994







Memorandum of Agreement with the Department ofScience and Technology (DOST); UP Building ResearchService (UPBRS); UP Engineering Research andDevelopment Foundation, Inc. (UPERDFI); and thePhilippine Council for Industry and Energy ResearchandDevelopment (PCIERD)Project: "Geotechnical Properties of Redeposited LaharsDerived fromthe 1991 Mt. Pinatubo Eruption".Project Cost: DOSTshallprovidefinancial assistance throughPCIERD of PI ,989,370.00 for year 1 to be expended asallocated in the Project Line-Item BUdget, subject to therequisite provisions of Section 9 of the Agreement.The PCIERD will provide the Funding Agency with all thetechnical and financial reports on the Project.Duration: 24 monthsEffectivity: Uponsigning by bothparties.Date Signed: 21 April 1994

Memorandum of Agreement between the Unlvetsity of thePhilippines Foundation, Inc. and the Bank of Tokyo, Ltd.Project: Establishment of the Bankof Tokyo Scholarship forU.P.Sludents.The Scholarship Grant shall be utilized to provide 15 fullscholarshps (three in the first year, three in the sophomoreyear, three in the junior year, three in the senior year, andthree in the mh year) to grantees until completion of theirundergraduate studies.Amount of Grant: PI18,000.00 per scholar per semester.Effectivity: Effective upon signing by bothparties and shall beopenfor application in the first semester, 1994-1995.Date Signed: 10 May 1994

Progress Report of the Regents' Committee on Land Useand Development

The Board approved the following guidelines on landUSeand development.submitted by The Regents' Committee onLand Useand Development:1.Land useanddevelopment plansshouldcomeas acomplete

package, noton a piecemeal basis;2. Housing for UP employees and relocation of squatters

should be related or tied-up to the terms of reference forprivate developers;

3. Developers should be praqualitied first. A setof minimumrequirements for proponents shall be adopted;

4. Thenumber of years of lease should depend ontheamountof the investment required to developthe area;

5. Long term leases of realproperty should not go beyond aparticular yearto besetfor each location (e.g., no longtermleases in UP Diliman should go beyondyear2025);

6. Thecampuses should devote adequate areas forgreeningpurposes;

7.Allsquatter relocation sitesshould beoutside theUniversitycampuses;

8. Part of revenues from real estate will go to the ProvidentFund andtooff-eampus housing development torUniversitypersonnel;

9.Properties which arebetterdisposed of should bedisposedof, provided thereareno legalor moralrestrictions on this;and

10. Priority shall be given to the development of areas forcommercial purposes so that income from these areas canfinance the development of the other areas.TheRegents'Committee alsoagreed to endorse theLand

Use and Development Plan presented by UP Diliman to theBoard of Regents for approval after it made suggestions forsome modification.

The Ccmrnlttae will take up next the plan for the Quezon­Laguna Land Grants.

The Board noted the following matters submitted for itsinformation:

Contract for Securny Services between UP Diliman (for UPBaguio) and Freeport Security Agency, Inc. for hiring of four(4) guards per 8-hour shift, everyday at P137,280.00per monthfor two (2) working shifts from 1 January 1994 to 31 December1994.

Negotiated purchase of 1.5 MHuX-ray Tubefor SHIMADZUSCT - 3000TX Whole Body Scanner in the amount of PIl,SGO,OOO.OO (including installation) frol'(l Instrumix Supplies,Inc. for the Department of Radiology, UP Manila

Use by the Office of Alumni Relations of PI59,OOO.00 of theincome derived from the lease of office spaces in the AlumniCenter (Acct. No. 977400) to purchase one (1) unit KONICAUBIX 1503 ZMR for office use

Order of Iloilo City Regional Triai Court Judge Bartolome M.Fanuiial dismissing Civil Case No. 2160546 entitled "EvaristoLacaden vs. University of the Philippines" with costs againstLacaden

1078TH MEETING, 23 JUNE 1994

Appointments, Promotions, Salary Increases,etc,

The Board approved the following appointments,reappointments, renewals of appointment, promotions, in­creases in salary, of faculty and staff and other related matters

UP System

Benita N. Camontoy, transfer w~h promotion as Account­ant IV, Controllership and Budget Office,effective 23 June1994.

UP Diliman

Julius M. Concepcion, appointment as University LegalCounsel, Office of Legal Services, effective 23 June until 31December 1994.

Rosario C.Lucero, appointment as Associate Professor 2,College of Arts and Letters, effective 1June 1994 until31 May1995.

Marie Sally Grace K. Quirino, appointment as University.Legal Ccunsel, Office of Legal Services, effective 23June until31 December 1994.

UP Los Banos

Ma. Victoria Turalba, promotion Medical Officer IV toMedical Officer V, UP Health Service, effective 23 June 1994.

UP Manila

Elsie M.Bolambao, promotion from Accountant III toCashier V, Cash Division,.effective 23 June 1994.

Remedios A. Magkasl, appointment as Associate Profes­sor 3 (part-time), NTTCHP, effective 10 November 1993 until31 May 1994


UP System

Josefina N. Natividad, Director, Office of lnstitutionalLinkages, Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs,effective 1 June 1994 until 31 May 1995.

Elizabeth R. Ventura, as Director, Office of Admission,effective 1 June 1994 until 31 May 1997.

UP Los Banos

Tirso B. Paris, Jr., reappointment as Dean, College ofEconomics and Management, effective 23 June 1994 until 30April 1997.

UP Manila

Isabel T. Koh, renewal as Dean, School of Health Sci­ences, effective 1 May 1994 until 30 April 1997.

UP Visayas

Marilyn Z. Alcarde, appointment as Registrar, effective 1June 1994 until 31 May 1997.


UP Dillman

Nanette -G.Dungo,as UP Investment Associate Profes­sor of Sociology, College of Social Scienc and Philosophy,effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Jose G. Villa, reappointment as International Writer-in­Residence College of Arts and Letters, effective 23 June 1994until 22 1995.

UP Los Banos

Bernardo P. Gabriel, as UPLB Foundation Professor ofEntomology, College of Agriculture, effective 1January until31 December 1994.

Norma O. Aguilar,as UPLB Foundation Associate Pro­fessor of Blosystematics, College of Arts andSciences,effective 1 January until 31 December 1994.

Tito J.Rimando, as Regent Abel L. Silva Associate Pro­fessor of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, effective 1January until 31 December 1994.

Henry P.Samonte, reappointment as UPLB FoundationProfessor of Soil Science, College of A9riculture, effective 1January until 31 December 1994.

UP Manila

Romeo B.Gutlerrez, renewal as UP Medicine Class 1940Associate Professor of Surgery, College of Medicine, ef­fective 1 July 1993 until 30 June 1994.








UP Dillman

Aga Mayo Butocan, as Assistant Professor I, College ofMusic, effective 1 June 1994

Raymundo Cipriano P. Cayabyab, as Assistant Professor1, College of Music, effective 1 June 1994

Oscar P, Ferrer, as Assistant Professor 1,College of SocialWork and Community Development, effective 1 June 1994.

Joselito C.Magadia, as Assistant Professor 3, StatisticalCenter, effective 1 June 1994

Aleli A.auirante, as Assistant Professor 4, College ofMass Communication, effective 1 June 1994

Corazon P.Rodriguez, as Assistant Professor 1, AsianInstitute of Tourism, effective 1 June 1994

Anna Christie V. Torres, as Assistant Professor 1, UPCollege Baguio, effective 1 June 1994

Emilia Patricia Zarco, as Assistant Professor 3, College ofEducation, effective.l May 1994

UP Los Banos

Raymundo C. F. Habito,Jr, as Assistant Professor 2 ofHuman Nutrition and Food, College of Human Ecology, effec-tive 1 June 1994

lIa Virginia C.Ongkiko, as Assistant Professor 1 of Devel·opment Communication, College of Agriculture, effective 24May 1994

UP Visayas

Aklanl-Rose C. Hidalgo, as Assistant Professor 1 ofProcessing Technology, College of Fisheries, effective 1June1994.

Ma. Cecilia T. Pesta no, as Assistant Protessor I, Collegeof Arts and Sciences, effective 1 June 1994.

Tomasito T. Talledo, as Assistant Professor 1 of PoliticalScience, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 23 June 1994.


UP Dillman

Nora R. Agbayanl, as Assistant Professor 4, UP IntegratedSchool, College of Education, effeclive 16 until 30 April 1994.

Herminia Corazon M. Affonso, as Professor 3, College ofMass Communication, effective 30 June 1994 until 30 June1995.

Genaro T. Marzan, as Professor 9, College of Engineering,effective 10 July until 31 October 1994.

Priscilla J. M. Matias, as Professor 12,National Institute ofGeological Sciences, College of Science, effective 1 May 1994unti 31 May 1995..

Jesusa T.Tangco, as Professor 10, College of Science,effective 9 June 1994 until 31 May 1995.

Sylvia M.Ventura, as Professor 9, College of Arts andLetters, effective 12 May until 31 October 1994.

Hilda D. Lastlmosa, as Associate Professor 1, UP CollegeCebu, effective 31 December 1993 until 31 October 1994.


UP Visayas

The Board approved extension of secondment of the fol­lowin9:

Dr. Efren C. Flores, to the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Depart­ment for another two years effective April 8, 1994, to enablehim to continue serving as Chief of the SEAFDEC AquacultureDepartment.

Current rule: The current rule governing secondment tointernational agencies (as amended at the 1031st meeting ofthe Board of Regents on June 28, 1990) provides that:

'(4) Secondment to international agencies or organizationsshall be initially for one year, renewable for a like period. Inmeritorious cases, the Chancellor may allow a final extensionof not more than six months:

Previous rule: As initially adopted at the Board's 987thmeeting on April 24, 1986, the rule cited above reads asfollows:

'(4) Secondment to international agencies or organizationsshall be subject to existing agreements between such agen­cies or organizations and the Philippine Government.'

Mary Ann D. Lansang of the College of Medicine, to RITMfor another 2 years effective June I, 1993 until May 311995.


The Board confirmed acceptance by the University of thefollowing:

Donation of $10,186.00 from the Filipino American Her­itage Association, Inc. for the FAHA Scholarship Grant.

Initial donation of Pl00,000,00 from the Metro PacificCorporation for the establishment of a Metro Pacific Corp.Professorial Chair in Chemistry.

Additional donation of P250,000.00 from Fe Del Mundo forthe-establishment of a Fe Del Mundo Scholarship Grant.

lnitialdonationof P170,000.00from Tomas and Ma.SocorroC. L1amasforthe establishment of a Herminio and RemediosCordero Llamas Professorial Chair for the College of Busi­ness Administration.

The Board was informed and duly noted the donation of one(1) second-hand Winkelman Lyric Piano 43 to the UP HighSchool in Iloilo from its Harana Choral Group.


UP Funded ScholarshipsThe Board approved the following revision in the rules

governing UP Funded Scholarships, effective the First Se­mester, 1994-1995:

1. Rule E.2 of the Presidential Scholarship GrantRule E.2. To maintain the scholarship, a recipient must

carry the normal load prescribed for the course in which thestudent is enrolled and must pass all the academic subjectsWith a weighted average of at least '1.75' in the undergraduateand in the Master's program and "1.50' in the Doctoral pro-


Just~ication: From year Level III, medical students haveyearly subjects. In additlon, thegradingsysteminthe Collegeof Medicine is different: i.e. "1.00", "1.50", "2.0", w~h no incre­ment


Justitication: The scholarship program is intended to helpteachers from these provincesdevelop professionally, so re­cipientswhofail to meetthegrade requirement should be givenanother chance. Otherwise, the student might not be able tocontinue hislher studies and the investment of the Universitywill not be fruitful.

Creation of a Legal Office for the Autonomous Campus ofUP Dillman

The Board approved Executive Order No.3, dated 13June 1994 establishing a LegalOffice for UP Diliman.

Recommendations from the Regents' Committee on LandUse

TheBoardapproved Ihe initialsel of guidelines on landuseand development; and the updatedDiliman Land Use Plan.

AuthorRyfor the President to Issuead Interim appointmentswith respect to those requiring approval by the Board,subject to confirmation by the Board

The Board granted authorityfor the President to issueadinterim appointments, subjectto Ihe condition that these shallbe submitted at the meeting of the Board following theirissuance andshall remain effectiveunlessdisapproved by theBoard.

There are appointments on which action cannot be post­poned until the next meeting of the Board withoutprejUdicingthe needs of the service. Moreover, in order to forestall orminimize the incidenceof retroactive appointments, the Presi­dent should be authorized to issue ad interimappointments.

Change of the definition of "dependents"TheBoard approved a change in thedefin~ionof "dependents"for purposes of their studyprivilegeas tallows:

FROM: Children and non-earning spouseTO :Non-earning children and non-earning spouseJustltication: The substantive word "children" shall be

preceded by the adjective "non-earning" since the intentionis to provide assistance10 dependents of UP personnel whohave no means of earning a lil/ing or are non- earning,regardless of age and status (i.e., single or married).

Thechangeindsfinition isintended toencouragedependentsof UP personnelto continue and finish their UP education.


The Board confirmed the following matterssubmitted forits action

UP Dillman

Memorandum of Agreement between the University of thePhilippines Dillman and the Government of Quezon CityProject: Scholarship and Youth Development Program forPoor But Deserving Students From Indigent Families.The University shall provide/administer an admission test tothe Quezon City Government Scholars (to be taken duringregular admission exams). The Government of QuezonC~shallpaytheamount equivalent to tuition andotherschool feesof all the scholars enrolled in the Univsrsity, provided that theamountper scholarshall not exceed P5,000 a year.Effectiv~y: Shalltakeeffectimmediately upon signing bybothparties.Date Signed: 26 May 1994

UP Los Banos

Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute ofEnVironmental Science and Management of U.P. LosBanos and the Development Academy of the PhilippinesProject: Collaboration andsharing of resources and expertisein supportof their complementary goals for environment edu­cation.Effectiv~yIDuration: The Agreement takes effect upon ltssigning until31 December 1996,unlessterminated by mutualconsentof the parties upon 90-day wr~ten noticeto the, otherparty.Date Signed: 14 February 1994

Memorandum of Agreement between UP Los Banos,through the Collegeof HumanEcology, andthe Municipalityof Tanauan, BatangasProject: To undertake the project ent~led "ComprehensiveTown Plan and Zoning Ordinances for Tanauan, Batangas:1994-2004".EffectivitylDuration: The Agreement shall be for four (4)months effective upon signing, unless extended by mutualconsentof the parties.

.Signed: 17 February 1994

Memorandum of Understanding between UP Los Banosand the Cooperative Union of Southern Tagalog, Inc.Project: Collaboration in human resource and instituticnalinfrastructure development activities.Effectiv~y: The Agreement was siqned by the parties on 31January 1994

Memorandum of Agreement between UPLos Banos andthe Department of Agrlculture/Natlonal AgriCUltural andFishery CouncilProject: Continuation of operation of the Agricuttural Machin­ery Testing and Evaluation Center (AMTEC) underthe UPLBCollege of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology.Project Cost: P/l,OOO,OOO.OO to be transferred by DAiNAFCto UPLB.Effectivity/Duration: TheAgreement isfora periodofoneyeareffective 1 January1994andagaintobe renewed at theoptionof both parties unless AMTEC shall earlier be transferred toUPLB as a permanent unit under UPLB-CEAT. .Signed: 21 February 1994 27






Memorandum of Understanding for Educational andScientific Cooperation between UP Los Banos and theRakuno Gakuen University of JapanProject: Educational and Scientific Cooperation in the follow­ing forms:

1. Joint research activities;2. Exchange of information, library data and research

publications: and3. Exchange of faculty members for research, lectures and

discussions depending on the availability of funds.

Effectiv~yIDuration: The Agreement takes effect upon signingof the parties for three years, unless earlier terminated bymutual consent of the parties upon a 90-day written notice tothe other party prior to the end of the academic year.Signed: 4 March 1994

Memorandum of Agreement between UP Los Banos andBenguet State UniversityProject: To jointly undertake breeding research on vegeta­bles, fruits, ornamentals and other crops and to jointly estab­lish a research station to be known .astheIPB-BSU HighlandCrops Research Station.Effectiv~ylOuration: The agreement shall be for 3 yearseffective 1 January 1994 until31 December 1996, renewablefor succeeding 3-year periods unless sooner terminated uponmutual consent of UPLB and BSU and shall be subject to theapproval of the Board of Trustees of BSU and its duly author­ized representatives.Signed: 31 December 1993

Memorandum of Agreement between UP Los Banos andthe Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestryand NaturalResources Research and Development, Benguet StateUniversity, Bureau of Plant Industry - Los Banos NationalCrop Research and Development Center and PhilippineAgriculture and Resources Research Foundation, Inc.Project: PCARRD-AVRDC vegetable research network un­dertaking entitled "Collaborative Vegetable Research Pro­gram in Southeast Asia/Asian Vegetable Network (AVNET)Phase II:EffectivitylOuration: The Agreement is for three years effec­tive upon signing by the parties, unless earlier terminated byanyone party upon 30-day written notice in advance. Signedby former Chancellor Ruben B. Aspiras.Date Signed: Signed by the Chancellor on 21 October 1993and signing by the other parties completed on 10 December1993.


The Board noted the following contracts submitted for itsinformation

UP Dillman

General Construction Agreements/Janitorial ServicesAgreemenl/Contract for Security Services University ofthe Philippines Dillman and Act ConstructionProject: Construction of Laboratory Extension, Department ofIndustrial Engineering, Melchor Hall.Contract Time: 30 calendar days reckoned from the time theContract Agreement is perfected and effected.Date Signed: 2 May 1994

General Construction Agreement between the Universityof the PhilIppines and Intertech Development and een­structlon CompanyProject: Construction of Extension Office of the Secretary ofthe University, Quezon Hall.

. Completion Time: 30 calendar days.Signed: 26 May 1994

General Construction Agreement between the UnIversityof the Philippines Dillman and Romeo P. ManlegoConstructionProject: Rehabilitation Works (Phase II) College of BusinessAdministration.Contract Time: 75 calendar days reckoned from the time theContract Agreement is perfected and effected.Date Signed: 2 May 1994

UP Los Banos

General Construction Agreement between UP Los Banosand Arvan EnterpriseProject: Construction of 2.0 meter high and 398.0 meter highsteel tower platforms lorstainless steelwater tanks at UP RuralHigh School.Contract Time: 45 calendar days reckoned lrom the time thecontractor receives the written Notice to Commence Work.Signed: 5 April 1994

General Construcilon Agreement between UP Los Banosand Jojo ConstructionProject: Construction of Day-Care Center, Human and FamilyDevelopment Center Area at College of Human Ecology.Contract Time: 120calendar days reckoned from the time thecontractor receives the written Notice to Commence Work.Signed: 11 April 1994

Janitorial Services Agreement between UPLos BanosandF.M.S. Manpower and Janitorial ServicesProject: Provision of [anitorial services for UP Los Banos,whereby 37 janitors shall be assigned to the lnstitute of PlantBreed(ngand its National Seed Foundation, Nationallnst~utesof Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology, Dairy Trainingand Research lnsthuta, Postharvest Horticulture, Training andResearch Center, Food Service Unit, Graduate School, CVMresidence halls, student dormitories, lnstituts of Math. Sci­ences and Physics, lnstltuts of Chemistry, and lnsthute ofAnimal Science and ~s Animal Nutr~ion Division.Effectiv~yIDuration: The Agreement takes effect on 1 January1994 until 31 December 1994, unless earlier terminated byslthar party through awritten IS-day noticepriortothe intendedtermination date.Signed: 14 April 1994

Contract for Security Services between UP Los Banosand Veterans Security AgenCy. Inc.Project: Provision of security guards for UPLB buildings.residence halls, facilities and their immediate premises situ­ated at Los Baiios and Bay, Laguna as enumerated in thecontract: IPB and its NSF, NCPC,,pVM, lAS, BIOTECH, DTRI,Limnological Research Station, Rice Farming System Pro­gram, PHTRC, IFST, CEC, UFS, UPLB Union, Student Hous­inglOorm~ories and Residence Halls.Effectiv~yIDuration: The Agreement takes effecton 1 January1994 until 31 December 1994, unless' sooner terminated byeither party by a written 15-day notice.Signed: 10 February 1994

General Construction Agreement between UPlos Ballosand Aries Infra. Development ServicesProject: Connection ofWater Supply for the Science Park.Contract Time: 20 calendar days reckoned fromthe time thecontractor receives the written Notice to Commence WorkSigned: 16 March 1994

General Construction Agreementbetween UPlos Ballosand Aries Infra. Development ServicesProject: Improvement of the Saricultura laboratory andLec­ture Room, Old Agronomy.Contract Time: 45 calendar days reckoned fromthe timethecontractorreceives the written Notice to Commence Work.Signed: 15 March 1994

General Construction Agreement between UP los Ballosand YJ Construction and Management ServicesProject: Renovation of thewindows of the Dept. of Agricu~ureEducation and Rural Studies(DAERS) Building.Contract Time: 30 calendar days reckoned fromthe timethecontractor receives the written Notice to Commence Work.Signed: 18 March 1994

General Construction Agreement between UPLos Ballosand Mengulto PaintersProject: Improvement of Comfort Room of theInternational House (IH) Dormrtory.Contract Time: 40 calendar days reckoned from the timethecontractor receives the written Notice to Commence Work.Signed: 21 March 1994

GeneralConstruction Agreement between UPlos Ballosand YJ Construction and Management ServicesProject: Improvement of Students Cooperative Housing.Contract Time:30 calendar days reckoned from the time thecontractor receives the written Notice to Commence Work.Signed: 18 March 1994

GeneralConstruction AgreementbetweenU.P.losBa$osand Aries Infra. Development ServicesProject: Improvement ofNursery Building, Propagation Shed,Nursery Greenhouse andComposting Shed of the College ofForestry.Contract Time: 60calendar daysreckoned fromthe timethecontractor receives the written Notice to Commence Work.Signed: 16 March 1994

GeneralConstruction Agreementbetween UPlos Ballosand 3M' ConstructionProject: Fabrication anddelivery offour sidetableswithslidingdoorglass,UPRHS.Contract Time: 45calendar daysreckoned fromthetimethecontractor receives the written Notice to Commence Work.Signed: 21 March 1994



DR. EMIL Q. JAVIER(Address delivered on the occasion ofhis inuestiture as the 16th President ofthe University of

the Philippines,June 18, 1994, at/he University Theater, UPDiliman)

Today, we standat a specialmomentin Philippine history:minewillbe the lastfull term of a UPpresident in thetwentiethcentury, andthe one whowill celebrate the Centennial of ourRevolution. tt is an opportune time to recapture the sense ofnational purposewhich united us at the endof the nineteenthcentury; rt is anoccasion to proclaim anewourroleinensuringthat the nation reapthe promises of the nextcentury. FortheUniversrty of the Philippines is inextricably bound to the struq­gles and victories of the Filipino nation.

As oneof their first actsas leadersof asovereign state, ourrevolutionary forebears created the Universidad CientificoLiteraria de Filipinas to consolidate, propagate and promotetheachievements of Filipino civilization. Thus, even though UPwasfounded duringtheAmerican regime, wecanproudly traceourlineage tothe Revolution. ThefirstFilipinoPresidentof UP,Ignacio Villamor, was among the founders of the Universidad.The first Rector was Joaquin Gonzalez, father of former UPPresident Bienvenido Gonzalez, in whose illustrious footsteps

Ifollow,beingonly thesecond UPpresidenltohave come fromLosBanos. Asheirto the Universidad Cientifico Literaria deFilipinas, wecarry the imprintof the Philippine Revolution.

History and Vision ot the FIlipino PeopleFilipinos havealways beena proud race of achievers. We

were the first Asians to wage and win a war of nationalliberation. Although our independence was interrupted byAmerican occupation, the fire of freedom in the hearts of thepeople couldnotbe extingUished. Webecame thefirst colonyto work successfully for a bloodless transrtion to polrticalindependence, eventhough theshackles werecutfinallyonlyin 1991, wrth the removal of US bases fromour land.

Despite the destruction of the Second World War, we soonbecame the envy of other states. That was when weenjoyed aneconomy on the verge of take-off and a working thou9h flaweddemocracy. After thai brief period, however, we have driftedaimlessly, consumed by narrow fammal, class and sectoral inter- 25






,ests. lulled to complacency by misguided neocolonial aspira­tions, we havegrowndisdainfulof our historyandculture. Wehave slipped from leadership in Asia to a point close to itsbottom ineconomicterms,butworsethanthisis theweakeningof our faith in our owncapacities andof our commitment to thebroadernationalgood. Our failure is mademore ignominiousby the successof neighbors who usedto be far behind us.

Our failings are rooted in the lack of a shared sense ofnationalpurpose. Wehaveforgotten the lessonsofourhistory:that every time we united for a common purpose, we hadinvariably succeeded - in the war against Spain, in thecampaignfor independence fromAmerica, duringthe SecondWorld War, and again at EDSA. We need to forge this unityonceagainif weareto realizethegloriousvisionthatanimatedour people to rise against imperialism and oppression.

UPhasthe honorandtheburden, asthe national university,to laad in the recovery and strengthening of that sense ofnationalpurpose:to becomea prosperous society, a countryvibrant and at peace with itsell, proud of its cultural heritage,confident of the future. The Universrty must fulfill the chargehanded down to us by the Universidad Cientifico Lfteraria deFilipinas, throughPresidentVillamor:'10 embodythefirst idealof the Philippine state,the preservation of Philippine national­rty:Ang Katlwalsng Kablhssnang Filipino

Sa pagtanggap ng hamongito, angpamantasan natin angsiyangtagapag-ingat at tagasulong ng kufturang Pilipino, angkatiwala ng kabihasnan ng ating lahi. Pasiglahin at arugainnatin ang bayan sa paggamit at pagsuri ng mga konsepto atteoryang galing sa dunong ng karaniwang Filipino at ng atingmga mananaliksik at mga pantas. IpagpatuJoy nating alaminangkaisipang galing sa Kanluran atAsya, ngunft angbukalngating sariling kalinangan angsiyangdapatna magbigay-siglasa ating pananaw, aralin at gawain. Ang ating kultura angsiyangunanaling pagbabatayan sa pagpapanday ngbagongbayangmaunladat mapayapa. Bilang un/bersidad, unawainnalin kung ano angpagpupunyaging ginagawa atmagagawapa ng mamamayanupangpaunlarin angkanilang kalagayan.Nais nating humangaangbuongsanlibutan sa ating bayannanagsilangnangmgabayani, ngmgapantas, ngmgamanglilikhasa sining at sa siyensiya.

Ang pagmamamalaki natin sa pamanang ito ay maypananagutan na ibahagi lto sa pamamagitan ng wika nanagbubuklod sa ating lahi, ang wikang Filipino. Hindi nalinisasaisantabi ang kakayahan ng ating kaguruan at mag-aaralnamagbasa,magsalfta, magsulatatmag-isipsa internasyonalna wikang Ingles. Ngunft ihayag natin na ang paggamit ngFilipino angpinakamabisangparaanupang magingdemokratikoang kaalaman at mapadali ang pakikipag-ugnayan natin saating mga kababayan, upang tayoay mas higit na maturo sakanila. Ang kultura ngayon at sa siglong susunod aymagkatuwang nating lilinangin, magkalakip ilong katutubo atmoderno, malibay na magkasanib sapagkatpinagbuklod ngwika ng ating puso at isip, ng wikang Filipino.

The Steward of Filipino CivilizationIndeed, we mustbecomethe repository, creatorandtrans­

miller ofculture asthe stewardof Filipinocivilization. Wemustenergize our people with the concepts and ideas that comefrom the wisdom of the common tao and of our thinkers andscholars. While cognizantof Western and Asianthought, wemustbuilduponourcunuralwell-springs. Wemustunderstandfromwhatperspectiveandwithwhatstrategies Filipinos have,inthe past,challengedtheirworld. Wemust lelthe wholeworld"know that we are a nation of heroes, of builders, of creativeartists, of discoverers and inventors.

Proud of this herrtage, we havethe responsibility to makeit known to ourpeople inthe language thatunitesusasa race,Filipino. However, our facultyand students mustcontinue toread, speak, wrrte and think fluently in the international lan­guage, English. Filipino is the best way to democratizeknowledge to mi'ke it easierfor usto teachand learnfromourpeople. The twenty-first centuryculture wewill forge togetherwill be indigenous and modern, no longer in conflict butintegrally linked togetherby the languageof the mind and ofthe heart, by Filipino.

The Performance of the Threefold MissionAsthe University's stewardship of ourcivilization is a trust

connected to our identityas Filipinos and as an institution ofhigher learning, so our role in recapturing and solidilying thesense of national purpose is inseparable from our academicmission. To truly serveour country,we mustdo first what noother Philippine educational institufioncan do better - raiseeverhigherand constantlyour standardsof academicexcel­lence. Even as we continue to strengthen our graduate andresearch programs, wewillmaintain ourundergraduate coursesas models of the nation's educational system. We aim toproduce what my predecessor President Rafael Palma de­sired: "an aristocracy of brains and character: Our studentsmuststandoutnotonlyforclear,objectiveandcriticalthinking,notalonefor intellectual abilityand leadership in their chosen .fields,butalsofor theirnationalism andgenuinecaringfor ourpeople. TobefromUPisto acceptasacred trustolleadershipand service to the people.

We also haveto push forwardthe frontiers of scienceandaccelerate thedevelopment ofourcapabilityinsuchnewfieldsas materials science, computer and information science,molecular biology andbiotechnology. We mustgenerateandadaptnewknowledge notonlytosatisfyour intellectual hungerbutalsoto achieve a highqualityof lifefor Filipinos. We mustlead in transforming knowledge into physical, and socialtechnology andpolicyfor immediate use in our homes, farmsandfactories, forour enlightened governance andcitizenship.

In addition, we must identily and tackle immediately themega-issues thatwill confrontthe nationnotonlyinthecrucialfirst years of the next century, but beyond. We must pro­actively definethecontoursof those issuesandtheir possiblesolutions, sothatwedonotbecomeslavestofuturemonsters,but their masters. .'

To meetthesechallenges, we musthastento increase thenumberofourstudents inscience andengineering whileneverrelinquishing ourprimacy inthesocialsciences, intheartsandhumanities, and in the professions. No nation hasdevelopedat our levelof acutedependence on foreign technology. IIUPcontinues to have only a pathethic proportion of students,facully and resources in scienceand engineering, we will notmovemuchfartherthanwherewe are. Wewill continuetobehaunted by our failure to solve the pernicious anomaly ofhaving wealth and progress enjoyed by only a few while themasses remain living under nineteenth century conditions. Intechnology as in politics, the key is sell-reliance, and theunflinching faith in our ability to succeed as a people.

Academic Freedom and Service to the NationButinplacing LIP intheserviceof the nation,lettherebeno

misunderstanding of our meaning and intentions. Wewill notabandon theresponsibility andtheprivilegethatthenation hasentrusted to ussinceourbirth- to be creatorandscholar, aswell as intellectual critic and conscience of society. We willalways defend and maintain the Universityas the free spacefor people of all kinds of persuasions to think, to inquire, to

criticize, and to propose alternative modes and disccurses. Weengage in criticism not to bring down the society that supportsus but to refine the rough edges of thought, to lead towardshealing the social cancers, to study what detracts us from ournational mission, and to help us learn how we can succeed.

Democratization 01 Access to Quality EducationOur service to the nation must express itsell in vigorous

efforts to enhance democratization of access to quality educa­tion. This entails first achange in the composition of our studentbody. For too long, we have been criticized lor catering largelyto the urban and weallhy segments of our population. Thissituation is born olthe fact that quality education, and the fundsneeded to access it, are inequitably allocated in our country.However, intellectual capacity does not respect ciass lines.Therefore, we should not be ciosing our doors to potentiallybrilliant students and luture national leaders who have themisfortune of being born in economically disadvantaged fami­lies and communities. Thus, in addition to affirmative actionand socialized tuition and financial assistance, we will institutea system of provincial quotas after consulling with students andfacully on how to balance democratic access and safeguardingour tradition as the national center of scholarship.

We are also accelerating the development of the distanceeducation program as the nucieus of our Open University. Wewill utilize new information technology to make UP more ac­cessible to a larger proportion 01 our knowledge-hungrypopulation and harness science lor the greater democratizationof the University.

But what is the honor of being at the top of our educationalsystem, a towering tree so to speak, in a barren forest? Ours'atus as such will be meaningful only by taking an active handin improving our educational system, in helping to develop othertall trees in the forest. What UP has achieved is not to be keptto ourselves, but to be shared. We will do this throughconsortium arrangements, programs of complementation andassistance with other institutions, production of new methodsand materials for use at all educational levels. Unless theuniversities and colleges around us can threaten to overtakeus, UP would always be peerless - but the University wouldnot be as good as it can be. .

As our development plans for industrialization and improvedqualityof lifebearlruit, the Philippines will need comprehensiveuniversities in the magnets of growth and progress throughoutour land. These centers for higher education will be the sourceof innovative scientists, creative artists, teachers, engineers,leaders in all the professions. They will provide the liberatingtechnologies and knowledge for our people. We must makesure that the best of these institutions are our autonomousuniversities of Diliman, Los Banos, Manila and the Visayas, andother centers of excellence that would bear the UP name. Wemust commit our presence and service wherever the Filipinopeople need us.

The Challenge to ServeThis needs a repackaging, so to speak, a redefinition of our

products. To be from UP has always meant to be 'the best andthe brightest." Now it shall simply mean to be '1hebest" -thatis, 'the brightest and the most committed." An Iskofar ng Bayanmust notonly be a recipient of the people's beneficence but alsoa pahinung6d who is their willing servant. The Universitycommunity has enthusiastically embraced the idea of enrichingthe University by institutionalizing voluntaryism as a regularcomponent of our mission. This isspearheaded by the Ugnayan

ng Pahinung6d,Qblation Corps, the first major initiative of myadministration. But service to the people should not just be thetask of one program. All of us must crown the performance ofour regular tasks as students, teachers, researchers, profes­sional and administrative staff, academic executives - all ourwork - with the mark of the Oblation.

The essence of this mission is captured in the statementmade by our first Pahinung6d volunteers in the ciosing pro­gram of their orientation workshop just two weeks ago:

Ano Bng PBhlnung6d?Ito ang tapat na paglilingkod, makataong pakikitungo,

pakikiisa sa tawag ng bayan muna bago ang sarili, atpagpapanday para sa mga susunod na salinlahi.



Ito ang puno ng pahinung6d, puna ng beluntarismo, maykatawang kinasisidlan ng kaluluwa ng pamantasan, isangkaluluwang buhay al paluloy na nabubuhay habang naroroonang pananawagan ng diwang makabayan.

Nagsasaad ito ng ating mga pangarap, adhikain alresolusyon. 110 ang larawan ng walang bahid-dungis na uri ngpaglilingkod na talak-UP.

What does It mean to be a Pahlnung6d?II is laithful service, a person-oriented relationship, answer­

ing the call of the nation before sell, and working for the futuregenerations.

II is love and acceptance 01 our responsibility as citizensand as students of the University of the Philippines.

This is the tree olthe oblation, the tree of voluntarism whichcontains the soul of the University, a soul that is living ~nd willcontinue to live as long as it responds to the summons of thenation.

IIembodies our dreams, our aspirations, our resolutions. IIis the vision of the undefiled quality that is the mark of serviceof UP.

Pamullng Pagkamlt ng DiwB ngPambansang Adhlkaln

Nabubuhay tayo sa kapanapanabik na panahon.Ipinagdiriwang natin ngayon ang ikawafumpu't anim naanibersaryo ng pagkakalatag ng Unibersidad; masaya'natingIIMmgala ang dantaon ng kasarinlan ngPilipinas. Mafapit naang bukang-liwayway ng bagong siglo. Nararamdaman nanatinangyumayabong napagbabalik ngpagtitiwafa ngPilipinosa sariling kakayahan, lumalakas na ang determinasyon namagpakahusaysapaligsahangpanlipunanatpangkabuhayan.Lumalaganap na ang adhikaing Pilipino ukol sa katarungan,kasarinlan, pagkakaisa al kaunlaran. Bilang tagapagmana attagapamahayagngdiwa ngHimagsikang Pilipinoat tagahawakng susi sa bagong kinabukasan, sugo tayo ng bayan upangmaging pinakamagafing niyang institusyon ng mgapantas. Saganoon, magpapatuloyang I)nibersidad ngPilipinas na taga­aruga ng kagafingan at kalayugan ng akademya atlagapagtanggol ng kafayaang akademiko. Hinihinlay rin ngbayang Pilipino ang ating pahinung6d, kafakip ang masmatingkadna diwangpananagutan para sa atingsamasamanghinaharap. Kaya" naririto ang Unibersidad ng Pilipinas natagapanday, inspirasyon, tagapanguna at lingkod-bayan.Maghandog layo ng ating kaisipan, puso at kaluluwa sapaglilingkod sa pinakamalaas na layunin niya. Ito ang atingbuhay na pangako - ang pag-aalay ng Pamantasan ngPilipinas sa paglilingkod sa bayan.









Recapturing the Sense of National PurposeWe are living in exctting times. Today is the eighty-sixth

anniversary of our foundation as a Universtty; we are happilylooking forward to thecentennial of ournationhood. Asthenewcenturydawns,amood ofoptimism spreads asconfidence inourabilitiesasapeoplegrows,withthewillforcompetitive excellencerevitalized and strengthened. Our people have now started toarticulate avisionof achievable prospertty, a shared purpcse ofjustice, unity and progress. As proud heir to the PhilippineRevolution andcarefully hoiding thekeyto thefuture, thenation

hascalled UPtobethebestinstitution of higherlearning. Thus,theUniverstty shallcontinue tonurture excellence andacademicfreedom bolstered by a keen sense of responsibility to ourcollective future. Thenation alsoawatts ouroblation. AndUPmustbe there as vanguard, inspiration, leader, andservant ofthe people.

Let us offer our mind, heart and soul to serve the highestgoals of our nation. This is our living promise -to offer theUniverstty of the Philippines in the service of the nation.


VOLUME XXV, NUMBER 2 July-December 1994 ISSN No 0115-7450



Administrative Order No: 18Administrative Order No: 18-AAdministrative Order No. ,;7: System-wide Committeeto Look Into Fraternities and Review Rules and Regul­ations Governing Fraternity-Related Mis-conduct

Executive Orders



Memorandum No. 94-119: 1994 Merit Incentives forUP Personnel

Memorandum Circular: Election of Members of theBoard of Trustees of the UP Provident Fund BoardofTrustees

Guidelines on the Appointment and Election of Mem­bers of the UP Provident Fund Board ofTrustees







•Executive Order NO.5: Transfer of the UP Book Center toUP Diliman 33

Executive Order No. 94-08: Amendin9 ExecutiveOrder 93-2 on the' Reorganization of the President'sCommittee on Culture and the Arts (PCCA) 33Executive Order No. 94-11: Creatinq a UP DillmanInformation Office 34

Operating Guidelines For The UP Diliman 10 InRelation To UP System 10 35

Appointments, Reappointments, Promo­tions,etcVisiting FacultyTransfer to Permanent StatusProfessorial ChairsHeadship of UnitsExtension Beyond Retirement Age

Policy Matters



Memorandum No: 94-98: Effectivity of RetroactiveAppointmentsMemorandum No. 94-102: Review of Rules andRegulations Governing Student Conduct and Discipline,Student Orqanlzations, and Fraternity-Related Mis­conductMemorandum No. 94-107: Implementation of theUniversity's Existing Policies on IntellectualProperty




Amendment of Requirement NO.2 for Maintenance ofOblation Scholarship

Creation of Position of Assistant Director in the Ins­titute of Government and Law Reform,Law Center

Creation of Pahinungod Fellowship and a Trust Fundfor Ugnayan ng Pahinungod

Transfer of Management of Book Center from the UPSystem to UP Diliman





The University of the Philippines Gazette is published by the Office of the Secretary of the Universiry andthe Office of the Vice-President for Public Affairs

Donations, Grants, and Gifts

Scholarships for UP High School, Iloilo

Professorial ChairsHeadship of Units

41 Extension Beyond Retirement Age

43 .


Establishment of Professorial Chair Policy Matters








Academic Matters

Donations, Grants, and Gifts



Supplemental Budgetfor UP Law Complex 47Supplemental Budget for the UPIS 47Reprogramming of Savings 47Increase in Inventory Ceiling for Drugs, Medicines, andMedical/Surgical Supplies 47UP Printery Budget 47

Financial Matters

Memoranda of Agreement


For Establishment of Professorial Chairs in UPDilimanand UPLos Banos 46Philippine Geothermal Inc. Science Scholarship forUP Diliman Students 46

Institution of the Ph.D. in Human NutritionProgram

Graduation of Students

Transferof Management of the UPVargas Museum 45Revised Rules and Regulations of the UPI S 45Guidelineson the Lease of Areas in the Quezon-Laguna Land Grants 46Authority to Proceed with Bidding of Lease of Three Areasin UP Diliman Campus 46

Authority to Grant Loans to UPEHCO ManilaMembers 46

Revised Rules and Regulations Governing Fraternityand Other Student-Organization-RelatedIncidents 46Establishment of a Network of National Institutes ofBiotechnology in UP 46

Authority for President to Modify Personal ServicesItems 46Return of the Business Concessions Office toUP Diliman 46Guidelines for Election of Board of Trustees of UPProvident Fund 46Guidelines to Govern the Use of the Special FacultyDevelopmentFund 46

Appointments, Reappointments, Promotions,and relatedmatters 42

Transfer to Permanent Status 43

Other Matters

Establishment of a Herminio and Remedios Corderollamas Professorial Chair 41

Louisa Stevenson-Isidro Professorial Chair Fund 41Authorization for the School of Urban and RegionalPlanning to Collect a Laboratory Fee 41

Memoranda of Agreement

Financial Matters


Quality Potential Index (QPI) Requirement at Collegecl~ G

UP OilimanAgreement of Academic Cooperation with NationalOpen University, TaiwanGeneral Agreement for Academic Cooperation andExchange with Osaka University of Foreign

.,dies:Weement with Saint Louis University, through

UP College BaguioUP Los Banos

Memorandum of Understanding with City Governmentof Quezon 42

Agreernent for Educational and Scientific Cooperationwith Davao Oriental State College of Science andTechnology 42Memorandum of Agreement with Municipality of Liliw,Laguna 42

Memorandurn of Agreement with Santa MonicaSocial Action and Development Center 42

Memorandum of Agreement with Panay StatePolytechnic College 42Memorandum of Agreement with Department ofEnvironment and Natural Resources 42Memorandum of Agreement with Technology

~AP~P l ica t io n and Promotion Institute, and Asia Pacific

. nter for Research (through Postharvestorticulture Training and Research Center) 42

Memorandum of Agreement with Ciba-Geigy Philippines(through College of Veterinary Medicine) 42

Memorandum of Agreernent among UPLB,SEARCA,IRRI, and PHILRICE 42Memorandum of Agreement among UP Los Banos, BDC,and PCARRD 42

Memorandum of Agreement with Fiber IndustryDevelopment Authority (FIDA) 42Memorandum of Agreement with SEARCA 42

UP Los BanosResearch Contract (No.7634/RB) with Nitrogen FixationLaboratory, and IAEA,through National Institutes ofBiotechnology and Microbiology 48Memorandum of Understanding with UPLB College ofAgriculture Alumni Association, Metro-ManilaChapter 48

Memorandum of Understanding with BayerPhilippines, Inc. 48Memorandum of Understanding with YGGACCHAI FarmsCorporation, through National Institutes of Biotech-nology and Microbiology 48Memorandum of Agreement with the Bureau ofAgricultural Research 48Memorandum of Agreement with Reynaldo B. Pecanaand Gina M. Pecana 48Memoranda of Agreement with VivaProductions, Inc 48

UP Los BanosMemorandaofUnderstandingwith1NPHILCO, Inc. 52Memorandum of Agreement between UP Los Banosand UP Visayas 52Memorandum of Agreement with International Center forResearch in Agroforestry (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya 52Memorandum of Agreement with KAPWA UpliftmentFoundation, Inc. 52Renewal of Memorandum of Agreement with ClaretFormation Center 52

UP VisayasMemorandum of Agreement with the Departmentof Health 53Memorandum of Agreement with Philippine ScienceHigh School through PSHS Visayas 53




Through University Center for Integrative andDevelopment StudiesThrough UniversityCenter for Women's Studies

Appointments, Reappointments, Promotions,and related ReleaseofMatlers Approvedby the Boardof Regents

matlers 48 f----------------------lTransfer to Permanent Status 49 1082ND MEETING, 16 DECEMBER 1994Professorial Chairs 49

Headship of Units 49 AppointmentsExtension Beyond Retirement Age 50






Policy Matters

Amendment to the Rules Governing Fraternity-RelatedMisconduct

Revision of Rules on Faculty TenureAppointments with Retroactive EffectivityGuidelines on the Award of Professorial ChairsCreation of Position of "Adjunct Professor"Restoration of the Position of Assistant Secretary

Donations, Grants, and Gifts

Dr. GregorioT. Alvior, Jr. Awardfor AcademicExcellenceDeed of Donation and Acceptance with UP College of.Mass Communication Foundation, Inc.

Financial Matters

Laboratory Fees at College of Mass CommunicationIncentive Pay for Members of Team To ImpoundStray Animals

Memoranda of Agreement

UP DilimanMemorandum of Understanding with SI. AugustineSambali Fund Inc."Kasunduan" with PAGKAKAISAMemorandum of Agreement for a Student ExchangeProgram with University of New South Wales

Memorandum of Agreement with the UP EngineeringReseach and Development Foundation, Inc









Appointments, Reappointments, Promotions,andrelated matlers

Transfer to Permanent StatusProfessorial ChairsHeadship of UnitsExtension Beyond Retirement Age

Policy Matters

RevisionofArticle 408 of the Revised University CodeAgreement with DENR re: Land Use for IntegratedSocial Forestry Program at the Laguna-QuezonLand GrantCreation of UP Diliman InformationOfficeIncrease in Rate ofHonoraria of ROTC MilitaryInstructorsReorganization of Human ResourcesDevelopment Office

Donations, Grants, and Gifts

Establishment of the Crisostomo B. and Cristina C.Garcia Award for Excellence

Financial Matters

Merit Incentive to University Personnel for CreditablePerformanceRedeploymenUConversion of Various Teaching andNon-Teaching PositionsReprogrammingof Accumulated Savings









Memoranda of Agreement OTHER MAnERS

UP Diliman Fraternities-Related Violence in the University 57Memorandum of Agreement with DECS-Bureau of Marine Science Institute as a National Center ofNon-Formal Education 56 Excellence in Marine Sciences 57

Amendatory Agreement to the Agreement to Cooperatewith Virginia Polytechnic Institute and"State University 56

UP Los BanosMemorandum of Understanding with DalhousieUniversity, Canada 56








Board of Regents The Honorable Ricardo T. Gloria, Secretary, Department of Education, Cul­ture, and Sports, Chairman· The HonorableEmil Q. Javier, President, University of the Philippines,Vice-Chairman • The Honorable Oscar M. Alfonso' The Honorable Emerenciana Y. Arcellana •The Honorable Paulo C. Campos' The Honorable Antonio T. Carpio' The Honorable Dennis L.Cunanan • The Honorable Salvador H. Escudero III • The Honorable Edgardo B. Espiritu • TheHonorable Minda J. Formacion • The Honorable Nelia T. Gonzalez • The Honorable Leticia R.Shahani· Dr. Vivencio R. Jose, Secretaryof the University and of the Board of Regents

Officers of the Administration Dr. Emil Q. Javier,President • Dr. Olivia C. Caoili, Vice-President forAcademic Affairs • Professor Teresa F. Bernabe,Vice-President for Finance and Administration • Dr.Patricio B. Lazaro, Vice-President for Public Affairs• Professor Fortunato T. de la Peiia, Vice-Presidentfor Planning and Development • Dr. Roger Posadas,Chancellor, UP Diliman • Dr. Ruben L. Villareal,Chancellor, UP Los Banos • Dr. Perla D. SantosOcampo, Chancellor, UP Manila • Dr. Arsenio S.Camacho, Chancellor, UP Visayas

Production Staff· Roshan1. Jose, ElviraQ. Silarde • Cover Design' Gavino Perez

Administrative Circulars

Administrative Order No: 18


Ms. Rosa M. ManzalaMr. Antonio CruzMr. Jose B. Antonio, Jr.Mr. Ricardo OzoaMs. Victoria GriarteMr. Roberto BuenaventuraMs. Lorna Baurile

You are hereby designated member oftheAd Hoc Settlementof PGH Accounts Committee created under Administrative OrderNo. 18 dated July 12. 1994 to study the remaining claims of con­tractors for the renovation and rehabilitation of the various build­ings and facilities of the Philippine General Hospital undertaken in1985 and to facilitate their payments if found valid and proper.12 July 1994


(Sgd.) EMIL Q. JAVIERPresident

2. Review the findings on recent fraternity-related violence oncampus and recommend what should be the University's immedi­ate response in cases of eruption ofviolence.

3. Study any recommendations on how the University canprevent the occurrence of fraternity violence in the future, includ­ing rechanneling of individual/organizationlfratemities energies toconstructive pursuits, improvement of policies and security mea­sures, values education and training and other mechanisms.

4. Look at ways of re-establishing/re-orienting proper idealsof fratemities.

5. Recommend policies regarding the role offaculty advisersof fraternities/sororities and other student organization.

As much as possible, the Committee should include consulta­tion with students and student leaders in carrying out its task.

May I expect your first progress report particularly as regardsNo. 1 above i. e. your recommendation on the revision of theRules and Regulations Goveming Fraternity-Related Misconduct.not later than 15 January 1995.19 December 1994

(Sgd.) EMIL Q. JAVIERPresident

Administrative Order No: 18-A•Ms. Ermelina B. Kalagayan Executive Order No.5: Transfer of the UP Book Center to

UP DilimanYou are hereby designated member ofthe Ad Hoc Settlement

of PGH Accounts Committee created under Administrative OrderNo. 18 dated July 12. 1994 to study the remaining claims of con­tractors for the renovation and rehabilitation ofthe various build­ings and facilities of the Philippine General Hospital undertaken in1985 and to facilitate their payments if found valid and proper.21 July 1994

(Sgd.) EMIL Q. JAVIERPresident

Administrative Order No. 47: System-wide Committee toLook Into Fraternities and Review Rules and Regulations

overning Fraternity-Related Misconduct

Vice-Chancellor Rosario Torres-Yu, UPDProf. Albert T. Muyot, Jr., UPD,Prof. Reynaldo Imperial, UPMProf. Rose Asong, UPVDr. Ma. Serena Diokno. UPDAtty. Carmel ita Y. Guno, UPDDr. Eduardo Dacanay, UPLBMr. Ananias Aurelio

Please constitute yourselves into a system-widecommittee.withDiliman Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs Rosario Torres-Yu asChairperson, to look into fraternity activities and Rules and Regu­lations Governing Fraternity-Related Misconduct to come up withpolicy recommendations dealing with fraternity activities and fra­ternity related violence on and off campus. Mr. Ananias Aurelioshall bethe resource person for the Committee.

Please note the following five-pronged temns of reference in yourstudy and policy recommendations:

1. Review Rules and Reguations Governing Fraternity-Re­lated Misconduct with a view toward imposing stricter penalties asa deterrent to fraternity violence.

WHEREAS, the UP Book Center currently provides servicesprincipally for the UP Diliman units;

WHEREAS, the supervisionand administration ofthe UP BookCenter can be undertaken more effectively by UP Diliman;

NOW, THEREFORE, the UP Book Center including its per­sonnel, equipment. resources, and responsibilities are hereby of­ficially transferred to UP Diliman effective immediately.

It is understood that the UP Diliman Administration shall pro­vide the policy directions, funds, and personnel needed by the UPBook Center.

For the guidance and compliance of all concerned.27 July 1994

(Sgd.) EMIL Q. JAVIERPresident

Executive Order No. 94-08: Amending Executive Order93-2 on the Reorganization of the President's Committeeon Culture and the Arts (PCCA)

The President's Committee on Culture and the Arts (PCCA)is hereby reorganized as follows:

Section 1. The PCCA and Cultural Committees on EachUP Campus - There shall continue to be a President's Commit­tee on Culture and the Arts (PCCA) tor the University as a whole.In addition,each autonomous university (AU) or regional unit (RU)shall have an AU/RU Committee on Culture and the Arts (cam­pus CCAs as follows:

UP Dillman - Diliman CampusUP College BaguioUP Extension Program in San FernandoUP Los BanosUP ManilaUP Visayas -lloilo/Miag-ao campusesUP Cebu CollegeUP Tacloban College






Section2. Organization of the PCCA-The PCCAshallbecomposedof the Chairpersonsof the campusCCAs plussuchotherfaculty andstaff, asmay beappointed at largebythePresi­dent.

The PCCAshall meet at leastoncea year preferably inAprilor May. At this meeting the PCCAshall preparea calendarorprogram for thecoming schoolyear.

ThePCCAshallreportto thePresident through theVice-Presi­dent for AcademicAffairs.

Section 3. Functions of the PCCA- The PCCAshall per­fonm thefollowing functions:

a. Formulate policies, andguidelines related to culture andtheartssubjectto the approvalof the President, andformulateshort-term(annual, biennialetc) plans or programs of cul­tural andartisticactivitiesfor theentireUniversity designedto:

i. Enrich theculturalandartisticexperience of students andUPpersonnel beyond theconfines oftheclassrooms andoffices;

ii. Develop amongstudents andUniversity personnel a hu­manisticorientation, makingthemawareoftheir culturalheritage andvariousartisticforms;

iii. Stress the importanceof culturaland artisticexposureandappreciation ashaving significant educative value; and

iv. Create a climate thatwill better enable theartist (speciallyamong students orUP. personnel) torealizetheirpoten­tial in thecontextof theUniversity andsociety's values;

b. Act as the coordinating body for the various cultural andartisticpresentations in the University, whethersponsoredor organizedby the UPSystem,AU, or collegeadministra­tion, or by student organizations, Universitypersonnel, oralumni;

c. Promoteand pubiicize these culturalandartisticactivities;and

d. Promote andfacilitate cultural andartistic interchange amongcampuses.

ministrative control of specificcolleges orofficesin the cam­pus;

d. Coordinate andcooperate withthePCCAin thecalendaringof cultural activities; and

e. Enable theUniversity toprovide leadership in setting thetone,quality, andtrends in programming cultural andartisticactivi­ties forthecommunities wherethecampusis located.

Section 5. Operating Budgets - The University SystemAd­ministration shall providethe fund for the PCCA, including ex­penses foritsannual meeting. ThePCCAbudgetshailbesubjectto theapproval ofthe President. '

Thecampus PCCAbudgets shallbesubjectto theapproval oftheChancellors andshallbe supported fromthe following:

a. cultural feecollection fromstudentsof their respective cam­puses;

b. any fundsor revenues which thecampusCCAsare able toraise fromtheiractivities; and

c. any othersupplemental fundswhichthe AU administrationmaybeableto provide.

Thegeneral guideline isthatthecultural feespaidby studentsshallbe usedfor the enrichment of the culturalandartistic life ofstudents within theircampuses. Furtherimplementing guideline,shallbe issuedbythe President.

Section6. University Theatre Complex - The UniversityTheatre Complex, comprising theUniversity TheatreandtheCar­illonTower, shall be System facilities, andshallcontinueto bead­ministered bythePCCA, asprovided byAdministrative OrderNo.27 (10February 1983). TheCarillon TowerServesas the PCCAOffice, andthe University TheatreServesas the flagship artisticcenteroftheUniversity ofthePhilippines, incomefromwhichmaybeusedto augment thePCCAbudget, subjectto the approval ofthePresident.

Section 7. RepealingClause -ThisExecutive OrderamendsExecutive Order93, 2 dated2 February1993.

Executive Order No, 94-11: Creating a UP Diliman Infor­mation Office

WHEREAS, the Universityof the Philippines System leadsamong Philippine and Southeast Asian academicinstitutionsinshapingeducation as the channelof social, political, and eco­nomicdevelopment in the coming century in the light of a new,postmodern, post-industrial world;. WHEREAS, theUPSystem undertakes thismissionbycoor­

dlnatmg theefforts of theautonomous UPunitsthroughanorga­ruzational network of teachers andadministrators, amongthese agroupof information managers who make up the UP System In­formation Office;

WHEREAS, withthecurrent stateofoperations in UPDilimanandItsunitsincluding UPCollege Baguio andUP Extension Pro­gramInSan Fernando, thereisafeltneed to createa UPDilimanInfo.rmatlon Office toservice Itsown information needsaswell asassisttheUPSystem Information Officein pursuingthe goalsoftheUniversity asa Whole;







Section 4. Composition and Functions of the CampusCCAs - The campus CCAsfor UP Diliman, UP Los Banos, UPManila, UPVisayas-lioilo/Miag-ao, andtheregional units (Baguio,SanFernando, Cebu, andTacloban) shall each becomposed ofaChairperson and at least two members. The Chairpersons andmembers shallbeappointed by theirrespective Chanceilors foraterm of two years withoutprejudiceto renewal. The CCAchair­persons for Baguio, SanFernando, Cebu, andTacloban shallberecommended bytheirrespective deans.

Thecampus CCAsshallreport to thehighest administrator onthecampus (i. e. theChancelloror thedeanof the regional unit)andshallhavethefollowing functions:

a. Implement within theircampuses thepolicies andprogramsof thePCCAandperform fororwithin theircampuses all thefunctions which thePCCAdoesforthe University asawhole'

b. Consistent with theplandrawnupbythe PCCA at itsannualmeetingsand the plans of the campusCCA itself,preparean annual calendar and propose an annualbudget (onorbefore theendofMay)forcultural andartistic activities withintheir respective campuses including fund-raising activities orcampuses, forapproval bytheChancellor);

c. ~anage or supervise the useof cultural orartistic venues,Instruments, or equipment which are notalready in thead-

Section 8. Effectivityeffectimmediately.28 September 1994

This Executive Order shall take



WHEREAS, the UP DilimanAdministration, in this ageof high SystemInformation Office (UPS-IO) to cover/participateintechnology information societies, realizes the importance of infer- suchactivities.mation in the performance of the University's crucial role as the b. IfUPDiliman or anyof its colleges/units sponsorsa system-molderof today's and succeeding generations of Filipinos; wide activityor an activitywhich has system-wide implica-

WHEREAS,the increaseddemands of UP Dilimanto coordi- tions, boththeUPD-IO andtheUPS-IO willcoverthe activity.natethe flowof information within andwithout thecampus require 2. On relations with media:the immediateestablishment of saidoffice; a. The UPS-IO shall release to media UPS stories, while the

NOW,THEREFOREit is herebyordered that: UPD-IO shall release to mediaUPDstories.b. In cases of stories where both the UPS and the UPD are

1.There shallbe created inUPDiliman an information officeto involved. especiallyconcerning crises, the UPS-IOand thebe known as the UP Diliman Information Office. UPD-IO shallcoordinate onthe mannerof mediareleases in

2. The UP DilimanInformation Officeshallhavethe following ordertoavoidduplication of releases and possible inconsis-functions andresponsibilities: tenciesin stories aswellas confusion regarding the person-

alitiesofboth lOs.a. To gatheranddisseminate information ontheactivities of UP c. The UPS-IO andtheUPD-IO shallfurnisheachothercopies

Diliman, suchasresearch andextension work, within thecam- of their respective mediareleaseson storiesof mutualcon-pusitselfaswellasoutside theUniversity through allavailable cem.meansincluding themassmedia; 3. On resources:

b. To coordinate information projects andactivities withthecol- a. TheUPS-IO andthe UPD-IO publications shalloperate inde-legesandunits/offices within UPDiliman, as well aswithother pendently of eachother.However, they mayaccommodateautonomousunitsof the University, for purposes of sharing contributed articles fromeachother.information as well as resources; b. The UPS-IO andthe UPD-IO shallhave separatepersonnel

c. To develop andmaintain linkages withinstitutions outside the andfacilities independent of eachother. However, they may

" University; agreeto shareresources onprojects andactivities of mutual

d. Todevelop andmaintain a databank of information pertaining concern.to UP Dilimanand assist in the preparation of the reportsof 4. On relationship with the UPS:theChancellor; a. The UPS-IO shall coordinatewith the lOs of other UP au-

e. To assisllhe Chancellor, hislher ExecutiveStaffand/or the tonornous campuses regarding information, communicationExecutive Committee in theformulation of official statements andpublications activities.that expressthe stand of UP Dilimanon issuesof socialrel- b. Directors of lOsofautonomous unitsshallbe members oflheevance; System Committee on Public Information andCommunica-

f. To assistandadvisethe Chancellor, his/herExecutive Staff, tionheadedbythe UPVice President for PublicAffairs.

and/ortheExecutive Committee in managing crises where in-formation playsa central role;and MEMORANDA

g. As a general rule, to help promote the public image of UPDiliman. Memorandum No: 94-98:Effectivity of Retroactive Appoint-

ments3. The authority and responsibility for theexercise of thepow- Vice-President Teresa F. Bernabe

ers andthe dischargeof the functionsof the UP Diliman Informa- Atty. Carmelita Yadao-Guno, ChiefLegai Counsel

tion Office shall be vested in the UP Diliman Information Office Mr. Ananias B. AurelioDirector, who shall,togetherwith the othermembers of the Infor- Mr. Patrick Azanzamation staff therein,be appointedby the President uponthe rec-ommendation of the UP Diliman Chancellor in consullationwith Pleasestudy howthe universitycan copewith the Civil Ser-the Directorof the UP SystemInformation Office. viceCommission regulation on "no retroactive appointments".

4. The UP DilimanInformation Officeshallbe undertheOffice Giventhe longdeliberation and consultativeprocessthat UPoflhe UP DilimanChancellor. The UP Diliman Information Office follows regarding personnelactions,we have to have longleadDirectorshallbeaccountable to the Chancellor, andshalltakeap- timesto personnel processing whichcanbedifficultto observe inpropriate actionuponendorsement of theChancellor oranyof the many instances.Vice-Chancellors of UP Diliman. Forexample, canthe BORresolve/decide that theoriginal ac-

5. TheUP DilimanInformation OfficeDirectorshallcoordinate tionofthedepartmental personnel committee betheeffective datewith the Directorof the UP SystemInformation Officewhenever ofappointment as faras the BOR is concerned?

required bythecircumstances, particularly on matters which have Are professorial chairsawards, notappointments, in the legal

System-wide implications. (See be/ow) sense? What personnel actions neednotbe referred totheCivil

6. ThisExecutive Ordershalltakeeffect15daysafteritscircu- Service Commission?

larization. 4 October 1994

16 December 1994 (Sgd.) EMIL Q. JAVtER

(Sgd.)EMIL Q. JAVIER .President

PresidentMemorandum No. 94-102: Review of Rules and Regula-

OPERATING GUIDELINES FOR UP DillMAN INFORMATION OFFICE tions Governing Student Conduct and Discipline, StudentIN RELATION TO UP SYSTEM INFORMATION OFFICE Organizations, and Fraternity-Related Misconduct

1. On University activities: Prof. Merlin M. Magallona. Collegeof Law. UPD

a. Activities in UP Diliman will be covered by the UP Diliman prof. Claro Llaguno, Collegeof Science,UPDInformationOffice (UPD-IO). However, it may invitethe UP Prof. Emmanuel Esguerra, School of Economics. UPD












Prof. Nelson Natural, College of Agriculture, UPlBProf. Lilian de las L1agas, College of Public Heallh, UPMAtty. Carmelita Y. Guno, Office of legal Services, UPSMr. Ananias Aurelio

With Professor Merlin Magallona as Chairman, please consti­tute yourselves into an Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Rulesand Regulations Governing Student Conduct and Discipline, Stu­dent Organizations, and Fraternity-Related Misconduct.

The Committee shall conduct the above review with the fol­lowing objectives:

1. To enhance the role of the University in educating and de­veloping students as responsible leaders in their chosen profes­sions, their communities, and the country;

2. To rationalize existing University Rules on Student Conductand Discipline, Rules and Regulations Governing Student Orga­nizations, and Rules and Regulations Governing Fraternity-Re­lated Misconduct in order to ensure a more responsive and effec­tive implementation of said Rules;

3. To examine the rationale for the existence of system-wideand campus-wide student organizations such as fraternities, so­rorities, and others and determine how these have contributed tothe enrichment or disruption of university functions and activities

4. To propose policies and rules that shall serve as preventiveas well as corrective measures to deal with violent incidents be­tween students, particularly fraternity related misconduct and vio­lence; and

5. To propose such other policies and rules that shall contrib­ute to the achievement of the university's goal of excellence in theeducation and training of the youth as citizens and future leadersof the country.

The Ad Hoc Committee is requested to submit its final reportand recommendations by 1 December 1994.

Thank you for your valued cooperation.11 October 1994

(Sgd.) EMllQ. JAVIERPresident

Memorandum No. 94-107: Implementation olthe University'sExisting Policies on Intellectual Property

Chancellor Roger Posadas, UP DilimanChancellor Perla Santos-Ocampo, UP ManilaChancellor Arsenio Camacho, UP VisayasChancellor Ruben Villareal, UP los Balios

Concern for the resulls of university researches has made itimperative for the university to actively protect the same underexisting laws and the university's policies. In a letter dated 30September 1994, Senator Raul Roco called our attention to thedanger of losing our patentable research results to olher parties,in the light of the impending ratification of the General Agreementon Tariff and Trade (GATT). He likewise expressed his concernat the 2 November 1994 Budget Hearing.

As the first steps towards the effective implementation of theUniversity's "Policies, Rules and Regulations On Copyrightableand Patentable Works Produced by University Personnel" ap­proved by the Board of Regents at its 982nd Meeting held on No­vember 28, 1985, you are hereby directed:

a. To submit to the President not later than November 15, 1994the composition 01 your respective Patent and CopyrightCommittees;

b. To order these committees to undertake an inventory of allexistinq patent/copyright registrations, and their respectivestatus (whether lapsed, active or sold to the highest bidder);

c. To determine which of these patenUcopyright registrationsshould be assigned to the University;

d. To order all faculty and personnel undertaking research anddevelopment studies as part of their functions, to executethe Patent Agreement with UP;

e. To circulate the Patent Disctosure Agreement to all UP per­sonnel presently undertaking research projects for UP,whether in collaboration with a sponsor or not;

The legal offices of all autonomous units are likewise herebydirected to assist their respective Chancellors in this matter andto make their respective reports to the General Counsel of theUniversity.

Please also be advised that the Office of the General Coun­sel is coordinating with the Bureau of Patents Trademarks andTechnology Transfer for the holding of a one-day workshop onthe Philippine patent system for all legal officers and personnelinvolved in research. This is tentatively scheduled on December7,1994.

For your strict compliance.10 November 1994

(Sgd.) EMllQ. JAVIERPresident

Memorandum No. 94-119: 1994 Merit Incentives For UP Per­sonnel

I am happy to announce that the Board of Regents at its 1082ndmeeting held on 16 December 1994 approved the range of meritincentives to all deserving personnel for 1994.

This is in anticipation of the grant of incentive pay based onproductivity and performance to be given in early 1995 as an­nounced by President Fidel V. Ramos in Administrative OrderNo. 161 issued on 6 December1994.

The rationale implementing guidelines and funding sourcesare explained below:

1.0 RationaleThe Administrative Code (EO 292) provides that all agencies

must draw up a merit and incentives award system that will en­courage their officials and employees to perform their functionsto the best oltheir ability. This grant of merit incentives is in linewith the award system the University has followed since 1990.

The Board of Regents has expressed satisfaction with our •performance as a University for the year 1994. The Regents arealso cognizant of the fact that in order to truly encourage thecontinuity of such worthwhile performance, the gesture of appre­ciation must be made as close to the period of satisfactory ser-vice as possible. Thus to the extent possible such paymentsshall be made within the month of December 1994.

While the judgment made is based on our collective perfor­mance as an academic institution, a meritincentives system tobe effective should provide for bigger awards to be given to indi­vidual who have contributed more to this effort than others.

2. O. Implementing Guidelines2. 1 Merit incentives shall be given to all UP personnel who have

rendered satisfactory service for the year 1994, whetherregular, ornon-regular, orsubstitute, temporary, casual, orcontractual.

2. 2 The merit incentives which shall be given once a year shallbe differentiated in terms olthe degree of the personnel'smeritorious performance SUbject to the following conditions:

2. 21 Each employee with satisfactory service shall receive atleast two thousand pesos (P2,OOO);

2.22 Thetop tenpercent (10%) ofall personnel ineachcategory(faculty,REPS, and administrative personnel), or those inthe 91st to 100th percentilein eachautonomous universityshall receive an additional two thousandpesos (P2,000)each;and

2.23 The nexttop twentypercent(20%),or those inthe 71stto90thpercentiles,shall receive an additional onethousandpesos (PI,OOO) each.

2. 3 Eachautonomous university isauthorized to come upwithitsownspecificguidelines oncriteria aswellas procedures fordeterminingthe top perfonmers among its personnel in thedifferent categories provided thatsuch guidelines arenotcon­traryto general guidelines prescribed inthismemorandum.

2.4 To beentitled to full benefits, employees musthaverenderedtwelve (12) monthsof continuous meritorious serviceto UPas of 1 December 1994. Employees who areinthe serviceas of 1December 1994butwhose length of service to UPisless than twelve (12)monthsmayalso be entitledto partialbenefitsprorated on lengthof meritorious service, providedhe/shewas in the UP serviceas of 1 September 1994.

2. 5 Projectpersonnel mayreceive thismeritincentive subject toavailability of savings in thefunds of theirspecific projects.

2.6 Employees who have beenfoundguiltyin anadministrativecase in 1994 or who have been fonmally charged as of 16December 1994,or who have received anevaluation lowerthansatisfactory underUniversity-mandated processes, arenotentitledto merit incentives.

2. 7 The meritincentive authorized hereinshallbesubject to per­tinentauditing andaccounting rules andregulations.

2. 8 The financial benefits and processes followed in implement­in9 the 1994meritincentivesforUPpersonnel shallbe sub­jectto review and shall be modified and revised in accor­dancewith futurecircumstances, available resources, andsubsequent legislation andexecutive issuance.

3. 0 Other GuidelinesEachautonomous university is authorized to comeupwith its

ownspecificguidelines oncriteria, aswellasprocedures, forde­termining the topperformers amongitspersonnel in the differentcategories provided thatsuchguidelines arenotconlraryto gen­eralguidelines prescribed inthismemorandum.3.1 Theevaluation andscreening of thepersonnel referred toin2.

21,2.22, and2. 23 aboveshall followUniversity-mandatedprocesses thatbegin withacademic oradministrative person­nel committees as the casemay be at the department level(when thereisone),thenonto thecollege/unit levelupto theautonomous unit level.

3.2 TheChancellor ofthe autonomous unitshall, aftersuchpro­cedureshallhave beencomplied with,approve the listsus­ing the formsdesigned by the Controllership andBudget Of­fice (CBO) andfurnish the CSOcopiesof said lists.

3.3 TheChancellor shall certify thatthose lists have passed throughsuchUniversity-mandated processes.

3.4 Lecturers (lecturer, seniorlecturer, professorial lecturer), pro­fessors emeriti,teaching associates, othermembers of theteachinq staffpaidon anhourlybasis, andgraduate andstu­dent assistants shall be entitled to a merit incentive of notmore than P1 ,000. 00 each SUbject to the following condi­tions:

3.4a A lecturerwho taughtin the second semester of academicyear1993-94 andinthefirstsemester ofacademicyear1994shallbe entitledto a merit incentive of P1 ,000. 00.

3.4b A lecturerwhotaught in the second semester of academic

year 1993-94but had noteachingassignment in the firstsemester of academicyea11994-95 shall be entitledto ameritincentive of P500. 00 only. Similarly, a lecturerwhodid not teach in the secondsemesterof academicyear1993-94 but taughtin the firstsemester of academicyear1994-95 shall beentitled to a merit incentiveof P500.00only.

3. 4c A lecturerwho taught in the second semesterof aca­demicyear1993-94in two or morecollegesor a lecturerwho taught durinq the first semester of academic year1994-95in two or more collegesshall receive the merit,incentive authorized hereinonly once; providedthat theChancellor of the autonomous university concerned shalldetermine as to which college his or her name shall beincluded for purposes of payroll listing.

3.4d Teachingservicerendered priorto the secondsemesterof academic year 1993-94shall not be credited for pur­poses of themeritincentive authorized herein.

3.4e Therules specified in3.4a. throuqh 3.4d. above shall alsoapply in the case of other members of the teaching staffpaid compensation onanhourly basis.

3.4f Professors emeriti shalleachbe entitled to a merit incen­tiveof PI1 ,000.00.

3.4g A graduate assistantor a studentassistantwho renderedservice inthesecond semester ofacademic year 1993-94andinthefirstsemester ofacademic year1994-95 shall beenlttled to a meritincentive of P1 ,000.00.

3.4h A graduate assistant or a studentassistantwho renderedservice inthesecond semester ofacademic year1993-94butdidnotrender service inthefirstsemester ofacademicyear 1994-95 shall beentitled toa merit incentive ofP500.00only. Similarly, a graduate or student assistant whodidnotrenderservicein the secondsemesterof academicyear1993-94 butrendered serviceinthe firstsemesterof aca­demicyear1994-95 shallbe entitled to a meritincentive ofP500. 00only.

3.4i Service asgraduate orstudent assistant rendered priortothesecond semesterof academic year 1993-94shall notbe credited for purposes of the meritincentiveauthorizedherein.

3.4j Tobeentitled to themeritincentive ofP1 ,000.00, a teach­ingassociate musthaverendered twelvemonthsof con­tinuous meritorious service to UPasof 1 December 1994.One who is in the service as of 1 December 1994 butwhose lenqth of service to UP is less than twelve (12)months mayalsobeentitledto partialbenefitprorated oniengthof meritorious serviceprovided he/shewas in theUP service asof 1 September 1994.

3. 5 Faculty members andotherpersonnel on full-timeor part­timebasis i. e.. in thesenseof half-time, whohaveappoint­ments as lecturer shall beentitled tomeritincentives onlyasfull-time orpart-time personnel.

4. 0 Funding Source - AdvancesPayment of themeritincentives shall becharged againstthe

TrustFunds of theautonomous university subjectto reimburse­mentfromthe UP. allocation forthe purpose.

5. 0 Date of Payment5. 1 Payment of the basic merit incentive pay of two thousand

pesos (P2,000) shall bemade onorabout22December 1994.5. 2 Theadditional paymentforthetop thirtypercent(30%) may

be given at the same time. However, in instances.~he~

units needmoretimetodetermine the ranking oftheir indi-














vidualpersonnel, the additionalpaymentmaybe madeat adifferentperiodbut in nocase laterthan31January1994.

20December 1994(Sgd.) EMIL Q. JAVIER


Memorandum Circular: Election of Members of the Boardof Trustees of the UP Provident Fund Board of Trustees

The Board of Regents approved at ijs 1080th rneetinq heldlastSeptember29,1994, the"Guidelines ontheAppointment andElec­tionof Members ofthe UPProvident FundBoard ofTrustees". Acopyof said Guidelinesis attachedforyourinformation (seebe­low).

Undertheseguidelines, theappointments ofthefollowing offi­cials, as ex officiomembers of the Board ofTrusteesmaynowbesubmitted to the Board of Regentsforconfirmation:

1. Presidentof the University, Dr. Emil Q. Javier2. The Vice-Presidentfor Finance

and Administration, Prof.Teresa Bernabe3. Chancellor,UPVisayas, Dr.Arsenio S. Camacho

UndertheGuidelines, eachautonomous campus shallsubmitto theBoard of Regents thenamesofthethreesectoral represen­tatives to complete thecomposition oftheBoard ofTrustees. Pur­suantto Sectionb. 1,Article4, of the Guidelines, youare herebydirectedto constitute the Election Committees in yourrespectiveautonomous campusesfor theelectionofthe sectoral represen­tatives to the BoardofTrustees.

The duties of the Election Committeeare enumerated in theGuidelines.

For immediate compliance ofall concemed11 October 1994

(Sgd.) EMIL Q. JAVIERPresident



1. The UP Provident Fund(hereinafter, "Fund") shall be ad­ministeredby a Board ofTrustees, which shall be composed ofat least fifteen (15)members,as follows:

a. ThePresidentof the Universityb. The Vice-President forFinance andAdministrationc. A Chancellor of anyautonomous universityd. Three (3) elected representatives from each autonomous

university, representing the following salarygrades:

i. Employeeswith Salary Grades 1-7ii. Employeeswith Salary Grades8-15iii. Employeeswith Salary Grades 16 andabove

2. The Board of Regents of the University shall confirm theappointments of thePresident andVice-President forFinance andAdministration as ex officio membersof the Board of Trustees oftheFund.

3'. The Board of Regents of the Universityshall confirm theappointment of theChancellor representing theautonomous uni-

versilies as ex officio memberof the Board of Trustees of theFund, in the following order: UP Visayas, UP Manila, UP LosBanos,UPDillman.

4. The Boardof Regentsof the Universityshall confirm theappointment of the sectoral representatives who shallbe electedat largebythe respective sectors, in the followingmanner:

a. All employees who automaticallybecomemembers of theFundshallbeeligibleto votefortheir representatives.

b. Elections shallbe governedby the following procedures:

i. The Chancellorof eachautonomousUniversity shallappoint an Election Committee, consisting of five (5)per­sons,whosedutiesshallbe as follows:

a.To announce the dateof electionsb.To receive nominations andcertifyto the eligibility

of candidatesc. To inspectthe polling places,ballotboxesand poll­

ingboothsto insurethe secrecyof the ballotsd.To conductthe actualcanvassof votese.To ruleon anyon-the-spot questions regarding the

conductof theelections

ii. The Election Committee of each autonomous univer- •sity shall cause the necessary posting of notices atleastfive(5)working daysbeforetheactualdateof elec-tion. Thenotices shall contain thedateofelection, namesof candidates for eachsector, the descriptionof thesec-tors,andthe list of eligiblevoters issuedby the ElectionCommittee foreach sector.

iii. Theelection shallbe setduringaregularwortdng day.iv. The voter mustwrite a cross (x) or a check (f) in thesquareoppositethe candidate of his choice.

c. If a ballotis torn,marked, or defaced, in sucha mannerastocreatedoubtor confusion or identifythe voter inadvertentlyspoilsa ballot, he shall return it to the collectionofficerwhoshalldestroy it andprovide himanotherballot.

d. As soon as the pollsclose at the appointed hour as deter­mined bytheElection Committee, thevotesshallbecountedandtabulated. Uponcompletion of the count, the ElectionCommittee shallgiveeachcandidate or his duly authorized •representative a certification of the resultof the electionandminutes of theconcluded election.

e. The ballots, tally sheets,andcertificationof the results to­getherwiththe minutes of theelection, shallbesealedinanenvelope and countersigned by the Election Committeemembers. Theseenvelopes shall remain sealedunderthecustody ofthe Election Committee untilafterthe Chancellorhas finally certified the winner.

f. Ifwithinseven (7)daysfromdateof releaseof the electionresults, no protestagainstanycertified winner is filed, theChan­cellor shall certify the winner for sectoral representatives, andendorsethe same to the Board of Regents for appointmenttothe Board ofTrustees.

g: Inorderto havea validelection, at leasta quarter(25%)ofall ehglble votersIntheappropriatesectionmusthavecast theirvotes.

Decisions of the Board of Regents1079TH MEETING, 28 JULY 1994



The Board approved the following appoinments, reappoint­ments, renewals of appointment, promotions, increase in salary,and related matters:

UP Diliman

Carlos C. Bautista, reclassification from Sr. Lecturer 3 toAssociate Professor 3, College of Business Administration, effec­tive 1June 1994 until 31 May 1995.

Roberto M. Benedito, appointment as Associate Professor1, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, effective 1 June1994 until 31 May 1995.

Gloria C. Caldito, promotion from Associate Professor 4 toAssociate Professor 7, College of Science, effective 1June 1994.

Marichu C. Lambino, transfer with promotion from Universityegal Counsel to Legal Officer IV, effective 28 July 1994.

Ma. Rosario O. Lapus, reclassification from Sr. Lecturer 3 toAssociate Professor 1, College of Education, effective 1 June 1994until 31 May 1995.

Virginia D. Monje, promotion from Associate Professor 7 toProfessor 1, College of Science, effective 10 May 1994.

Rogelio V. Paglomutan, appointment as Associate Profes­sor 1, College of Business Administration, effective 1 June 1994until 31 May 1995.

Winona S. Pasimio, appointment as Associate Professor 1,College of Business Administration, effective 1June 1994 until31May 1995.

Niceto S. Poblador, reappointment with increase in salary,as Professor 8, College of Business Administration, effective 1July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Ameurfina D. Santos, salary increase from Associate Pro­fessor 1 to Associate Professor 3, College of Science, effective.10May 1994.

Rene Ma. M. Villa, promotion from University Legal Counselto Deputy General Counsel, Office of Legal Services, effective 1August until 31December 1994.

UP Manila

Mia Alegria E. Cruz, promotion from Nurse IV to Nurse VI,PGH, effective 28 July 1994.

Jose Luis Danguilan, reappointment as Medical SpecialistIII, (part-time), PGH, effective 31 December 1994.

Jose Dante P. Dator, reappointment as Medical SpecialistIII, (part-time), PGH, effective 31 December 1994.

Albert U. Dy,Jr., reappointment as Medical Specialist III, (part­time), PGH, effective 31 December 1994.

George Winston B. Estera, reappointment as riedical Spe­cialist III, (part-time), PGH, effective 31 December 1994.

Stella Marie Jose, reappointment as Medical Specialist III,(part-time), PGH, effective 31 December 1994.

Willy G. Lopez, reappointment as Medical Specialist III, (part­time),PGH, effective 31 December 1994.

Remedios A. Magkasi, renewal of appointment as AssociateProfessor 3 (part-time), NTTCHP, effective 1 June 1994 until 31May 1995.

Ma. Pilita Mijares, reappointment as Medical Specialist III,

(part-time), PGH, effective 31 December 1994.Luminardo M. Ramos, reappointment as Medical Specialist

III, (part-time), PGH, effective 31 December 1994.


UP Dillman

Valentin A. Skvortsov, as Visiting Professor 1, College ofScience, effective 1 November 1994 until 31 May 1995,


UP Diliman

Karina C. David, appointment as Bienvenido A. Tan Sr.DJ Professor of Community Development Practice, Collegeof SocialWork and Community Development,effective 1July 1994un1il30June 1995.

Edwin M. Varona, appointment as Dr. Jimmy Go Puan SengAssociate Professor of Communication Research, Collegeof Mass Communication, effective 1 January until 1 December1994.

UP Los Banos

Diosdado A. Carandang, reappointment as UP EndowmentFund Professor of Soil Science, College of Agriculture,effective1 January until 31 December 1994.

Roberto E. Coronel, appointment as Dioscoro L. UmaliAssociate Professor of Plant Breeding, College of Agricul­ture, effective 1January until 31 December 1994.

Grace D. De Ocampo, reappointment as UP EndowmentFund Associate Professor of Veterinary Anatomy, CollegeofVeterinaryMedicine,effective1January until31 December 1994.

Virgilio A. Fernandez, reappointment as SEA RCA Associ­ate Professor of Wood Science and Technology, College ofForestry, effective 1 January until 31 December 1994.

Nieva T. Librojo-Basilio, reappointment as Metro ManilaCommission Associate Professor of Chemistry, College ofArts and Sciences, effective 1 January until 31 December 1994.

Arturo Y. Pacificador, Jr., appointment as UPLB Faculty,Staff, & Students Assistant Professor of Statistics, Collegeof Arts and Sciences,effective 1January until 31 December 1994.

Francisco F. Penalba, appointment as Pilipinas Shell As­sociate Professor of Animal Science, College of Agriculture,effective 1 January until 31 December 1994.

Robert T. Teh, Jr., appointment as SEARCA Assistant Pro­fessor of Economics, College of Economics and Management,effective 1 January until 31 December 1994.

UP Manila

Diana R. Agbayani, appointment as GE Assistant Profes­sor, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 July 1994 until 30June 1995.

Josefina J. De Los Reyes, appointment as GE AssistantProfessor, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 July 1994until 30 June 1995.

Ma. Nora B. Del Rosario, appointment as GE AssistantProfessor, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 July 1994until 30 June 1995.













Ma. Lucia M. Magallona. appointment as MaximoBorromeo Assistant Professor of Community Based Reha­bilitation, College of Allied Medical Professions. effective 1 July1994 until 30 June 1995.

Ma. Paula G. Sioco, appointment as GE Assistant Pro­fessor, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 July 1994 until30 June 1995.

UP Visayas

Antonina R. Baldevia, appointmentas GE Assistant Pro­fessor of Social Science, College of Arts and Sciences, effec­tive 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Lawlita N. Cabahug, appointment as GE Assistant Pro­fessor of Mathematics, UP College Cebu, effective 1July 1994until 30 June 1995.

Ma. Zenaida B. French, reappointment as GE AssociateProfessor of English, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Raymundo L. Piccio, appointment as GE Assistant Pro­fessor of English, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 July1994 until 30 June 1995.


UP Diliman

Danilo M. Aragon, as Assistant Professor 1, UP CollegeBaguio, effective 28 July 1994.

Kristina A. Benitez, as Assistant Professor 3, College ofMusic, effective 28 July 1994.

Narcisa P.Canilao, Assistant Professor5, UP CollegeBaguio,effective 28 July 1994.

Jocelyn C. Cuaresma, as Assistant Professor 3. College ofPublic Administration, effective 28 July 1994.

Ma. Nancy B. Florendo, as Assistant Professor 1, UP Col­lege Baguio, effective 28 July 1994.

Leonor S. Kilayko. as Assistant Professor 2, College ofMu­sic, effective 28 July 1994

Ma. Fe V. Mendoza, as Assistant Professor 3, College ofPublic Administration, effective 28 July 1994.

Bienvenido C. Marzan, as Assistant Professor 3, UP Col­lege Baguio, effective 28 July 1994.

Vivien T. Supanqco, as Assistant Professor 3,CollegeofBusi­ness Administration, effective 28 July 1994.

UP Los Banos

Rhina A. Boncocan, as Instructor 3, College of Arts andSciences, effective 28 July 1994.

Marideth R. Bravo, as Assistant Professor 1, Institute of Ag­ricultural Sciences. effective 28 July 1994.

Edvino G. Eusebio. as Assistant Professor 1 of Physics,College of Arts and Sciences, effective 28 July 1994.

Bernadette C. Mendoza, as Assistant Professor 1 of Micro­biology, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 28 July 1994

UP Manila

Amabel A. Ganzo, as Assistant Professor 1. School of HealthSciences, effective 28 July 1994.

Ma. Edna M. Jimena, as Associate Professor 1, College ofDentistry, effective 28 July 1994.

Irma P. Magsambol, as Assistant Professor 1, School ofHeallh SCiences,effective 28 JUly 1994.

Evang.elme C. Pasagui, as Assistant Professor 1, School ofHealth SCiences,effective 28 July 1994.

UP Visayas

Ma. Severa Fe S. Katalbas, as Assistant Professor 2 ofBiology, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 28 July 1994.

Marie Frances J. Nievales, as Assistant Professor of Ma­rine Biology, effective 28 July 1994.

Ma. Cristina J. Martinez, as Assistant Professor of Com­munication Arts, UP College Cebu, effective 28 July 1994.

Yuleta R.Orillo, as Assistant Professor 1 of Economics, UPCollege Cebu, effective 28 July 1994.

Ma. Cecilia T. Pestano, as Assistant Professor 1, College ofArts and Sciences, effective 28 July 1994.

Jose Karl P. Roque, as Assistant Professor 1, UP CollegeCebu, effective 28 July 1994.


UP Diliman

Elizabeth Diaz, additional assignment as Director, DistanceEducation Program, effective 1 August until 31 December 1994.

UP Los Banos

Felix Ubrero, additionalassignment as Director, Distance Edu­cation Program, effective 1 August 1994 un1il31 July 1997.

UP Manila

Arturo M. Pesigan, additional assignment as Director, Dis­tance EducationProgram,effective28 July 1994 until31 May 1995.

UP Visayas

Marilyn Z. Alcarde, additional assignment as Registrar effec­tive 1August 1994 until 31 July 1997.

Aurora Fe Bautista, additional assignment as Director, Dis­tance EducationProgram,effective 1June 1994 until31 May 1995.

Luz L. Rodriguez, additionalassignment as Director, Ugnayanng Pahinungod/Oblation Corps effective 15 April until 31 Decem­ber 1994.


UP Diliman

Ernesto G. Tabujara, as Professor 12, College of Engi­neering, effective 1 May 1994 until 30 April 1995.

Jose V. Abueva, as Professor 12, College of Public Admin­istration, effective 6 August 1994 until 31 May 1995.


Amendment of Requirement NO.2 for Maintenance of Ob­lation Scholarship

The Board approved amendment of requirement No.2 forthe maintenance of the Oblation Scholarship. effective First Se­mester of AY 1994-1995. as follows (bracketed portion to be de­leted, underscored portions to be added):

To maintain the scholarship:

1. The student must carry the normal load prescribed for his/hercourse every semester;

2. The student must pass all academic subjects enrolled in

without any grade of "Dropped" or "Incomplete", and with aweighted average of at least "2.0".



Establishment of a Henminio and Remedios Cordero Lla­mas Professorial Chair

The Board established the Herminio and RemediosCordero Llamas Professorial Chair for the College of Busi­ness Administration, UP Diliman.

Louisa Stevenson-Isidro Professorial Chair FundThe Board approved transfer of the fund from the Louisa

Stevenson-Isidro Professorial Chair deposited at the College ofHome Economics Foundation, Inc. to the College of Home Eco­nomics Costume Collection Trust Fund, as expressedly desiredby the donor.

Mr. Antonio Isidro, husband of Mrs. Louisa Isidro, observedthat the Costume Collection - a project in clothing and textiles­urgently needs financial assistance to improve and maintain itsconservation and display systems. The donor agreed that theupkeep of the costume collection needs urgent support and there­fore agreed to transfer of funds from the said Professorial Chair.

Authorization for the School of Urban and Regional Plan­ning to Collect a Laboratory feeThe Board confirmed authorization for the School of Urban andRegional Planning (SURPj to collect a laboratory fee of P200 forthe course,-Transportation PlanningWorkshop, which is the sameamount prescribed for existing workshop courses of the Schoolearlier approved by the Board at Regents.

In the case of an INTARMED student, however, computationof grades for year [level] levels III and IVwili be based on gradesfor the whole year. The retention grade of "2.0" remains.

Creation of Position of Assistant Director in the Institute ofGovernment and Law Reform, Law Center t------------------------1

The Board created the position of Assistant Director (withoutadditional compensation) in the Instituteof Government and Law 1-----------------------1Reform, Law Center, UP Diliman.

Before the conversion of the Division of Research and LawReform into the Institute of Government and Law Reform, it usedto have an Assistant Head. This has worked well for the effectiveorganization and management of the office. The creation of thecorresponding position of Assistant Director is expected to givethe same advantage to the Institute.

Creation of a Pahinungod Fellowship and a Trust Fund forUgnayari ng Pahinungod

The Board created the Pahinungod Fellowship and estab­lished a TnustFund forthe Ugnayan ng Pahinungod.

The volunteers or Pahinungod in the university volunteer ser­ice program are provided certain benefits. The proposed

'Pahinungod Fellowship" recognizes their special status and jus­tifies those privileges.

A trust fund for the Ugnayan ng Pahinungod will facilitate re­ceipt and disbursement of private sector contributions for the vol­unteer service program.

UP Diliman


The Board confirmed the following Memoranda of Agree­ment:

Transfer of Management of Book Center from the UP Sys- t------------------------Itern to UP Diliman

The Board approved transfer of the management of the BookCenter from the UP System to UP Diliman.

This is part of the on-going rationalization and devolution ofsystem offices/activities to the most appropriate units and levelsof the university system organization.


The Board accepted, with thanks, a donation of P300,000.00from Tomas and Ma. Socorro C. Llamas for the establish­ment of a professorial chair

The Board noted the acceptance by UP Visayas of the fol­

lowing donations:Scholarships for UP High School Iloilo

1. Donation ofP30,000.00 by Mr. Anastacio Martirez as seedmoney for a scholarship grant in the UP High School Iloilo(UPHSI) to be known as the Anastacio Martirez ScholarshipGrant.

2. An additional donation of P500.00 from Atty. Francis H.Jardeleza fora scholarship grant. increasing theoriginal amountfrom P2,500.00 to P3,000.00. This will be awarded to a sopho­more student of the UPHSI who excels in leadership, character,and extra-curricular activities. The award is givenat the end ofthe school year during graduation rites.

Agreement of Academic Cooperation with the NationalOpen University, TaiwanProject: Academic cooperation to make possible direct commu­nication and cooperation between personnel as well as depart­ments of both institutions. Cooperation will be extended to en­hance the practice of distance education and open learning inboth institutions.Effectivity:The agreement will remain in effect until one party no­tifies the other of its wish to terminate it at least 90 days beforethe end of an academic year.Signed: 21 June 1994

General Agreement for Academic Cooperation and Ex­change with Osaka University of Foreign StudiesProject: Development andpromotion ofacademic exchanges andcooperation between the twouniversities.Termination: Amendment or termination of this agreement shallbe effecteduponconsultation by the two universities.Signed: 23 June 1994 .

Memorandum of Agreement with Saint Louis University,through UP College BaguioProject: JointAcademic Venture on the Certificate Program inBiology.Effectivity: For the First Semester, School Year 1994-1995 only.Signed: 21 June 1994











Memorandum of Understanding with City Government ofQuezonProject: Volunteer Service Program known as the "Ugnayan ngPahinungod' or "The Oblation Corps."Effectivity: Effective for two years from the signing of the parties.Signed: 24 June 1994

Agreementfor Educational and Scientific Cooperation withDavao Oriental State College of Science and TechnologyProject: Educational and Scientific Cooperation to help DOSCSTdevelop its institutional capability for instruction and research inmarine sciences and geology.Effectivity: Effective for five years.Signed: 16 February 1994

UP Los Banos

Memorandum of Agreement with the Municipality of Liliw,LagunaProject: Collaboration on the implementation of integrated exten­sion on agriculture.Effectivity: Takes effectupon itsexecutionuntil31 December1994.Signed: 24 March 1994

Memorandum of Agreement with Santa Monica Social Ac­tion and Development CenterProject: Joint development project in Dojoc Balite ResettlementCommunity in Botolan, Zambales.Effectivity: Effective upon signing by the parties unless terminatedby mutual consent of the parties.Signed: 29 March 1994

Memorandum of Agreement with Panay State PolytechnicCollegeProject: Joint program in the development, testing and seed mul­tiplication of released and promising crop varieties.Effectivity: Effective 1 January 1994 for three years.Signed: 2 March 1994

Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Envi­ronment and Natural ResourcesProject: Lowland Agroforestry System Research Cum Develop­ment Program (LAS).Effectivity: Effective upon its execution until 28 February 1996.Signed: 28 February 1994

Memorandum of Agreement with the Technology Applica­tion and Promotion Institute, and the Asia Pacific Centerfor Research (through Postharvest Horticulture Trainingand Research Center),Project: Preparation of a feasibility study on'Production ofEthyl­ene Scrubber-Adsorbet," a technology developed by the UPLBPostharvest Horticulture Training andResearch Center.Effectivity: Upon signing of the parties and until the completion ofthe outputs agreed upon.Signed: 2 March 1994

Memorandum of Agreementwith Ciba-Geigy Philippines, Inc.(through the College of Veterinary Medicine)Project: Hiring of a full-time Veterinarian to be assigned by UPLBthroughthe Collegeof VeterinaryMedicineat theVeterinary Teach­ing Hospital, Diliman, Quezon City, for calendar year 1994.Effectivity: Effective upon signing and shall be for a period of one(1) year starting 2 January 1994.Signed: 6 January 1994

Memorandum of Agreement among UP Los Banos and theSEAMEO RegionalCenter for Graduate Study and ResearchinAgriculture (SEARCA), the International Rice ResearchInstitute (IRRI), and the Philippine Rice Research Institute(PHILRICE)Project: InternationalTraining Course in Rice IntegratedPest Man­agement:Effectivity:Effective immediately upon signing until 3 April 1997.Signed: 4 April 1994

Memorandum of Agreement among UP Los Banos, theBatangas Dairy Cooperative (BDC), and the PhilippineCouncil for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural ResourcesResearch and Development (PCARRD)Project: Pilot testing of technologies on feed resources.Effectivity/Duration: Effectiveupon signing by all parties and shallbe in force for lhree years.Signed: 3 May 1994

Memorandum of Agreement with Fiber Industry Develop­ment Authority (FIDA)Project: Rehabilitation and maintenance of a one-hectare abacafarm ofthe Dept: of Horticulture, UP College of Agriculture.Effectivity: Effective upon signing by the parties and shall con-,tinue until 31December 1997.

Memorandum of Agreement with SEAM EO RegionalCenter for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture(SEARCA)Project: Development and Evaluation of Sustainable ProductionSystem for Steeplands.Effectivity: Effectiveupon signing for three years.Signed 3 May 1994


Quality Potential Index (QPI) Requirement at the Collegeof LawThe Board noted the Dean's Report and the developments onthe resolution ofthe QPI controversy at the College of Law andencouraged the UP Diliman University Council and the Faculty ofthe College of Law to continue their efforts to raise academicstandards by other means than just through the OPI.



The Board approved the following appoinments, reappoint­ments, renewals of appointment, promotions, increase in salary,and related matters:

UP System

Victoria L. M. Catiboq, change in designation from Direc­tor IV to Budget Director,Controllership and Budget Office, effec­tive 1June 1994.

Rosa M. Manzala, change in designation from Director II toDeputy Director/ChiefAccountant, Controllership and BUdgetOf­fice, effective 1 June 1994.

UP Diliman

Renata Constantino Sr, reappointment as Professor Lec­turer 5, College of Social Science and Philosophy, effective 9June 1994 until 31 May 1995.

Ananias B. Aurelio, promotion from College Business Man­ager, Housing Office, to Executive Assistant V, Office of the Presi­dent, effective 1 August 1994.

Antonio M. Beconado, Jr., promotion from Budget OfficerIII to Budget Officer IV, Budget Office, effective 29 September1994.

Ermelina B. Kalagayan, promotion from Director II to Direc­tor IV, Cashier's Office, effective 29 September 1994.

Eduardo G. Sabat, promotional transfer from AccountantIV to College Business Manager IV, Housing Office, Office of theVice-Chancellor for Community Affairs, effective 29 September1994.

UP Los Banos

Eliezer A. Albacea, promotion from Assistant Professor 3 toAssociate Professor 1 of Computer Science, IMSP, CollegeofArtsand Sciences, effective 3 March 1994.

Aurora B. Ani, appointment as Cashier V, Cash Office, effec­tive 1 September 1994.

Ludivina S. De Padua, promotion from Associate Professor5 to Professor 1 of Botany, IBS, College of Arts and Sciences,effective 21 September 1994.

Librada N. Panting, promotion from Accountant III to Ac­countant IV, Accounting Office, effective 29 September 1994.

UP Los Banos

Percy E. Sajise,secondment without pay,as Professor 7 ofthe Institute of Environmental Science and Management, Collegeof Arts and Sciences, UP Los Banos, to SEAMEO-SEARCA from1 December 1993 until31 December 1996.

UP Manila

Reynaldo E. Ang, as Medical Specialist III (part-time), Col­lege of Medicine, effective 31 December 1994.

Evelyn C. Salida, as Medical Specialist III (part-time), Col­lege of Medicine, effective 31 December 1994.

Beaver R. Tamesis, as Medical Specialist III (part-time), Col­lege of Medicine, effective 31 December 1994.

Felix M. Zafio, as Medical Specialist III (part-time), Collegeof Medicine, effective 31 December 1994.

UP Visayas

Arsenio S. Camacho, reappointment as Professor 8, Insti­tute of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, effective 29 Septem­ber1994.

Minda J. Formacion, promotion from Professor 1 to Profes­sor 3, effective 27 November 1995.


UP Diliman

Leonilo O. Doloricon, as Assistant Professor 1, College ofFine Arts, effective 29 September 1994.

Marvic F. Leonen ,as Assistant Professor 2, College of Law,

effective 29 September 1994.

Alberto T. Muyot, Jr., as Assistant Professor 7, College ofLaw, effective 29 September 1994.

Fernando P. Siringan, Assistant Professor 3, Nationallnsti­tute of Geological Sciences, effective 29 September 1994.

UP Los Banos

Orville L. Bondoc, as Assistant Professor 3 of Animal Sci­ence, College of Agriculture, effeclive 29 September 1994.

Susan P. Horn, as Assistant Professor 1 of Animal Science,College of Agriculture, effective 29 September 1994. .

Susan A.Ong, asAssistant Professor 1 of Horticulture, Col­lege of Agriculture, effective 29 September 1994.

UP Visayas

Ma. Theresa C. Tan, as Assistant Professor 1 of Manage­ment, College of Management, effective 29 September 1994.


UP Diliman

Sylvia M. Ventura, College of Arts and Letters, effective

upon retirement.UP Los Banos

Elpidio C. Coli gada, College of Agriculture, effective 29September 1994.

Tiburcio T. Reyes, College of Agriculture, effective 29 Sep­tember 1994.

Santiago N. Tilo, College of Agriculture, effective upon re­tirement.

UP Manila

Ramon F. Abarquez, Jr., College of Medicine, effective 29September 1994.

Zenaida G. Bagabaldo, College of Medicine, effective 29September 1994.

Alendry P. Caviles, Jr., College of Medicine, effective 29September 1994.

UP Visay as

Rogelio O. Juliano, College of Fisheries, effective 29 Sep­tember 1994.


UP Diliman

Heidi Emily E. Abad, as GE Assistant Professor Collegeof Arts and Letters, effective 1July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Efren F. Abaya, renewal as Jesus J.Vergara Professor ofCommunications, College of Enqineerinq, effective 1July 1994until 30 June 1995.

Thelma E. Arambula, as Dr. Salvador P. Lopez AssistantProfessor of English, College of Arts and Letters, effective 1July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Glecy C. Atienza, as GE Assistant Professor, College ofArts Letters, effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Monico M. Atienza, as Santiago H. Fonacier AssistantProfessor of Filipino, College of Arts and Letters, effective 1July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Narcisa P. Canilao, as GE Assistant Professor, UP Col­lege Baguio, effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.












... -

Ma. Veronica G. Caparas. as GE Assistant Professor, Col­lege of Arts and Letters, effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Ludendorffo T. Decenteceo. as Murray S. Bartlett Assis­tant Professor ofSpeech Communication and Theater Arts,College of Arts and Letters, effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June1995.

Ofelia Giron"as UPIP Assistant Professor of Chemistry,UP College Bagulo, effective 1 July 1994until 30 June 1995.

Rosa Maria M. Icagasi, as Diamond Jubilee Professorof Arts Studies, College of Arts and Letters, UPD, effective 1July 1994 unlii 30 June 1995.

Mia A. Pang, as Philamlife Assistant Professor of Math­ematics, College of Science, effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June1995.

Pearl T. Punongbayan, as MMC DJ Assistant Professorof Arts Studies, College of Arts and Letters, effective 1 July1994 until 30 June 1995.

Victoria S. Rico, as GE Assistant Professor, UP CollegeBaguio,effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Wilfredo E. Tamayo, as General Education Associate Pro­fessor, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, effective 1July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

UP Los Banos

Daylinda B. Cabanilla, as UP Endowment Assistant Pro­fessor of Social Forestry, College of Forestry, effective 1 July1994 until 30 June 1995.

Virginia C. Cuevas, as Abelardo G. Samonte AssistantProfessor of Botany, IBS, College of Arts and Sciences, effec­tive 1 January until 31 December 1994.

Ida F. Dalmacio, reappointment as UPFI Associate Pro­fessor of Microbiology, IBS, College of Arts and Sciences, ef­fective 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Purificacion G. Delima, as GE Assistant Professor, UPCollege Baguio,effective 1 Juiy 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Salcedo L. Eduardo, renewal as SEARCA Professor ofVeterinary Parasitology and Protozoology, College ofVeteri­nary Medicine,UPLB,effective1January until31 December1994.

Alexander G. Flor, as Metro Manila Commission Assis­tant Professor of Development Communication, College ofAgriculture, effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Leonora M. Fajutagana, as GE Assistant Professor, Col­lege of Arts and Sciences,effective1 July 1994until30 June 1995.

Marietta A. Gapud, as Metro Manila Commission Assis­tant Professor of Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences,UPLB, effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Reynaldo C. Mabesa, reappointment as Metro Manila Com­mission DJ Associate Professor of Food Science, College ofAgriculture, effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Concepcion B. Madamba, as Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo PonceAssistant Professor of Wood Processing. Collegeof Forestry,effective 1July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Florinia E. Merca, reappointment as SEARCA AssociateProfessor of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, effective1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Jov!ta L. Movillon, as Philippine National Oil CompanyAssociate Professor of Chemical Engineering, College of En­glneenng andAgro-IndustrialTechnology,effective1Januaryuntil31 December 1995.

Silverio S. Obungen, as GE Associate Professor of Math­ematics, IMSP,College of Arts and Sciences,effective1 JUly 1994until 30 June 1995.

Belen M. Rejesus, reappointment as Leopoldo B. UichancoProfessor of Entomology, CollegeofAgriculture, effective1Janu­ary un'" 31 December 1994.

Nelia S. Sabater, as GE Assistant Professor of Mathemat­ics, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 July 1994 unll130June1995.

Zenaida N. Sierra, as GE Assistant Professor IBS Col­lege of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 July 1994 until 30'June1995.

Elizabeth T. Tan, as GE Assistant Professor, IC, College ofArts and Sciences, effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Jerry R. Yapo, as GE Assistant Professor of Humani­ties, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 July 1994 until 30June 1995.

UP Manila

Norberto B. Agcaoili, as Hans Menzi Assistant Profes­sor of Orthopedics, College of Medicine, effective 1 July 1994until 30 June 1995.

Ileana R. F. Cruz, as Mercedes Tan Gotianum DJ AssociateProfessorof Industrial Pharmacy, College ofPhanmacy, effective29 September 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Lourdes R. L. Cruz, as J. V. Sotejo Assistant Professorof Nursing, Collegeof Nursing,effective1 July 1994until 30 June1995.

Virginia R. De Jesus, as Nestle Assistant Professor ofObstetrics (Fetal/Maternal Nutrition), College of Medicine, ef­fective 1 July 1994 unll130June 1995.

Romualdo B. Firmalino, renewal with change in rank fromUPLB Faculty, Students, & Staff DJ Assistant Professor toAssociate Professor of Agricultural Engineering, CEAT, ef­fective 1July 1994 until 30 June 1995

Pacita C. Gavino, as Emanuel V. Soriano Assistant Pro­fessor of Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Virgilio M. Genuino, as Diamond Jubilee Assistant Pro­fessor of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, effective 1 July1994unlii 30 June 1995.

Florante P. Gonzaga, as Elena P. Tan Associate Profes­sorofObstetrics and Gynecology, effective 1 July 1994 until30 June 1995.

Reynaldo H. Imperial, as Antonio Sison Associate Pro­fessor of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, effec­tive 1July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Genara M. Limson, as Zuellig-Pharma Corp. AssociateProfessor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medi­cine, effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Augusto D. Litonjua, as North Texas Medical Group Pro­fessor of Physiology, College of Medicine, effective 1July 1994until 30 June 1995.

Betty D. Mancao, as Drs. Gregorio and Rizalina Lim DJAssistant Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine effective 1July 1994until 30 June 1995. '

Nestor S. Pareja, as Go Kim Pah-Equitable Banking Corp.Associate Professor of Surgery, College of Medicine, effective1 July 1994un1il30June 1995.

Marita V. T. Reyes, renewal as UP Investment PortfolioProfessor of Biochemistry, Collegeof Medicine effective 1July1994untii 30 June 1995. '

Vicente V. Romano, as UP Medicine Class '36 Founda­tion Assistant Professor of Radiology, College of Medicine,effective 1July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Corazon H. Santos, as Sariel Ablaza Assistant Professorof Phanmacology, Collegeof Medicine,effective 1July 1994 until30 June 1995.

Roland G. Simbulan, as Roberto S. Benedicto OJ Assis­~nt Professor of Political.Economy and Development Stud­res, College of Arts and SClences,effective 1 July 1994 until 30June 1995.

Angelica G. Vasquez, as Diamond Jubilee Assistant Pro­f1e9s9s40r


College ofArts and Sciences effective 1Julyun I une 1995. '

UP Visayas

Rodolfo M. Aneta, as OJ Assistant Professor of Math­ematics. UP College Cebu, effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June1995..

Lourdes A. Dureza, as SMC OJ Associate Professor ofInland Fisheries, College of Fisheries, effective 1 July 1994 until30 June 1995.

Mildred J. Gonzales, as Tomas Fonacier Professor ofDevelopment Education, College of Arts and Sciences, effec­tive 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Jesus V. Juario, as Vicente Sinco of Marine Biology, UPCollege Cebu, effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

Kart P. Roque, as Jose and Asuncion Joya Assistant Pro­fessor of Arts Program, UP College Cebu, effective 1 July 1994until 30 June 1995.

Roman C. Sanares, as UCPB Assistant Professor 9-CFof Inland Fisheries, College of Fisheries, effective 1 July 1994until 30 June 1995.

Ebonia B. Seraspe, as Juan De Leon Professor of Bio­logical Science, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 1 July1994 until 30 June 1995.

Victoria N. Sugbo, as OJ Associate Professor of Com­munication, UP Tacloban College, effective 1 July 1994 until 30June 1995.


UP System

Esperanza L. Ibanez, as Assistant Director for Test Adminis­tration, Office of Admissions, effective 5 September 1994 until 4September 1995.

Laura L. Samson, as Director, UP Press, effective 1 October1994 until 30 September 1997.

UP Diliman

Mary Ann A. Espina, as Director II of the Dffice of the Cam­pus Architect,effective 29 September 1994 until 31 May 1997.

Corazon F. Gatchalian, as Director II, Office of ExtensionCoordination, Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs,effective 1 October 1994 until 30 September 1995.

Lorenzo O. Navarro Jr., as Director 1 Office of the NationalAdministrative Register, Law Complex, effective 29 September

1994.UP Manila

Antonio M. Montalban, as Director II (Assistant Director forHealth Operations), PGH, effective 10 May until 31 October 1994.(This supersedes approval by the Board at its 1077th meeting on

27 May 1994).


UP Diliman

Lydia E. Buendia, as Professor 4, College of Human Kinet-ics, effective 6 September 1994 until 31 May 1995. .

Aurelio T. Juguiton, as Professor 12, College of Architec-ture, effective 15 October until 14 October 1995.. .

Ursula G. Picache, as Professor 7, lnstitute of Library SCI­ence, effective 18 October 1994 until 31 March 1995.

Neon C. Rossell, as Professor 6, College of Science, ef­fective 29 September until 15 October 1994.

Herminia H. Santos, reappointment as Associate Profes­sor 2, Institute of Library Science, effective 1 November 1994until 10 October 1995.

Leticia H. Tison, as Professor 9, College of Arts and Let­ters, effective 1 September until 31 October 1994.

Rosa M. Vallejo, as Professor 10 & Dean, Institute of li­brary Science, effective 13 July until 31 October 1994.

UP Los Banos

Elpidio C. Coligado,as Professor6 of Animal Science, lAS,College of Agriculture, effective 3 September until 31 Decem­ber 1994.

Virgilio C. Esguerra, as Professor 7 of Veterinary Physiol­ogy and Phannacology, College of Veterinary Medicine, effective13 August until 20 October 1994.

UP Visayas

Josefa B. Manalon, as Assistant Professor 1 of English,College of Arts and Sciences, effective 3 September until 31December 1994.


Transfer of Management of the UP Vargas MuseumThe Board approved the transfer of the management of

UPVM from the Office of the UP President to the College of Artsand Letters, after President Javier reported that a meeting washeld with the Board ofTrustees of the Vargas Museum whichendorsed the recommendation of the University.Rationale for Transfer

1. To provide a sustainable system of support to UPVM fromthe University and to fulfill the objectives of the UPVM as a guard­ian of our culture, an institution of education and a communitycenter;

2. To strengthen the management of the UPVM in order todevelop its potentials and prevent the irreversible deterioration of

its collections;3. To implement the recommendations of the Department of

Art Studies (on behalf of the College of Arts and Letters) to rem­edy the problems of the present administration of the UPVM,particularly administrative flaws, inadequate staff, inadequatefunding, and;

4. To systematically link and coordinate the development ofUPVM with the academic programs of the University.

The UPVM was established in March 1978 when the privatecollection of Jorge B. Vargas was donated to the UP. The Mu­seum houses a collection of Philippine paintings and sculptures;Filipiniana books, historical papers, documents and photographs;numismatic and philatelic items: and memorabilia. The Museumcollection defines its strengths in the fields of Philippine history(Commonwealth and Japanese periods) and Philippine art his­tory (late 19th century to the first half of the 20th century).

Revised Rules and Regulations of the UP Integrated

SchoolThe Board revised the rules and regulations of the UP Inte­

grated School clarifying certain rules and. sanctions as re­quested by students during dialogues, as discussed and ap­

proved by the faculty.








Guidelines on the Lease of Areas in the Quezon-LagunaLand Grants

The Board approved the general guidelines recommendedby the Regent's Committee on Land Use and Development toapply to the 10,000+ hectares of UP property on the Quezon­Laguna border in the Sierra Madre Mountains.

Authority to Proceed with Bidding of Lease of Three Areasin UP Diliman Campus

The Board granted authority to the President to proceed withbidding of lease of three areas in UPDiliman Campus, as ap­proved by the Regent's Committee on Land Use and Develop­ment:

UP North Shopping Center -10,000 sq.m.UP Diliman Hostel - 8,000 sq.m.Commonwealth Triangle - 6,000 sq.m.

The hostelwill be in addition to the existingdormitorieson cam­pus and students will be assured that dormitories to be relocatedwill remain UP dormitories and will operate at the same subsi­dized rates.

The Board agreed that income flow from major projects whichis expected to be substantial, should be treated as SYSTEM in­come and that there should be some mechanism for distributingor sharing that income among the campuses so that the UP Sys­tem may develop in an integrated manner. This would mean thatUP Diliman will not have sole claim to the income generated fromprojects of the UP Diliman campus in the same manner that in­come generated by other UP campuses will not necessarily ac­crue to their respective campuses. Income from small businessesand concessions in each campus, however,will be treatedas CAM­PUS income.


sonal Services items for the following purposes:1. To accommodate the promotions and step increases of

the faculty and staff of UP including automatic promo­tions for new Ph.Ds among the faculty;

2. To implement the reassignmenUredeployment of itemsfrom the pool of vacant items for optimal and equitabledistribution of workload;

3. To implement transfers/redeployment of personnel fromone unit to another to rationalize unit staffing patterns;

4. To implement some reclassification or changes of posi­tion titles to reflect actual duties of incumbents.

The promotions and step increases will be funded from theMerit Increase Fund provided in the appropriations for the cur­rent year under the General Appropriations Act and from sav­ings in item slacks within the approved personnel services item­ization ofthe University. Implementation ofthe promotions andstep increases funded out of the appropriations withheld for meritincrease, shatl be subject to actual release of the funds by theDepartment of Budget and Management.

Return of the Business Concessions Office to UP DilimanThe Board also confirmed Executive Order NO.6 dated 27

July 1994 by Pres. Emil Q. Javieron the return of the BusinessConcessions Office to UP Diliman.

This includes the transfer of Mr. Antonio J. Bejasa together,with his item from the Business Concessions Office, to the Re­source Generation Office (also known as the Office of the Uni­versity Business Manager).

Guidelines for the Election of the Board of Trustees of theUP Provident Fund

The Board confirmed its earlier approval- by referendumon 24 August 1994 - of the guidelines for the election of theBoard ofTrustees ofthe UP Provident Fund.











Authority to Grant Loans to UPEHCO Manila MembersThe Board granted authority to advance individual salary

loans of P5,000.00 each to UPEHCO Manila members, to ac­quire a cooperative housing lot in Dasrnarinas, Cavite. The Boardgranted a similar privilege (P2,500 each) to UPEHCO Dilimanmembers in 1991 for the Antipolo cooperative housing site.

Revised Rules and Regulations Governing Fraternity andOther Student-Organization-Related Incidents

The Board approved with further revisions, the adoption byUP Visayas of the Revised Rules and Regulations Governing Fra­ternityand Other Student-Organization-Related Incidents whichwere approved for implementation in UP Diliman at its 10371hmeeting on 31 January 1991,

These revised rules and regulations were approved, both bythe Executive Committeeand the UniversityCouncilof UPVisayason 8 August 1991 and 10 August 1991, respectively.

Establishment of a Network of National tnstitutes of Bio­technology in the University of the Philippines

The Board resolved to establish a Network of Nationallnsti­tutions of Biotechnology in the University of the Philippines.

The Biotechnology Research Network was originally plannedin 1981 and the first unit was established at UPLB.

The new biotechnology groups in UP Diliman, UP Manilaand UP Visayas are to be organized from existing faculty, staff,facilities and programs. Additional support from DBM and exter­nalsources is expected.

Authority for the President to MoWfy PersonalServices ItemsThe Board granted authority to the President to modify Per-

Guidelines to Govern the Use of the Special Faculty De­velopment Fund

The Board approved a draft of the Executive Order on theGuidelines to Govern the Use of the Special Faculty Develop­ment Fund.


Institution of the Ph.D. in Human Nutrition ProgramThe Board approved the institution of a Ph.D. in Human Nu­

trition Program at the Institute of Human Nutrition and' Food,College of Human Ecology, UP Los Banos.

Graduation of StudentsThe Board approved the graduation of students with a For­

est Ranger Certificate from UP Tacloban College, UPV, as ofthe end of Summer 1994.

The Board also confirmed itsapproval- through referendumon 22 September 1994 - of the list of candidates for graduationfrom the different colleges and units of UP Diliman and UPVisayas as of the end of Summer 1994.


The Board accepted, with thanks, the following donationsand established professorial chairs, as follows:

P300,000.OO from Mr. Gregorio Abreu, for the establishmentof a Gregorio B. Abreu and Cornelia Moreros Abreu Profes­sorial Chair in Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, College ofSCience, UP Diliman.

P300,000.00 from the family of Norberto ArguellesQuisumbing for the establishment of a Norberto ArguellesQuisumbing Professorial Chair in Agribusiness, UP LosBanos.

P300,000.00 from Amparo Vicente Barcelon for the es­tablishment of a Demetrio and Antonia Vicente ProfessorialChair in Chemistry, College of Science, UP Diliman.

P300,000.00 from Feliciano Belmonte, Jrforthe establish­ment of the Betty Go-Belmonte Professorial Chair in Litera­ture, Department of English and Comparative Literature, Col­lege of Arts and Letters, UP Diliman.

P300,000.00 from the Metro Pacific Corporation for the es­tablishment of a Metro Pacific Professorial Chair in Chemis­try, UP Diliman.

P300,000.00 from Dr. Juan Manuel, Sr. and family fortheestablishment of a Juan Manuel Professorial Chair in TeacherEducation, UP Diliman.

The Board noted that the present P5M Pharmacy RevolvingFund can supply only about 65% of its patients' needs and thestocks of the Pharmacy remain good for only two weeks, withthe Pharmacy having to procure supplies every other week toreplace consumed items.

UP Printery BudgetThe Board restored the UP Printery Budget to the UP Sys­

tem Administration Internal Operating Budget by transferringP1,994,000.00 from the UP Diliman Internal Operating Budget.


The Board confinmed the following memoranda of agree­ment entered into by the University:

UP Diliman

Philippine Geothenmal Inc. Science Scholarship for UPDiliman students

Initial donation of P148,000.00 from the Philippine Geother­mal, Inc. for the Philippine Geothermal Inc. Science Scholarshipfor UP Diliman students.

Supplemental Budget for UP Law ComplexThe Board approved a Supplemental Budget of

P5,155,000.00 for the UP Law Complex.This budget is supplemental to the UP Diliman Intemal Oper­

ating Budget funded from the Revolving Fund. The totaldisburse­ments under the UPD-IOB - fund from income - shall not exceedactual income collected and deposited in this fund.

It is understood that all disbursements from this supplementalbudget shall be made in accordance with the usual accountingand auditing rules and regulations.


Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Edu­cation, Culture and Sports (DECS)Project: Short-term scholarship program designed for teachersof science and mathematics in both the elementary (Strategiesfor Problem Solving in Mathematics) and secondary (Physics,Analytical Geometry and Basic Calculus) levels.Effectivity: Immediately upon signing by both parties, for the du­ration of the 1994 Summer courses.Signed: 25 April 1994

Memorandum of Understanding on Educational and Sci­entific Cooperation with Victoria University of Technol­ogy, AustraliaProject: Cooperation in all fields of education, training and re­search.Duration: The Agreement will remain in effect until one party no­tifies the other of its wish to terminate the agreement at leastninety days before the end of an academic' year.Signed: 22 July 1994

Supplemental Budget for the UP Integrated SchoolThe Board approved a supplemental budget of P344,000.00

for the UP Integrated School, representing income from theschool'scanteen concession.

This supplemental budget is chargeable against the Excess~ ncome as certified by the UP Diliman Chief Accountant.

It is understood that all disbursements from this supplementalbudget shall be made in accordance with the usual accountingand auditing rules and regulations.

Reprogramming of SavingsThe Board approved the reprogramming of P15,108,671.00

savings from the accounts payable of UP Los Banos from FY1986 to FY 1993 as certified by the Officer-in-Charge of the Ac­countinq Office.

This is necessary to fund the SupplementaryMaintenance andOther Operatinq Expenses of academic and administrativeoffices.Moreover, reproqrarnmed funds will be used to support UniversityCommunity Relations and other essential proqrarns,

Any obliqation/disbursernent to be made against this appro­priation shall be subject to the usual accounting and auditingrules and regulations.

Increase in Inventory Ceiling for Drugs, Medicines, andMedical/Surgical Supplies .

The Board increased the inventory ceillnq for drugs and rnedi­cines and medical/surgical supplies of the PGH Pharmacy Re­volving Fund from P5M (since 1988) to P1ark

Amendments to the Memorandum of Agreement withCagayan Electric Power and Light Co.

Amendmentsto the Memorandumof Agreement between UPand the Cagayan Electric Power and Light Co. which was en­tered into and signed on 18 August 1992 regarding scholarshipgrants for two students from Northern Mindanao, enrolled in thefollowing courses:

Bachelor of Science in Electrical EngineeringBachelor of Science in MechanicalEngineeringBachelor of Science in Civil EngineeringBachelor of Science in Industrial EngineeringBachetor of Science in Electronics and Communi­cation Engineering

Memorandum of Understanding with the Silpakorn Univer­sity, the Gadjah Mada University, and the Universiti Sains,MalaysiaProject: Establishment of an Archaeloqical Consortium.Effectivity/duration: The agreement shall take effect for three (3)years, subject to renewals for three-year periods or less.Signed: August 18,1994

Memorandum of Understanding with Yaman Lahi Found­ation, Emilio Aguinaldo CollegeProject: Educational and Scientific.c~operatlon .Duration: The agreement will remain In effect until one party no­tifies the other of its wish to terminate the agreement at leastninety days before the end of an academic year.







UP Diliman

The Board noted the following Memoranda of Agreement andGeneral Services Contracts submitted for its information:

EffectivitylTermination: Effective for one year upon signing of allparties.Signed: 20 July 1994

EffectiVity/Duration: Two years, effective upon signing by bothparties.Signed: March 30, 1994




First PrizeSecond PrizeThird Prize

Memorandum of Agreement with Viva Productions, Inc.Project: "Viva Scriptwriling Awards 1994-95'" which shall be opento all bonafide students of the UP System, including alumni whohave graduated not more than two (2) years before the date ofthe launching ofthe contest. Deadline for submission of entriesis on the last day of the Second Semester of Academic Year1994-1995.Awards:Three'(3)winners for each category, namely, Screen­playandTeleplay.

Memorandum of Agreement with Viva Productions, Inc.Project: "Viva Awards for Creative Works" which shall be

open to all qualified candidates for graduation in the fields ofFilm and Audio-Visual Communication and Broadcast Com­munication.Awards:P10,000 to be awarded to a student in Broadcast Communica­tionP10,000 to be awarded to a student in Film and Audio-VisualCommunicationEffectivity: Effective for one year upon signing by all parties.Signed: 20 July 1994

Memorandum of Understanding with Bayer Philippines, Inc.Project: Establishment of the Bayer Veterinary Student Scholar­ship Grant in the College of Veterinary Medicine.Project Cost: P17,825.00 for one grantee per semester for basicsemestral expenditures and additional P3,800.00 per grantee inthe last year for thesis allowance and graduation expenses.Effectivity: The scholarship grant takes effect beginning the firstsemester of AY 1994-1995.Signed: April 12 ,1994

Research Contract (No.7634/RB) with Nitrogen FixationLaboratory, and the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA),through the National Institutes of Biotechnology andMicrobiology (BIOTECH)Dr. Juanito C. Mamaril will serve as the Chief Scientific Investiga­tor.Project: 'The Use of DNA Probes to Follow the Establishment

and Ecology of an Introduced Asymbiotic Nitrogen Fixing Bacte­ria to an Acid Clay Type Soil".The program of work will involve the development of molecularbiology methods for identifying micro-organisms in the soil, e.g.the use of marker genes of DNA probes. These methods will betested and used by proposed contractors from developing coun­tries to solve problems related to Rhizobal inoculation of legumi­nous crops.

UP Los Banos

Memorandum of Understanding with UPLB College of Ag­riculture Alumni Association, Metro-Manila ChapterProject: "Establishment of UPLBCAAA-MMC UndergraduateScholarship Grant in the College of Agriculture.Project Cost: P31,000.00 per school year for each grantee usuallyenrolled in the junior year of the covered college course, andP37,000.00 for each grantee actually enrolled in the last year ofsaid course.Duration: This undergraduate scholarship grant takes effect be­ginning the first semester of AY 1994-1995.Signed: June 2, 1994




Memorandum of Understanding with YGGACCHAI FarmsCorporation, through the National Institutes of Biotech­nology and Microbiology (BIOTECH)Project: Field Trials of a Specific SUb-unitVaccine Against Hem­orrhagic Septicimia.

The YGGACHAI binds itself to finance the field trials of theproject for a period of six months in the amount of P66,500.00subject to additional allocation as the need arises.Effectivity: The Agreement shall take effect upon signing by theparties until September 30, 1994.Signed: April 15, 1994




The Board approved the following appoinments, reappoint­ments, renewals of appointment, promotions, increase in salary,and related matters:





Memorandum of Agreement with the Bureau of Agricul­tural Research (BAR)Project: Conduct of Farmer's Day by the UPLB-BIOTECH whichis one of the most effective means of disseminating research re­sults to the farmers.Project Cost: P15,OOOto be provided by BAR to UPLB-BIOTECHEffectivity: The Agreement shall take effect upon execution untilcompletion of Farmer's Day.Signed: December 23, 1993

Memo~andum of Agreement with Reynaldo B. Pecaria andWIfe Gina M. PecanaProject:Pagpapakila ng kapaki-pakinabangna BUKIDHUWARAN(Model Farm) ng mga magsasakang may mababang kita.

UP Los Banos

Apolonia L.Talatala, promotion and transfer from Adminis­trative Officer II, Institute of Agrarian Studies, to Records OfficerV, Records Management Office, effective 17 November 1994.

UP Manila

Juanlto S..Javier, reappointment as Medical Specialist III,(part-time), Philippine General Hospital, effective 17 November1994 until 31 December 1994.

Evelyn D. Omafia, promotion from Nurse IV to Nurse VI Phil-ippine General Hospital, effective 17 November 1994. '


UP Diliman

Wilhelmina L. Cabo, as Assistant Professor 3, College ofPublic Administration, effective 17 November 1994.

Teofino C. Macablog, as Assistant Professor 1, UP CollegeBaguio, effective 17 November 1994.

Aurora B. Vistro, as Instructor 3, College of Social Sciencesand Philosophy, effective 17 November 1994.

UP Manila

Kenneth Y. Hartigan Go, as Assistant Professor 1, Collegeof Medicine, effective 17 November 1994.

UP Visayas

Ma. Paz Socorro C. Macahilig, as Assistant Professor 1 ofScience, C011ege of Arts and Sciences, effective 17 November1994.

Maria Joji B. Tan, as Assistant Professor 1 of English, Co/­lege of Arts and Sciences, effective 17 November 1994.


UP Diliman

Ma. Eufrecina P. Barros, as UCPB Assistant Professor ofSpeech Communication, UP College Baguio, effective 17 No­vember 1994 until 16 November 1995.

Virginia B. Dandan, as Jose and Asuncion Joya AssociateProfessor of Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, effective i 7 No­vember 1994 until 16 November 1995.

Ianthe C. De Leon, as College of Arts and Sciences A/umniFoundation Associate Professor of Teaching, College of Artsand Letters, effective 17 November 1994 until 16 November 1995.

Leonilo O. Doloricon, as Fernando Amorsolo OJ Assis­tant Professor of Visual Communication, College of Fine Arts,effective 17 November 1994 until 16 November 1995.

Froilan T. Madrinan, as Ignacio Villamor Associate Pro­fessor of Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, effective 17 Novem­

er 1994 until 16 November 1995.Leonardo C. Rosete as Guillermo Tolentino OJ Assistant

Professor of Visual Communication, College of Fine Arts, ef­fective 17 November 1994 until 16 November 1995.

Laura L. Samson, as PNOC OJ Associate Professor ofSociology, College of Soc/aI Sciences and Philosophy, effective17 November 1994 unti/16 November 1995.

Ma. Lourdes Sereno, as Benjamin M. Gozon AssistantProfessor of Law, College of Law, effective 17 November 1994until 16 November 1995.

Alfredo F. Tadiar, as Don Quintin Paredes Professor ofRemedial Law College of Law, effective 17 November 1994 until16 November 1995.

Virginia A. Teodosio, as OJ Associate Professor of Indus­trial Relations, School Of Labor and Industrial Relations, effec­tive 17 November 1994 until 16 November 1995.

Anna Christie V. Torres, as UPFI Assistant Professor ofEnglish, UP College Baguio, effective 17 November 1994 until16 November 1995.

Antonio B. Villaflor, as UP Alumni in Wisconsin AssistantProfessor of Physics, National Institute of Physics, College ofScience, effective 17 November 1994 until 16 November 1995.

UP Manila

Adalberto R.Alday, as MMC OJ Associate Professor ofMedical Microbiology, College of Public Health, effective 17November 1994 until 16 November 1995.

Martin J. De La Rosa, as MMC OJ Associate Professorof Public Health, College of Public Health, effective 17 Novem­ber 1994 until 16 November 1995.

Emilie D.G. Flores, as UCPB OJ Associate Professor ofPublic Health, College of Public Health, effective 17 November1994 until 16 November 1995.

Perla S. Macaraeg, as MMC OJ Assistant Professor ofEnvironmental and Occupational Health, College of PublicHealth, effective 17 November 1994 until 16 November 1995.

Ofelia P. Saniel, as MMC OJ Assistant Professor of Epi­demiology and Biostatistics, College of Public Health, effec­tive 17 November 1994 until 16 November 1995.

Nelia S. Tan-Liu, as Dr. Jose V. Andaya Sr. Assistant Pro­fessor of Pathology, College of Medicine, effective 17 Novem­ber 1994 until 16 November 1995.

William D. Torres, as Emilio C. Yap, Jr. Associate Profes­sor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, effective 1 July 1994until 30 June 1995.


UP System

Aurora Fe. C. Bautista, Director, Distance Education Pro­gram, Visayas, effective 28 July 1994 until 31 May 1995.

Elizabeth Diaz, Director, Distance Education Program,Diliman, effective 8 August until 31 December 1994.

Felix Librero, Director, Distance Education Program, LosBanos, effective 1 August 1994 until 31 July 1995.

Arturo Pesigan, Director, Distance Education Program, Ma­nila, effective 28 July 1994 until 31 May 1995.

UP Diliman

Patrick Alain T. Azanza, transfer from Executive Assistantto Director II, Human Resource Development Office, OVCA, ef­fective 1 November 1994.

Maria Cynthia Rose B. Bautista, renewal of appointmentas Executive Director, University Center for Integrative and De­velopment Studies, effective 1 November 1994 until 31 October1997.

Evangeline M. Ortiz, renewalof appointment as Dean, AsianInstitute ofTourism, effective 1 November 1994 for a term ofthree years.

Evelina A. Pangalangan, appointment as Dean, Collegeof SocialWor!< and Community Development, effective ,1 Decem­ber 1994 until 30 November 1997.

UP Los Banos

Randy A. Hautea, as Director, Institute of Plant Breedinq,effective 1 December 1994 until 30 November 1997.

Pacifico Payawal, as Dean of the College of Arts and Sci­ences, effective 1 December 1994 until 30 November 1997.

UP Manila

Cristina F. Mencias, renewal of appointment from Directorto Dean, National Teachers Traininq Center for the Health Pro-





fessions, (NTICHP), effective 1 December 1994 until 31 July1997.

UP Visayas

Gil C. Gotiangco, extensionof the appointment. as Associ­ate Dean,UPCebu College,effective16 October1994until 31December 1996.

The Boardconfirmed the following adinterim appointments:

UP Diliman

Esperanza L. Ibanez, Assistant Director for Test Adminis­tration, Office of Admission,effective 5 September1994until 4September1995.

Engracia Q. Bangaoil, as UniversityLegalCounsel, Officeof Legal Services,effective 11 December1994until 10 Decem­ber 1995.

Patrick V. Santo, as UniversityLegalCounsel,OfficeofLe­galServices, effective3 November 1994until2 November 1995.

UP Los Banos

Benito A.Oliveros, renewal of appointment as AgriculturalCenterChief,Philippine CarabaoCenter, effective1September1994until 31 August 1995.

dent, upon recommendation of the Deanofthe unit, renewsthat appointmentfor a periodof one (1) year.

In no case,however, undernormalcircumstances, shallsuchrenewal exceed five (5) yearsfrom the date ofthe initialappointment.

c. After an Instructor has served three (3) years, it shall bemandatoryfor the head of the academic unit (e.g., depart­ment)to reviewhis/her tenurability, and to inform him/her ofpossiblenon-renewal ofappointmentat the endof the fourthyear.

Afterthe Instructorhas servedfor four (4)years, the samereviewshouldbe undertaken.

This reviewshall be regularlyreportedto the Dean.d. After that five-year period, the appointment shall automati­


e. Promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor shall be givenonlywhenthe Instructorshall haveobtaineda graduatede.gree, oraccomplished outstanding academic, creative, or professional work.

f. Other rules on tenure to the contrary notwithstanding, anInstructor maybegiventenureunderthe following conditions:


UP Diliman

Felipe L. Jocano, as Professor 11, Asian Center,effective5 Februaryuntil30 April 1995.

Genaro T. Marzan, as Professor9, Collegeof Engineering,effective1 November1994until31 March1995.

IIdefonso P. Santos, as Professor4,College ofArchitecture,effective5 September1994until4 September1995.

1. Appropriateacademicbodieshave acted favorablyon his/her tenure as well as promotion to Assistant Pro­fessor.However, there is no funding for the promotion toAssistantProfessor;

2. He/Shehas alreadyobtained an MNMS or equiva­lent degree, or accomplished outstandingacademic,cre­ative,or professionai work;and

3. He/shehasalreadyserved MERITORIOUSLY for atleastfive (5) years.

1. The appointment issued by a dean or director shall takeeffect upon issuance thereof;

2. The appointmentshall be subject to confirmation by theChancellorconcerned (with respectto all appointmentstheapproval of whichhasbeendelegated or shallbedelegatedto Chancellors), or the President (withrespectto allappoint­mentstheapprovalofwhichhas beendelegated or shallbedelegated to the President;

3. Subject to existing rules governing permanency, the tem­porary appointment may be made permanent after confir­mation, effective eitheruponthedatethe temporary appoint­ment was issued by the dean or director concerned, or atsomelater date, as the case may be;


Amendment to the Rules Governing Fraternity-RelatedMisconduct

The Boarddecided that implementation in UPVisayasof theRulesGoverningFraternityRelatedMisconduct, as amended atits 1080thmeeting on29 September 1994,shall takeeffectseven(7)daysaftercircularization by the Chancellor of UPVisayas.

Justification: The"RulesGoverning Fraternity-Related Miscon­duct"as originallyapprovedin November1993,specifythat theyshalltakeeffectsevendaysafterpublication in thePhilippine Coi­legian.

Art. 177. Instruc!ors - (a)The initialappointment in the Univer­sity to the rankof Instructorshall be temporary incharacter, for aperiodnotexceedingone (1) yearb. A temporary appointmentshallautomatically terminate at the

end ofthatone-yearperiodunless theChancellor or thePresi-

Revision of Rules on Faculty TenureThe Boardrevised the faculty tenure rulesas providedfor in

Art 177of the Revised UniversityCode (portionsin capital let­ters to be inserted):

Appointments with Retroactive Effectivityf-----------------------i The Boardapproved the followingguidelinestowards solv­

ingproblems arising outof recommended appointments with ret-r-----------------------i roactiveeffect: •

The Board of Regents hereby authorizes deans and di­rectors of principal unitsto issuetemporary appointments,subject totheconditions specified below, to personnel whoseappointments havebeen delegated (or shall be delegated)toChancellors or the President, asthe casemay be,for finalapproval:










ber of UP College of MedicineClass of 1962, to fund the Dr.Gregorio T. Alvior, Jr. Award for Academic Excellence inMedicine.

Deedof Donation and Acceptance with UPCollege of MassCommunication Foundation, Inc.Donation: Equipment and other properties.Signed: 23August1994

4. Confirmation as used herein shall mean that the appoint­mentthat is subjectto confirmation maybe disapproved ordiscontinued, ormodified with respect toallconditions ofem­ployment (e.g., rankordesignation, salary, etc.) bytheChan­cellor concerned, or the President, as the casemaybe;

5. A temporary appointment issuedby any dean or directorlapses,unlessthesameisconfirmed withinsixmonths fromthe dateof issuancebythedean ordirector, and

6. The Presidentshall issueappropriate rulesandotherguide-I_-=- -=- --.-jlines to implementthis policydecision. I

Smallanimals - P50.00 per headper teamLarge animais - P100.00perheadperteam

Journalism 121 (Electronic Newsroom) - P500Journalism 104(Newspaper Editing) - from P300to P500Film

Laboratory Feesat College of Mass CommunicationTheBoard approved thefollowing laboratory feesforcertain

courses attheCollege ofMassCommunication effective SecondSemester AY 1994-95:

Justification: Theanimal-catching teamfaces realhazardsin carrying outitstask. This littleincentive willencourage themtocarry outtheirjobwithzealandefficiency. Theincentives shallbetaken fromthefines collected andshall bedivided equally amongall the teammembers.







102104106113114122197201 "203"205220240"270

Justification:1. P100 laboratory fee: Theseclasses are lectureandwrit­

ingclasses thatrequire frequent classfilmviewings thatusefilmandvideo equipment andvideotapes, bothrented andpurchased.

2.P200·400 laboratory fee: Theseclasses areproductionclasses whichuse expensive 16 mmfilmstock(or videotapes),16 mm cameras (or video camera) and editing facilities of theCollege ofMassCommunication.

3. Courses with asterisk(") are graduatecourseswhicharenot new, but will now avail of the undergraduate film supplies,equipment, andfacilities, starting the second semester, 1994­95. Thelaboratory feesareconsistent withpreviously approvedlaboratory fees for lectureand production classes.

Incentive Pay for Members of Team To Impound StrayAnimals

TheBoardapproved incentive payfor members of the team(4-5members) involved incatching stray animals roaming theUPDiliman Campus, as follows:

Creation olthe Position of "Adjunct Professor"The Board created theposition of"Adjunct Professor" withthe

following criteria:The"adjunct professor" designation shallbegivento a recog­

nizedexpertinhislherfieldwhois notemployed bythe Universityand who is Willing to devote part of his time to teachingand/orresearch intheUniversity. Heshall notreceive compensation fromtheUniversity.

Theposition of"adjunct professor" is inaddition to thefollowingcategories of faculty members intheUniversity:

Restoration of the Position of Assistant SecretaryThe Boardapproved the restoration of the position of Assis­

tant Secretary in the University, witha SalaryGradeof26.

Guidelines on the Award of Professorial ChairsThe Boardapproved thefollowing guidelines ontheaward of

a Professorial Chair:Assignment toa Professorial Chairwhich heretofore hasbeen

considered as an appointmentshall henceforth beconsidered anaward.

Thispolicy decision shallapplyalsotoallappointments toPro­fessorialChairspreviously approved bythe Board of Regents orthePresident orChancellors in 1994;and

In the caseoflhose that havealreadybeenapproved by theBoard of Regents, orthe President, orChancellors, inanycasein1994priorto theadoption of thispolicydecision,theeffectivity ofthe professorial chairappointments shall beasoriginally specifiedin thecorresponding basicpaper, notonthe datetheywereap­proved by the Boardor the President or Chancellors. Inthiscon­nection,properadjustments shall bemadein the timescheduleduring which therequirements (e.g., professorial chair lecture) shallbe fulfilled.

1."Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor" attheCollege ofMed~cinewhoseappointments arewithoutcompensation;

2.'VisitingProfessor" is a designation givento afaculty mem­berof anotheracademic institution whois teaching intheUniver­sity. The terms of employment dependon the memorandum ofagreement executed by the University withthe motherinstitutionof the individualconcerned or upon the terms of the invitation.Compensation willbeona case-to-case basis. Request forfund­ing, however, shouldbe madein advanceby therequesting unitfor purposes ofallocation offunds; and

3."Affiliate Faculty" isa designation givento astaffofa UPunitwho is tapped to teach a course in another UP unit and giventeachingload credits in accordance withpertinentexistingpoli­cies.


Dr.Gregorio T. Alvior, Jr. Award for Academic ExcellenceThe Board accepted, with thanks, a $40,000.00

(P1 ,020,520.00) donation fromDr.Gregorio T. Alvior Jr.,a mem- 51










The Board eonfinned the following memoranda of agreementor understanding:

UP Diliman

Memorandum of Understanding with SI. Augustine SambaliFund Inc.Project: To undertake activities in connection with the Ugnayanng Pahinungod/Oblation CorpsEffectivity/Duration: Upon signing by the parties for a period offive (5) years.Signed: 21 September1g94

"Kasunduan" with Pagkakaisa ng mga Ayta sa Camias,Porac, Pampanga (PAGKAKAISA)Project: To undertake activities in connection with the Ugnayanng Pahinungod/Oblation Corps.Effectivity/Duration: Effective upon signing by the parties for a pe­riod of five (5) years.Signed: 21 September 1994

Memorandum of Agreement for a Student Exchange Pro­gram with the University of New South WalesProject: Exchange of graduate and undergraduate students.Effectivity/Duration: Upon signing by the parties for five years.Signed: 10 October 1994

Memorandum of Agreement with the UP Engineering Re­seach and Development Foundation, Inc. (UPERDFI)Project: The University extends the authority ofthe Foundation tomanage the operation of the National Hydraulic Research Cen­ter (NHRC).Effectivity/Duration: Effective for three years upon approval bythe Board of Regents of the University.Signed: 19 September 1994

UP Los Banos

Memorandum of Understanding with INPHILCO, Inc.Project: Establishment of the INPHILCO, Inc. Animal Nutri­

tion Major Undergraduate Scholarship Grant in the Institute ofAnimal Science, College of Agriculture.Amount of Grant: P37.200.00 for basic yearly expenditures andthesis expenses.Effectivity: Effective First Semester SY 1994- 1995.Signed: 18 July 1994

Memorandum of Understanding with INPHILCO, Inc.Project: Establishment of the INPHILCO Veterinary Student Schol­arship Grant in the College of Veterinary Medicine.Amount of Grant: P17.825.00 per semester for basic expendi­tures and additional P3,800.00 in the last year for thesis allow­ance and graduation expenses.Effectivity: Effective First Semester. SY 1994-1995.Signed: 26 July 1994

Memorandum ofAgreement between UP Los Banos and UPVisayas

Project: Offering of the Master of Science in Computer Science(MSCS) Program of the UPLB College of Arts and Sciences inUP Cebu College.

Effectivity/Duration: Effective upon signing by the parties until31 May 1997.Signed: 12 May 1994

Memorandum of Agreement with In~ernationalCenter forResearch in Agroforestry (ICRAF), Nairobi, KenyaProject: Collaborative undertakings in areas where they may havecommon research and training objectives.EffectivitylDuration: Upon signing by the parties for four years.Signed: 1 June 1994

Memorandum of Agreementwith KAPWA Upliftment Foun­dation,lne.Project: Conduct of different trainings in Davao City to promoteeffective dissemination and use of agroforestry technologies.EffectivitylDuration: Upon signing by the parties, for41/2 monthsornotlaterthan15 June 1994.Signed: 1 March 1994

The Board noted the following Memoranda of Agreement re­gard'lng academic matters:

UP Diliman

Renewal of Memorandum of Agreement with Claret Forma­tion CenterProject: Faculty Exchange Program.Duration: Upon signing, for a one-year period.Signed: 23 September 1994


Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of HealthProject: To work as partners in facilitating/ promoting health de­velopment in UP Visayas.EffectivitylDuration: Upon signing by the parties.Signed: 3 August 1994

Memorandum of Agreement with Philippine Science HighSchool (PSHS) through PSHS VisayasProject: Academiccooperation whereby UPV shall allow selectedteachers to teach specific subjects as lecturers in PSHSV usingthe prescribed PSHS syllabi.Effectivity: Upon signing by the parties until the end of SY 1994­95, subject and without prejudice to agreements specifying shorterperiods of at least one (1) semester for certain teachers.Signed: 20 July 1994


The Board noted the following research contracts entered intoby and between the University (represented by the President)and individual faculty members (Research Fellow) for the under­taking of specific projects under the administration of:

University Center for Integrative andDevelopment Studies

Mr. Arnold M. Azurin

Research Title: Surmounting the Sabah Sandtrap in Philippine­Malaysian Realpolitik

Research Grant: P65,000.00, payable in installments of20% upon submission of the approved Research Project!Budget

40% upon submission of at least 60% of research output40% upon submission of Final Report

Professor Miriam Coronel-Ferrer, andProfessor Reynaldo Ty, Department of Political Science, Col­legeof SocialSciencesand Philosophy.Research Title:State-of-the-Art Research onHuman Rights andPeace-related workResearch Grant:P30,OOO.00 payable in installments of20%uponsubmission of theapproved Research ProjecVBudget40%upon submission of at least60%of research output40%upon submission of Final Report

Professor Albina P. Fernandez, Departmenfof Filipino, Col­legeof Artsand LettersResearch Project: Todirect, write, editandproduce two publica­tionsonWomen's Studies andGender IssuesResearch Grant: P10,000.0020% upon submission of the approved Research Project!Budget40%uponsubmission of at least60%of researchoutput40%uponsubmission of FinalReport











Ana Celeste P. Bernad, appointmentas University LegalCounsel, Legal Office, effective 1 January un1il31 December1995.

Arsenio R.Pagador, Jr., promotion from BudgetOfficer IIito University Extension SpecialisllV, Budget Office. effective 16December 1995.

Rene Ma. M. Villa, appointment as DeputyGeneralCoun-

Ma.Luisa Fetizardo,appointment asUniversity Legal Coun­sel, Office of Legal Services, effective 1 January until 31 De­cember 1995.

Rowena Margaret G. Lazo, appointment as UniversityLe­gal Counsel, Officeof LegalServices, effective 1 Januaryuntil31 December 1995.

Marie Sally Grace Quirino, appointmentas UniversityLe­gal Counsel, Officeof Legal Services, effective1 Januaryuntil31 December 1995.

TheBoardapproved thefollowing appoinments, reappoint­ments, renewals of appointment, promotions, increase in sal­ary,etc.:


Release of Matters Approved by the Board of RegentsTheBoard approved therelease ofmatters approved by it, in

the following manner, particularly regarding:1. Appointments: Notification ofApproval ofAppointments

to be released soonafterthe Boardmeeting, withoutwaitingfortheapproval orconfirmation of theminutesofthe saidmeeting,as practised inthepast. (Thereis noBoardpolicythat the issu­ance ofnotices ofapprovat ofappointments mustbeheld inabey­ance until approval of theMinutes). However, the issuance oftheNoticeof Approval shall be deferredif there were some ques­tionsneeding further clarifications andthesearesettled and per­tinent information shall havebeen verified.

2. Contracts and Memoranda of Agreements: Similarly,if noquestions orobjections are raised, the excerptson theAp­proval of Contracts or memoranda of agreements shouldbere­leased soonafterthemeeting of the Board.

3. Policies or amendments of existing policies and simi­lar matters: Where these were approved, the excerpts per­tainingtotheir approval should beissued immediately. Where cor­rections orrewording aretobe made. thepolicy proposal shall bepresented anewat thenextmeeting of the Board. e

University Center for Women's Studies

Professor Maureen C. Pagaduan,College of SocialWorkandCommunity DevelopmentResearch Project: Criticalreviewof the contents andpedagogi­cal approachesin Community Organizing courses.Research Grant:P10,000.0020%uponsubmission of the approvedResearch ProjecVBudget40% uponsubmission of at least60%of research output40% uponsubmission ofFinal Report

Professor Rosario H.Asong, Humanities Division, College ofArts & Sciences, UPVisayasResearch Project: Research, Action, Advocacy andServices forWomenin the UniversityResearch Grant: P50,000.0020% upon submission of the approved Research ProjecVBudget40% uponsubmission of at least60% of research output40% uponsubmission of FinalReport

Ms. Filomin A. Candaliza, Department of Sociology, College ofSocialSciencesand PhilosophyResearch Project: To collect, consolidate andevaluate teachingand referencematerials on gender issues needed for the cur­riculum/materials development projectResearch Grant: P1 0,000.00 payable in installments of20%uponsubmission of the approved Research ProjecVBudget40% uponsubmission of at least60% of research output40% uponsubmission of FinalReport

Dr. Ester A.Garcia, Instituteof Chemistry, College of ScienceResearch Title: Research Project onCoco-chemicalsResearch Grant:P118,120.00payable in installments of20%uponsubmission of theapproved Research ProjecVBudget40% uponsubmission of at least60% of research output40% uponsubmission of FinalReport

Dr.Bonifacio S. Salamanca, Department of History, College ofSocialSciencesandPhilosophy. f----------------------tResearch Title: A Centuryof Philippine- American Relations: AFilipino Perspective (1898-1 998)Research Grant:P90,OOO.00 payable ininstallments of20%uponsubmission of theapproved Research ProjecVBudget40% uponsubmissionof at least60%of research output40% uponsubmissionof FinalReport

Professor DoloresA. Endriga,School ofUrban&Regional Plan­ningResearch Project: Todevelop instructional materials toenrich gen­dercontentofexisting courses in planning forthe research wor1<lprojectResearch Grant: P10,000.OO payable ininstallments of20%uponsubmission of theapproved Research ProjecVBudget40% uponsubmission of at least60%of research output l------------------------t40% uponsubmission of FinalReport






sel, Office of Legal Services, effective 1 January until 31 Decem­

ber 1995.

UP Manila

Romulo N. Aguilar, reappointment as Medical Specialist III(part-time), College of Medicine, 16 until 31 December 1994.

Raymond S. Alonso, reappointment as Medical Specialist III(part-time), College of Medicine, 16 until 31 December 1994.

UP Visayas

Minda J. Formacion, promotion from Professor 1 to 3, effec­tive 16 December 1994.


UP Diliman

Mercedes P. Adorio, as UPIP Associate Professor ofSpe­cial Education, College of Education, effective 1 January until31 December 1995.

Cecilia D. Alip, as UP Investment Portfolio Professor ofSpecial Education, College of Education, effective 1 Januaryuntil 31 December 1995.

Nestor R. Balmores, as UPIP Associate Professor of Edu­cational Administration, College of Education, effective 1Janu­ary until 31 December 1995.

Fe C. Garcia, as Congressional Spouses Foundation As­sociate Professor of Health Education, College of Education,effective 1July 1994 until 30 June 1995.

·,Editha M. Marcelo, as Gentry Foundation DJ AssociateProfessor of Educational Psychology, College of Education,effective 1January until 31 December 1995.

Niceto S. Poblador, as Herminio & Remedios Cordero Lla­mas Professor of Business Administration, College of Busi­ness Administration, effective 1 July 1994 unlil31 October 1995.

Carolina S. A. Rionda, as Francisco Benitez Professorof Language Education, College of Education, effective 1 Janu­ary until 31 December 1995.

Asteya M. Santiago, as Transport Training Center DJ Pro­fessor of Urban and Regionat Planning as School of Urbanand Regional Planning, effective 1 January until 31 December1995.

UP Los Banos

Ernesto P. Lozada, as SEARCA Professor of AgriculturalEngineering, College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Tech­nology, effective 1 January until 31 December 1993.


Perlita M. San Juan, as Assistant Professor 1, effective 16December 1995


UP System

Carmel.ita Y. Guno, as University General Counsel, Office ofLe9al Services, effective 1 January until 31 December 1995.

Policarpla M. Magpili, renewal as Dean, College of AlliedMedical Professions, for a three-year term effective 16 Decem­ber 1994.

Antonio M. Moritalban, as Director, Philippine General Hos­pital, for a three-year term effective 19 December 1994.

UP Diliman

Nestor R. Balmores, appointment as Director of Instruction,Office of Instruction, OVCAA, effective 1 January until 31 De­cember 1995.

Marichu C. Lambino, appointment as Chief Legal Officer,Legal Office, effective 1 January until 31 December 1995.

UP Los Banos

Rita P. Laude, appointment as Director of Instruction, IBS,College of Arts and Sciences, effective 16 December 1994.

UP Manila

Rosvida R. Rosal, appointment as University Librarian andLibrarian-in-Charge,effective 1 January until 31 December 1998.


Nathaniel G. Samson, appointment as Chief, Human Re­source Development Office, effective 1 January until 31 Decem­ber 1995.

UP Manila

The Board confirmed the temporary transfer from part-timeto full-time of the following as earlier approved by the Chancel­lors:

Cornelio B. Banaag, as Associate Professor 7, in the De­partment of Psychiatry, effective 1July 1994 until 30 June 1997.

Genera M. Limson, as Associate Professor 4, in the De­partment of Ob-Gyne, effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1997.

Eduardo V. Nievera, as Associate Professor 4, in the De­partment of Radiology, effective 1 July 1994 until 30 June 1997.

Theyshall revertto theirpart-time status andsalary upon theexpira­tion of their appointments on full-time basis. or their terms as Depart­men!Chairman, whichever comesfirst.

Nole: As practiced in UP Manila, part-lime members of the faculty.appointed as Department Chairman areissuedtemporary appointmentson a full-time basis for theduration of their term.



Mildred J. Gonzales, as Professor 1, College of Arts andSciences, effeclive 18-31 October 1995.


Revision of Article 408 of the Revised University CodeThe Board approved revision of Article 408 of the Revised

UniversityCode as follows (portions incapita/letters to be added):

Art. 408. No student shall be gradualed from the UniversitySystem unless he has completed at least one year of residencework which may, however, be extended to a longer period by theproper faculty. The residence work referred to must be done



EquipmentOutlay (300-36)Capital Outlay (300-35)


Note: The above request was made to enable UP Manila toacquirevariousequipment for its academic and central adminis­trativeofficesandfor the repairand renovationof academicbuild­ings includingthe Information TechnologyProject.


This is in anticipation of the grant of incentive pay based onproductivity and performance to be given in early 1995 as an­nounced by PresidentFidelV. RamosinAdministrative Order No.16' issued December6, 1994.

Merit Incentive to University Personnel for Creditable Per­formance

The Board granted authority to the President to advance themerit incentiveto Universitypersonnel for creditableperformancein 1994 as follows:

1. P2,000.00for all personnelwith satisfactory performance;2. Plus P2,000.00 each for those belonging tothe top 10%;3. Plus P1,000.00 each for those belonging to the 71st up

to the 90th percentiles.

Reprogramming of Accumulated Savingsf------------------------i The Boardapproved the reprogramming of accumulatedsav­

ings from prioryears' obligations (CY 1992to 1993) of UPManilain the amount of P20,S99,271.00.

Redeployment/Conversion of Various Teaching and Non­Teaching Positions

The Board approved the redeployment/conversion of variousteaching and non-teaching positions which are needed for theimplementation of various activitiesof UP Diliman:

1. Redeployment of four (4) non-teaching positions asfollows:

From UPPrintery, 1Press Roller Maker II redeployed toCollege ofFine Arts

FromPool, one(1) University Researcher 1, totheCollege ofSci­ence -National lnstitute ofGeological Sciences

From Accounting Office, one (1) Accounting Clerk II, and one (1)Accounting Clerk III, University Health Service

The Boardconfirmed the following memorandaofagreement:

UP Diliman

Memorandum of Agreement with the Department ofEducation,Culture and Sports-Bureau of Non-Formal Edu­cation (DECS-BNFE), through the College of EducationResearch Project: Continuing EducationProgram (CEP)BaselineData in SelectedAreas: A DescriptiveStudy,Project Cost: DECS-BNFE shall pay UP-CE the amount ofP410,403.50.EffectivityfTermination: 1 September 1994to 2SFebruary 1995.Signed: 1 December 1994

UP Los Banos

Amendatory Agreement to the Agreement to Cooperate withthe Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityAmendatoryAgreementto the Agreement to Cooperate enteredinto by and betweenthe Universityolthe Philippines and the Vir­ginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversityon 24 March 1992to engage in a series of activities to support the preparation ofeducationprofessionals.Amendments:1. The Agreement will be extended to include UP Los Banos

and UP Visayas;2. The University-wide liaison person for UP will be Dr. Olivia

C. Caoili, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, to replacethe Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs of UP Diliman;

3. The University-wideliaison personfor the Virginia Polytech­nic Instituteand StateUniversity (VPISU)will be Dr. SK DeDatta, Director of the Office of International Research andDevelopment, to replace Professor John Ballweg.

Signed: 7 November 1994

The Board noted the following memoranda of agreement sub­mitted for its information:

Memorandum of Understanding with the Dalhousie Univer­sity, CanadaProject Environment and Resource Management Project(ERMP), Phase 2.Effectivity/Duration: Effective 1 April 1994 until 31 December1995.Signed:25 July 1994

ToCell.ofEng. --EEECoil. ofEng. - EEECoil. ofEng. - EEECoil. ofEng. - EEE

UPISCoil. of8. Ad.Coil. of B. Ad.Coli. ofB. Ad.


(c) Swapping of itemsFrom Pool 1Assistant Professor 4

1 Professor 61 Professor 91 Professor 12

(b) Forthe newprogram inElectricalCommunication andComputerEngineering as approved bytheUniversity Council:

From1Associate Professor 41 Assistant Professor 71 Instructor 71 Instructor 5

2. Redeployment of fourteen (14) faculty positions asfollows:

(a)From To

UPIS - 1 Asst. Professor 3 - Coil. ofEng. (Chemical Engineering)Call. of 1Asst. Professor 1 - Call.of Eng. (Computer Science)Bus. Ad. -1 Asst. Professor 1- Call. ofSocial WorkandCommunit Dev.AsianCenter - 1 Professor 3 - Coil. of Eng. (Engineering Sciences)Call.of Home Economics -1 Instructor 7 - Call. ofEng. (Eng'g Sciences)Asian Institute ofTourism-1 Instructor 3 -Coli. ofEng. (Eng'g Sciences)

3. Redeployment, conversion, reclassification, and aboli-tion of someitemsto implement the reorganization of the formerCPDMO earlier approved by the Board; redeployment, conver­sion, reclassification/upgrading and abolition of some items toimplement various activities ofUP Diliman, particularly as regardsthe University Health Service, the Office of Student Services,theJorge Varqas Museum, and the Office of the Vice-Chancellor forAcademic Affairs.











Equipment Outlay (300-36)Capital Outlay (300-35)

Note: The above request was made to enable UP Manila toacquire various equipment for its academic and central adminis­trative offices and for the repair and renovation of academic build­ings including the Information Technology Project.


Merit Incentive to University Personnel for Creditable Per­fomnance

The Board granted authority to the President to advance themerit incentive to University personnel for creditable performancein 1994 as follows:

1. P2,000.00 for all personnel with satisfactory performance;2. Plus P2,000.00 each for those belonging to the top 10%;3. Plus P1 ,000.00 each for those belonging to the 71st up

to the 90th percentiles.

This is in anticipation of the grant of incentive pay based onproductivity and performance to be given in early 1995 as an­nounced by President Fidel V. Ramos in Administrative Order No.16' issued December 6, 1994.

Reprogramming of Accumulated Savingsf------------------------l The Board approved the reprogramming of accumulated sav­

ings from prioryears' obligations (CY 1992 to 1993) of UP Manilain the amount of P20,899,271.00.

MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENTRedeployment/Conversion of Various Teaching and Non­Teaching Positions

The Board approved the redeploymenUconversion of variousteaching and non-teaching positions which are needed for theimplementation of various activities of UP Diliman:

1. Redeployment of four (4) non-teaching positions asfollows:

FromUPPrintery, 1PressRollerMakerII redeployed to College ofFine Arts

From Pool, one (1) University Researcher 1, to the College of Sci­ence -Naticnal Institute of Geological Sciences

From Accounting Office, one (1) Accounting Clerk II, and one (1)

Accounting Clerk III, University Health Service

The Board confimned the following memoranda of agreement:

UP Diliman

Memorandum of Agreement with the Department ofEducation,Culture and Sports-Bureau of Non-Formal Edu­cation (DECS-BNFE), through the College of EducationResearch Project: Continuing Education Program (CEP) BaselineData in Selected Areas: A Descriptive Study.Project Cost: DECS-BNFE shall pay UP-CE the amount ofP410,403.50.EffectivityfTermination: 1 September 1994 to 28 February 1995.Signed: 1 December 1994

UP Los Banos

Amendatory Agreementto the Agreement to Cooperate withthe Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityAmendatory Agreement to the Agreement to Cooperate enteredinto by and between the University of the Philippines and the Vir­ginia Polytechnic Institute and State University on 24 March 1992to engage in a series of activities to support the preparation ofeducation professionals.Amendments:

1. The Agreement will be extended to include UP Los Banosand UP Visayas;

2. The University-wide liaison person for UP will be Dr. OliviaC. Caoili, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, to replacethe Vice-Chancellorfor Academic Affairs of UP Diliman;

3. The University-wide liaison person for the Virginia Polytech­nic Institute and State University (VPISU) will be Dr. SK DeDatta, Director of the Office of International Research andDevelopment, to replace Professor John Ballweg.

Signed: 7 November 1994

The Board noted the following memoranda of agreement sub­mitted for its information:

Memorandum of Understanding with the Dalhousie Univer­sity, CanadaProject: Environment and Resource Management Project(ERMP), Phase 2.

Effectivity/Duration: Effective 1 April 1994 until 31 December1995.Signed: 25 July 1994

ToCoil. of Eng. -- EEEColl. of Eng. - EEECell. of Eng. - EEECoil. of Eng. - EEE

UPISColi. of B. Ad.con of B. Ad.Coli of B.Ad.


(b) For the new program in Electrical Communication and ComputerEngineering as approved by the University Council:

From1 Associate Professor 41 Assistant Professor 71 Instructor 71 Instructor 5

(c) Swapping of itemsFrom Pool 1 Assistant Professor 4

1 Professor 61 Professor 91 Professor 12

2. Redeployment of fourteen (14) faculty positions asfollows:

(a)From To

UPIS - 1 Asst. Professor 3 - ColI. of Eng. (Chemical Engineering)Coli. of 1 Asst. Professor 1 - Coil. of Eng. (Computer Science)Bus.Ad. -1 Asst. Professor1• Coil. of Social Work andCommunitDev.Asian Center - 1 Professor 3 - ColI. of Eng. (Engineering Sciences)Coil. of Home Economics -1 Instructor 7 ~ Coil. of Eng. (Eng'g Sciences)Asian Institute of Tourism -1 Instructor 3 -CoIl. of Eng. (Eng'g Sciences)

3. Redeployment, conversion, reclassification, and aboli-tion of some items to implement the reorganization of the former

CPDMO earlier approved by the Board; redeployment, conver­sion, reclassification/upgrading and abolition of some items to

implement various activities of UP Diliman, particularly as regardsthe University Health Service, the Office of Student Services, theJorge Vargas Museum, and the Office of the Vice-Chancellor forAcademic Affairs.











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